For coughing up mucus. The main methods of thinning sputum: drugs, folk remedies. Use of expectorants in children

Runny nose, obsessive cough, body aches – these are the colors the off-season period blossoms in, bringing with it colds and bronchitis. How relieve symptoms? Required. Help bring out sputum stagnation mucolytic drugs. Let's understand the world of pharmaceuticals.

Modern doctors when treating dry skin productive cough mucolytics are prescribed. It is important for doctors to achieve the transition of a dry cough into a wet, productive cough with the release of sputum.

Mucolytics work directly to the mucus itself: if it is too viscous, thick, active ingredients medications break the protein bonds of sputum, thinning it.

The body is much easier to deal with with illness with a wet cough. After all, when you expectorate sputum, the pulmonary system leaves pathogenic microorganisms, causing inflammation. At regular intake such drugs will begin after 2-3 days stop inflammatory process , A symptoms of the disease subside.

Conditions for taking medications

Mucolytic agents are prescribed only if the patient has nonproductive cough(dry type), without expectoration. If the cough syndrome has already entered the wet stage, mucolytics will only cause harm, because such drugs increase the amount of mucus produced.

Thick mucus in the bronchi, produced in large quantities, provokes suffocation (the patient may simply choke on phlegm). And with a dry cough, mucolytics alleviate the condition, softening the cough syndrome and transforming it into a wet cough.

Important. As soon as a patient with bronchitis begins to cough up sputum, mucolytic drugs are stopped. The doctor is already prescribing other medications.

Agents that remove mucus from the bronchi for adults

Mucolytic agents intended for the adult population are produced in in different forms: powders, syrups, tablets.

Most often used to remove mucus from the lungs The following remedies are recommended:

Codelac. The mucolytic drug contains a variety of plant extracts that help thin mucus. The medicine also contains codeine, a powerful expectorant. But Codelac also has a minus - this drug is addictive, so the course of its use is limited.

ACC. One of the popular and effective mucolytics. It helps produce sputum and makes it less viscous, while simultaneously stopping coughing attacks. ACC is also available in powder form with pleasant taste(it is diluted with water and taken). The advantage of this product is its safety for the body.

Lazolvan. It is not for nothing that the drug has earned popularity among doctors - the effect of its use is immediately visible. Lazolvan perfectly relieves cough, relieves shortness of breath and spasms. But this potent medicine has a number of side effects and contraindications.

Pharmacists can offer more gentle drugs for removing phlegm as a replacement. Analogues of Lazolvan are no less effective Ambroxol, Bromhexine, Broncholitin or Ambrobene.

Important. You cannot use medicines with different names at the same time, but similar composition. This leads to overdose and the development of dangerous side effects.

Treatment of children

Drugs that help remove mucus from children's bronchi are prescribed strictly as prescribed by the doctor. Only a pediatrician can accurately identify the cause of the disease, type of cough and choose the appropriate remedy.

As good mucolytic drugs that remove mucus from the bronchi, traditional healers The following types of medications are recommended:

Herbal based. The most effective ways relieve cough and remove phlegm. Traditionally, such medicines are prepared in in the form of tinctures and decoctions. The most accessible recipes to prepare are the following:

  1. Mix equal quantities (25 g each) of coltsfoot, oregano and chamomile leaves. Steam the herbal mixture with ½ liter of boiling water and bring to a boil. Take 100 ml decoction every 3-4 hours.
  2. Grind the dry licorice root and add the same amount of coltsfoot and plantain leaves. Brew the mixture with boiling water and leave for a couple of hours to infuse. Drink 20 ml every 4 hours.
  3. Grind a collection of oregano, plantain, birch leaves and buds. Pour the finished mixture (20 g) with water (500 ml) and boil. After infusion, after 30-40 minutes, take 50 ml three times a day.

Based on products. Funds from which you can prepare excellent preparations For removal of mucus from the bronchi, can be found in any kitchen. These are honey, onions, milk, radish, sugar and horseradish. How to prepare the medicine:

  1. Finely chop the onion (½ kg) and add sugar (500 g) to it.
  2. Dilute the mixture with a liter of water and put on fire.
  3. Bring to a boil and boil for 3-4 minutes.
  4. Cool and add honey (50 g).

Take the medicine orally 10 ml after meals. As soon as the sputum begins to separate, it enters the battle milk and garlic. Finely chop 3-4 garlic cloves and add the spicy paste to a glass of milk. Bring the mixture to a boil. Drink 25 ml three times a day.

How to prevent side effects

Drugs, helping to remove mucus from the lungs, rarely cause pronounced side effects. But doctors note cases of the development of allergic reactions with an overdose of the drug.

Important. Such drugs should be taken with caution in patients with problems of cardio-vascular system and in the presence of chronic diseases.

Illiterate use of drugs, removing phlegm from the bronchi, may cause exacerbation of existing diseases and provoke serious complications(Quincke's edema, allergies and even anaphylactic shock).

Who should not take mucolytics?

Each drug that thins mucus and promotes its removal from the bronchi, has a number contraindications. Basically, these drugs not recommended:

  • with a wet cough;
  • expectant mothers;
  • nursing women;
  • if you have a tendency to allergies;
  • in case of individual intolerance to individual components of the drug.

Important. When prescribing mucolytic drugs, doctors also take into account the patient’s age. Some types of mucolytics are prohibited for use in young children and the elderly.

Some drugs that remove mucus from the bronchi increase the effects of other medications. Therefore, it is necessary to carefully study the instructions for medications and do not self-medicate.

Accumulation of sputum in the bronchi in pregnant women

Doctors at treatment of expectant mothers We strongly advise against trying to practice self-therapy. After all, many of effective drugs which relieve symptoms of sputum stagnation, contraindicated for pregnant women:

But medicines made from natural plant materials(allowed for children), can also be used by pregnant women. It is not prohibited to use recipes traditional medicine(but after doctor's approval).

Important. Expectant mothers should absolutely not drink homemade medicines made from oregano and wild rosemary. These herbs cause contractions of the uterus and can lead to the risk of miscarriage.

The safest thing for pregnant women is done with the help of ordinary baking soda . It can be inhaled, used externally in the form of compresses and taken orally.

Drugs that remove phlegm in elderly patients

For older people age category extreme caution should be taken approach the use of mucolytics.

Many of the drugs that remove mucus from the bronchi Do not take it with a number of other medications at the same time, as well as in the presence of chronic diseases.

Doctors recommend that older people use mucolytic preparations based on N-acetylcysteine. These are ACC, Mucosolvin, etc. These medications are prescribed orally daily dose from 600 to 1200 mg or using a nebulizer (inhalation).

Important. The advantage of acetylcysteine ​​is its powerful antioxidant activity, which is important for older people.

U older people in the body are characterized by increased oxidative processes and reduced antioxidant activity of blood serum. But mucolytics can provoke bronchospasms! Therefore, in any case, before carrying out, you need to seek help from a doctor.

Take care of yourself!

Video about drugs that remove mucus from the bronchi

After a painful dry cough turns into a productive one, a patient with bronchitis usually faces the problem of how to remove mucus from the bronchi. It is imperative to deal with it, because the accumulation of mucus causes significant discomfort. It may hinder normal breathing and even eating. But the main thing is that it is a source of infection, which can spread from the bronchi to neighboring organs and cause complications.

Cleansing respiratory tract from sputum is the most important task, without which the treatment of bronchitis will not be complete.

Basic measures for removing phlegm

The process of clearing phlegm from the bronchi is especially difficult in young children. It is easier for an adult to get rid of it than for a child. The cough reflex is fully formed, the muscles of the bronchi and the cilia of the epithelium are more active, expelling phlegm. The volumes of bronchial mucus inherent in adults, its composition, and consistency make it easier for the body to eliminate it.

However, at any age, taking medications to help remove mucus from the lower respiratory tract is indicated. Drinking regime and indoor microclimate, physiotherapeutic procedures and complement the effect of drug treatment.

Actions to cleanse the bronchi of sputum can be taken in the following directions:

  • thinning sputum if it is too thick;
  • increase in its output glandular cells mucous membrane with scanty secretion;
  • reducing the production of sputum in cases where it is excessively abundant and the body cannot cope with its elimination in full;
  • stimulation of peristalsis of bronchial smooth muscles and motility of epithelial cilia, which push out mucus.

How to thin bronchial mucus

The density of sputum depends on the causative agent of the disease, the stage of the disease, and complications. Watery consistency is characteristic of viral diseases upper respiratory tract. As the infection descends, the sputum thickens, especially if a bacterial infection is attached.

With bronchitis, rather thick and viscous mucus is produced, and the development of a purulent process increases the viscosity of the sputum. To facilitate the passage of bronchial secretions, you first need to liquefy them. Liquid, watery sputum sticks less to the inner walls of the respiratory tract and is easier to push out.

Did you know? The type of sputum depends on the type of bronchitis. Catarrhal, atrophic and infectious bronchitis is accompanied by mucous sputum, obstructive– viscous sputum with bloody and purulent streaks, allergic– both liquid transparent and thick sputum, smoker's bronchitis– brown sputum with blood and pus, hemorrhagic- sputum with blood, destructive- sputum with pus. Only a specialist can determine the type of bronchitis according to the type of sputum produced. In order to most accurately diagnose the disease and prescribe effective treatment, we recommend making an appointment with a pulmonologist in your city.

The following measures help to thin sputum:

  • air humidification (prevention of drying out of the mucous membranes), using modern air humidifiers;
  • active hydration of the body, the easiest way to ensure it drinking plenty of fluids. Drinks should be warm, not irritate the mucous membranes and not cause dehydration. Therefore, alcohol or coffee, soda, drinks with sweeteners are not suitable. But alkaline drinking is great for removing hard-to-clear phlegm;
  • walks in the open air;
  • wet, warm, steam inhalations, better with alkaline compounds, mineral water“Borjomi”, “Narzan”, as well as with herbal infusions;
  • taking mucolytic drugs that reduce the viscosity of bronchial mucus (BMU);
  • taking folk remedies to thin sputum. We recommend using the monastery collection of Father George “16 herbs”.

There is no clear line separating drugs for thinning sputum from drugs that stimulate its excretion. Majority pharmaceutical medicines combine both effects. And when doing this, people note that they help get rid of phlegm, but do not think about how exactly this happens.

Regulation of phlegm secretion

In addition to changing the viscosity and elasticity of sputum, sometimes there is a need to regulate its production. There are expectorants that have an irritating effect on:

  • gastric mucosa and vomiting center;
  • the mucous membrane of the bronchi themselves.

In both cases, the secretion of sputum is stimulated, and more liquid. Taking such drugs is indicated to increase cough productivity. They are helping:

  • relieve dry cough associated with insufficient sputum production;
  • quickly remove the secretion formed during a wet cough from the bronchi.

Sometimes, to clarify the diagnosis and prescribe the correct treatment, it is necessary to collect sputum for analysis. If it is formed in insufficient quantities or is discharged very poorly due to increased viscosity, this is difficult to do. In such a situation, taking expectorants that activate the production of liquid bronchial mucus will also help.

The opposite situation is possible: sputum is formed in significant quantities, and cleansing the respiratory system from it also becomes more difficult. It fills the entire lumen of the respiratory tract, provokes frequent cough. In these cases, the use of mucolytic drugs that suppress the secretion of bronchial mucus is indicated. These include, in particular, Libexin Muco syrup. It also makes phlegm more elastic, reducing its viscosity.

When a patient coughs and there is no sputum in the bronchi or it is too viscous and there is very little of it, it is necessary to increase its volume and increase its elasticity. If sputum is produced in sufficient quantities and is not too thick, treatment is reduced to stimulating the activity of muscle and epithelial tissue bronchi. This effect is exerted by expectorants with a reflex or direct resorptive effect.

The first group includes, in particular, thermopsis preparations. Despite their plant origin, they can be used to cleanse the bronchi only in adults. The alkaloids included in the thermopsis extract either stimulate or inhibit respiratory function, may provoke vomiting.

Safer marshmallow preparations:

  • Mucaltin tablets;
  • Alteyka syrup;
  • marshmallow roots for making infusion.

They have combined action: thin mucus and help get rid of it, envelop the mucous membrane and protect against irritation, relieve inflammation. The combination of expectorant and anti-inflammatory effect is typical for many medicinal plants: plantain, coltsfoot, wild rosemary, thyme. They are used as dry raw materials for preparing infusions, and syrups and other medicinal formulations are produced from their extracts.

Some directly affect the bronchial mucosa chemical substances, for example, included in combination drug Amtersol. They increase the secretion of sputum and allow it to be removed from the bronchi faster.

Any expectorant and mucolytic drugs can be used only if the patient does not have an allergic reaction to their components. You must also make sure that there are no other contraindications or restrictions.

Removing mucus without drugs

Cleansing the bronchi is quite successful using traditional medicine. It is impossible to list all the recipes, here are just a few:

  • put chopped garlic and onion in a jar, add a small amount of sugar and leave for several hours. Strain the resulting syrup and take a tablespoon after each meal;
  • mix 100 g each butter and honey, add 15 g fresh juice aloe, take a teaspoon in the morning and evening.

Special products help get rid of phlegm breathing exercises:

  1. Lie on your back without putting a pillow under your head. Turn on your side, alternately on both sides, but not completely, but by 45⁰, accompanying the movements deep breaths and exhalations. 4-6 repetitions.
  2. Kneel down and perform 6 forward bends in a row. After a minute's rest, repeat the inclinations.
  3. Lie on the edge of the bed, turn on your side so that top part the body hung down. Return to starting position, perform 4 approaches. Repeat while lying on the other side.
  4. Lie on your back for half an hour without a pillow, raising your legs with a roller by 20-30 cm. Repeat after a quarter of an hour.

Mucus released during exercise must be spat out.

Drugs that remove phlegm from the lungs are often used for colds and flu, and these diseases very often occur in adults and children with the onset of cold weather. Often data inflammatory diseases manifest themselves with weakness and body aches, fever, sore throat, as well as a runny nose and severe cough.

It is worth saying that a cough can occur after a certain time, or it begins almost immediately after infection, in this case it is simply necessary to take medications as quickly as possible that will help remove mucus from the lungs and also improve the patient’s well-being.

Cough is divided into two types, the first most often manifests itself in initial stage disease, it will be dry and sore throat, moist cough with sputum separation occurs only at the end of treatment. In each case, it is imperative to consult a doctor, since cough tablets can only be taken if they have been prescribed to the patient by a doctor.

Why are mucolytics used for coughs?

Today, doctors often prescribe to their patients drugs that are made on the basis of cysteine; they most effectively help remove phlegm from the bronchi, as well as eliminate annoying coughs. The fact is that the product acts on the sputum itself; if the mucus is too viscous, then the components break the protein bonds in its composition, thereby helping to make the substance more liquid, helping to remove it. In this case with sputum lungs will be much easier to cope with, because it’s soft and liquid substance it is separated much easier, and if the elimination of the substance is accelerated, the patient will quickly recover.

Well, if we consider the theory of some scientists, then almost any liquid that is ingested can lead to liquefaction of sputum, for this reason it is so important to drink as much warm liquid as possible during illness. When a dry cough occurs, the doctor recommends drinking milk with added butter or honey to soften the mucous membranes of the throat. At the same time, it is often recommended to add a little goat fat to milk; this substance perfectly helps to liquefy mucus and remove it from the lungs.

The advantage of mucolytic drugs is that they help turn a dry cough into a wet one, making it possible to remove all excess from the bronchi.

In what cases can you take mucolytics?

This type of medication is prescribed exclusively if the patient has a dry productive cough, but if the person has already begun to produce sputum, then the use of these medications will lead to the patient’s sputum production increasing significantly; often patients simply choke on such sputum because they cannot spit it out secreted mucus. But with a dry cough, the use of such a syrup or tablet will immediately help make the cough less severe and continuous, and when a person feels better, it will become much easier for phlegm to come out of the bronchi during a cough.

Over time, the sputum becomes more liquid, thus the separation of mucus occurs in a shorter period of time, and the inflammation process will begin to decrease; after a few days, coughing attacks will become less significant, after which they will gradually subside until full recovery sick. It is at the moment of sputum separation that it is necessary to stop using this drug and start using drugs based on other substances.

Drugs for adults

For adults, there is a certain list of drugs that help thin mucus and then remove it from the lungs to the most short time, while the funds themselves are issued in various forms, it can be sweet syrup or tablets. You should not prescribe medicine for yourself, since only a doctor can assess the patient’s health status, and also take into account his tolerance to various medications and age. Some older people find it very difficult to take pills, as they can be difficult to swallow; in this case, the doctor should prescribe the use of the drug in syrup form.

Codelac . If you need to quickly remove phlegm, you should use this remedy to improve well-being and remove mucus from the bronchi, it is prescribed to adults and children from two and a half years old. In this drug you can see a lot of useful components, ranging from various herbs and plant roots to codeine, which is a wonderful antitussive substance. This drug helps to suppress cough easily, but healing herbs and decoctions help make sputum less viscous, thereby facilitating the coughing up of mucus from the bronchi.

Unfortunately, this popular remedy has certain disadvantages, for example, it quickly becomes highly addictive, for this reason it is prohibited to take it for a long time. The list of contraindications also includes the period of pregnancy and breastfeeding, but that’s not all, since for some chronic diseases it is strictly prohibited to take the drug as a treatment.

This drug is also considered very effective, and also popular in our time; many doctors prescribe this remedy for dry coughs to make sputum less viscous, and also to reduce attacks of suffocating cough. Many people prefer to buy ACC in powder form, since the medicine can be dissolved in hot water and drink, the drink tastes good and also relieves unpleasant symptoms. A plus is the fact that this product is allowed to be used by adults and children after one year of age.

Lazolvan . Although this remedy has shown itself to be very effective in the treatment of reproductive cough, it is still worth mentioning right away about a whole list of side effects and contraindications for use. The medicine perfectly helps relieve spasms and attacks of suffocation from coughing, which has earned great popularity, as it has an effect after the first use. After using the product, the olvioles of the lungs quickly unfold, this is noticeable, as it becomes much easier for the patient to breathe.

This drug is available in the form of syrup or liquid for intravenous administration, but I would like to clarify that this remedy has a number of analogues, for example, you can use Brombexin, Ambrobene or Ambroxol, Broncholitin has the same effect.

It is very important to understand what to take different drugs with a similar composition at the same time is strictly prohibited, this can lead not only to side effects, but will also cause an overdose of the main components of the drug.

For this reason, it is so important to get a doctor's opinion before prescribing a particular cough remedy, especially when treating a cough in a child.

Children's drugs

Medicines that thin sputum when coughing in children must be prescribed with the help of a doctor’s consultation, since a specialist will be able to accurately determine the type of cough and then prescribe necessary funds for his treatment. Most often, in childhood, doctors try to prescribe milder medications for the baby. plant based, Pertusin, Prospan or Mucaltin performed well, although today there are also some types of syrups that are based on natural herbs, they are allowed to be given to children with early age. Still, even more natural species syrups cannot be called completely harmless to the baby’s body; in any case, each medicine can cause some harm during treatment.

The thing is that no one can say exactly how exactly the child’s body will react to a new medicine that is used for treatment, because allergies or side effects can even be from natural ingredients. It’s not uncommon even for such simple drugs can cause an allergic reaction and rash all over the baby's body; in some cases, children experience severe upset stomach, especially in those babies who have just begun to introduce complementary foods. For this reason, doctors are very wary of prescribing useful remedies for coughs, as they can do more harm to the child than good.

The younger the child is, the more difficult it is to prescribe for him correct treatment, and medications containing codeine are generally strictly prohibited for use by children under three years of age. For children, doctors prefer to prescribe less aggressive drugs, ideal option will become decoctions of herbs or various traditional methods treatments allowed in childhood.

Helps very well breast collection, milk with added milk also has a wonderful effect on the neck small quantity honey, it is worth trying inhalation methods with soda, as it eliminates dryness and softens the mucous membrane of the baby’s throat.

It is important to apply a lot warm drink, it is useful to give to a child warm milk, tea with added raspberry jam, alkaline water will be no less useful, different kinds not sour fruit drinks, because a large number of water renders positive influence to separate sputum from the lungs, and in childhood it will not be so easy to remove it. It is worthwhile to ventilate the baby’s room as often as possible, and also to humidify the room using any available means.

Types of mucolytics for children

Bromhexine 4 mg.
This drug in tablets is approved for use only after six years of age; it helps enhance the effect of antibiotics if the child takes them, and can also enhance the effect of expectorants; this should be taken into account when prescribing the drug to a child. If the child is under six years old, then from two years of age it is allowed to inhale with a special solution of this drug.

ACC. ACC has proven itself to be excellent for children, while the drug up to two years of age is taken only if its dosage has been accurately calculated by the doctor; older children are allowed to use the drug in accordance with age group. It has a good effect on very thick mucus, helping to make it more liquid so that the baby can cough up mucus without effort.

Ambrobene, Lazolvan, Ambroxol. If it is necessary to use drugs that dilute sputum, it is necessary to pay attention to these solutions; they are allowed to be used to treat cough in children over two years of age, and the syrups must be taken under the strict supervision of a doctor. Most often, they are used for no more than five days, and then it is necessary to change the medications to others so as not to cause addiction. They produce drugs in a convenient form of syrup or ether, since it is difficult for children to swallow drugs in the form of tablets, but syrups have a pleasant taste, which facilitates the treatment process.

Contraindications for use

Each product that thins sputum may have its own contraindications; most of them are strictly contraindicated for women carrying a child, as well as for nursing mothers. It is also important not to take this medicine if you have a productive cough, so as not to worsen your health. It is prohibited to use the drug if there is an allergic reaction to the components, as well as if the patient has an individual intolerance to the components of this product. medicine.

It is also important to take into account the patient’s age, since in childhood and adolescence some types of drugs are strictly prohibited; people with drug addiction will have to refrain from using codeine-based drugs.

Some types of mucolytics can enhance the effect of other drugs that the patient takes during the treatment of cough; it is very important to use such drugs under the supervision of a doctor if the patient has serious chronic diseases lungs and heart.

Possible side effects

Such drugs have their side effect quite rare, but there have still been cases when medications led to an allergic reaction; it is also important to take them carefully for people with heart and vascular problems, so as not to cause an exacerbation of certain diseases in chronic condition. Since the composition contains many medicinal plants and esters, the use of syrups and tablets can lead to Quincke's edema or even anaphylactic shock.

As a rule, illness strikes when a person is absolutely not ready to face it. The most common in modern society are considered viral infections, as well as diseases associated with damage to the respiratory system. The cough that accompanies such diseases can be dry or wet, but in any case it is necessary to help the body by removing mucus from the bronchi. Doctors included complex therapy For respiratory diseases, mucolytics are prescribed to help thin mucus, or expectorants to help remove it.

Mucus thinners

In case of illness accompanied by a dry, debilitating cough, it is important to clear the bronchi of accumulated mucus. The body tries to do this by coughing, however, if the phlegm is too thick, then it is not so easy to remove it. Doctors, after listening to the patient’s complaints about a dry, “barking” cough, as a rule, prescribe mucolytic drugs that help thin the sputum. Experts divide mucolytics into two groups: direct and non-direct. direct action. Both stimulate the functioning of the bronchial glands due to reflex irritation of the mucous membrane and, ultimately, contribute to the dilution of sputum. The question of what remedy to prescribe to the patient is decided by the doctor, having studied the nature of the disease and the course of the disease. pathological process. That is why self-medication is not recommended, since the cough medicine that will help one person may be absolutely useless for another. Direct-acting mucolytic drugs include cysteine, acetylcysteine, and trypsin. Indirect action Bromhexine and ambroxol provide

Main groups of mucolytics

Experts traditionally divide mucolytic agents into three types:

Helps reduce mucus thickness

Promoting sputum removal

Helps reduce the amount of mucus.

Medicines of the first group are prescribed to those patients whose cough is too dry, not accompanied by sputum production. They strengthen secretory function bronchi, dilute mucus, thereby facilitating its removal. In the event that sputum is excreted, but its amount is insignificant, and the secreted mucus is too thick and viscous, a mucolytic cough remedy of the second type is prescribed. Medicines belonging to the third type of mucolytics are used by doctors to treat coughs accompanied by significant secretion of thick mucus.

Mucolytics of plant origin I

Application of plants in medicinal purposes came to us from our Slavic ancestors. Many herbs and flowers are known to be beautiful and effective means against coughs and colds, while practically not causing unwanted effects. Typically used in pharmacology herbal teas, extracts, dry mixtures that have an anti-inflammatory effect, helping to reduce swelling of the mucous membrane. Medicines based on thyme affect the upper respiratory tract, reducing inflammation in the throat. Such drugs include "Bronchicum". A cough medicine containing ivy leaf extract and marshmallow root has a pronounced mucolytic effect and creates conditions for easy removal of phlegm. Remedies that combine thyme extract and plantain effectively cure tracheitis and bronchitis, accompanied by difficult sputum discharge. These medications include cough tablets "Mukaltin" and syrup "Linkas".

Products for children

To treat cough in children, herbal preparations are usually used. They are prescribed for diseases of the upper and lower respiratory tract in children, and more protracted diseases of the lungs and bronchi. One of such medicines is "Mukaltin". Tablets, the instructions for use of which allow their use in pediatrics, are actively prescribed as a medicine for the treatment of severe cough in young patients. An equally popular remedy for children is Alteyka syrup, as well as Pertussin, Stoptussin, and Bronchicum. All these drugs are safe to use due to their plant origin. They reduce the density of sputum and improve the excretory function of the bronchi. Mucolytic drugs for children, as a rule, do not pose any harm to the baby, but before use you should definitely consult with your pediatrician, and treatment should be carried out under the supervision of doctors.

Medicines for adults

A modern pharmacy chain offers enough a wide range of mucolytic drugs. Some are intended to treat only adult patients; the main contraindication to the use of such drugs is childhood up to 12 years old. The most common mucolytics for adults are:

- "Gerbion" "syrup").

- "Gedelix".

- "Lazolvan" in syrup.

- "Bronholitin" (potion).

- "Prospan" (potion).

Primrose syrup.

Licorice root syrup.

- "Ambroxol" in tablet form;

- "Bromhexine" (in tablets and mixture).

These drugs are the most common antitussives. Some of them are plant-based, others, in turn, are synthetic. But both are equally effective for diseases of the upper and lower respiratory tract.

Children's drugs

Pharmacies also have a fairly wide range of drugs for treatment. children's cough. For the most part, these are also mucolytic agents. The list of the most common children's cough medications is as follows:

- "Gedelix" in drops.

- "Doctor MOM" in syrup.

- "Mukaltin" (tablets).

Licorice root syrup.

Dry children's cough medicine.

Syrup "Pertussin".

Considering that these drugs contain herbal ingredients, the absence or presence of an allergic reaction to the components of the drugs should be taken into account.

Action of expectorants

Expectorants are designed to remove mucus from the bronchi, while effectively clearing the airways. As a rule, sputum production gradually decreases significantly, and the cough gradually goes away. The first group of expectorants has a pronounced irritating effect on the gastrointestinal tract, stimulating the gag reflex. But it doesn’t come to the point of vomiting, the production of mucus in the respiratory tract simply increases, thus the bronchi are cleansed and gradually healed. The second group of expectorant drugs acts directly on the bronchial mucosa, thereby stimulating their secretion. The effect of such expectorants is to some extent similar to that produced by mucolytic drugs.

Cough expectorants

Expectorants in the modern pharmacy assortment are also presented in the form herbal preparations and synthetic drugs. The decision to prescribe a particular drug is made by the doctor, taking into account the presence or absence of a cough, accompanied by the release of viscous and difficult to remove sputum. The most popular among patients are Lazolvan, Prospan, ACC 200, ACC Long, Sinekod, Bronchostop, Amrobene and other drugs.

Use of expectorants in children

Treatment of cough in children using expectorants is quite common. Despite the availability of a group of these drugs in the pharmacy chain and their free over-the-counter sales, doctors warn parents that self-medication with such drugs is dangerous for children. When looking for what can be defined as a good expectorant, parents should contact their pediatrician. The doctor will be able to correctly determine the nature of the pathological process in the child and select optimal treatment. Some expectorants for children may have double action: mucolytic and expectorant (for example, "Mukaltin"). Tablets, the instructions for use of which specify its sputum-thinning properties, also help remove it from the bronchi. If the baby has a wet cough, liquid sputum under the influence of mucaltin will liquefy even more and intensively accumulate, closing the lumen of the bronchi from the inside. This threatens the child with bronchial obstruction, and this will be caused by incorrectly selected treatment.

Expectorants for children

Many expectorants contain thermopsis herb. These are medications such as "Thermopsol" in tablet form, "Cough tablets", "Codelac Broncho" in tablet form and in syrup. The use of these drugs for the complex treatment of diseases in children should be approached with caution, since even with a slight overdose the baby may vomit. Moreover, the components of these drugs stimulate respiratory function, which is replaced by depression. Therefore, parents should use such expectorants strictly as prescribed by the doctor, and follow the dosage prescribed by the doctor. You should know that the drug "Codelac" belongs to the group "Expectorants and mucolytics", so the issue of using this drug for the treatment of children is decided in mandatory specialist.

Herbal remedies for babies

Marshmallow-based products are also effective medications for the treatment of cough in children. Most parents speak positively about treating coughs in their children with expectorants such as Mukaltin and Alteyka syrup. These drugs belong to the herbal group, and therefore are considered to be somewhat safe. However, you should know that side effects when using these medications also occur, and there are contraindications that should be taken into account. First of all this allergic reactions on the components of the drug, the baby’s history of other somatic disorders, For example gastrointestinal tract. The question of the advisability of using herbal preparations to treat children is also decided by a certified physician.

Treatment of cough in adult patients

Most people think that a good cough expectorant is an expensive and overhyped medicine. Often this opinion turns out to be erroneous, since the drug that helps eliminate a specific pathological condition. The cost of a drug does not depend on its effectiveness and efficiency, but is determined by the policies of the pharmaceutical company and the manufacturer. A cough in which there is no sputum is considered dry. Most often, doctors recommend cough suppressants: Sinekod, Codeine, Cofex.

If sputum discharge is poor, completely different drugs will be effective - not those that suppress the cough, but those that help thin the sputum. The most popular are "Gedelix", "Lazolvan", "Prospan". Wet cough, as a rule, is accompanied by an abundant accumulation of mucus in the respiratory tract, which is why doctors recommend expectorants that do not have a pronounced mucolytic property: Ambroxol, Bromhexine, Erespal. Correctly selected medicinal product- the key to a quick and complete recovery, therefore doctors do not recommend self-medication for either children or adults.

Treatment of cough in children

Coughing in babies, as a rule, causes many unpleasant moments for parents and the child himself. Many groups of mucolytic drugs are prohibited for children under one year of age, since the harm from their use by infants significantly outweighs the benefits. Pediatricians say that expectorant thinners for babies are selected with extreme caution, since uncontrolled self-medication can lead to severe complications in the respiratory tract. Among the expectorant drugs allowed for children up to one year old, we can highlight “Gedelix”, licorice root syrup, “Pertussin”. From six months onwards, babies can also be treated with dry cough syrup. For severe forms of diseases of the pulmonary system in children effective means is "Lazolvan", syrup "Bromhexine", "Ambrobene".

Rules for determining an effective medicine for children

Only a pediatrician should select a drug to treat a child’s cough. otherwise there is a great risk of harming the child’s health. Many mucolytic drugs are allowed only from the age of two, so parents need to take a responsible approach to treatment and strictly follow the recommendations of children's doctors. Before you start choosing and purchasing a medicine for your baby, you need to show your child to the doctor and listen to his recommendations.

The respiratory organs provide not only air exchange, but also serve as a special filter human body. They take out carbon dioxide, take part in blood filtration, trap unnecessary dust particles and microorganisms that enter the air. Clearing the respiratory tract is beneficial even for a healthy person. It is especially important to remove mucus during bronchitis and other respiratory diseases .

Normally, the bronchial mucosa produces about 100 ml of secretion daily. IN healthy body this secretion is transparent, slightly viscous and is called mucus. It retains everything that is inhaled and is expelled from the body by coughing. Such secretions are considered a physiological norm and are even necessary to protect the respiratory tract.

Sputum is the pathological mucus that is formed during respiratory diseases.. Its color and consistency differ from physiological norm, and the very presence of phlegm in the bronchi only makes breathing difficult and slows down the healing process. Such discharge from the respiratory tract consists not only of mucus, but also contains dead immune cells, bacteria, viruses, allergens and more.

It is very important to clear the airways of pathological mucus, although sometimes its thick consistency makes this difficult even with severe cough. Helps improve expectoration special exercises for sputum removal.

Breathing exercises

Proper breathing exercises can significantly speed up the healing process. Pulmonologists recommend doing it even healthy person. Gymnastics helps:

  1. Reduce the inflammatory process.
  2. Improve blood circulation and increase hemoglobin levels.
  3. Facilitate the removal of mucus from the bronchi in a child even without taking medications.
  4. Prevent complications of bronchitis.
  5. Strengthen your immune system.

Rules breathing exercises:

  1. Inhalation is done sharply, making effort.
  2. Exhalation is passive, without the participation of the abdominal muscles and diaphragm.
  3. Breathing is carried out alternately through the nose and mouth.
  4. The rhythm of breathing is observed, as when marching.
  5. When inhaling through the mouth, the nose does not need to be involved in breathing.

The classic example is. The exercises she recommends are performed 2 times a day, duration is 2-3 weeks. An example of two basic exercises:

  1. The patient leans forward slightly, arms hanging down freely. Inhale through the nose with a slight tilt of the torso, exhale freely, lifting the body. After 8 breaths, you need to rest and clear your throat.
  2. Hands are located at shoulder level and bent at the elbows. On inhalation they cross, on exhalation they separate. Breathing alternates through the nose and mouth.

You can see several exercises in the video below:

At bronchial asthma The Buteyko method is popular, which is based on studying your breathing, maintaining its natural rhythm and inhaling only through your nose. It can also be used for dry coughs, as it not only removes phlegm, but also normalizes metabolism in the body as a whole.

Breathing exercises, massage, drainage

A method that combines breathing and drainage exercises is very effective in getting rid of phlegm. During the height of bronchitis with elevated temperature such physical exercise prohibited, but recovery period they significantly speed up recovery.

The idea is that the patient performs breathing exercises while lying down, and then facilitates the removal of mucus with a vibration massage chest. You can lie on your side, back or stomach, taking into account the location of sputum stagnation. The head should be located below the body. When changing body position or exercise, you need to take a deep breath and cough several times. Exercises are performed several times a day, here is an example of some of them:

  1. Lie on your side without a pillow, do a few deep breaths and clear your throat.
  2. Lie for half an hour without a pillow with your legs elevated, walk around a little and repeat.
  3. To expectorate mucus from the upper parts of the lungs, you can rotate your arms at the shoulder joints with your elbows bent.
  4. Position yourself on the bed so that your torso hangs down from the edge. turn to the other side. Repeat several times.

Exercises for children

Breathing exercises are as beneficial for children as they are for adults. But the massage should be done more carefully, using less effort and taking into account the age of the child.

A few examples of breathing exercises for a child:

  1. Blow hard into a whistle, ball or dandelion.
  2. Tie a feather to a rope and blow on it. Inhale through the nose and exhale through the mouth.
  3. Walking around the room, during which you need to clap your hands behind your back, above your head and in front of you. Breathing is done through the nose.

All exercises should last no longer than 5 minutes. For bronchial asthma, such exercises are recommended to be done daily to regularly clear the airways of mucus and prevent attacks

Positional drainage

The technique is based on the fact that gravity promotes the removal of sputum. To do this, the patient needs to take a certain body position, depending on the location of the clot accumulation. Exercises are done twice a day for 30 minutes. Some recommendations on how to properly cough up phlegm using positional drainage:

  1. For pneumonia and sputum V lower sections lungs, the patient is positioned lying down, at an angle to the floor, head down. In this case, you need to breathe deeply using the muscles of the diaphragm.
  2. Removal of mucus from the lungs into upper sections take a sitting position, making circular movements shoulder joints. The arms are spread to the sides and bent at the elbows.
  3. Ease coughing After such exercises, a prolonged, forceful exhalation will help so that the air from the respiratory tract pushes the mucus out. Before you need to use bronchodilators.

Drainage gymnastics

Drainage for cleansing the bronchi and lungs uses various groups muscles, usually the abdominal muscles.

  1. In a lying position, the arms are located along the body. As you inhale, spread them apart, then pull your knees to your chest and, as you exhale, clasp them with your arms. After coughing, repeat the exercise.
  2. Lying on your back, one arm goes down along the body, the other goes straight behind the head. Hands alternate at a fast pace for 1 minute.
  3. Lying on your stomach, hold your hands under your chin, alternately move your legs back, straining your back muscles.

Drug stimulation

Effect of with bronchitis will be significantly higher if you combine exercises with drug therapy . For this purpose, drugs from the group of mucolytics (thinning sputum), expectorants and antihistamines, bronchodilators.

Many patients notice good effect from the use of yoga exercises for bronchitis. They are different from the classic