Is it possible to re-open an IP after closing? What documents do you need to have to open an individual entrepreneur? Frequently asked questions when registering and liquidating individual entrepreneurs in Voronezh

Many individual entrepreneurs are faced with an unstable economic situation in the region or throughout the country, as well as changes in market conditions or legislation. In these cases, it may be necessary to liquidate the organization and re-register the individual entrepreneur after closure.

This is done mainly with the aim of resolving some economic problems that impede the effective functioning of individual entrepreneurs. In connection with the implementation of such a procedure in practice, individual entrepreneurs may face a number of issues.

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To re-register an individual entrepreneur, each person carrying out business activities must know about the basic procedure and its benefits, as well as about the basic kit, which must be provided to representatives of authorized bodies.

Is it possible to

There are 2 ways to re-register an individual entrepreneur: limited and full. In the first case, first of all, it is necessary to clarify the reasons for the cancellation of the previous registration of the individual entrepreneur. If the individual entrepreneur was liquidated by decision of the highest judicial authorities, then the person planning to carry out business activities will be able to submit a corresponding application to the registration authorities no earlier than through 12 months.

The next restriction on re-registration of individual entrepreneurs is the desire of the entrepreneur to change the object of taxation within 1 year. Current legislation establishes that changing this system within one year is impossible.

If a previously registered individual entrepreneur is liquidated on a voluntary basis by the entrepreneur himself, then the procedure can be repeated on the day of immediate closure. This measure, in most cases, is applied if it is necessary to change the type of ownership or direction of activity.

It is worth noting that re-registration of an individual entrepreneur must be carried out without fail if the entrepreneur changes his full name, date of birth or citizenship. Also, the individual entrepreneur must be re-registered in the event of a change in the current passport of a citizen of the Russian Federation. In these cases, the classic procedure of liquidation of an individual entrepreneur is carried out and subsequent re-registration with the same government bodies.

Simplified schemes in the re-registration process are not provided for by current legislation. The procedure completely repeats the process that was relevant during the previous submission of the main package of documentation. No additional permissions are required to perform this operation.

Persons re-registering an individual entrepreneur should not count on short registration times

The reasons why individual entrepreneurs intend to re-register can be very different. In most cases, they are associated with the intention to continue business activities on more favorable terms. Among other things, many entrepreneurs want to switch to an alternative tax system

The latter procedure makes it possible to increase total annual income by reducing the level of tax payments to the regional branch of the Federal Tax Service or to the Pension Fund of the Russian Federation.

Main details

Requested documents

The procedure for re-registration of an individual entrepreneur is possible only after submitting a certain package of documents to the regulatory authorities. The main list of securities is regulated by Federal Law No. 129, Article 22.2.

Required documents include the following:

  • passport of a citizen of the Russian Federation or any other document with which employees of state registration authorities can confirm the identity of the applicant;
  • individual tax number;
  • certificates confirming the legal basis for the changes - these can be documents confirming marriage or changing the surname;
  • documents confirming the fact of initial registration of business activity;
  • notification received from a representative of the Federal Tax Service that tax registration has been carried out.

It is worth noting that all documentation provided by an individual entrepreneur must be transferred to the registration department only in copies. It is important to have the original on hand in case department employees may have certain questions. Notarization of copies is not provided.

The package of documents can be provided personally by the applicant or his authorized representative. To confirm the authority of the trustee, all documents must be notarized. You can also receive a new registration certificate through a legal representative by proxy.

Registration procedure

For re-registration of an individual entrepreneur, the following set of basic conditions is provided:

  • if the re-registration procedure is carried out by the applicant’s representative, then he must have a notarized power of attorney in his hands;
  • when drawing up a power of attorney, it is important to indicate the list of powers that is granted to the legal representative - the written part must necessarily contain information about the right to represent interests, as well as the right to make amendments, and the presence of even the most minor inaccuracy may become grounds for refusal of registration;
  • if an individual entrepreneur changes his place of permanent residence, he must re-register the individual entrepreneur at the tax office that will be located at his place of registration;
  • Only those individuals who have permanent or temporary registration, which was issued at least six months ago, can carry out re-registration of individual entrepreneurs.

Debt issue

The current legislation of the Russian Federation establishes that an individual entrepreneur is liable for existing debts with his property. That is why, even if an entrepreneur has a significant debt, he will be able to terminate his activities legally. The existing debt will be written off from the entrepreneur, as from an individual, through the collection of real or movable property.

It is worth noting that claims for existing debt obligations can be brought against individual entrepreneurs within 3 years since the opening of the organization. The duration of this period is determined by the existing statute of limitations.

It is also necessary to take into account that if the debtor deals with counterparties independently, then there may be problems with the debt to budgetary government bodies.

In this case, when re-registering, an individual may be required to provide a certificate confirming the absence of debt to state funds. Also an entrepreneur. Who has an outstanding debt can carry out bankruptcy proceedings on the basis of current federal legislation, or more precisely, Federal Law No. 127.

It is worth noting that during the period of bankruptcy proceedings, the entrepreneur will not be able to register the organization again within 12 months

Timing and acceleration of re-registration of individual entrepreneurs after closure

Re-registration of individual entrepreneurs after closure has certain deadlines for registration. The liquidation procedure plays a decisive role in determining the actual time frame within which it is possible to re-register an individual entrepreneur. The liquidation procedure itself can be carried out either voluntarily or judicially.

In case of voluntary liquidation, re-registration of an individual entrepreneur can be carried out on the day of the actual closure of the case. If the liquidation was initiated by the court. Then the entrepreneur will not be able to carry out activities for 1 year, even in cases where the court did not make a special ruling.

An accelerated procedure for re-registration of individual entrepreneurs is not provided. Re-registration is carried out in the same manner as at the time of initial registration.

Possible obstacles

Current legislation establishes objective reasons that may not allow the re-opening of an individual entrepreneur. These restrictions are temporary and become invalid after the expiration of the established ban period. This period may be from 1 to 5 years.

The grounds for limiting the possibility of re-registration include the following:

  • a ban on carrying out business activities, which was issued as part of the consideration of the case by the highest judicial authorities - restrictions may arise after a person violates the current tax legislation with the issuance of an appropriate resolution based on the provisions of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation;
  • initiation of bankruptcy proceedings against an individual entrepreneur - in this case, the suspension of the rights to carry out activities is carried out on 12 months;
  • closure of the previous individual entrepreneur by decision of the courts - re-registration can be carried out only one year from the date of the actual decision.

The period for suspending the right of an individual to re-register an individual entrepreneur is calculated from the moment the person is excluded from the unified state register of the Unified State Register of Individual Entrepreneurs. After a certain period of time, which is specified by the judge during the proceedings, the entrepreneur will be able to carry out the re-registration procedure. To re-register, it is necessary to carry out the standard registration procedure with the regional body of the Federal Tax Service.

The difficult economic situation in the country and the imperfection of the legislative framework lead to the fact that entrepreneurs are trying to solve some of their problems by closing an individual entrepreneur and re-registering it. At the same time, many entrepreneurs are interested in how soon they have the right to re-open an individual entrepreneur after closure. To answer this question, it is necessary to understand the reasons why the individual entrepreneur was liquidated and how the liquidation process took place.

  • Who benefits from closing and re-opening an individual entrepreneur;
  • How many days later can you open an individual entrepreneur after closing;
  • Is it possible to close an individual entrepreneur and immediately open it?
  • How to re-register an individual entrepreneur.

Why do entrepreneurs close and immediately open individual entrepreneurs?

The reason why citizens decide to engage in entrepreneurial activity is clear to everyone. It lies in the desire to organize your own business. But there can be many reasons for closing an individual entrepreneur:

  • economic insolvency;
  • lack of income;
  • desire to change occupation;
  • transition to another tax system.

The number of people wishing to learn how to terminate a commercial activity is constantly growing. Some of them actually do not want to engage in business anymore, while others want to continue their commercial activities, but on more favorable terms. It is the latter who are interested in whether it is possible to open a private enterprise after closing and whether such actions are permitted by law.

Any actions related to the start or termination of activities are documented. All individual entrepreneurs and legal entities are required to register with the tax authority.

Important! From a legal point of view, there is no such thing as “closing an individual entrepreneur.” The Tax Service calls the process of terminating the activities of legal entities liquidation, and for individual entrepreneurs - deregistration. The term “closing an individual entrepreneur” is used because it is more convenient. It implies a complete or partial stop of the activities of an individual entrepreneur.

Indeed, the law provides for the possibility of opening a closed individual entrepreneur. The state treats individuals carrying out commercial activities quite loyally. Individual entrepreneurs are at the very bottom of the private business pyramid. These usually include small production workshops, retail outlets in markets, and service enterprises. It cannot be said that they have significant property or monetary resources. Therefore, individual entrepreneurs are the most sensitive to changes in the economic sphere. Some enterprises cannot withstand the competition, others want to start a new business. The flexibility of the law allows individual entrepreneurs to quickly change the direction of business development and occupy a more profitable niche.

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How long can it take to re-open an individual entrepreneur after closing?

Cancellation of registration occurs both voluntarily and by court decision. This is a key point for those who are dealing with the question of when they will be able to open a closed individual entrepreneur again.

When re-opening an individual entrepreneur, it is very important whether the individual ceased his commercial activities voluntarily or by a court decision. Litigation regarding the cancellation of individual entrepreneur registration is carried out in the following cases:

  • the entrepreneur is unable to pay the required amounts of taxes and fees to the budget;
  • the state of the business does not allow repaying debts.

If, as a result of the trial, a decision is made that the individual entrepreneur is liquidated, then the individual will be able to register again only after 12 months. When the ban on commercial activities expires, you can re-go through the registration procedure and open a closed individual entrepreneur.

Important! If the individual entrepreneur was liquidated voluntarily, then it can be registered again on the same day. Resorting to this measure is convenient for those who want to change their type of activity or form of ownership.

In this case, it is enough to go through the standard procedure for canceling an individual entrepreneur and then re-registering. Of course, this applies only to those individual entrepreneurs who have no debts to:

  • state budget;
  • suppliers;
  • intermediaries;
  • contractors;
  • customers of goods;
  • consumers of services.

Features of opening an individual entrepreneur after closing

Important! When an individual has gone through the procedure for canceling the registration of an individual entrepreneur, he has the right by law to begin processing the documents necessary for registration. Since this is not the first time you are registering, you already know that it is carried out by the tax authority to which you belong at your place of registration.

The list of documents that you prepare corresponds to the list of documents that you provided for initial registration. It includes a passport and its photocopy, a certificate of no debt, a receipt for payment of the state fee and an application.

In the same way as with the primary one, you can go through this procedure yourself or with the help of trusted persons. They could be your friends who have a power of attorney, or representatives of a law firm. Usually those who are not sure of the correctness of their actions resort to the help of professionals.

Sometimes entrepreneurs wonder if it is possible to re-register using a simplified procedure. Unfortunately, such procedures are not provided. Regardless of the time you register an individual entrepreneur, all steps must be repeated again.

Thus, to reopen a closed individual entrepreneur, no special permissions are needed. But accelerated registration is not provided for those who have already passed it before. The procedure for re-registration of an individual entrepreneur completely coincides with the initial registration.

If you have no debts, then you can do this immediately after the previous registration is cancelled. The exception is for individuals who are prohibited from engaging in commercial activities by court decision.

Many people have a lot of questions that need to be answered correctly: where to start, how to carry out accounting, how to correctly fill out the necessary documents, to whom and how to report for a certain period, and many others. After all, as you know, ignorance of the law does not exempt you from responsibility. And reporting that is not submitted on time or that is not reliably can cause big problems. In order to prevent this and obtain the necessary information in a short but meaningful format, we have prepared this article.

Let us remind you that the main purpose of registering a small business as an individual entrepreneur is to make a profit, and not a one-time profit, but a systematic one. In order to achieve the set goal, avoiding all the pitfalls, avoiding mistakes and misunderstandings with the law and, as a result, getting the desired profit, a private entrepreneur needs to carefully and thoroughly study and remember a lot of necessary information.

Legal assistance to individual private entrepreneurs

Every individual entrepreneur, operating on the territory of the Russian Federation must know that:

Keep in mind that the amount of tax on PSN and UTII is fixed and in no way has any connection with the income received, while the amount of tax on Unified Agricultural Tax, simplified tax system and OSNO depends directly on income. It turns out that in many cases the PSN and UTII modes can be called the most profitable. Please note that if a small entrepreneur is an individual entrepreneur, then the OSNO mode is suitable for him. Otherwise, special tax regimes are much simpler and more profitable. Basically, private entrepreneurs choose them.

Each individual entrepreneur can choose the tax regime independently. However, there are time restrictions in this matter. For example, it can be carried out only within 30 days from the date of registration of an individual entrepreneur, or until December 31 when switching from the New Year to these modes.

But about bank accounts abroad you need to independently report to the tax office (Article 5 of the Law of April 2, 2014 No. 59-FZ, subparagraph “b”, paragraph 1, paragraph 11 of Article 1 of the Law of April 2, 2014 No. 52-FZ, Part 2, Article 12 of the Law of December 10, 2003 No. 173-FZ).

6 . About whether it is necessary use a cash register in your activities. Perhaps this is the question that worries many newly minted individual entrepreneurs. After all, for not knocking out a check you can get a considerable fine.

So, let’s dwell on this issue and examine it in more detail. According to the law, in the case of receiving cash for goods or services, it is a mandatory factor.

Since 2012, tax inspectors have been monitoring compliance with cash discipline. Previously, banks handled this function. Violation of cash discipline is punishable by a fine of up to 5,000 rubles.

7 . The fact that, in comparison with legal entities, an individual entrepreneur is obliged pay for yourself. This is the minus that distinguishes an individual entrepreneur from a legal entity.

However, there are also grace periods during which you can avoid paying insurance premiums. These include periods:

  • completing military service in case of conscription,
  • for caring for a disabled child or a person over 80 years of age,
  • for child care until he reaches the age of 1.5 years.

Everyone else is required to pay contributions, regardless of whether the business of an individual entrepreneur is profitable or unprofitable, whether you work in another place, etc. If an individual entrepreneur has employees, he will have to pay insurance premiums for them.

8 . After you are concluded with the first employee, you need to register with the Social Insurance Fund and the Pension Fund. You need to register with the Social Insurance Fund within 10 days, and with the Pension Fund - within 30 days. Penalties for violating this clause exceed 10 thousand rubles.

Many modern entrepreneurs are interested in the question: is it possible to close an individual entrepreneur, according to a legal procedure, and open it again after a certain period? After all, it often happens that an individual entrepreneur (IP) finds himself faced with the need to temporarily suspend work, for reasons of financial, personal or any other nature. But any difficulties can be overcome, and after a period of crisis comes the stage of restoring lost potential and building new opportunities. In 2017, significant tax breaks are provided for entrepreneurs who decide to restore their business or start a new one.

Presence of legal restrictions

Thus, is it possible to open an individual entrepreneur that has been officially closed and deregistered with the Federal Tax Service? The answer is clear - yes. Russian legislation does not provide for any restrictions for citizens wishing to engage in entrepreneurial activity in 2017, provided that all stages of the process associated with the registration of individual entrepreneurs are complied with in full.

How many times can you carry out the procedure for opening an individual enterprise and are there any restrictions or time frames in order to start a business again? In fact, there are no restrictions in this area, and an entrepreneur can close and then open an individual entrepreneur again as many times as it seems possible and appropriate to him.

An important point in the process of re-opening an individual entrepreneur is the absence of any preliminary debt on the enterprise, or unresolved issues with the Pension Fund or Social Insurance Fund.

In fact, the only condition required to open an individual entrepreneur again in 2017 is its regulatory closure at the previous stage of existence.

The algorithm for closing an individual entrepreneur is a rather complex financial and legal procedure, which consists of the following stages:

  • repayment of tax debts;
  • submission of reports to the Federal Tax Service, Pension Fund and Social Insurance Fund;
  • drawing up and submitting an application for deregistration;
  • closing a current bank account;
  • deregistration of KMM;
  • delivery of documentation.
Due to the existing legal and technical features of each stage, they are worth considering in more detail.

At the first stage of liquidation of an enterprise in 2017, the entrepreneur must resolve all issues related to tax debts, filing a declaration and paying possible fines. Previously, closing an individual entrepreneur was possible only if it did not have any mortgage, tax or other nature, but in 2017 it is possible to close an individual entrepreneur with debts. However, it is worth remembering that if at the time of closure certain types of economic obligations of the individual entrepreneur are still relevant, their accrual will not stop, but may result in additional fines and sanctions.

When submitting reports, it is important to clarify whether the individual entrepreneur has any types of unpaid taxes or duties that you simply might not know about.

You can obtain all the necessary information from the tax office, where it is recommended to reconcile all tax documentation. It is worth noting that the mechanism for calculating tax penalties from individual entrepreneurs follows a simplified single tax scheme - and for 2017 it is planned to further simplify the entire process of taxation of individual entrepreneurs and make it as transparent as possible.

An important point in the process of final payment of tax debt in 2017 is filling out the appropriate receipt, in which you should indicate the financial details very carefully. Any error may result in the document being declared invalid. In addition, a receipt for payment of the state duty, which is 160 rubles, must be filled out separately.

When all the debt is repaid, the entrepreneur with the available receipts must contact the Pension Fund, where all documentation is re-verified. If the absence of unfulfilled obligations is confirmed, the Pension Fund issues a full settlement to the entrepreneur and places an authorization visa on the completed registration application.

The procedure for filling out an application is quite simple and does not require a significant investment of time. The standard form itself can be downloaded from the tax service’s website, and if you have any additional questions related to filling out the application, you can also get advice from the tax department or from a qualified lawyer involved in protecting the rights of individual entrepreneurs.

After the application is completed, along with the Certificate of State Registration and passport, the package of documentation is presented to the tax control authority.

An application for closing an individual entrepreneur must be submitted at the place of registration, that is, in the exact branch of the tax service where the procedure for opening your enterprise was carried out. For 2017, this norm remains relevant.

Closing a current account

In principle, this item is not mandatory by law in 2017. But, as experience shows, it is better to go through this procedure in order to avoid the occurrence of unwanted financial and legal conflicts in the future.

When the account remains open, the individual entrepreneur formally continues to exist, and it may be difficult to open it again later. In addition, settlement funds may remain in the account.

In order to liquidate this account, you must fill out the appropriate application at the bank, the form of which can also be obtained on the official resource of the Federal Tax Service.

How much time is given to an individual entrepreneur to close a current account? E This issue is not clearly regulated, but in any case, when it is closed, the fact of liquidation of the bank account must be notified to the tax control authorities. If you fail to comply with this clause, you will face economic and legal sanctions.

After the entrepreneur has fulfilled all the obligations prescribed to him, the procedure for closing the individual entrepreneur is actually completed. The tax service is obliged to review the provided documentation, after which it makes a decision to terminate the activities of the individual entrepreneur and remove it from state registration.

Within five working days, the entrepreneur is obliged to visit the tax office again, where he will be given a document indicating the formal termination of the individual enterprise.

At the same time, it is recommended to carefully check all the data specified in the certificate, since if errors are subsequently discovered in this document, it may be declared invalid, which will entail significant economic sanctions.

Data on the enterprise is deleted from the Unified State Register of Individual Entrepreneurs, although nominally an individual enterprise, closed in 2017, remains a financially and legally responsible entity, and the current tax period can last up to 5 years from the moment of deregistration.

Entrepreneurs are advised to save all activity reports and primary documentation, and be prepared for the fact that even after the closure of an individual enterprise, it may become the object of an on-site inspection by fiscal control authorities. Newly created enterprises will go through different databases and have their own tax history.

Possibility of reopening: pros and cons

If, after a period of economic difficulties, you decided to reconstruct your business in 2017, it is worth thinking about whether this step will really be an effective solution? You can follow the route you have already taken before, or you can try to implement some new interesting project.

In any case, if the preliminary closure procedure was carried out in full, and you do not have any outstanding obligations to the state or employees of your enterprise, in 2017 you can use the developed brand and continue its activities in a new format. In this case, the key to your success lies in rethinking your accumulated experience and choosing a new effective development strategy.

As for procedural issues, the registration process itself does not differ from the one you used to register an individual entrepreneur for the first time. The only thing is that the tax service and other government bodies have already accumulated a certain history of your financial activities and it is much easier to identify your company.

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The question - is it possible to open an individual entrepreneur and close and open again? is of interest to entrepreneurs who have unstable income from their business or are forced to abandon their activities for some time due to a number of prevailing circumstances. They may or may not be foreseen. Factors that most often influence liquidation and re-registration are moving to another locality (applies to those who are discharged from one place to another), loss of business development potential, natural disaster (if property was damaged), deterioration in the health of the entrepreneur, change of system taxation.

Your business does not always bring the desired profit. In some cases, an entrepreneur does not have time to engage in an individual entrepreneur that is open. For example, he has a stable job and does not get around to his business. Here another question arises - how to close an individual entrepreneur if there was no activity. It is important to know here that no one is interested in what an entrepreneur does. The main thing is that it is legal. But whether he conducts his activities with an open individual entrepreneur or not is unimportant. He is obliged to pay taxes according to the system he has chosen. The procedure for closing an individual entrepreneur, and in fact its liquidation, does not depend on whether the activity was carried out or not. The registration procedure in this case is the same for everyone.

Individual entrepreneurs resort to the procedure of closing an individual entrepreneur for the following reasons:

The procedure for registering a new business does not change. The entrepreneur must again collect the entire package of documents for registering an individual entrepreneur.

In fact, a business is being liquidated and a new one is opening, independent of the first. After which the entrepreneur receives new papers - documents on registration with the tax service, pension fund and an extract from the state register.

It is not always that the closing of an individual entrepreneur, and then its opening, goes smoothly. You can speed up the process of re-registration of a business if you carefully prepare for it.

  • pre-pay the entire amount of taxes. If an entrepreneur is remembered as a malicious debtor, it will be very difficult for him to open an individual entrepreneur again;
  • submit all necessary documents to the pension fund and statistics department. The question cannot be relevant - how to restore an individual entrepreneur after closure, until the entrepreneur submits all reports regarding the conduct of his previous business. He must do this independently or by proxy;
  • obtaining documents for deregistration of individual entrepreneurs. The tax service prepares the paperwork based on the application submitted by the entrepreneur. The procedure for closing an individual entrepreneur, if the businessman is clean before the law and has no debts, takes from 1 to 3 working days, depending on the workload of the government agency.

All possible obstacles to resumption of work can only exist if the entrepreneur conducted his activities illegally and evaded mandatory payments and contributions. Restoration of the individual entrepreneur's registration certificate is not provided for by law. This document is canceled when the business closes.

There is one more nuance - is it possible to open an individual entrepreneur after its problematic closure? If the closure of a business occurred on the entrepreneur’s own initiative, then he can start a new business almost immediately. The main thing is to have no debts. For an entrepreneur who is interested in how to close an individual entrepreneur if no activity was actually carried out, this is especially relevant. There are no financial manipulations - no problems with cancellation and further registration of the business.

In the case where the closure of an individual entrepreneur is made by a court decision, it will not be possible to start a new activity soon. An entrepreneur is allowed to resume work after at least a year.

Many businessmen are also interested in the question of how to restore an individual entrepreneur if there are financial problems. The legislation does not exempt an individual from paying taxes if the entrepreneur has ceased his activities. He must pay everything on time or face administrative punishment.

You can renew an individual entrepreneur after closure if you have debts, adhering to the following recommendations:

  • do not delay payments. This applies not only to taxes and insurance premiums, but also to loans. You should not wait for the IP to be canceled by a decision of a judicial authority. If you have hired employees, you must pay wages first;
  • It’s good to think everything over and consult with a lawyer. Some entrepreneurs, already a month after opening, are interested in how to close an individual entrepreneur. What provokes them to do this is low profits or working in debt. Don't rush to conclusions and try to get out of the financial hole.

The legislation does not regulate how many times an individual entrepreneur can be opened and closed. Often it is not possible to do this, because there is red tape with papers. After the business ceases to exist, it is necessary to account for all financial manipulations, otherwise further problems with the law may arise.

To properly close your business, you need to know all the legal subtleties, so the help of a specialist in this matter is quite relevant.

You can start your business in a new way after receiving official papers on the liquidation of your previous business. They can be obtained by having debts, but this is not welcomed by either the state or creditors. Documents for re-opening an individual entrepreneur after closure may be submitted on the same day when papers on the termination of previous activities are received.

  • carry out analysis. You can open an individual entrepreneur after closing quite quickly, but it’s worth thinking about it and also calculating how profitable it will be. In order not to be at a loss again, it is necessary to take into account previous mistakes;
  • draw up a business plan. After the closure of an individual entrepreneur, fresh ideas often arise for opening a new business. When registering an activity, a business plan can be provided to the tax service to confirm the seriousness of your intentions;
  • prepare a new package of documents. You can use the opportunity to re-open a business if you have all the permissions. To register a new individual entrepreneur, you need all the same documents as when registering your first business, plus certificates of debt payment.

You shouldn’t give in to the temptation and continue running your business, but unofficially. This can result in a particularly large fine and a ban on doing business in the future. The Tax Service informs entrepreneurs when they can reopen their business after the closure of an individual entrepreneur.

It is not advisable to ignore notices from the pension fund and insurance companies. If an entrepreneur does not submit reports on his activities and does not pay his bills, his business may be terminated by a court decision. Opening a business again if you close an individual entrepreneur yourself can be done faster and without problems, when there is an opportunity to quickly recoup it. In cases where the activity is terminated by a court decision, starting a business is not so easy. Sometimes you have to wait up to 5-7 years.