Moss for bronchitis. Collection and preparation of cetraria medicinal raw materials. Icelandic moss tea for whooping cough

Cetraria Icelandica is a lichen belonging to the Parmeliaceae family. It is also known as Icelandic moss. This is a medicinal lichen.

The Latin name of the lichen is Cetraria islandica.

The thallus of this lichen resembles loose turf. Its height is 10-15 centimeters. The thallus consists of flat lobes, and in some places they can be folded into a groove.

The blades are irregularly ribbon-shaped, flat, narrow, leathery-cartilaginous in structure, with dark short cilia. Depending on the light, the color of the blades can be brown or green-brown. The edges of the blades are slightly curved upward.

The lower surface of the lichen has a lighter color - it is light brown, sometimes it can be almost white with big amount white spots and breaks in the bark through which air penetrates.

Fruiting bodies form at the tips of the expanded lobes. Their shape is saucer-shaped and brown in color. The diameter of the fruiting bodies is 1.5 centimeters, they are flat or slightly concave in shape. Their edges are slightly jagged.

Places where Icelandic cetraria grows.

Cetraria Icelandica is found in Europe, Asia, Australia and Africa. Cetraria Icelandica lives in pine forests, tundras, forest-tundras, and near swamps. This is a characteristic representative of ground lichens.

This lichen can grow on old stumps or directly on the soil. As a rule, they settle in unshaded sandy places. Sometimes these lichens form thickets. Icelandic Cetraria can only grow in a clean environment, in places with unpolluted air.

Chemical composition of Cetraria Icelandica.

The thallus of Icelandic cetraria contains about 80% carbohydrates, mainly lichenin and isolichenin. In addition, the composition of this lichen includes lactose, glucose, wax, fats and lichen acids - lichesterolic, usnic, fumarprotocentral and protolichesterolic. It is the acids that provide antibiotic and tonic properties, and also give the lichen a bitter taste.

In addition, the lichen thallus contains vitamin B12 and ascorbic acid in an easily digestible form. Antiscorbutic vitamin C is stored in the dry plant for 3 years.

Medicinal properties of Icelandic cetraria.

Preparations made from Icelandic lichen have antiseptic properties. It is actively used in medicine sodium salt usnic acid, called sodium usninate. This salt has antibacterial properties. Sodium usninate is used externally to treat trophic ulcers and burns.

It has been proven that lichesteric and protolichesteric acids have high antimicrobial activity. These acids destroy streptococci, staphylococci and other microorganisms.

Decoctions are made from Icelandic cetraria, which are used in the treatment of colds and diarrhea. Its decoction also helps increase appetite. Iceland moss used in the treatment of debilitated patients. In addition, decoctions help with diseases of the stomach and intestines.

There is information that Icelandic cetraria was used back in Ancient Egypt. In the Middle Ages, this lichen was actively used in Northern Europe - Iceland, Sweden and Norway. It was used as enveloping agent during colds and bronchitis.

In the Scandinavian countries, Icelandic cetraria was used as tonic and an appetite stimulant. This lichen also helps against laryngitis, pulmonary tuberculosis, bronchitis, and asthma. Icelandic moss is used for cancer and bleeding.

Lotions from Icelandic moss used externally for wounds, ulcers, burns, acne, abscesses, eczema, boils.

Icelandic Cetraria is also used in official medicine. This lichen has been known as a medicinal raw material since the 17th century. Cetraria Icelandica was traditional means from pulmonary tuberculosis.

The first preparation from this lichen was created in the 50s of the twentieth century. It was made in Germany. The drug was named Evosin. He had antimicrobial activity. Lupus erythematosus was also treated with this lichen.

In Japan, an antibiotic remedy was developed from Icelandic moss that helps against actinomycosis. In Finland, it is used to produce remedies for asthma, cough and runny nose. In the USSR in 1956, sodium usinate was obtained, used in the treatment of wounds, burns, and cracks.

Application of Cetraria Icelandica.

In 1918, there were food difficulties in Moscow. At this time, a large supply of Icelandic cetraria was found in the city's pharmacies. This lichen was used to meet the needs of bread. The lichen was soaked in soda, dried and ground into powder. This powder was mixed with rye flour in a ratio of one to one, and baked bread from it.

Preparation of Icelandic cetraria.

The thalli of these lichens are collected in the summer. The raw materials are cleaned of debris, then dried in the sun or in special dryers with good ventilation. The dried thallus is used in medicine. The taste of the thallus is bitter, and its smell is peculiar.

Raw materials are stored in boxes with paper placed at the bottom, or in closed banks in a cool dry place.

Contraindications for the use of Icelandic cetraria.

Icelandic moss and preparations based on it should not be used during lactation or pregnancy. They are also contraindicated for gastritis and stomach ulcers.

Often, during illness, people rush to the pharmacy to buy pharmaceuticals, forgetting about the wonderful gifts of nature that have effective healing properties. For example, Cetraria, called Icelandic lichen or moss, has long been used in medicinal purposes for colds, bronchitis, dry cough, skin, gastrointestinal and other diseases. With this remedy you can safely treat not only yourself, but also your child. The absence of contraindications makes this healing plant a safe and reliable assistant in the fight against many diseases.

What is Icelandic moss

Correct Latin name this lichen is cetraria. Translated, it means the rounded leather shield of the Romans. The plant received it due to the shape of the apothecia - sporulation organs. The body (lichen thallus) or thallus consists of tubular or flat lobes measuring 4 by 10 cm with a bushy structure. Color – brownish, greenish or whitish. There are red spots on the lower part of the moss, and cilia on the edges of the lobes. There are no roots, they are replaced by rhizoids - skin cells that attach lichens to the bark of a tree or the ground.

Cetraria moss is a symbiosis of two simple organisms: a fungus and an algae. It reproduces by spores, which develop into a full-fledged lichen after contact with microorganisms certain type or asexual cell division. Cetraria grows in swampy areas or sandy soils of tundra pine forests, making up the main diet of reindeer.

Medicinal properties

The therapeutic effect of Icelandic moss or cetraria is used not only by traditional medicine. Official pharmacology uses the dried plant to prepare herbal preparations in combination with other medicinal plants. Cetraria mucus - in the production of various food additives. The composition includes mucous substances (about 70%), polysaccharides containing starches, acids with an antibacterial effect, bitterness, proteins, enzymes, zinc, lead, cadmium, vitamin B12. Contains other microelements active action. Thanks to these components, moss has:

  • anti-inflammatory, wound healing effect;
  • antibacterial effect;
  • immunomodulatory properties;
  • antiviral effect;
  • rejuvenating, antioxidant effect;
  • restorative, restorative properties;
  • regulating effect on the digestive organs;
  • preventive effect (for example, against cancer).

Indications for use of Icelandic moss

Therapeutic properties Cetraria lichens make them indispensable means in the treatment of many diseases. Their use is shown:

  • for inflammation gastrointestinal tract;
  • for the treatment of burns, ulcers, various skin rashes;
  • when weakening immune system body;
  • from infectious diseases;
  • at colds such as acute respiratory infections, asthma, pneumonia, influenza; Icelandic moss is effective for treating coughs;
  • in case of malfunctions thyroid gland(lichen is capable of accumulating iodine);
  • when gagging to relieve them;
  • for obesity varying degrees;
  • with decreased appetite (anorexia, dystrophy);
  • for pain relief in dentistry;
  • in the fight against constipation;
  • for the treatment of tuberculosis;
  • for insomnia.


Treatment with Icelandic moss does not provoke any allergic reactions no toxic effects have been identified in humans, side effects. Useful drugs based on it can be used without restrictions by both adults and children. The only exception may be autoimmune diseases or individual intolerance, so consult your doctor before using lichen.

Icelandic moss in the pharmacy

The pharmaceutical industry offers a range medicinal drugs based on Cetraria Icelandica. The products are sold in powders or dried form for the preparation of decoctions and herbal teas. Drugs containing in their composition are popular medicinal plant: syrups or extracts, lozenges, cream with a warming effect. All products are sold in pharmacies without a prescription.


In pharmacies you can find a tea drink made from dried cetraria, which is produced in cardboard boxes. You can also find dry lichen for making decoctions. It is used both independently and in combination with other types of medicinal plants in different variations. Preparing decoctions is not difficult; they can be stored in the refrigerator.

Warming cream

For prevention, help with colds, hypothermia, joint pain, dislocations, bruises, skin problems, you should use a special cream. Its composition, in addition to cetraria extract, includes the following components: calendula and St. John's wort oils, bear fat, beeswax, honey, different essential oils. This cream, in addition to its warming effect, has anti-inflammatory, tonic, analgesic, and wound-healing properties. Lichen extract helps remove toxins, improve blood circulation and lymph.


Pharmacies offer various brands, for example, Pectolvan and Gerbion. Unites them therapeutic effect and testimony. Syrup with Icelandic moss has an expectorant effect and exhibits antimicrobial and anti-inflammatory properties. There is an improvement general condition. Such drugs are good to use in combination with other drugs for the treatment of dry, irritating cough, hoarseness, bronchitis, dry mucous membranes, with severe stress on the vocal cords with limited nasal breathing.

Lozenges for resorption

It is not always convenient to use syrups. Here gel lozenges for resorption will come to the rescue, which have a beneficial effect on Airways, provide therapeutic preventive action. The drug protects the mucous membrane, moisturizing it, strengthens local immunity. The antibacterial and antiseptic effect of moss will help with pharyngitis, tracheitis, laryngitis, and relieve sore throat. increased load on the throat ligaments. The use of lozenges helps smokers by mitigating the harmful effects of exposure tobacco smoke.

Instructions for use of Icelandic moss

Depending on the disease, cetraria is used different ways. These are a variety of pharmaceutical drugs, the instructions for which describe in detail their use for prevention and treatment. It is possible to prepare infusions, decoctions and extracts of Icelandic lichen at home. Let's consider some diseases for which it is advisable to use medications And folk remedies using Icelandic lichen.

Against cough

For colds, it is convenient to use Icelandic moss syrup or absorbable lozenges. Useful different decoctions, which will act on the body in a complex manner. For example, one of popular recipes Preparation of lichen for the treatment of cough: pour 1 tablespoon of dry moss into a glass of milk and cook under the lid in an enamel bowl for 30 minutes over low heat. This decoction should be drunk warm before bed, perhaps with honey.

For weight loss

Taking cetraria decoction improves metabolism and has a laxative effect on the intestines. If you use this remedy after meals, then overweight will go away quickly, subject to compliance the right image life. While not a panacea, the decoction will serve as a good help in the fight for slim figure. It’s easy to prepare such a decoction: pour 1 tablespoon of moss into 500 ml cold water, bring to a boil and then evaporate over low heat until about half is obtained, until jelly is obtained. You should drink it after meals 3 times a day (the norm is 200-250 ml per day).

For tuberculosis

Moss contains usnic acid, which is a powerful natural antibiotic. Concentrated decoctions can effectively destroy tuberculosis bacilli, which has been confirmed by research. A recipe that was used by our ancestors in the treatment of pulmonary consumption: 4 tablespoons of crushed moss are brewed with 2 cups of boiling water, kept on fire for about 5 minutes. Next, cool and strain the broth. Take a few sips 3 times a day. The same recipe will help with stomach ulcers.

Icelandic moss for children

Decoctions are very effective for whooping cough, but the child may not like their taste. It is better to use recipes based on milk, which will give the broth a sweetish taste. You can add honey. Cough moss for children is prepared as follows: 1 teaspoon of dry lichen is poured into 1 glass of milk, simmered for 15 minutes over low heat. Then cool, filter and give the child to drink in ¼ cup portions. You can use pharmaceutical syrups; children drink them with pleasure.

For constipation

Icelandic cetraria will also help get rid of such troubles as constipation, including chronic ones. For this, an extract is used: pour 100 grams of moss with 1 liter of water, infuse in a cold place for 24 hours. Next, filter and put on water bath, boil until the volume of liquid is reduced by half. Drink a cup half an hour before meals. If the effect is too strong, the dose should be reduced.

For allergies

This inconspicuous-looking lichen can also help against such a common disease. Its strong anti-inflammatory and antibacterial properties have a positive effect on a person suffering from allergic reactions, and the presence of silicon stimulates the body's metabolic processes. A recipe for getting rid of this ailment: steam 2 tablespoons of moss, filled with ½ liters of water, in a water bath for 20 minutes. Take half a glass several times a day.

How to brew Icelandic moss

There are many ways to use cetraria. The range of diseases in the fight against which it can help is enormous: from common cold before cancerous tumors. IN folk medicine The following recipes are also used:

  1. Clear your face of acne, lotions and rubbing from a regular decoction of moss (in arbitrary proportions) will help remove pustules and heal wounds. For six months you need to drink 3 cups of moss tea daily.
  2. Recipe for varicose veins: take 5 parts of crushed moss and horsetail, 3 parts each of immortelle (flowers) and rhubarb root, 2 parts each of oak and birch bark, fruits horse chestnut and raspberry root. Pour the natural mixture into ½ liter of water and boil for 5 minutes. Drink a glass 3-4 times a day.
  3. For the treatment and prevention of oncology, make an infusion: take 2 parts each of reindeer moss, celandine, St. John's wort and knotweed, 3 parts each of water pepper, plantain grass, and nettle leaves. Add 100 g of good green tea to the mixture. Prepare at the rate of 4 tablespoons of the mixture per 4 glasses of water. Take the tincture 4 times a day.


Not every medicinal plant can boast the same powerful healing potential as Cetraria Icelandica, popularly known as “Icelandic moss”.

Knowing and skillfully using medicinal properties and contraindications of Icelandic moss, you can almost completely restore functionality respiratory system- for any form of damage.

The unique capabilities of Icelandic moss do not end there - there are many more ways to use its healing properties if you need to restore human health.

Features of lichen

Icelandic Cetraria is not considered a moss in the generally accepted sense of the word, since it is a symbiosis of two plant forms - a fungus and an algae.

The properties of each form are completely opposite. We can say that their community is built on the mutual complementation of each other with the qualities necessary for development. Algae have the ability to synthesize organic substances that the fungus needs for nutrition. In turn, the fungus supplies the algae with valuable microelements.

Each new true lichen is formed only after the cells of a certain type of algae have combined with cetraria spores.

Despite the geographical reference indicated in the name of the plant, Icelandic moss can be found not only in Iceland. Its habitat is tundra, forest-tundra and swamps, pine forests and heathland.

Therefore, Icelandic Cetraria is considered “their” plant not only by residents of Europe, but also of Asia, Australia and even Africa. However, the first to identify the medicinal properties of lichen were the Icelanders, who used the plant as a dietary supplement.

Official medicine became interested therapeutic effects Cetraria only in the 18th century.

When using Icelandic moss for medicinal purposes, there is no doubt about its environmental friendliness. The main condition without which plant growth is impossible is clean air, unpolluted by industrial waste.

The healing properties of Icelandic moss

The healing power of Icelandic moss is due to its composition, which, without exaggeration, can be called unique:

  • lichenin and isolichenin - polysaccharides, the main carbohydrate component, causing high nutritional value plants and its gelling properties;
  • lichen acids are the main “secret” ingredient of a plant, produced by its mycobiont. Usnic acid is a specific substance, a product of lichen metabolism. Provides antibiotic, analgesic, antiviral, antituberculosis and insecticidal effects;
  • trace elements - zinc, tin, lead, cadmium and silicon, iodine, iron, copper, manganese and titanium;
  • glucose and galactose;
  • organic substances, lipids - proteins, fats, wax, gum;
  • vitamins A, C and B12.
Icelandic moss contains a large amount of mucus, organic acids, enzymes, vitamins and minerals. Lichen is actively used in the treatment of diseases of the digestive system. Mucus gently envelops, promotes healing of stomach ulcers or duodenum, normalization of acidity. A decoction of moss helps stop vomiting if it is caused by banal poisoning.

A decoction of Icelandic moss is excellent for stomatitis of various origins, burns of the mucous membrane of the mouth and pharynx, gingivitis, periodontal disease and other problems. By rinsing three times over a period of several days, you will notice that the condition has improved significantly.

To prepare the decoction, you will need 4 tbsp. l. moss and 500 ml of water. If you plan to use a rinse, you can use a little more liquid. Fill the raw material with water and place on low heat, wait until it boils. Drink 2 tbsp several times a day. l. before meals, the minimum course of treatment is two weeks.

For stomach ulcers, you can combine Icelandic moss with marshmallow root and flax seed. Mix the ingredients in equal proportions. Brew 2 tbsp. l. in 500 ml boiling water, bring to a boil. Take 50 ml three times a day. After 30 days of treatment, undergo a re-examination by a gastroenterologist.

Icelandic moss in combination with thyme - excellent remedy, bronchitis, reduced immunity, fatigue, vitamin deficiency and other problems. Mix the crushed ingredients in equal proportions, measure a teaspoon and pour 200 ml of boiling water. Let it brew and cool a little, then drink it instead of tea. You need to take the decoction three times a day, you can add sugar or honey.

If you don’t have time to constantly make a decoction, take 4 tbsp. l. moss, place in a jar and fill with a glass of vodka. Leave for 2 weeks, shaking the container periodically. Take 15 drops three times a day, diluting the tincture in large quantities water.

Special instructions and precautions

Like any other plant, Icelandic moss can provoke the development of allergic reactions, especially in combination with other herbs. If you have a predisposition, be careful.

Despite all healing properties, it is impossible to get rid of serious problems. Please consult your doctor first about the possibility of combining treatment methods.

Thanks to a wide range of beneficial properties, Icelandic moss(or cetraria icelandica) enjoys well-deserved popularity in homeopathy, cosmetology and cooking. This plant belongs to a large group of lichens that grow everywhere. In northern countries, moss is used as an aromatic seasoning, as the dried plant adds a piquant flavor to baked goods and meats. But the most valuable is the use of Icelandic moss as a panacea for serious illnesses, including pulmonary, skin and intestinal pathologies.

Beneficial and healing properties of Icelandic moss

The medicinal effect of Icelandic moss is explained by its rich chemical composition plants, but, first of all, its antibacterial properties are valued in folk medicine. Rich in vitamins and mineral composition lichen helps to activate the immune system and improve the condition of internal organs.

It brings the greatest value to our body usnic acid– a substance contained in Icelandic moss in large quantities. Once in our body, this substance neutralizes pathogenic bacteria and leads to their death. Such healing properties have manifested themselves to a greater extent in effective fight with tuberculosis and others pulmonary diseases.

Also active substances in Icelandic moss have the following effects:
  • antivirus;
  • anti-inflammatory;
  • immunomodulatory;
  • antioxidant;
  • rejuvenating;
  • astringent;
  • protective.

The use of this medicine helps to successfully solve problems with diseases such as bronchitis, tracheitis, ARVI, rhinitis, sinusitis and sinusitis. Also, a course of treatment with decoctions of Icelandic moss helps to cure sinusitis, childhood whooping cough, gastric atony, gastritis and ulcers, as well as acne on the skin.

TO beneficial properties Icelandic moss is considered to be able to treat general exhaustion, anemia, burns and diaper rash. Thanks to bactericidal properties, with the help of decoctions and infusions can be processed open wounds, disinfecting them. External use is also effective in the treatment of burns, skin rashes, ulcers and abscesses.

Icelandic moss contains a sufficient amount bitterness- a substance that has a beneficial effect on improving digestion, increasing appetite, as well as in the fight against anorexia and dystrophy. Astringent action This remedy allows it to be used in case of poisoning with heavy metals or plant poisons.

The use of Icelandic moss (Cetraria Icelandica) for cough

Since ancient times, Icelandic moss has been added to various mixtures, syrups, lozenges and decoctions that promote effective and safe removal From cough. Thanks to the availability active ingredients contained in this unique plant, the use of such medicines quickly ease breathing. The effect of this product is so safe that syrups are prescribed even to small children.

Chemical composition of Icelandic moss

This medicinal plant is rich in lichenin, glucose and mucus. This plant also contains bitterness, different acids, cetrarin, vitamin, and, gum, fat, wax, and.

How Icelandic moss is used for weight loss

Extra pounds go away quickly enough if you consume Icelandic moss jelly after main meals. Of course, this plant will not become a panacea for obesity, but its use in tandem with and will help say goodbye to obesity forever. overweight. Taking a decoction helps improve metabolic processes and, thanks to this, losing weight becomes possible.

Use in healthy and therapeutic nutrition

Since ancient times different peoples use Icelandic moss in cooking. Northern peoples prepare delicious and aromatic jelly and thick jellies from this plant; they also add lichen to and, thereby improving the quality of any dish.

Due to the powerful effects of Icelandic moss, it is rarely mixed with other medicinal plants. IN in rare cases it is added to it to treat whooping cough, and marshmallow root for stomach ulcers, as well as honey if such a remedy is to be given to children.

How to choose a good product

Icelandic moss grows in Russia, as well as in Europe, Asia and Africa. This plant prefers high mountainous places or sandy lands. Lichen cannot be found in polluted areas, which is why it is considered an indicator of cleanliness. environment. The plant can be collected independently in the summer months; this must be done by hand or with a rake so that the plant does not crumble. The thallus is mainly used for medicinal purposes.

Icelandic moss can also be purchased at the pharmacy in dried form or as a cough or cold syrup.

How to brew and use Icelandic moss correctly

Prepared from Icelandic moss drinks for weight loss. A decoction is made from a tablespoon of raw materials and half a liter of cold water. The mixture is put on fire, brought to a boil and evaporated over low heat to half the volume. If you drink this drink up to three times a day, it will allow you to say goodbye to extra pounds forever.

You can get rid of a cough with syrup prepared from the roots of this plant. To do this, you will need to take 4 tablespoons of lichen and fill this volume with two glasses of water. The thick, jelly-like mixture must be boiled for about 5 minutes, then strained and taken three times a day, two sips.

For treatment of bronchitis and tuberculosis, performance improvements digestive system, eliminating acne, increasing appetite, fighting anorexia, anemia and other diseases that this plant successfully helps fight, it is recommended to prepare a tincture using a simple recipe. 40 g of raw material is poured into a glass of 60% alcohol and left to brew for a week. This tincture is taken 10-15 drops per day to normalize the body’s functioning.

Product storage features

Icelandic moss is dried in dryers with good ventilation or in the sun, after first spreading the raw material in a thin layer and clearing it of excess debris. In this form, the plant is dried for about 2-3 days, then packaged in light-proof containers and stored for up to two years.

Harm and contraindications

The beneficial and medicinal properties of Icelandic moss look impressive, and contraindications are minimal, therefore, due to the lack of toxicity and side effects, it can be taken by adults and children without fear for their health.

Icelandic moss – unique plant, capable of replacing tens pharmaceutical drugs. For such qualities, this plant is incredibly valued in folk medicine. This type of lichen grows exclusively in ecologically clean areas, so it is not capable of harming the body, but it has the ability to provide all possible assistance in the treatment of serious diseases.