If your eyelid constantly twitches. How to treat a nervous tic: what to do if the eye (upper eyelid) twitches. What to do if your right eye twitches - the main reasons and recommendations

Every person at least once in his life has experienced such an unpleasant phenomenon when the moving eyelid twitches. An event could go unnoticed if it was episodic and short-lived. However, for some people this fact is frequent or constant, and the problem of hyperkinesis (twitching of the eyelids) is extremely relevant. This condition is also called myokymia, a nervous tic, in the medical literature. Why is my right eye twitching? Read below for answers to this and other questions related to this phenomenon.

Causes of twitching of the upper or lower eyelid

What are the prerequisites for the occurrence of hyperkinesis in people and why does the right eye twitch? The list of the most common causes of eyelid twitching includes:

  • Wrong lifestyle. Lack of proper rest, sleep, stress and overwork, chronic fatigue, nervous work, long periods of time at the computer cause nervous tics. May occur and accumulate gradually.
  • Allergic reactions. Possible when using eyelid cosmetics and ophthalmic medications.
  • Eye injury if the cheek or other adjacent area of ​​the face was damaged.
  • Unforeseen fear and stress lead to the development of neurosis, and as a consequence, to hyperkinesis.
  • Surgery may cause the nerve to heal incorrectly.
  • The presence of various diseases. Diseases such as damage to the central nervous system, chalazion, increased intracranial pressure, tissue inflammation, acute respiratory viral infections, and infectious diseases can cause myokymia.
  • Vision problems during pregnancy.

Doctors include indirect causes that do not directly affect the development of this disease, but can serve as additional aggravating factors in the occurrence of myokymia:

  • Unbalanced diet. Fatty foods, alcohol consumption, lack of vitamins and microelements (magnesium/potassium) lead to poor health in general and are one of the causes of myokymia.
  • Nervous excitability, tendency to psychological disorders.

Which specialist should I contact?

If you have symptoms of myokymia, if the lower eyelid of the right eye or the orbicularis muscle twitches, you should first consult a therapist. The doctor will help you understand the situation and, if necessary, refer you to a specialist:

  1. In the case where the eye twitches for several days, there were eye injuries, conjunctivitis, ophthalmologists will treat this ailment.
  2. A neurologist will help if your eye constantly twitches, there are symptoms of stress, or diseases of the nervous system.

In any case, even if the illness is periodic, the person should see a doctor. Determining the cause of eyelid twitching becomes the first task, followed by a set of actions to alleviate the situation. Office workers lose their ability to work, and for everyone else, this change in eye function makes them tense and nervous. We need to cure the eye in order to return to normal life.

What to do and how to eliminate discomfort

Why is the right eye twitching? A nervous tic in itself is not a disease; the eyelid may not hurt, but nevertheless, it is a signal from the body that this organ is worth paying increased attention to. Only an experienced doctor can recognize the true cause of this phenomenon and then prescribe adequate treatment. The following tips will only help relieve discomfort if there is hyperkinesis or the upper eyelid of the right eye twitches:

  1. Tea and herbal compresses are a popular way to treat such ailments.
  2. Sleep and proper rest are a universal remedy.
  3. Switch to a balanced diet rich in magnesium and potassium.
  4. Gymnastics (close your eyes tightly, blink, circle your eyes clockwise/counterclockwise).
  5. Pauses when working with a computer, TV, tablet.
  6. Massage the area around the sore eye (using a circular motion, gently massage the twitching eyelid with your middle finger).
  7. Taking light sedatives (motherwort, valerian) or special herbal preparations before bed.

Video about the causes and treatment of nervous eye tics

Watch this interesting video to find out what to do when your eye twitches. An experienced psychologist answers your questions. From the video you will learn why the upper eyelid twitches, why the right eye twitches, what psychological prerequisites for the occurrence of this phenomenon there may be. In addition, the specialist will talk about possible methods for eliminating and treating nervous tics. After watching the video, you will get acquainted with the most unexpected and innovative ways to treat hyperkinesis in children.

All psychological overloads of the body negatively affect our health. Constant stress, depression, insomnia, regular overwork - all this does not go away without consequences. Some people's blood pressure rises, some begin to suffer from serious psychosomatic diseases, some complain of the upper eyelid twitching.

Doctors call it a nervous tic around the eye. This disease is not dangerous to health, however, a twitching upper eyelid causes unpleasant or painful sensations in a person. Nervous tics are a common cause of discomfort in overtired people. It interferes with communication and creates an overwhelming feeling of insecurity. A nervous tic does not require a visit to the doctor, however, if your illness lasts more than two weeks, make an appointment with a neurologist.

Typically, patients experience twitching in the upper eyelid, not the lower eyelid. However, there are exceptions. If a nervous tic does not stop for two weeks, the muscles become overworked and begin to ache. The worst thing is when the tic spreads to both eyes, in which case the person suffers doubly.

What to do if your eyelid twitches? First of all, you need to go to your boss and take two weeks off. Sign up for relaxing treatments and pay attention to your mental and physical health. It would be useful to determine why. What events in your life completely disabled you? Each person has their own individual ways of relaxation. For some, to relieve stress, it is enough to visit an elite SPA salon, undergo a Thai massage and relax in your favorite sauna. Some people need to sit alone in complete silence for several days, while others will not be able to get rid of stress until they spend a week or two on the sea beach.

Remember, a nervous tic is the first serious signal from your body! If you ignore these symptoms and continue to work as usual, you risk acquiring a wide variety of diseases, the treatment of which will require immediate hospitalization. Your health plays a major role in your life. Taking care of him is more important than work, boss and exceeding plans. After all, if you don't devote the necessary time to your health, you will soon be unable to work at all.

If your upper eyelid is twitching, you might find it helpful to start taking any mild sedatives. This could be valerian extract or motherwort extract. Experts recommend drinking and giving up regular coffee consumption. When a person's upper eyelid twitches, they need to focus on strengthening the nervous system. For this, it is useful to increase the amount of magnesium in the body. Foods such as fish, peas, bananas, and chocolate greatly enrich the human body with magnesium.

If your treatment does not produce positive results for a long time, visit a neurologist. In some cases, the same symptoms have been seen in people with severe disorders. Sometimes people who have suffered concussions or meningitis experience twitching of the upper eyelid. This disease can also be caused by allergies. In these cases, the doctor will prescribe an individual course of treatment for you.

For most people, symptoms of a nervous tic appear only a few times during the entire period of overwork. This situation does not require immediate intervention, but you still should not bring yourself to such a state. You might benefit from taking a few drops of valerian daily to calm your nervous system. And also devote the weekend to passive rest, sleep longer.

A condition such as a nervous tic, when a person's eye (lower eyelid) twitches, has different causes, and treatment may vary. Occurs in people of different ages and different genders. The vast majority of people whose eyelids twitch suffer from increased neuro-emotional stress.

There are a number of reasons why the muscle under the left or right eye twitches:

  • Strong psycho-emotional stress: unfavorable family environment, conflicts at work, overwork and stress.
  • Increased load on the organ of vision: reading in moving vehicles, in low light, prolonged work at the computer, long visual concentration on small objects.
  • Lifestyle disorders. Drinking large amounts of coffee, alcohol, energy drinks, lack of sleep, and lack of B vitamins in the diet lead to a disorder of the nervous system, and the eyelid begins to twitch.
  • Ophthalmological diseases and mechanical damage to the eyelids. They manifest themselves as redness, swelling of the eyelids, and a feeling of sand in the eyes. After a few days, the person notices that his lower eyelid is twitching. This occurs due to concomitant muscle damage.
  • A nervous tic under the eye can be caused by causes related to cerebral circulation disorders (ischemia, thrombosis, vascular atherosclerosis, brain injury, tumors), or damage to the facial nerve. A neurologist treats these pathologies.
  • The eye may begin to twitch after recent colds, often recurrent chronic infections, or allergic conditions.
  • Sometimes a twitching eye is inherited from parents who have the disease.

Additionally, watch a video about the causes of twitching of the lower eyelid:

When your eye is twitching, rule out what could be causing the tic. Often this is enough for the symptom to go away.

What to do if you constantly twitch under your eye

You notice that you have frequent or constant twitching under your eye. What do we have to do? First, find out the cause and rule it out. Normalize your rest, stop drinking energy drinks and coffee, learn to control negative emotions. This will help not only to relieve nervous twitching, but also calm the nervous system as a whole.

3 interesting tests from the video will help you find the reason:

If you still have twitching in the lower eyelid of your left or right eye (or both at once - in severe cases), then treatment with medications, physiotherapy, and folk remedies will help you.

Drug treatment

How to get rid of a nervous tic under the eye with the help of medications? If the eyelid twitches due to exacerbations of chronic diseases, then therapy is aimed at the underlying cause. If trembling under the eyes is caused by an allergic reaction, then antihistamines are prescribed (Suprastin, Cetrin, Tavegil tablets, Allergodil drops), and in severe cases, injections of glucocorticosteroids (Prednisolone, Dexamethasone).

Let us examine in more detail the treatment of the most common causes of a twitching eyelid:

  • “Glycine” is a sublingual tablet that normalizes processes in the brain, relieves psycho-emotional stress, and alleviates symptoms of depression. Recommended dosage: 1 t. 2 times a day. The cost of packaging is about 50 rubles.
  • “Novopassit” is a herbal preparation in the form of tablets and solution for oral administration. It has a general calming, anti-anxiety effect, which helps reduce contraction of the periocular muscles. Dosage: 1 t. or 1 measuring cap – 3 times a day. The price of the drug is from 170 rubles.
  • Piracetam is a nootropic drug that stimulates the improvement of the functional activity of brain structures. The exact dosage is prescribed by the doctor. Approximately 2.4–4.8 g/day, divided into 2–3 doses (1 tablet contains 800 or 1200 mg). 1 package of Piracetam costs 50–60 rubles.
  • "Milgamma" - B vitamins in the form of injections, tablets, dragees. Injectable forms are more effective than tablets. "Milgamma" contains vitamins B1, B6, B. Prescribe 1 t. orally or 1 injection (2 ml) intramuscularly - 1 time per day. Course 5–10 days. Price from 280 rub.
  • “Magne B6” is a preparation of magnesium and vitamin B. Recommended for taking 2 tablets 3-4 times a day. There is another dosage form - a solution for oral administration in ampoules, recommended 1 ampoule 3-4 times a day, pre-diluted with water. Cost from 450 rub.

The duration and dosage of medications are determined by the doctor. Depends on how much the eyelid twitches. The best effect is achieved by complex therapy: a combination of medicinal and non-medicinal methods. The feeling that the nerve under the eye is twitching requires additional relaxing techniques.

Physiotherapy and relaxation

Relaxing procedures and physiotherapeutic methods are aimed at relieving tension and stabilizing the nervous state.


By performing a relaxing body massage you can relax the nervous system, and by performing acupressure you can relax the lower eyelid, which constantly twitches. The massage is performed with light stroking, rubbing, patting movements. Soothing massage oils are used to massage the body. Eyelid massage is performed without the use of oils.


To relieve eye strain, perform the palming technique. The technique is performed in a sitting position with a straight back. Rub your palms until warm, then apply them to your closed eyelids. Duration of execution is from 5 minutes. Darkness and warmth will help relieve spasms from trembling muscles. Perform daily, at least 1 time per day.

Repeat several times a day, especially with increased eye strain. Perform each exercise for 1–2 minutes. Gymnastics for the eyes will help cope with the problem of trembling eyelids, and will also be a preventive measure.

  • Close your eyelids tightly for a few seconds, then relax.
  • Either with your eyelids closed or with your eyelids open, look in different directions, up, down. Then use your eyeballs to describe circles, squares, and other shapes.
  • Blink frequently.
  • Move your gaze from a nearby object to a distant one, then back. Repeat several times.


If you have a nervous tic, you need to calm down. Therapy with aromatic soothing oils: lavender, rose, cinnamon, geranium will help reduce the excitability of the nervous system. Add a few drops to an aroma lamp and enjoy the soothing aromas. To stop the eyelid pulsating, be sure to add sedative medications to aromatherapy.


A type of reflexology. Needles have a beneficial effect on biologically active points of the body. Blood circulation and metabolic processes in tissues improve, muscle spasm of the eyelids is relieved.


Physiotherapeutic method of treatment. It is used when the eyelid twitches, as well as for many other diseases. The essence of the method is that, using an electric current, medicinal substances are introduced into deep-lying tissues. When the vein under the eye twitches, medications are used to relieve nervous tension.

Traditional medicine and lifestyle

It is imperative to normalize your lifestyle: 7–8 hours of rest at night, walk in the fresh air, avoid conflict situations and stress. You should add to your diet: figs, cereals, nuts (peanuts, walnuts, almonds), spinach, parsley, bananas. These products contain many B vitamins and magnesium.

When the skin or vein under the eye twitches, herbal teas and tinctures will help:

  • Tea made from herbs such as motherwort, valerian, lemon balm, chamomile. You can buy pharmacy tinctures and tablets from the same herbs. They have a calming effect. Take at night. Can be taken additionally during the day.
  • Honey infusion. Method of preparation: stir 1 tbsp. l. honey in warm boiled water. Twice a day, soak a cotton pad in the infusion and apply it to the pulsating eyelid for 20 minutes.
  • Rose hip decoction. Rose hips are brewed and drunk as tea. Rosehip is rich in vitamin C, which will additionally provide a general strengthening effect.

Folk remedies in the treatment of trembling eyelids are of auxiliary value. They only complement drug therapy.

Complications and prognosis

With a nervous cause of the trembling eyelid symptom, the prognosis is favorable. The exclusion of a pathological cause in combination with timely treatment leads to a complete cure, i.e. the eyelid completely stops twitching.

Complications can arise due to psychological discomfort when communicating with people. A person feels that his lower eyelid is twitching and begins to get nervous, thereby aggravating the unstable state of his nervous system. This can lead to depression.

The prognosis of eyelid twitching caused by injuries, brain tumors, and circulatory disorders depends on the effectiveness of treatment for these conditions. In an unfavorable scenario, the eyelid begins to twitch more forcefully and more often, and visual disturbances occur due to difficulty focusing the gaze.

An eyelid starts out as a sign that you are overtired. Daily stress and strong psycho-emotional shocks undermine the nervous system. Stabilize your emotional state, follow your doctor’s recommendations, and you will forget about this problem.

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Our life is accompanied by a huge number of different difficulties and we should not expect that a moment of calm will ever come, since every day the psyche faces new and new stresses, and external conditions require greater involvement. The mental structure of each person has its own characteristics; it is worth remembering only the types of temperament that characterize the basic parameters of the nervous system. For this reason, certain situations have different effects on a person’s mental activity, sometimes leading to some physiological manifestations, such as eyelid twitching, which is a common problem.

Why does the upper eyelid of the right and left eyes twitch?

The very phenomenon of eyelid twitching in medicine is called hyperkinesis and this occurs due to the fact that the orbicularis oculi muscles contract. There is no particular difference between the causes of twitching of the upper and lower eyelids, and therefore the causes of this phenomenon will be the same. It should be noted that a specific process (muscle contraction) can be described as a neurotic symptom, since hyperkinesis is considered as a pathological nervous excitation.

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  • Most often, a nervous tic is a sign, to put it simply, of nervous overload, which occurs due to severe nervous tension, constant stress or deep emotional experiences. In this case, twitching allows the nervous system to release an affective charge, being a so-called ritual. These movements, as a rule, are not conscious and many do not even feel them, but if you turn on consciousness, you can fight the tic with the help of will.
  • In some cases, hyperkinesis can be observed due to severe eye fatigue due to prolonged sitting at the computer, reading, embroidery, etc. If the eye is under tension for a long time, muscle fatigue soon occurs, and cramps begin, which lead to to a noticeable twitching of the eyelid.
    An incorrect lifestyle is the main cause of all diseases, especially neurological ones, which include nervous tics of the eye. If the body does not rest, experiences stress and tension, does not receive the necessary vitamins and nutrients, and also does not have the ability to produce and waste energy, then neurotic manifestations are the lesser of the evils.
  • Twitching of the eyelids may also be caused by an allergic process, which is characterized by a specific reaction of the body to an allergen (a factor provoking the reaction). With allergies, in addition to twitching of the eyelids, increased tearfulness, asthmatic complex, and headaches may be observed. It is also important to note that some people only experience eye twitching after drinking coffee or something alcoholic. In this case, we are most likely not talking about a pathological reaction of the immune system, but about an overload of the nervous system, which is not an allergy, but gives a similar symptom.

Which doctor should I contact for treatment?

Nervous tics should be differentiated into those that interfere and those that do not cause concern. If eye twitching occurs extremely rarely and does not cause serious inconvenience, then the help of a specialist is not required in this case. However, if the contraction of the orbicularis oculi muscle is felt physically, interferes with work, causes pain and continues for a long time, then you need to seek help in the hospital. If a tic is the only symptom, or there are neurotic symptoms, then you need to visit a neurologist; if the eye is watery and twitching, then you need to go to an ophthalmologist. You may also need the help of a psychiatrist or psychotherapist, which is what happens most often.

What to do and how to calm a twitching eye?

As a rule, the question of what to do to prevent eye twitching is asked by people who do not have big problems with it. Since the most common cause of hyperkinesis is stress and nervous tension, first of all you should pay attention to the problem and realize it - the lion's share of people got rid of obsessive movements only through willpower. You can also try to relax as much as possible, for which a hot bath, calm music, breathing practices and long, healthy sleep are suitable.

How to get rid of the problem?

In order to get rid of the problem, you need to establish the causes that cause it. At the same time, there are general tips that will help you get rid of tics, but if they do not turn out to be effective, you will need to visit a doctor who will develop a personal treatment strategy. Thus, you first need to give up bad habits and bring your daily routine back to normal. You should pay attention to physical activity and eat healthy foods. At the same time, it is necessary to minimize stress and, if possible, then get a good rest by taking time off from work. No matter how trivial it may sound, these recommendations can completely rid a person of eye twitching.

How to treat if a nerve twitches under the eye?

If the tic is constant and no general recommendations lead to positive changes, then you need to seek help from a specialist. As part of the treatment of the problem, certain medications may be prescribed, including sedatives that will calm the nerves (in most cases, motherwort tincture is enough) and medications whose action will be aimed at reducing muscle activity. Also a good therapeutic tool is classical psychotherapy, which is not only an effective means of treatment, but also prevention.

Video: how to remove nervous eye tic

This particular video is dedicated to the problem of nervous tics, the causes of their occurrence, as well as ways to combat specific phenomena. The specialist describing the problem explains what the therapeutic course consists of and how treatment tactics are structured for tics that are a consequence of neuroses.

Why does the eyelid twitch: signs

As for the signs and beliefs that explain the semantics of eyelid twitching, it is important to distinguish which eye is twitching, the left or the right. If the tic has attacked the right eyelid, then you can relax and wait for good news, for example, a salary increase or the fulfillment of plans. But if the left eye begins to twitch, then this is a sign of something bad; they say that this leads to tears, separation and grief. However, no matter what eye twitches, it is better not to look for answers from intuition and superstitions, but rather to relax and unwind once again.

There are many reasons that can trigger a tic. Perhaps this is a common lack of sleep, lack of vitamins, poor diet, and so on. In this case, you need to devote time to rest and nutrition.

Uncontrolled contraction of the upper eyelid (left or right), the feeling is quite uncomfortable. The medical name for this manifestation is hyperkinesis. When the eyelid twitches periodically or just once, there is hardly any cause for concern. But if eye twitching occurs systematically, then you should definitely consult a doctor who specializes in the treatment of neurotic and ophthalmological problems. Hyperkinesis is one of the signs of a nervous system disorder and can be eliminated only by undergoing a course of special treatment.

Why does the upper eyelid twitch? Because the lower eyelid is inactive and the nervous tic spreads specifically to the upper part of the eyes. Moreover, muscle contraction can be felt in both eyes at once or only in one of them.

Why does a person's upper eyelid twitch? The appearance of hyperkinesis can primarily be caused by frequent stress, overexertion and other negative factors that affect human health. Causes of nervous tics:

  • staying at the computer for a long period of time;
  • watching TV;
  • lack of sleep;
  • inadequate rest.

Doctors also include an unbalanced diet, addiction to caffeine, and excessive alcohol consumption as factors contributing to the development of this phenomenon. A deficiency of necessary substances causes a weakening of the body's protective functions, which, in turn, affects the state of the nervous system and leads to contraction of the muscles of the right or left upper eyelid.

Factors of hyperkinesis

A variety of reasons can trigger a tic. But mostly the upper eyelid twitches as a result of emotional or nervous exhaustion. This condition occurs with regular mental overstrain and constant lack of sleep. If there are diseases in which the eyes blink frequently (blepharitis, conjunctivitis, chalazion), a nervous tic also occurs.

Twitching is also observed in people who have to watch objects that move quickly. This kind of tension is systematically felt by metro workers and train drivers. The eyes suffer from a deficiency of potassium, magnesium, and a lack of vitamin B. As a result of acute respiratory infections, acute respiratory viral infections, and operations, hyperkinesis is also often observed.

The reasons why the upper eyelid twitches can be very simple: unsuitable or poor quality lenses, constant wearing of glasses. As a rule, when it is found out why such a syndrome appeared and the factor that provokes it is eliminated, the tic goes away without the need for additional eye treatment.

Hyperkinesis can also be caused by the presence of cervical osteochondrosis, in which case the nerve endings affecting the muscles of the upper eyelid (right or left) become pinched, and a tic appears.

In any case, when hyperkinesis occurs, it is important to find out why this is happening. Sometimes a tic is a symptom of serious conditions:

  • Parkinson's disease;
  • cerebral vascular pathologies;
  • meningitis;
  • intracranial pressure.

If it's stress

If the upper eyelid twitches and this is caused by overexertion, stress and other similar factors, then

You can solve the problem by doing this exercise:

  • standing straight, you need to close your eyes tightly, squeezing your eyelids as tightly as possible;
  • then take a deep breath and exhale, slowly pushing the air through the lungs;
  • Then you can open your eyes and repeat the exercise five to six times.

Forced frequent blinking for 10-12 seconds will also help eliminate the unpleasant tic. This exercise helps to relax the eyes and relieve fatigue and stress. It is worth recalling that such simple actions will only help when hyperkinesis is caused by temporary negative factors.

Common mistakes

It is quite common to believe that eye twitching is due to a problem in a specific muscle. And when asked why hyperkinesis appears, they look for a reason with limited options. But if we take into account the total number of nerve endings and muscle tissue in the human body, then we can guarantee that a tic can be caused by any of them. In addition, the huge number of nerve endings in the eye area determines that a person feels the slightest twitch.

If you notice not only a tic, but also other negative symptoms in the body: decreased mental activity, memory, fatigue, etc., then you should think about proper rest. It is likely that the brain is simply tired from long periods of exercise or it lacks vitamin B and oxygen. You can contact a neurologist who will conduct all the necessary examinations and find out why the upper eyelid twitches.

If the problem is in the spine

Sometimes an eye tic can be caused by pinched nerve endings in a particular muscle. With such a problem, you also need to contact a neurologist, since you need to examine the condition of the entire spine in general and the cervical region in particular. You may need a course of medication, but basically it is enough to increase your physical activity, undergo several massage sessions and spend less time at the computer.

If the eyelid twitches, then first of all nutritional correction is required. It is necessary to diversify the diet with products that contain potassium and magnesium. This may include:

  • fish;
  • bananas;
  • chocolate;
  • peas;
  • sesame seeds;
  • spinach;
  • dill;
  • cocoa;
  • broccoli;
  • almond.

Proper functioning of the nervous system is impossible without vitamin B. Eggs, beef liver, black bread, beans, yeast, and wheat sprouts are rich in it. In some cases, doctors prescribe intramuscular administration of a vitamin complex.

If the tic is caused by allergic reactions, then treatment with antihistamines is recommended, since the drops can dry out the mucous membrane of the eyes and provoke a complication of the condition.

If you follow all the tips described above, the eye will soon stop twitching, but only in case of frivolous and temporary reasons. If symptoms continue to appear, you should definitely consult a doctor, who will determine what caused the disease and prescribe an appropriate course of treatment.

If the onset of the disease comes from problems in the spine, then usually the problem is easily solved with appropriate medications and massage. But here you should not limit yourself only to the doctor’s prescription; special gymnastics, increased activity, avoidance of static poses, and so on are required.

In some cases, doctors recommend taking a course of acupuncture and mastering breathing exercises. If the eye area becomes inflamed, a visit to an ophthalmologist is required. If the tic is caused by this factor, then hyperkinesis can be easily eliminated with the help of special drops prescribed by a doctor.

General information and conclusion

There are many reasons that can trigger a tic. Perhaps this is a common lack of sleep, lack of vitamins, poor diet, and so on. In this case, everything is simple - you need to devote time to proper rest, sleep, move more, eat right. The daily diet should contain products containing all the microelements and nutrients necessary for the body.

If eyelid twitching has become a common occurrence, then it is important to determine the factor that provokes this phenomenon. Perhaps this is a symptom of some disease. In this case, an examination by a specialist is required who will determine the cause and prescribe treatment to eliminate it.

Hyperkinesis cannot be ignored, since any disease is easier to treat at an early stage. As soon as you feel eyelid twitching, you can relieve the condition with a massage performed with your fingertips in the eye area. Tea compresses, lotions with chamomile, currant leaf will also help - all of this has a calming effect on the eyes. But, of course, the most correct decision would be to consult a doctor and monitor your health. Only this approach will preserve eye health for many years.