Severe headache forehead temples. Headache in forehead and temples - causes and what to do. Deterioration of condition and associated symptoms

Headache– a rather broad concept, because discomfort is often localized in a certain area. Each area of ​​the head has its own characteristics, so painful sensations can have different reasons. Pain in the forehead and temples most often takes people by surprise, so you need to know why it occurs and how to deal with it.

Causes of forehead pain

Painful sensations the forehead is often “attacked” after a hard day of work, a long mental activity, sleepless night, diseases oral cavity and other events, so it’s not difficult to answer the question of why your forehead hurts. Discomfort occurs due to:

  • inflammatory processes in the oral cavity;
  • purulent inflammation of the maxillary sinuses;
  • extreme fatigue or prolonged mental effort;
  • increased intracranial pressure;
  • infections or strain in the eyes.

When pain occurs due to inflammation in the mouth or maxillary sinuses, it can be regular and will not be relieved by regular painkillers, so you should consult a doctor if pain in the forehead is accompanied by:

  • heat;
  • nasal congestion;
  • general weakness;
  • nausea;
  • unhealthy complexion;
  • nasality;
  • gum sensitivity.

Causes of pain in the temples

The causes of temporal pain differ from the previous ones, because there are no possible foci of inflammation near this part of the head. But in the area of ​​the temples a lot of blood and lymphatic vessels, feeding the brain. Why does headache occur in the temporal region? Its main reasons:

  • high blood pressure;
  • hormonal imbalances;
  • vascular damage by atherosclerosis;
  • lack of oxygen in the brain;
  • strong feelings: stress, anxiety, crying;
  • toxic poisoning (temple pain, sore throat, eating disorders);
  • spasm of cerebral vessels;
  • spasm of the jaw muscles due to constant stress or tension.

Often pain in the temple area is associated precisely with neuralgia and anxiety. If a long period To eliminate only the symptoms - pain, and not look for the cause, you can get complications in the form of migraines and excessive irritability.

Women have problems with menstrual cycle can cause discomfort not only near the ovaries or uterus, but also in the temple area, because next to them is the hypothalamus, which is a regulatory center. It reacts to change hormonal levels in the body, as well as pressure, temperature, blood composition and other vital factors.

Drug treatment

A headache disrupts the rhythm of life, so it must be eliminated quickly, and no one can cope with this task better than special medications. It is better if a doctor prescribes painkillers after he finds out why this or that part of the head hurts. If the discomfort takes you by surprise, and there is little time, then each person should be able to choose the right pills “for the head.”

Medicines for forehead pain

If you have a headache, then in addition to pain relief, it is necessary to relieve inflammation, and analgin-containing drugs are champions in this matter. This group includes inexpensive drugs that can be bought at any pharmacy without a doctor’s prescription:

  • Andipan;
  • Baralgin;
  • Tempalgin;
  • Totalgin;
  • Pentalgin;
  • Analgin.

These tablets will quickly relieve discomfort in the forehead, eyes and. Remember that you cannot take more than 2 tablets in a row, because this will create a greater load on the liver and kidneys.

If the pain in the forehead area is constant, then it is necessary to begin the fight against the causes. If the problem is inflammation of the gums, teeth or maxillary sinuses, then you need to undergo an examination and take a course of antibiotics or antiviral drugs.

Together with them, the doctor will prescribe painkillers based on ibuprofen - active substance, the effect of which is almost the same as that of analgin. The main difference is the strength of the effect and stimulation of the immune system. Because of these two properties, it is not recommended to drink ibuprofen-containing medications for discomfort in the forehead area without consulting a doctor:

  • Nurofen;
  • Has

Medications for pain in the temples

When your temples hurt, life becomes simply unbearable, because such discomfort distracts you from your thoughts and prevents you from working normally. Often this headache occurs due to high blood pressure, spasm of the jaw muscles or blood vessels, and tablets with paracetamol will help. This active ingredient has analgesic, antipyretic and antispasmodic effects. There are many drugs with paracetamol on the shelves of pharmacies:

  • Daleron;
  • Paracetamol;
  • Citramon;
  • Panadol;
  • Volpan;
  • No-shpa and others.

If the pain in the forehead and temples is caused by stress, then you can fight it with the help of sedatives. The safest of them is motherwort tincture and valerian. They gently inhibit arousal signals in the brain, raising the stress threshold. In case of chronic overstrain and irritation, a doctor will prescribe sedatives, because most of them are sold only by prescription.

Home treatment

Most painkillers negatively affect the body's natural filters - the liver and kidneys, because their breakdown products take a long time to be eliminated and are toxic. Therefore, many abandon them in favor of traditional recipes that will help eliminate headaches.

Discomfort in the forehead

It is recommended to combat pain in the forehead by applying steamed cabbage leaf:

  • you just need to take a large leaf of this cruciferous vegetable;
  • rinse and steam for several minutes;
  • after that, lie down on a flat surface and relax with such a compress;
  • For the same purpose, you can make a compress from burdock or coltsfoot.

You can reduce intracranial pressure, which often causes forehead pain, using nettle infusion:

  • Brew a tablespoon of dried herb in a glass of boiling water;
  • let stand for 15 minutes;
  • drink half;
  • an hour later - the rest.

In the pharmacy you can find ready-made bags of dried nettle, which do not need to be steeped for a long time.

Another universal remedy– a foot bath, it is especially relevant when the forehead hurts due to inflammatory processes. The water temperature should be no higher than 45 degrees, and the duration of the procedure is about an hour. You can drink in parallel with the foot bath warm milk with honey or chamomile tea.

Discomfort in the temples

Headaches in the temples, first of all, require complete calm. Optimally, take a nap for a few hours, but if you don’t have time, you can relax nervous system soothing tea made from chamomile, lemon balm, linden, valerian or mint. Drink 300-400 milliliters of decoction every 2 hours, and relief from discomfort will not take long.

Sometimes the temples hurt due to strong clenching of the jaw, which a person sometimes does not notice. An ordinary pencil will help relieve pain! Take a clean pencil and place it between your teeth so that it prevents the left and right sides of your jaws from closing together. Now rest or continue working with the pencil. After just 20 minutes the pain will go away because jaw muscles stop overexerting themselves.

Headaches in the temporal and frontal areas cause discomfort and reduce productivity, so you don’t need to endure it, because you can find any painkillers in pharmacies, and in the bins of folk recipes there are many ways to combat pain. Remember that constant pain can be the result of inflammation, high blood pressure or other unpleasant health problems, so if they occur, you should visit a doctor.

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Shoshina Vera Nikolaevna

Therapist, education: Northern Medical University. Work experience 10 years.

Articles written

When you have a headache in the forehead and temples, the world for a person simply ceases to exist. This condition is familiar to many people, even those who lead healthy image life and generally rarely gets sick.

And the first thing a person will begin to do in this situation is to look for a painkiller to relieve discomfort. But here it is important to figure out why the frontal part of the head hurts, because it warning sign talking about pathology. Let's look at the possible reasons and how to help yourself.

Possible associated symptoms

Headaches in the forehead and temples may be accompanied by additional symptoms. It depends on what caused this condition. The pain itself can also wear different character and be:

  • acute;
  • pressing;
  • piercing.

When the doctor makes a diagnosis, all the subtleties and additional symptoms will be important to him, and they can be like this:

  • pain on palpation of the forehead and temples;
  • subcutaneous hematomas;
  • visual change frontal bone;
  • vertigo;
  • fainting;
  • vomit;
  • nausea;
  • cough;
  • bleeding or leakage of cerebrospinal fluid from auricle;
  • uneven location of the pupils and their width;
  • weakness of the limbs and much more.

The main causes of pain in the forehead area

To understand why headaches occur in the temples and frontal area, you need to know the main reasons that can lead to this condition. These sensations don’t just arise.


If you have a headache in the forehead area, then the cause is not necessarily frightening and threatening. Often this indicates overwork: both physical and moral. It usually begins with pain in the cervical area, moving to the brow ridges, forehead and temples. It can hurt on both the left and right, or on both sides at once.

The patient feels nauseous, begins to vomit slightly, and coordination may be impaired. Most often the pain is of a girdling nature, and the stronger the tension neck muscles, the stronger this feeling. To alleviate the condition, you need to give your body and psyche good rest, it is advisable to sleep.

Pathologies of the nervous system

Headache in the temples and frontal part of the head may indicate disorders of the nervous system:

Cluster pain. It appears and disappears suddenly and immediately with great intensity. Often it is this condition that pushes people to commit suicide, because it is almost impossible to bear. It affects mainly people 20-55 years old, and most often women. Cluster pain is recognized by:

  • sudden appearance and departure;
  • localized predominantly on one side, affecting the forehead, temple, and eye;
  • duration no more than a quarter of an hour;
  • there can be up to 15 attacks per day;
  • changes in the eyes: redness, constriction of the pupil, malfunction visual function, swelling of the eyelid;
  • cardiopalmus;
  • a new attack can be triggered by either a bright light or a cigarette, a cup of coffee or a glass of wine.

This chronic pathology, which occurs periodically. Patients complain of pulsation in the forehead, usually on one side. The attack begins from the temples, moving to the eyes, forehead and back of the head. Outbreaks of pain can occur up to 10-15 times a month, but doctors have not identified their cause. A person is additionally tormented by:

  • vertigo;
  • weakness;
  • nausea;
  • vomit;
  • painful reaction to noise, light, smell;
  • lack of coordination;
  • problems with the gastrointestinal tract;
  • noise in ears;
  • floaters before eyes.

Neurosis. Psychogenic factors often provokes such a condition in people, most often they arise against the background of neurasthenia, hysterical neurosis, and increased imaginaryness. Additional symptoms are rare, and the pain itself is paroxysmal, stabbing.

Neuralgia trigeminal nerve , which has not yet been thoroughly studied. Localized in the area of ​​the trigeminal nerve and its branches. Has a number of features:

  • occurs suddenly, often from ordinary touch or while washing in the morning;
  • duration no more than 5 minutes;
  • shooting nature of pain;
  • can spread to teeth, eyes and other areas of the face.

Intracranial pressure

With an increase in intracranial pressure, the arteries and veins of this zone become irritated, and there are many branches of their nerve endings, which leads to pain in the frontal part of the head. Usually accompanied by additional symptoms, such as:

  • vertigo;
  • nausea, vomiting;
  • hypersweating;
  • cardiopalmus;
  • weakness and lethargy;
  • pallor;
  • throbbing pain;
  • eye pressure.

More often than others, people with:

  • arterial hypertension;
  • hypertensive crisis;
  • vegetative-vascular dystonia;
  • skull injury;
  • impaired blood flow;
  • neoplasms;
  • congenital heart and vascular defects;
  • cervical osteochondrosis;
  • pathologies of the internal secretion organs.

Diseases of the ENT organs

Most often, a child or teenager suffers from such pain. After all, they are the ones at risk for people prone to ENT diseases. Adults may also suffer from this type of headache if they:

  1. Sinusitis, in which the mucous membranes of the maxillary sinuses are inflamed. It usually begins with a simple runny nose due to an infectious or viral disease or as a consequence of dental disease. When you tilt your head down, there is a feeling of pressure on your nose and...
  2. Frontitis, when any nasal sinus becomes inflamed and swollen. Usually the pain occurs in the morning, and after emptying the nose it goes away quite quickly. If the root cause is neglected, then you cannot do without the help of a surgeon.
  3. Ethmoiditis, in which there will be inflammation ethmoid sinus. The headache will hurt at a certain time, with a clear frequency and intensity. Accompanied by a runny nose, fever and other symptoms characteristic of colds.

Changes in blood pressure

Hypotonic and hypertensive patients often suffer from headaches due to surges blood pressure. This condition can be triggered by stress, fatigue, time zone change, change weather conditions. When the pressure increases, not only the frontal part of the head hurts, but also the temporal and occipital parts. It may pulsate or constrict, causing dizziness, nausea, vomiting and diarrhea.


A headache in the frontal and temporal parts of the head is not always a sign internal pathologies. Often this can be the influence of toxic and dangerous substances on the body from the outside. This is not always poisoning with serious substances, as in hazardous industries, but with ordinary household chemicals.

It is not necessary to drink or inhale such a remedy; it is enough to use it daily so that it accumulates in the body and leads to intoxication with a headache.

Viral diseases

Any viral or infectious disease with elevated body temperature can provoke such headaches. Excluding sore throat, colds, pneumonia. But most often the bridge of the nose, forehead and temples begin to hurt when they are sick:

  • influenza, which is also accompanied by muscle aches, chills, weakness, and a negative reaction to normal light;
  • typhoid and malaria;
  • tropical fever, when not only the head hurts, but also muscle tissue and joints;
  • meningitis, when the patient vomits and feels sick because his brain is inflamed.

Eye diseases

Most often, this provokes prolonged eye strain and fatigue due to precise work or frequent computer use. Glaucoma provokes pain in the frontal part of the head, as does thrombosis and bloating of blood vessels eyeballs, visual pathologies, astigmatism, farsightedness or myopia, neoplasms or inflammation in this area.

Which doctor should I seek help from?

When the cause of this condition is obvious, or attacks occur infrequently and can be eliminated at home, you do not need to go to the doctor. Sometimes it's enough good nutrition and rest so that the body returns to normal. Pregnancy is a reason to be examined by a doctor, even if the pain was one-time and quickly passed. But the constant nature of such sensations, additional negative symptoms They say that you can’t do without a doctor.

The first doctor to help with this issue will be a therapist. And if necessary, he will give a referral to a specific specialist if there are suspicions about his area of ​​work. For example, if there is a fear of light due to pain, then you cannot do without a neurologist.

How to relieve a headache in the forehead?

If you have a headache in the frontal part and temples, and there is any additional symptom, for example, eye twitch or your eyebrow hurts, then urgent treatment is needed. After all, the faster the root cause is eliminated, the easier it will be for a person. You should not prescribe any medications yourself, and even during pregnancy traditional methods may be dangerous. Let the doctor do it.


Among the variety of medical treatments, doctors most often prefer the following remedies:

  1. Tempalgin, which is similar to Analgin, but gives faster and more lasting results.
  2. Citramon, which, thanks to caffeine, citric acid and cocoa powder included in its composition quickly relieves pain.
  3. Pentalgin with a rich composition that helps not only relieve pain, but also normalize sleep, eliminate congestion in blood vessels and normalize the patient’s well-being.
  4. Solpadeine, which contains paracetamol, which relieves discomfort well. Thanks to its effervescent and instant formula, it is a favorite headache remedy for many people.
  5. Sedalgin, which relieves headaches in the shortest possible time.

The doctor will select other medications based on the root cause of this condition.

Folk remedies

If the cause of headaches in the temporal and frontal parts is not serious, then you can solve the problem at home using traditional methods:

  • take a warm bath;
  • drink tonic tea with lemon balm or mint;
  • give up coffee;
  • apply a cabbage leaf to your forehead;
  • rub “Star” on the sore area;
  • ventilate the room or go out into the fresh air;
  • use essential oil.

Lifestyle adjustments

Often the reason frontal pain- this is an incorrect lifestyle and an unbalanced diet. This is what contributes to the emergence various pathologies that provoke this condition. Therefore, introducing the following corrective factors into life will help avoid not only headaches, but also a number of other, no less dangerous diseases:

Change of diet. It should contain only healthy food. Cereals, vegetables, fruits and fish are always a priority, but salty, fried, smoked, spicy, sweet and alcoholic foods are prohibited or minimized. There are substances in food that can cause headaches, so they need to be removed from the diet. These include:

  • nitrates, which are rich not only in unfairly grown fruits and vegetables, but also in sausages;
  • monosodium glutamate, which is abundant in seafood products, have not passed due heat treatment;
  • histamine, which is abundant in wine, beer and a number of other alcoholic beverages;
  • tyramine, found in chocolate products, nuts, cheese;
  • caffeine, which is abundant not only in coffee, but also in black tea and a number of carbonated drinks, for example, Coca-Cola.
  1. A clear daily routine, where rest and work are strictly distributed and observed. You need to sleep at least 8 hours so that the body recovers after a hard day. Stress and excessive fatigue are kept to a minimum, but walking in the fresh air should be done daily.
  2. Regular sports. It is with it that you can maintain and normalize the functioning of the vascular and cardiac systems, and establish oxygen metabolism in the body, which will reduce the risk of headaches to a minimum.
  3. Maintaining the required level of water metabolism, at which an adult needs to drink at least 1.5 liters of fluid per day.
  4. Sleep on an orthopedic pillow to prevent or remove muscle spasms in the neck, which often provoke discomfort in the forehead and temples.

You can cope with even the most severe pain in the head, but it is better to do everything to prevent it and not use effective but harmful painkillers for therapy.

Heaviness and pressure in the forehead, pain radiating to the eyes and temples are not the most pleasant sensations. Meanwhile, almost every person has encountered this in their life. There are many causes of headaches in the forehead area. It can occur even in completely healthy people, be sharp, pulsating, pressing, stabbing, lasting for a short time or several days.

Forehead hurts, causes

Pain in the frontal region is one of the most common types of headaches. For effective treatment First of all, it is necessary to establish the causes of this disease. They can be divided into four groups:

  • Injuries in the forehead area;
  • Vascular diseases of the brain;
  • Infectious and inflammatory diseases;
  • Diseases of the nervous system.

Often, as a result of a bruise, headaches in the forehead area can be observed. With this type of injury, only soft tissue damage occurs, and a subcutaneous hematoma (bruise) appears at the site of the injury, which subsequently resolves. Sometimes when strong impact a fracture of the frontal bone may occur. Moreover, such injuries are usually accompanied by a concussion or bruise of the brain.

If a bone fracture occurs as a result of an injury, there may be momentary loss consciousness, dizziness, nausea, vomiting. At the site of the impact, a well-defined subcutaneous hematoma and bone deformation appear, and the forehead hurts greatly. Visual impairment may also occur. If there is even the slightest suspicion of a bone fracture or concussion, then the victim is required to undergo computed tomography or radiography.

Also, the forehead often hurts in the presence of vascular diseases of the brain (venous arteritis, ischemic disease vessels). The cranial cavity contains a large number of vessels that deliver blood to the brain. It happens that the forehead hurts due to impaired blood flow. When the pressure in the cranial arteries and veins increases, the nerve endings are irritated, which ultimately leads to severe pain. Other symptoms of high blood pressure:

  • Dizziness;
  • Nausea, vomiting;
  • Weakness, lethargy, pallor;
  • Rapid heartbeat, increased sweating;
  • Feeling of pressure in the eyes.

The forehead also hurts with low cranial pressure, and the unpleasant sensations have a girdling character, that is, they radiate to the back of the head and temples. This occurs as a result of narrowing of the arteries of the brain due to atherosclerosis, thrombosis, tumors, vegetative-vascular dystonia, and diseases of the thyroid gland.

A severe headache in the forehead can be a symptom of viral or infectious diseases. With influenza, ARVI or sore throat, along with the main symptoms (fever, chills, weakness), patients complain of discomfort and tension in the frontal area. Similar sensations are also characteristic of malaria, typhoid, meningitis, and encephalitis.

The most obvious symptom availability of such inflammatory diseases, like frontal sinusitis and sinusitis, is pulsating or It's a dull pain in the frontal part. Frontitis is characterized by the development inflammatory process in the frontal sinuses, located deep in the bone, right above the nose, and is a complication of colds or viral infections. With sinusitis, inflammation develops in the maxillary sinuses, located on the sides of the nose. In this case, the patient experiences general weakness, malaise, chills, nasal discharge, and severe forehead pain.

Most often, headaches are associated with the development of neuralgia or neuritis of the first branch of the trigeminal nerve. They are paroxysmal in nature and are not accompanied by fever or nasal discharge. During an attack, lacrimation, redness of the forehead, and pain when pressing on the eyebrow are possible.

Burning unilateral pain in the forehead, so-called cluster or beam pain, usually occurs spontaneously, for no apparent reason, and is very painful. As a rule, attacks last no longer than 15 minutes, but can occur several times a day.

Another reason for forehead pain is migraine. It is accompanied by sudden, intense and throbbing pain. Nausea and vomiting often occur during attacks. This disease is usually observed in women and is inherited.

Except listed diseases, headaches in the frontal area can occur as a result of prolonged tension in the muscles of the head and neck, and nervous stress.

Why do my forehead and eyes hurt?

Among the main reasons that contribute to the occurrence of pain in the eyes and forehead area are:

  • Fatigue;
  • Overwork;
  • Stress;
  • Prolonged work at the computer.

In this case, to get rid of discomfort and discomfort, it’s enough to rest, get a good night’s sleep, and take a walk in the fresh air.

Also, the forehead and eyes often hurt during a migraine, and there is blurred vision or photophobia. To facilitate unpleasant symptoms, you can take painkillers, try to rest in a room where there is no bright light and loud sounds.

Sometimes pain in the eyes and forehead occurs with increased intracranial pressure, intraocular pressure, concussion, intracranial hematoma. To determine the exact cause of the pain, it is necessary to undergo an examination by a specialist.

Other reasons for pain in the forehead and eyes: cerebral aneurysm, possible pre-stroke condition, meningitis. Each of these listed diseases is dangerous. And if the pain syndrome was not caused by overwork, stress or migraine, it is important to consult a doctor as soon as possible.

For what reasons does the forehead and temples hurt?

Headache that occurs in the forehead and radiates to the temporal lobe is considered a common occurrence. It can manifest itself in paroxysms, presenting as dull, throbbing pain in one or both temples. Such painful sensations are often associated with pressure on nerve endings in the upper back, neck and jaw area, which are connected to nerves located in the forehead and temples.

But mostly the forehead and temples hurt in the presence of certain diseases:

If you experience regular and severe headaches, you should definitely consult a doctor to prevent the development of more serious diseases.

Video from YouTube on the topic of the article:

Update: October 2018

The appearance of just one symptom such as a headache in the temples can disable you for a long time. Sometimes it simply interferes with work, settling in the lateral parts of the skull with a heavy and aching sensation. But in some cases, pain in the temple is accompanied by nausea or deterioration in well-being. The cause of this condition should be determined by a neuropathologist, sometimes together with related specialists. We will tell you when you need to visit this doctor urgently, even by ambulance, and when you can make an appointment for a scheduled appointment.

The main causes of pain in the temples

There are about 45 diseases that cause pain localized in the temporal region. The main ones are: muscle strain and infectious diseases that are accompanied by poisoning of the body. Life-threatening illnesses, for example, or, extremely rarely cause this symptom. However, it can happen.

The causes of pain in the temples are conventionally divided into:

  1. Primary. It's on your own existing diseases associated with vessels or nerves of the head:
    • tension headache;
    • migraine;
    • cluster headache;
  2. Secondary, when the headache appeared due to pathological conditions in the body or in the head itself, when there is a disruption in the normal functioning of one or more organs. This:
    • cerebral stroke;
    • head or neck injury;
    • intracranial tumor or metastasis of a neoplasm of another localization to the brain;
    • change in the normal functioning of the vessels supplying blood to the brain due to hormonal imbalance caused by taking oral contraceptives, pregnancy;
    • intoxication: with infectious diseases(flu, sore throat, erysipelas), poisoning with nitrates or other substances contained in food, alcohol;
    • inflammation of intracranial structures: temporal lobe abscess, meningitis, encephalitis;
    • pathologies of skull structures: diseases paranasal sinuses nose, eyes, ears;
    • mental illness.

A little anatomy

The temporal region is the area located in the projection of the temporal bone - that structure that is located upward from the ear and the bony protrusion located behind it - the mastoid process. We can say that this is a zone that goes 2-3 cm behind the ear and extends almost to the forehead.

The temporal bone is derived from the fusion of several bony parts. It is thinner than other bones and is capable of transmitting an ultrasound signal (this is used to perform ultrasound in children whose fontanel has already closed and in adults). It is designed in such a way that it has depressions, channels and protrusions for the passage of a large number of vessels and nerves. It is in it that the cavity in which the ear is located is located.

The skin in this localization is thin and smooth; hair follicles appear only in its posterior sections. The subcutaneous tissue here is loose.

In the temporal region there are:

  • 2 muscles control the auricle: one of them ensures its movement forward, the other – upward;
  • lymphatic vessels that go to their checkpoints, the lymph nodes located in front and behind the ear;
  • superficial temporal artery, arising from the large external carotid artery;
  • superficial temporal vein, running next to the artery of the same name;
  • in the canal of the temporal bone there is a smaller internal carotid artery than the external one;
  • auriculotemporal and zygomaticotemporal nerves;
  • branch of the trigeminal nerve responsible for transmitting the condition of muscles, skin and subcutaneous tissue in the area in front of the ear, above and on both sides of the ear, as well as the auricle itself. The main part of the trigeminal nerve, which is its distributor - its node - lies in one of the recesses of the temporal bone;
  • the facial nerve, which transmits how the facial muscles move, lies in one of the canals of the temporal bone;
  • vestibulocochlear nerve, responsible for ensuring balance of the human body;

Also in the recesses of the temporal bone pass the cranial nerves, the vagus and glossopharyngeal, going to the internal structures located in the neck and chest (nervus vagus comes to abdominal cavity). Their damage affects many body functions.

In the front part of the temporal bone there is a fossa for the temporomandibular joint, which allows jaw movement (opening the mouth, chewing, moving left and right). It is held in place by ligaments running in different directions.

What structures can hurt in the temple area?

Why does my head hurt in my temples? This means that pain receptors located in:

The bones themselves cannot hurt, and if they are fractured internal structures, without damage to the periosteum (this is possible in the bones of the skull), then there will be no pain. The same applies to brain damage: as long as there is no compression of the meninges, impaired absorption of cerebrospinal fluid, or deterioration of venous outflow, the head will not hurt. There will be symptoms indicating brain damage, but no headaches.

Depending on the mechanism by which pain in the temples develops, it can be:

  1. vascular, associated with changes in the diameter of blood vessels, deterioration of outflow through the veins;
  2. muscular, when, for example, in some area a muscle spasm, or increased impulse has developed at the junction from nerve to muscle;
  3. neuralgic, when nerve irritation occurs;
  4. liquorodynamic associated with changes in liquor pressure;
  5. central, associated with the emergence of a focus of pathological impulses in the systems of pain and analgesic receptors;
  6. mixed, when several mechanisms are activated at once.

When it not only hurts, but also worsens the condition

This is how several of the following diseases and conditions occur.

Hypertensive crisis

This condition usually develops when you already have hypertension or another condition (eg, chronic disease kidneys, nephropathy of pregnancy or adrenal tumors - pheochromocytoma), accompanied frequent registration numbers of high blood pressure. But it can be the first sign of illness. When the pressure rises quickly and sharply, the following symptoms appear:

  • pain in the temples and nausea;
  • feeling of “internal trembling”;
  • hand trembling;
  • “flies” before the eyes;
  • anxiety;
  • anxiety, panic, feeling of lack of air;
  • cold sweat;
  • There may be heart pain, blurred vision, and tinnitus.

Brain stroke

This condition rarely develops on " empty space" It is usually preceded by:

  • conditions accompanied by increased blood pressure: hypertension, pheochromocytoma, acute and chronic glomerulonephritis, exacerbation of chronic;
  • severe emotional stress;
  • various anomalies in the structure of blood vessels supplying the brain.

In these four cases, the stroke most often takes the form of hemorrhage into the brain structures;

  • atherosclerosis of head and neck vessels;
  • varicose veins lower limbs when blood clots appear in the expansions of the venous wall, associated with slow flow in these veins;
  • , especially when the rhythm of the heart is not always smooth, that is, there are arrhythmias.

A stroke tends to develop either in the morning, after rest (when it is associated with ischemia of a region of the brain), or after severe stress/physical activity.

It manifests itself as sharp pain, most often in the temples and back of the head. It is so unexpected and powerful that it has been compared to a “dagger strike.” After this, loss of consciousness may occur and this state of consciousness may persist or deepen to a coma for several hours or days. At the same time, symptoms appear that indicate brain damage:

  • noisy, infrequent, rapid breathing or one that has an irregular rhythm;
  • inability to speak;
  • loss of ability to understand speech;
  • facial asymmetry;
  • difficulty or impossibility of moving the limbs of one side;
  • difficulty swallowing;
  • nasal voice and others.

Meningitis, encephalitis, meningoencephalitis

These are diseases in which a microbe (virus, bacterium, fungus) enters the meninges(meningitis) or into the brain substance (encephalitis), inflaming one structure or both at once (meningoencephalitis). This can happen after a head injury, against the background of diseases of the ears, lungs, nose, as a complication of influenza, chicken pox, and also as an independent disease.


  • temperature increase;
  • pain radiating to the temple;
  • nausea;
  • vomiting not associated with food intake;
  • increased skin sensitivity: a light touch feels like a strong pressure and can be painful;
  • looking at the light is unpleasant;
  • sitting is more painful, so you have to lie down;
  • when lying with your head thrown back or on your side, it is a little easier;
  • there may be a rash on the body.

If encephalitis develops, then in addition to the listed symptoms or instead of some of them, focal symptoms appear, like those listed for cerebral stroke.

Brain abscess

This is a disease that, for reasons ( open injury skull, diseases of the lungs, teeth, ears, nasal cavity) is very similar to encephalitis. It develops when bacterial inflammation of the brain is limited, then softening occurs in its center, and purulent inflammation does not spread to the surrounding tissue, but melts this area.


  • headache that may radiate to the temples;
  • temperature increase;
  • weakness;
  • dry mouth;
  • dizziness;
  • disturbance of consciousness from drowsiness to coma;
  • nausea and vomiting;
  • focal symptoms.

Severe flu

This disease is manifested by fever, weakness, pain in the forehead and temples, muscles and joints, sore throat and sometimes behind the sternum. A cough may appear immediately, and blood-streaked sputum may immediately be coughed up. A runny nose appears later, scant, snot with blood is released.

Severe sinusitis

This term refers to the accumulation of discharge (usually purulent) in the air-filled cavities of the skull. Only 4 of them - 2 frontal and 2 maxillary - lie on the surface and can be examined using an x-ray of the skull. The rest lie behind the nasal cavity, close to the brain. Inflammation of any of them can manifest as pain in the area of ​​the right or left temple, fever, weakness, and nausea. If the maxillary or frontal sinuses are inflamed, pressing on them through the skin will increase the pain.

When pain in the temples is the main symptom

Let's consider the main pathologies with pain in the temples, based on the location of the pain

If only your temples hurt

Headaches in the temple area may accompany:

  1. Fasting for more than 20 hours. Apart from pain in the head, mainly in both temporal areas, there are no other symptoms.
  2. Long-term being in a stuffy room, causing brain hypoxia, leading to headaches.
  3. Pronounced stress, fear also leads to the appearance this symptom no other signs. This is due to the release of adrenaline, which constricts blood vessels and leads to a deterioration in blood supply to the brain.
  4. Intoxication: carbon monoxide, alcohol, medications. In addition to pain in the temples, nausea, vomiting, and sometimes impaired consciousness are also noted.
  5. Lack of sleep. Such pain in the temples is also associated with deterioration of blood supply to the brain.
  6. Migraine. In this case, either the right or left temple hurts, that is, the pain is localized on one side. Pain can be preceded by a so-called aura: strange smells, sounds or shiny spots before the eyes.
  7. Temporal arteritis. In this case, the large and medium-sized arteries that lie near the carotid artery become inflamed. As a result, the blood supply to various small areas of the brain is gradually disrupted. The disease manifests itself as pain in the temple - right or left. The pain can be dull and monotonous, or it can be sharp and throbbing; sometimes spreads to the neck area. When you touch the skin of the scalp, the pain intensifies, and the sore temple may even become swollen. Chewing may also intensify the pain. An attack of pain may be accompanied by deterioration of vision, blurred vision, and increased temperature. Untreated arteritis can cause blindness and subsequently be complicated by a cerebral stroke.
  8. Hormonal imbalance in women during menstruation and. Pain occurs in both temples and can spread to the back of the head. The syndrome is associated with the fact that hormones affect vascular tone, and changing their quantity changes the tone, that is, the vascular lumen. This leads to deterioration of blood supply to the brain and, accordingly, headaches.
  9. Eating foods with MSG(flavor enhancer). In this case, 15-30 minutes after eating Chinese dishes, fried nuts, cooked in own juice turkey, chips, potato snacks, canned food soups, a dull throbbing pain appears in the temples. She gives it to the forehead, accompanied excessive sweating, tension in the muscles of the face and jaw.
  10. Nitrite poisoning, which are mainly found in hot dogs (“hot dog headache”). A large amount of them is also found in corned beef, bologna sausage, bacon, salami, smoked fish. Pain in the temples appears about half an hour after eating such food.
  11. Chocolate headache. IN in this case temples begin to ache after eating chocolate. This is due to the presence of caffeine and phenylethylamine in the bar, which cause vasoconstriction.
  12. Infectious diseases accompanied by intoxication: sore throat, dental diseases. Here, in addition to headaches, symptoms characteristic of the underlying disease will be noted.

When the pain migrates

If it hurts in the temple area, it occurs in paroxysms, and the pain periodically moves to the back of the head, then to the forehead, then to the center of the head, accompanied by a feeling of anxiety, restlessness, “discomfort” in the head, we are talking about a psychogenic headache. In other words, the cause of this condition is not a violation of the structure or function of any organ, but the resulting stress or mental characteristics.

If the pain is localized in the frontotemporal region

Pain is projected to the forehead and temples in a large number of diseases. They are as follows:

  1. Ascending to great heights or descending to great depths.
  2. About one in 20 people develops frontotemporal pain during or after airplane travel.
  3. Pain in the temples and forehead can also occur with a migraine. It is pulsating, accompanied by intolerance to sounds and bright light, worsening is noted even with normal walking, but lying down the pain subsides a little.
  4. Tension headache. They appear after work, when either the person’s neck and head were in an uncomfortable position for a long time, or there was stress. The disease can be chronic, appearing several times in six months, but it can also be episodic. An attack of pain in the frontotemporal region is characterized as “squeezing with a hoop” or “squeezing with a vice.” It lasts 4-6 hours, goes away on its own, and is not accompanied by other symptoms.
  5. Cluster headache. It appears spontaneously, in a series of attacks lasting 15-60 minutes, which develop 2-3 times a day and are repeated for several weeks or months. The pain goes away suddenly. Its signs: acute, sharp, localized near the eye with transition to the forehead and temple. Simultaneously with pain on the affected side.
  6. Head injury . Pain occurs if the bones of the skull or its soft fabrics, is localized on one side. In severe cases of contusion or compression of the head, the pain is diffuse, accompanied by nausea or vomiting, nosebleeds, hearing, vision or speech impairment. Difficulty breathing and convulsions may develop.
  7. Trigeminal neuralgia. After a certain movement of the jaw, or pressing on the skin in the parotid region, under the eye or in the area of ​​the upper teeth, an attack of very strong, burning or shooting pain develops in the frontotemporal region. The pain is such that it makes a person freeze and stop previously started activities. Sometimes rubbing the sore spot helps.
  8. Hypertension (increased blood pressure). In this case, increased pressure numbers are recorded, against which the following periodically occur: headache in the temples and forehead (maybe in the temples and back of the head), “spots” before the eyes, dizziness, pain in the heart, redness of the face, .
  9. Sinusitis mild course. Here, usually against the background of a runny nose or after a cold, pain appears in the temporo-frontal region, the temperature rises, nausea, weakness, and fatigue occur. If the frontal or maxillary sinus, a runny nose reappears or worsens, the snot is viscous, often mucopurulent.
  10. Temporal arteritis. Its symptoms were discussed in the section “If only your temples hurt.”
  11. Ophthalmic diseases.

When it feels like the pain only radiates to the temple

Pain radiating to the temple indicates such possible diseases:

  1. . Here you can feel a sensation in the back of your head that radiates to your temples. Your ears or eyes may seem to hurt. It hurts more in the morning, then the symptom gradually disappears, returning the next morning. In many cases, a person feels a crunching or clicking sound when the joint opens, and may wake up from grinding his teeth.
  2. Facial injuries. Here there is a fact of injury, swelling of soft tissues or bruises at the site of its “receipt”.
  3. Cerebral angiodystonia(impaired arterial tone or venous vessels). It hurts in the back of the head, or near the ear, or in the eye area, or in the frontal area, and radiates to the temple. The pain occurs at any time of the day and is dull, aching or aching in nature. Outside of an attack, a person suffers from insomnia, dizziness, his hands often become numb and weak, and there is often a malfunction in his work gastrointestinal tract and allergies. Periodically, attacks of depression develop with body aches and difficulty breathing, which are sometimes difficult to distinguish from organic brain pathology (stroke, encephalitis, tumor).

If the temporal and eye areas hurt

When pain affects the temple and eye, it may be:

  • Hypertonic disease . The pain is symmetrical, feels like a spasm, is accompanied by nausea, dizziness, and pain in the heart. Eliminated with drugs that reduce blood pressure.
  • Vegetative-vascular dystonia. Pain in the temporo-orbital region appears when the weather changes, stress, lack of sleep, and may be accompanied by chills, sweating, nausea, and a panic attack. At the same time, blood pressure is normal, and the attack is well eliminated with painkillers. Vegetative-vascular dystonia is indicated by disorders that occur outside of headache attacks. This can be either pain and heart rhythm disturbances, or attacks of feeling short of air, or periodically developing abdominal pain with the urge to defecate. As part of dystonia of the autonomic system, sweating may be impaired, a slight increase in temperature may appear, and the process of urination may deteriorate. The diagnosis of vegetative-vascular dystonia is made when examination of the disturbing organs reveals nothing. Read more about.
  • Glaucoma attack. It begins suddenly, at night or in the morning, when there was stress the day before, or the person experienced a strong mental shock, or accidentally dropped atropine or another drug that dilates the pupil into the eye. Hurts more eyes than the temple. This pain is sharp, accompanied by vomiting, weakness, and loss of appetite. The eye turns red and feels very hard to the touch. Such an attack can lead to blindness, but more often it happens that vision decreases after it. This condition is treated in the ophthalmology department.
  • Cluster pain described above.
  • Temporomandibular joint dysfunction. Its symptoms are discussed above.
  • Atherosclerosis of cerebral vessels. The pain is not symmetrical, localized only on one side of the head, and rarely radiates to the eyes.
  • Migraine. Here headaches in the temples and eyes can also develop, which occurs in paroxysms. The pain is severe, excruciating, and pulsating. It intensifies when loud sounds, strong odors, bright light. The pain is accompanied by dizziness, nausea, vomiting, and spatial orientation problems. It is impossible to predict the occurrence of an attack, as well as its duration. Painkillers do not help with headaches; it is necessary to select drugs individually.
  • Meningitis. Its symptoms are described above.
  • Vascular aneurysm. The pain is localized on one side and intensifies with head movements. This condition requires quick diagnostics and surgical treatment, as it can lead to severe hemorrhagic stroke.
  • Brain tumor . The pain is of an increasing nature, accompanied by dizziness, nausea, and progression of focal symptoms. Read more about.
  • Sinusitis. In this case, the temperature rises, chills develop, and breathing through the nose becomes difficult. Watery eyes and loss of smell often occur. This is accompanied by pain in one of the temples. Sinusitis is similar to a “regular” runny nose. It should be suspected when a headache occurs and when vasoconstrictor drops into the nose does not help improve breathing. Read more about.

If your ears and temples hurt

Pain in the ears and temples is typical for:

  1. otitis In this case, the temperature rises, the ear begins to hear worse, “gurgling”, “transfusion” can be felt in it, the person hears “as if from a barrel”. There may be discharge from the ear. Read more about.
  2. temporal arteritis. Its signs are described above.
  3. inflammation of the temporomandibular joint. The pain is associated mainly with movements of the jaw, making it impossible to open the mouth wide.

If the pain is localized in the temporo-occipital region

Pain in the temples and back of the head accompanies:

  1. Physical or mental stress.
  2. Chronic stress. It, like the above-mentioned overvoltage, is not accompanied by an increase in temperature, photophobia, increased sensitivity to sounds, and so on.
  3. Low intracranial pressure. Here not only a headache develops, but also weakness and buzzing or tinnitus.
  4. Benign intracranial hypertension , which arose for an unknown reason. The examination reveals no tumors or inflammation of the skull structures. It manifests itself as a headache that occurs after sleep or during sleep.
  5. Pheochromocytoma is a tumor in the adrenal gland that produces excess adrenaline and norepinephrine. It causes the development of paroxysmal increases in pressure to extremely high numbers - up to 300 mm Hg. Hypertension is manifested by headaches in the temples and back of the head, a strong increase in heart rate, sweating, nausea and vomiting, and cramping of the lower leg muscles. The attack is also accompanied by a feeling of discomfort in the abdomen and chest. The attack lasts from 5 to 60 minutes (usually about half an hour), after which blood pressure drops sharply.
  6. Pathologies of the spine in cervical spine :, scoliosis, spondylosis, in which the blood supply to the brain suffers (vessels passing through the neck provide nutrition to the brain).
  7. Myositis (inflammation) of the neck muscles. Their compaction also leads to compression of the neck vessels that supply the brain. Read more about.
  8. Vegetative-vascular dystonia.
  9. Increased intracranial pressure. It can develop as a result of traumatic brain injury, meningitis and encephalitis, intracranial hemorrhage, brain tumor, stroke. In this case, throbbing pain develops in the temples and back of the head, accompanied by nausea.
  10. High blood pressure. Pain in this location most often develops in the morning and is felt as heaviness in the head, pressing or throbbing pain in the temporo-occipital area. Pain syndrome occurs when the weather changes, and after overwork or emotional exhaustion.
  11. Head injury that caused increased intracranial pressure.

If the pain is accompanied by nausea

Pain in the temples and nausea are typical for:

  • tension headache;
  • pheochromocytomas;
  • intoxication in any severe ARVI, intestinal infection, sore throat, sinusitis;
  • diseases that cause increased intracranial pressure: stroke, meningitis, encephalitis, brain tumors, traumatic brain injury;
  • hypertension;
  • and finally, a condition may occur when migraine, hypertension, vegetative-vascular dystonia or temporal arteritis coincided with.

If the pain is severe

Severe pain in the temples is typical for:

  • temporal arteritis;
  • meningitis;
  • encephalitis;
  • intoxication, including alcohol
  • hypertension;
  • tension headache;
  • stroke.

Sharp pain in the temples

Sharp pain accompanies:

  • ingestion of foods containing nitrates;
  • eating large amounts of chocolate;
  • traumatic brain injury;
  • migraine;
  • trigeminal neuralgia. Neuralgic pain is characterized by paroxysmal attacks: short attacks of piercing, cutting, piercing like “lightning” or like “electric shock”, follow one after another. There are points on the face, stimulation of which by pressing, washing, shaving, as well as when talking, chewing food or swallowing it causes an attack. Therefore, a person is once again afraid to blink or move his head, so as not to provoke an attack;
  • tension headache.

Causes of pain depending on its location and nature

Nature of pain Left temple Right temple
  • temporal arteritis;
  • migraine;
  • trigeminal neuralgia;
  • cerebral angiodystonia;
  • referred pain due to pulpitis
  • cerebral angiodystonia;
  • temporal arteritis;
  • trigeminal neuralgia;
  • benign idiopathic intracranial hypertension;
  • referred pain due to pulpitis;
  • migraine
  • trigeminal neuralgia;
  • temporal arteritis
Same as left
Bursting Sinusitis, vascular aneurysm
Sharp, sharp Cluster headache, left eye Cluster headache, attack of glaucoma in the right eye
  • emotional stress;
  • after an injury;
  • psychogenic headache;
  • hormonal imbalance;
  • temporal arteritis;
  • myositis;
  • inflammation of the temporomandibular joint;
  • cerebral atherosclerosis
Same as left
Aching It could be either psychogenic pain, or caused by reasons leading to increased intracranial pressure Similar to pain in left temple
Pressing Same reasons as on the right Pathological changes in the cervical spine leading to impaired blood supply to the brain: osteochondrosis, spondylosis

What to do for pain in the temple

It is necessary to measure blood pressure, and if it is elevated, contact a cardiologist; if it is normal, contact a neurologist. Before going directly to the doctor, you can take "", "Analgin" or "Ketanov". When elevated above 140/99 mmHg. pressure, ½ tablet of Captopres is recommended. It would be useful to carry out acupressure: squeeze and then massage for 1-2 minutes the skin on the membrane between the large and index finger left hand (for men) or right hand(among women).

In cases where, in addition to headaches, nausea, fever, confusion, and interruptions in heart function are also noted, you need to call an ambulance.

Adequate treatment will be possible thanks to the following studies:

  1. . It will indicate the presence or absence of inflammation in the body (according to the level of leukocytes), its nature - bacterial or viral (according to the predominant forms), and the number of platelets.
  2. . It indicates damage to organs such as the liver, kidneys, pancreas, inflammation or swelling of which can lead to pain in the temples.
  3. . Indicates the nature of blood clotting.
  4. X-ray of the skull and paranasal sinuses. Prescribed in case of traumatic brain injury and suspected sinusitis or sinusitis.
  5. Computed tomography of the brain. Needed for diagnosing stroke, intracranial hemorrhage, brain abscess, inflammation of the deep sinuses of the skull.
  6. Magnetic resonance imaging of the brain. It helps in diagnosing the same diseases as the previous method, but also, especially when done with contrast, it can identify tumors, demyelinating and mitochondrial (these are 2 groups of rare diseases) pathologies, encephalitis and meningitis.
  7. Magnetic resonance angiography. Indispensable in the diagnosis of vascular pathology of the cranial cavity.

Based on the results of these examinations, treatment is prescribed. Whether it will be medicinal or surgical depends on the disease found. Thus, sinusitis, abscess and brain tumor are treated with surgery. While stroke, encephalitis, temporal arteritis, migraine and otitis media are predominantly drug-induced.

If high blood pressure is determined, examinations are prescribed to identify the cause of this condition:

  • Ultrasound of the kidneys;
  • MRI of the brain;
  • Computed tomography of the adrenal glands;
  • Ultrasound of the thyroid gland;
  • Levels of hormones such as adrenaline, norepinephrine, dopamine, renn.

If the test data does not indicate a specific pathology, a diagnosis of “Hypertension” is made and treatment is carried out only with antihypertensive drugs, depending on the level of blood pressure, concomitant pathologies and damage to organs such as the brain (stroke), heart (heart attack), eyes, kidneys . If the cause is found, elimination of the cause of the pathology is added to antihypertensive drugs. Sometimes surgery may be necessary.

You can find a list of medications for headaches.

Headache in the forehead, which is localized around the eyes or temples, is the most common. Almost everyone knows such painful sensations.

Pain in the frontal region, a feeling of heaviness and pressure in the eyes and temples are not pleasant sensations. Such pain can occur in a completely healthy adult. Therefore, to study it, we will find out the reasons why such a symptom may develop.

According to statistics, after research, experts identified five main factors for headaches localized in this area. Painful sensations can be caused by:

  • injuries;
  • vascular diseases of the brain;
  • viral and bacterial infections;
  • uncomfortable position of the head and neck;
  • improper daily routine and prolonged emotional stress.

Often the pain presses on the forehead and eyes after prolonged mental overload, against the background of stress, nervous strain. At the same time, there is a feeling as if a tight hat is being put on the head, nausea and general weakness bother you. And the systematic appearance of pain in the front of the head may already be a signal of specific diseases or an incorrect lifestyle.

To understand the causes and methods of eliminating pain in the forehead and eyes, you should consider them in detail and in detail.

Causes of headaches in the forehead and eyes

What could it be? So, let's look at the main reasons that lead to headaches localized in the forehead, which affects the eyes or scales. To diseases, the symptom of which is the presence of such pain includes:
  • migraine;
  • intracranial hematoma;
  • vascular aneurysm;
  • brain tumor;
  • spasm of accommodation;
  • tension headache;
  • cluster pain;
  • infectious diseases of different origins: (cold, sore throat, pneumonia, flu, malaria, typhoid).

In order to quickly identify and eliminate the cause of painful headaches, it is better to immediately consult a doctor, because different cases can be prescribed and prescribed different drugs(antibacterial), procedures (physiotherapy) and even, possibly, piercing the sinus (for sinusitis).

Products or dietary supplements

What does this mean? Headaches can be caused by drinking food products containing harmful substances:

  1. Nitrates. Meat products which have been heat treated. They may contain nitrates in quantities exceeding the norm. If you are watching your diet, limit your intake of foods with nitrates as much as possible.
  2. Histamine. Alcoholic drinks, including beer and red wine, contain large amounts of histamine. In small doses, this substance is even useful - it strengthens immune system human body. But excess histamine can trigger migraines.
  3. Monosodium glutamate. Fast food, exotic dishes and store-bought sauces contain large amounts of this food additives. This also includes fish and meat dishes that have not undergone high-quality heat treatment. An excess of such dishes in the diet provokes regular headaches.
  4. Tyramine. It may also cause headaches. Chocolate, nuts and certain types of cheese are rich in this substance.
  5. Caffeine. Everyone is familiar with caffeine, which in small quantities has a positive effect on the functioning of the brain. But if you drink too much coffee, tea, energy drinks and cola, you can cause pain.

The most important factor in the prevention of headaches is also adherence to diet. Many people don't eat breakfast, and this is a big mistake. After sleep, the body's energy reserves are low, and to gain additional vigor, it needs calories in the morning.

Eat 3-5 times a day, and remember that it is better to eat less, but more often. For dinner you need to eat less than at other meals. To prevent dehydration, which can trigger migraines, drink more clean water and eat salads from fresh vegetables and greenery.

Overwork and mental fatigue

The very first and easily explained reason is overwork and mental fatigue. Such pain appears in the forehead in the second half of the working day, after long work behind the monitor or heavy mental stress. It's easy to get rid of it. It is enough to rest a little, close your eyes, relax, breathe fresh air, change the “landscape” before your eyes.

Although such pain in the forehead does not require medical treatment, it is not safe. If it occurs constantly, this indicates chronic fatigue, which can soon lead to serious problems with health.


A common disease with characteristic symptoms general intoxication, pain from the lower edge of the eyes to the cheekbone, strong pain in the forehead can radiate when the head is tilted. With sinusitis, the body temperature also rises and purulent discharge from the nose appears.

There are rare cases when chronic process except for a headache and a slight runny nose, low-grade fever, nothing bothers the person anymore.


A disease characterized by the development of an inflammatory process in the frontal sinuses, located in the thickness of the frontal bone, directly above the nose. Most often, frontal sinusitis is a complication of acute respiratory diseases, viral infections.

Pain in the forehead with frontal sinusitis is usually accompanied by the following symptoms:

  • general malaise, increased body temperature;
  • nasal congestion on the side where pain is felt;
  • V severe cases Loss of smell and photophobia may be noted.

Frontitis and pain in the forehead on the right or left very often occur as a manifestation of influenza infection. In this case, the patient can often notice swelling above the nose due to impaired blood flow in the capillaries and swelling of the skin.

Increased intracranial pressure

People suffering from constant surges in blood pressure are highly susceptible to this type of headache. Changes in tonometer readings and headaches occur with changes in weather, fatigue, and stress. The pain can spread not only to the forehead, temples and eyes, but also to the entire head.


With hypertension, not only the back of the head, as is commonly believed, can hurt, but also the forehead. In this case, pain can radiate to the eye area. Such pain has a pressing character, as if a hoop is put on the patient’s head, which compresses it around its circumference. You can diagnose pain from hypertension by additional symptoms. It is accompanied by nausea, quite mild, without vomiting.

The face may become red, especially in the forehead and cheeks. Sometimes there is also mild swelling of the face. The pain, however, increases with physical activity and tension of various kinds, in particular when coughing or sneezing. It is not too intense, but can last a long time.


Migraines can radiate to the area of ​​the left eye (and the right too), forehead and even the bridge of the nose. Before an attack, the legs and arms often go numb, and the eyes become sensitive to light. If such signs appear, you can immediately take a simple analgesic or a drug from NSAID groups: indomethacin, nurofen dicolfenac, ibuprofen.

Treatment for more severe attacks involves using more strong means, including zalidar, paracetamol and products containing triptan. This will relieve pain, but a radical treatment for migraine has not yet been invented.

Tension headache

This type of headache develops as a result of metabolic disorders during long stay in one position (working at a computer, assembling small parts and so on). Deterioration of cerebral blood flow leads to disruption of tissue metabolism, to which the human body reacts. Often a person is bothered by pain in the frontal region of a bursting or aching nature.

In order to eliminate a painful frontal headache, sometimes it is enough just to take a short break from work and go out into the fresh air. If ventilation, simple physical warm-up, and self-massage of the neck and head do not help, then you can take tablets of any painkiller.

Cluster pain

These are paroxysmal pain sensations that arise spontaneously, for no apparent reason, and then pass away on their own. Cluster pain is highly intense: sometimes it is so strong that the patient tries to commit suicide and attempts suicide.

In most cases cluster pain Heads in the forehead area first appear between the ages of 20 and 50 years. The most typical age is 30 years. Usually a series of attacks follows, after which the patient is not bothered by any symptoms for 3 years. Then the headaches return.

How to treat pain in the forehead?

If you have pain in your head, you should take a number of measures to help relieve it.

  1. Take a warm bath with chamomile decoction(if there is no temperature).
  2. If pain in the eyes and head occurs due to excessive exposure to TV and computer, then sometimes you just need to take your mind off them and the pain will go away on its own.
  3. You can drink warm milk with a spoonful of honey, hot tea with lemon balm or chamomile, this will help you calm down, relax and the cephalgia will gradually go away.
  4. Do a small self-massage of the head (of course, if there is no infection).

If the headache in the frontal region is systematic, then be sure to contact your doctor and undergo a full-scale examination. For isolated attacks of pain, you can take pharmacological preparations containing ibuprofen, or use folk remedies. Remember: a severe headache in the forehead may indicate the development of pathological processes in the body and serious diseases.