When should discharge go away after childbirth? Bleeding and discharge in the postpartum period

Postpartum heavy bleeding - lochia - is, on the one hand, a great benefit for a young mother, and on the other hand, a real threat to her life. Why do they occur and what should they be like normally? The nature of lochia in dangerous complications.

What is lochia

Surely, any of us have had in our memory from childhood what a badly scraped knee looks like and heals. The wound, although not deep, looks terrible: a vast bright red surface that begins to bleed again at the slightest sharp bending of the leg (that is, when the skin is stretched). At first the blood is scarlet, then gradually darkens. After a couple of days, the abrasion becomes covered with dry crusts, and when cracked or forcibly removed, a yellowish ichor appears. In another week and a half, brown crusts gradually fall off from a well-healed dry wound, revealing delicate, light new skin. If the abrasion becomes infected and inflamed, then viscous pus of yellow or, less commonly, a different color will be released from under the scabs.

The inner surface of the uterus of a woman who has just given birth looks approximately the same in the place where the separated placenta (afterbirth) was attached. The difference is that the knee is in contact with air, “ventilated” and cooled, and therefore dries out quickly and rarely suppurates. In the womb, the conditions are completely different: constant heat (about 38 degrees) and 100% humidity. Therefore, healing is slower, and there are no crusts - only clots of red blood cells, blood clots and the release of plasma (ichor) into the wound. Moreover, it is difficult to imagine more ideal conditions for the active reproduction of a huge number of bacteria and protozoan microorganisms! After all, blood is a universal nutrient medium not only for humans, but also for microbes. Therefore, unfortunately, there is always, even with a normal course, the risk of developing postpartum endometritis - purulent inflammation of the mucous membrane lining the uterus from the inside.

So, lochia is discharge from a large wound- from that area of ​​the uterine mucosa (endometrium) where the placenta feeding the fetus was located throughout pregnancy and until the placenta was expelled. Its separation leaves a huge “abrasion” in the endometrial layer.

Oxytocin is a friend and assistant to obstetricians and mothers

Immediately after the baby is born, the midwife asks the new mother to rub the nipples of the mammary glands vigorously, as if she needed to wind a mechanical watch. This is necessary so that an additional large portion of oxytocin is released into the woman’s blood. This hormone causes powerful contractions of the uterus, literally tearing the placenta away from her. Immediately after its expulsion from the mother’s body, bleeding begins from her birth (genital) canal, the source of which is the wound formed in the place where the placenta was. This is lochia.

Under the influence of oxytocin, contractions that compress the body of the uterus continue for several more days. Thanks to this, the area of ​​the bleeding surface quickly decreases, ruptured blood vessels are compressed, dense blood clots form in them, and the number of lochia is gradually reduced. To speed up this process, in the first 2 hours after birth, the midwife approaches the woman several times and presses firmly on the lower abdomen in the area of ​​the uterus. At the same time, the woman in labor can feel a portion of blood literally pouring out of the birth canal. There is no need to worry - it is the lochia accumulated in the uterine cavity that is leaking out. The same sensations will occur for another 2-3 days: after getting up from a lying position, after trying to lift something heavy (including a newborn hero).

Important: Oxytocin is released when the nipples are irritated. Therefore, during each feeding with active (!) While suckling the baby, the mother may feel pain in the abdomen due to the contraction of the uterus and at the same time - the release of a large portion of lochia. The same effect, but stronger, will be after injections of oxytocin. The doctor prescribes it for delayed uterine involution:

  • if twins or a large fetus were born;
  • if there was polyhydramnios, stretching the walls of the uterus;
  • if there is or suspicion of an infection that relaxes the muscles of the uterus.

What should normal postpartum discharge be like?

The amount of scarlet blood released in the first 2 hours after birth, on average about 300 ml (up to 0.5% of the postpartum woman’s body weight). This counts normal blood loss during childbirth. At this time, the young mother is (necessarily!) under observation so as not to miss the possible onset of massive bleeding. She is covered with a sterile absorbent diaper and changed as needed. If everything goes well, after 2 hours the postpartum woman is transported to the postpartum ward.

First 2 days along with dark blood, long brown-brown clots may be released, like during menstruation, only larger. This is the norm: the rest of the aged endometrium is rejected from the uterine cavity (not from the wound). In this case, the woman does not experience any pain.


To prevent infection from entering the wound, we recommend using sterile diapers provided in the maternity hospital as pads in the first days. It may not be very comfortable, but wearing panties should also wait. If you feel very uncomfortable without them, you can purchase several disposable nylon mesh panties in individual packaging in advance at the pharmacy.

To help your uterus contract faster, you need to:

  • start moving as early as possible (turn over in bed, get up carefully, walk a little);
  • do not take a bath, shower too hot, do not lift weights, do not make jumps and other thoughtless sudden movements - the effect will be like when you strongly bend a half-healed skinned knee;
  • sleep on your stomach with a small cushion placed in the area below the navel;
  • do not endure the first urge to urinate, so that the overfilled bladder does not put pressure on the cervix and vagina, making it difficult for the lochia to pass;
  • breastfeed your baby “on demand,” that is, often and without long night breaks. Remember that supplementary feeding with formula or supplementing with water from the nipple will not only interfere with the normal “start” of lactation, but will also reduce the amount of oxytocin in the blood.

Over the course of 3-4 days the number of lochia gradually decreases, the discharge becomes lighter. Quite large brown blood clots may still appear on the pad, but this should not be accompanied by copious discharge of scarlet blood.

It takes only 8 to 15 days for the lochia to become transparent and yellowish, with rare brown streaks of “old” blood. By analogy with the knee, it is an ichor. It will be released until the wound surface in the uterus is completely cleared of blood clots and covered with a new layer of young endometrium. There is no exact answer for how long the blood lochia is secreted; everything is very individual. This depends on many factors, for example:

  1. In the hot season - longer than in the cool season.
  2. The more the uterus enlarges during pregnancy, the longer it will take to return to its original size, and the longer the wound surface will shrink.
  3. With weak breastfeeding or absence of lactation, the period of lochia secretion is prolonged.
  4. If small pieces of membranes remain in the uterus, preventing the uterus from fully contracting, the discharge will be longer and more abundant.
  5. A normal (pear-shaped) uterus will contract faster than one with an abnormal shape (bicornuate or with a large posterior bend).
  6. Subinvolution (incomplete contraction) of the uterus due to the development of infection in it or due to incomplete expulsion of tightly attached parts of the placenta not only lengthens the period of lochia, but also increases the risk of postpartum atonic bleeding.

Bloody discharge, also gradually decreasing in volume, will continue for about another month. A sign of normality will be the absence of a foul odor from them, the woman’s satisfactory state of health, normal body temperature and good blood tests (if done). The abdomen should not hurt at rest, when urinating or during bowel movements. During the first active sexual intercourse, a slight increase in discharge may occur.

What are the benefits of lochia

The fact that blood, a breeding ground for microbes, does not accumulate in the uterine cavity, but is immediately released out, is a great benefit. So no tampons! In addition, abundant lochia washes away microorganisms and dead tissue from the wound surface, cleansing it in such a specific way. The dark red discharge contains clotting factors and platelets, which prevent the development of severe bleeding from gaping ruptured vessels.

What is popularly called ichor is actually an effusion of intercellular lymphatic fluid and plasma. Leukocytes (protective blood cells), immune cells (antibodies and microbe-eating macrophages) accumulate in them in huge concentrations.

It turns out that lochia is a natural mechanism created by evolution aimed at preserving the life and health of a woman who has fulfilled her main purpose - to become a mother.

What postpartum discharge is considered pathological and dangerous?

The most severe complications of the postpartum period that threaten the health and life of a woman are massive uterine bleeding and postpartum sepsis against the background of purulent endometritis. The first alarming signal about their development can be given by lochia.

You should tell your doctor immediately if:

  • regardless of the time elapsed after childbirth, the discharge suddenly or gradually increases or becomes bloodier;
  • an unpleasant putrid odor appeared;
  • lochia have lost transparency, become thick, viscous, and changed color to dark yellow, milky white, green or brown;
  • the increase in discharge coincided with the appearance of abdominal pain, increased body temperature, chills, or an unexplained deterioration in general health.


Until the release of lochia completely stops, that is, until the wound surface in the uterus heals, the expectant mother is prohibited from any self-medication: suppositories, douching, the use of traditional medicine recipes, sitz (especially lying) baths and other warming procedures. You cannot work physically hard or be nervous (a rise in blood pressure can push a blood clot out of the blood vessels in the wound, causing bleeding).

Every new mother worries not only about the health of her baby, but also about her own well-being. One of the most common questions that maternity ward workers hear is: “How long does the discharge last after childbirth?” This is exactly what will be discussed further. You will find out how long after childbirth there is spotting. Also find out what color they acquire later. It is definitely worth considering several options for the process.

How long does discharge last after childbirth? Answer from gynecologists and obstetricians

If you consult a doctor with this question, you will find out the following information. Discharge after delivery continues for just over one month. Doctors usually call the time period 42 days. However, every woman’s body is individual. Some mothers recover faster. For others, the rehabilitation process is delayed. Discharge has a completely different duration in the event of the development of a pathological process or complication.

Lochia is the contents of the reproductive organ, which comes out after the separation of the child's place. This includes blood from the wound surface, mucus from the walls of the uterus, remnants of decidual tissue and membranes that did not come out during the expulsion of the placenta.

The color of normal lochia is an important indicator

How long does discharge last after childbirth, you found out. However, this is not all the information you need to know. The consistency and color of the mucus plays a big role. It is by this indicator that one can suspect a pathological process that developed as a result of delivery. Quite often, in maternity hospitals, midwives regularly examine the discharge of new mothers. If a pathology is suspected, information is provided to the doctor. Such women are prescribed additional tests in the form of ultrasound, blood tests and gynecological examination.

First five days

How long does bleeding last after childbirth? A little less than one week. It is this gap that doctors report. While the mother is in labor within the walls of the maternity ward, the mucus that comes out has a rich red color. It may also contain admixtures of clots and lumps.

Often such discharge acquires an unpleasant odor. This is the absolute norm. Indeed, during this period, what was in the cavity of the reproductive organ for the long nine months of gestation is separated. However, if after five days the mucus (consistency and color) has not changed, then we are talking about a complication.

Two weeks after birth

How long does the discharge last after childbirth (after heavy bleeding has stopped)? When the remaining tissue and blood come out, we can say that the wound surface has almost recovered. Now the discharge has a pinkish-red tint. It is worth noting that they should not contain clots. Unpleasant odor is also eliminated.

Such discharge continues for about two weeks. During this period they are no longer so abundant. This allows a woman to refuse postpartum pads and use regular hygiene products.

After a month

You already know how long after childbirth there is bleeding. This period is approximately three weeks. By the end of the first month, the discharge acquires a mucous consistency and an orange color. They look more like ichor. This mucus indicates that the internal cavity of the reproductive organ continues to rapidly recover.

This mucous ichor can normally be secreted for about one week. Remember that all deadlines are very conditional. So, for some women, by the end of the first month, the discharge ends completely.

Fifth week after birth

How long does the discharge last after childbirth, and what color should it be? Normally, by the fifth week after the baby is born, the lochia becomes white. They got their unusual name because of the mucous consistency of the transparent discharge. A new mother can observe this phenomenon for about another week or two.

During this period, a woman no longer requires sanitary pads for menstruation. She could very well benefit from daily protective inserts. The amount of such mucus is very small. Up to 5-10 milliliters can be released per day. For clarity, one teaspoon contains 5 ml.

When does lochia end? What does this depend on?

How long the discharge lasts after childbirth and the smell of this fluid are very important indicators. Usually lochia ends one and a half months after the birth of the child. This deadline is the deadline. If after the specified time the lochia is still present, then there is a possibility of pathology developing. Early termination of discharge also does not mean anything good. What determines how long the discharge lasts after childbirth?

Reviews from doctors say that the weight of the baby and the course of pregnancy play a big role. when a mother gives birth to a large child (more than 4 kilograms) or has polyhydramnios, the reproductive organ is greatly stretched. Because of this, the recovery process takes longer. Often, to speed up the contraction of the uterus, such women in labor are prescribed oxytocin after the baby is born. This drug helps mucus leave the cavity of the reproductive organ faster.

How long does the discharge last after childbirth (caesarean section)? In the case when the baby is born with the help of surgeons who cut through the woman’s abdominal wall, lochia may be of a slightly different nature. In this case, the duration of bleeding may increase to two weeks. This is due to the fact that in addition to the wound surface from the placenta, there is also a scar in the uterus. It is worth noting that with this method of delivery there is a high risk of developing infections and complications.

Possible pathologies

Sometimes after the birth of a baby, a woman faces problems. Statistics show that approximately every fifth new mother is sent by doctors for gynecological curettage. In what cases is it really necessary?

If after giving birth the discharge has not become less abundant after a week, but still contains lumps, we may be talking about incomplete separation of the placenta. After expulsion of the child's place, obstetricians should carefully examine it for damage. If they are present, then manual cleaning is carried out directly on the birth table. If pathology is detected late, curettage is performed using anesthesia. How long does the discharge last after childbirth (after cleaning)? With this combination of circumstances, lochia ends somewhat faster. All due to the fact that an artificial separation of mucus and areas and tissues remaining in the uterus was performed.

Also quite often, women in labor encounter inflammatory diseases. In this case, the infection can be acquired long before birth. However, after such a complex process, which is accompanied by the formation of a wound surface, pathological microorganisms begin to actively multiply. In this case, the discharge may have not only an unusual character, but also a strange consistency. Simultaneously with the lochia, pus is released. The blood takes on a brownish-green color and a fishy odor. Treatment must be carried out using antibacterial agents.

Lochia or postpartum discharge may end in less than a month. In this case, blood comes out in small volumes. This is explained by the fact that the cervical canal closes very early. Pieces of tissue and mucus simply cannot penetrate through the small hole. Quite often, women who give birth by caesarean section encounter this phenomenon. In this case, the fairer sex undergoes the same gynecological curettage.

In order for lochia to come out as it should after childbirth, a woman must follow certain rules. The following tips will help your postpartum discharge to be emptied in a timely and complete manner.

  • Immediately after giving birth, you should use an ice compress on the abdominal area.
  • When you are transferred to the room, assume a prone position. This will allow the uterus not to bend and release its contents.
  • Breastfeed your baby. Sucking provokes the production of oxytocin, which enhances the contractility of the reproductive organ.
  • Follow your doctor's recommendations and take prescribed medications.

Summing up the article

You now know how long discharge lasts after childbirth. You also found out what color they should be. If you have recently become a mother, then after one month you should definitely visit a gynecologist. The doctor will examine and evaluate your discharge. By then they should already be light and slimy. If you suddenly notice increased bleeding or the addition of an unpleasant odor and foam, then you should visit a medical facility as soon as possible. You may need some medication adjustment. Remember that during this period you cannot swim in open water and be exposed to heat. Good health to you and a speedy recovery!

Heavy bleeding after childbirth (lochia) is a normal physiological process. At first, postpartum bleeding brings a lot of inconvenience to a woman. But the presence of lochia is more of a benefit than a harm to the female body. Thanks to lochia, the uterine cavity is cleansed.

Let's figure out what postpartum discharge should be like normally, and what may indicate pathology. We will also answer the question: how long does the discharge last after childbirth?

The fact is that at the place where the placenta is attached to the uterus, after the placenta comes out, an open wound forms. The blood vessels that connected the uterus and placenta are torn away and come out under the influence of uterine contractions. Postpartum discharge consists of blood, blood clots, plasma and cervical mucus.

During the first two hours after the baby is born, the bleeding is heavy. Therefore, the woman in labor is under the supervision of medical personnel. Immediately after childbirth, a woman loses 400-500 ml of blood. During this time, nurses monitor the woman’s condition and ask her to empty her bladder on her own or with the help of a catheter. Because a full bladder prevents effective contraction of the uterus.

Postpartum discharge continues until complete healing of the wound surface and epithelization of the uterine cavity occurs.

Postpartum bleeding should not be painful

What does postpartum discharge look like normally?

Lochia is an important stage of the postpartum period. Depending on their condition, they determine how the postpartum woman’s recovery process proceeds.

Gradually, the color, quantity and quality characteristics of postpartum discharge change.

  • During the first 2-3 days, postpartum bleeding can be quite heavy. The discharge is bright scarlet. Blood clots after childbirth are also common. You should not be scared by the intensity of the discharge in the first days after childbirth. Due to active contractions of the uterus, the cleansing process is underway. On the contrary, if the number of lochia suddenly decreases, you should consult a doctor. Perhaps a blood clot has blocked the cervical canal or there is a bend in the cervix.
  • After a week, the amount of discharge decreases. The color is shaggy red-brown, sometimes mixed with mucus. May resemble bleeding during menstruation.
  • After two weeks, the discharge becomes yellowish-whitish and smears like in the last days of menstruation. This color is due to the large number of leukocytes in the blood as the healing process occurs.

During sudden movements or when getting out of bed, bleeding may increase. In the case of a cesarean section, the discharge is usually less intense and lasts longer. Then the postpartum woman is prescribed drugs to contract the uterus, for example, oxytocin.

If a woman does not breastfeed, then on average a month or 2 after giving birth, ovulation occurs. During which a discharge similar to egg white is observed, lasting 2-3 days. And 14 days after ovulation, menstruation begins. And the previous menstrual cycle is restored.

If the mother is breastfeeding, menstruation does not occur during the entire lactation period, until breastfeeding is completed.

Duration of postpartum discharge

A particularly pressing question for young mothers is: how long does discharge last after childbirth? The average duration is 30-40 days. This time is enough to restore the uterine epithelium. However, the timing is very individual.

This depends on several factors:

  • how was the pregnancy
  • how was the birth
  • How actively does the uterus contract?
  • Method of delivery: cesarean section or natural birth
  • Does mom breastfeed?

In nursing mothers, postpartum lochia ends faster than in those who refuse breastfeeding. During breastfeeding, a large amount of the hormone oxytocin is released, which promotes active contraction of the uterus.

Video: Commentary by an obstetrician-gynecologist on the topic of the early and late postpartum period. About the first days of a young mother, her personal hygiene and discharge.

If bleeding continues for more than two months or less than two weeks, then this is a reason to pay attention to the nature of the discharge: its color, smell and composition. The development of a pathological process is possible.

When to see a doctor

A woman who has just given birth needs to carefully monitor her well-being and the nature of her discharge.

You will need to see a doctor in the following cases:

  1. If the bloody discharge suddenly stops a week after giving birth. This is by no means a cause for joy. Perhaps a blood clot blocked the cervical canal or the uterus contracted poorly. This means that pieces of membranes could remain inside. In this case, additional stimulation of uterine contractions with oxytocin is carried out. In some cases, manual cleaning or using a vacuum aspirator.
  2. Discharge after childbirth with an unpleasant odor. A sour, fishy or rotten smell - in a word, foul - can indicate pathology. This could be an infection, vaginal dysbiosis or colpitis.
  3. Pain in the lower abdomen along with foul-smelling discharge may indicate endometritis. Endometritis is an inflammation of the lining of the uterus. Body temperature may be increased. However, it should be borne in mind that postpartum fever can also be associated with the establishment of lactation. The first flow of milk often occurs with an increase in body temperature.
  4. Too yellow discharge may be normal, or it may indicate the presence of pus in the composition.

If, after childbirth, discharge with an unpleasant odor bothers a woman, it is better to play it safe and consult a doctor. This may indicate infection of the birth canal or that pieces of the placenta may have remained in the uterine cavity.

In any of these cases, you should see a doctor for a smear test or an ultrasound scan. As a rule, a woman who has given birth is discharged from the maternity hospital only after an ultrasound scan of the uterine cavity. Only in this case can you be sure that the uterine cavity has been cleared of clots and membranes.

Sometimes there is a black discharge. There is no need to panic - this is the norm and occurs due to hormonal changes in the body.

After the discharge stops, a routine examination by a gynecologist is necessary.

Features of postpartum hygiene

  • Postpartum discharge is a favorable environment for the development of pathogenic bacteria. Therefore, it is important for a young mother to know some features of personal hygiene after childbirth. Then the uterine cavity will be safely cleared of lochia, and the woman will avoid complications.
  • After each visit to the toilet, you need to wash yourself, and it is advisable to do this without using cosmetics with fragrances. Children's toilet soap is good. Movements should be directed from front to back.
  • In the first days after childbirth, it is better to use sterile diapers instead of pads.
  • Gaskets need to be changed every 2 hours. In this case, you can use not special postpartum pads of huge sizes, but those that you are used to using during menstruation, only a couple of drops larger. Special mesh panties hold the pad well and provide good air circulation.
  • You cannot douche or take a bath. Use the shower exclusively, at least in the first weeks after giving birth.
  • Tampons should not be used under any circumstances. The discharge should come out.
  • In the first days after giving birth, sleep on your stomach more often. This promotes active contraction of the uterus and the discharge of lochia.
  • Empty your bladder and bowels more often. Otherwise, the organs put pressure on the uterus and interfere with normal contractions.
  • You can begin sexual activity only after the discharge has stopped.

Using tampons increases the risk of infection of the birth canal

Postpartum bleeding is a normal physiological cleansing process after childbirth. And the more active this process is, the better and faster the uterus will return to its pre-pregnancy state. The woman’s task is to monitor changes in the color, smell and number of lochia. And in case of any deviations, consult a doctor.

During the postpartum period, women have many questions about the restoration of their body. One of them concerns vaginal secretion, because discharge after childbirth is an integral component of the holistic rehabilitation process. Basic knowledge of how to independently diagnose bleeding allows you to quickly respond to possible deviations from the norm.

After the baby is born, the mother’s body is rebuilt. Changes affect internal organs and hormonal levels. The uterus of a woman who has just given birth contracts in volume, and vaginal flow occurs. Along with blood discharge, the remains of intrauterine fluids accompanying pregnancy also come out. Such flows are called lochia. Their duration, intensity and color allow the doctor to conclude whether the restoration of the patient’s internal organs is proceeding normally.

Duration of bleeding

Every body is individual, and every postpartum recovery story is special. Doctors are guided by a general scheme within which the rehabilitation process takes place for most young mothers. Many people are concerned about how long the discharge lasts after childbirth, since it causes a certain amount of discomfort. How long do periods last and why are they the main indicator of women’s health?

The minimum normal period for postpartum bleeding is 5 weeks. If they stop earlier, you should be wary, since there is a risk of insufficient “cleaning” of the body;

The maximum period is 9 weeks when the course ends. In this case, a prolonged course is a signal of insufficient blood clotting;

Duration assessment does not occur separately from other indicators. With intense discharge, a short bleeding cycle is expected;

Mothers after cesarean section have different normative periods. In their case, restoration of uterine tone occurs more slowly than in those who gave birth naturally, and the upper limit for the duration of the flow is set personally by the doctor.

So, the answer to the question of how long the discharge lasts after childbirth depends on the course of the birth of the child itself, and on other factors. What helps reduce the duration of secretion?
Breastfeeding the baby. Lactation stimulates the contraction of the uterus and the removal of fluids from it. Experienced mothers notice light contractions directly during breastfeeding.

Ingestion of large amounts of liquids. One way or another, a young mother needs to restore the body’s water balance. If she is breastfeeding, the fluid intake rate increases by 1.5 - 2 liters per day. With the correct water balance, discharge after childbirth is intense, and cleansing occurs quickly.

Kegel exercises. Many women are familiar with special movements in the vaginal area even before pregnancy - they are designed to maintain the tone of the internal organs. As soon as after the birth of the baby, the tension and relaxation of the internal muscles does not cause discomfort to the young mother, the exercise is performed daily. They also stimulate the contraction of the uterus and the removal of fluids from it.

Quality of bleeding

To assess the progress of recovery of a woman’s internal organs, doctors use a number of characteristics of postpartum processes. Taking into account how long the discharge lasts after childbirth is just one of the indicators. Others include the appearance of the bleeding and its smell. Together, they make it possible to determine the normal discharge rate after childbirth and possible deviations.


The recovery period determines the normal composition of secretion:

  • 1-3 days: blood;
  • Week 2: blood clots, mucus is allowed;
  • end of 1 month – blood smears.

Purulent fluids at any time indicate an internal infection.

The appearance of clots and mucus in the first days after childbirth.

Transparent discharge, approaching the consistency of water.


  • 1-3 days: scarlet currents;
  • after 3 weeks, brown flows begin (the blood coagulates, the wound heals);
  • By the end of the restoration of the uterus, secretion fluids become transparent, light pink or with a yellowish tint.

The bright yellow and greenish color of the currents signals inflammation. An obvious green color indicates an advanced form of endometritis and suggests immediate consultation with a doctor.


The smell of blood in the initial stage of secretion is normal. After the third week it takes on a slight mustiness, which again is ok.

Discharge after childbirth with an unpleasant odor is a signal of inflammation! The characteristic smell of rot indicates an inflammatory process. Sour - about a possible fungal disease. If such bleeding is accompanied by deviations in color, an examination by a gynecologist is mandatory.

It is important to remember several subtleties of diagnosing discharge.

  • Dangerous bleeding is accompanied by general malaise and dizziness. The temperature reaches 38 degrees Celsius. There is a pulsating heaviness in the lower abdomen. It is important to listen to your body and monitor how you feel.
  • Redness of the vaginal mucosa along with a “cottage cheese” discharge indicates thrush. This is not uncommon when recovering from childbirth, but it is still better to consult a doctor for treatment.
  • Dark secretions look scarier than they actually are. At the end of 3-4 months, black-brown or black flows are normal.

Number of allocations

The amount of bleeding after childbirth can also be used to judge women's health. What should the discharge be like after childbirth - intense or weak? The strength of secretion varies depending on the period. So, in the first few weeks the normal intensity is one, and as time passes it is another. The amount of liquid released is indicated by the fullness of special sanitary pads for young mothers.

Normal secretion strength:

  • in the first two weeks after birth the flow is very profuse;
  • the course becomes more sparse after 2-3 weeks;
  • at the end of the recovery process (week 8-9), the discharge is only smears. For hygiene, you no longer need special postpartum pads with maximum absorbency.

Deviation from the above diagram is a signal of illness. If bleeding in the first days is not intense, the cause may be a congestion or blood clot that prevents the release of contamination.

The reverse situation is also dangerous: heavy bleeding ends by the end of 2 weeks. If this does not happen and by the third week a large amount of fluid continues to be released, the patient may have poor blood clotting.

In both extreme cases, an urgent visit to the doctor is necessary.

Resumption of discharge

How often do you experience spotting after childbirth? Nature provides for the cleansing of a woman’s body only once. However, sometimes women report resumption of bleeding. Should I worry?

The most obvious option is to quickly restore the cycle. Menstruation occurs individually for each woman, at the moment when she has completely restored the function of childbearing. Since postpartum blood flow and menstruation have similar characteristics in appearance, they are easy to confuse. Using an ultrasound, the gynecologist determines whether the young mother’s cycle has arrived or whether the cleansing of the body continues.

The release of the remaining endometrium and placental particles. In rare cases, the cleansing of internal organs from the remaining elements that accompanied pregnancy occurs at the end of the recovery process. If the liquid has a slimy, transparent appearance and no unpleasant odor, most likely this is just such a situation. Usually such delayed discharge does not last long.

All repeated flows of yellow, green color, which smell unpleasant, are a signal of an inflammatory process. To avoid the risk of pathology of the female organs, it is important to see a doctor as soon as possible.

How to maintain hygiene during postpartum discharge

Unfortunately, bleeding that comes out is a fertile environment for the growth of dangerous bacteria. To prevent their development, it is necessary to strictly follow hygiene measures.

To collect secretions, doctors recommend using special pads with enhanced absorbency. During the first days, a special product is used, which is sold at the pharmacy. Then regular night pads marked “5 drops” will do.

The use of tampons is strictly prohibited. In order to ensure the free flow of liquid, nothing should stop its movement. In addition, tampons cannot absorb the blood clots that inevitably pass after the first week.

The sanitary pad is changed every 2 hours, regardless of the intensity of the currents. It is accompanied by washing the external genitalia (if possible, if the woman is at home, also every one and a half to two hours).

The minimum number of ablutions is reduced to two or three per day. When using the toilet, you must use a mild cleanser labeled “for intimate hygiene.”

If natural childbirth has complications and there are ruptures in the birth canal, it is necessary to continue to take care of the injured skin areas at home. Upon discharge, the doctor gives detailed instructions on hygiene in this case. Most often, liquid antiseptics such as a solution of potassium permanganate or furatsilin are used.

For young mothers who have had surgical births, maintaining hygiene is especially important. Since there is an incision in the uterus, the recovery process must be protected from infection. In addition, daily hygiene includes taking care of the seam. The two-hour shift rule must be followed exactly.

Maintaining women's health is not the last task of a young mother. Observing how long the discharge continues after childbirth and what its characteristics are, allows women to avoid the risks of the recovery period and ensure their well-being. Despite the fact that young mothers have a lot of worries related to their newborn, it is important to follow the doctor’s recommendations for diagnosing the flow and maintaining hygiene during this special period.

Every young mother is always worried about what they should be discharge after childbirth, is this process happening normally for her? Doctors who observe patients after the birth of babies also pay special attention to the nature of the discharge. In the context of the normal development of the postpartum process, a very important question is how long such discharge lasts. It is no less important to control their smell, quantity and other characteristics. How many days does the blood bleed after? and other features of such discharges will be discussed in this article.

How is the postpartum period going?

So, the postpartum period begins at the moment when birth occurs placenta . In medicine, it is customary to distinguish two stages after childbirth:

  • early stage lasting for two hours;
  • late stage , lasting from 6 to 8 weeks.

In the postpartum period, the placenta, which has separated from the wall of the uterus, is released. At the place where it separated, a wound surface with gaping vessels is formed in the mucous membrane of the uterus, from which blood is released.

How long does it take for the uterus to contract after childbirth? This process begins immediately, and as long as the uterus contracts, its walls become tense and the torn vessels are compressed. During the first 2 hours after birth, moderate, bright red, bloody discharge appears. The normal discharge rate after childbirth in the first stage is no more than 0.4 liters.

If blood loss increases, then it is necessary to exclude hypotensive bleeding . Next, the doctor must make sure that there is no undetected rupture in the perineum, cervix, or vaginal walls of the woman in labor.

After labor and delivery of the placenta have occurred, the weight of the uterus is about 1 kg. But after a certain number of days, when the postpartum period ends, it returns to what is considered normal size, weighing approximately 70 g. To achieve this state, the uterus contracts, but these seductions are not as intense and painful as with contractions . How long the uterus contracts after childbirth also depends on the characteristics of the body. In this case, the woman feels only mild spasms, which manifest themselves mainly when the newborn sucks the breast. The fact is that when the nipples are stimulated, the production of a hormone is activated, which stimulates uterine contractions.

Postpartum uterine involution – a process that occurs gradually, 6-8 weeks. after childbirth. During this time, the wound surface heals, the size of the uterus returns to its original size. On the first day after the baby is born, the edge of the woman’s uterus is palpated at approximately the level of the navel. Already on the fourth day, its bottom is located in the middle between the navel and the womb. On the 9th day, the fundus of the uterus is located 1-2 cm above the womb. That is, every day after the birth of the child, the uterus decreases by about 1 cm.

The doctor will tell you in detail how bleeding occurs after childbirth and how long this process lasts before the woman is discharged from the maternity hospital. Depending on how much bleeding occurs after childbirth, the smell, amount and color of the discharge, the doctor can determine whether the postpartum period is normal.

Such selections are called “ lochia " At its core, lochia is the secretion of a birth wound, which contains bloody cells, mucus, decidua, plasma, and lymph. It is very important for expectant mothers to know exactly how long lochia lasts after childbirth. What lochia is and what lochia looks like is usually explained by the doctor before discharge from the hospital. Women should be sure to note how long lochia lasts after childbirth, because this is an indicator of whether the body’s recovery process is developing normally in a young mother.

The nature of the discharge at different times is as follows:

  • When the first two hours after birth are completed, reddish or brownish discharge occurs, its character is moderate. The duration of such discharge is from 5 to 7 days.
  • In the first 3 days, the volume of discharge is approximately 300 ml, so the padding diaper should be changed approximately every 2 hours. Blood clots are likely to appear in the lochia, which is normal.
  • From about 6-7 days the color of the lochia changes - they become yellowish or have a whitish tint. Their color depends on the quantity involved in the healing of postpartum wounds.
  • At 9-10 days, watery lochia begins to appear, in which a lot of mucus can be seen. They have a light shade, gradually become more and more scanty, and by 3-4 weeks. disappear completely. That is, after a month, lochia usually stops.

Despite the fact that the exact answer to how long bleeding lasts after childbirth is always individual, normally it lasts on average from 6 to 8 weeks. Regardless of how many days after birth the discharge occurs, it is important that over time it becomes more and more scanty.

How long discharge lasts after childbirth depends on many things, so not everyone has the same amount of time. How long the discharge continues depends on the physiology of the body, the intensity of uterine contractions, the characteristics of delivery and a number of other points. Also, how long postpartum discharge lasts depends on whether the woman practices. At the same time, how long the discharge with blood stains lasts after childbirth is an indicator of whether the young mother’s body is recovering normally.

The actual question is how long the discharge lasts after. It should be understood that this is a surgical operation, and the body’s recovery after it takes a longer period. Accordingly, the duration of lochia after cesarean section may be longer. However, how long the discharge lasts after a cesarean section largely depends on how successful the operation was and whether complications develop after it. As a rule, such discharge should last about 8 weeks.

A woman should be wary of smelly discharge after a caesarean section, as this may indicate the development of an inflammatory process. You also need to track how long the discharge lasts so as not to miss the symptoms of pathology. If you have any suspicions, it is better to consult a doctor.

Subinvolution of the uterus after childbirth

How exactly the period after childbirth proceeds from a physiological point of view is determined by the process of uterine contraction. The correct process of separation of the mucous membrane and release of blood clots from the uterine cavity is important.

Involution of the uterus, that is, its reverse development, is a very important physiological process for a woman, as her reproductive and menstrual functions are restored. If the uterus contracts poorly, then there is a risk of developing purulent-septic complications.

Therefore, a woman should visit a doctor 10 days after she was discharged from the maternity hospital. The specialist conducts a general examination, as well as a gynecological examination.

Sometimes it can be diagnosed subinvolution of the uterus , when the return to previous parameters occurs very slowly. The doctor makes this diagnosis if during this period a very soft and loose uterus of large size is palpated, and its contraction does not occur under hand.

To confirm postpartum subinvolution, the specialist must prescribe an ultrasound examination of the pelvis. Such a study will make it possible to find the cause that is an obstacle to uterine contraction. As a rule, we are talking about the remains of the fetal membranes or placenta.

Factors that predispose to the manifestation of uterine subinvolution:

  • multiple pregnancy ;
  • polyhydramnios ;
  • rapid labor or protracted ;

The doctor decides individually whether there is a need to hospitalize a woman. If a young mother does not complain about her health, her condition is generally satisfactory, and there are no remains of membranes or placenta in the uterus, the doctor prescribes the use of uterotonic drugs. Typically this is oxytocin , water pepper tincture, methylergometrine .

If foreign contents are detected in the uterus, they are removed using vacuum suction. Diffuse lavage of the uterus is also sometimes practiced, for which solutions or antiseptics are used.

For prophylaxis, the patient is also prescribed a short-term dose - they should be used for 2-3 days.


This condition is also a complication after childbirth. During development lochiometers lochia lingers in the uterus. In most cases, this condition appears 7-9 days after the baby is born. This complication can be caused by the following reasons:

  • blockage of the cervical canal of a mechanical nature;
  • insufficiently active uterine contraction;
  • the presence of a mechanical obstruction in the cervical canal (blood clots, remnants of membranes, decidua);
  • the uterus is bent forward too much.

If during pregnancy there is overdistension of the fetal sac, and this happens with multiple pregnancy, large fetal size, polyhydramnios, the ability of the uterus to contract weakens. This also happens with prolonged or rapid labor, incoordination of labor, cervical spasms, and caesarean section.

If lochiometra is diagnosed on time, then the woman’s general health does not have time to deteriorate, her pulse and body temperature do not change. In this case, the only sign of a pathological condition is very scanty discharge during a period when it should be abundant, or it stops completely.

In this case, lochiometra treatment is carried out after childbirth, and the woman’s condition gradually improves.

If the lochiometer is missed, if the doctor palpates the uterus, pain is noted, and he also notes that the size of the uterus has increased compared to the previous day. If the lochiometer was missed, the woman may subsequently develop.

Therefore, it is important to know what the normal discharge rate should be after childbirth, and to consult a doctor in a timely manner if certain violations occur. Therapy consists, first of all, of ensuring the outflow of lochia from the uterus. Initially, the doctor prescribes conservative treatment:

  • parenteral use or ;
  • uterotonics ( oxytocin ), applying cold to the lower abdomen.

If a woman is diagnosed with a kink in the uterus, the specialist performs bimanual palpation to return it to its normal position.

If the cervical canal is blocked, the specialist carefully widens it with a finger. Sometimes special devices are used for this purpose—Hegar dilators.

Provided that all the measures described above did not lead to the elimination of the pathological condition in 2-3 days, curettage is performed - emptying the uterine cavity with the help of instruments. Vacuum aspiration can also be used. To prevent inflammatory processes, women are prescribed antibiotics.

How long the lochia lasts after curettage depends on the period when the procedure was performed.

Postpartum endometritis

Another complication that is more dangerous to health compared to a lochiometer is endometritis or inflammation of the uterus. In a pregnant woman weakened, as this is necessary to prevent rejection of the fertilized egg, which the body considers a foreign body. Restoration of immunological protection occurs approximately 5-6 days after the birth of the child or 10 days after it occurred abdominal delivery . That is why all young mothers have an increased risk of developing inflammatory diseases of the reproductive organs.

Currently, certain factors are identified that predispose to the development of endometritis after childbirth. They are indicated in the table below.

During pregnancy
  • manifestation of late (after 20 weeks);
  • multiple births;
  • anemia;
  • very large fruit;
  • malposition;
  • polyhydramnios;
  • inflammation of the cervix, vagina;
  • surgical intervention for isthmic-cervical insufficiency;
  • infectious diseases during pregnancy;
  • exacerbation of chronic ailments during pregnancy;
  • low placentation, presentation;
  • the presence of a threat of interruption, especially permanent;
  • sexually transmitted infections before childbirth;
  • placental abruption.
During childbirth
  • prolonged, premature labor;
  • narrow pelvis;
  • weakness, incoordination - anomalies of generic forces;
  • obstetric benefits during childbirth;
  • C-section;
  • manual control of the uterine cavity;
  • long (from 12 hours) period without water;
  • frequent (from three) vaginal examinations to determine the obstetric situation.
Are common
  • age of the woman in labor (up to 18 and over 30 years);
  • endocrine pathology;
  • a history of gynecological diseases - inflammation, fibroids, etc.;
  • eating disorders;
  • bad habits;
  • history of caesarean section;
  • extragenital diseases in chronic form;
  • poor living conditions.

Signs of acute endometritis

  • The onset of endometritis is acute, it develops from 3-4 days after birth.
  • The discharge becomes brown and cloudy.
  • A little later, purulent discharge with a greenish tint is noted.
  • A characteristic symptom is the appearance of discharge with an odor after childbirth, while the unpleasant odor of postpartum discharge usually resembles rotten meat.
  • The general condition worsens - the temperature rises to 38-39 degrees, weakness, increased heartbeat, and malaise are noted.
  • The results of peripheral blood tests indicate an inflammatory process (leukocytes increase, ).

Signs of endometritis in subacute form

This condition usually manifests itself after the woman has been discharged from the maternity hospital.

  • In this case, it is important to note how much bleeding after childbirth - the bleeding remains until 10-12 days.
  • The temperature rises - sometimes to febrile levels, sometimes slightly.
  • If a woman ignores the warning signs, the discharge becomes purulent and acquires a bad odor.

Postpartum in any form is a reason for hospitalization. In a hospital setting, the patient undergoes a hysteroscopy to exclude the presence of remnants of membranes, placenta, and blood clots or to detect their presence. If any are found, they are removed by vacuum aspiration or curettage.

Diffuse lavage of the uterine cavity is also carried out, for which antibiotics and antiseptics are used. At least three such procedures are carried out.

What should you pay attention to?

Thus, it is important to pay attention to what bleeding after childbirth is like and how long this phenomenon lasts. If we talk about the norms for how long bleeding occurs after childbirth, then lochia should stop after about 3-4 weeks.

If a woman does not practice natural feeding, her monthly cycle is restored - this becomes noticeable by the nature of the discharge. If in about 1-2 months. after childbirth, leucorrhoea becomes profuse, resembling the white of an egg, this means that what is happening ovulation . Sometimes a woman notices that after giving birth, her periods last a little longer than before. How long your period lasts depends on the characteristics of the body, but such changes are normal.

At this time, it is very important to take care of postpartum contraception , which you should definitely talk about with your doctor. In this case, the guide to action should not be the advice of friends or a forum - a specialist will help you make the optimal choice of contraceptives.

If breastfeeding is practiced, then when the baby is one month old, the discharge becomes mucus in nature and does not have an unpleasant odor. And during the entire period of natural feeding, they do not change their character.

However, a woman should be wary if yellow discharge suddenly appears 2 months after childbirth, when lochia has long been completed. Particular attention should be paid if the leucorrhoea has a bad odor, and discomfort and itching are felt in the genitals. In this case, you should immediately go to see a doctor.

The doctor will help you find out why pathological discharge appears, for which he will take a smear to determine vaginal microflora , after which he will prescribe treatment.

If there is no fever, this most likely means that the discharge is a sign. But if a woman is also worried about temperature, pain in the lower abdomen, then this may be a sign of inflammation in the appendages or uterus. Therefore, in this case, you cannot hesitate to contact a specialist.

Hygiene in the postpartum period

In order for the uterus to contract actively and return to normal size, hygiene in the postpartum period is very important:

  • It is recommended to sleep on your stomach so that pressure on the uterus promotes its active contraction and stimulation of the outflow of lochia.
  • You should immediately visit the toilet as soon as the woman feels the first urge, since a full bladder and a full rectum worsen uterine contractions.
  • It is important to change the pad every two hours, since lochia is a suitable environment for the proliferation of pathogenic bacteria, which subsequently leads to infection.
  • You should absolutely not use tampons at this time.
  • Every day you need to wash yourself at least twice, using boiled water or a weak solution. potassium permanganate .
  • It is worth practicing free feeding, putting the baby to the breast on demand, since when the nipples are stimulated, synthesis occurs oxytocin .