Useful properties of chicken meat. Calorie content of different parts of chicken. Nutritional value of meat. Lower cholesterol

Chicken meat is a popular food product all over the world. Perhaps only vegetarians do not like aromatic meat with a crispy crust, baked with spices and sauces. And the big advantage of chicken is that it is not only tasty, but also extremely healthy. A cooked in a special way Suitable for even the smallest children and adults with various diseases.

What kind of bird is this?

Chicken is a domestic bird of the genus Gallus, the Pheasant family. Practically does not fly. They are bred for eggs, meat, down and feathers. After centuries of selective breeding, hundreds of breeds with different physical characteristics emerged. There are some hybrids of chickens that produce a lot delicious meat, other breeds are bred for eggs, and there are so-called meat-egg breeds. A separate group should be noted of birds bred specifically for cockfighting, dwarf, ornamental birds. The weight of an average chicken ranges from one and a half to five kilograms; a rooster can weigh 1 kg more.

Modern chickens are descendants of birds that lived in the jungle. South-East Asia, and which humans domesticated more than 10 thousand years ago. Exist different opinions about who was the first to domesticate chicken. Researchers initially speculated that this agricultural turnaround occurred in India, China or Thailand. Now scientists have slightly changed their opinion and call Vietnam the place of “birth” of domestic chickens. Archaeologists also found bones of this bird in Egyptian tombs of the 18th dynasty, which is approximately 1400 BC. e. Around 500 BC, chickens appeared in Greece, then spread throughout Europe. And to the shores of the Northern and South America the bird reached only 1350 years. Chickens are one of the most common pets today.

It is said that there are approximately 24 billion domestic chickens living on the planet at any given time.

Nutritional value of chicken meat

No one else lean protein no food is more respected by nutritionists than chicken breast. This type of meat is called a source of ideal proteins, which contain all necessary for a person.

Protein is necessary for development, growth, and as a source of energy.

In addition, this product large quantities contains – substances essential for nervous system And blood vessels, involved in metabolic processes. Chicken meat provides the body with selenium and many other important minerals, on which the health of people at any age depends.

Nutritional value per 100 g
Calorie content 215 kcal
18 g
15 g
13 g
59 mg
56.1 g
0.7 g
130 IU
0.85 mg
0.51 mg
1.9 mcg
51 mcg
0.1 mg
5.8 mg
0.73 mg
0.29 mg
4.7 mcg
0.26 mcg
50.7 mg
9.2 mg
0.73 mg
17 mg
124 mg
161 mg
57 mg
1.1 mg
40 mcg
16 mcg
12 mcg

Health Benefits

Chicken is a traditional ingredient in almost all protein diets for weight loss.

This meat is ideal for those who are watching their figure, since it contains virtually no fat, but provides the necessary energy and more.

Source of proteins

This is the first and most well-known benefit of chicken. The fillet contains about 18-20 g of proteins, which is quite high rate. Proteins are necessary for humans to build muscle tissue. Nutritionists advise consuming proteins daily in a proportion of 1 g per 1 kg of body weight. For athletes daily norm They recommend doubling it.

Contains beneficial vitamins and minerals

But don’t focus only on proteins. Chicken meat contains great amount others useful substances, including vitamins and minerals. This “cocktail” of beneficial substances prevents:

  • cataract;
  • skin diseases;
  • weakened immunity;
  • weakness;
  • disorders of the digestive process;
  • disruptions in the functioning of the nervous system;
  • migraine;
  • heart disease;
  • increased cholesterol;
  • diabetes;
  • graying of hair.

It is also important to remember what is contained in meat, which promotes the absorption of calcium and strengthens bones. Vitamin A improves vision, and iron prevents anemia. Considering that chicken contains potassium, phosphorus and sodium, it becomes clear why this type of meat is good for bones, brain, proper metabolism and protection against dental diseases.

Help with weight loss

Protein diets are considered one of the most effective for weight loss. And the benefits of chicken in the process of losing weight have been laboratory proven. Experiments have confirmed: people who regularly eat chicken are easier to part with extra pounds or they don’t recruit them at all.

Stable blood pressure

Scientists observed a group of people who agreed to take part in the study for many years. It turned out that people whose diet contains meat poultry, less prone to jumping blood pressure.

Minimal risk of cancer

Scientists, citing the results of many studies, suggest that red meat eaters are at higher risk of certain types of cancer. What is not observed among chicken admirers. But this is just a guess separate groups scientists, which, however, is not a reason to give up eating beef for the rest of your life.

Lower cholesterol

Many people's daily diets are overcrowded today. unhealthy fats causing an increase in cholesterol in the body. Chicken, fish, and vegetables are among the foods that not only protect against further increases in cholesterol levels, but also help improve existing indicators.

Benefits for colds

Probably many people will now remember how their mothers cooked delicious food for them when they were children. chicken bouillon every time illness put them to bed. And this is no coincidence. Decoction of chicken meat and bones contains many important components for a sick body. It may seem fantastic, but regular chicken broth relieves colds, sore throat and nasal congestion.

Natural antidepressant

Chicken meat contains an amino acid that helps improve your mood. Certainly, tasty soup, baked wings or bird legs - this is already pleasing, but there is also a “hand” of chemistry in this process. Tryptophan affects brain cells, causing additional production of serotonin, a hormone that is responsible for elevating mood, smoothing out the effects of stress, and calming.

Strengthens bones

Poultry is an excellent choice for older people. Chicken prevents bone loss and is also beneficial for those with osteoporosis or arthritis.

Bird for the heart

If levels of the amino acid homocysteine ​​increase in the body, this may cause cardiovascular diseases. And now the good news. IN chicken breast contains substances that control amino acid levels in the body.

Reduces PMS symptoms

Poultry meat is beneficial for women with pronounced PMS symptoms. The fact is that magnesium contained in the product has a beneficial effect on the nervous system, calming it. And this means that favorite dish made from chicken will definitely smooth out mood swings, irritability and other symptoms characteristic of premenstrual syndrome.

Increases testosterone levels

A serving of poultry fillet is beneficial not only for women, but also for men. This product is important for the stronger sex as a source of zinc. And this mineral is extremely important for maintaining adequate testosterone levels and sperm formation.

When is it better to give up chicken?

Protein, being one of the main benefits of chicken, may be a reason for some people to give up poultry meat. This applies to people with protein intolerance. This product is also not suitable for people with food allergies because it contains histamine. Not the best the best choice– smoked and too fatty chicken, as it can cause an increase in cholesterol, and this leads to atherosclerosis.

Do not buy meat from unverified suppliers, so as not to receive, along with the poultry carcass, a set of antibiotics and other “chemicals” that are sometimes fed to chickens at poultry farms.

Poorly cooked meat is especially dangerous - it can contain life-threatening bacteria and viruses.

When buying a whole chicken, it is important to pay attention to its breast - it should be quite strong and round, of proportional size (a sign that the bird was not fed hormones). Fresh meat is pliable when pressed lightly, without unpleasant odor and injuries (hematomas, cuts, broken bones). The fat and skin should be light and tender (older carcasses have thick and yellow skin). Sticky skin is a sure sign of an expired product. There should be no icing on frozen chicken meat. No less important rule– buy meat at official retail outlets.

If you are not going to cook the bird right away, it can be stored in the coldest part of the refrigerator, but no longer than 2-3 days. For a longer period, a freezer is suitable. Do not store fresh meat in the refrigerator in a tightly closed plastic bag. It is better to transfer the fillet or carcass to a pan with ice.

What to cook with chicken

It seems that almost anything can be prepared from chicken: from the simplest appetizers to masterpieces worthy of major celebrations. Below are a couple of quick easy ideas, but delicious dishes from chicken.

Chicken salad

Add cherries or cranberries to the fried chicken breast, cut in half, pitted, chopped into cubes, green onions and boiled mushrooms. Gently mix all ingredients, add salt, pepper and season with your favorite sauce.

Bright sandwiches

On a piece of toasted bread with butter, place slices of cucumber, onion, bell pepper and boiled chicken. Add mayonnaise or ketchup on top and cover with a second piece of bread.

But no matter what dish the chicken turns into, it is better to give preference lean meat, without skin. Natural spices such as turmeric, coriander, rosemary, and curry will help enhance the taste of chicken. Most helpful nutritionists called boiled or baked chicken. But no one is advised to fry a carcass in a large amount of fat.

Experienced chefs have their own little secrets that make chicken dishes even tastier. And the main one is to know from which part of the carcass it is better to prepare this or that dish. Here are some tips:

  • for broths and soups - the carcass of an older bird;
  • for cutlets, meatballs - tender meat of young birds;
  • for chops, cutlets, pies, salads, jellied meats, pilaf, sausages - fillets, parts of meat from the thigh and drumstick;
  • for solyanka, borscht, rassolnik - chicken back, giblets.

You can bake minced meat in the cut skin, and chicken fat Perfect for making pates.

Chicken regularly appears on our tables and, it would seem, everything is already known about this product. But scientists continue to explore chemical composition meat and its effect on humans. And who knows, maybe this bird keeps many more secrets. But let the researchers think about it, and we will enjoy tasty and healthy chicken.

Chicken is the most common type of poultry meat throughout the world. Chickens are bred for meat, eggs, down and feathers.

The weight of one chicken varies from 1.5 to 5 kg, poultry dwarf breeds– from 0.5 to 1.2 kg.


Depending on the nature of the main product, chicken breeds are divided into three types: egg, meat-egg and meat. Chickens of egg breeds are small in size and grow quickly. Representatives of meat-egg and meat breeds develop more slowly and have more developed muscles.

How to cook

Chicken is used for preparing first and second courses, appetizers, and salads. A whole carcass can be boiled, baked, or grilled.

Chicken meat is better digested if eaten with vegetables.

Before cooking, rinse the chicken well, trim off the fat and skin.

How to choose

The age of the chicken is determined by the color of the skin and legs, as well as the tip sternum. The skin of a young bird is delicate, white, with prominent veins, which are especially visible under the wings; its legs are covered with small scales, the tip of the sternum is flexible. An old bird has much rougher skin, with yellowish tint, and the legs are covered with large scales, which may have calcareous growths, the tip of the sternum does not bend. The age of the roosters can be determined by the size of the spurs: in young ones they are just beginning to form, and in old ones they are already ossified.

If the skin of the chicken is covered with spots, or the carcass smells unpleasant, then it is stale.

Beneficial features

Chicken meat is valued for its high protein content and low fat percentage. It is easily digestible, and together with vegetables it normalizes work gastrointestinal tract.

Chicken is recommended to be consumed when prescribing therapeutic diets if a person suffers from gout, polyarthritis, diabetes, ulcers, diseases of the cardiovascular system, to increase immunity, and normalize hematopoietic processes.

The protein glutamine included in its composition improves the functioning of the nervous system.

Chicken broth quickly saturates the body nutrients. It is recommended to drink it during the recovery period after operations and serious illnesses, and for colds.

Chicken is rich in B vitamins, which help prolong youth and maintain healthy skin, hair and nails.

Restrictions on use

Chicken meat contains histamine, which can cause allergic reactions.

The skin contains a large amount of fat and harmful substances, and during heat treatment it accumulates carcinogenic substances, so it must be removed.

Birds raised in large poultry farms are typically fed hormones, antibiotics, and other growth-promoting substances. In addition, these chickens do not receive proper housing conditions and water, which affects the quality of the meat. This kind of chicken is not recommended for children and the elderly. It must first be boiled before cooking, and the first broth must be poured out. Frequent use Such meat causes hormonal imbalances and various diseases.

When buying domestic chicken from an unfamiliar seller, the risk of contracting salmonellosis increases.

Smoked meat or grilled chicken increases the level of “bad” cholesterol in the blood.

If insufficiently processed, chicken meat can lead to the development of putrefactive processes in the intestines, as well as negatively affect its microflora.

For good health You need to eat 300 - 400 grams of protein per day. A reliable source of this building material is chicken meat. It is also the most affordable and has good nutritional value for the body. Today, chicken is raised in large poultry farms because the demand for the product is very high.

It is generally accepted that wild chickens originated from Indian lands; their species was called bankivsky. The domestication of these animals took place 2 thousand years BC. e. There are many breeds of domestic birds that have different colors depending on the breed and species.

Laying hens are small in size. They are used for laying eggs and have some meat on the carcass.

All chickens are divided into three groups: laying hens, meat and egg breeds and meat breeds. All of them are necessary for good nutrition of people. Like all types of meat, it has its own beneficial properties. High concentration B vitamins in chicken meat will help improve metabolic processes in the body and strengthen internal organs. Minerals will speed up chemical reactions and metabolic processes necessary for the construction of new tissue.

Fresh chicken meat is pale pink in color and has virtually no odor. Can be stored refrigerated for no more than 48 hours. The carcass has soft fibers, and after cooking the chicken is very juicy. Often the skin is left on during frying; it also has its own beneficial properties.

Chicken is prepared in various cuisines around the world. They fry it whole, stuff it, prepare chops and rolls. The brisket is baked in different herbs and breading. Chicken meat produces an excellent rich, aromatic broth that is suitable for soup and borscht.

Nutritional value of chicken meat (100 g)

Chicken meat is considered low-calorie product With high content proteins. Even beef contains less protein. More detailed information You can learn about the calorie content and properties of beef in this article. Only a rabbit carcass can outperform a chicken in these indicators.

Depending on preparation and duration heat treatment, selected spices and side dishes, the calorie content of chicken meat changes. Giblets are also of great value: heart, liver, stomach. It is also possible to prepare a culinary masterpiece from them.

Calorie content of dishes using chicken meat (100 g)

Dish Calorie content Dish Calorie content
Smoked chicken 208 Fried skin 340
Boiled 164 Lula kebab 238
Pilaf 165 Caesar salad 230
Borsch 70 Boiled breast 130
Grilled meat 223 Braised cabbage 76
Baked chicken 178 Shashlik 158
Bouillon 26 Pea soup 80
Samsa 239 Buckwheat soup 67
Pizza 270 Rice with chicken 132

Useful properties of chicken meat

  • Chicken meat is considered an excellent dietary product and is actively used in dietary nutrition;
  • contains high level proteins are the main building component of the body;
  • healthy low fat, prevents obesity and increased cholesterol levels;
  • Regular consumption of chicken can significantly improve protective forces immunity;
  • chicken skin contains fats necessary for nutrition internal organs. But it is worth remembering a sense of proportion and the presence of cholesterol in the blood;
  • Chicken broth is useful for restoring the body's strength; it will help after illness, surgery or poisoning. Eggplant has similar enveloping and cleansing properties among vegetables; you can read more about this vegetable in this article;
  • Meat contains large amounts of potassium, magnesium and phosphorus. These minerals have a positive effect on the human nervous system, can strengthen stress resistance, restore healthy and sound sleep;
  • Potassium and calcium bring great benefits, strengthening cardiovascular system. Magnesium will help regulate blood pressure. This effect can be enhanced with the help of artichoke, sweet potato, and parsley. From fruits it can be melon, mango, kiwi and fruit juices;
  • Chicken meat is good for diabetics because it saturates the blood polyunsaturated acids. It will also help with chronic diseases Gastrointestinal tract (boiled) and arthritis;
  • This product contains glutamine, an amino acid that helps build muscle mass. This property will be useful for athletes, bodybuilders or for severe physical work. Some types of fish, such as pink salmon, are also endowed with similar properties. You can read more about its beneficial properties here.
  • chicken meat is considered an excellent remedy for the prevention of stroke, atherosclerosis;
  • improves metabolic processes in the body, reduces blood sugar levels;
  • excellent for people with both increased and low acidity, as opposed to beef or pork;
  • chicken liver will help in hematopoiesis and fight anemia;
  • All of the above beneficial properties for the body are preferably produced by domestic chickens or those raised by a conscientious farmer. If we take into account mass production, then most likely we can say that it contains only half of the above.

Harm and contraindications from eating chicken

  • IN chicken skin contains a lot of fat. Excessive consumption of skin, especially on the back of the carcass, will be harmful;
  • fried meat can cause heaviness in the stomach and heartburn;
  • store-bought chicken cannot boast the same beneficial properties as homemade chicken. In factories, poultry are given antibiotics and hormones (for better growth poultry), which accumulate in meat. Such meat must be thoroughly soaked before consumption;
  • grilled chicken contains a lot of cholesterol, so it is harmful to the body as a whole (even for healthy people);

Vitamin content in chicken meat (100 g)

Vitamins Content % of daily value
A 13 mcg 1 %
E 0.23 mg 1 %
TO 2.5 mg 2 %
IN 1 0.08 mg 5 %
AT 2 0.15 mg 7 %
AT 5 1.04 mg 21 %
AT 6 0.43 mg 21 %
AT 9 8 mg 2 %
AT 12 0.37 mcg 12 %
RR 7.89 mg 39 %

Mineral content of chicken (100 g)

Minerals Content mg ​​(µg) % of daily value
Potassium 239 mg 10 %
Calcium 10 mg 1 %
Magnesium 24 mg 6 %
Sodium 76 mg 6 %
Phosphorus 197 mg 25 %
Sulfur 185 mg
Iron 1.7 mg 9 %
Iodine 6 mg 4 %
Cobalt 13 mcg 120 %
Manganese 0.03 mg 1 %
Zinc 2.05 mg 17 %

Chicken meatdietary product and an effective replacement for such types of meat as pork, lamb and partly beef. It is an excellent source of protein and amino acids, with little calories. However, white meat contains less fat, and the dark one is rich in iron. The most dietary part is considered to be the breast, and the most harmful is the chicken leg. It is not even recommended to cook broth from it, since in this way the largest amount of harmful substances settles in it. And of course, nutritionists recommend avoiding eating chicken skin, which contains maximum amount fat

Composition of chicken meat

IN composition of chicken meat included glutamic acid, essential oils and nitrogen-containing substances, it is thanks to these components that chicken dishes have such a specific smell.

Per 100 grams of chicken meat there are about 60 grams of water, 20.8 grams of protein, 8.8 grams of fat and 0.6 grams of carbohydrates, which provides the product with calorie content ranging from 164 to 241 units, depending on the part of the carcass. From micro- and macroelements to the greatest number presented: iron 1600 mcg, zinc 2055 mcg, potassium 217 mg and phosphorus 180 mg. In addition, it is widely represented vitamin group– , RR , , , .

Useful properties of chicken meat

ABOUT beneficial properties of chicken meat known since ancient times. In many countries, it has been used for centuries to restore the strength of sick and physically exhausted people, as well as to strengthen the immune system.

IN recent years, as a result of numerous studies, other beneficial properties of chicken meat. But, it should be noted that we can only talk about the “healthiness” of chicken if we mean boiled or at most stewed meat, and not fried or grilled chicken.

  • Polyunsaturated fatty acid. Thanks to them a large number, is prophylactic coronary disease heart, myocardial infarction and stroke.
  • Vitamins. Contained in chicken meat B vitamins have a positive effect on metabolic processes in the body, including carbohydrate, protein and fat, as well as on the functioning of the central nervous system. Vitamins B2 and B6 support the health and beauty of skin and nails, vitamin B9 is necessary for the process of hematopoiesis, and vitamin B12 helps cope with depression and insomnia.
  • Collagen. Typical for chicken reduced content collagen ( connective tissue), so it is easily digestible. This optimal nutrition for diseases of the gastrointestinal tract (for stomachs with any level of acidity), diabetes mellitus and obesity.
  • Protein. This element is present in chicken meat in sufficient quantities, making it the best building material for muscles. It is quickly absorbed and has a beneficial effect on brain development, cell division and bone building.

Indications and contraindications for chicken meat

From the above we can conclude that the main and primary indication for use chicken meat– this is taking care of your health and figure. Due to its low calorie content and easy digestibility, boiled milk is included in most diets and is also recommended for children and the elderly.

Diseases such as gastritis or peptic ulcer duodenum may also be easier when eating tender chicken meat, its fibers will attract all excess acidity, which acts as an irritant to the mucous membranes of the internal organs.

In addition, due to the presence of vitamins B9 and B12 in chicken, it is considered especially beneficial for female body, since, firstly, these vitamins are involved in the work reproductive organs and, secondly, they contribute to a healthy pregnancy and the bearing of a fully developed child.

Regarding the presence of contraindications to eating chicken, then it is more appropriate to talk about fried, smoked or grilled chicken, and, above all, its parts such as skin and “dark” meat, which differ increased content cholesterol. In general, negative properties chicken meat comes down to what occurs in the large intestine putrefactive processes when bacteria settle on undigested remains meat and begin to actively reproduce. At the same time, the products of their breakdown, in particular phenol, cresol, and so on, begin to be absorbed into the blood, thereby poisoning the body.

This becomes possible with excessive use. meat products, in other words, when overeating, when the stomach can no longer cope with the load. Therefore, knowing a sense of proportion, you can protect yourself from such consequences. Moreover, when combined with fresh or fresh, stewed vegetables and greens, you will help the stomach cope with its digestive function faster.

Chicken broth treatment

Chicken bouillon– no less useful product, how boiled chicken meat. His healing properties are well known, but to make truly high-quality and natural broth you need domestic chicken, and not broiler chickens stuffed with growth stimulants. If you are not sure of the quality of the purchased chicken or chicken, then it is better not to use the primary broth, but drain it. Pour water over the carcass again and boil for fifteen minutes, then strain.

It is believed that chicken broth improves heart muscle function, influencing its size and the thickness of the walls of blood vessels, while having a neutral effect on blood pressure levels. IN for preventive purposes for normalization heart rate It is enough to drink no more than 100 ml of concentrated chicken broth per day.

The ability of chicken broth to make a “lazy” stomach work when its secretion is reduced is also known. Taking the most from the chicken useful elements, broth as a buffer delivers them to a weakened body.

And of course, our grandmothers also used hot chicken broth for treatment. colds, influenza and ARVI.

The first chickens that appeared in Tsarist Russia were called simple or Russian. The roosters had a well-developed red crest and the same earrings on the sides of the head, golden plumage on the neck, dark red or rusty red feathers, a fiery coloration of the back of the back with a metallic green tint of large sickle-shaped braids. The hen had a small crest and had modest partridge plumage of a brownish tone with a vague pattern on the back and a reddish pattern on the neck.

Like their wild ancestors, domestic chickens live on the ground. They spend the whole day on their feet, which corresponds to the structure of their limbs. Their entire life, except for sleeping at night, is connected with the surface of the earth. Strong legs save you from pursuers. Not content with the food that remains on the surface of the earth, the chickens strong legs They tear up the soil, looking for suitable food for themselves - worms, larvae, germinating seeds. They also tear up their swimming holes to get rid of annoying insects. Finally, the legs serve as a weapon of defense: roosters have pointed horny spurs on their tarsus, with which they strike each other during fights.

Chickens scurry in thickets of weeds, in cracks between stacked logs - in a word, in a very secluded place on the ground. And only to roost for the night does the chicken fly up to roost: there it is less in danger (again, the habit of its wild ancestors).

Useful qualities and the valuable inclinations already present in wild chickens were improved in various directions during domestication. Many breeds were obtained, varied in appearance and unequal in economic importance. Currently, there are three areas of chicken productivity: egg, meat and meat-egg, or general use.

Chickens of egg breeds have the highest egg production, low weight, and lively temperament. They feed well on paddocks and are distinguished by good early maturity. The young begin laying eggs at 4 months of age. A man changed a chicken beyond recognition: bank chickens gave 10-30 eggs a year, modern breeds- more than three hundred.

There are many breeds of chickens in the world, different in appearance, color, breeding characteristics and direction of use. U various breeds have eggs different colour, for example: white, brown, green, blue, red (see. Egg). Currently, the European poultry standard includes about 180 chicken breeds. However, in general there are many more of them on Earth.

From an economic point of view and according to the nature of their main products, breeds can be divided into three main groups: egg breeds, meat-egg breeds and meat breeds.

You need to choose a chicken with your eyes and nose - here main advice chefs of all times and peoples. As soon as you smell even a faint smell of rotten meat, refuse the purchase. And carefully examine the appearance of the carcass - this is only possible in completely transparent packaging, so do not pay attention to chickens wrapped in colored bags. A proper broiler chicken should have well-developed muscles, a rounded breast without a prominent keel bone, and pale pink meat. Make sure that the skin is not grayish, but has a pinkish tint of pale yellow color.

Chicken calories

Chicken is considered one of the species dietary meat, its calorie content is 190 kcal per 100 g of product. In 100 g boiled meat chicken contains 137 kcal, and 100 g of fried chicken contains 210 kcal. Calorie content stewed chicken– 164 kcal. If consumed in moderation, chicken meat will not harm your figure.

Nutritional value per 100 grams:

Useful properties of chicken

Chicken meat is rich in proteins, linoleic acid, which stimulates the immune system, and vitamins B1, B2.

Chicken contains vitamin B6, which is why it is good for the heart, as well as a lot of protein and glutamine, which are stimulants of the central nervous system and strengthen the body.

Chicken meat also contains the vitamin niacin, a medicine for nerve cells. This vitamin supports heart function, regulates cholesterol and is involved in the production of gastric juice.

People have known about the health benefits of chicken meat for a long time. In the East, and in Korea in particular, chicken meat has been considered healing since ancient times. food product And effective means for the prevention of age-related diseases. Indeed, chicken contains much less fat than, say, beef or pork, and is easily absorbed by the body.

Protein contains carbohydrates, minerals, protein, B vitamins and amino acids, which human body cannot synthesize on its own. In addition to being nutritious, protein also has protective properties. It contains lysozyme, which kills and dissolves microorganisms, including putrefactive ones. During long-term storage, the protective properties of the protein are lost. And such eggs become unfit for consumption.

The chicken egg is one of the most valuable products food that deserves a person to know as much as possible about it. It consists of: protein, yolk and shell. These components are useful both together and separately.

Eggs contain 12 essential vitamins. For example, in terms of vitamin D content, eggs are second only to fish oil. Minerals such as phosphorus, manganese, magnesium, cobalt and iron acquire an optimal ratio in the egg.

The yolk is rich in proteins, vitamins, lipids, and other substances. The shell is 90% calcium. The yolk contains lititin, which has a positive effect on fat metabolism in the body. The yolk is also enriched with almost all vitamins, including vitamin D. A lack of this vitamin in the body can lead to rickets, changes in the nervous system, and damage to teeth. That is why pediatricians prescribe yolk to young children several times a week without fail.