Lingonberry berries - medicinal properties and contraindications. Useful properties of lingonberry leaves, use in medicine and cooking. In inflammatory processes

Lingonberry is a small berry and evergreen shrub that grows mainly in northern latitudes. The stems of this plant have a straight and branched shape, and its rhizome is located horizontally in the ground. Lingonberry leaves do not fall. On the outside they are painted dark green color, and their inner side is light green with brown dots. Cowberry, beneficial features which are known throughout the world, is both a wonderful delicacy and a healing plant. The healing power of this berry is determined by the substances included in its composition: vitamins, organic acids, essential oils etc. It’s not for nothing that our ancestors called it the berry of immortality and created legends about it.

Lingonberries bloom in May-June. During this period of time, pale pink flowers appear on the branches of the plant. The fruits appear a little later in August-September; they are spherical in shape and bright red in color. They taste sweet and sour with a bitter aftertaste. They are collected repeatedly as they ripen.

Lingonberry leaves: beneficial properties

In medicine and cosmetology, not only lingonberry berries are used, but also the leaves of this shrub, since they contain tannins, organic acids, vitamins, antioxidants, as well as tannins - astringents. Thanks to the components present in the leaves, they have a bactericidal and anti-inflammatory effect on the human body.

An infusion prepared from the leaves of this shrub is used as an effective disinfectant, diuretic and choleretic agent. Moreover, lingonberry leaves are used for complex treatment. They are effective in the treatment of edema, pyelonephritis, prostatitis, gastritis, bronchitis, pneumonia, diseases of the joints, oral cavity, etc. As additional treatment the leaves of this evergreen shrub (like) are used even for cancer.

Every year the leaves of this plant are used more and more often as a remedy. This trend is due to the fact that their procurement, transportation and storage are much easier than lingonberries. In addition, you can purchase them at the pharmacy at any time of the year.

Traditional medicine recipes with lingonberry leaves

Recipe No. 1 – lingonberry leaves for uterine bleeding. To prepare this recipe you will need two tablespoons of lingonberry leaves. Place them in an enamel pan and pour 250 ml into it. water. Place the pan with the mixture on water bath, and cook the mixture for half an hour. Then strain the broth and take half a glass twice a day. The resulting infusion can be stored in the refrigerator for two days.

Recipe No. 2 – lingonberry leaves for organ diseases abdominal cavity, for colds and coughs. In order to improve your well-being during colds, you need to prepare a decoction from the leaves of this shrub. Take 30 g. dried leaves lingonberries, place them in a saucepan and pour in 600 ml. water. Then boil the resulting mixture for 10 minutes. After the broth has cooled, it is ready for use. It is recommended to drink 200 ml three times a day. before eating.

Recipe No. 3 – lingonberry leaves for hair loss. Rinsing your hair in a decoction of lingonberry leaves will help improve the condition of your scalp. To prepare it you will need 50 g of leaves of this shrub. Place them in a deep bowl and pour a liter of boiling water. When the resulting mixture has cooled, the decoction will be ready for use.

The wonderful lingonberry, how is it useful?

Lingonberry berries are an excellent healing agent - pantry nutrients, vitamins, organic acids and minerals. It contains essential vitamins: PP, C, B1, A, B2, potassium, magnesium, iron, phosphorus, as well as organic acids, carbohydrates, fats, anthocyanin pigments, etc. Her distinctive feature is low calorie content, since 100 g of berries contain only 43 kcal.

Consumption of lingonberries has a significant overall positive action on the human body: improves nervous and immune system, strengthens the heart, eliminates the vulnerability of capillaries and blood vessels, improves metabolism, etc. Among the diseases for which it is recommended to consume lingonberries are diseases such as cystitis, urinary incontinence, vitamin deficiency, gout, diabetes mellitus, as well as lesions gastrointestinal tract, uterine bleeding, salt deposits and many others.

This is interesting! In terms of the amount of benzoic acid present in lingonberries, this berry surpasses even cranberries. In addition, lingonberries contain provitamin A, which promotes normal operation retina of the eye, protects the body from premature aging, and also activates the immune system.

- Consumption of these berries helps suppress pathogenic fungi microspores, candida, trichophyte, as well as combat trichomoniasis.

— The berries of this evergreen shrub are indispensable for intoxication. With their regular use, even some of them are eliminated from the human body. heavy metals: cesium, cobalt, lead.

— Long-term use of lingonberry infusion restores vision, so doctors insist that people who spend a lot of time at the computer consume these berries.

— Lingonberry juice is used as an aid in treatment hypertension. It is particularly effective on initial stages of this disease.

— Lingonberries have a tonic effect on the heart muscle, increasing the strength of its contraction. Moreover, they normalize blood pressure, increase the elasticity and strength of the walls blood vessels.

— The berries of this shrub help treat gastritis with low acidity, as well as flatulence, diarrhea and other similar conditions.

Lingonberry: recipes

Recipe No. 1 – lingonberry drink. To make this recipe you will need 50 g of lingonberry juice, sugar and honey. Add 150 ml to lingonberry juice. warm boiled water, sugar and honey to taste. Drink 100 ml of this drink three times a day after meals. He regains strength when general weakness, colds, flu, and also improves well-being with hypertension and headaches.

Recipe No. 2 - infusion of fruits. To prepare this recipe, you will need to pour boiling water over 200 g of lingonberries in a colander, and then leave them in 400 ml of cold boiled water for six hours. It is recommended to drink the resulting infusion 100 ml four times a day. Lingonberry infusion is effective for constipation, colitis, gastritis, as well as kidney and liver diseases.

Recipe No. 3 – tea with berries. In order to increase immunity and body resistance various infections Doctors recommend adding fresh or dried lingonberries to tea.

Recipe No. 4 – decoction of lingonberries. For anemia, as well as for diabetes, doctors recommend drinking lingonberries to patients as a secondary treatment. To prepare it, you will need 1 tablespoon of the berries of this plant and water. Place the berries in a saucepan and add 250 ml of boiled water. Place the pan on the stove and cook the mixture for 10 minutes. After this, let the broth brew. After about an hour it will be ready for use; it is recommended to drink a glass several times a day after eating.

Recipe No. 5 – lingonberry juice. For eczema or scabies, lingonberry juice will be effective and should be applied as a compress to the affected areas. To prepare this remedy, crush lingonberries and soak a piece of bandage in the squeezed juice, which you then apply to the sore spot.

Lingonberry: contraindications for use

Despite the fact that lingonberries are a very healthy berry, there are contraindications to its use. For example, in large quantities it irritates the gastric mucosa, so it should not be eaten by people with increased acidity and those who suffer from gastritis. In addition, those who suffer from cholecystitis should also limit the consumption of this berry. Lingonberry juice, as well as a decoction of its leaves, helps lower blood pressure, so hypotensive patients are also not recommended to eat it. IN fresh these berries are prohibited for consumption by patients with ulcers duodenum or stomach.

Doctors advise limiting the consumption of lingonberries if:

- you suffer from kidney disease, as this plant contains tannins;

— you have hypersensitivity to substances that make up lingonberries;

- you were found to have internal bleeding or had surgery the day before, as these berries have a thinning effect.

Lingonberries in cooking

Lingonberries are also used in cooking to prepare various juices, syrups, jams, mousses, preserves, etc. These berries can be pickled, soaked, dried, so the dishes they are included in are tasty and varied. One of the most popular culinary creations with this berry is soaked lingonberries, the recipe for which we will now present to you.

Pickled lingonberries are an ancient dish of Slavic cuisine. In the distant past, every housewife prepared it, since lingonberries are a real storehouse of health, especially in winter. Adding it to food during the cold season will protect you from colds and increase the body's immunity and resistance to various diseases.

“Soaked lingonberries”: recipe


- 2 teaspoons salt,

- 6-7 peas of allspice,

- 2 tablespoons of sugar,

- 1 liter of boiled water,

- lingonberries.


Step 1. First of all, you need to prepare a syrup from water, salt, sugar, cinnamon, allspice and cloves. To do this, place the above ingredients in a saucepan, place it on the stove and bring to a boil over low heat. After the syrup has simmered for a few minutes, place the pan in a cool place and wait until it cools.

Step 2. Wash and sort the berries, pour them into jars pre-scalded with boiling water and fill with chilled syrup. Store soaked lingonberries in a cool place and use them as a garnish. meat dishes, poultry dishes, salads.

How to store lingonberries?

Lingonberries are very convenient for long-term storage, since they contain benzoic acid, which protects them from fermentation and rotting. Therefore, they can be stored fresh. The most important thing is to initially remove the spoiled berries, wash the remaining ones, pour them into a clean glass jar and fill to the top with filtered water. Lingonberries should be stored in a cool, dark place.

It is important! Lingonberries tend to absorb radionuclides and other harmful substances, therefore it needs to be collected only in environmentally friendly clean places, away from large cities, railways etc. Only in case of picking berries in safe places, their use will benefit you!

Another way to preserve lingonberries is by preserving them with sugar. Due to its bitter taste, this berry requires the addition of a fairly large amount of sugar, but this method of preservation allows you to keep the berries in good condition for a long time. for a long time, providing you with nutrients and beneficial substances all winter long.

Recipe: lingonberries with sugar for the winter

To do this, you will need one and a half kilograms of sugar and one kilogram of peeled lingonberries.


Step 1. Peel and wash the berries.

Step 2. Grind lingonberries using a blender or meat grinder.

Step 3. Pour the crushed berries into a deep plate, sprinkle sugar on top and mix thoroughly.

Step 4. Sterilize the jars and lids or simply pour boiling water over them.

Step 5. Place lingonberries with sugar in jars that have not yet cooled down and close with a lid.

Step 6. Place the jars in a dark and cool place.

Lingonberries are not only a favorite taste of grandmother’s jam since childhood and everyone famous berry, but also a healing plant rich in nutrients, vitamins and minerals. Lingonberry leaves and berries are used in medicinal purposes for a long time, because they are so beneficial for the human body that they are used in the treatment of almost all diseases. But lingonberries are used not only for treatment or healing, they are also used in cooking, allowing you to create amazing culinary creations from lingonberries: jams, fruit drinks, jellies, drinks, preserves and much more.

Surely every person worries about his diet. IN Lately All more families switch to a raw food diet or take it exclusively. And many prefer not to resort to taking medications, but to be treated according to the recipes of our grandmothers. Lingonberries have long been used to eliminate many ailments. It is also eaten because of its special pleasant taste.

This article will tell you about the cases in which lingonberries (berries) are especially recommended. Useful properties and contraindications will be presented to your attention. You will also learn about ways to prepare this gift of Russian forests.

Wild lingonberry: general description

This plant belongs to the Lingonberry berry grows on small bushes that are green regardless of the time of year. Such plants can be found in almost every region. This is all explained by the fact that birds eat berry seeds, which are not digested in their intestines and come out unchanged. As a result, birds carry seeds around the world.

Lingonberry (berry) is not afraid of frost or hot weather. This is an undoubted advantage of the plant. Berry has small size. It looks like small red balls. The leaves of the plant are green, shiny, dense.

Where are lingonberries used?

The beneficial properties of this plant are undeniable. It is used in folk medicine to treat various ailments. The product is also widely used in cosmetology. Urology, gynecology, traumatology, cardiology - these are just some of the areas in which lingonberries (berries) are used.

This product has beneficial properties and contraindications. You need to know about them before use. Let's see how it's useful this product.

This article presents you with lingonberries (photo). The berry contains a large number of vitamins and useful elements. This includes vitamins C and E. The product is also rich in vitamins B and A. In addition, lingonberries (berries) contain iron, magnesium, zinc, potassium, phosphorus, manganese and copper. Additional elements are present in the leaves and fruits, but in smaller quantities.

What effect does the plant have?

What are the beneficial properties of lingonberries? The plant has an analgesic, antipyretic, and anti-inflammatory effect. Also, the benefit of lingonberries is that they fight microbes and pathogenic microflora in the human body.

The product has a beneficial effect on blood vessels and blood. Also, to some extent, the product can be called an antioxidant, immunomodulator and sorbent. It must be remembered that in order to receive maximum benefit The product needs to be properly prepared and consumed. The method of growing the leaves of the bush also plays an important role.

How to properly store and prepare lingonberries?

Below you can see frozen lingonberries (photo). In this case, the berries should be processed as follows. Wash the fruits and select only dense and whole berries. After this, place the lingonberries on a towel and wait a few minutes. When the berries are dry, place them in an even layer on the substrate. Place it in the freezer for 2-4 hours. After this, pour the product into a container and prepare the next portion in the same way. If you don't want to, you can dry it. In this case, lingonberries need to be processed at a temperature of 60 degrees for several hours.

The beneficial properties of lingonberries are preserved only if they are consumed fresh or after freezing. If you decide to make jam or compote from these fruits, then be prepared for the fact that some of the beneficial substances will disappear. The most popular dish made from this product is fruit juice. To prepare it, you need to squeeze out the small berries and strain. Set aside the juice for a while, and boil the resulting puree for 5-10 minutes. Add sugar to taste and cool. After this, pour the juice into the resulting mass and enjoy the healthy drink.

You can also make freshly squeezed juice. However, many people claim that it turns out very sour. Lingonberries (berries) can be ground together with sugar and packaged in jars for long-term storage.

Restrictions on use

Despite the fact that lingonberries have medicinal properties, and they also have contraindications. You should familiarize yourself with them before starting therapy with this drug. In what cases is it strictly forbidden to use the fruits of a plant?

Doctors say that the berry and its derivatives are contraindicated if you are prone to an allergic reaction. Diabetics should avoid eating lingonberries, which are prepared with added sugar. If you suffer from stomach acid or ulcers, this product may seriously aggravate the situation. The berry also has others. Fruits and their derivatives should not be consumed by persons prone to bleeding. This also includes post-operative situations.

You should use lingonberries with extreme caution during breastfeeding. Berries can cause an allergic reaction in a child. In this case, it makes sense to replace the fruits with leaves. In cosmetology, the product is not used for sensitive skin, as well as in case of irritation. You should not give lingonberries and their derivatives to children under one year of age.

Use during pregnancy

What medicinal properties and contraindications do lingonberries have during pregnancy? The product should not be used without a doctor’s recommendation, especially in the last trimester. This can provoke allergies in the unborn baby. Also, if your blood sugar level increases, you need to give up fruit drinks and jam, because they contain a prohibited substance. If you are at risk of miscarriage, this product is contraindicated.

During the period of bearing a child, lingonberries and everything prepared from them help prevent early and late toxicosis. In the first third of pregnancy, the berry will protect against colds, which overtake the body very often. In the last part of the period, the product will promote excretion excess liquid from the body. This will prevent swelling and kidney disease. The most useful will be lingonberry juice. You need to drink it 2 glasses a day. This will be quite enough to achieve a diuretic effect.

Benefits for blood vessels and heart

What are the benefits of lingonberries for? of cardio-vascular system? The product promotes slight blood thinning. This facilitates the flow of fluid through the veins and vessels. Berries also prevent the formation of blood clots. It is worth noting that about 80 percent of cases of detachment of such a particle leads to the death of the patient. The fruits of the plant help lower cholesterol and sugar levels in the blood. The only exception is berries prepared with added sweetness.

Lingonberry strengthens blood vessels and veins. If you suffer from varicose veins, then this berry should always be present in your diet. In addition, the product helps in the fight against hemorrhoids of various types.

Benefits for the stomach and intestines

What other beneficial properties and contraindications do lingonberries (berries) have? As you already know, fruits are contraindicated for stomach ulcers, gastritis and various inflammations digestive tract. However, the berry can prevent the development of these pathologies. Doctors have found that the cause of gastritis is a bacterium. The product has antibacterial effect. By periodically consuming the fruits or a decoction of the leaves of the bush, you can avoid the occurrence of gastritis and ulcers.

In what form is it better to use lingonberries? To treat the stomach and intestines, give preference to tea. To prepare it, dry the leaves and fruits of the plant. After this, grind them using a blender or knife. Pour the resulting powder hot water and leave for 20 minutes. Take the resulting liquid 100 milliliters daily on an empty stomach.

Urinary system: lingonberry treatments

Lingonberry (berry) can provide healing and preventive action This product perfectly fights pyelonephritis, cystitis, bacteriuria and other pathologies. In this case, complex treatment is often required. Lingonberry leaves and berries have antimicrobial effect for kidney infections and Bladder. The product also has a soft antispasmodic effect. This eliminates burning and pain during urination.

Often this remedy is prescribed to expectant mothers. After all, during pregnancy it is prohibited to use almost all antibiotics. Lingonberries gently cleanse excess salts, harmful bacteria and pathogenic microflora. After just one week of regular consumption of fruit juice, a woman notices positive effect from therapy.

For skin damage

Even in ancient times, lingonberry decoction was used as a regenerating agent. However, you cannot use this treatment method on your own. Before such a correction, you should contact a dermatologist and get individual prescriptions and a scheme. Daily compresses allow you to quickly heal damaged skin and promote its renewal.

It is worth mentioning the limitations. You cannot make such compresses yourself. This is because lingonberry juice contains a lot of acids. This composition can harm already damaged skin.

Lingonberries for immunity

Lingonberries help increase the body's defenses. Surely every person knows this. Unfortunately, lately it has become easier for people to take medicine than to use it. traditional methods. However, lingonberries can put a cold person back on his feet in as soon as possible. Berries contain a large amount of vitamin C. It has an immunomodulatory effect on the body. Also removes toxins. Do not forget about the antipyretic effect of the product. Lingonberry juice thins the blood. Due to this, fever is suppressed.

When eating berries, pathogenic microflora in the throat area is suppressed. This plays an important role in the treatment of the disease. Lingonberries can help with both viral and bacterial infections. In addition, preparations based on lingonberries are widely used for preventive purposes.

How is the product used in gynecology?

In addition to all of the above areas, lingonberries are also used in obstetrics. The product helps fight inflammation of various etiologies, thrush, violation of vaginal microflora and so on. Often the drug is prescribed as part of complex therapy. How is the composition used?

During correction gynecological pathologies It is customary to drink a decoction of the leaves or lingonberry juice. It is worth noting that in case of disorders of the vaginal microflora that do not cause inflammation, lingonberry decoction is used for douching. Remember that this method of use is contraindicated for colpitis, vaginitis and other diseases. Before use, you should definitely consult with your local gynecologist.

The benefits of lingonberries in cosmetology

Lingonberries bring enormous benefits to the skin and hair. It is worth remembering that it is worth testing the first time you use it. Sometimes the product causes an allergic reaction. This fact may come as a surprise to some representatives of the fairer sex.

You can make a mask from the pulp of the berries. She will transform your appearance and improves complexion. Vitamin E helps rejuvenate the skin and restore its elasticity. Decoctions of the leaves are often used for hair. They are an excellent antioxidant and perfectly cleanse curls of external impurities. The product helps to acquire shine and health of hair. For poor hair growth and excessive hair loss, use the following mask. Crush a few lingonberries and add two teaspoons to the pulp. burdock oil. Rub the substance into the roots and use a comb to distribute through the hair. Leave the composition for one hour, then rinse with water and shampoo.

Where can I get lingonberries?

Nowadays it is not difficult to find the product described. You can collect leaves and fruits directly from the bush. Fortunately, the plant can be found in many regions. You can also purchase already harvested product in supermarkets or markets.

If you don’t want to bother with processing fresh raw materials, go to your nearest pharmacy chain. There you can buy dried lingonberry fruits and leaves. Some of them already have individual packaging for brewing. You can make a decoction and tea from this product. This form of release is provided for the convenience of consumers. This product should only be stored in a dry place at room temperature.

Summarizing the article or brief conclusion

You now know what lingonberries (berries) have beneficial properties and contraindications. You also learned how to get the maximum effect from using the product. If you still have questions about this little berry, consult a nutritionist. A professional will tell you about the main beneficial properties of certain berries and fruits. He will also give individual advice and recommendations. Eat right and prevent many diseases with the help of folk remedies. I wish you good health and well-being!

Lingonberry is a medicinal berry that grows on evergreen bushes. IN natural conditions The plant is found in clearings in wooded areas. There are plantations with cultivated shrubs in many countries with a temperate climate, including Russia. What is special about lingonberries, the beneficial properties and contraindications of which are discussed by doctors and nutritionists?

The value of berries

The fruits of the plant are considered medicinal and. The calorie content of 100 g of berries is only 46 kcal. Lingonberries are 86% water. The remainder consists of carbohydrates (8%), proteins (0.7%) and fats (0.5%). The fruits contain a small amount of ash substances.

The beneficial properties of lingonberries are due to its rich chemical composition. The plant contains organic acids such as malic, salicylic, citric, tartaric, quinic, and gallic. Lingonberries contain minerals: iron, potassium, calcium, magnesium, manganese. The seeds are rich in linolenic and linoleic acid. The pulp of the product is valuable for the presence of pectins, tannins, vitamins PP and A, ascorbic acid, carotene. Thanks to benzoic acid, fruits are stored for a long time without losing their beneficial qualities.

Delicious delicacies are prepared from lingonberries collected in ecologically clean regions - jams and candied fruits. The fruits are eaten fresh or dried, ground with sugar, and filled with syrup. Berry juices and fruit drinks are extremely healthy. For medicinal purposes, they drink lingonberry water and tea, and prepare homeopathic essences.

What effect does lingonberry have on the body?

  • Strengthens and reduces capillary fragility, improves heart function.
  • Reduces blood glucose and cholesterol levels.
  • Saturates the body with iron, which helps increase hemoglobin levels.
  • It has a positive effect on intestinal motility and increases stomach acidity.
  • Relieves inflammation, fights germs.
  • Normalizes blood pressure, removes excess liquid from the body.
  • Helps improve visual acuity.
  • Improves mood, calms, eliminates depression and neuroses.

The use of lingonberries in medicine and cosmetology

Given the beneficial properties of lingonberries, the leaves of the plant are mainly used in medicine. Its berries serve as an antiseptic, astringent and diuretic. A decoction of them is indicated for colds, as it copes well with fever. Lime tea with lingonberry jam increases appetite and improves immunity. In addition, the berry enhances the effect of certain drugs - sulfonamides and antibiotics.

In complex therapy, its juice is prescribed as aid in the treatment of diabetes, measles, malaria, hypertension, skin and stomach cancer. It is recommended to consume the fruits for patients suffering from gastritis, rheumatism, vitamin deficiency, and kidney stones. Lingonberry is useful for vision problems, nervous disorders. Its water infusion has a mild sedative and laxative effect. Honey in combination with lingonberries relieves cough and tuberculosis.

IN for cosmetic purposes The berries of the plant are used as a rejuvenating and tonic. They are used to make masks for mature and problem skin faces. Organic acids contained in fruits help gently exfoliate dead cells, thereby starting the renewal process skin. Salicylic acid in lingonberries disinfects; thanks to its properties, the skin dries slightly. That is why berry masks are recommended for women with increased greasiness skin, comedones, acne.

Contraindications and precautions

Lingonberries have the ability to accumulate, so they should be collected away from industrial complexes and highways. Medicinal berries, which are a real storehouse of minerals and vitamins, are very useful for pregnant women and women in labor, but the fruits should be eaten with caution and in moderation.

There are also specific contraindications to the use of lingonberries:

  • stomach ulcer, gastritis with high acidity, cholecystitis;
  • postoperative period, internal bleeding;
  • low blood pressure (hypotension);
  • hypersensitivity, individual intolerance.

How to properly store berries?

To ensure that lingonberries do not lose their medicinal properties for a long time, it is important to store them correctly. You can keep the berries in the refrigerator, placing them in a jar and pouring cold water. Another option for storing fruits is canning. The lingonberries must be thoroughly washed, then placed in a sterile jar and covered with sugar (0.5 cups). After a week, when the contents of the container have partially settled, it will be possible to add more fruit. The main disadvantage of this storage method is that the product partially loses healing properties because of sugar.

All valuable substances will remain in the plant if it is dried. Harvested ripe lingonberries should be sorted, removing crumpled, moldy and damaged fruits, as well as debris. For drying, choose well-ventilated rooms. Procurement of raw materials can be done outdoors, but always in the shade. Lay out the lingonberries in one layer, placing paper under it. Dried fruits are sifted to remove foreign impurities and dust. Then they are poured into a canvas or paper bag, where they are stored for no more than three years.

Medicinal prescriptions

The plant is useful to include in daily diet in fresh, pickled, candied and soaked form. A popular dish in the cold season is pickled lingonberries with cabbage. Using a coffee grinder, dry fruits can be ground into powder. In the future, it is useful to add the resulting extract to homemade caramel as a filling, and prepare jelly and drinks based on it.

  • Lingonberry water. A kilogram is poured into a three-liter jar fresh fruits. Lingonberries are poured with boiled chilled water up to the “shoulders” of the container. Next, the jar is tightly closed with polyethylene and placed in a cool place. Drink lingonberry water for constipation.
  • Anti-cold drink (fruit drink). From fresh berries squeeze out the juice, which is then diluted with boiled, chilled water. If desired, the fruit drink can be sweetened by adding honey. For 100 ml of lingonberry juice, take 300 ml of water. Drink the drink four times a day (after each meal) 100 ml.
  • Lingonberry infusion. The remedy is indicated for colitis, gastritis, liver and kidney diseases. The fruits of the plant (200 g) are transferred to a colander and washed thoroughly. Pure lingonberries are poured into a sterile liter jar and filled with boiled, cooled water (400 ml). Leave the product on for 6 hours. The resulting infusion is distributed four times and drunk before meals.
  • Lingonberry compote. Ripe fruits are washed, dried and placed in sterile jars. Prepare syrup: to obtain a liter of solution, take 600 g of sugar and 600 ml of water. Pour the still hot liquid over the lingonberries. Cover the jars with compote with lids, sterilize for a third of an hour and seal.
  • Soaked lingonberries. The fruits are washed and dried. Place clean lingonberries in an enamel pan. Based on its quantity, syrup is brewed. There should be enough solution so that the fruits are completely covered. To prepare syrup, for each liter of water take 50 g of sugar, 6 g table salt, allspice and cinnamon. The finished solution is cooled. Pour it over the lingonberries and place the pan in a cool, dark place.

Lingonberry is an evergreen shrub with wonderful red berries that are harvested and stored in the fall.

It is called the berry of immortality, the miracle berry. And these names are no coincidence - it has such a beneficial effect on human health.

And all because, due to its beneficial properties, lingonberries are used to treat a wide variety of diseases.

The benefits and harms of lingonberries are determined by its chemical composition.
100 g of berries contains:

  • 8.2 g carbohydrates,
  • 0.5 g fat,
  • 0.7 g protein.
  • Lingonberries contain:
  • iron and manganese,
  • vitamins A, B1, B2, B9, PP, C and E,
  • mono- and disaccharides,
  • dietary fiber, starch,
  • organic acids (benzoic, malic, oxalic, citric).

Lingonberries are 86% water. Energy value these berries contain 46 kilocalories per 100 g.

100 g of lingonberries contains 95% of the daily intake of organic acids, 32.5% of manganese and 16.7% of vitamin C.

Healing substances are present in the berries, but there are also a lot of them in the leaves of the plant.

The beneficial properties of lingonberry berries and leaves depend on arbutin (a glycoside with an antiseptic effect), antioxidants, organic acids, tannins, tannins, flavonoids and vitamins.

The leaves are even considered more beneficial than the fruits.

What are the beneficial properties and contraindications of lingonberries?

The healing properties of lingonberries have been used for hundreds of years. In this case, its leaves are most useful.

Traditional medicine knows this plant as an excellent remedy:

  • restorative;
  • wound healing;
  • antipyretic;
  • tonic;
  • antiscorbutic;
  • anthelmintic;
  • vitamin;
  • diuretic;
  • laxative;
  • antisclerotic;
  • choleretic;
  • disinfectant, etc..

For medicinal purposes, lingonberries are used to get rid of many different health problems.

The main diseases for which lingonberries are used:

  • colds;
  • gastritis (low acidity);
  • hepatocholecystitis;
  • salt deposits;
  • rheumatism;
  • arthritis;
  • diabetes;
  • tuberculosis;
  • jaundice;
  • hypertension;
  • enteritis;
  • internal bleeding;
  • vitamin deficiencies;
  • worms;
  • stomach tumors;
  • neuroses and depression;
  • anemia;
  • cardiac ischemia;
  • urological and many other diseases.

Since ancient times, lingonberry fruits and leaves have been used as folk remedies. But today many medicinal drugs used in traditional medicine, homeopathy and cosmetology are also based on this plant.

However, this plant also has certain contraindications:

  • Gastritis with high acidity
  • cholecystitis;
  • low blood pressure (hypotension).
  • with urolithiasis, stomach ulcers, peptic ulcer fresh berries are contraindicated in the duodenum.

Beneficial properties of lingonberries for kidney disease, diabetes, blood pressure and other diseases.

Many patients can be grateful for their recovery to this wonderful plant.

For medicinal purposes, both lingonberry fruits and its branches and leaves are used. Moreover, the leaves include everything useful material, which are in berries, and also add their own.

What diseases are lingonberries useful for?

Rich in vitamins, organic acids and sugars, lingonberries help in the treatment of gastritis with low acidity and hypertension.

Lingonberry juice is good for reducing fever during colds, and the infusion of berries has a mild laxative effect.

Lingonberry juice also has beneficial properties. It lowers blood pressure, enhances intestinal motility, has sedative effect, replenishes vitamin deficiency due to vitamin deficiencies.

A drink made from lingonberry juice is good for general weakness and headaches.

Lingonberry juice soothes nervous system- This excellent antidepressant. It is useful for iron deficiency anemia, decreased vision.

Lingonberry also has an anti-sclerotic effect. It strengthens the walls of blood vessels and the heart muscle; it should be eaten by patients with hypertension, coronary heart disease and rheumatism.

Berries reduce the level of “bad” cholesterol in the blood and have anti-ulcer and other medicinal properties.

The beneficial properties of lingonberry fruits also lie in the fact that it promotes metabolism and helps eliminate toxins and even heavy metal salts.

Lingonberry fruits help fight fungal diseases. They also reduce blood glucose levels, so they are recommended for patients with diabetes. And for kidney and liver diseases, lingonberry infusion is indispensable.

The beneficial properties of lingonberries are used for kidney diseases such as pyelonephritis, urolithiasis disease, bacteriuria.

Berries are also used for kidney stone disease, catarrh of the stomach as an antiputrefactive and vitamin remedy.

A mixture of lingonberries and honey also has beneficial properties. It is useful for coughing up blood and pulmonary tuberculosis.

She increases influence sulfa drugs and antibiotics, so it is difficult to find more useful remedy for fevers, as well as recovery period after injuries and serious illnesses.

Lingonberries are useful to eat at any age, but greatest benefit it brings to the elderly, as well as to the sick and suffering chronic fatigue, decreased immunity and healthy people when overworked.

How are lingonberry leaves and shoots used for medicinal purposes?

All the benefits of lingonberries, and partly the harm, come from the leaves of this plant, moreover, they contain natural antioxidants and antiseptics.

Lingonberry leaves in the form of decoctions are an excellent antiseptic, diuretic and astringent.

Such decoctions are indicated for gout, osteochondrosis, arthritis, cystitis, and kidney stones.

They work best if instead ordinary water use mineral.

You can brew the leaves as regular tea. Tea made from lingonberry leaves is also beneficial. It perfectly relieves fatigue and restores strength.

Lingonberry leaves and various skin diseases(for example, difficult-to-treat psoriasis), as well as gum inflammation, stomatitis and periodontal disease.

If you regularly brew tea with the leaves of this plant, you can not only strengthen your immune system and improve your health, but also prolong your youth.

What are the beneficial properties of lingonberries during pregnancy?

24/7 physical exercise, experienced by a pregnant woman, is akin to the stress of athletes in competitions, so it is very important to support the body during this period and replenish its reserves with vitamins and other useful substances.

Lingonberries can provide a very large amount of vitamins required by the body of a pregnant woman.

Vitamin C will support the immune system and act as an antioxidant, carotene will improve vision, which often falls in this situation, and B vitamins will stabilize emotional condition, because during pregnancy women experience very frequent mood swings.

Decoctions from the leaves, due to their diuretic properties, will save you from edema that appears after the 30th week of pregnancy.

By the way, flowering lingonberry shoots help maintain pregnancy, and lingonberry jam is very useful after childbirth.

The benefit of lingonberries during pregnancy also lies in the fact that they practically do not cause allergies, so expectant mothers can safely consume these healthy berries.

But even here you need to observe moderation and not forget about contraindications. If you have any illnesses, it is best to consult your doctor about consuming lingonberries in any form.

Lingonberries are contraindicated during pregnancy with gastritis with high acidity, low blood pressure, urate stones, and, of course, with a rather rare, but sometimes still occurring, allergy to this plant.

What are the beneficial properties of lingonberry berries and leaves for children?

If the baby has no appetite and does not eat well, lingonberries can be an excellent helper for a mother who no longer knows how to feed her child.

In addition, lingonberries improve immunity and are a natural remedy if the baby has a cold. In case of problems with stool, it will have a mild laxative effect.

A decoction helps treat kidney diseases lingonberry leaf, which has medicinal properties.

Infants should be given a teaspoon three times a day. And for older children, you can make delicious “sweets” from candied berries - it will be healthier than any candies and chocolates.

Lingonberry in cosmetology

This plant is widely used not only for medicinal purposes and nutrition, but also in cosmetology.

For hair loss, dandruff, and skin inflammation, decoctions of lingonberry leaves are used.

Berry masks moisturize and tighten the skin of the face, help prevent the appearance of wrinkles and aging.

Lingonberry extract, which is natural antioxidant, has a tonic effect on the skin, gives it elasticity, protects against external influences environment and strengthens the walls of the epidermis.

How to prepare healthy drinks and preparations from lingonberries

To prepare lingonberry juice, you need to put the sorted and washed berries in a saucepan and mash them.

Then pour boiling water, add 2 tablespoons of honey (honey can be replaced with sugar) and leave.

The benefit of lingonberries with honey is that this drink can be used to treat and prevent colds and other diseases.

Decoction of lingonberry leaves

  • Pour boiling water (0.2 l) over the crushed leaves (2 tbsp) and heat for half an hour in a water bath.
  • Cool and strain.
  • The decoction should be infused for two days, and then more water should be added to bring the volume to 0.2 liters.
  • Take as agreed with your doctor (usually two to three times a day half an hour before meals).

Infusion of branches and leaves

  • pour one tablespoon of raw material with a glass of boiling water,
  • leave for half an hour to infuse, strain.
  • Take 4-5 times a day, 2 tbsp. l.

A drink made from lingonberry juice is taken for colds, general weakness, headaches: dilute the juice with chilled boiled water in a ratio of one to three and add sugar or honey. Drink half a glass after meals three to four times a day.

Lingonberry leaf tea

An excellent preventive and therapeutic agent for urological diseases among women:

  1. Dry leaves (1 tbsp) pour 0.2 ml of water and boil for about 10–15 minutes.
  2. After this, strain and drink half a glass of tea two or three times a day.

After 3-4 days the disease will stop reminding itself, but treatment must be continued for at least 2 weeks.

For lingonberries with honey you will need: 1 kg of berries and 350 g of honey.

  1. Sort the berries, wash and put in a saucepan.
  2. Add honey there and boil for 5 minutes.
  3. After cooling, pour into jars.

Lingonberries pureed with sugar are a universal preparation. In this form, it can be consumed as regular jam, added to tea, or made into fruit drinks, pies and other dishes.

For preparation you will need: 1 kg of lingonberries and sugar to taste (from 1 to 2 kg).

  1. Grind the washed and slightly dried berries using a blender or meat grinder.
  2. Stir, put into jars and close with lids.

Lingonberries with sugar are perfectly stored in a cool place and retain all their beneficial properties.

How to make lingonberry syrup? Like pureed lingonberries, syrup is an excellent winter preparation.

It's very easy to prepare:

  • Place clean berries (1 kg) in a glass container,
  • pour boiled syrup from water (400 ml), sugar (0.3 kg) and lemon zest(or citric acid).

Instead of lids, cover the jars with parchment and place in a cool place.

Lingonberry syrup even with long-term storage retains all its beneficial properties.

And at the address - you will find information about the benefits of a decoction of corn grains.

Pickled lingonberries, known to our great-grandmothers, are also tasty and healthy.

It can be not only a medicine, but also an excellent addition to meat dishes, salads and vinaigrettes.

To make such a preparation, you must first prepare the syrup:

  • dilute 2 tbsp. l. sugar and 0.5 tsp. salt in 1 liter of water.
  • Add spices - cinnamon and cloves, boil for 10 minutes, and then cool.
  • Place clean berries in glass jars and fill with syrup.
  • Cover the jars with parchment paper.

Pickled lingonberries remain beneficial throughout the winter.

Dried lingonberries retain most of their beneficial properties, and they can be used in the preparation of drinks and various dishes.

Sort the berries and rinse cold water. Lay in a thin layer and dry in the oven at a maximum temperature of 60°C. Dried berries store in a closed container.

Lingonberry is one of the most healthy berries that grow in our country. Since ancient times, the medicinal properties of lingonberries have been used for the prevention and treatment of a variety of diseases.

But lingonberries are not only healthy, but also very tasty, so they can be added to the most different dishes– meat, chicken, make salads, pies, preserves, jams, fruit drinks, juices and other drinks with it.

However, before you start regular use of this berry, you should consult your doctor about possible contraindications.

In the article we discuss lingonberries. You will learn about the medicinal properties of the plant and its use during pregnancy. We will look at several traditional medicine recipes, as well as contraindications to the use of lingonberries. We'll tell you how plant-based remedies work for cystitis, gout, diabetes and kidney disease.

Lingonberry is an evergreen shrub of the Heather or Ericaceae family. Latin name— Vaccinium visit-idaea, which means “Cow Vine of Mount Ida.” Lingonberries are also called wild berries, boletus, boletus berries, lingonberries. This perennial plant can live up to 300 years.

What does it look like

Appearance of lingonberry fruits (berries). The heather shrub has a creeping rhizome, from which numerous branched shoots up to 20 cm long rise.

The frequent small leaves of lingonberry have an elliptical or obovate shape and curved edges.

Each leaf grows on a short petiole. The length of the leaf blade is no more than 3 cm, the color is from light green to dark green.

On the underside of the leaf there are club-shaped dimples with a mucous substance that absorbs moisture.

Small white-pink flowers no more than 5 mm in length. They are shaped like bells. Lingonberries bloom from May to June.

The fruit of lingonberry is a bright red spherical berry up to 8 mm in diameter. The berries have a characteristic sweet and sour taste. The forest shrub bears fruit from August to September.

According to the description, lingonberries are similar to cranberries, but there are a number of differences:

  • lingonberry shoots are taller than cranberries;
  • Lingonberries prefer dry soil, cranberries prefer wet soil;
  • Lingonberries ripen in August, cranberries ripen no earlier than September;
  • Lingonberries have a sweet and sour taste, cranberries are a little bitter.

Where does it grow

Lingonberries grow in the forest zone of the temperate zone. Found in the wild in the tundra, forests, peat bogs, mountainous area. Lingonberries grow in central Russia, Siberia, the Far East and the Caucasus.

In the mid-18th century, the first attempts were made to cultivate the plant, and only in the 60s of the 20th century the first lingonberry plantations appeared in the USA, Sweden, Poland, Holland and Germany. Since the 80s, lingonberries have been cultivated in Russia, Belarus and Lithuania. The yield of plantations is 20-30 times higher than in the wild.

For more information about lingonberries, watch the following video:

Lingonberry leaves and shoots

In folk and traditional medicine, lingonberry leaves and shoots are highly valued. They make them medicinal fees, prepared on their basis medicinal infusions and decoctions. Lingonberries are not dried; they are consumed fresh, used to make medicinal essences, and used in cooking.

Chemical composition

Lingonberry contains:

  • tannins;
  • pectin;
  • phenol glycosides;
  • organic acids;
  • vitamin A;
  • vitamin C;
  • vitamin E;
  • calcium;
  • iron;
  • phosphorus;
  • potassium;
  • magnesium;
  • lycopene;
  • arbutin

Medicinal properties

Lingonberry leaves are used in official and folk medicine. You can buy the product at any pharmacy. Lingonberry has a disinfectant, antipyretic, tonic and antibacterial effect. Products based on it help with colds and inflammatory diseases internal organs: liver, kidneys, bladder, stomach. The plant has a laxative and diuretic effect.

The plant has hemostatic properties. It is used to stop postpartum and postoperative bleeding.

Medicinal raw materials are used to combat salt deposits. Lingonberries soften uric acid salts and remove them from the body. The plant helps with rheumatism and arthritis.

Lingonberry-based products are used externally, as they have an active wound-healing and antiseptic effect. Lingonberry extract is added to cosmetical tools for skin and hair care.

Due to the high content of vitamin A, lingonberries increase visual acuity. The enzymes contained in lingonberries normalize the blood supply to the retina.

How to collect

Medicinal raw materials are harvested twice a year: in the spring before flowering and in the fall after harvesting. The leaves are plucked or cut off along with the shoots.

Lingonberries have the ability to accumulate harmful substances, so they are collected away from industrial facilities, roads and cemeteries.

Dry the raw materials in a ventilated room or under a canopy at a temperature not exceeding 40 degrees. You can use an electric dryer. Finished raw materials are stored for about 3 years in a dry and ventilated place.

How to use

Lingonberry is a powerful antiseptic. Medicinal infusions and decoctions are prepared from medicinal raw materials, which are used to treat diseases of the liver, kidneys and stomach. Lingonberries cleanse liver cells, remove waste and toxins from them, and improve intestinal motility. The plant has active choleretic effect. Lingonberries are used as a diuretic and laxative, which can be taken even during pregnancy.

Honey in combination with lingonberries is used to treat tuberculosis. The product fights paroxysmal cough with bloody sputum.

Lingonberry infusion helps quickly get rid of colds, reduces fever, destroys pathogenic microbes and saturates the body with vitamins. Lingonberry decoction is effective for cystitis. The product relieves inflammation and strengthens the immune system, thereby reducing the risk of the disease returning.

Lingonberries are useful for hypertension - they reduce blood pressure and strengthen the walls of blood vessels.

For gout, rheumatism and salt deposition, lingonberry infusion is taken orally and used externally. Complex treatment helps enhance the effect and speed up the healing process.

Infusion for the kidneys

Lingonberry-based products relieve inflammation and speed up the recovery process after illness. The plant is used to treat pyelonephritis, hydronephrosis and renal failure. Lingonberry infusion normalizes kidney function, has a diuretic effect, and also helps remove sand and small stones. For prevention purposes, drink lingonberry juice or juice.


  1. Lingonberry leaves - 10 gr.
  2. Water - 250 ml.

How to cook: Pour the dry leaves into a thermos, pour boiling water over it and let it brew for at least 1-2 hours. Strain the finished infusion through cheesecloth or a strainer.

How to use: Take ½ glass twice a day 20-30 minutes before meals.

Result: The infusion normalizes kidney function and relieves inflammation. The product has a diuretic effect. Effective for urolithiasis.

Infusion for cystitis (urinary incontinence)

Lingonberry helps with painful urination, as well as urinary incontinence. The plant relieves inflammation, has a tonic and restorative effect. Lingonberry infusion fights the infection that caused the disease.


  1. Lingonberry leaves - 10 gr.
  2. Fireweed - 5 gr.
  3. Sage - 5 gr.
  4. Peppermint - 3 gr.
  5. Chamomile flowers - 3 gr.
  6. Water - 500 ml.

How to cook: Mix the dry herbs, pour them into a jar, pour boiling water over them and close the lid. Wrap with a towel and leave to infuse for 2 hours. Ready product filter using a strainer.

How to use: In the first three days, take ¼ cup 8 times a day before meals. Then reduce the number of doses by one each day. The dosage volume remains the same. The product is suitable for douching.

Result: Remedy for medical prescription relieves cystitis in 5-7 days. The infusion has an antibacterial effect, relieves inflammation and normalizes the frequency of urination.

Decoction for gout

Lingonberry juice helps prevent gout. A decoction of lingonberry leaves copes with the symptoms of a progressive disease. The product softens the deposits of uric acid salts and removes them from the body.


  1. Lingonberry leaves - 30 gr.
  2. Water - 400 ml.

How to cook: Pour water over the leaves, place in a water bath, cover with a lid and simmer for at least 20 minutes. Cool and strain the broth. Dilute with boiled water to the original volume of liquid.

How to use: Take a quarter glass 3-4 times a day.

Result: The decoction normalizes metabolism, destroys deposits of uric acid salts, and relieves inflammation.

Decoction for diabetes


  1. Lingonberries - 3 tablespoons.
  2. Water - 3 glasses.

How to cook: Pour water over the berries, place over medium heat and bring to a boil. Reduce heat to low and simmer the berries for 10 minutes. Remove from heat, cover with a lid, insulate with a towel and let steep for 1-2 hours.

How to use: Take a glass of decoction twice a day after meals.

Result: The product helps lower blood sugar levels and improves the body's absorption of insulin.

Lingonberries during pregnancy (for edema)

Lingonberry juice is hypoallergenic, so the plant can easily be taken during pregnancy and during breastfeeding. Lingonberries can be used as first aid for colds during pregnancy. The plant relieves fever and fights infection.

Due to its active diuretic effect, lingonberry decoction is used to eliminate swelling characteristic of the 3rd trimester. The drug is taken orally, half a glass twice a day after meals.

The use of lingonberries during pregnancy not only helps to cope with swelling, but also saturates the body with a whole range of vitamins and microelements.

Lingonberries in cooking

Sweet and sour berry received wide application in cooking. Compotes and fruit drinks are made from lingonberries. The berry is used to prepare various desserts: preserves, marmalade, mousse, marmalade. Lingonberries are added to baked goods as a filling, and they are also used to decorate dishes. The dense berry retains its shape well.

How to make lingonberry juice, watch the following video:

Lingonberries are added to main dishes of meat and vegetables. The berry gives them a piquant sourness. Sauces and dressings are prepared using lingonberries.


Contraindications to the use of lingonberries:

  • increased acidity of gastric juice;
  • peptic ulcer;
  • cholecystitis;
  • low pressure.

Before using lingonberry-based products, consult a specialist.


Lingonberry is a species of the genus Vaccinium (lat. Vaccinium). The Heather or Ericaceae family (lat. Ericaceae), to which the plant belongs, unites more than 200 genera. Lingonberries belong to the order Heathers (lat. Ericales), class Dicotyledons (lat. Dicotyledones), department Flowering (lat. Magnoliophyta).


The genus Vaccinium includes 223 species of shrubs and subshrubs, including blueberries, lingonberries and cranberries. The most common of them:

  • common lingonberry (Vaccinium vulgaris);
  • bog blueberry;
  • blueberry;
  • Caucasian blueberries;
  • small-fruited cranberries;
  • Vaccinium redum;
  • small-leaved blueberry (Vaccinium parvifolia);
  • corymbose berry;
  • berry ovoid.

Lingonberry infographics

Photos of lingonberries, their beneficial properties and uses
Infographics on lingonberries

What to remember

  1. Translated into Latin, the name of the plant sounds like Vaccinium visit-idaea.
  2. Lingonberries are widely used to treat diseases of the liver, kidneys, gall bladder, and to reduce blood pressure and blood sugar levels.
  3. Berries can be consumed during pregnancy and lactation.
  4. Before using plant-based products, consult your doctor, as there are a number of contraindications.