Massage for thicker hair. How to do a head massage correctly. Hair benefits of regular head massage

The main reason for intense hair loss and slow hair growth is congestion in the scalp area. Blood begins to circulate more slowly through the vessels, and practically no nutrients and oxygen reach the roots, as a result of which they weaken. The best way fight against stagnant processes- This is a massage. Have you noticed how the mobility of joints improves after a massage, for example, the back or legs? In much the same way, hair follicles come to life after the procedure. If you dream of luxurious hair, regularly massage your head for hair growth at home.

In order for your hair to become long, thick and shiny, it is not at all necessary to use expensive care products or go through fashionable salon treatments. It is enough to massage your scalp regularly for hair growth. You simply need this procedure if:

  • hair falls out a lot;
  • the growth of curls has slowed down;
  • the hair has lost its shine and volume;
  • the scalp became dry and dandruff appeared;
  • the strands became brittle and the ends began to split.

Head massage for hair growth: 7 rules

Massage is a science. To get the maximum benefit from the procedure and not cause harm to your hair, you need to observe a lot of subtleties. There are seven basic recommendations on how to properly massage your head for hair growth.

  1. One and a half to two hours before washing. By accelerating the blood during a massage, you, among other things, provoke activity sebaceous glands. If you carry out the procedure on clean hair, it will quickly lose its freshness.
  2. The movements are energetic, but not abrupt. You need to massage the skin vigorously enough to draw blood to the surface. Do not forget to be careful, because there is always a risk of damaging the hair shaft and injuring the follicles.
  3. Warm your hands. The touch of cold fingers to the skin provokes vasoconstriction. Therefore, before the procedure you need to hold your palms in warm water or rub them vigorously against each other.
  4. Warm up from the inside. A cup of hot tea before a massage will speed up blood circulation. It's good if you add a little to the drink grated ginger or a pinch of cinnamon, which also have a warming effect.
  5. Accustom your skin to massage gradually. The first couple of sessions should consist of only light stroking. With each subsequent procedure, increase the intensity and duration of exposure.
  6. Do the procedures regularly. A head massage should be for you good habit. You need to do it three times a week.
  7. Get a capillary massager. A device called “Goosebump” is popular among people. This is a metal massager consisting of several flexible “legs”. It is worth noting that, in addition to its beneficial effect on hair, the device soothes nervous system and activates energy channels.
  8. Rest after the massage. After completing the procedure, accept horizontal position and lie down for 30-40 minutes. Allow blood circulation to normalize, otherwise there is a risk of feeling dizzy.

Before starting the procedure, treat your curls with a spray or serum for easy combing. This is necessary so that the hair can easily slide between your fingers without tangling or breaking.

Manual technique

It is possible to extract the maximum benefit from a head massage for hair growth thanks to manual techniques. Direct contact of fingers with the scalp allows you to determine the optimal force of pressure and friction, as well as evaluate the reaction of the epidermis to such influence.

Basic Techniques

When you experience hair loss, it is important to take timely measures to prevent a catastrophe. The table contains basic techniques, thanks to which you can stop thinning and stimulate hair growth.

Table - Basic head massage techniques

ReceptionHow to doTime, minutesResult
Stroking- Hands with slight pressure;
- from the forehead to the back of the head;
- from crown to ears
10 - Warming up the skin at the beginning;
- tissue calming at the end
Rubbing- Using the pads of your fingers with noticeable pressure;
- circular movements or back and forth;
- from the neck to the temples;
- from the temples to the crown;
- from crown to forehead
10 - Acceleration of blood circulation;
- activation of the sebaceous glands
Vibration- Fingertips pressed to the skin;
- oscillatory movements from the hairline to the back of the head
5 - Acceleration of blood circulation;
- calming the nervous system
Pat- The tips of 4 fingers (except the thumb);
3 Acceleration of blood circulation
Reaching out- Immerse your palms in your hair;
- stretch the curls between your fingers, lifting them up;
- throughout the entire area in a chaotic manner
3 Activation of bulbs

Start the session with a massage of the collar area. For a quarter of an hour, stretch the trapezius muscle and the back of the neck. As a rule, it is in this area that stagnation occurs, which prevents active blood flow to the scalp.

For complete recovery

Peculiarity. If you notice that throughout long period Over time, the hair does not gain length and loses thickness, you need to undergo a special course of procedures. The head massage scheme for hair growth includes ten points, each of which will take you two to three minutes to complete.

Order of conduct

  1. Knead with your fingers brow ridges. Be careful not to stretch the fabric.
  2. From the eyebrows towards the hairline, gently stroke the skin with your fingertips.
  3. Starting from the temples, rub the hairline going behind the ears in a circular motion.
  4. Rub in a circular motion along the hairline along the forehead.
  5. Using your fingertips, lightly rub the scalp, moving from the forehead to the crown and back.
  6. Perform the same technique, but with greater intensity.
  7. In a chaotic manner, gently knead the occipital area with your fingers.
  8. Using circular movements directed clockwise, rub the back of your head.
  9. Using light vibrating movements of your fingertips, treat the entire surface of your head. Move from the forehead to the back of the head.
  10. Finish the massage by gently stroking your head with your palms. The movement should start from the hairline and end at the shoulders.

Massage is recommended for hair restoration after chemotherapy. Three weeks after the last session, the growth process resumes. Stimulating blood circulation will make hair follicles work more actively.

How else to please your hair: treatment options

To save your hair, you don’t have to go to a beauty salon. It is quite possible to do this yourself. It is enough to master simple, but effective techniques massage with improvised means.


Peculiarity. Towel massage combines two benefits. Firstly, direct contact of fingers with the scalp is eliminated, which makes the procedure safer for the hair. Secondly, the towel warms the head, which further stimulates blood flow. The procedure is carried out in four stages.

Order of conduct

  1. Warm up the towel. Boil water in a large saucepan, cover the container with a lid, and place a towel on top. During the heating season, it is enough to keep it on the battery for about ten minutes.
  2. Lean over the bathtub and comb your hair down. Place a warm towel over your head and rub your skin through the cloth for five minutes. You need to act energetically, but carefully.
  3. Wrap your head in the same towel and leave for half an hour.
  4. Wash your hair with shampoo. It is better to use sulfate-free products.

If hair loss is caused by natural ending life cycle bulbs, massage will not stop this process. But regular procedures will make new hairs grow faster.


Peculiarity. One of the common causes of hair loss and slow growth is clogged scalp pores. Oxygen stops reaching the hair follicles, causing them to weaken. A whole range of reasons leads to this. These include dead skin particles, fat, dust, and residues. cosmetics. Considering that shampoo is not able to cope with such contaminants, you need to massage your head with salt once or twice a month for hair growth. The procedure is performed in four stages.

Order of conduct

  1. Place two to three tablespoons of salt in a small dish. You can use regular table, sea or iodized salt.
  2. Lean over the bathtub and wet your hair well.
  3. Wet your hands and dip your fingers into the salt container. Rub in with gentle massaging movements. This way you need to treat the entire surface of the head.
  4. Massage your skin for about five more minutes and rinse off the salt with clean water.


Peculiarity. Massaging the scalp with a comb for hair growth is best option for those who never have enough time for themselves. You just have to devote a little more time to the daily procedure. Ten minutes will be enough. Also buy a comb made of natural wood (it’s better if it’s juniper). This material does not damage the hair and prevents electrification. The massage is carried out in four stages.

Order of conduct

  1. First of all, detangle and comb your hair well along the length.
  2. Starting at the back of the head, gradually move towards the crown, gently but firmly pressing the comb onto the skin. Do not press too hard so as not to injure the epidermis and hair follicles.
  3. Continue combing towards the forehead. When you reach the hairline, move to the temple area.
  4. A signal that you are doing everything right will be a feeling of warmth under the skin. When the sensation of “pins and needles” appears, slowly reduce the intensity of movements to gradually complete the procedure.

It is important to give the body correct position while combing. According to Bragg, you need to stand with your legs wide apart and your knees slightly bent. Tilt your body so that your head is lower than your heart. At the same time, during the procedure you need to breathe deeply and measuredly.


Both women and men are concerned about hair loss, which forces them to experiment. If the massage does not seem effective enough for you, use some aids which will further stimulate hair growth.

Growth Activators

Folk cosmetology knows many recipes for products that contain warming components that stimulate blood circulation. They can also be used during a massage. It's about about these products:

  • Mustard. Dilute a spoonful of powder with water until it becomes sour cream. Add egg yolk and a spoonful of olive oil. Apply to warm skin after massage, warm your head and leave for 15-30 minutes.
  • Onion. Squeeze the juice out of the vegetable and dilute it with two doses of water. Apply over entire scalp or just areas where hair loss is greatest. To get rid of a specific odor, wash your hair twice with shampoo and rinse with water acidified with vinegar.
  • "Dimexide". Dilute one norm of the product with five norms of water. Dip your fingers in the liquid before starting the massage.
  • A nicotinic acid . Distribute the contents of one or two nicotine ampoules over the partings. Rub the product into the skin using gentle circular movements.

Vegetable oils

To facilitate the procedure, as well as for additional health and nutrition, it is recommended to massage with vegetable oils. The table contains the best means, corresponding different types hair.

Table - Vegetable oils for head massage

Hair typeMeansCharacteristic
FatGrape seed oil- Accelerates growth;
- reduces greasiness;
- treats inflammation and irritation;
- prevents section;
- adds shine
Avocado oil- Treats dandruff;
- normalizes the activity of the sebaceous glands;
- protects against ultraviolet radiation
DryMacadamia oil- Prevents fragility;
- adds shine;
- strengthens roots;
- restores strands;
- accelerates growth
Jojoba oil- Protects from external negative factors;
- nourishes the roots;
- adds shine
Coconut oil- Adds shine;
- creates volume;
Burr oil- Eliminates dryness and itching;
- restores curls;
- strengthens roots;
- stimulates growth
NormalWheat germ oil- Nourishes the scalp;
- treats irritations;
- fights dandruff;
- adds shine;
- prevents sectioning;
- makes combing easier
Olive oil- Moisturizes the skin;
- prevents fragility;
- gives elasticity
DamagedAlmond oil- Prevents fragility;
- nourishes the roots;
- prevents the appearance of gray hair
Cacao butter- Smoothes scales;
- gives curls elasticity;
- prevents moisture evaporation from hair
Castor oil- Stimulates the production of keratin;
- smoothes strands;
- prevents dandruff;
- creates volume;
- protects against external negative factors


Before doing a scalp massage for hair growth, make sure that you have no contraindications to this procedure. There are six main reasons why you will have to deny yourself this pleasure.

  1. Increased body temperature. Increased blood circulation leads to increased heat.
  2. VSD and migraine. Massage may cause dizziness and pain. Do not resort to such procedures without first consulting your doctor.
  3. The presence of wounds and inflammations on the skin. Friction will only make the problem worse. Massage is allowed only after full recovery integrity of the epidermis.
  4. Hypertension. Increased blood flow may cause sharp jump blood pressure.
  5. Fungal diseases. Massage will lead to an expansion of the area affected by the fungus and aggravate the problem.
  6. Increased oiliness of hair. Increased blood flow inevitably leads to activation of the sebaceous glands.

To understand the importance of scalp massage, imagine that the skin is the soil from which lush hair growth grows. If you do not water and fertilize the flower, it will dry out and die. When blood flow slows down, hair follicles stop receiving nutrients, and the same thing happens to curls. If you want to keep your hair healthy and beautiful, don’t be lazy and spend time on your curls. After studying the reviews about scalp massage for hair growth, you will understand that people who regularly pamper themselves with this procedure are much less likely to encounter the problem of hair loss.

Reviews: “Tugging the pigtails slightly is not bad at all”

I do head massage at home. I made the mixture myself; V Coconut oil I added sage essential oil, it promotes growth, shine, prevents hair loss and all that + neroli, for mood, but besides that it improves the hair structure. I chose coconut oil because I love it very much, you can choose sesame oil, for example. I apply a little to my hair and comb it with a wooden comb with teeth (not a brush). I massage the entire scalp with my fingertips. My hair is long, it grows very quickly, and practically does not fall out. Whether it’s the massage itself or whether it works, I can’t say. I do it 1-2 times a week. I like this procedure, I would do it just for fun if there was no effect. Yes, her husband loves her too. But I do it less often for him: either I’m busy, or he... It’s better to do it in the salon the first time, remember, and then you can repeat it at home yourself.


I always massage my head, but without salt or other means. I make circular movements with my fingers and pull my hair a little, it grows better this way. True, this must be done carefully so as not to injure the bulbs. As proof of the effect: hair extensions! The procedure is harmful, but the hair grows at an unrealistic speed, since the hair capsules are pulled natural hair down, resulting in increased growth. Of course, you shouldn’t get hair extensions, but doing a massage and slightly “pulling the pigtails” is not even bad

Lana Simbaeva,


Beautiful thick hair is the dream of every woman. Unfortunately, today most people suffer from hair loss, which causes serious psychological discomfort. There are many various methods preserving curls, one of which is head massage. I am attracted by the accessibility and simplicity of the procedure. Improves general state body, there is a feeling of lightness. Head massage is very effective against hair loss. By improving blood microcirculation in the scalp, it provides hair follicles necessary nutrition, which helps strengthen curls. Massage in combination with other means has an excellent effect.

Head massage is necessary to stimulate blood circulation

Indications for massage

The benefits of this procedure are undoubted. No wonder it is recommended to almost everyone in order to improve subcutaneous processes. Similar preventative measure will allow you not to worry about dandruff, dull and lifeless hair.

Indications for this procedure are:

  • Preservation of dry and brittle hair after using a moisturizing shampoo.
  • Excessive hair loss.
  • Vitamin deficiency, lack of sufficient nutrition for the bulbs.
  • Finding follicles in a frozen state.
  • Dandruff.
  • Disruption of the sebaceous glands.

General principles of massage

The technique of the procedure must be strictly followed

The technique of performing the procedure must be strictly observed, otherwise you should not expect it to positive effect. Hands must be washed thoroughly and nails must be trimmed. It is not recommended to wash your hair before a massage. During the procedure, it is advisable to use various oils, medicinal products to strengthen hair. Finger movements should be made slowly and rhythmically.

The duration of the session depends on individual characteristics. Typically the massage lasts from 5 to 15 minutes. After completing the procedure, you need to lie down for 20 minutes or sit quietly. Recommended course – 2 weeks. If the massage is performed correctly, blood circulation improves after it. Therefore, any masks applied at this point will work more effectively.

In some cases, massage is strictly contraindicated. This procedure cannot be performed when high temperature, the presence of fungal or inflammatory diseases on the scalp. Limitations for massage are enlarged lymph nodes, hypertension, and blood diseases.

Traditional massage

The best position to perform the procedure is lying down, so that it is convenient and comfortable. Head massage for hair loss is simple and can be done independently, without the help of a specialist. All movements must be made with the pads of your fingers, lightly smoothing the surface of the skin. To improve blood flow, you should first rub your forehead, gradually moving to your temples and the back of your head. The skin should be massaged in the direction of hair growth. Movements can be linear or circular. The skin can be gently stretched and moved, but be sure to alternate this with stroking. For convenience, the hair is divided into partings, spending 1–2 minutes on each parting. The duration of the entire session is 3–10 minutes.

Neck massage

Neck massage also stimulates blood flow to the head

Experts say that the procedure will be much more effective if the hair loss massage is completed by kneading the collar area. This will help relieve tension, increase blood flow, stimulate nutrition and hair growth.

Considering that the skin in the neck area is quite delicate, all movements must be performed carefully. Particular care must be taken when massaging the front of the neck, where large blood vessels pass.

Massage products

When performing the procedure, you can use various devices designed for this purpose. They are able to have a more intense effect on the scalp, which increases the effectiveness of the massage and improves the condition of the hair.

Massage brush

When choosing such a tool, you need to pay attention to the teeth. They should be quite elastic and not bend when combed. Great importance has the material from which the brush is made. It can be bristles, horny, wooden needles. The movements when combing with a massage brush are directed from the temples to the crown, then move to the forehead and back of the head.

Laser comb

Laser comb is gaining more and more popularity

These devices appeared recently, but have already gained great popularity as the most effective remedy to create beautiful and voluminous hair. Studies have shown the ability of a laser beam to influence hair growth, strengthen roots and improve the condition of the scalp. As a result of using such a comb, curls are saturated with oxygen and receive required quantity nutrients. The energy of the laser beam ensures the synthesis of protein - a substance without which hair growth is impossible. The low intensity of the beam makes it absolutely safe.

Laser therapy is actively used in the treatment of many hair diseases, especially such as alopecia (baldness). Trichology clinics are equipped with special professional facilities. A laser comb is a great affordable and cheap alternative. A wellness session can be arranged at any convenient time, sitting in front of the TV. Regular use allows you to achieve excellent results. Hair becomes thicker and looks healthier.

Terry towel

Another of the available massage products. Pre-heat the towel on a radiator or heated towel rail. Lean over the bathtub and rub your scalp with it. The effect will be much better if you then rub it into the hair roots. natural oils. They contain components that nourish the follicles, which leads to strengthening of the curls. After applying the oil, put on a plastic cap and wrap your head with a towel. After half an hour, rinse your hair with shampoo.

Having mastered self massage head and by doing it regularly, you can get rid of hair loss, increase hair growth, providing yourself with thick, luxurious hair.

Can't grow without good blood circulation in the scalp and sufficient nutrition of the hair follicles. Conditions of modern environment(ecology, stress), as well as lifestyle (immobility, bad habits) interfere with normal blood flow to the skin and hair.

Any trichologist must include scalp massage in a set of measures to strengthen hair and prevent alopecia. Massage or manual pressure on the scalp is one of the most effective methods of treating baldness. In combination with other methods, head massage gives amazing results.

Thanks to massage, irritation occurs biologically active points on the head, improving tissue trophism, additional stimulation of blood supply hair follicles ov, providing hair with optimal nutrition and enhancing the effect of any therapeutic agents.

In our article we have collected for you the maximum useful information about the types and techniques of massage specifically for hair growth and restoration.

Any massage is done with clean hands with short-cut nails, in calm atmosphere. Massage for hair growth is not aimless, chaotic movements of fingers on the head. These are targeted movements of the fingers of both hands using stroking, rubbing, kneading, tapping (vibration). You can massage your head both while sitting and lying down. The main thing is that you feel comfortable in the chosen position.

The direction of the massage movements must correspond to the direction of hair growth. Massage movements can be very different: straight, circular or spiral movements, intermittent pressure, tapping with fingers, moving, slightly stretching or pinching the skin. However, it is recommended to use stroking after each appointment.

Some massage subtleties

To enhance the effect of the massage procedure. scalp for hair growth, you can use various nourishing oils. For example, it can be heated castor or burdock oil, or a certain mixture of vegetable and essential oils, or various herbal infusions and decoctions.

Before the massage, you can exfoliate your head. To do this, make a paste of salt and water and apply it to your head with massage movements. Rhythmically, but effortlessly, rub into the skin for 5 minutes. After the procedure, do a massage with nourishing oil or a soothing mask.

A massage session provokes increased sebum sebaceous glands, it is recommended to wash your hair after the massage.

Contraindications to massage:

Start self-massage by stroking your forehead and temples with light circular movements with your finger, this will improve venous blood flow in these areas. Then move on to the scalp: stroke the entire scalp area from top to bottom in the direction of hair growth. The fingers of both hands should be close to the skin, but you should not apply too much pressure. After stroking, try gently rubbing the skin with your fingers.

You can use pinching, tapping with your fingertips, or lightly pulling the hair. Hair pulling is easy and effortless. Take a small strand of hair with your fingers and pull lightly several times. Repeat all over your head.

Squeezing the head with your palms effectively increases blood circulation in the head and relieves headaches. Hold it down right palm to the forehead, and the left one to the back of the head. Simultaneously press both palms of your head on both sides without effort. Repeat several times.

Another popular method of self-massage is parting massage. Stroking and kneading circular movements are carried out along the parting line. Then a new parting is made a centimeter from the previous one and the movements are repeated.

Thus, starting from the central parting, the massage is carried out on both sides, alternating right and left side. Massaging the scalp along the parting is very effective not only for hair growth. It helps cope with dry seborrhea and various diseases scalp.

Often in beauty salons Anti-loss massage is used with a brush made from natural materials - bristles, horn, wood or ebonite. Massage with a brush is also carried out in a circular motion in the direction from the temples to the crown, from the temples to the back of the head, from the forehead to the back of the head.

The use of essential oils will enhance the stimulating effect of the brush on the hair follicles. Place a few drops on the brush itself and begin the massage as usual.

Head massage with Darsonval comb.

Currently, this method of exposing the scalp to alternating current high frequency got the most wide application. Thanks to the effect of darsonvalization, nutrition of hair follicles improves, microcirculation in areas of thinning hair improves, vascular permeability increases, and muscles relax.

A comb or Darsonval apparatus is a comb-shaped electrode that is slowly moved over the head from the forehead to the back of the head. There are similar devices for home use, and professional.
The course of treatment with this method is 10-15 procedures with a break of a month.

Massage of the collar area.

Elementary massage movements in this area remove spasms of muscles and blood vessels, restore blood circulation, which means the hair receives additional support for growth. The emphasis in neck massage should be on the back surface, where the trapezius and cervical muscles are most often “clogged.”

Do not actively massage the anterior neck area due to its close location carotid arteries. Massage movements should be directed from top to bottom, and after any movement - rubbing, kneading, pressing, patting - it is worth stroking.

Vacuum massage for alopecia for hair growth.

Professional cosmetologists and massage therapists often use special vacuum suction cups in their practice to dilate blood vessels in the scalp and increase blood flow. The procedure is absolutely painless and even pleasant. Due to the negative pressure created in the suction cups, blood flow to the hair follicles is increased and their nutrition is improved.

Any massage ends with soothing stroking and combing. Trichologists recommend combing your hair every day, if possible, 50-100 times in different directions. It would seem that these are grandmother’s tips, but in fact they are very effective.

Combing stimulates blood flow to the head, thereby strengthening the structure of the strands from the inside. On average, a hair growth massage lasts 5-10 minutes, then massage a little collar area neck.

Whatever massage method you choose, at the end of the session you should feel a pleasant warmth in the head area; if this is not the case, you may need to increase the activity of your movements.

The article is posted with Jack's permission and written by him with minor additions compiled from his answers on the forum and from correspondence with him on e-mail. He often appears in the popular forum thread about hair loss. If you have any questions after reading this, you can personally write Jack a letter. This article was last updated on December 11, 2017.

The massage method for hair restoration involves intensive rubbing of the scalp using a massage brush with wooden teeth. Looks like that:

Where to buy a wood brush?

Go to any shopping mall, fortunately there are too many of them now, there will be 3-4 points selling all sorts of tripe: ribbons, combs, combs, bows, brushes, manicure-pedicure. Ask there. For example, I bought it at the food market. Moreover, the wooden combs were not put on display. That is, ask the sellers, perhaps brushes are on sale, but they are not visible (hidden under the counter).

The massage is performed in segments. That is, the scalp is divided into 8-10 sections and pressing the brush to the skull, intense energetic movements are made with a short amplitude in the direction forehead-occiput - back of the head-forehead. The skin should move slightly, as if sliding a little over the skull. First, saw off the handle of the brush and hold it by the base, like a washcloth or sponge in the shower.

Would an all-wood comb work?

No, with a comb you will only scratch your skin in a couple of approaches. For massage you need a brush with a movable rubber base.

Are massage and brushing the same thing?

No, massage involves intensive rubbing of the skin from its obligatory slight shift relative to the skull.

I haven't seen a wooden brush on sale, can I use a brush with plastic teeth?

Using such a brush is possible, but highly undesirable. During intense movements, the plastic teeth become electrified and become very hot, as a result, after some time you will have areas of your head with scorched (not to be confused with burnt) hair.

Massage should be done regularly, on average three times a day for five minutes. You hold the brush by the base and begin intensive rubbing of the first area, after 15-20 seconds, feeling a slight warming up and seeing some redness of the skin, move on to the next area. In 20 seconds to the next one. In this way, you process each segment two or three times over several cycles.

If I carry out the procedure for 10-30 minutes, will the effectiveness increase?

The effect of the procedure is based on regularity, not on duration, so do not strive for too long manipulations, optimal time- 4-7 minutes.

If I massage every hour (every two to three hours), will the effectiveness of the procedure increase?

In this method, regularity of exercises is important, i.e. It is highly advisable to do the procedure every day; the frequency of approaches does not play a leading role. It is optimal to carry it out once every 6-8 hours. Minimum 2 times a day, maximum 5 times a day.

If I press especially hard on the brush, will the effectiveness of the massage increase?

The result of your zeal will most likely be torn skin and, as a result, the need to take a break from exercise. The pressure should be sufficient to ensure that the skin moves relative to the skull.

If I use spiral (wave, circular) movements, will this improve the effect?

The result of your labors will most likely be hair pulled out and cut at the roots.

As you can see, the procedure is very simple and requires a minimum of your time per day.

Many people wonder: is it realistic to expect results from such a simple procedure and what results can I expect? Generalize various situations it would be extremely incorrect, because hair can fall out very quickly various reasons, V in this case we are talking about the most common of them - AGA (androgenetic alopecia).

Besides different people have different aggravating heredity and are at different stages hair loss. That is, the position of someone whose father is not bald (balding) will be better than that those whose ancestors suffer from hair loss; the situation of someone who started losing hair at 25 years old will be better than someone who started losing hair at 16 years old; the position of the one who started using this method at the first or second stage of hair loss, it will be better for the one who uses this method at the fourth or fifth stage; and so on...

But still, some general points regarding the results can be confidently voiced:

  1. If you do everything correctly, the hair loss will stop or significantly decrease within the first week.
  2. After some time, you will notice that the hair has become stronger and you can no longer pull it out as easily as a month ago.
  3. In those areas where hair loss occurs first and most noticeably (temples, crown), you will notice the growth of individual, single hairs completely from scratch

IN long term(and hair restoration is a long process and can take years) you will see a visual improvement in your hairstyle due to the fact that hair will stop falling out, and thinned, degraded hair will begin to gain diameter again and become thicker. Additional bonuses of this method will be the improvement of the psycho-emotional background of the individual (as is known, hair loss hand goes hand in hand with worries about their loss and corresponding neuro-depressive moods, as well as general improvement scalp conditions, since AGA is often accompanied by seborrhea. Massage will help you get rid of excess oily scalp, itching, dandruff, small pimples and so on.

I started using this method, but was faced with intense hair loss. Does this mean that the method is not suitable for me?

This means that a significant part of your hair is in the stage of loss (the so-called telogen), that is, it will still leave your head in the coming weeks; with a massage you only speed up this process. Remember that you can't comb out living hair.

Is this method suitable for women or is it designed exclusively for short hair (semi-bald)?

This method can be used painlessly for long hair with the caveat that great care should be taken in movements, concentrating on the displacement of the skin.

Because of this, the duration of the procedure may increase slightly, say up to 10 minutes. The rest is the same: you pass the brush through the hair, press it against the scalp and move the skin.

What is this method based on? Why does it work?

The exact answer to this question is this moment no, but supposedly massage reduces the concentration of andogen-saturated sebum around the hair follicles, and also prevents the penetration of DHT (dihydrotestosterone) into the follicle, which is what actually causes hair degradation and shortening of its anagen (life) phase.

It can be reliably stated that massage prevents fibrosis and miniaturization of hair follicles, when the hair thins and degrades to its final vellus stage, after which the mouth of the follicle is finally closed and replaced by connective tissue.

Are there any photos of the results?

Yes! They appeared only 2 years after the publication of this article. This guy is from Ukraine and he claims that he has significantly improved the situation on his head using only scratching. The results are impressive and you can easily verify this by looking at the attached photos:

On the right are the brushes that are used. Here are excerpts from the correspondence:

Hello everyone, as promised, I’m posting my photos, the first two are 5 and 6 months of massage, the third is 13 months. My camera is crap (mobile phone), so sorry for the quality. the last two are combs with which I have been massaging my head for the last 3 months.

Shock! How many times a day do you rub and how long is each session? And do you rub too hard?
Truly amazing result. Very inspiring))) Thank you for your support. Bravo! I join the questions of forum members about the full “report” in the smallest details, intensity, pressure, sensation, etc. and so on.

I massage every day in the morning and before bed, in the morning before meals, in the evening after. I use the first comb for 10 minutes, then the second for 10 minutes (I time it with a stopwatch =) so as not to cheat) I move both along the head up and down, there is no need to tear it apart, but so that you can feel the teeth of the comb. I bought the second comb for 15 USD. in the pharmacy, it is a roller with copper needles, (sounds scary but the effect of it is also great) that’s actually all I do, wash my hair three times a week Tue Thu Sat after training in the gym, the most regular shampoo, written on it for volume) costs 12 UAH. After washing your hair, rub with a towel for no more than 20 seconds. That's all) Happy New Year everyone! I wish everyone hair =)! See you in the new year, if you are interested in anything else, write - I will answer after New Year.

It feels like you've had a hair transplant. Impressive result. Besides massage, did you use anything else externally or internally, for example, medicine?

No, everything that I wrote above (and on other pages) and that’s it, nothing more. I didn’t do any transplants) I don’t know about the roller, because the result was there even before I purchased it, and after that, maybe the effect intensified. I can say one thing - use what helps you. I wrote everything that helped me. Maybe it will suit you too and everything will work out for you, just give it time. In another half a year I will post new results, and I hope all visitors to this topic will post theirs =)

Perhaps the effect is also due to the use of the Lyapko roller, which is in the photo on the right.

May 25, 2012 new photographs of the results of using Jack’s technique have appeared, which were kindly provided by a reader with the nickname Xelocaine, for which I thank him very much.

These same photographs are also available in higher resolution: February 26, 2012 (before), April 14, 2012, April 28, 2012, May 20, 2012 (after).

December 16, 2012 Fresh photos have appeared from a girl with the nickname Nicole. Unfortunately, there are no "before" photos. Girl's comment:

At first I did a massage with my hands (I moved the scalp) - I did it for about a month, and there was terrible hair loss. 300-350 pieces a day, but I continued because... I knew that it was sick telogen hairs that were falling out, which would have fallen out anyway, but the massage just sped up this process. Then for a couple of months I had a massage with massage combs (like Jack), I pressed 2 combs on the sides of my head and moved the scalp with them, my head warmed up very well and quickly, but at the same time a lot of hair fell out as in the first case, which of course morally oppressive.

And I began to look for a massage option so that less hair would fall out. And I found...stage 3 - Goosebump massager. I massaged them for about 1 hour every day for 2-3 months, my hair got a little tangled, but after about a month the hair loss decreased by a factor of 2. Then I found out about the Lyapko roller and from all my ordeals with massage, when I started using it , I realized that this is the most optimal and “strongest” massage option.

I saw the first hairs from all my massage ordeals along the hairline on my forehead after about 3-4 months. Moreover, I noticed the following pattern: new hair constantly appears during a massage, but if, in parallel with the massage, you rub something else into the head / ordinary lotions / or drink internally (vitamins, herbs, dietary supplements), then the effect increases significantly (not all of them do). funds, but selectively)!!! those. new hairs appear as if spontaneously, in waves - something is constantly growing, but during the period of additional feeding and stimulation of the hair, a surge of hair simply grows, then a calm stage begins, and then again a surge of new hair.

Something like this...I hope I wrote it clearly. My last burst of new hair appeared after I took a 3-month course of biotin with horsetail. I put my hand into my head and felt a prickly “hedgehog”, and then when this “hedgehog” grew and became visible, it turned out, as in the photo - new hairs.

Now I continue to massage every day: 5 minutes Murashka + 20 minutes Lyapko roller. Neck massage periodically.

And this is what one of the Lyapko applicator options looks like (this one is for facial skin):

Many thanks to everyone who wrote about the results of using Jack’s method to stop hair loss. Leave links to your photos in the comments or on the forum, and I, in turn, will add to the article. Anyone who wants to try the technique, please take “before” photos. There is a special topic for discussing the methodology

It so happened that hairy part heads are the extreme point human body. Therefore, the blood circulating throughout the body does not always reach it well.

Moreover, we spend most of the day in vertical position, further complicating the blood supply.

Hair suffers from this: if blood does not penetrate to their roots, it means they remain deprived nutrients and oxygen, which it carries throughout the body.

Eventually curls become more fragile, brittle, lose vitality and significantly slow down growth.

These processes can be reversed. It is enough to establish a regular flow of blood to the required area, and very soon the hair will be unrecognizable.

Having received everything necessary substances, they will become obedient, thick, and will grow with redoubled force.

In order to achieve this, it is enough to do simple head massage for hair growth. It will inevitably cause increased blood flow.

The massage procedure for hair growth is simple, you can do it yourself without spending large quantity time and certainly won’t hurt your pocket.

The only thing you need to stock up on is patience. Self-massage of the head should be done regularly, optimally twice a week. Otherwise, the effect will be invisible.

Despite its simplicity, head massage has strong influence for the whole body. And therefore he not only has healing effect, but also contraindications. It should not be done to people suffering from:

  • hypertension;
  • rashes on the scalp;
  • blood diseases;
  • various diseases that provoke an increase in body temperature.

Learn more about use various oils to accelerate hair growth: , .

See the doctor's comment about this procedure:

How to properly massage your head for hair growth?

It's better to do a massage an hour before washing your hair.

There are at least two reasons for this.

First, massage stimulates the sebaceous glands, which continue to produce fat in full swing for some time after the end of exposure.

As a result, the hair looks much dirtier.

Secondly, massage helps open pores, so that all the products that you plan to use during the shower will be much more effective.

There are several head massage techniques.


For this you need stock up on a massage comb medium hard . Optimally - from natural bristles.

The head is lowered down, bowing it so that went against the hair growth.

That is, combing right side, you need to try to bend your neck so that your head tilts slightly to the left. And so on each side.

You need to brush from the roots of the hair to the very ends.. A total of 100 such movements must be made. Then you should raise your head, straighten up and run the comb through your hair another 100 times.


Before starting the massage hair should be combed thoroughly. Then simply insert your hand into them, grab a few strands between your fingers and methodically pull them in different directions using rotational movements.

This must be done very carefully, but at the same time so that the stretching is noticeable.


The massage should begin from the forehead. To do this, you need to place your fingers on the hairline and start moving from there, as if trying to rub something into the scalp. They can be circular or straight.

At the same time it should move towards the back of the head ending the massage at the neck.

It should be quite large, but not painful.

In addition, you should be careful not to damage healthy hair.

If desired, for this type of massage you can use oils. Especially good for hair growth:

  • burdock;
  • olive;
  • castor;
  • linen.

To them you can add a couple of drops of essential oils. Best suited:

  • All citrus;
  • jojoba;
  • mint;
  • rosemary;
  • tea tree;
  • lavender.

The duration of this massage is 5 – 10 minutes.

Massage with a towel

Towel which is used in this type of massage, better warm it up a little. This can be done using a regular radiator or heated towel rail. This will increase the effectiveness of the procedure.

Keep your head down and put a towel over it as if you were about to dry your hair. Then you need to vigorously and quite strongly rub your scalp. The procedure may take time 5 – 15 minutes.

Salt massage

Salt is very good remedy, among other things, she will help exfoliate dead skin particles, providing easier air access, as well as useful substances contained in cosmetics.

Moreover, she washes off quite easily, simply dissolving in water.

Salt should be applied lightly wet hair , on the entire surface of the scalp at the same time.

Having “salted” the head, they begin a massage, during which they seem to be trying to rub salt crystals into the skin.

The entire procedure should take no more than 10 minutes.

When doing this or that type of massage, it is useful to know that there are points, the impact of which also provokes hair growth. Therefore, it is worth paying a little more attention to them. They are:

  • on the temples;
  • above the middle of the forehead, 2 cm above the hairline;
  • in the middle of a conventional line that can be mentally drawn between the top points of the ears.

On our website you can find out a huge amount recipes for homemade masks for hair growth: , or , , and .

To reinforce what you have read, here is a photo with a step-by-step example of performing a massage:

Not just with your hands

Special devices will help make head massage more effective. Today their choice is quite large: from the simplest models to complex high-tech devices.

Massager for hair growth on the head “Goosebumps”. It got its name for a reason: when massaged with its help, real goosebumps spread throughout the body with pleasure. It looks simple: 12 meridian rays extend from the base. WITH reverse side- pen.

It is believed that The massager was invented by doctors who practice Shiatsu. They calculated the distance and position for each of the 12 “beams” so that they would have the most positive impact.

You can use the massager as much as you want. The main thing is to do it regularly. All you need to do is put it in your hair and start massaging it, moving with different sides towards the top of the head.

Diffuser for hair dryer. This attachment can be used every time you dry your hair. It makes this procedure less negative, dispelling hot air By larger area and reducing the time required for drying.

Well, the “fingers” that are present on the nozzle have time to work on the scalp. In some models, this attachment vibrates, enhancing the massage effect.

Laser comb. Powerful laser systems are used in clinics that professionally treat hair and scalp.

Laser comb – small preparation for home use. It's enough to use it twice a week for about 15 minutes.

The procedure is extremely simple: you need to turn on the device and slowly move it over the head against the hair growth.

At this time, massage occurs, as well as exposure laser radiation, which acts on the hair roots, strengthening the hair follicles and causing skin to flow to the scalp.

Does scalp massage help hair growth?

Based on the theory, there should be an effect from a head massage. But what about in practice? On thematic forums where beauty secrets are shared,