Pain in all teeth at the same time. Why teeth ache and hurt: causes, treatment methods and prevention of aching toothache. Cluster headache

And again on our website dedicated to neuralgia, we answer the following questions: “why do the teeth on one side hurt, why do all the teeth on the left side hurt, why do all the healthy teeth on the right side hurt, etc.” Let’s say right away that such pains may have a direct or indirect relation to neuralgia, or may have nothing to do with neuralgia at all. So let's find out.

Dental diseases

Localized pain in one or more teeth, especially if they are damaged by caries, usually does not raise any questions. One or more visits to the dentist - and all problems are solved. But what to do if all the teeth on one side, on the upper or lower jaw, hurt, and the teeth look healthy? Pain in the jaws and teeth can be a symptom of several diseases, and not all of them are under the care of a dentist.

Wedge-shaped defects

A wedge-shaped defect is a lesion of the hard tissues of the tooth in the neck area - at the point where the enamel transitions into the root cement. The defect looks like a V-shaped depression, a wedge, which is where its name comes from. In the initial stage, the lesion does not manifest itself in any way, but as the depth increases, pain appears when exposed to cold, hot or chemically irritating food.

This is what a wedge-shaped tooth defect looks like

The reason for the formation of a wedge-shaped defect has not been fully elucidated, but the main versions are gum recession during periodontitis in combination with excessive force during brushing. As a rule, right-handers put more pressure on the teeth on the left side, and left-handers put more pressure on the teeth on the right, so the depth of wedge-shaped defects on one half of the jaw is usually greater. Thus, the pain first occurs on one side.

Acute pulpitis of a premolar or molar

Acute pulpitis, like any inflammatory reaction, is accompanied by vascular congestion, swelling and a local increase in temperature. A distinctive feature of dental pulp inflammation is that it occurs in a closed, limited-volume space. Compression of the nerve endings of the pulp by edematous tissue causes very severe pain.

The picture shows the stages of development of pulpitis

An irradiation effect occurs; pain is felt not in one tooth, but in the innervation zone of the entire branch of the trigeminal nerve or even several. Pain from the lateral teeth of the upper jaw can spread to the temple and infraorbital region, and from the lower teeth - to the upper jaw or neck. If there is a decayed tooth in the oral cavity and the pain began with pain in it, most likely, we are talking about pulpitis.

Unilateral sinusitis - upper jaw teeth hurt

Sinusitis is an inflammation of the mucous membrane of the maxillary sinus, the bottom of which is the alveolar process of the upper jaw. Anatomical studies show that the roots of the upper molars and premolars are very often located in close proximity to the bottom of the sinus and are separated from it by a single mucous membrane or a small amount of bone.

Unilateral and bilateral sinusitis

In the thickness of the alveolar process of the upper jaw, the superior dental plexus is located, and the mucous membrane of the sinus, as well as the teeth, is innervated by the terminal branches of the trigeminal nerve. Therefore, one of the symptoms of inflammation of the maxillary sinus is pain in the teeth of the upper jaw on the affected side.

In acute sinusitis, the pain is severe, constant, twitching, accompanied by an increase in body temperature, general weakness, and the appearance of copious nasal discharge. With chronic sinusitis, a dull aching pain in the teeth can be periodically disturbing, during hypothermia, or when moving from a cold room to a warm one and vice versa.

Neurological diseases

Neuralgia of the trigeminal nerve and its branches

Trigeminal neuralgia of central origin is a consequence of transient compression of this nerve trunk by nearby vessels. One of the main symptoms of the disease is attacks of sudden, sharp burning pain in the area of ​​half the face and necks, including in the jaws and teeth. (see article - where this type of neuralgia is fully described). The nature of the pain is pathognomonic, that is, it occurs only with this disease, so diagnosis is not difficult.

The picture shows the localization of pain during neuralgia of one of the branches of the trigeminal nerve

There is also secondary trigeminal neuralgia - this is pain in the area of ​​​​innervation of one of the branches of the nerve, which arose as a result of the long-term existence of symptomatic pain. In this case, to eliminate the pain, it is enough to eliminate the cause.

Clinical example

Patient P., 27 years old, first went to the dentist with pain in the tooth on the upper jaw on the right. Based on complaints, anamnesis and objective examination, the doctor made a diagnosis: acute serous pulpitis. Endodontic treatment of the tooth was carried out, 3 root canals were processed and filled, and a control radiography was performed. After treatment, the pain in the tooth decreased, but did not stop completely; it was weakened by the action of analgesics, but then returned again. A month later, the pain spread to the teeth of the upper jaw.

The patient consulted a neurologist and was diagnosed with neuralgia.II branch of the trigeminal nerve. A standard course of therapy was prescribed - the effect was unsatisfactory. On the recommendation of a dentist from another clinic, a dental computed tomography scan of the upper jaw was performed, during the analysis of which an additional fourth root canal was discovered. The tooth was re-treated using an endodontic microscope. The pain stopped.

Beam (cluster) facial pain

This is a chronic pain syndrome, which is based on a violation of the central and peripheral mechanisms of regulation of vascular tone. It manifests itself as attacks of sharp, boring, pressing headache in the area of ​​the eye, forehead and temple on one side, which spreads to the skin of the cheek and teeth on the corresponding side. The frequency of pain is characteristic: it may not bother you at all for a long time, sometimes up to a year. During the period of exacerbation, painful attacks lasting from 15 minutes to an hour for several days are followed by a series, or a bunch, with an interval of several hours.

Rare irradiation of pain during myocardial infarction

Pain in the teeth of the lower jaw can be a symptom of acute myocardial infarction or coronary heart disease. The vagus nerve, along with the thoracic visceral branches, which provide sensitive innervation of the heart and pericardium, takes part in the formation of the recurrent laryngeal nerve, which innervates the lateral surface of the pharynx and the root of the tongue, where it is in close contact with the branches of the trigeminal nerve innervating the lower jaw. This is a variant of referred pain, which you need to think about if the teeth are intact ( intact teeth are completely healthy teeth. The term “intact” itself (lat. intactus untouched) means undamaged, not involved in any process), and injuries and neoplasms of the jaw are excluded; in addition to pain, general weakness, a feeling of lack of air, pallor of the skin, changes in blood pressure or pulse are noted.

Toothache, as a rule, has its own localization.

However, sometimes it happens that all teeth hurt at once.

You can cope with the problem in various ways, but the first thing you need to do is understand the reason for its appearance.

Causes of toothache

All teeth can hurt for the following reasons:

The causes of toothache may be not only dental.

Only a specialist can accurately determine the disease when examining the patient and conducting diagnostics.

Causes depending on the nature of the pain:

  • Pain pulsating in nature. Appears after drinking cold and hot drinks.
  • Aching pain. Possible caries. Pain of this nature also occurs with periodontitis.
  • Minor pain. Appears at the initial stage of the carious process.
  • Pain strong, sudden may indicate pulpitis.
  • Constant pain with short breaks in the gum area indicates gingivitis.

What can you do at home?

To avoid being taken by surprise by pain, you need to know what to do if all your teeth hurt at once. On one's own You can eliminate pain with the help of medications and folk remedies.

Traditional methods

Pharmacy products

Doctor's help and self-medication

If several teeth hurt at once, but the pain is insignificant, then you can eliminate it yourself. Minor, short-term pain may occur due to cold or hot food, or with increased enamel.

However, if the pain is severe, throbbing or aching, you should not self-medicate. This could be a signal about a serious illness, which must be treated in a doctor’s office, because only he will tell you exactly why all your teeth hurt at once.

Specialist first thing examines the patient and determines the cause pain. Once it is installed, a suitable remedy is selected and the appropriate procedures are carried out. For example, if your teeth hurt due to caries, the doctor will begin to treat them.

The filling may need to be changed. If your gums are inflamed, a specialist will suggest the best medicine that will fight the disease and harmful bacteria.

It is imperative to see a doctor, otherwise complications will arise and curing the disease will become even more difficult.

It is unlikely that you will be able to determine the cause of toothache on your own. Only an experienced specialist can do this.


To avoid toothache, you must follow some rules:

Following these rules, toothache it will be possible to prevent. If you experience any discomfort, the first thing you should do is consult a doctor.

Under no circumstances should you procrastinate with the problem. This will lead to even more pain and inflammation.

The cause of toothache is not always dental, so one should not be surprised if a specialist prescribes tests for the patient, conducts thorough diagnosis. You cannot prolong the illness or self-medicate, because the cause may be serious.

Dentist help is sometimes necessary. Only he can help the patient get rid of a serious oral disease.

Pain in teeth always occurs at the wrong time. It causes ruined plans, insomnia, and health problems. Often people have the feeling that all their teeth hurt. Painkillers and traditional methods at the same time muffle unpleasant sensations, but do not relieve the source of the malaise. Only a dentist can determine what caused the discomfort and cure the problem.

Nature of toothache and location

Unpleasant sensations and pain simultaneously in the entire jaw do not always indicate caries or other problems of the oral cavity. Often discomfort occurs due to stress, neurology, cardiovascular and colds.

The teeth are connected in a chain thanks to nerve endings. The processes of the alveolar nerves extend to each unit in the maxilla. The middle alveolar branch passes to the premolars, and the anterior branch passes to the incisors. Small nerve endings from the gums to the tops of the teeth are processes of the trigeminal nerve. With such a connection, any disturbance in the course of the innervation will lead to aching pain piercing the jaw.

If one or more teeth ache, it is not always possible to independently identify the source of discomfort. It can hurt on the right, left, above and below the problem area. The sensations are sharp or aching, constant or wandering, appear during the day or at night.

One tooth hurts and aches for no reason

Toothache is often localized in the area of ​​its source. It can spread throughout the body, causing jaw twitching, migraines and fever. The culprit behind why a tooth aches so much is usually late-stage caries, its complications, sore gums, grinding of teeth for crowns, mechanical damage to the enamel (we recommend reading:). If a periodically aching front tooth is located on the upper jaw, the source of discomfort may be the optic nerve.

The entire jaw or several teeth ache at the same time

Aching of several teeth or the entire jaw is an extremely unpleasant signal, in which there is monotonous pain that intensifies upon contact with irritating factors. Its sources include dental problems, neurology, and diseases of internal organs. In this case, patients may complain of the following dental problems:


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To eliminate toothache, you need to find the cause at the dentist. The specialist makes a diagnosis based on complaints, examination of the oral cavity, x-rays of problem areas or panoramic photographs of the jaw. A large role is given to differential diagnosis. It helps to distinguish dental problems from a number of pathologies in which all healthy chewing units are disturbed.

Visual inspection

The visual inspection begins with the upper right molars and ends with the lower right molars. During the examination, the doctor notes the presence of plaque, stains on the enamel, assesses its sensitivity, identifies carious lesions and other symptoms of aching toothache. Additionally, existing fillings, the condition of crowns, dentures, and microprostheses are taken into account.

During the examination, all necessary diagnostic methods are used:

  • thermal diagnostics to identify pain reactions;
  • fluorescent diagnostics using a special lamp;
  • percussion (tapping on the front and sides) to eliminate caries complications;
  • laser fluorescence to determine areas of remineralization;
  • oral hygiene indices;
  • X-ray diagnostics without harm to health.

Panoramic photo of the dentition

A panoramic photograph of the jaw demonstrates a picture of the current condition of the roots and periodontal tissues and reveals impacted units. Complete information about the oral cavity will allow the doctor to determine the cause of aching toothache and select effective treatment. Additionally, photographs may be required during and after therapy. With their help, the quality of canal filling in the upper and lower jaw and other manipulations is assessed.

Causes of pain

Teeth usually ache due to the following pathologies:

  • inflammation of the trigeminal nerve;
  • hypothermia;
  • temporomandibular joint dysfunction;
  • pulpitis;
  • nervous soil;
  • angina pectoris;
  • hypersensitivity, thinning of enamel;
  • root cyst;
  • stressful situation;
  • caries;
  • Otitis media in children.

By the nature of the symptoms and toothache, all current health problems can be determined. For example, caries damage to canines indicates a risk of hepatitis. If you have caries of a molar tooth, you should undergo dental treatment and be examined by a gastroenterologist. If the pain radiates to the ear, pulpitis, wisdom tooth growth, trigeminal neuralgia, sinusitis, and inflammation of the jaw joint are likely.

Caries or pulpitis

Caries and its complication pulpitis are common causes of toothache. Their symptoms differ significantly. Caries gradually destroys the walls of the teeth, starting with spots that turn into aching holes. At the same time, quickly passing reactions to cold and hot, and unpleasant sensations when touched, occur in the teeth. Pulpitis destroys the nerve tissue of the tooth, causing long-term, excruciating pain. Unlike caries, toothache with pulpitis occurs for no reason and torments at night. Caries makes itself felt during the day.

Unhealthy gums

Gum disease is often accompanied by inflammation, pain, and if left untreated, leads to tooth loss. Depending on the location, they are of the following types:

  • gingivitis – point inflammation of the gums around the tooth, which aches due to swelling of the soft tissues;
  • periodontitis is a process that destroys the supporting apparatus of the tooth;
  • periodontal disease is a violation of the blood circulation of soft tissues, their degeneration, leading to the appearance of interdental gaps and exposure of the necks of teeth.

Pain as a consequence of complications of rhinitis

A cold with a runny nose and fever may be accompanied by aching pain in a healthy tooth (we recommend reading:). Inflammation in paranasal sinus disease leads to the formation of sputum. It blocks the nasal passages, which creates pressure, which causes toothache.

Another source is a large amount of liquid with lemon, drunk during ARVI. Fruit acids can irritate sensitive enamel.

Throat diseases

The feeling when a perfectly healthy tooth hurts inside during a cold, sore throat, stomatitis, glossitis is familiar to many (see also:). Why does such pain occur? Doctors are unanimous in their opinion - it is associated with prolonged exposure to cold, drafts, and swimming in cold water. With stomatitis, painful ulcers appear in the mouth; with glossitis, the tongue is affected, and this often “gives” into the dental tissues. ARVI and influenza that are not cured in time lead to sinusitis and its complications (trigeminal neuritis, chronic tonsillitis), which can cause pain in the teeth.

Nervous pain

Separately, atypical unhealthy conditions are distinguished, the symptoms of which do not correspond to any disease. However, patients consider diseased teeth to be the cause of discomfort and insist on treatment. They feel pain deep in the bones that ache and spread to other areas of the body. Diagnosis of pathology that develops “on a nervous basis” includes a medical examination, psychological training, and tests for behavioral reactions.

One common phenomenon is phantom toothache. It is long-lasting and painful, cannot be relieved by analgesics, and migrates throughout the body. Doctors have found the reasons why it occurs - recent tooth extraction, jaw injuries, osteochondrosis, neuritis.

Treatment of toothache with traditional methods

If your tooth aches or hurts inside from time to time, you should not immediately suppress this condition with alcohol (we recommend reading:). Before visiting the clinic, painkillers (Ibuprofen, Nurofen, Nalgesin) and traditional methods will help relieve the condition:

  • rinse with baking soda solution every 2-3 hours;
  • treat with dental drops;
  • apply dental gels (for example, Metrogyl Denta) to the gums;
  • apply propolis to the sore spot inside the jaw;
  • if the tooth hurts very much inside, prepare a decoction of sage and oak bark for rinsing (we recommend reading:).

Prevention of oral diseases

Patients complain that “my teeth always bother me unexpectedly.” A few simple recommendations will greatly reduce the risk of suffering:

  • thorough cleaning of the anterior and lateral units;
  • regular dental checkups;
  • balanced diet;
  • use of irrigator and rinses;
  • limiting smoking, alcohol, sweets;
  • giving up the habit of chewing hard objects.

The feeling that the entire jaw hurts at once is characteristic of many pathologies. Pain is only a symptom of an illness, and its cause is not easy to understand on your own. If you experience any discomfort, you should immediately see a dentist, who will provide adequate assistance.

Often toothache manifests itself in a specific place.

But sometimes pain occurs in all teeth simultaneously.

The presence of such sensations may indicate a number of specific reasons.

In such situations, you should not self-medicate, as this often leads to various complications. So, why do all teeth hurt at the same time?


No matter how trivial it may sound, pain in all teeth can occur due to neurological diseases.

So, it can be caused by the neurology of the trigeminal nerve, which is located at the edges of the jaw.

Trigeminal nerve

He is responsible for her physical movements. Also, in addition to this, the trigeminal nerve allows a person to feel his face.

If a nerve is pinched as a result of a cold or physical injury, this can lead to pain. Only a specialist can diagnose the presence of such a problem.

Don't put off visiting a doctor. He will be able to determine the true cause of the problem and prescribe effective treatment.

Temporomandibular joint dysfunction

Diagnosing dysfunction is quite difficult.

This is due to the fact that this disease has few pronounced symptoms.

Of course, there are cases when pathology can be accurately diagnosed.

First of all, this concerns pain that manifests itself in the jaw, teeth and face. It should be borne in mind that the jaw joint does not have nerve endings. In this regard, pain does not always occur.

The main symptom of dysfunction is tinnitus, which occurs when opening the mouth. A crunching sound may be heard when opening the jaw. It can be noticed not only by the patient, but also by the people around him.

To diagnose the problem, you can simply move your jaw in different directions. As a result, clicking or other extraneous sounds may be heard. This indicates slipped discs or muscle strain. The presence of such problems can cause pain in all teeth at the same time.

Pain may be caused by a locked jaw joint. It arises from some kind of disorder that could be caused by improper movement of the joint.

Increased tooth sensitivity

Increased sensitivity often causes pain in all teeth at the same time.

The occurrence of such pain can be triggered by the consumption of sour, sweet or salty foods, cold or hot drinks.

Ordinary mechanical irritants are no exception.

Increased sensitivity can occur for various reasons. One of these is the use of whitening toothpastes.

These products contain abrasives and chemicals. They lead to partial destruction of tooth enamel, as a result of leaching of calcium from it.

Juices contained in acid-containing foods also have the same properties.

Increased sensitivity can also occur as a result of professional teeth cleaning.

Deposits cover the teeth, as a result of which they form a kind of protective barrier from negative environmental factors.

When removed, the enamel becomes weak and defenseless against thermal and other irritants.

After professional cleaning, experts recommend using remineralizing preparations.

Gum problems

In some cases, pain in all teeth may be caused by gum problems.

The main causes include the following gum diseases:

  • . With it, the mucous membrane near a specific tooth. The disease can be either acute or chronic. The processes do not affect dental tissue. If treatment for gingivitis is not started in time, it can develop into periodontitis.
  • . As a result of this disease, destruction of the supporting apparatus of the tooth occurs. This leads to destruction of the tooth root. With the development of periodontitis, the gums move away from the tooth. This creates a pocket in which food debris can accumulate. Such accumulations can lead to the formation of an inflammatory process and the formation of pus. The acute phase of periodontitis may be accompanied by pain in all teeth.
  • . The disease is quite rare. With periodontal disease, tissue blood circulation is disrupted. In the future, this leads to tissue degeneration and exposure of the neck of the teeth. Crevices are no exception. The consequence of inflammatory processes in the gums can be tissue destruction. In many cases, periodontal disease affects two jaws, which causes pain in all teeth.

If you have such diseases, you should immediately seek help from a doctor. Only he will be able to prescribe effective treatment that will lead to the elimination of symptoms that cause serious discomfort.

Cold or hypothermia

Colds cause additional pressure in the sinuses. This is the main reason why all teeth hurt at the same time.

But, in addition to this, the cause of toothache can be:

  • Drinking large amounts of liquids that contain acids. So, when a patient has a cold, he drinks tea with lemon. Citric acid has a negative effect on enamel;
  • Rapid drying of the mouth. As a result of nasal congestion, a person begins to breathe intensively through the mouth. This leads to drying of the mucous membrane and an increase in the amount of sugar in the mouth, which has a negative effect on the teeth;
  • Vomiting and intestinal upset. Occurs during a severe cold and is accompanied by the release of large amounts of gastric juice. During vomiting, it gets on the teeth, thereby damaging the enamel.

To eliminate such negative factors, it is necessary to rinse your mouth more often with special means. As for lemon, drinks with it should be drunk quickly and not allowed to stagnate in the mouth.

Cluster headache

Cluster headaches can also cause discomfort in all teeth.

In this case, the dentist can also diagnose periodontitis of the upper teeth.

Unpleasant sensations can also occur behind the eye sockets.

In particular, such symptoms manifest themselves after drinking large amounts of alcohol.

Cluster headaches can also spread to the teeth. In this case, the dentist will not be able to help in solving this problem. You can diagnose the problem yourself.

So, if the unpleasant sensations in the head and teeth subside at the same time, then the initial cause of their occurrence is precisely cluster pain. In this case, you will need the help of a neurologist.

Salivary stone disease

With salivary stone disease, stones form in the salivary gland and its tributaries. Often the submandibular and parotid glands suffer from this pathology, less often the sublingual gland.

Salivary stone disease

The causes of salivary stone disease can be different:

  • damage or mechanical impact on the salivary gland;
  • inflammation, which creates favorable conditions for the formation of stones and for the development of pathological microflora;
  • abnormal structure of the gland and its ducts;
  • entry of a foreign body into the duct around which bacteria multiply;
  • impaired calcium metabolism.

The disease has three stages. The first stage does not have pronounced symptoms. In the future, as the disease develops, the situation worsens significantly. As a result of an exacerbation of the inflammatory process, pain in the teeth may occur.

Heart diseases

Pain in the teeth can occur as a result of coronary heart disease and myocardial infarction.

As a result of blockage of the coronary vessels, pain occurs. It comes on gradually.

Initially, a person may experience short-term pain after minor physical exertion. Over time, their intensity and duration increases. Thus, they can occur even in a resting position.

Acute pain is burning in nature and can radiate to the back, stomach, teeth and other parts of the body. Toothache is severe. In this case, even painkillers will not help relieve discomfort. If a person does not have diseased teeth, then the only option is to take nitroglycerin.


If pain in your teeth persists for a long time, stress may be the cause.

Severe stress can cause toothache

The fact is that the nerves that are located in the jaw are very sensitive to the lack of vitamins such as B6 and B12. During a stressful situation, vitamins are consumed at a high speed. Therefore, the pain intensifies.

Pain can also occur as a result of teeth grinding. Most often, bruxism occurs during sleep. In this case, the teeth suffer from mechanical stress.

Video on the topic

Diagnosing toothache is not that difficult. Eliminating it is another matter. To be prepared for anything, watch this video from a dentist's blog on how to eliminate toothache:

Teeth can ache for numerous reasons - from banal caries to inflammation of the trigeminal nerve. Therefore, before starting their treatment and pain relief, you need to find out what was the prerequisite for the occurrence of such symptoms. In many cases the appearance of aching pain indicates something more serious than standard dental diseases. If the diagnosis is made incorrectly, the situation may worsen.

Causes of aching pain due to increased sensitivity of teeth

More often than others, people with increased enamel sensitivity suffer from aching pain. With such a dental defect, even harmless external influences lead to painful sensations. :

  • improper oral care;
  • sour food;
  • dental procedures.
With improper oral care, aching teeth most often occurs. If you regularly remove plaque with a harsh abrasive paste, the enamel will be damaged. Microcracks form on it, through which food and other irritants penetrate into the pulp and provoke aching pain.

Another reason for aching teeth lies in the consumption of sour foods. Typically, sensitive enamel reacts even to cold and hot, but only increased acidity provokes severe pain.

Less often, unpleasant sensations occur after professional cleaning or enamel whitening. Moreover, this is explained not by the fact that the enamel suffers less from dental procedures, but by the fact that a good dentist will not perform classical cleaning or whitening on a patient with increased enamel sensitivity.

Causes of aching toothache on one side of the jaw

Aching pain in the teeth on one side of the jaw can occur for the following reasons:

  • eruption of wisdom teeth;
  • medium and deep caries;
  • injuries;
  • inflammatory processes: pulpitis, periodontitis.

The growth of a wisdom tooth is almost always accompanied by pain. The third molar is a rudiment - an organ that has lost its significance. Modern man eats differently than his ancestors, so he does not need additional chewing molars, which is reflected in the structure of his jaw: by the time the third molar begins to grow, there is no free space left on it. As a result, the erupting figure eight puts pressure on the gums, adjacent molars and jaw. In all cases, both the tooth itself and the tissue around it hurt.

Causes of pain during eruption of the third molar

The cause of jaw aches can be simple caries. The disease destroys the enamel and dentin of the diseased tooth, gradually reaching the pulp - the inner part in which the nerves and blood vessels are located. Gradually, caries develops into pulpitis - inflammation of the nerve bundle. Because of this, periodontitis can develop - inflammation of the layer between the tooth root and the jaw bone. In both cases, the pain will become more noticeable and will begin to intensify when you touch the tooth. The gums will become inflamed and red.

Ordinary injuries are also accompanied by aching pain. In this case, understand why your teeth ache , you can do it yourself – without going to the doctor. Indeed, for this reason, an unpleasant sensation occurs immediately after damage and does not stop for a long time.

Causes of aching pain on both sides of the jaw

Pain in only one part of the jaw is not very dangerous. If all the teeth above or below ache, then you should be concerned. The reasons why such pain occurs can be very dangerous:

  • inflammation of the trigeminal nerve;
  • sinusitis and sinusitis;
  • heart problems.

Inflammation of the trigeminal nerve or paranasal sinuses occurs due to colds and infectious diseases. Typically, pathologies are accompanied by a general deterioration of immunity.

With inflammation of the ternary nerve, aching pain in the teeth and jaw is felt more strongly in the upper part of the face and noticeably intensifies with any movement of the mouth. Sinusitis and sinusitis are types of inflammation in the sinuses. They are covered with a sensitive mucous membrane, in which the inflammatory process occurs. Therefore, pain from sinusitis and sinusitis is also concentrated in the upper part of the jaw.

The cause of aching pain in the teeth can be heart problems. If it radiates to the shoulders and arms, the patient probably suffered a myocardial infarction some time ago.

Why does aching toothache occur after dental treatment?

The question of what to do with a nagging toothache is especially of concern to those who have recently undergone dental treatment. Typically, such sensations occur after the following procedures:

  • removal of a tooth;
  • filling;
  • installation of a crown.

After removal of an incisor, canine or molar, discomfort may persist for 3-4 days and is normal. To get rid of it, it is enough to take painkillers prescribed by a specialist. The alarm should be sounded only in cases where the unpleasant sensations do not disappear after the designated period or are accompanied by fever.

If a tooth hurts after filling, you need to be wary immediately. Typically, such a symptom indicates a relapse of the disease or improper treatment. In both cases, you must immediately contact a specialist.

Causes of aching pain under an artificial crown

The same should be done if discomfort appears after prosthetics. Moreover, in this case, it does not matter how long ago the patient had a crown installed. If the exact molar or incisor on which the prosthesis was fixed hurts, then a medical error cannot be ruled out. It needs to be corrected as quickly as possible, otherwise the teeth will have to be restored again.

What to do if your tooth aches

To find out why your teeth are hurting, you need to identify additional symptoms. If you have fever, redness and swelling, you should immediately consult a doctor. Such symptoms indicate that an infection is developing in the body, which can lead to serious consequences.

It's better to go to the dentist first. If the dentist does not find any dental problems, you will have to see a therapist. After examination and questioning, the therapist can refer the patient to a specialist: a neurologist or cardiologist.

As soon as the doctor determines the cause of the aching pain in the teeth, he will prescribe treatment aimed at eliminating it:

  • For caries, pulpitis, and periodontitis, therapy is usually limited to removing damaged tissue and filling.
  • If pain occurs after prosthetics, the dentist will install a new prosthesis for the patient.
  • If a tooth hurts due to problems with the heart or nervous system, drug treatment is prescribed.

Sometimes additional medical procedures or even surgery may be required.

What you can do at home

Sometimes you have to wait several days or even weeks to see a specialist. It is simply impossible to endure painful sensations for so long, so you have to look for ways to get rid of them.

The doctor must find out why the patient’s teeth ache and determine the course of treatment. Therefore, therapy at home comes down to taking painkillers and using anti-inflammatory drugs. The most effective analgesic drugs are:

  • Paracetamol.
  • No-shpa.
  • Analgin.
  • Ibuprofen.

If there is noticeable inflammation and swelling, it would be useful to rinse the mouth with antiseptic drugs. You can purchase a ready-made solution at the pharmacy, for example, Miramistin, or make a homemade mixture of water and hydrogen peroxide.

In case of severe inflammation, it is better not to use such traditional methods of treatment as rinsing the mouth with herbal decoctions or applying garlic to the sore gum. By resorting to them, you can aggravate the disease by introducing infection into the affected tissues.