How to get rid of cough folk recipes. Treatment of cough in an adult quickly with folk remedies - the best recipes. Carrots with milk

Hello dear readers. Cough protects the human body from further spread of infection. If a person did not know how to cough, then the microbes that entered the respiratory tract would multiply at high speed. It is very important to choose the right treatment for cough, otherwise, it can “play” a “wicked joke” on you. Our ancestors long ago learned to treat coughs with folk remedies. Many herbs have healing properties and are very helpful in treating this disease. Before starting treatment with traditional medicine, you need to establish the cause of the cough. What does traditional medicine recommend for coughing? Any means to relieve cough have a mucolytic effect. That is, they dilute sputum and help it leave the bronchi faster.

If phlegm leaves the body faster, then harmful bacteria also leave with it. The inflammation subsides, and the disease slowly recedes.

It is important that if the type of cough is dry, then the use of folk remedies may be ineffective.

This type of cough can occur against the background of allergic reactions, manifestations of bronchial asthma, and also due to chronic diseases.

Self-medication will not help here, but a competent specialist will prescribe suitable treatment.

Traditional recipes for treating cough

Medicinal herbs, spices and food products - all this is now available to the average person. Therefore, we bring to your attention the best recipes for treating an unpleasant illness.

1. Anise-based tincture

Pour 1 cup of boiling water into an enamel pan. Add about 50 grams of anise seeds there. The resulting mixture must be brought to a boil and the heat reduced to low. Let the mixture simmer for no more than 20 minutes. Turn off the fire. Let the broth cool.

When it reaches room temperature, strain it through a fine sieve. Add 2 large spoons of liquid honey to the resulting mixture. The dosage of the medicine is 50 grams before eating.

2. Decoction with the addition of anise and dill seeds

Pour a teaspoon of anise and dill seeds into a 200 milliliter glass. Fill them with boiling water. After half an hour, when the mixture has infused, strain it. You can use a piece of gauze if there is no sieve.

The dosage is no more than 3 tablespoons at a time. The reception interval is every 30 minutes. To prepare this tincture with water, you can use a thermos, as it retains heat longer.

3. Tasty and healthy spice - turmeric

This useful plant is used not only by housewives in the kitchen, but is also used to treat coughs. This spice is sold in any supermarket. To make the medicine, you need to bring 1 glass of milk to a boil.

In this case, first add one teaspoon of spice. The best time to take this hot drink is in the evening. It will help warm the body before bed. And the beneficial properties of turmeric will have an anti-inflammatory effect.

4. Tea with basil

Basil is one of a number of natural antibacterial agents. When coughing, basil simplifies the breathing process by clearing mucus from the lungs.

Place fresh leaves of the plant in a small thermos. Pour 1 glass of hot water there. Close the thermos tightly and let the tea brew. You can drink this tea in half a glass after meals.

5. Figs for cough

Both fresh and dried fruits are suitable. Place about 5 figs in a small saucepan. Add half a liter of boiled milk. Place the pan in a warm place, perhaps under a blanket or pillow.

When the drink has cooled down and reached the optimal temperature for use, you can mash the fruits with a fork or masher. The dosage is no more than 5 glasses per day. The drink must be warmed before each use. It helps very well with throat diseases, and in particular with sore throats. This drink is also effective for pneumonia.

6. Honey

Not only tasty, but also a healthy delicacy like honey is truly considered a natural medicine that can be used by both children and adults. Honey has a soothing effect, which helps relieve the symptoms of a sore throat and soften it.

Also, this product, due to its rich composition, affects the source of inflammation, thereby reducing coughing attacks. He also proved himself to be a mucolytic. Thanks to it, the sputum quickly liquefies.

Honey can be used as a folk remedy for both wet and dry coughs. Allergy to bee products is a contraindication.

Folk remedies for coughs - medicines with honey

For coughs, there are many effective, proven and effective recipes that we use ourselves and recommend to our friends.

1 Milk drink with honey

A very healthy and tasty treat for the whole family. If you drink this drink at night, it will help you fall asleep quickly and have a good night's sleep. Stir 1 large spoon of honey in a glass of warm milk.

Attention, the milk should not be at too high a temperature, otherwise the healthy product will lose its medicinal properties. A spoonful of butter will add the greatest healing effect. This will help soothe an irritated throat. For young children, honey should be administered drop by drop and with caution.

2. Black radish with honey

This recipe has proven itself for several generations as the best medicine in the fight against cough. In addition to the beneficial composition of honey, black radish itself helps the body fight harmful microorganisms and very effectively improves immunity. In addition, this product is approved for use in pregnant women, unless of course there are allergic reactions to the components.

To prepare this miracle medicine, you need to choose medium or large sized fruits. The radish is washed well under running warm water. Cut off the top and scrape out the pulp to the middle, leaving small seals around the edges. Honey is added to the resulting well and covered with the cut off top. When the radish produces the required amount of juice, the medicine is ready for use. Treatment regimen: a small spoon no more than three times a day.

3. Onions with honey

This remedy has a mucolytic effect, helps soften the throat and is a good antiseptic. If you have a dry cough, then a mixture of honey and onion is most effective. Half a kilogram of onion is peeled and chopped in a blender.

Add 100 grams of honey and sugar to the resulting porridge to soften the taste and add 1 liter of boiling water. When the product has been infused for about an hour, it can be consumed.

This medicine should be taken 1 tablespoon every day every 4 hours.

4. Honey with garlic

Pass 2 cloves of garlic through a press or chop with a knife. Add an equal amount of honey. To make the product easy to use, you need to dissolve it in a glass of water before use. Approximately 1 teaspoon per glass of water. Consume three times a day, not on an empty stomach.

5. Honeycomb

This amazing bee product will help with dry cough. To do this, chew a small piece for about 15 minutes. The break interval between procedures is 1 hour. This will not only relieve dry coughs, but will also help strengthen your teeth and gums.

6. Honey with black pepper

Pour 1 tablespoon of honey into a glass and add a quarter teaspoon of seasoning. Stir everything well.

The finished medicine is taken on a full stomach, by holding a small amount in the mouth until the medicine is completely dissolved.

7. Honey with cinnamon

The preparation method is the same as with pepper, only you need to take 1 teaspoon of honey, and half of this dosage of cinnamon. Take the same.

8. A mixture based on honey, yolk and butter

Bring a glass of milk to a boil, add 50 grams of butter. Stir the egg yolk and add a pinch of soda to it. Pour the resulting mixture into milk. Divide the finished product into two doses.

9. Tea with ginger and lemon

Grate the ginger root. Put it in a thermos. Add 2 pinches of cloves, a pinch of cinnamon and 2 slices of fresh lemon to it. Fill everything with hot water. After half an hour, the tea is ready to drink. You can drink it 5 times a day.

10. Ferula stinking or asafoetida

Despite its unpleasant odor, this spice has proven itself in the treatment of whooping cough and bronchitis. It helps clear the airways of mucus, has a soothing and enveloping effect, which is important for a sore and irritated throat when coughing. A pinch of spice should be dissolved in a small amount of water. You need to drink this mixture in small sips throughout the day.

11. Tincture with added seasonings

Pour 1 glass of boiling water into a thermos. Add 2 pinches of each spice to it, such as anise, fennel, black cumin and coriander. When the resulting tincture is ready, you can take it no more than 4 times a day.

12. Decoction with the addition of tangerine peels

This product, which we usually throw away, contains special substances. They help mucus leave the bronchi faster. The cooking method is very simple. Pour boiling water over the peels of 3 tangerines. This decoction needs to infuse for half an hour. Next, the crusts are removed from the mixture. The product is consumed 1 glass early in the morning.

13. Pine buds

They effectively fight viruses and bacteria. They reduce inflammation and are an excellent expectorant.

To prepare a healing drink, pine buds can be bought at the pharmacy. About 20 medium-sized buds are taken and filled with boiling water. After brewing for about an hour, the decoction is ready for use. The treatment regimen is as follows: 1 tablespoon of the prepared decoction every 4 hours on an empty stomach.

14. Warming compress with added potatoes

The main rule of any compress is the release and preservation of the thermal effect. Boiled potatoes are an excellent product that keeps heat for a long time.

Rinse the vegetable well and cook, keeping the peel. After cooking, a small amount of vegetable oil is added to it. Next, the hot product is placed in a plastic bag. Close tightly and press with a masher until flat.

The package is wrapped in warm cloth and only then placed on the patient’s chest or back. Cover with a warm blanket on top. When the compress has cooled, it must be removed.

Nature has gifted us with healing herbs and healthy foods. This is truly the best alternative to many medications.

And folk recipes are so easy to prepare that anyone can use them.

Read my interesting articles.

The range of pharmacological cough remedies offered by pharmacies is huge. But traditional medicine recipes do not lose their popularity, thanks to their accessibility and safety. Provided they are used correctly and correctly diagnosed, they can compete with expensive drugs. The most effective folk remedies for cough are collected in the proposed material.

Cough is a reaction that develops in response to inflammation and infections of the respiratory system. It accompanies many diseases: bronchitis of various forms, tracheitis, pneumonia, bronchial asthma, and also often accompanies helminthiases. Therefore, before starting symptomatic treatment, it is important to establish the cause of the cough. In addition, its nature is also important - dry, nasal or wet, with the release of a large amount of thick sputum.

With phlegm

Phlegm is mucus produced by the bronchi. It is secreted in a small amount (100 ml per day) in a healthy state, and the ciliated epithelium of the bronchi lifts it up and removes it from the respiratory tract.

When the mucous membranes are damaged by infection, much more sputum is produced, it becomes viscous, and the cilia of the epithelium do not cope well with its removal. Therefore, the main goal of wet cough therapy is to liquefy secretions.

Inhalations are used for this:

  • Soda-salt solution. Mix 1 teaspoon of baking soda and salt (you can use sea salt) in 1 liter of warm boiled water and pour into a nebulizer. If the device is not at hand, or the model is not designed to use a soda solution, you can heat it in a saucepan, cover with a towel and breathe in the steam.
  • Potato steam. Boil several small potatoes in their skins, cool with water to 45 C, cover with a towel and breathe in the steam.

A paste that is prepared as follows has a good mucolytic effect:

  • cut aloe leaves and squeeze 100 ml of juice;
  • squeeze 100 ml of juice from fresh lemon;
    crush a handful of peeled walnuts with a pestle, combine with aloe juice and
  • lemon, add 1 tablespoon of honey.

The resulting mixture can be refrigerated and used for a wet cough 3 times a day, 25 ml each.

For dry cough: with expectorant action

With a painful cough without sputum, the lining of the respiratory tract is inflamed, mucus is produced in negligible quantities, and “dry” inflammation irritates the cough receptors. A cough of this nature is called “non-productive.” Therefore, remedies for dry cough have other goals: reduce inflammation and swelling, increase sputum production.

In such cases, inhalations are also useful:

  • Pour 6 tablespoons of eucalyptus leaf into 1 liter of boiling water, simmer on the stove for 10 minutes, cool to 45 C and breathe over the steam;
  • Break 2 pine cones, chop them, pour in 0.5 liters of boiling water, simmer over low heat for 30 minutes, strain, cool to 45 C and breathe over the steam;
  • Pour 1 glass of fresh spruce needles into 0.5 liters of boiling water, simmer over low heat for 5 minutes, strain, cool to 45 C and breathe.

After the procedure, it is useful to drink a glass of warm milk with honey and adding a teaspoon of butter.

Milk-ginger tea also has an excellent expectorant effect:

  • take 4 tablespoons of finely grated ginger per 2 liters of boiling water;
  • simmer on the stove for 10 minutes;
  • leave for 5 minutes and strain;
  • dilute the drink with milk 1:2 and sweeten it with honey if desired.

To increase cough productivity, in addition to these drinks, you need to drink as much as possible of any warm liquid.

Herbal decoctions and infusions

Treatment of cough with folk remedies is rarely complete without herbal infusions.

The following decoctions and infusions are especially popular:

  • Licorice root decoction. Take 1 tablespoon of raw material per 250 ml of boiling water and simmer on the stove for 30 minutes. Leave for another 40 minutes after turning off the heat, strain and restore the volume with warm water to the original volume. Take 1 tablespoon 5 times a day.
  • Linden decoction with birch buds. For 0.5 cups of birch buds, take 1 cup of linden blossom. Pour 1.5 cups of boiling water over the raw materials and simmer on the stove for 5 minutes. Cool, filter and drink the prepared decoction in equal portions one day.
  • Infusion of coltsfoot. Brew 4 tablespoons of herbs with 2 cups of boiling water. Leave covered for 20 minutes. Filter and drink a warm infusion of 50 ml 4 times a day.
  • Thyme infusion. Brew 4 tablespoons of chopped herbs with 2 cups of boiling water and keep covered for 15 minutes. Filter, sweeten with honey if desired and consume 100 ml before meals.

The mentioned herbs can be combined with each other, or combined with other plant components that have mucolytic properties: calamus, dandelion or elecampane roots, plantain leaves, calendula flowers.

Berries, fruits and vegetables as a means of fighting colds

Berry and vegetable crops prepared in a special way can be helpful in the treatment of cold cough:

  • Carrots with milk. Squeeze 250 ml of juice from fresh carrots and put in the refrigerator. During the day, take 50 ml of juice 5 times, pour in 50 ml of hot milk and drink.
  • "Spicy milk" Peel 4-6 small onions and 1 head of garlic, grind through a meat grinder. Pour the mixture with heated milk so that it covers the onion-garlic mass. Warm over low heat for 5 minutes, add 4 tablespoons of honey, puree with a blender. Take 3 times a day, 20 ml.
  • Onions with sugar. Finely chop 1 large onion, place in a bowl and add 1 tablespoon of sugar. Cover and leave for 2.5 hours. Then strain the resulting juice and consume it 1 teaspoon 3 times during the day.
  • Berry infusion. Brew 2 tablespoons of fresh viburnum berries, lingonberries or black currants with 2 cups of boiling water, cover and leave for 2 hours. After straining, add honey if desired and drink 0.5-1 glass 4 times a day.

The listed remedies are often found in ancient collections of folk recipes. They have a pronounced mucolytic and restorative effect.

Medicines with honey

Honey is an ingredient in many folk remedies for colds. It contains both substances that promote mucus removal and compounds that soothe cough receptors.

The most famous “honey” recipe for cough is black radish with honey.

There are several ways to prepare such a remedy, but the simplest is as follows:

  • horizontally cut off the top of a washed but unpeeled small radish;
  • use a knife and spoon to make a notch in the pulp of the root vegetable;
  • put a tablespoon of honey in the recess;
  • cover with the cut off top like a lid;
  • leave for 12 hours.

During this time, the recess will be filled with radish juice, which will mix with honey. Use the resulting syrup 1 teaspoon 3 times a day.

Recipes for rinses

Quite often, with a prolonged dry cough, the throat begins to suffer. And, conversely, with diseases of the throat, mucus accumulating on the tonsils flows into the trachea and causes a cough. Therefore, rinsing is an important procedure in the treatment of respiratory infections.

To clean and soften your throat, you can use the following recipes:

  • Saline solution with iodine. Dissolve 0.5 teaspoon of table salt in 1 glass of warm water and add 2-3 drops of iodine.
  • Camomile tea. Pour 2 tablespoons of herbs into 2 cups of boiling water and leave for 15 minutes, covering with a lid. Filter and cool until warm.
  • Sage tea. Prepare in the same way as chamomile infusion.

Gargling when coughing is carried out 3-4 times a day. For greater effectiveness, the products can be alternated.

Cough does not go away - medicine for adults

To treat a persistent cough, you should not rely on one of the remedies. It would be more correct to combine several recipes and methods of therapy. In addition, you should calm the cough receptors, which in this state often react even to inhaled air.

To do this, you can use the following recipe:

  • heat a glass of milk until warm, but not hot;
  • drive a raw chicken egg into it;
  • add a tablespoon of linden honey.

Whisk the mixture and drink it at night. This product is suitable only for adults who are not allergic to eggs and honey. In addition, it is important to monitor the quality of the egg and the absence of salmonella in it.

The most famous effective cough remedy is mustard plasters. Nowadays, pharmacy chains offer convenient mustard packets that do not leave grains of mustard on the skin. They should be wetted with warm water, placed on the bronchi area and covered with a dry cloth. Hold for 5-10 minutes.

Another effective and quick remedy for relieving coughing attacks is vodka rubbing. The patient's back and chest are rubbed red with vodka mixed with water in a 1:1 ratio. Then the chest is tied with a woolen scarf.

Treatment of cough in pregnant women

Traditional methods of treating cough in pregnant women should be used with caution. Some herbs can cause unexpected side effects - from allergies to uterine hypertonicity.

The safest methods include the following:

  • Milk with figs. Brew 2-3 dried fruits with 250 ml of hot milk and simmer on the stove for 10 minutes. Drink milk with figs 3 times a day, 1 glass warm.
  • Banana decoction. Grind 2 ripe or slightly overripe bananas into a puree. Dissolve 1 teaspoon of sugar in 1 glass of hot water, add banana puree to the solution and warm the mixture well over low heat. Cool slightly and drink the broth hot 4-5 times a day.

These remedies make dry cough productive. They can be given not only to pregnant women, but also to children.

The advantage of treatment with traditional methods is that the body, weakened by infection, does not receive an unnecessary chemical load, as when treated with medications. But before using the remedies given in the article, you must make sure that the cough has developed as a result of a respiratory infection. If it is caused by helminth infections, tumors, allergies, a different approach is required.

Each of us has entered into an “unequal battle” with this disease a huge number of times, but not everyone was able to quickly emerge victorious. Everyone knows that cough It cannot be treated in one day, but in a neglected state it can develop into chronic diseases of the respiratory organs and respiratory tract. So, first, let’s define what the essence of this kind of “imbalance” is. Cough is the main sign of changes in the physiological balance of the respiratory system.

Causes of cough

The main causes of cough are colds, allergies, and sometimes emotional stress and anxiety.

Manifestations of cough

In modern medicine, there is a clear classification of cough by nature, duration and course. Let's look at each of them in more detail:

By nature, a distinction is made between productive and non-productive cough. Its productivity is determined by the presence of sputum, which is an important factor in diagnosis. A non-productive cough is expressed by frequent, hoarse breathing, increased viscosity of sputum and impaired bronchial obstruction;
Based on duration, coughs are divided into short-term, constant, paroxysmal and episodic coughs.
according to the course – chronic and acute. Acute does not stop for more than three months, and chronic lasts for life. The causes of acute cough include infections that can further develop diseases such as acute bronchitis, pneumonia, ARVI, pleurisy, whooping cough, and toxic and mechanical effects on the respiratory system, such as smoke, dust, toxins and aspiration.

What diseases can a cough “warn” about?

Gastroesophageal reflux, chronic bronchitis and bronchiectasis are characterized by a morning dry cough with possible purulent sputum, with difficulty coughing;
heart failure, bronchial asthma, whooping cough and sinusitis are accompanied by wheezing and a loud night cough with glassy or “rusty” sputum, sometimes shortness of breath;
with tracheitis, a wet and painful cough is observed;
aspiration is characterized by the entry of foreign bodies into the respiratory tract;
pneumonia begins with an increase in temperature and the appearance of general weakness, headache and general malaise;
mental disorders can also be caused by coughing.

Cough treatment

Conservative treatment should begin, first of all, by eliminating the cause of its occurrence. If the cough becomes regular, obsessive, and disrupts calm and healthy sleep, you should immediately consult a doctor.

The following available stages of treatment of the disease are distinguished:

Eliminate the cause;
determine the nature of the cough;
individual approach based on diagnostics and analyses.

After diagnosis, the doctor prescribes treatment. Its purpose is to clear the airways of unwanted and excess mucus. In the case of a dry cough, antitussive drugs are prescribed to reduce irritability of the respiratory tract (libexin) and drugs that suppress the cough center in the medulla oblongata, for example, butamirate, codeine, paxeladin, dectromethorphan and tusuprex. For a wet cough, “folk” remedies are recommended, such as inhalation and large amounts of drinking, and herbal remedies with anti-inflammatory, expectorant effects are prescribed (thermopsis, marshmallow, essential oils, licorice, sodium and potassium iodide, ammonium chloride and others).

Treatment of cough in children

There are many reasons for a child’s cough, but, basically, a child’s cough is caused by various infections entering the body. How to treat such a disease? The child needs to be given plenty of fluids, herbal or ethereal inhalations at home to remove mucus from the respiratory tract, and also given syrups, but remember: only a competent doctor can give a sensible recommendation on which syrup is more effective to treat a child. Particular care should be taken when treating small children under 2 years of age; it is dangerous to self-medicate; you should follow only the advice of a pediatrician.

Treatment of cough during pregnancy

Pregnant women are the same as children, and when treating expectant “mothers” there are a number of restrictions that must be adhered to so as not to harm the fetus. The dangerous period of pregnancy is the initial 12 weeks. During this period, it is better not to get sick, since you can seriously harm the nascent life. But, if there are still signs of cough on the face, it is necessary to be treated with folk remedies, or, on the advice of a doctor, with children's medicines. But remember: no matter what your doctor prescribes for you, when purchasing this drug, always read the instructions carefully, especially the “contraindications” chapter. Rely on the doctor, but don’t make a mistake yourself.

Folk remedies for cough (cough treatment with folk remedies):

1. Boil 1 lemon over low heat for 10 minutes until it becomes soft and more juice can be squeezed out of it. Cut the lemon in half and squeeze out the juice (preferably with a juicer). Pour the juice into a glass, add 2 tbsp. spoons of glycerin, stir thoroughly and fill the glass to the top with honey. For rare coughs, take the resulting syrup 1 teaspoon several times a day. Shake before use. If the cough bothers you at night, take 1 teaspoon of syrup at night and another one at night. If you have a severe cough, drink 1 teaspoon of syrup 6 times a day - in the morning (on an empty stomach), before and after lunch, in the evening, after dinner and at night. As the cough decreases, reduce the number of doses. The product is recommended for both adults and children. It is effective in cases where other medications do not help. You can use apple cider vinegar instead of lemon.

2. Cough remedy for children: cut black radish into small cubes, put in a saucepan and sprinkle with sugar. Bake in the oven for 2 hours. Strain, discard the pieces of baked vegetable, and pour the liquid into a bottle. Give 2 teaspoons 3-4 times a day before meals and at night before bed.

3. Herbal infusion is an effective cough remedy: coltsfoot - 2 parts, oregano herb - 1 part, chamomile flowers - 2 parts. 2 s. spoons of the crushed mixture, pour 0.5 liters of boiling water, leave in a thermos for 5-6 hours, strain. Drink 1/2 glass 3 times a day before meals, warm.

4. For a severe cough, it is good to treat with ordinary milk. Drink hot milk with alkaline mineral water (1/2 glass of milk and 1/2 glass of Borjomi) or honey (1 teaspoon of honey per 1 glass of hot milk). For babies, it’s best to add figs to warm milk.

5. To separate phlegm, it is very useful to drink a mixture of lingonberry juice with a small amount of sugar syrup or honey. Take the mixture several times a day, 1 tbsp. spoon. During treatment with this folk remedy, it is very good to drink a decoction of wild strawberries instead of boiled water or tea.

6. To 1 teaspoon of honey add 2 tbsp. spoons of anise seeds and a pinch of salt. Pour all this into 250 ml of water and bring to a boil, and then strain. Take 2 tbsp for adults. spoons every 2 hours. For the child, reduce the dose by half.

7. There is an old folk remedy for cough: boil 60 grams of pepper roots with 0.25 liters of white wine and strain. Drink the hot mixture 3 times during the day and at night.

8. Herbal decoction: birch leaves and wild rosemary herb - 4 parts each, oregano herb - 2 parts, stinging nettle leaves and birch buds - 1 part each. Pour 0.5 liters of boiling water over 2 tbsp. tablespoons of the crushed mixture and cook in a sealed container over low heat for 10 minutes, leave for 30 minutes, covered, then strain carefully. The course of treatment is 1/3 glass 3 times a day, an hour after meals.

9. In Siberian villages, for a strong cough, the following folk remedy was used: 20 grams of wormwood herb infused in 0.5 liters of vodka - the longer the better, but not less than a day. Take 1 tbsp. spoon 3 times a day and before bedtime. This remedy is not recommended for the treatment of children.

10. A decoction of viburnum flowers is the best expectorant. You can also use a decoction of viburnum fruits: pour a glass of berries into 1 liter of hot water, boil for 10 minutes, strain, add 3 tbsp. spoons of honey. The course of treatment is 1/2 glass 3-4 times a day.

11. In the evening, finely chop a large onion, add 2 tbsp. spoons of sugar. The medicine will be ready by morning. During the day, eat sweet onions or drink the resulting juice. Treat yourself for several days in a row and the cough will go away.

12. Chop 500 grams of peeled onions, add 400 grams of sugar and cook over low heat in 1 liter of water for 3 hours. Then cool, add 50 grams of honey, pour into a bottle and seal. Take 4-6 tbsp. spoons a day after meals.

Diet for cough

For patients suffering from cough, it is very useful to include in the menu liquid rolled oats milk porridge, mashed potatoes prepared with plenty of milk (helps relieve bronchospasm), grated radish, seasoned with vegetable oil and sour cream.

An effective cough reliever is grapes, which promote lung healing and act as an expectorant, quickly curing common colds and coughs. 1 glass of grape juice with 1 teaspoon of honey soothes cough. It is recommended to replace coffee with a barley drink with the addition of chicory and milk. It is good to take lemon, minced with the peel and mixed with honey to taste. Avoid spicy foods, sweet drinks, and sweets.

At the first sign of cough, you should immediately make an appointment with a specialist for further examination. After all, it often happens that a cough is a sign of a serious illness, and, as you know, it is better to identify any disease at an early stage and never let it get worse.

Be healthy!

27 comments to the post “Cough. Folk remedies for coughs”

    Thank you for the article, there really is a lot of useful information, but my opinion is that traditional medicine is good in the case of good environmental conditions, in the case of megacities, it is simply not effective. This is why I try to harden myself more often (with contrast dousing), go to the bathhouse and use Rebion sprays to biologically purify the air in the room. They are based on essential oils of plants - they strengthen the immune system and help the body cope with stress, insomnia and fatigue. I haven't been sick for several years now.

    Good recipes... and really working... some of these recipes don’t take a lot of time... I have children, and I don’t sit at home, and I work, and, interestingly, I live in the 21st century, but I treat myself, if suddenly it happens once every for many years, only with folk remedies... for the lazy and time-poor, at the present time, they sell ready-made medicinal tinctures and herbal infusions...

    Thank you very much for the recipes! My child has a cough very often, I’m already so tired of stuffing him with all the medicines, now I want to try traditional medicine! I’ll write back later

    Thanks for the recipes. But here’s a question: if a child can’t have honey, is it possible to grate a radish and sprinkle it with sugar instead of honey? This is from a series of uncooked recipes. Usually, grated radish mixed with honey, left in a warm place for a while and given the juice also helps a lot, but unfortunately my granddaughter is allergic to honey. So the question is - is the honey in the radish for sweetness or is there some kind of useful reaction when mixed? And how much effect does radish juice with sugar have?

    please tell me my 3 and a half year old daughter has a constant cough (dry) runny nose, just cured, she was taken to kindergarten, a week passes again, twenty-five and so for almost 2 months, she drank too much, ate a lot of chemicals, I want to try a folk remedy, can you tell me which of these recipes is effective and suitable for age.

    It was written above about Rebion, I agree. When I used Rebion spray and Dezavid spray, we practically didn’t get sick. These are very good products!!
    And the most effective remedy for cough is Banana!!! Even now I have a very strong cough that haunts me... I drink a banana infusion (grind a banana and add hot water, stir and drink in small sips at night) ... while I drink this infusion, I have drunk half a cup so far, but the cough is already calming down! I recommend it to adults and especially children! It quickly helps get rid of cough.
    Be healthy!

    Are these recipes for traditional medicine, or the site of the seklama “ambromene”? I quote “Wow, wow, and when was it time to toughen up in the metropolis...” It’s funny to read, honestly. A contrast shower will take no more than 5 minutes, and warming up a mug of milk and adding a spoonful of honey into it will take about four minutes, no more. I have lived in a metropolis all my life, and I find time for hardening, and for my career, and for my family. There is no need to convince people that raspberry tea is a thing of the past. Dear people, don’t listen to these “well-wishers” who advise “fast and effective” remedies that contain the entire periodic table! Your health, and it’s up to you to decide whether to treat or cripple.

    Maria, it seems to me that sites exist to exchange opinions. Well, not everyone can be treated with milk and a contrast shower. I gave my first child bronchitis, I kept thinking that he would get better on his own, I just needed a little help. So you need to look at the child, his health, immunity. I won’t say anything about ambrobene so that you don’t think this is an advertisement, just read about the active ingredient ambrohexal - and you will find out that this is a modern mucolytic with multifaceted action, which really helps remove phlegm from the bronchi very well and, in general, cope with the disease faster. This is chemistry, yes, but it helps to avoid antibiotics, which, you see, are more harmful.

    And this ambrobene of yours doesn’t help anything. I'm tired of stuffing my child with chemicals. And we also put a little butter in warm milk and give it to drink before bed, it seems to help, I don’t cough so much at night. In general, I’ve recently become hooked on aroma therapy. Every day I drip eucalyptus oil into the aroma lamp and the smell is pleasant and good for the respiratory system. Recently I started something and please the child is coughing again but as I did every day everything was fine

    I always try to treat my children with folk remedies, children now are fragile even without chemicals, it’s easy to finish off the immune system, but strengthening it requires patience and time. I rub the babies at night - chest and back, then wrap them up and of course make tea in a thermos with rosehip, elderflower, sage, lemon balm, mint and calendula (I prepare all this myself) I am confident in these herbs, also, as they wrote above this jam is made from raspberries, black currants and of course mommy should read Prayers to the Mother of God and all the Saints that help with illnesses, this will all be suggested in the Church.

    Also Maria, you are our dear person, well, who sends a sick child under a contrast shower? I wrote about hardening a healthy adult, the interlocutor complained that he didn’t have time for this in the metropolis, so I answered him... I was surprised that three commentators in a row praised “ambrobene”, it was painful, it looked like an advertisement for this drug. Your quote: “It seems to me that sites exist for the purpose of exchanging opinions...” Forgive me most humbly, but I entered “traditional medicine” into the search engine. Native. Do you understand? Folk means the one with which people have been treated for centuries, in contrast to, and sometimes complementing, the traditional one. But my therapist can tell me about modern miracle pills, and there are special websites for this. As for the vaunted “modern mucolytic” - it’s your right, use it for your health, no one will ever judge, everyone is the architect of their own health, God willing, it helps. And we... we, better - tea with raspberries, from it, at least, “abdominal pain, nausea, constipation, dry mouth, increased salivation, increased secretion of mucus in the nasal cavity, dry airways, swelling, skin rashes, redness, itching, suffocation, swelling of the face, fever, chills, allergic dermatitis, anaphylactic shock, difficulty urinating..." are not observed.
    From the bottom of my heart, Health to you and all your loved ones.

    Valeria, I want to say a huge thank you to you. You know, I tried adding butter to hot milk according to your advice, it’s just a miracle! The throat softened, the cough subsided, and by morning the “sniffing” had completely disappeared. Thank you very much for the advice, I’ll try aromatherapy soon.

    Thank you very much for your advice! I’ll definitely try hot milk with honey and butter this evening, and for tomorrow I’ll prepare grated lemon with honey - I really don’t want to cough, just a week ago I got sick with ARVI and now I’m still having a cough.
    For the first time I learned about grapes, bananas and a cough diet) I’m glad I came to this site))
    God bless everyone!

    Recommendation for adults - every day, preferably in the morning, do push-ups from the floor as much as you can and at the same time do deep ones, I emphasize deep inhalation and exhalation, this improves lung function and helps you breathe better. Be healthy and happy! May the Lord create joy in your heart!

    Very useful tips. I give my daughter badger fat for a cough, it also helps, but I don’t know how to cope with snot that runs down the back of the throat and causes a cough (((maybe someone knows how to treat this??

    Anna, we had the same problem. There are few effective remedies for this: those who are older simply cough up phlegm from their throats, and the youngest in this case are advised to drink a lot of liquid so that the throat is washed from sniffles (warm fruit drink, tea with lemon, but not very sweet, because saliva is viscous becomes). This helped us a little.

    Anna, we had a cough as soon as our son went to bed, at night and during the day. I read a very good remedy, it helps literally right away. Aloe with honey, buried in the nose, the cough immediately disappeared.

    Thanks for the recipes! Thank you!

    Hot beer helps well for adults; drinking it is not very pleasant, but in this case it is medicine, and it is not always tasty

    Hello! Thank you very much for the advice! I agree with everyone who is in favor of traditional medicine! Nature provides everything and is available in large quantities! Don't stuff your kids with chemicals! Try a honey massage (back, chest), clapping until the skin begins to stick to your palms. Dog fat also helps very well, I smear it on it immediately after a honey massage, herbs, honey and milk will do wonders, oh, and garlic, onions and regular airing! Let me tell you this, we greatly underestimate the immunity of our children, give the body the opportunity to fight on its own, naturally helping with centuries-tested folk remedies! God bless you!

    Svetlana. Hot beer certainly helps a lot, but you need to drink it with caution. I was treated like this. At night I drank hot beer and wrapped myself in a blanket. But at night everything in my mouth became dry, I went to drink water and fainted. I lay there for 3 hours. so those who have pancreatitis, cholecystitis, etc. need to think about whether it is worth treating this way. The cough went away the very next day.

    The simplest folk remedy for cough: heat milk to a boil, let (a glass) cool a little and put in it a small piece (about a teaspoon) of internal lard (sold very cheaply on the market. Melt it first over medium heat so that it does not burn, but melts ,cool in a cold place. Store in the freezer for at least a year. Take as needed.) I’ll say right away NOT disgusting!!! The taste is somewhat reminiscent of Brazil nuts or cracklings. Children can add a little sugar. Health to you all!

    I will share my proven recipe. When I have a strong cough, I can save myself with a very simple remedy: cut 2 medium cloves of garlic into thin slices (thinner than 1 mm) and pour a glass of boiling milk, cover with a lid, let cool. During the day, drink 2-3 sips of this glass of milk (it does not have a sharp garlic smell or unpleasant taste - just slightly sweet milk). The product is very effective.
    Health to everyone, don't get sick!

    dry cough with bronchiectasis what to do

    Cough is a problem that every second person bothers me especially in winter, folk remedies may help, but I still trust evidence-based medicine, proven medications, I prefer to see a doctor rather than self-medicate

    Thanks for the recipes, I learned a lot and will definitely try them. My recipe for those who can’t stop the snot, take a cabbage leaf, spread it with honey and place it on your lungs, wrap it with a bandage and remove it after an hour. Doing it 2 or 3 times helps a lot. Just need to do it before going to bed, the honey melts and can flow down.

    Problems of ENT diseases, cough, as a rule, are a common case of the disease and can ultimately be chronic. Therefore, you cannot do without strong drugs. Now there is an auxiliary treatment - these are salt rooms (caves). Halotherapy (breathing rock salt) has a positive effect on the entire respiratory system, thereby helping the body cope with the disease. This method is recognized in many Western clinics, and therefore the maximum benefit from such caves.

With the onset of the first cold weather, the number of people suffering from colds increases. Frequent accompaniments of ARVI are inflammations of the upper respiratory tract, causing a debilitating cough, which is very difficult to cope with. There is a whole arsenal of medications aimed at fighting colds. However, their use is not always possible. Then folk remedies for cough, bronchitis and tracheitis come to the rescue. The most popular are herbal infusions, honey and. They help cope with the disease without causing harm to the body.

Benefits of traditional methods of treatment

During its existence, traditional medicine has included a huge number of treatment methods. Each of them, before reaching us, has been tested for more than one generation. The effectiveness of using folk remedies for cough, bronchitis and tracheitis has been confirmed by the recognition of official medicine. Herbal infusions are prescribed as part of complex therapy in parallel with antibiotics, and are sometimes used as an independent remedy to treat the disease. This is explained by the advantages of traditional methods over medications, including:

  • Environmental Safety.
  • Mild effect on the body as a whole.
  • Long-term performance testing.
  • Possibility to combine several treatment methods.
  • Minimal number of contraindications.
  • No addiction.
  • Minimal likelihood of side effects.
  • Fortification of the body and strengthening of the immune system.

The most effective folk remedies for coughs

How to get rid of a cough? There is a huge arsenal of folk remedies that help defeat the disease. An important condition for the effectiveness of their use is to determine the characteristics of the disease. The cough can be morning, night, dry, with sputum, constant or intermittent. In addition, when choosing a remedy, it is necessary to take into account the age of the patient. The approach to treating infants requires special attention. Let's look at effective folk remedies for severe cough, bronchitis and tracheitis:

For adults

How to quickly cure an adult? Folk remedies for cough, acute bronchitis and tracheitis in adults include decoctions, infusions from herbal raw materials, applications and inhalations. Chronic bronchitis treatment with folk remedies:

  • Goose fat for oral administration. Helps cure dry, scratchy cough. The main effect of goose fat is to liquefy mucus and remove it from the lungs. To make the drug, poultry fat is used, which is melted by overcooking. To cure a prolonged cough, drink one tablespoon of fat in the morning on an empty stomach. Relief occurs on the second day. It is possible to completely get rid of a prolonged cough within 7 days of treatment with fat.

  • Milk, honey, onion and garlic. A decoction prepared with these ingredients helps with a strong wet cough and relieves wheezing. To get the medicine, take half a liter of milk, boil three pre-chopped onions and a head of garlic in it for 10 minutes. After this, let it cool slightly and pour the entire contents into a blender, where it is ground to a pulp. Then add a couple of tablespoons of honey, preferably linden honey. Drink this cough medicine at least 5 times a day after warming it up a little. Relief occurs after the first dose.
  • Bogorodskaya herb (thyme). This aromatic plant helps with chronic dry cough, including smoker's cough. A very good expectorant folk remedy. A decoction is prepared from 250 ml of water and one tablespoon of dry herbs. The herb is added to cold water, brought to a boil and simmered for 5 minutes. The broth must be filtered. Adults drink the product warm instead of tea. Children are given 1/3 glass in the morning and evening. Taking a cough decoction will thin the mucus, which helps cleanse the lungs even of tobacco products. You need to take the medicine for at least two weeks.
  • Potato. This vegetable is used to make an effective application that helps to cope with an old cough. To do this, take 2-3 potatoes, peel them and boil them. Without allowing it to cool, knead the finished potatoes and place them in a plastic bag. A cotton napkin is placed on the patient’s back, on top of which a bag of puree is placed. It is necessary to check whether the compress is too hot before applying it. Cover with a blanket on top. Keep the cough application until the potatoes have cooled.

For children

A child's cough is more difficult to cure, if only because it is more difficult to clear the airways of mucus. But there are a number of folk remedies that treat even a persistent cough in a child. Dr. Komarovsky suggests easing it by thinning the sputum. For this purpose, the doctor recommends using folk remedies to treat cough in children. Among them, the following methods stand out for their effectiveness and ease of use:

  • Eggs, milk, honey. Using these ingredients, a sweet mixture is prepared that will quickly cure a mild cough. To prepare the product, take a glass of boiled milk, add 30 g of honey and butter. Separately, beat the egg yolk and add it to the milk. It is better to take this medicine at night.

  • Onions, sugar. A sweet syrup made from these ingredients relieves severe coughs. For it you need 2 onions, a liter of water and a glass of sugar. The washed onions are dipped into boiling water with sugar dissolved in it and simmered for about an hour. Then the syrup is drained. Children are given one tablespoon of warm medicine every three to four hours.
  • Honey, cabbage. These products are used to make a cough application on the chest. The product is very effective, relief occurs the next day after the first procedure. To prepare, you will need one cabbage leaf and a couple of spoons of honey. The leaf is smeared with honey and applied to the chest. The cough application is kept on all night. In the morning, remove the cabbage leaf that has become limp. Honey is completely absorbed into the patient's skin. Before using folk remedies for cough, bronchitis and tracheitis, it is necessary to measure the temperature; if it is above 37.5 degrees, it is better to postpone the procedure.

Recipes for treating bronchitis at home

Bronchitis is a serious disease that begins as a simple cold, resulting in inflammation of the bronchi. The disease is accompanied by hard breathing, first a dry cough, then a wet, sometimes almost squelching cough. Patients develop fever and chest pain when coughing. Chronic bronchitis symptoms can only be diagnosed by a doctor. The presence of this form of the disease is indicated by thickening of the walls of the bronchi. Treating the disease is more difficult and you cannot do without folk remedies. The causes of bronchitis are common seasonal infections.

If a child gets sick, how to treat bronchitis in children? In this case, you should definitely consult a doctor. Signs of bronchitis in a child do not appear immediately. It may take about a week from the moment of illness. In such cases, the removal of sputum becomes of great importance. Otherwise, a complication in the form of bronchopneumonia is possible, the treatment of which is carried out only in a hospital setting. We offer the most effective, easy ways to treat bronchitis:

  • Black radish. The juice of this root vegetable will help cope with acute bronchitis. To do this, you need a couple of vegetables that are thoroughly washed. Using a knife, cut off the cap of each root vegetable and scoop out the pulp in the form of a funnel. Only a small puncture is made in the lower part. Take a tea cup and put a radish in it. Place a teaspoon of honey into the resulting funnel. From below, through the puncture, after about 30 minutes, sweet juice begins to drip. Give it a tablespoon 5 times a day. This syrup is used for dry cough. Relief of bronchitis symptoms occurs on the third day.
  • Ginger. This miracle root has an antiseptic, expectorant, bactericidal effect, copes with severe coughs, and relieves bronchospasms. Can be used as a prophylaxis against pneumonia and bronchitis. To prepare the medicine you will need one teaspoon each of lemon juice, ginger and honey, and 0.5 cups of boiling water. The juices are mixed, honey is added. Let the mixture stand and pour boiling water over it. Cover the container with something warm and let it sit for another 10 minutes. You need to drink the medicine for bronchitis one teaspoon at a time. every 30 minutes.
  • Badger fat. A strong remedy for atrophic and obstructive bronchitis. Drink cough fat undiluted, one tablespoon in the morning. The product helps restore the bronchial epithelium. You can drink not only at the time of exacerbation of the disease, but also for prevention in the autumn-winter period. It is not recommended to give this remedy for bronchitis to children: it can provoke a severe allergic reaction.

How to treat tracheitis with folk remedies

Tracheitis is a cold that often takes a chronic form. Accompanies ARVI, sinusitis, bronchitis. More often it affects women and children. It is characterized by a sore throat, a dry “barking” cough, and a change in voice during the illness. How to treat tracheitis? Traditional medicine offers a lot of easy ways to get rid of this problem. The most effective are the following:

  • Birch tar. This ingredient is used to make a powerful cough suppressant. To do this, take 1 spoon of tar and dilute it with 8 spoons of boiled water. Stir and leave for two days. Then remove the film from the surface of the liquid, pour it into another container and put it in the refrigerator. You need to drink this remedy one spoon at night. In the morning, gargle with tar water. To cure a severe cough, three procedures are enough.
  • Cacao butter. This product helps cure tracheitis, dry, hard cough and bronchitis. The chocolate aroma of the oil allows the medicine to be used in the treatment of children. To do this, mix the oil with hot milk in proportions of 1:30 and drink. Take no more than 100 ml of the drug at a time. Allowed to be consumed 3 times a day.

Video: inhalations that soften cough

How to cure a cough? For colds accompanied by a runny nose and cough, inhalations are used. This procedure helps reduce the viscosity of sputum and mucus in the nasopharynx and removes them from the body. For it you will need an inhaler, herbal decoctions (sage, calendula, eucalyptus, chamomile), soda, iodine, Borjomi mineral water, fresh onion and garlic juice. In some cases, for severe coughs, combinations of the listed ingredients are used. For the procedure to work, follow some rules, which you will learn about in the following video:

A dry, obsessive cough brings severe discomfort, interfering with normal sleep, eating, and creates psychological discomfort. There are many ways to treat this annoying disease. Folk remedies for dry cough will have the mildest and most effective effect on a sore throat.

How to identify a dry cough

Cough is not an independent disease; it is a sign of certain diseases. The main characteristic of a dry cough is that sputum is not coughed up or is released in scanty quantities. An accompanying symptom is a sore throat. A dry, painful cough causes pain and sometimes even leads to vomiting.

Causes of dry cough:

  • Cold, flu or ARVI. Often there is an increase in temperature at the same time. In the normal course of the disease, after some time the cough turns into a wet form and sputum is produced;
  • Laryngitis. Inflammation of the mucous membrane of the larynx, the throat with laryngitis is expressed red. The disease begins with a feeling of itching in the throat;
  • Tracheitis. Painful, debilitating cough. Inflammation of the mucous membrane of the pulmonary trachea;
  • Contact with caustic chemicals. Household and other chemicals cause respiratory irritation;
  • Pleurisy. When coughing, pain is felt in the side. Needs urgent help!
  • Pneumonia. Pneumonia. Occurs in the absence of treatment for the above diseases;
  • Smoker's bronchitis. With the help of coughing, the body tries to clear the airways from particles of tar and smoke entering the lungs;
  • Allergy. Cough is the main manifestation of an allergic reaction. May be accompanied by watery eyes and runny nose.

According to the duration of the course, dry cough can be divided into three types:

  1. Acute (up to 3 weeks)
  2. Prolonged (3 weeks - 2 months)
  3. Chronic (more than 2 months)

A dry cough should never be ignored. Against this background, swelling of the vocal cords may develop and, as a consequence, asphyxia (suffocation).

Traditional treatment

Every disease accompanied by a dry cough requires the attention of a doctor. But, to quickly relieve symptoms, or in the absence of necessary medications, you can use folk remedies. They are based on the use of simple, affordable ingredients often found in the home. Another advantage is that traditional medicine has been tested for decades and really has an effect. Folk remedies are absolutely safe, many of them can be used from an early age.

Among the folk remedies for treating dry cough: healing decoctions, inhalations, compresses, rubbing, healthy syrups, ointments, drinks. Let's look at some of them

Healing decoctions

The use of medicinal herbal decoctions internally will help relieve symptoms. You need to be more careful with some plants. They can be strong allergens and are contraindicated for people suffering from bronchial asthma and prone to allergies. Help in treating dry cough will be provided by:

  • coltsfoot
  • licorice
  • chamomile
  • thyme
  • St. John's wort
  • plantain
  • oregano
  • calendula

Linden decoction.

Take one tablespoon of dried linden leaves and add to water (250 ml). The mixture needs to be boiled, allowed to cool and brew for 15 minutes, strain. Take 2-3 sips of the decoction every hour all day. Small portions of the decoction have an effective effect on the respiratory system. Within a few hours of starting treatment, symptoms may be relieved.

Tip: As a preventative measure to soften your throat, get into the habit of adding some linden leaves to your tea. In addition to the benefits, it diversifies the usual taste sensations.

Decoction with thyme.

To produce sputum, people often use the medicinal herb thyme. It’s easy to prepare: pour 10 grams of weed with a glass of boiling water and cover with a lid. After 15 minutes, the healing decoction is ready! You should drink it three times a day, before meals. One tablespoon per dose will be enough.

Breast collection.

A mixture of different herbs will increase immunity, helping the body cope with illness, soothe a sore throat and literally make a dry cough turn into a wet one. The breast mixture can be found at the pharmacy, but it is much more useful to prepare it yourself. The Russian people believe: everything created with their own hands has a special energy and preserves a piece of the creator’s soul!

We offer this recipe: mix chamomile, dried rose hips, and plantain. One tablespoon of each plant. The rosehip must first be chopped. Pour the resulting dry mixture with water (1 liter), let it boil, then you need to reduce the flame and keep the mixture on the fire for another 12 minutes. After cooking, strain the mixture, add sugar to taste. You can add honey, but first you need to cool the broth well. During the day, take a few sips every 2-3 hours.


This method helps tiny particles of drugs enter the respiratory tract in the form of vapor. Inhalation moisturizes the irritated throat and ensures the supply of useful substances directly to the source of the disease, without having a general effect on the body. The procedure helps to liquefy mucus and suppress paroxysmal coughing. The airways are cleared after just a few uses.

  • Inhalations with saline solution, mineral water or with the addition of soda have an excellent effect. Alkaline vapors reduce the viscosity of sputum. Pour mineral water or solution into hot water and breathe until the mixture cools. Keep the proportions 1:1. To carry out inhalation with the addition of soda, dissolve half a teaspoon in 250 ml of hot water.
  • Essential oils have many miraculous properties. Prepare a kettle with hot water, add a few drops of any pine or eucalyptus oil. Inhale the vapors for about 5 minutes.
  • It is useful to mix healing herbal infusions with hot water in equal quantities and breathe in the beneficial vapors for no more than 10 minutes.
  • An old, favorite recipe is irreplaceable - inhalations with boiled potatoes. Boil several potatoes, peeled or in their skins, in a saucepan. Lean over the pan, cover your head with a towel and breathe. The procedure time is not strictly limited. For an additional antiseptic effect, add garlic cloves or onions to the potatoes.

Warming ointments (compresses, rubbing)

The main advantage of these methods is the absence of contraindications. The active substances practically do not enter the bloodstream and are not absorbed through the digestive tract, and therefore do not have a systemic effect on the body. Such treatment methods are suitable even for young children. In addition, the methods are very economical and accessible.

Warming ointment recipe.

Mix a tablespoon of honey, alcohol and pork fat and rub the resulting ointment on the patient’s chest, feet and back. After rubbing, put on the patient warm socks and a cotton jacket. The procedure is carried out before bedtime.

Honey cake.

For those who are intolerant of sticky, greasy ointments, this recipe is perfect. Mix honey, vegetable oil, and flour in equal quantities to form a flat cake. Apply as a compress, placing polyethylene and gauze on top of the cake. Secure and leave overnight. After several nights, the cough subsides without really starting.

Potato compress.

Works great for severe dry coughs. Mash freshly boiled jacket potatoes. Place on gauze, up to the middle of the fabric, and cover with the free edge on top. Place a layer of polyethylene and insulation on top. Secure the bandage and hold it until the potatoes begin to cool. The effect will appear after the first procedure!

Compress with vodka.

A simple and warm compress. Heat the vodka to 40 degrees, moisten the gauze with it, squeeze it out. Place on skin and cover with film. Insulate the top.

Attention: Do not leave the vodka compress on the skin for more than four hours! This can cause burns!

Cabbage leaf compress.

Perhaps the most affordable and easiest. The result is noticeable after 3 applications. Proceed as follows:

  • Choose the juiciest leaf
  • Roll it out with a rolling pin
  • Spread with honey
  • Apply sticky side to chest, avoiding heart area
  • Cover with plastic
  • Insulate the top with fabric
  • Lock
  • Leave it overnight

Simple folk recipes.

Do not forget about other, very accessible and popular folk remedies in the fight against painful cough.

  1. Milk and honey. Heat the milk to 50 degrees, add a spoonful of honey, butter and drink this delicious remedy before bed.
  2. Radish with honey. Use a knife to make a small indentation in the center of the root vegetable. Put a couple of spoons of honey there. The radish will release juice, and a healing sweet syrup will form in the hole. It is drunk up to 10 times a day and is liked by young patients
  3. Raspberry jam. Viburnum jam will also work. In combination with warm tea, it softens the throat and helps the overall strengthening of the body.

While carrying out the treatment, drink plenty of fluids and regularly humidify the air in the room. This will help moisturize the mucous membranes and help remove phlegm.

Traditional medicine is safe and proven. Various remedies will quickly relieve a dry cough without spending a lot of money. Try adding several folk remedies to your treatment complex - this will strengthen the body’s defenses and allow you to recover faster. Find your favorite folk recipes that are most effective for you and don’t let illness take your health into its own hands!