Didn't recover after childbirth. Restoring the body after childbirth: how long does rehabilitation last? How to use a postpartum bandage

Since the child has been born, most women now want to become what they were before. However, the body and soul need time to recover after childbirth. For 40 weeks, the entire body was programmed for pregnancy. For nine months, the child grew inside you, adapted and shaped your body in accordance with its needs, and after giving birth, the need for this disappeared.

As a matter of fact, it is quite logical that your body will now need some time for reverse restructuring. But, nevertheless, many young mothers do not believe in a successful recovery after childbirth, looking at themselves in the mirror for the first time. The belly sags, the muscles are flabby, the breasts are huge. Instead of being proud of the work the body has done, most women want to regain their usual figure as soon as possible. However, everything takes time, and it’s not for nothing that people talk about the second nine months.
Uterine recovery after childbirth, postpartum contractions and postpartum cleansing

The greatest changes in the body occur in the first days after childbirth. But for a few more months the body is rebuilt, returning to almost its original state.

The uterus probably has to go through the biggest change. Immediately after giving birth, she is still huge, like balloon, and its weight is 1-1.5 kg. Over the course of six weeks, it shrinks to the size of a pear, and its weight drops to 50-70 g.

In order to withstand such enormous changes, the uterus needs help. The so-called postpartum contractions serve to reduce its blood supply and remove muscle fibers that have become unnecessary. Immediately after childbirth, a prolonged (approximately 5 minutes) contraction of the uterus occurs, but in most cases women do not notice this. Postpartum contractions, which occur approximately on the third day after childbirth, are felt only by those women who have already given birth before. However, there is another type of labor pains that occurs only when breastfeeding. They are caused by a hormone produced in a woman’s body during breastfeeding, which leads to a noticeable contraction of the uterus.

How further positive effect postpartum contractions can be noted to gradually decrease within uterine bleeding. Wound surface secretes a special wound secretion inside the uterus. Postpartum cleansing, or lochia, lasts four to six weeks and contains a ton of bacteria. Therefore, hygiene is extremely important. Neither the child nor your breast should come into contact with lochia under any circumstances.

Postpartum cleansing is not menstruation - the latter is restored in women who are not breastfeeding only six to eight weeks after birth, and in breastfeeding women - even later.

After childbirth, the mother's birth canal is traumatized: the uterus is swollen or even has tears, it had to be sutured, the labia and vagina are a continuous wound. Data internal injuries in most cases they heal very quickly.

Much big problem For most women, it represents a perineal incision or rupture, which is stitched up after childbirth. Some women have no problems with this even a week after giving birth, while others, on the contrary, suffer for several more weeks.

Most women tolerate everything directly related to childbirth easily. But they suffer greatly if childbirth affects their appearance. Even taking into account the fact that immediately after childbirth they lose several kilograms of weight, since not only has the baby left the body, but the uterus has also shrunk, extra blood has disappeared and amniotic fluid, way to ideal figure still very far away. Eleven to twelve kilograms will disappear without problems, but other kilograms will have to work hard.

Your body has changed. The shape of the abdomen has changed, the breasts have enlarged, and ugly pregnancy stretch marks are visible on the hips, abdomen, buttocks and breasts. Such “beauty defects” are not so easy to eliminate. Pregnancy stretch marks, which initially have a bright purple color, fade over the years and acquire a pearlescent color - but in any case remain for a long time as a memory of pregnancy. Time heals all wounds.

Childbirth does not always go according to the plan destined by nature. From caesarean section the young mother is also left with a scar. It is located in the so-called bikini area, that is, at the border of pubic hair. It will take some time for this scar to heal completely and its red color to fade. At first, this scar is still very sensitive if you press on it, so you should take this into account when choosing underwear and swimsuits. Let us remind you once again: if the first child is born through a caesarean section, then the second pregnancy does not necessarily end in a caesarean section. After two to three years of rest, the scar will easily withstand the load of a second pregnancy.

Birth of a baby - an important event in the life of every woman. However, the joy of the birth of a long-awaited child may be overshadowed physiological changes in the body of a young mother. It is necessary to take care not only of the safe development of the newborn, but also of own health and recovery after childbirth.

Condition of a woman in the first hours after childbirth

After natural delivery, the patient spends the first 2 hours in birth hall. There she is observed by obstetricians and gynecologists, monitoring her blood pressure and monitoring for possible internal bleeding. After some time, the doctor takes an interest in the patient’s condition, checks the discharge from the genital tract and massages the uterus. At this time, a woman often experiences an emotional upsurge: she becomes talkative, cheerful and cheerful. This behavior is associated with the release of endorphins, natural painkillers, during childbirth. Endorphins continue to act even after childbirth, causing positive emotions.

If after two hours the woman feels satisfactory and no abnormalities are found in the child’s development, the young mother and the newborn are transferred to the delivery room, where specialists monitor the pressure and temperature of the woman in labor.

First 3 days

Colostrum appears in the first 3 days after delivery

In the ward, the woman is usually asked to lie on her stomach for the next 2 hours. The uterus will be able to contract more often, and the discharge will be more intense. In the first few days it is possible painful sensations, so doctors often prescribe painkillers.

On the first day, urination may also be painful or completely absent. To solve problems with urination, doctors stimulate the uterus or attach a catheter.

In the first 2–3 days after childbirth, even if there were no ruptures, a woman may feel pain in the perineum. This occurs due to deformation and stretching of tissues. There is a lack of stool, which is considered natural. Colostrum appears - a sticky, sweetish liquid, which then turns into transitional milk, and then gradually becomes regular breast milk.

From 4 to 14 days

By the end of the second week, the perineal muscles restore their function. At the same time, muscle tone decreases gastrointestinal tract, why woman may suffer from constipation.

From two weeks to a month

By the end of the third week, the placental area heals. At this time, a woman can become very irritable. Arises It's a dull pain in the chest and perineum (if there are stitches). If you do not breastfeed, menstruation will resume. Possible small seals in the mammary glands due to the formation of milk.

Often in the first months after childbirth, a woman may feel back pain. This is due to the fact that the mother often takes the baby in her arms.

How many kilograms does a woman lose during childbirth?

During childbirth, a woman loses about 5–6 kg of weight

During pregnancy, weight increases. Its increase is influenced by:

  • child. Average weight - 3.5 kg;
  • placenta. Weighs 600–900 g;
  • uterus. Significantly increases in size, reaching 1 kg;
  • amniotic fluid. Weight can reach 800 g;
  • mammary gland. Weight - up to 0.5 kg;
  • blood, intercellular fluid, body fat. Increase body weight from 5.5 to 7.5 kg.

A weight gain of 11–12 kg during pregnancy with a normosthenic physique is considered normal. You can lose 5.2–5.7 kg during childbirth in a natural way. From the rest overweight you need to get rid of it yourself.

Extra pounds after childbirth

During the first month, with a normal diet and lifestyle, a woman loses excess weight in the abdomen, sides and thighs. Some of the calories go into milk, giving it the necessary fat content. Next, you will lose up to 1.5 kg monthly even without additional physical activity. Lochia is removed from the body - bloody issues, of which up to 1.5 kg accumulates in the uterine cavity during pregnancy, as well as oxytocin, which is released during breastfeeding and reduces the volume of the uterus.

However, some of the excess weight lost after childbirth may return in the first weeks of active feeding. This is due to the fact that the hormone prolactin, produced through natural feeding, delays the excretion of salts from the kidneys. Salts absorb water, which leads to the formation of edema.

Table: complete recovery of the body after childbirth

Organs What changes have you undergone? When they recover
Uterus After birth, the uterus weighs 1 kg and is halved in the first 10 days. The organ has the shape of a ball. Lochia persists and leaves the body within eight weeks. After 2–2.5 months, the uterus takes its previous shape and weighs about 100 g.
Cervix During natural childbirth, the shape changes: from conical to cylindrical. The external os narrows. In 3 months it is completely restored.
Menstrual function The uterus takes its natural position. Recovers towards the end breastfeeding. If the child is on artificial feeding- in 3 months.
Vagina Tearing, weakening of muscles. Recovery usually takes 2 months.
Breast It increases in size and may lose its shape. It is not always possible to restore the previous shape, but elasticity can be restored with the help of regular massage in a few months.
Musculoskeletal system Spreading the pelvic bones, increasing the elasticity of the joints, weakening the spine. The musculoskeletal system is restored in 3–4 months.
Stomach Sagging. Physical education for 1-2 years strengthens and tones the abdominal muscles.
The cardiovascular system Active blood supply and an enlarged fetus can contribute to the development of hemorrhoids. It takes a month to recover.

Video: woman’s pelvic muscles after childbirth

How to recover after childbirth at home

There is an opinion that women become younger after childbirth. This is partly true - the cells undergo regeneration. At the same time, there is general exhaustion of the body, vitamin deficiency, constipation, anemia, chronic hemorrhoids etc. You can restore your body without harming your health without visiting gyms and nutritionists.

How to restore overall tone

If during pregnancy you had sedentary lifestyle life, recovery will be difficult. The muscles weaken, and it is quite difficult to restore their tone after a long break. The muscles of the pelvis, back and abdomen suffer the most over 9 months, because they take on most of the load.

The abdominal muscles are especially severely deformed. Under the load of a growing fetus, they stretch greatly. 8 weeks after birth, the uterus returns to normal, and the abdomen should also return to its previous shape. However, if this does not happen, you will need to do abdominal strengthening exercises to recover. After a caesarean section, it is necessary to restore the tone of the abdominal muscles no earlier than 8 weeks after the operation. Usually in such cases, doctors prescribe bandages that fix the suture area, and also recommend that the patient sleep on her stomach for better reduction uterus. It is better to restore back muscles in the pool 3 months after childbirth.

IN postpartum period women often suffer from insomnia. This is due to the desire to become a good mother. The woman experiences strong feelings and sleep disturbances. WITH negative emotions need to fight. Start cheering yourself up: walk more, make pleasant purchases, remember your hobbies, read a book, watch a movie. Talk to folk medicine: chamomile, oregano or valerian will not harm either you or the child.

Breathing and heart function

To restore your metabolism after childbirth, walk more and breathe fresh air.

Due to the growing fetus, the diaphragm rises. It puts pressure on the lungs, making it harder to breathe. This is why pregnant women cannot climb stairs without shortness of breath. After childbirth, the diaphragm immediately lowers, freeing the lungs from unwanted compression, and breathing returns to normal.

The cardiovascular system after childbirth also recovers naturally on its own. Blood flow volumes decrease. Blood clotting improves. Full recovery lasts throughout the entire lactation period. If after childbirth you feel pain in the chest area or cough for no reason, you should consult a doctor.

Gastrointestinal function and metabolism

Weak pelvic muscles can cause constipation. To avoid this, eat foods rich in fiber. If you have gained excess weight during pregnancy, you should work on restoring your metabolism. To do this, follow a few rules.

  1. Don't go hungry. The lack of calories can be compensated by fat deposition.
  2. Eat frequently (5-6 times a day) and in small portions. This way you stimulate the production of sugar in the blood, which will improve the metabolism in the body.
  3. Eat hard-boiled egg whites and drink skim milk. These foods are low in calories. Include carrots in your diet. She's rich folic acid, which has a positive effect on the immune system.
  4. Take a walk after eating. This will improve your metabolism.
  5. Get more sleep. During sleep, a person produces growth hormone, which helps restore metabolism.
  6. Spend more time on fresh air, ventilate the premises more often. Oxygen, penetrating into the blood, also improves metabolism.
  7. Go to the bathhouse. Cardiopalmus accelerates metabolic processes in the body. Toxins come out along with sweat.
  8. Visit a massage parlor.

Hormonal background

At the end of lactation, you should consult a doctor if you experience the following symptoms:

  • the appearance of hair under the navel, on the chest, on the upper lip;
  • sudden weight gain or rapid weight loss that is not restored after lactation;
  • long (a week or more) and painful periods, minor bleeding between cycles;
  • dizziness, swelling, sleep disturbances;
  • neurosis.

If you notice these symptoms, take a blood test for hormones. Only a special study will reveal the real reason ailments. The doctor will prescribe the treatment. All you can do in this case is to strictly follow the recommendations, there are more products, rich in vitamins, exclude coffee and tobacco.

Vaginal muscles

The “Bridge” exercise is effective for recovery pelvic bones after childbirth

The timing of recovery of the pelvic organs after childbirth largely depends on the individual physiological characteristics women, and also on how carefully the young mother will follow the doctor’s instructions.

It takes approximately 6–8 weeks for the pelvic bones to recover. To help your body, do a few simple exercises:

  1. Lie on your back, bend your knees, and leave your feet on the floor. Place your palms on your stomach and as you exhale, draw it in as much as possible. Hold in this position first for 3-4 seconds, and then for 10 seconds.
  2. After exhaling, make a “Bridge” and tense the muscles of the retracted abdomen. Press your chin to your chest.
  3. Get on all fours, arch your back and draw in your stomach.

To quickly restore the vagina, doctors recommend adhering to the following recommendations:

  1. Stop sex life during the activation of lochia.
  2. Wash yourself after visiting the toilet.
  3. Change sanitary pads more often (up to 5 times a day).

If there were ruptures during childbirth and stitches were placed, the recovery process may be delayed. To speed up healing, it is recommended:

  • to avoid constipation, consume more vegetable oil before meals and reduce bread consumption. If necessary, use glycerin suppositories;
  • sleep without underwear, protecting the seams from unnecessary irritation;
  • lubricate the sutures twice a day with wound-healing preparations;
  • When resuming sexual activity, use lubricant.

Exercises to restore the tone of the uterus and vagina should be started as early as possible. However, after a caesarean section, ruptures and cracks, it is worth postponing gymnastics for 2-3 months.

To restore the vaginal muscles, you can perform a set of Kegel exercises. You shouldn't neglect exercise. They stimulate blood circulation well and promote tissue healing. Previously, such gymnastics was intended for women with urinary incontinence, and a little later it became great solution to restore vaginal muscles after childbirth. If you follow all the recommendations in good faith, full recovery can be achieved within 2–3 months.

How long does it take for a belly button to heal?

Usually the umbilical cord clamp disappears in babies 3–5 days after birth. At correct processing the navel heals in 2 weeks. However, this period is individual. Experts advise:

  • dress the baby in clothes made from natural fabrics to avoid allergic reactions;
  • disinfect the wound daily with hydrogen peroxide;
  • Avoid getting moisture on the wound.

The navel is considered healed if it does not bleed or secrete fluid for several days, and the skin around it does not differ from the rest of the skin.


Rose hips help restore vision after childbirth

Vision after childbirth may decrease due to a lack of vitamins during pregnancy. Most of the nutrients were consumed by the baby. A woman spends a lot of time before giving birth in a confined space, where all objects are close. As a result, the eye muscles weaken and vision deteriorates.

To restore visual acuity, you should perform a series of useful exercises to train the eye muscles:

  1. Find 2 distant points: one closer (for example, a window handle), and the second farther (for example, the house opposite). With a difference of 10–15 seconds, move your gaze from one object to another.
  2. Raise your eyelids, close your eyes with your palms, and then open them. Repeat the exercise 10 times. It will help strengthen the muscles of the eyeballs.
  3. “Write” the numbers from one to nine in the air with your gaze.
  4. Close your eyes.

Nails and hair

To restore hair and nails, consume more foods containing calcium. This element is the main “building” component of the body. The main symptoms of calcium deficiency are:

  • fast fatiguability;
  • depression;
  • anxiety.

Vitamin complexes will relieve calcium deficiency. However, due to a lack of vitamin D in the body, calcium may not be absorbed. In parallel with vitamin complexes must be used:

  • hard and processed cheese(leader in calcium content);
  • boiled shrimp;
  • skimmed milk;
  • black bread;
  • sour cream;
  • leek;
  • dried fruits.

These products will also help strengthen your immune system.

  • to restore nails you need to use cosmetical tools without formaldehyde, and to eliminate their fragility - creams with wax;
  • to preserve your teeth (in addition to regular brushing), you need to visit the dentist twice a year;
  • To maintain healthy hair, you can use burdock oil.

How to recover mentally

Good way to avoid postpartum depression- communication with husband

According to statistics, after childbirth, 85% of women experience depression. But do not forget that tears, mood swings, psychoses are not a consequence psychological trauma. The period of adaptation to motherhood can last several months. To avoid getting discouraged, follow these rules:

  1. Keep track of your appearance. Feeling your own attractiveness improves your mood. Give yourself at least half an hour a day, pamper yourself with new clothes and cosmetics.
  2. Get to know your baby better, learn to recognize his wishes.
  3. Don't refuse help. If your family offers to clean the apartment or cook breakfast for you, agree.
  4. Communicate more with your husband. Support itself loved one very important during this period.
  5. Expand your social circle. In addition to relatives, call your girlfriends, invite friends to visit, throw parties, attend city festivals.

Recovery after premature, induced and repeated births

Chamomile - very effective depressant

After premature birth emotional background women are the main target of restoration. Dealing with emotions on your own is not easy. It is worth contacting a psychotherapist. The specialist will prescribe necessary procedures and medications that will not harm the body. Caring for a newborn will help take your mind off negative thoughts.

Premature birth is often caused by chronic illness: diabetes, pancreatitis, hypertension. After delivery you need to take a blood test for biochemistry. Visit your gynecologist regularly. Without restoring your body, you will not be able to bear next child. Avoid stress, eat right and take more walks in the fresh air.

After artificial birth(abortion) the speed of recovery depends on the capabilities of the body. Recovery occurs faster if the pregnancy was short. In this case, you can also drink chamomile and valerian to normalize the emotional background. You should not plan a pregnancy immediately after an abortion. Having resumed sexual activity, it is necessary to use protection. Full recovery, both after the primary and after repeated births, should take at least two years. During this time, all processes in the female body are normalized.

How to speed up recovery

In a good mood, the recovery process is both more fun and faster.

The key to a quick and successful recovery after childbirth is following your doctor’s recommendations. A woman needs good rest. The sooner you can restore sleep patterns, the easier it will be for you. adaptation period to the role of mother. Try to eat only healthy food. Useful material During the recovery period after childbirth, both you and your child need it. Don't neglect the help of your family. Ask your spouse or close relatives to replace you for a few hours so you can have a change of scenery and rest.

After giving birth, you need to communicate with the child more often, get to know him better, and breastfeed. Try to always remain in a good mood. Positive attitude- this is the key to health. Give yourself pleasure, enjoy life, and then the recovery time after childbirth will not only be reduced, but will also leave you with pleasant impressions for the rest of your life.

With the birth of a child, a woman’s life changes, and her body experiences numerous stresses and changes. Gradually reproductive system is restored and again becomes capable of bearing and giving birth, about which...

In this article:

Very important stage in a woman's life is childbirth. The birth of a child cannot but affect the psychological and physiological state moms. In her body after childbirth there are major changes. Let's see how a woman changes after the birth of a child, how recovery occurs after childbirth.

Condition in the first 3 days after birth

How does a woman feel after the birth of her baby? These sensations are quite difficult to describe in words, since they are twofold. On the one hand, there is a feeling of delight because the child is finally born. Good mood is explained by the release of endorphins, also called joy hormones, into the blood. On the other hand, the woman feels exhaustion and discomfort. On the first day after birth, the following symptoms may be observed:

  • bloody discharge from the genitals;
  • painful contractions of the uterus, indicating the return of the organ to its previous size;
  • pain in the perineum;
  • difficulties with urination and bowel movements.

Regarding bloody vaginal discharge, it is worth noting that it resembles menstruation. Experts call them lochia. The only difference between lochia and normal menstruation is that discharge after childbirth bothers a woman for a month, and sometimes longer. Discharge occurs immediately after childbirth. During the first 2-3 days they are very abundant. You have to change 5-6 postpartum pads per day.

What changes occur in the mammary glands? In the first 2–3 days, the mother secretes from the breast small quantity Colostrum is the first milk, priceless in its composition. A newborn needs even a few drops. After about 3 days, the breasts fill with milk. With the onset of lactation, the mammary glands become more sensitive.

The first few days after giving birth, a woman will have to stay in the maternity hospital. As a rule, discharged 3–4 days after natural birth and one week after cesarean section. Doctors in the maternity hospital monitor the condition of the child and mother, see how the postpartum recovery.

Period from 4th to 14th day

Vaginal discharge (lochia) continues to appear. They become less abundant. The color of the discharge gradually changes (from bright red to brownish and yellowish-white). During this period you need to use sanitary pads. Tampons cannot be used, as they can provoke an inflammatory process.

If an episiotomy (cutting) was performed during childbirth back wall vagina and perineum), then the woman needs to monitor the condition of the sutures. They will gradually overgrow, but ignoring hygiene rules can lead to the development of inflammation. It is recommended to regularly wash the genitals with a decoction of eucalyptus, infusion of chamomile or calendula.

After delivery, problems with bowel movements often occur. At first I suffer from constipation. Their appearance is explained by damage to the intestines during childbirth, weakening of muscles abdominals. The stool returns to normal, but not immediately, since the body does not recover as quickly as we would like.

During the first week, discomfort is felt in the chest area. The mammary glands swell and the nipples become painful. By the second week after birth, these symptoms of body recovery disappear, and feeding no longer causes negative emotions in the mother.

Period from 2nd week to 2nd month

By the end of the 2nd month after the birth of the child, the woman’s lochia stops. The uterus, cervix, and vagina return to their previous sizes, which were observed before pregnancy. Approximately 1.5 months after the baby is born, the woman will have to undergo a mandatory postpartum examination. The doctor will check the condition of the genital organs and ask the mother if she has any strange discharge from the vagina or pain in the abdominal area.

During this period, a woman completes postpartum recovery, all body functions return to normal. Mom becomes more active. She is no longer tormented by pain or distracted by uncomfortable sensations. The fair sex devotes all her time to the baby, because he requires constant care.

2 months later

A couple of months after delivery female body completely restored. During this period, you can start taking care of yourself - restoring your figure and breasts. The mother's body is ready for physical activity.

Women should pay special attention to their diet. You can’t limit yourself in food, but you should still exclude some dishes from your diet. This applies to fatty, fried, flour and sweet food which promotes fat deposition. Proper nutrition will have a positive effect on the condition of mother and baby. The woman’s body will recover faster, and the baby will receive only useful substances from his mother’s milk.

Restoration of the menstrual cycle

Start critical days some time after delivery - a signal that the woman’s body has fully recovered and returned to the state it was before pregnancy. Do not confuse menstruation with lochia. Postpartum discharge- this is nothing more than a natural cleansing of the uterus and birth canal lasting for several weeks. After lochia, menstruation may not occur for a very long time.

For restoration menstrual cycle affected by breastfeeding. The longer a mother feeds her baby with her milk, the later her period will begin. Milk in a woman’s body is produced thanks to a special hormone – prolactin. It is what prevents the onset of menstruation and ovulation.

As a rule, the first menstruation after childbirth begins after the introduction of complementary foods into the baby's diet. The mother feeds her baby less and less each time, and the production of prolactin in her body decreases. Sometimes the delay in menstruation is longer - the cycle is restored after complete weaning. Menstruation can occur 6–10 weeks after delivery if the woman does not breastfeed the baby for some reason.

Recovery of the body after childbirth may occur with deviations. In some situations, the help of a doctor is required. You should contact a specialist in the following cases:

  • breastfeeding was stopped 2-3 months ago, and menstruation never started;
  • color menstrual blood seems suspicious (bright red discharge may be a sign of bleeding);
  • During menstruation, your health worsened (feeling weak, dizziness began to occur, and fainting occurred);
  • there are large clots in the menstrual blood;
  • Menstruation has a strong and unpleasant odor.

Figure restoration

Most women after the birth of a baby cannot boast of their figure. Nature has provided for expectant mother During pregnancy, a fat “reserve” was formed. It is necessary so that in case of hunger, a representative of the fair sex can breastfeed the child, using “her own reserves.”

It will not be possible to quickly restore your figure. It may take several months to get rid of extra pounds. To restore your figure, you need to:

After giving birth, you should not go on a diet or overeat. It is recommended to eat small portions of food at least 5 times a day, drink more fluids ( still water, fruit and vegetable juices, fruit drinks, compotes).

A couple of months after giving birth, you can start doing it daily. physical exercise. Before starting classes, you should consult with a gynecologist and make sure that the body has recovered and is ready for stress. Only serious sports are contraindicated.

After childbirth, you must wear a bandage. Thanks to it, the process of restoring tone is accelerated abdominal muscles, does not sag abdominal wall, internal organs are supported. Also, a postpartum bandage reduces the load on the spine and pain in the back.

Breast reconstruction

How to quickly recover after childbirth is a question asked by many women who have experienced deterioration in the shape of their mammary glands. Breasts are the most beautiful part female body. After childbirth, it increases by 1-2 sizes as milk begins to arrive. However, after stopping breastfeeding, the breasts sag. Its shape can be compared to a deflated balloon. Returning to its former forms is a completely doable task.

In order for the breasts to recover faster, a woman should:

  • after childbirth, both at night and during the day, wear a comfortable bra without wires, made from natural materials (the underwear supports the pectoral muscles and prevents stretching of the skin);
  • carry out self-massage (slow, clockwise stroking movements help improve blood supply and restore skin elasticity);
  • apply masks to mammary glands using only natural products (for example, good effect can give a kefir-based mask, prepared from 100 ml of fermented milk product and 2 tbsp. l. honey);
  • perform physical exercises that affect the chest muscles.

Vaginal reconstruction

During natural childbirth, the vagina experiences a lot of stress. As the baby passes, it stretches. After childbirth, women feel pain in the intimate area, dryness, and irritation. Due to overstretching of the vaginal muscles, the quality of sex life. In some cases, women report urinary incontinence.

All of the above symptoms disappear within a couple of months after childbirth. The vagina repairs itself. To speed up this process, you can perform special exercises designed famous doctor Arnold Kegel:

  • for compression (for 5–10 seconds it is necessary to squeeze the muscles in the same way as when stopping urination, and then relax them);
  • contractions (the essence of the exercise is to tense and relax the muscles at a fast pace);
  • for pushing out (you need to push moderately for 30 seconds, and then relax for 30 seconds).

In conclusion, it is worth noting that recovery after childbirth is a labor-intensive and rather lengthy process. You just need to gain strength and follow the advice of doctors. Then it will be possible to achieve the desired result much faster.

Useful video about a woman's health after childbirth

Pregnancy and childbirth place a lot of stress on a woman’s body, and it may take time to recover and return to its usual shape. Meanwhile, a newborn requires a lot of attention, care and strength, and the main burden of caring for the baby falls on the mother’s fragile shoulders. But support wellness after the birth of the baby is not so difficult, and our recommendations will help you with this.

The well-being of a young mother after childbirth directly depends on how the postpartum period proceeds, how quickly the body’s reproductive system recovers and returns to its normal, “pre-pregnancy” state. One of the manifestations of this process is lochia - specific bloody discharge from the genital tract, which normally can last from 1.5 weeks to 1.5 months after childbirth. In the first days, lochia can be very abundant, with clots, then it becomes more scanty and lighter in color and gradually declines. As long as this discharge continues, the young mother remains at high risk of developing infectious complications, so the rules intimate hygiene are especially important during this period.

After giving birth, use a bidet or shower instead toilet paper after every visit to the toilet and every time you change a sanitary pad.
- Use only special gynecological (“postpartum”) intimate pads and change them regularly (every 3-4 hours).
- If there are stitches on the perineum, treat them regularly (at least 2 times a day) with antiseptics (brilliant green, iodine or a strong solution of potassium permanganate), and as they dry out - with anti-inflammatory agents that accelerate healing (for example, containing solcoseryl or dexpanthenol).
- During rest, take air baths several times a day intimate area(while lying in bed, place an absorbent diaper under your buttocks, remove your underwear and lie for a few minutes with your legs apart and your knees bent).

Tip 2. Help your body get back into shape faster after childbirth

The main criterion for the recovery of a young mother’s body after childbirth is the rate of uterine involution. This term means the return of the uterus to its normal size, the state of the muscular and mucous layer, which is characteristic of it outside of pregnancy. Involution of the uterus occurs due to its periodic contractions, due to which the uterus decreases in size, its cavity is cleared of excess mucous membrane formed during pregnancy (they form lochia), the mouths of the vessels on the damaged mucosa are closed, which prevents the development postpartum hemorrhage, the healing of the placental site (the wound remaining at the placenta’s attachment to the uterus) is accelerated. You can help the process of uterine involution as follows:

  • lie more on your stomach - in this position, tension occurs in the abdominal muscles, which is transmitted to the muscles of the uterus (myometrium) and stimulates its contractions;
  • Empty your bladder regularly - when full, it prevents the uterus from contracting and clearing itself of lochia;
  • put the baby to the breast on demand, every 1.5–2 hours (during sucking, the mother’s body produces oxytocin, a hormone that stimulates uterine contractions).

After the birth of the baby, the mother needs to be very careful about her diet. Firstly, this is due to the beginning of breastfeeding: the composition of breast milk, which the baby feeds on. However, breastfeeding is not the only reason to take your menu seriously: such an important factor of well-being as regular bowel function directly depends on it. During pregnancy, its operating mode could change significantly due to the pressure of the growing uterus. After childbirth, blood pressure abdominal cavity decreases sharply, the uterus gradually decreases in size over the course of a month - and the intestines again have to adapt to the changes that have occurred. To get things working digestive system, after childbirth, it is recommended to follow simple and effective rules power supply:

  • frequent fractional meals during the day (6–8 times a day in small portions);
  • drink at least 1.5 liters per day (water, weak tea, fermented milk drinks);
  • eating only natural products homemade, and gentle heat treatment(steamed, baked, boiled and stewed);
  • uniform distribution of proteins of plant and animal origin in the diet;
  • the predominance of fruits, dried fruits, berries and vegetables in the menu;
  • daily use fermented milk products;
  • do not forget about cereals;
  • Do not eat baked goods, fatty, hot and spicy foods for 1 month after giving birth.

To avoid complications during breastfeeding, you need to be careful about:

  • Take a shower twice a day with detergents ( baby soap, hypoallergenic shower gels);
  • After a shower, apply a product to prevent the formation of cracks on the nipple and areola;
  • Before each feeding, wash your hands with soap and rinse your breasts with running water (without using detergents);
  • Use a separate towel for your breasts and change it daily (you can use disposable paper towels).

After the birth of a baby, a young mother should pay double attention to her health - after all, good health, proper lactation and the ability to care for the baby directly depend on it. At the slightest sign If you feel unwell, you should immediately consult a doctor. The following symptoms should alert you:

An increase in body temperature above 37.5°C may indicate colds, stagnation of breast milk or infectious complication postpartum period. Failure to see a doctor in a timely manner often leads to worsening of the condition and requires hospitalization.

Cough, runny nose, sore throat – a manifestation of influenza, ARVI or other infection respiratory tract, which, against the background of a general weakening of the immune system after childbirth, can give severe course and dangerous complications.

Nausea, vomiting, and upset bowel movements may indicate enterovirus infection, food poisoning or other disorders of the digestive system. Such diseases are more severe during this period and are dangerous due to complications (impaired functioning of the liver and pancreas).

Abdominal pain may be a manifestation of an inflammatory process or retention blood clots in the uterus, if not consulted in a timely manner, it threatens the development of metroendometritis (purulent-septic inflammation of the mucous and muscular lining of the uterus).

Abrupt cessation or intensification of lochia, appearance unpleasant odor may be associated with retention of blood clots in the uterus and its low contractility. This condition is dangerous high risk uterine bleeding and the development of a purulent-inflammatory process in the uterus.

Pain, bloody or purulent discharge in the area of ​​seams - possible symptom dehiscence, infection and suppuration of sutures.

Breast pain and impaired milk flow are a sign of the development of lactostasis (stagnation of milk in the mammary gland) and the threat of developing mastitis (inflammation of the mammary gland).

Tip 6: Avoid strenuous exercise after childbirth

By the time of discharge from the maternity hospital, the physical strength of the young mother should be completely restored. And, most likely, immediately after returning home you will have to return to normal household duties. Theoretically, there are no special prohibitions on household chores - washing, ironing, cleaning, cooking - and, if desired, a young mother can take care of these chores herself, the main thing is little by little. The only thing you should firmly refuse in the first 6 weeks after birth is lifting heavy objects (up to 5 kg). After operative delivery You will have to avoid heavy bags and physical activity at home (washing the floor by hand, manually spinning clothes) for 2 months - such restrictions are associated with the risk of postoperative sutures coming apart.

The first and most easy way provide the body with adequate physical activity after childbirth - walking. And any new mother can implement this sports project. In your “postpartum” life, a new, very important responsibility arises - to walk with your baby. If you want to regain your slim figure, remember: when you go out with a stroller, you should not sit on the nearest bench! Go for a real walk, twice a day for a couple of hours, and the results will appear in just two weeks. By the way, the position of hands rolling or pushing a stroller with a baby in front of you is an excellent exercise for biceps and pectoral muscles! Two weeks after birth, when spotting has decreased and lochia has become more meager character and turn pinkish, you can start restorative gymnastics. All exercises recommended during pregnancy are suitable for this period. The recovery complex includes consistent warm-up of all parts of the spine, exercises for tensing and relaxing the pectoral muscles, turns to the side, bending, stretching, rotation of the pelvis (an element of “belly dancing”), walking on toes, heels, inner and outside feet. If ruptures of the perineal tissue occur during childbirth, you will have to refrain from stretching the perineum until the sutures are completely healed, which must be confirmed by the doctor during examination. The remaining exercises can be performed as usual.

Before starting any physical activity after childbirth, you should consult a specialist. Depending on the progress of your pregnancy, labor, and postpartum period, your doctor may be able to give individual recommendations by physical activity.

Advice! All women are advised to visit a gynecologist 3-6 weeks after giving birth.

This is the basic and most important rule of behavior for a young mother, on which not only the restoration of physical strength after childbirth depends, but also general state health, reducing the risk of postpartum complications, strengthening the immune system, establishing full lactation, condition nervous system, mood and even the baby’s well-being and behavior! After all, after birth, the baby is still very closely connected with the mother psychologically and emotionally. Therefore, most common cause The child’s concern is not his own poor health, but nervousness.

The second most common risk factor associated with lack of sleep and overwork of a young mother is insufficient milk supply. Indeed, against the background of exhaustion of the nervous system, the amount of prolactin (the hormone that controls lactation) decreases. Of course, following this rule is not so easy: the baby often requires attention, he needs to be fed, changed, walked with, bathed, and in between have time to do ordinary household chores: wash, iron, buy and prepare food, tidy up, etc. P. And yet, a young mother should make time for herself to relax. To make this rule achievable, it is very important to set priorities correctly. You need to learn not to take on everything at once, to divide responsibilities into necessary and secondary, while feeling unwell refuse some tasks that can be postponed to another time or another day, do not hesitate to ask your husband and loved ones for help. Despite the seeming abundance of daily tasks and responsibilities in the life of a new mother, only three fall into the category of tasks that cannot be canceled: feeding, dressing the baby and giving him attention on demand. Everything else - cleaning, washing, walking, bathing and other duties - are undoubtedly just as important, but still not more important than the well-being of the young mother, and if necessary, they can and should be sacrificed in favor of a little rest! IN otherwise, if, due to overwork, the mother begins to have serious health problems, these responsibilities will definitely have to be performed by someone else! So take care of yourself and recover from labor will pass quickly and without problems.

Childbirth is a serious test for a woman and no matter how well it proceeds, the body requires a lot of time to fully recover. It’s not for nothing that obstetricians-gynecologists strongly advise against thinking about new pregnancy in the near future: there should be some time between births at least 2 years, and in case of delivery by cesarean section - at least 3 years.

Internal organs

The greatest load during pregnancy, of course, fell on the internal organs, which long time worked in intensive mode for two.

  • The cardiovascular system functions under high load due to the formation of uteroplacental blood flow and an increase in the volume of circulating blood.
  • Urinary system during pregnancy, it removes metabolic products not only from the mother, but also from the child.
  • Changes are taking place in respiratory system , because the need for oxygen increases significantly.
  • Other body systems are also undergoing global changes.


Recovery after childbirth consists, first of all, in complete involution of the uterus. This hollow organ undergoes the greatest changes during pregnancy: the uterus grows with the child and increases almost 500 times. After childbirth, it is a huge bleeding wound, damaged in the area where the placenta is attached and filled with blood clots.

information In the first 3 days after the birth of the child, the uterine cavity should already be cleared of blood; after 3-5 days it will heal inner layer, however, we can talk about its complete restoration no earlier than in one and a half to two months.

Immediately after birth, discharge from the organ begins to flow, called lochia: at first it is bloody, then becomes lighter and more liquid, and finally stops approximately 6 weeks after birth. At the same time, the uterus begins to contract intensively, which may be accompanied by painful sensations in the lower abdomen, and returns to its former size and weight. Contractions of the internal and external uterine pharynx also occur: immediately after birth, the diameter of the opening is 10-12 cm, but by the end of the third day the canal will be passable for only one finger.


During the second period labor is underway There is a significant load on the vagina: it is greatly stretched, its walls become thinner and partially lose sensitivity.

In most cases, the vagina recovers fairly quickly and returns to its normal prenatal size within 6-8 weeks. However, there are cases that this requires much more time, effort, physical exercise, and in some cases, help plastic surgeons. Such situations can occur with significant injuries and ruptures during childbirth.

Other organs

As mentioned above, during the period of bearing a child, all systems and organs worked in an intensive mode, moreover, many of them were displaced by the pregnant uterus. For this reason, after childbirth, it takes time for them to function in the usual prenatal mode.

Global changes are taking place in endocrine system: Hormone levels change significantly, quite dramatically. This situation often accompanied by a deterioration in the woman’s well-being, both physical and moral.

For example, 3-4 days after the birth of a child, the level of prolactin, necessary for the production of breast milk, begins to increase sharply. This may entail:

  • drop in mood;
  • the appearance of irritability;
  • apathy;
  • tearfulness.

Menstrual cycle

Restoring the body after childbirth also, of course, involves normalizing the menstrual cycle. The onset of menstruation primarily depends on whether the woman is breastfeeding her baby.

Timing of the onset of menstruation after childbirth

These periods are average; the onset of menstruation for each woman can occur individually.

Once your periods begin after childbirth, they may be irregular and noticeably different from your pre-pregnancy menstrual cycle. Its complete recovery should occur no later than 2-3 months; otherwise, the woman should contact an obstetrician-gynecologist.

Figure and weight

Probably every woman dreams of restoring her body as quickly as possible after childbirth, and first of all this concerns a slim figure.

Don't expect the weight you gain during pregnancy to disappear overnight. For its complete recovery it takes about 9 months, i.e. approximately the period during which he was recruited.

In no case should you go on a strict diet immediately after giving birth, especially for nursing mothers, because the child should receive the maximum nutrients. A woman’s diet should be balanced, containing only healthy foods. To correct weight, it is better to start leading active image life and devote more time to physical activity.

Normally, weight loss should not exceed 1 kg per month.

Active workouts

Childbirth is already over and mom is in a hurry to start restoring her former self. beautiful figure. Of course, sport is a useful activity, but it is unreasonably early start after childbirth can only do harm. In no case is it recommended to start training earlier than 6 weeks after the birth of the baby, especially for abdominal exercises and any activity with heavy physical activity. After surgical delivery by cesarean section, these periods can be significantly increased depending on the course of the postoperative period and scar conditions.

In addition, intense sports are contraindicated for nursing mothers, because... strong physical exercise can lead to a drop in prolactin levels, and, accordingly, to the cessation of breastfeeding. During this period, a woman can only engage in light gymnastics and simple fitness.