Cow's colostrum benefits for children. In what form is it used? Whose colostrum is better?

Natural products rich in valuable biostimulants and nutrients are becoming increasingly popular, replacing the “chemical offspring”. Colostrum is a precursor to milk, a source of protection and an immunity restorer. Natural activator and concentrate of rejuvenating properties. Why is cow's colostrum called the elixir of life and health? Recommended for whom? About "invisible utilities" interesting facts... Shall we find out?

Colostrum – “nature’s first food”

Also in ancient Egypt Colostrum was considered the elixir of immortality and the nectar of the gods, and was used to treat wounds. Before the invention of penicillin and antimicrobials Doctors and healers recommended taking colostrum as a natural antibiotic.

Primary milk (from lat. сolostrum, colostrum) “invented” by nature to provide the newborn’s body with everything necessary for survival in the first days of life, for the formation of its own immune system.

Mammalian nutritional secretions appear in last days pregnancy and the first time after the birth of offspring. Sticky-thick yellow liquid with a protein content 3–5 times higher than in mature milk. Rich in vitamins, enzymes, minerals, hormones, especially valuable protective immunoglobulins and antitoxins. The calorie content of colostrum ranges from 160 kcal on the first day to 130 kcal by the end of 3 days.

It is not always possible to buy fresh colostrum in retail outlets. But it does happen on the market. Health product manufacturing companies produce colostrum in various forms: tablets, powder, liquid, capsules.

Created by nature: what is useful in the milk “elixir”?

Colostrum rightfully claims to be the “elixir of life and health”, combining the characteristics of a “universal natural vaccine”, a biostimulant and a nutritional product. So, let's understand the “dairy components” and how they affect our body.

  • Immunoglobulins (antibodies)– all known 5 groups are present. Protein molecules with a wide spectrum of action. They are the body’s natural defense against viruses, toxins, allergies, pathogens. About 99% elimination of toxins and infectious agents- that's their job. To destroy “enemy-aggressors”, the body itself produces antibodies that are unique in structure, acting strictly selectively - against influenza, staphylococcus, fungi...
  • Interferons. The main “antiviral agents” of cells.
  • Lactoferrin. Antivirus agent. Acts as an antioxidant and natural antibiotic. Controls the level of free iron in the blood.
  • Transfer factors. Molecules of the “memory bank” of the immune system are regulators of the power to fight infection, which presumably can attack the body.
  • Cytokines. Molecules that support immunity. Their additional “duty” is pain relief.
  • Growth factors. Active hormonal substances. Stimulus of recovery and regeneration nerve cells, muscle tissue, bone matter, cartilage. Bioregulators of cholesterol and blood sugar. Heals wounds and ulcers. Renew cells, rejuvenating the body.
  • Endorphins.“Hormones of joy” are natural “painkillers” for the soul and body.

Colostrum contains:

  • Nucleotides - without them, the synthesis of DNA and proteins will not occur, which means that cellular growth, development and renewal will stop.
  • Amino acids – 18 types of “building blocks” for the construction of proteins and muscle fibers.
  • “Vascular-giving” angiogenin. Protein that triggers the renewal mechanism blood vessels in damaged organs during heart attack, stroke. Protection from stress is also his job.
  • Vitamins, digestive enzymes, prebiotics, microelements - copper and zinc, phosphorus and iron, selenium and magnesium.

Colostrum: healing power for health and beauty

The list of unsurpassed properties of primary milk is huge. Let's focus on the most significant ones. So, colostrum is:

  • a natural source of elements that influence the creation, restoration and maintenance of the immune system;
  • "revitalization" of metabolism during overweight and losing weight. Muscle mass increases, food is better digested, fats are burned more efficiently;
  • great potential to combat autoimmune diseases (diabetes, multiple sclerosis, alopecia, anemia, psoriasis, arthritis, gluten intolerance, etc.), analgesic effect, prevention of swelling and inflammation;
  • reducing the level of susceptibility to allergic reactions, alleviating their symptoms;
  • nutrition, protection and rejuvenation of the skin as part of cosmetic programs for premature aging;
  • protection and restoration of the gastrointestinal mucosa during dysbiosis, diarrhea, inflammatory processes;
  • resistance depressive states and syndrome chronic fatigue;
  • prevention frequent colds, sinusitis, pharyngitis, pneumonia; combating respiratory tract infections;
  • detox and body healing;
  • opposition to education cancerous tumors, relief after chemotherapy;
  • dietary supplement for athletes as a muscle building factor.

Colostrum is created by nature itself and consists of safe components that are not found in other products. Contraindication is intolerance individual species immunoglobulins, which is extremely rare.

Regular consumption of colostrum forms strong immunity. It is recommended for people weakened by prolonged or chronic diseases, injuries.

Prebiotics and digestive enzymes in colostrum quickly restore natural microflora intestines suffering from heartburn and constipation, gastrointestinal diseases.

Thanks to antivirus and antibacterial properties, its use is shown for effective therapy infections caused by pathogens.

People experiencing great physical and mental overload are strongly recommended to use colostrum.

Taking colostrum or its individual components has a therapeutic, normalizing or preventive effect for respiratory, cardiovascular and oncological diseases, metabolic disorders, acquired immunodeficiency syndrome, inflammation of various symptoms.

How to use? What to cook?

The healing properties of the fresh product begin to be lost after 12 hours. Modern biotechnologies make it possible to obtain a dry concentrate - colostrum, with a long shelf life and preserving all the properties and bioactivators of fresh colostrum.

The shelf life of frozen colostrum is about 12 months. Research from the University of Tennessee (USA) showed that after defrosting, all components were retained in the product. However, after defrosting, re-freezing leads to the loss of all properties. The product can be stored in the refrigerator for 7 days, after which the amount of immunoglobulins begins to decrease.

Developed based on colostrum medicinal products, kefir starters and nutritional supplements. Fresh colostrum is baked. Puddings and soufflés are prepared.

Dishes with “first milk” are considered a delicacy among the Kazakhs. Uyz (colostrum) yellow, boiled, mixed with milk, and served with boiled meat. White colostrum It is eaten “boiled” - after cooking, the taste and consistency resembles sweetish milky tender cottage cheese.

Nothing better in value and nutrition mother's milk nature hasn't figured it out yet. Colostrum is a natural exclusive. Its use in dietetics, medicine, nutrition has its fans, and their number is constantly growing. If one of the above points regarding colostrum is yours, try the elixir of life and health. It's worth it!

Everyone knows what milk is, but what is colostrum or colostrum? This is the first milk that appears in mammals. This valuable substance for the newborn in the formation of immunity. A yellow and dense substance is secreted by the mammary glands in the first days after birth in both humans and animals.

Beneficial properties of colostrum

Cow colostrum is valuable product, which affects the formation, regeneration and maintenance of immunity. He successfully fights autoimmune diseases And allergic manifestations, nourishes, protects and rejuvenates the body.

Colostrum is produced in small quantities and is therefore considered a very valuable product. Contains unique substances that are not found in other products. This great content biological active ingredients includes a maximum of fats and proteins, chlorine and sodium and a minimum of potassium and lactose. Cow colostrum has a rejuvenating and strengthening effect.

Cow colostrum contains:

  • Immunoglobulins and cytokines that have antitumor and anti-inflammatory properties.
  • Lactoferrin has antibacterial and antiviral properties. Hinders development pathogenic microorganisms and helps carry it out.
  • The amino acid regulates immune peptides.
  • Taurine is necessary for brain activity.
  • Prebiotics normalize the intestinal flora of the intestine.
  • Interferon is the main element of protection against viruses.
  • Lysozymes are natural antibiotics.
  • Transfer factor is an immune memory genome.
  • Vitamins, minerals, proteins and fats.

The benefits of cow's colostrum are undeniable; it contains natural ingredients. The drug transfer factor, made from cow colostrum, has managed to cure thousands of people. Another drug, " Cow's colostrum» using colostrum from New Zealand pasture cows, completely replaces natural product.

Treatment with cow colostrum

Use valuable cow product for many diseases, for example:

  • angina pectoris;
  • Alzheimer's and Crohn's disease;
  • multiple sclerosis;
  • sinusitis;
  • angina;
  • ear infection;
  • inflammation of the upper respiratory tract;
  • diabetes;
  • dysbacteriosis;
  • candidiasis;
  • pneumonia;
  • osteoporosis;
  • ulcerative colitis;
  • arthritis;
  • diarrhea;
  • hypoglycemia;
  • cancerous tumors;
  • and child;
  • frequent headaches.

How to use

For therapeutic and preventive purposes, the product should be consumed in certain dosages, according to the person’s age.

How to take cow's colostrum:

  • infants from 6 months to 1 year, 10 g 2 times a day, duration up to 3 months;
  • children from 1 year to 3 years, 10-15 g 2 times a day, duration 1-1.5 months;
  • children from 3 to 6 years old: 15 g 2 times a day, duration 3 weeks;
  • adults 15 g twice a day, duration 2 weeks;
  • pregnant women 15 g twice a day.

Colostrum must be diluted warm water not lower than 50 degrees. Reception is carried out in the morning and evening. It is better for children to add it to food, porridge, and drinks.

In addition, pudding can be made from natural cow colostrum. Of course, a natural product is rare. But if you managed to get some, you can combine it with milk.

Pudding recipe

Take 3 eggs, beat them with 200 g of sugar, add 2 liters of colostrum, and powder baking soda on the tip of the knife. When pouring the mixture into the container, you must leave a distance of two fingers to the edges. The pudding rises while baking. Place the dishes in the oven for 40 minutes at temperature conditions 200 degrees. Check readiness with a toothpick. Then let it sit for another 30 minutes.

Colostrum has virtually no contraindications for use. The only thing that needs to be noted is the calorie content - 160 kcal and the nutritional value of the product - 130 kcal per 100 g. In very rare cases, an allergic reaction may occur.

Colostrum has long been perceived by people as a source of nutrients that has a truly healing effect on the body, because it has no analogues among other products of animal origin. This fluid is produced in cows only in the first few days after calving, and at this time it is critically important for the calf, as it the only product, suitable for a newborn organism. The composition, benefits and harms, as well as features of the use of colostrum will be discussed in the article.

What it is

Colostrum (colostrum gravidarum) is a special secretion from the mammary glands of absolutely all mammals (including humans), which begins to be produced several weeks or days before birth and is released during the first time after the birth of offspring.

Did you know?In the first days after childbirth, women secrete 10–100 ml of colostrum.

Colostrum differs significantly from milk both in composition and in appearance: it is fattier, more viscous and thick, has a yellow tint, and is also distinguished by a salty taste and smell. Using this cow product for food purposes can be done without fear of depriving the calf - the newborn body needs only 1/3 of the total volume produced by the female “first milk”. Colostrum from a cow in the 4th–7th lactation is considered the most beneficial.

How many days does a cow produce?

The cow's body produces colostrum from 6 to 10 days after calving, but the composition of the substance is different days will differ significantly. After just 3 days, the level of protein, fats and other elements sharply declines.

Calorie content and chemical composition

Colostrum is a unique mixture of several hundred substances. Being a harbinger of milk, this product has a completely different composition from milk. They have different calorie content, mineral and vitamin composition.

BJU ratio and nutritional value:

  • proteins - 27 g;
  • fats - 1.7 g;
  • carbohydrates - 13 g;
  • calorie content - 190 kcal on the first day, 130 kcal on the third day.

Chemical composition of the product:

  • vitamins: A, E, C, D, group B (B1, B2, B6, B12);
  • minerals: magnesium (Mg), phosphorus (Ph), calcium (C);
  • immunoglobulins;
  • cytokines (hormone-like protein substances);
  • growth factors (insulin-like, transforming, platelet and epithelial);
  • 18 amino acids;
  • interferons;
  • lactoferrin (innate immune factor)
  • natural antibiotics (lysozymes);
  • prebiotics.

Did you know? The chemical composition of colostrum is much more similar to blood than to regular milk.

Benefits and harms for the human body

One of the main tasks of colostrum is its immunomodulatory function. Factors immune defense, as well as immunoglobulins, effectively protect the body from bacteria and fungi that usually inhabit the stomach, bronchi, and intestines. Immunomodulatory property cow's milk It is effective both for calves and for other mammalian species, so humans can use it without fear.
It turns out that For people who want to strengthen their immune system, cow's colostrum will be an extremely useful product. Its use has a beneficial effect on the body, weakened by dysbiosis, chronic fatigue, chronic inflammatory processes, diabetes, headaches and depression, Alzheimer's disease, asthma, various injuries.

Useful properties of the product:

  • promotion protective forces organism;
  • normalization of gastric microflora;
  • strengthening the nervous system and skeleton;
  • toning the body;
  • protection against allergens;
  • removing toxins and waste from the body;
  • improvement of hair, nails;
  • rejuvenation;
  • normalization of the digestive system.

Important!Colostrum may be harmful to people with dairy intolerance and allergies.

The product will be useful for people different ages, and especially for children, the elderly, athletes, people with difficult physical working conditions. People suffering from problem skin, and also when overweight, given the high calorie content.

Use in food

How to drink for a person

“First milk” has a specific taste and smell, so not everyone may like it in uncooked, liquid form, that is natural form. Since this is a product high concentration different substances, you should not abuse them. If you buy it in the form of a drug (colostrum), the dosage will depend on age:

  • children from 6 to 12 months- 10 g in the morning and evening;
  • 1–3 years- 10–15 g twice a day;
  • 3–6 years- 15 g twice a day;
  • pregnant women and adults- 15 g twice a day.

The additive can be diluted hot water(about 50 °C) or add to cereals, drinks and other dishes.
Cow Colostrum Casserole

What can you cook

The most common, simple and universally loved dish made from colostrum remains a casserole, that is, “first milk” baked in the oven with sugar and eggs. You can store this delicacy in the refrigerator, chopped into pieces in own juice, in a week. If you put the dessert in the freezer, the shelf life will increase to 6 months.

Important!Use colostrum for cooking fermented milk products, butter, cheese is impossible due to chemical composition and properties.

It can be used for making baked goods, noodles, and desserts. Gourmets should try using it when cooking meat dishes and lard. For example, in Kazakhstan, yellow colostrum (liquid after the first feeding of a calf) is used to make sauces for meat dishes.

It is not for nothing that colostrum has been valued by people from time immemorial; it was even called “liquid gold” for the richness of its composition, healing properties and the amazing delicate taste of desserts made from it. This product can be used without fear by people of different ages and with various diseases.

Video: How to prepare colostrum

What do we know about colostrum? Everything and nothing at the same time. We know that cow colostrum is a kind of pre-milk that is secreted into cows 1-3 days after birth, we know that cow colostrum healthy and nutritious. But, despite this, cow's colostrum is not as popular a product as, say, milk and is used rather by lovers of this product. In general, there was some kind of persecution of colostrum in the twentieth century. For some reason they didn’t talk about the usefulness and importance of the product. Vice versa, colostrum considered somehow by-product, a mistake of nature. This, of course, concerned not cow’s colostrum, but woman’s colostrum. In many popular books about newborns, famous pediatricians wrote completely wild things. For example, one of the authors recommended (literally): “In the first 10-12 hours after birth, the baby is not placed on the mother’s breast. If a child screams without calming down, you can give him a few spoons of weak tea,” “In the first days, the newborn only “gets on track” and may not eat for several days. However, it is important to give him something to drink - 10 spoons of weak sweetened tea every three hours ". Unfortunately, books with such “useful” advice can still be bought today. Why did we jump from cow's colostrum to woman's colostrum?

What did people of the twentieth century miss?

What does colostrum look like?? Colostrum is a thick substance colostrum color yellow. Colostrum is released mammary glands of mammals, including humans, at the end of pregnancy and in the first 2-3 days after birth. It contains immunoglobulins (IgA, IgG, IgD, IgE, IgM), of which 90% are IgA; cytokines that ensure intercellular interaction in the immune system (for example, interferon); growth factors (epithelial, insulin-like, platelet, transforming, etc.) - stimulate the growth of various tissues; lactoferrin - prevents the proliferation of microorganisms, enhances phagocytosis and the effectiveness of cytokines; factors nonspecific immunity(lysozyme and so on), amino acids (proline - important for regulatory peptides immune system, taurine - necessary for brain development); highly digestible proteins, fats, carbohydrates, vitamins (A, beta-carotene, E, B12, D), minerals and so on. When fed with colostrum, the newborn's body develops an immune system and develops passive immunity (immunity acquired without exposure to diseases). Such immunity does not last long - while the injected antibodies (gamma globulins) circulate in the body, but this time is enough for that. So that the cub’s immune system becomes strong enough to cope with the enemy on its own. It turns out that colostrum is a kind of vaccination for the baby against many viruses, bacteria and microorganisms that children's body and his immature immunity is absolutely defenseless. Information about all diseases and methods of combating them is transmitted through colostrum from mother to child. In this sense, calves are much luckier than human cubs. The calves were not weaned from their mother's breast and received all necessary information, grew and became stronger. Human babies had a hard time in the twentieth century; the refusal of colostrum and the fashion for artificial feeding led to the fact that a whole generation of weakened people grew up, with a whole “bouquet” of diseases. In this generation, the immune system has not received a lot of “information” to fight foreign agents. Weakening of the immune system has become a major source of health problems. Even weight gain, Alzheimer's disease, heart and kidney disease, and oncology are primarily associated with weakened immunity. Now, finally, they have realized the importance of early attachment of the baby to the mother’s breast and feeding with colostrum. After all, it contains necessary for the baby proteins and a lot of useful substances, also antibodies for immunity. It is best if the baby tries maternal colostrum immediately after birth in the delivery room.

Composition of bovine colostrum

But for many of us, maternal colostrum is no longer available. In this case, can cow colostrum be beneficial for us? The composition of cow colostrum is so powerful and unique that one can only be amazed at the capabilities and “mind” of Mother Nature. Colostrum composition has a well-balanced and optimally suited for the baby's first days of life:
1. Immunoglobulins (IgG, IgA, IgD, IgM, IgE). 90% of them are IgA.
2. Cytokines. They are responsible for the interaction of cells in the immune system. Cytokines strengthen the human immune system, stimulate the production of immunoglobulins, have anti-inflammatory and antitumor effects, and relieve pain.
3. Growth factors: insulin-like factors 1 and 2, epithelial factor, transforming factors A and B, platelet factor. These substances stimulate tissue growth.
4. Lactoferrin functions to prevent the proliferation of microorganisms, acts as a catalyst for phagocytosis and increases the effectiveness of cytokines. It is an iron-bound protein with exceptionally strong antiviral and antibacterial properties.
5. The amino acid proline is found in bovine colostrum. It regulates the peptides of the immune system and has an extremely beneficial effect on our body.
6. Taurine is indispensable for brain function and development.
7. Highly digestible fats, vitamins, proteins, carbohydrates, minerals.
8. Interferon - main element antiviral protection of the cells of our body.
9. Lysozymes are natural antibiotics.
10. Prebiotics - natural factors, providing normalization intestinal microflora body.

Colostrum for strengthening immunity and healing

But the main advantage of cow colostrum is its ability to effectively increase body immunity. It contains everything necessary factors immune defense, including a significant amount of immunoglobulins with a wide range of specific antibodies against bacteria and yeasts usually present in gastrointestinal tract. The main protective effect of colostrum immune factors occurs inside the stomach, on the intestinal walls and in the bronchi, that is, in places where pathogenic microorganisms accumulate. Immune factors prevent colonization of the latter and their production of toxins. The immune factors found in cow colostrum are preserved when transferred from one mammal species to another, so it can also be used by humans. It turns out that this is an alternative for people for whom strengthening the immune system and immunity is a vital issue!
Cow colostrum has a beneficial effect on the human body in the following diseases:
-chronic fatigue syndrome;
-Alzheimer's disease;
-multiple sclerosis;
-bronchitis and pneumonia;
- Crohn's disease and ulcerative colitis;
- dysbacteriosis;
-rheumatoid arthritis.

The most valuable part of colostrum

A revolutionary discovery has been made in 1949, when transfer factor molecules (transfer factors) - carriers of immune memory - were discovered. These molecules are found in large quantities in colostrum, including cow colostrum. Conducting numerous studies in the field of transfer factors, the American company 4life began producing drugs called Transfer Factor. The drug is based on these transfer factor molecules, which are obtained from cow colostrum. The unique effect of transfer factors is to accelerate the immune system's response to a threat. Transfer Factors are perhaps the most valuable part colostrum. Over 3000 have been published so far clinical trials and articles on transfer factors. That's why colostrum is much more than a nutritious liquid. However, whole colostrum may cause an allergic reaction in people sensitive to bovine colostrum. In this case, best option - transfer factor drug. You can purchase the drug on our website.

Primary milk, which appears in mammals immediately after the birth of a child, is called colostrum. This is the most valuable product for a child, since just a few drops can affect the normal formation of the baby’s immune system. Cow's colostrum is anti-aging and tonic containing great amount nutritious and minerals, immunostimulants, amino acids, nucleotides and vitamins.

Composition of cow colostrum

The benefits and harms of cow colostrum directly depend on its composition. Colostrum is released in quite small quantity, which makes this product extremely valuable. The amount of protein, fat, chlorine and sodium in it is greater than in milk, and, on the contrary, there is less potassium and lactose. Colostrum contains substances that stimulate tissue growth and development, and also contains immunostimulants wide range. Modern medicine found application for this product, creating on its basis unique drugs to improve the immune system.

Cow's colostrum consists of immunoglobulins and cytokines that have antitumor and anti-inflammatory effects. It also contains growth factors that promote tissue growth; lactoferrin, which has antibacterial and antivirus properties; amino acid proline, which regulates peptides of the immune system; taurine, essential for normal operation brain; interferon, which protects body cells from viruses; prebiotics that normalize intestinal microflora, as well as vitamins, minerals, carbohydrates, proteins and quickly digestible fats.

Benefits of colostrum from cows

Cow's colostrum is a natural source of all the main components that affect the creation, restoration and maintenance of the body's immune system. The beneficial properties of cow colostrum include its fight against autoimmune diseases and allergic reactions. This product has nourishing, restorative, protective and rejuvenating properties. Cow colostrum is incredibly beneficial for humans. It must be used for diseases such as allergies, asthma, chronic fatigue syndrome, depression, headaches, Alzheimer's disease, multiple sclerosis. His beneficial features will also manifest themselves in the fight against sinusitis, pharyngitis, otitis media, bronchitis, pneumonia, diarrhea, ulcerative colitis, dysbacteriosis, candidiasis, diabetes mellitus, osteoporosis, rheumatoid arthritis and hypoglycemia.

Cow's milk - benefits and harms

Every mother wants the best in everything for her child. But sometimes it can be quite difficult to make a choice. For example, the most the best milk there will be one that did not interact with air at all. IN otherwise it begins the process of fat oxidation. And this will not benefit anyone.

Humanity knows several types of milk, but cow's milk is considered the healthiest, because it has a large amount of vitamin B12, proteins, fats and microelements. It has been scientifically proven that vitamin B12 is necessary element during the formation of new blood cells in the body, and also has beneficial influence on the human nervous system.

The benefits and harms of cow's milk for the elderly

Cow's milk has therapeutic effect. For example, when you have a cold, you drink it hot with the addition of honey and butter. But, at the same time, it is completely contraindicated for allergy sufferers and some elderly people.

Elderly people are advised to drink no more than 1 glass of milk per day, since milk contains substances that provoke the development of atherosclerosis. Doctors recommend completely eliminating milk from your diet for people suffering from salt deposits.

The benefits of fresh cow's milk

Cow's milk is definitely healthy. But it is best to drink it in pairs, since it is in this state that it contains maximum amount saturated and unsaturated fats. At heat treatment(boiling or pasteurization) these fats begin to break down. Therefore, milk bought in a store no longer provides the benefits inherent in it by nature itself.

The benefits of milk for women

Recent experiments by American scientists eloquently prove that milk is especially beneficial for women: the cells of the body are saturated with calcium; significantly reduces the risk of developing hypertension hearts. Don't forget about the cosmetological effect of milk! Cleopatra also loved to take milk baths. They made her skin quite hydrated, smooth and velvety. Expectant mothers must drink at least 2 glasses of milk every day for the health of their unborn baby.

Frutilade - benefits and harm

Frutilad fruit bars are a new food that is quickly gaining popularity. They have pleasant taste and quickly satiate, they are convenient to use as a snack and take with you on the road. Thanks to plastic packaging and a special set of ingredients, they can be stored for quite a long time without refrigeration or observing any special rules. And yet, despite increased interest to a new product, many people do not have accurate representation about the benefits and harms of Frutilada.

Composition of Frutilada

This product does not contain sugar, although it contains more than half of the total carbohydrates. But all of them are of fruit origin, since the main ingredients are dried fruits, dried berries. A high-quality bar should not contain dyes or flavors. Chemical additives are present here, but minimum volume and only the most harmless: ascorbic acid, lemon acid, potassium sorbate is a preservative that is added even to baby food, acacia gum is a component that improves appearance product, fructose. Frutilada contains proteins - 1.2 g and even fats - 0.1 g. But most of it is still carbohydrate compounds and dietary fiber.

The benefits and harms of Frutilada

The calorie content of Frutilada is average - a 30 gram bar contains approximately 80 kcal. But since it is nourishing and long-lasting, it can be used in the fight for slim figure. But don’t get carried away, one bar a day is enough. This is an excellent source of vitamins and minerals, which, thanks to minimal heat treatment, remain here almost in their original form. Dried fruits are extremely beneficial for digestion and help optimize intestinal function. They can cause harm if a person is allergic to certain types of fruits and berries, as well as chronic peptic ulcer disease, diabetes mellitus, etc.

Chicken skin - harm and benefit

There are a large number of dishes that contain chicken skin. Most often it is used as a natural casing, stuffed with meat or vegetables. Many people love chicken skin fried until crispy, but it is worth considering that this product is quite high in calories; 100 grams contains approximately 212 kcal. Some people believe that chicken skin is harmful to the body, so they try not to use it even in cooking. chicken broth. Let's consider what benefits and harms chicken skin has, and in what cases it is really better not to eat it.

What's good about chicken skin?

Chicken skin consists of a small layer of protein and a layer of fat. Nutritionists do not recommend consuming it precisely because of the fat layer. But this product contains vitamin A, which improves vision, vitamin E, which strengthens the immune system and B vitamins, namely: B2, B6 and B12. Chicken skin also contains minerals: potassium, iron, phosphorus, magnesium and protein.

This product prevents and slows down the development of cataracts, normalizes iron levels in the body, promotes strong and healthy bones, helps against acne and improves the functioning of the entire body.

Why is chicken skin harmful?

The question of whether chicken skin is harmful is asked by people who love to eat this product. The harm of chicken skin lies mainly in the fact that it accumulates a large amount of antibiotics that are part of animal feed. poultry. This product is not recommended for use by people with increased level cholesterol. Because of high calorie content chicken skin is not suitable for dietary nutrition. Everyone else can eat this product, but in moderation.


Cow colostrum

Everyone now knows about colostrum, but this knowledge is often superficial and vague. For example, we can talk about milk for a long time; we know how to use it and what its value is. But, here is the colostrum of cows... It is not considered a popular and sought-after product in our life; it is used mainly by amateurs. And in vain!

Colostrum release

Colostrum is secreted by the mammary glands of female mammals during the first hours or days after birth, before the appearance of mother's milk. Prophylactic agents and oxytocins (hormones) are responsible for the release of colostrum. Cow's colostrum extremely different in physical and chemical characteristics from milk. The composition of cow colostrum is much closer to blood than to milk and has a very wide range of antibodies to diseases that the mother of the newborn has suffered from during her life. Nowhere in nature is a substance with a similar composition found. Colostrum release occurs in extremely small quantities and therefore acquires even greater value. Colostrum is a liquid with a viscous consistency, yellowish color and somewhat salty in taste. In colostrum, the percentage of fat and protein, as well as sodium and chlorine, is higher, and lactose and potassium are lower than in milk. Cow's colostrum contains an abundance of broad-spectrum immunostimulants and substances necessary for tissue growth and development.

Meanwhile, about the unique healing properties People have known about colostrum since ancient times, probably since the cow was tamed. During the first 48 hours after calving, colostrum from cows was collected and placed in tightly sealed ceramic jugs, where it was kept for several days. During this period of time, under the influence of microorganisms, cow's colostrum became very sour, stratified, and also acquired a repulsive odor. Whitish flakes accumulated on the surface of the colostrum, which were collected in a separate container and used as a cure for all diseases. Nowadays, based on colostrum, a unique immunocorrector is produced - Transfer Factor.

Composition of cow colostrum

The composition of cow colostrum is striking in the presence and diversity of vital necessary for the body substances that perform protective functions body.
Composition of cow colostrum:
1. Immunoglobulins (IgG, IgA, IgD, IgM, IgE). 90% of them are IgA.
2. Cytokines. They are responsible for the interaction of cells in the immune system. Cytokines strengthen the human immune system, stimulate the production of immunoglobulins, have anti-inflammatory and antitumor effects, and relieve pain.
3. Growth factors: insulin-like factors 1 and 2, epithelial factor, transforming factors A and B, platelet factor. These substances stimulate tissue growth.
4. Lactoferrin functions to prevent the proliferation of microorganisms, acts as a catalyst for phagocytosis and increases the effectiveness of cytokines. It is an iron-bound protein with exceptionally strong antiviral and antibacterial properties.
5. The amino acid proline is found in bovine colostrum. It regulates the peptides of the immune system and has an extremely beneficial effect on our body.
6. Taurine is indispensable for brain function and development.
7. Highly digestible fats, vitamins, proteins, carbohydrates, minerals.
8. Interferon is the main element of the antiviral defense of the cells of our body.
9. Lysozymes are natural antibiotics.
10. Prebiotics are natural factors that ensure the normalization of the intestinal microflora of the body.

Beneficial properties of colostrum

Colostrum has a pronounced immunoprotective, immunoregulatory effect on autoimmune diseases And allergic conditions, protecting and restorative, nutritional and regenerative, rejuvenating effect, etc. When fed with colostrum, the immune system is formed in the newborn’s body and so-called passive immunity is produced. Cow colostrum supports growth function, digestion and the immune system. After reaching adolescence, the level of immunity and growth factors in the body of a teenager decreases. With each passing year, the body's functions slow down, the body's ability to resist diseases decreases, and muscle tone decreases. With a weakened immune system, the body becomes susceptible to penetration by various pathogenic bacteria, viruses, fungi and protozoa, various negative processes and malignant degeneration of cells and tissues take place in it.

Cow's colostrum is required for the following diseases:
- allergies;
-chronic fatigue syndrome;
-Alzheimer's disease;
-multiple sclerosis;
-bronchitis and pneumonia;
- Crohn's disease and ulcerative colitis;
- dysbacteriosis;
-rheumatoid arthritis.

Cow's colostrum is natural source all necessary components for creating immunity, restoring, maintaining and activating a weakened human immune system. Also, cow's colostrum is necessary for heavy mental and physical stress, premature aging, as well as for a wide variety of autoimmune diseases.

Knowing about everyone valuable qualities cow colostrum, you can imagine the effectiveness of the drug Transfer Factor, which is produced on the basis of cow colostrum. The drug got its name from the molecules (transfer factors) - carriers of immune memory, which are its basis. These molecules protein origin eliminate all violations in the DNA chain. The capabilities of this drug are so unique that scientists are still studying its properties and are amazed at the power of its effect on human body. The Transfer Factor drug managed to save thousands of people from the most serious diseases, including oncological diseases. This is why you need this drug. You need to take care of your health in a timely manner. And health directly depends on the state of the immune system

Cow colostrum is the milk secreted by a healthy cow within 72 hours of giving birth to a calf. Since it contains a large number of immune factors necessary for a person to resist disease, as well as factors in growth and development, it is called “nature’s immune protector” in medical circles. Cow's milk, unlike the milk of other animals, is most similar to human milk. Moreover, it is rich in nutritional content. Cow's colostrum has many health properties. Doctors and biologists believe that widespread antibodies in cow colostrum and other immune factors have joint functions: they can more effectively resist the disease and reduce its development, increase the power of resistance; can stimulate normal development cells, restore tissue and heal wounds, allowing older people to maintain their youth. Therefore, cow's colostrum is considered a product with immune regulation potential, stimulates growth and development, and resists aging. Very little cow's colostrum is produced, so its price is expensive. Experts consider it “soft gold.”
To make our Cow Colostrum product, YOFOTO only sources colostrum from healthy cows raised on New Zealand pastures. It contains the perfect balance of nutrients, strengthens the immune system, regulates the balance of nutrients and the balance of the immune system in the body, restoring the health of the body.

Product Features
Colostrum is the first precious food of a newborn baby. "Cow's Colostrum" is created from the colostrum of healthy New Zealand grassland cows (cow's colostrum is taken highest quality within 72 hours after birth). It contains large amounts of protein, minerals, vitamins and other nutrients. Is a pure natural nutrient.
Main components: cow's colostrum, milk powder (pr. New Zealand), taurine, vitamin C.

Every 100 g contains 20,000 live active immunoglobulin units
Recommended proportions for use (each spoon contains approximately 10 grams)

Infants (6 months-1 year) 1-2 times a day, about 1 spoon, required course admission 30-90 days
Children (1 year-3 years) 1-2 times a day, 1-1.5 spoons, required course of intake is 22 - 45 days
Children (3 years - 6 years old) 2 times a day, 1 - 1.5 spoons, required course of intake is 15-22 days
Adults 2 times a day, 1.5 spoons, required course of intake is 15 days
Pregnant women 2 times a day, 1.5 spoons, required course of intake is 15 days
Take twice a day: morning and evening. One spoon must be diluted with 50 ml of boiled warm water(measuring spoon in a jar)
Directions for use: To ensure that the immunoglobulin remains active, please dilute with warm boiled water below 50 degrees (check with your hand, the water should be warm, but not hot).
Step by step explanation:
Pour in some pre-prepared warm boiled water below 50 degrees in a clean container;
Add required amount"Cow's colostrum", stir;
Pour all the remaining water into the container, mix with the added water until the colostrum is completely dissolved.
For a child, it is better to add “Cow's Colostrum” to food and drinks so that the child has a better taste while eating. You can also add colostrum to porridge, regular milk and other products. But should not be added to juice to avoid curdling, which affects absorption (regular milk can also cause curdling). In order for the effect of use to be better, you should not drink carbonated water, cola and other carbon dioxide drinks for an hour after eating.

Did you know?
Cow's colostrum contains large amounts of living active substances and immunoglobulin. These nutrients cannot come from the placenta. Calves (cubs) can receive them only with the colostrum of the cow (mother), thus the calf (calf) receives immune abilities to resist diseases, and the development of its immune system is stimulated.
Cow colostrum contains large amounts of protein, minerals (including calcium, phosphorus, etc.), vitamins and other nutrients. But more importantly, it contains large amounts of immunoglobulin, growth factor and so on. Antibodies IgG、IgA、IgM、IgE、IgD and others effectively increase children's immunity. Colostrum helps children avoid colds, diarrhea, respiratory infections. Cow's colostrum contains 50-100 times more IgG than human milk.
At the end of the 20th century, cow's colostrum was used only to create a product with immunoglobulin. This immune globulin has been clinically proven to have the properties of resisting a variety of infectious diseases. Now scientists have already confirmed that cow's colostrum contains not only immunoglobulin, but also contains a variety of growth factors and an immune regulatory factor.

About immunoglobulin
How is milk different during the first 72 hours after birth?
Those who have already become mothers know that after the birth of a child, milk is released in the first days yellow color, It's a little sticky. Since all the nutrients a newborn needs come from colostrum, it contains all the nutrients needed for growth and development. The most important thing is the content in it large quantity immunoglobulin, growth factor and other substances. Bovine colostrum contains a wide variety of growth factors, including: skin growth factor, insulin growth factor, motor growth factor, cell fiber growth factor, nervous factor growth factor, skeletal growth factor, red blood cell growth factor and blood placenta.
Where does so much cow's colostrum come from?
The population of New Zealand does not reach 4,000,000 people; 3,460,000 head of cows are raised there. New Zealand ranks first in terms of the number of exported dairy products. According to statistics, the amount of cow's colostrum released (within 3 days after birth) averages 30-39 kg. The amount of colostrum fed after birth is actually 5.1 – 8.8 kilograms. The rest can theoretically be processed into cow's colostrum. The annual amount of potential valuable resource is approximately 800,000 tons (based on powder calculations). Due to strict time constraints and processing requirements, New Zealand currently has the capacity to process 200,000 tonnes of bovine colostrum powder (based on powder calculations) annually.
Is it normal for Cow Colostrum to have an odor?
Cow's colostrum is the milk that the cow secretes within three days after giving birth, it is yellow in color, has a bitter taste and an unusual odor. Therefore, products made from bovine colostrum may also have a slight odor. It is important that the form of the product fully complies with the quality standards and sanitary control standards of the country so that the consumer can safely accept it. "Cow's colostrum" especially for children has a fragrant taste and is easily digestible, so that children take cow's colostrum with pleasure.
Is it harmful to take Cow's Colostrum constantly?
Not harmful at all! Since Cow's Colostrum is made from milk taken from dairy cows within 72 hours of giving birth, regardless of the duration of use, it cannot have any negative effect per child.