Massager for the cervical and collar area. Massage of the collar area - how to do it at home. Neck area massage technique, video Electric massager for the cervical collar area

Massage, which is done in the cervical-collar area, is considered a therapeutic and preventive procedure aimed at improving blood circulation in the brain and its oxygen saturation. On the virtual resources of private clinics it is written that all such manipulations can only be done by a qualified specialist, and only in official conditions.

In fact, it is possible to carry out a massage of the cervical-collar area at home, having familiarized yourself with the basic recommendations and warnings in advance.

Indications for use

Massaging the described area brings tangible relief after a hard day, relieves headaches and muscle tension. Skillfully performed manipulations can also help in the treatment of neuralgia, plexitis, sleep disorders, moderately increased pressure in the arteries and neuritis.

For medical reasons, relaxation in the neck muscles should be induced in case of scoliosis or osteochondrosis, but it would be wrong to consider massage the only therapeutic agent that guarantees a positive effect.


Massaging the cervical-collar area is subject to the same prohibitions as other similar procedures.

The latter is unacceptable if the following pathologies are present:

  • oncological formations;
  • decompensation of cardiac, renal or hepatic activity;
  • blood diseases that impair hemostasis;
  • thrombosis and high pressure in the arteries;
  • chronic dermatoses and skin lesions of infectious origin;
  • acute infection of the body, accompanied by elevated body temperature.

How to do?

Let's move on to how to massage the cervical-collar area yourself, without forcing a sick person to leave the walls of his home. It turns out that this is not as difficult as employees of private massage parlors and clinics say. The main thing is to follow the sequence of actions, not to show excessive haste and zeal. It is worth starting with the fact that the patient should take the correct starting position.

To do this, he should sit on a stool located opposite the table. Then his head rests on his hands or a pillow lying on the furniture, and he can begin.

The sequence of how to conduct a full-fledged relaxation session at home is as follows:

  • We start with the lightest strokes. They should touch the cervical surface, sides
    spine and trapezius muscles;
  • We increase the pressure of the hands on the body gradually, achieving rubbing and “squeezing” movements;
  • The maximum power of positive influence will be achieved if all actions are performed with the proximal phalanges, that is, the middle phalanges of the fingers gathered into a tight fist;
  • The next step is to warm up the trapezius muscle. It is done with the thumbs, middle and index fingers of both hands. It is worth noting that such manipulations can bring quite noticeable pain to the patient. You should not force him to endure it, just reduce the intensity of the force;
  • In no case do we strive to master manual therapy and massage the spinal column. Each movement made should concern only the cervical-collar area, and be performed down from the head;
  • In addition, the session involves working the shoulders and upper back. It occurs by kneading and rubbing the surface of the joints of the shoulders and the widest spinal muscles;
  • The duration of the entire massage should not exceed 25 minutes and be shorter than 15 minutes in a row.

Alternative options

If there is no one nearby whom you can completely trust with your body, you can buy a specific massager designed specifically for the neck-collar area. Today, the choice of such devices is quite extensive, and among the available assortment there will be a model that meets your requirements and claims.

The most common options are the following:

  • Massage pillows created specifically for kneading home massage. The most
    elementary modifications relieve neck muscles from overstrain, while more multifunctional devices are equipped with the ability to vibrate massage. The latter has a great effect on the vascular system, especially if we are also talking about kneading the legs. It is worth noting that the most current models can have a positive effect on biologically active points located in a specific area of ​​the human body and improve the current condition of the skin thanks to built-in infrared radiation;
  • Massage capes. These products can please you with a high-quality and complete massage, which you can really do at home, right in the car or at work. Depending on the configuration, they can be placed on car seats, home or office furniture. According to reviews from existing users, such a massager normalizes all blood circulation processes, improves mood, relieves pain in the back and cervical-collar area, and gives vigor and energy.

Massage capes can have a different set of functions, and, accordingly, a different operating principle.

For example, some models use special massage rollers made of healing ceramics or plastic. Such devices have several built-in massage techniques aimed at strengthening, relaxing or treating a specific part of the human body.

Zhenya 2018-04-23 19:08:10 A compact massager helps me relieve fatigue in the neck area without the help of others. As I have been living alone for a long time, it is difficult for me to massage myself, so I ordered a Medisana MNV massager. I doubted its performance because of its cost, but as soon as I tried it in action, my doubts disappeared. Great device for a great price.

Neck massager Homedics NMS-250-EU

Andrey Lazarev 2018-06-28 12:40:41 Although the massager is less technologically advanced, it is more convenient and reliable to use. Yes, there are only two programs, but roller mechanisms completely replace sophisticated technologies. Cool idea in the form of long handles and a U-shaped massager. It is much better than semicircular analogues. I don’t use heating; this function increases my blood pressure. But I use the device every evening for 20 minutes.

Neck and back massager Twist Streps

Marina 2018-04-23 18:49:37 I use the massager after a long day at work or on weekends to relieve stress. The massager performs its functions perfectly. The back is restored within 15-20 minutes. A wonderful result for such a budget price.

Neck massager Yamaguchi Axiom Neck

Evgeniya 2018-04-24 18:58:22 I am almost always very tense, even at night. Relaxation techniques help, but it’s very difficult to relax the neck. I spent a long time choosing a neck massager. There are, of course, cheaper options. But here I liked that the device can also be used for arms and legs. I was also attracted by the fact that you can take it with you on trips. The massager is made of such material that even just picking it up is very pleasant. The mode switching button is located very conveniently. It can be switched directly during the massage. I also tried the massager on the bus. I really liked it. Now I am not afraid of long trips and flights.

Body massager “HEALTHY BACK NEW”

Pavel 2018-04-23 18:18:00 As stated in the product description, the massager really helped relieve the aching pain in my back. Periodically, the pain returns, then I still do procedures with this device. I feel young, I hope nothing else hurts.

Neck massager Medisana NM 860

Aidar 2018-04-23 18:27:22 I work in a sitting position all day, so I often experience neck pain. The massager perfectly relieves tension, is easy to use, and improves neck mobility. In a short time he is able to bring me back to a working position, I advise you to buy it!

Neck massager MEDISANA NM 865

Evgeny 2018-11-10 15:46:42 Thanks to the manager for the consultation, and to the store for the fast delivery. I already received it and had time to drive it for a week - it works fine. The functionality is good, 2 vibration levels give different effects. I like the first one more, which has a relaxing effect. Uses batteries sparingly.

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Neck massage is one of the popular types of procedures and can be performed both in a professional massage parlor and at home. It involves manipulation in areas such as the back of the neck, upper back and shoulder girdle. The main effect is to relax the muscles and normalize blood circulation.

The technique of performing a collar massage is considered one of the simplest, so it can be performed at home. In order to correctly perform all the necessary manipulations, you should familiarize yourself with their diagram and order.

In order for the effect to be truly high-quality and to avoid any damage, it is better to seek advice from a specialist who will show you the basics of such a procedure.

There are several rules that must be followed when performing a massage of the neck and collar area. The first of them is to under no circumstances touch the spine area during massage movements. They should be carried out on both sides of it. Otherwise, there is a high probability of disruption of the functioning of the spine, which can lead to the development of diseases of the musculoskeletal system. The second rule is that massage movements should be directed from top to bottom or from the center to the sides. Rubbing should not be done in the opposite direction. There is no danger in this, but the desired effect will also not follow.

Massage technique

The massage technique involves several types of manipulations, such as stroking, rubbing and kneading. Also, in order to carry out massage at home, it is important to know how to correctly position a person to carry out the necessary effects.

The procedure, diagram and basic manipulations are as follows:


Before starting a massage, the person needs to be seated correctly. For this, it is better to use a stool, since when using a regular chair, the back will interfere with the massage therapist. We place a stool in front of the table and seat a person there. He should place his head on the table (on a pillow or hands) and completely relax.


The beginning of a neck massage is stroking. They will help you relax as much as possible and prepare your muscles and skin for further, more active effects. As mentioned earlier, stroking movements should be directed from top to bottom, they should in no case affect the spine. After manipulating the neck, you can move on to the back area, performing similar movements. After a few minutes, the intensity of the manipulations can be increased and proceed to the next step.


Rubbing is carried out according to a similar scheme, but with greater pressure. To achieve maximum effect, you can rub your neck, shoulders and back not with your palm, but with the phalanges of your fingers clenched into a fist. This way the impact will be deeper and more active.


A massage of the back and cervical region must necessarily include kneading, because it is this effect that provides the maximum effect - improves blood flow and promotes relaxation. Kneading is carried out with three fingers - middle, index and thumb. At the same time, do not forget to follow the general rules. At this stage, it is important to monitor the person’s well-being. If pain occurs during a neck massage, the intensity should be reduced. An effective therapeutic massage should not cause discomfort.

During this procedure, you can perform a small head massage. In this case, stroking and light rubbing of the temporal area will be enough. This will enhance the relaxing effect and relieve tension.

Indications and contraindications

The main benefit of massage is that after it the collar area relaxes and blood flow in its area improves. This contributes to better saturation of the brain with oxygen and other necessary substances. A properly performed massage allows you to relax and relieve tension after a working day, relieves headaches, and normalizes sleep.

The main indications are the following:

  • diseases of the cardiovascular system;
  • nervous system disorders;
  • cervicothoracic osteochondrosis and scoliosis;
  • chronic diseases of the respiratory system and gastrointestinal tract;
  • dermatological diseases;
  • pathologies and injuries of the musculoskeletal system.

Experts recommend massage of the neck and collar area for preventive purposes for people prone to frequent colds and allergic reactions. This will ease the symptoms and allow the underlying disease to be cured faster.

There are also contraindications to massage. Neck massage is not recommended if a person has cancer, liver and kidney pathologies, thrombosis and high blood pressure, or infections accompanied by fever. It is undesirable to carry out such manipulations if there are dermatological diseases or various types of wounds in these areas of the skin. It is better to wait a certain period and continue sessions after eliminating the pathologies.

It is necessary to understand that even if a person knows how to do a massage correctly, one should not self-medicate without consulting a specialist. Perhaps the illness requires other treatment, or such manipulations are strictly prohibited in your case. To get the maximum effect from this procedure, contact a specialist and carry it out only according to the recommendations received.

Of course, massage of the cervical-collar area is the best remedy against fatigue, headaches, numbness in the hands and poor health. After this procedure, the passage of nerve impulses accelerates and blood circulation improves in all organs that are located near the cervical vertebrae - the thyroid gland, brain, eyes, etc. And most people don’t mind pampering themselves with massages, if not for one problem - you don’t have to go to a massage therapist , and doing them to yourself is extremely inconvenient.

Where there is demand, there is always supply. Relatively recently, electric massagers for the neck and shoulders have appeared on the market, with which you can conduct a mechanical massage session at any convenient time and in a comfortable place. Using them regularly, you can achieve very impressive results:

  • relieve pain and tightness in the neck;
  • restore tone or, conversely, relax muscles;
  • improve posture, increase performance;
  • get rid of migraines and chronic fatigue;
  • prevent or stop the development of osteochondrosis, hypertension, glenohumeral arthrosis.

To get a family “massage therapist”, you need an amount of approximately 1000 rubles. Even for little money you can buy a reliable and effective massager with a roller or impact type. However, in the popularity ratings, the leading places are occupied by slightly more expensive models, but with greater functionality - they have built-in IR heaters, automatic control, and separate attachments for the face, neck, shoulders, etc.

To decide which device you need, specify the tasks it will have to solve and check out the rating of the best electrical devices. We compiled it taking into account user reviews, the expected effect of use and the price-quality ratio. When choosing, be careful: many massagers have a whole list of contraindications, and we do not recommend treating them carelessly.

The best hand massagers

The hand-held device is a design with one or more massage heads and a convenient holder. This massager is convenient to relieve spasm of muscle fibers that are tired after playing sports or due to a long static position. Its main advantages are affordability and effectiveness, close to the healing effect of classical massage. However, there is no need to delude yourself - it will not help you lose weight, and the device itself must be handled with care.

3 Dolphin AMG 6093 Gezatone

The most creative design. Full vibration massage
A country: France (manufactured in Taiwan)
Average price: 1790 rub.
Rating (2019): 4.3

In appearance, this massager looks more like a children's toy, but at the same time it is quite a serious tool for improving well-being. It combines the function of vibration massage with heating by IR lamps. The nature of the impact is regulated by the duration of the procedure, intensity (there are two levels) and interchangeable attachments: main (for general massage), acupressure (for shiatsu massage), needle (for delicate treatment of sensitive areas).

The product can be used to massage not only the neck or shoulders, but also the hips, feet, arms, and lower back. The length of the “dolphin” is enough to conduct a self-massage of the back. Reviews indicate that the greatest effect is obtained after a course of daily procedures lasting 10–15 minutes: the neck feels light, the shoulders relax, the skin tightens, and the muscles become more elastic. The manufacturer also claims the possibility of losing weight by breaking down the fat layer, but we think that this is only possible with an integrated approach.

2 Beurer MG80

The most comfortable intensity adjustment
Country: Germany
Average price: 5000 rub.
Rating (2019): 4.6

In classical massage, masters rarely use such a technique as vibration - this movement is too energy-consuming, and they quickly get tired of it. But with a hand massager from the famous German company Beurer, you can qualitatively massage the area of ​​the shoulders and neck, as well as the chest, stomach, back and, in general, the whole body. The main work is performed by two attachments - they are located so that the load falls on the area along the spine, and not on the spinal column. This is noted in reviews as an undeniable advantage.

The device was included in the rating of the best thanks to its smooth regulation of the degree of vibration, thoughtful design, impact power and quality of massage. The combination of vibration and heating turned out to be especially successful, but only experienced users can withstand it, and beginners should get acquainted with the capabilities of the massager, starting at low speeds. The device is not an individual accessory, the whole family can use it, you just need to familiarize yourself with the contraindications: diagnosed oncology, hypertension, thrombosis, infectious dermatitis, blood diseases and acute respiratory viral infections.

1 Casada Tappymed 3

Better case ergonomics
Country: Germany
Average price: 5900 rub.
Rating (2019): 4.9

It is logical that a device that is initially inconvenient to use will gather dust on a distant shelf. And vice versa, if the design of the massager is as well thought out as in the Tappymed model, long-term operation, visible results and positive user reviews are guaranteed. The Casada company is already releasing the 3rd version of the device, and it invariably occupies top positions in the ratings of online stores. And all thanks to a comfortable non-slip handle, optimal length and balanced weight.

It is enough to knead the problem areas for 8-10 minutes in a circular motion, and the vibrating tapping of one of the 4 silicone attachments will work wonders on them: due to the dilation of blood vessels, blood will flow to the skin and bring life-giving oxygen and nutrients to the massaged area. And for this she will thank you with elasticity, firmness and beauty. With minimal intensity and a special attachment, the massager can even be used to massage the head, but again, contraindications must be taken into account.

The best roller massagers

This group of neck and shoulder massagers has earned particular popularity due to its versatility and ease of use. The principle of their operation is to roll massage rollers and create gentle pressure on certain areas of the body while simultaneously heating them. Unlike manual devices, both mechanical and electrical, they do not require manual manipulation, which allows for complete relaxation. There are several types of cervical electric massagers, but for maximum treatment of the cervical-collar area, the most convenient are roller devices worn around the neck like scarves.

4 Medisana NM 860

The optimum ratio of price and quality
Country: Germany
Average price: 4800 rub.
Rating (2019): 4.5

Medisana's products have long been familiar to European and domestic consumers - it has been developing products for preventive health for more than 30 years. One of the most famous devices from its range today is an electric shiatsu massager, equipped with 4 massage elements that create the effect of touching your fingertips. By delicately influencing certain areas of the body simultaneously (if desired) with their heating with IR lamps, the device allows you to receive full-fledged massage treatments at home.

Load regulation is carried out in two ways - manually (by threading your hands into special belts) and using a built-in control unit that changes intensity modes. Reviews note the excellent quality of the massager, conscientious work on the neck, lower back and shoulders, but at the same time indicate that for foot massage it is better to complement it with another model, for example, Medisana MFB.

3 Kragen(GESS-012) Gess

Massager with car adapter
Country: China
Average price: 5670 rub.
Rating (2019): 4.5

Modern people often have no time not only to go to a massage therapist, but even to devote 15 minutes to a hardware massage, for which they have to pay with pain in the neck and a feeling of stiffness in the shoulders. But with an electrical device that can operate from a cigarette lighter, you can take care of your health on the way to work or from training. The Kragen manual massager is made of medical leather, which is resistant to mechanical damage, moisture resistant and can be cleaned with disinfectants.

2 massage heads with 4 roller elements are built inside, providing an intense kneading massage. The warm-up function warms up and prepares the muscles for the upcoming work, and the rollers are “trained” to change the direction of rotation at the right moment, due to which the similarity with a manual massage is greatly enhanced. Among the advantages indicated in the reviews, we should mention the presence of weights at the ends of the “scarf,” which ensures a tighter fit to the massaged area. The downside is that untrained people may experience neck pain. Don't get carried away and read the contraindications!

2 Casada Neck Massager 2

Anyone who knows firsthand about spinal protrusion, after drug therapy and a complex of exercise therapy, sooner or later is left alone with an old problem - congestion in the neck area after sitting for many hours. To prevent a relapse, you need to eliminate the cause of the disease, that is, move the muscles, remove pinches and relieve swelling. If you believe the reviews, the 2nd generation Neck Massager works best at home.

Its interior is made of high-quality material that is pleasant to the touch, similar to felt and retains heat for a long time. There are heating and vibration functions, but the most popular option is the roller massage option. It is performed by 2 massage heads, the direction of movement of which can be controlled by pressing one button. The weight of the massager is 1.5 kg, and some in the reviews call it heavy, but the manufacturer specifically made it this way to ensure high quality massage. Another good solution is to provide wide loops to thread your arms through and increase the load by natural tension.


The best design solution
Country: Japan
Average price: 15,000 rub.
Rating (2019): 5.0

The healthcare system in Japan is one of the most powerful in the world, and it focuses primarily on prevention. It is not surprising that it was Japanese engineers who managed to develop such a sought-after neck and shoulder massager model - Axiom Neck. It has the shape of a half ring, conveniently located on the neck and can be expanded to increase the radius of coverage. On the sides there are 4 massage rollers, the task of which is to qualitatively work out the muscles of the neck and shoulders.

An additional effect is created by infrared heating and an electromagnetic field: they improve blood circulation, microcirculation in the brain, and stimulate intracellular metabolic processes. The massager is electric, but it does not work from the mains, but from batteries. This allows you to take massage treatments while traveling, in the office and at home, regardless of the availability of an outlet and electricity. Judging by the reviews, the functionality of the device is excellent, and it can be used to stretch the muscles of the arms, hips, lower legs, back and chest. During use, we must not forget about contraindications: in case of fever, severe blood diseases, thrombosis, it is not recommended to use the device without the recommendations of the attending physician.

The best percussion massagers

Hidden inside the percussion massagers is a shock-cam mechanism, the action of which is felt like a rapid drum roll. Its operation does not require human participation at all, but the impact extends to deeper layers than any other type of massage. Just like roller hammers, electric impact devices operate on mains power or batteries, automatically turning off after a programmed period of time. Another advantage is the significant variety of auto programs (in some models their number reaches 40–50). But they also have more significant contraindications: fever, the presence of skin lesions, inflammatory processes in the body, blood diseases.

3 Healthy Back New Bradex

The best device for Thai shoulder and back massage
A country: Israel (made in China)
Average price: 2700 rub.
Rating (2019): 4.4

By applying deep pressure to muscle tissue, Thai massage therapists achieve dilation of blood vessels, increased blood flow and improved skin nutrition. The massage device with the self-explanatory name “Healthy Back” has the same effect. You can use it while lying or sitting to massage your neck, shoulders, lower back, thighs and calves. A shock-cam device hidden in a textile sleeve provides uniform vibration, IR emitters are responsible for heating the massaged area, and electronic control allows you to select one of 12 operating modes and one of 9 pressure levels.

The massage cape perfectly follows the contours of the neck, as it has the shape of a horseshoe with two loops at the ends. By pulling them with your hands, you can further adjust the massage process. Judging by the reviews, the quality of the product is very good, so there are all the prerequisites for a long and trouble-free service life. There is also a minus, but it rather relates to the service: when purchasing, some online stores do not issue a warranty card, so we advise you to pay attention to this point.

2 Cervical massage shawls

The largest number of massage variations
Country: China
Average price: 1950 rub.
Rating (2019): 4.5

People in reviews sometimes complain about newly purchased massagers - they sometimes lack the force of influence, sometimes it is excessive, and the procedure causes pain. But with this device there is no such problem: 2 modes (manual and automatic), 38 settings variations, 9 speeds - this is enough to program a massage of the required intensity. The duration of the procedure is automatically adjusted, and after 10 minutes the massager turns off, but if you wish, you can stop or continue its operation by pressing the On/Off button.

The device is simple and clear to use. You don’t need to hold it in your hands – just put it around your neck and cover your shoulders, and turn on the mode that suits your mood and needs. By the way, the electronic control panel is located very conveniently for the user - so that he does not have to twist his head when choosing a program or level. The device is quite powerful, so when starting to work with it, you should focus on the minimum settings, and only after getting used to them, move on to the next level.

1 Rumba Us Medica

Original massager-cape with pockets
A country: USA (manufactured in China)
Average price: 8900 rub.
Rating (2019): 4.8

This device has a very ingeniously thought out counterweight system - it is implemented using ordinary hand pockets. Thanks to this position, the optimal position of the massager is ensured during operation, the intensity of the massage is adjusted, the position of the cape and, accordingly, the treatment area are changed. Thus, the device can massage not only the neck and shoulders, but also the lumbar, interscapular and other areas where blood stagnation and muscle spasm often form.

Rumba uses two basic massage techniques - tapping and effleurage. The sound of rhythmically alternating beats resembles the beat of a piece of music - a rumba, hence the romantic name of the model. However, at maximum settings, the effect of the “dancing” device is very noticeable, so the manufacturer does not recommend starting the first massage sessions with them and getting too carried away with their duration. It can be used wherever there is a possibility of connecting to an electrical network.

For the first time, massage devices were invented by the ancient Greeks: they resembled a scraper, which was used to rub the skin. The Japanese picked up the idea, making special sticks and hammers for targeted impact on problem areas. Today, the market for electric massagers is simply replete with variety, but massagers for the neck, shoulders or back are in greatest demand. What are devices and how to make the right choice?

What is a neck massager

Everyone has at least once experienced ailments associated with overstraining the muscles of the cervical back or improper alignment of the elements of the spine. Modern household massage devices help in solving such issues and have a lot of advantages - they are affordable, economical, and easy to use. Although a cervical massager cannot replace the masterful hands of a massage therapist, nevertheless, the accessory helps:

  • relieve fatigue;
  • relieve aching pain;
  • normalize blood circulation;
  • straighten crooked posture;
  • cure chronic fatigue syndrome;
  • align the cervical vertebrae;
  • restore muscle tone and strengthen muscles;
  • improve the appearance of the skin.

A massager for the neck-collar area can be electric, manual, roller or vibration. In addition, such household accessories are often marketed with additional attachments. For example, there is a special attachment for muscle massage that imitates the action of human hands; it is made in the form of a circle with convexities. There are special accessories for gently kneading the neck: such a device relaxes and soothes the skin. In any case, it is better to buy a device from a trusted company.

Electric neck massager

Massagers powered by electricity are the most popular among users of mechanical neck massage. Manufacturers often add removable facial attachments, rollers or brushes as standard equipment for such models. A good representative of this class of devices is an electric neck massager from the German company Medisana:

  • Model name: Vibrating massager Medisana MNV.
  • Price: the approximate cost of the device is 2600 rubles.
  • Characteristics: consumed volume – 3 W, operating time – 10-15 minutes, power supply – 6V.
  • Pros: you can independently adjust the intensity of the massage, there is a shiatsu function, the device is equipped with infrared illumination, and can be powered by batteries.
  • Cons: the non-removable fabric cover gets dirty over time.

The following device from the Japanese company Takasima boasts excellent quality, rich functionality and positive reviews:

  • Model name: massager “Health Necklace” PG 2601B.
  • Price: you can buy it in the online store for 4,500 rubles.
  • Characteristics: device power 6 W, required mains voltage – 220 W, back heating temperature – 40 degrees, pulse frequency – 1000 Hz.
  • Pros: there are 4 manual operating modes and 2 automatic; the convenient shape allows even children to use the device.
  • Cons: the program selection menu is only in English.

Manual neck massager

Devices for manual use have several fundamental differences from electrical devices - there is no need to select the optimal grip width for the neck; they can work on any part of the body, including the feet and buttocks. For example, manual neck massagers from Fitstudio increase muscle performance, warm up joints and relieve pain:

  • Model name: ultrasonic massager “Dolphin”.
  • Price: you can buy a manual massager for the back and neck on the Internet for 1,100 rubles.
  • Characteristics: oscillation frequency – 220 kHz, supply voltage – 2V, device weight – 1.16 kg.
  • Pros: the set includes three attachments for acupressure, general and intensive massage.
  • Cons: the material is flimsy plastic.

Among a number of similar products, manual massagers for the back and neck from WAHL stand out:

  • Model name: handheld electric massager 4290-300 Deep Tissue Percussion Massager.
  • Price: you can buy it on sale in online stores for 2200 rubles.
  • Characteristics: device length – 45 cm, number of pulses – 3350 per 1 minute of operation.
  • Pros: The kit comes with five different attachments.
  • Cons: difficult to find on sale.

Roller neck massager

Roller massagers for the back and neck will help relieve muscle fatigue after a hard day. For ease of use, most models are equipped with adjustable straps and infrared heating sensors. Like, for example, the following device from AMMA:

  • Model name: kneading massager AMMA COMFORT.
  • Price: the approximate cost of the product is 4,000 rubles, but you can buy the device on sale for 3,420 rubles.
  • Characteristics: 4 roller attachments, ability to adjust massage intensity, operating time - 15 minutes.
  • Pros: The product comes with a car adapter.
  • Cons: Only medium intensity level of work is available.

To prevent back pain and relieve headaches, a convenient collar massager from ZENET is perfect:

  • Model name: massage collar ZENET TL-BLT-04.
  • Price: you can buy a neck massager on Yandex Market for 3,700 rubles.
  • Characteristics: device power – 60 W, type of operation – from the mains, the system has 10 modes.
  • Pros: convenient control panel, ergonomic design.
  • Cons: the cover cannot be washed.

Vibrating neck massager

This type of device was specially designed to break up salt deposits, improve blood circulation and relieve tension. When purchasing, you should pay special attention to the model from the MASSAGE PARADISE brand:

  • Model name: vibration massager for back and neck MP H-NECK 1.
  • Price: you can order by mail with delivery in Moscow or St. Petersburg for 3,200 rubles.
  • Characteristics: gross weight of the device - 1.5 kg, auto-off timer - 15 minutes.
  • Pros: the device imitates the Japanese Shiatsu massage technique and has a heating function.
  • Cons: non-removable cover.

Are you looking for an expensive and high-quality electric massager for your back and neck? Then a device from the American medical equipment company HOMEDICS is ideal for you:

  • Model name: HOMEDICS NMS-620H-EU.
  • Price: from 6000 rubles.
  • Characteristics: power type - from the mains, required voltage for operation - 220 W, change of direction and intensity of massage is switched using the remote control.
  • Pros: you can choose the area of ​​operation of the device.
  • Cons: It will take some time to adapt to learn how to use the device.

Neck massager for osteochondrosis

Just a few years ago, wooden balls with spikes strung on a thread were considered the most effective type of device for back pain from osteochondrosis. Progress has stepped far forward and the consumer can choose a massager for cervical osteochondrosis to suit his taste. A good alternative to pain would be a device from RestArt:

  • Model name: Tap Pro percussion massager.
  • Price: you can order in online stores for 4500-5000 rubles.
  • Characteristics: shutdown timer works after 16 minutes, device power – 60 W, number of programs – 39 pcs.
  • Pros: easy to use.
  • Cons: There is no manual or automatic intensity control.

This neck and shoulder massage collar from Polaris is in the same price range as its predecessor, but what sets it apart from its competitor is its versatility. The device can be used to treat pain of any localization:

  • Model name: Body massager Polaris PEM 1912.
  • Price: the cost of the product in M-video is 5,000 rubles.
  • Characteristics: there is a heating mode, one automatic operating program and 4 control modes, automatic shutdown is triggered after 15 minutes.
  • Pros: good quality, eco-leather finishing material.
  • Cons: bulky.

Neck massager

Devices from Italian companies are famous for their excellent workmanship and long service life. Judging by the reviews, this home massager for the collar area has proven itself well on the Russian market:

  • Model name: Massager Imetec MC3-200.
  • Price: approximate cost in Moscow 5000 rubles.
  • Characteristics: massage type - roller, electronic control with four switches, automatic shutdown after 15 minutes of operation.
  • Pros: there is a heating function, comfortable loop handles.
  • Cons: suitable for kneading only the muscles of the shoulders, neck and back.

The Bodykraft neck and shoulder massage pillow is especially convenient to use and does not cause discomfort to its owner:

  • Model name: Bodykraft C-33 vibration cushion.
  • Price: 3700 rubles.
  • Characteristics: material – fabric plus artificial leather, there are two massage modes and infrared heating, the device works from the mains or the cigarette lighter in the car.
  • Pros: convenient for massaging not only the neck, but also the lower back.
  • Cons: there is no magnetic function or auto-switching of rollers.

Chair massager for back and neck

For those who, due to duty, are forced to sit a lot at the computer, a chair massager for the back and neck will be a salvation from rheumatoid pain in the back and muscles:

  • Model name: Massager-cape ZENET TL-2005Z-F.
  • Price: in Moscow 3200 rubles.
  • Characteristics: power – 15 W, there is a heating function, software and independent control.
  • Pros: relaxes well, relieves muscle tension.
  • Cons: cannot be washed.

A massage mat from the USA, similar in quality but slightly different in price, will be a godsend for office workers:

  • Model name: Massage cover BMSC-1000H-EU.
  • Price: average cost in Russia is 5,500 rubles.
  • Characteristics: there is a heating function, remote control, massage type - roller.
  • Pros: the fabric is pleasant to the touch, the device folds compactly.
  • Cons: Not machine washable.

Chinese neck and shoulder massager

Are you looking for where to buy a back and neck massager cheaply, with free shipping and a quality guarantee? Then you should pay attention to Chinese goods. For example, the following representative:

  • Model name: U-shape universal Chinese neck and shoulder massager EU plug.
  • Price: on Ali Express without discount – 2800 rubles.
  • Characteristics: shutdown timer works after 15 minutes, has a heating function, powered by 12 V batteries.
  • Pros: you can adjust the pressure during massage.
  • Cons: average noise level.

Neck massager for car

Those who have to spend a lot of time behind the wheel - stuck in traffic jams or traveling - will definitely like a special seat cover with a back and neck massage function:

  • Model name: neck massager for car BMSC-5000H-EU.
  • Price: in Moscow and the region from 15,000 rubles.
  • Characteristics: massage type – roller shiatsu, has a heating function.
  • Pros: The headrest has a comfortable shape and is endowed with the ability to absorb the weight of the head.
  • Cons: Hand cleaning only.

The compact massage cape from Gezatone combines all the functions of a roller massage, heated seats and an orthopedic armrest for the back of the head:

  • Model name: Massage cape “3D Pad” AMG387.
  • Price: average cost 17,000 rubles.
  • Characteristics: power consumption – no more than 34 W, thermal effect up to 45 degrees, operating time – 15 minutes, color – black.
  • Pros: design of 6 massage modes and 3 auto programs.
  • Cons: high cost.

How to choose a neck massager

Different devices for home massage have a lot of characteristics. How not to get confused when buying and make the right choice? It is worth paying attention to the following indicators:

  • power;
  • functionality and completeness;
  • convenience.

The best massager for the neck and shoulders should combine all the criteria at once, however, as a rule, the cost of such a device is high. Then you should stick to the golden mean: for example, if the vibrating massager is too small, then most likely the intensity of its work will not be sufficient to relax all the muscles of the neck. A large device, on the contrary, will have high power, but its feature will be its large dimensions.

An ideal option would be a stimulating massager with a wide range of therapeutic effects. If you suffer from osteochondrosis or rheumatic pain in the collar region, you need a device that will cover the entire thoracic region. It also makes sense to purchase a special collar pad, inside of which there are plastic rollers. If you drive frequently, the best option would be to purchase a seat cover with a heated function.
