Keep a fast on what you can eat. What can you eat during Lent, and what food is better to abstain from?

By voluntarily giving up food and not taking part in entertainment, a person fasts. Usually Christians make this decision, knowing what they can eat during Lent and adhering to proper diet, even without fast food you can maintain vigor and strength for work and full life.

Some beginning Orthodox Christians sometimes make the mistake of thinking that fasting means complete failure from eating. Not at all. To begin with, you should avoid all kinds of events where a person is just having fun without doing anything:

  • no holiday celebrations;
  • do not watch entertainment programs;
  • avoid all kinds of negative actions and misconduct;
  • don't make love;
  • do not swear;
  • do not discuss anyone or gossip.

Only after this should you eat the specified food during Lent, refusing the fast food.

What to eat during fasting - list of staple foods

Anyone who wanted to fast should not hesitate to familiarize themselves with the list of the most popular foods allowed for consumption.

You can eat the following during Lent:

  • Almost all varieties of cereal products: from semolina to pearl barley.
  • All possible vegetables.
  • Dishes of fruits and berries in any form (raw, fried, baked, boiled, canned).
  • Nuts, whatever is available.
  • Any mushrooms.
  • Spices from plants and vegetables (ground and whole pepper, herbs, cardamom, cloves, cinnamon, etc.).
  • Honey and other bee products.

It is mandatory to eat during the fasting period, because no one forces you to undergo a strict survival test. This is just a certain test for the believer. In order for the body to function properly these days, it will need protein. What sources can there be if food of animal origin is prohibited?

It's simple. Vegetable protein will be a lifesaver. The diet includes peas, beans and other available legumes. They will help you fast deliciously. It won’t be difficult to cook a nice soup from vegetables, some cereals, chickpeas and season it with your favorite spices. However, even such a dish should be eaten in moderation, using it only to satisfy hunger.

When is it permissible to eat fish during fasting?

This product is prohibited in some cases. This applies to days in strict fast. To avoid mistakes, you need to know how to use it correctly.

Inclusion fish products It is not forbidden to participate in a Lenten diet if the fast itself coincides with a large church holiday. Usually this

  • Annunciation
  • Lazarev Saturday
  • Sunday before Easter
  • Transfiguration

During the Nativity fast, fish is allowed on the dinner table on Saturday and Sunday. On these same days of the week you can eat it during Peter’s Fast, plus on Thursday and Tuesday.

If your health is too weak, it is better to eat fish on all days, having previously discussed this with the priest.

Meals on different days of the week

There are certain rules dictating the consumption of food in different days differently. In some cases they don't eat at all. Sometimes relaxation is possible.

The strictest fast falls on three odd days:

  1. Monday
  2. Wednesday
  3. Friday

If you have the strength, it is better to refuse food or eat raw foods without adding any vegetable oil.

The main thing is what the meal will consist of:

  • bread, preferably rye;
  • jelly or compotes, without sweet additives;
  • fruits vegetables.

Days allowing boiled or fried food without vegetable oils - Thursday and Tuesday.

On weekends, you are allowed to pamper yourself with soup prepared using sunflower or any other vegetable oil. Fish is not forbidden.

Some rules for eating during Lent

For that. To observe the strictest fast, first of all you need to calculate your strength. The health status of the person who is going to endure it plays a big role. Sometimes mothers who breastfeed babies are allowed a small amount of meat products. The same applies to those suffering from serious illnesses.

What do you give up during Lent?

  • seafood;
  • meat;
  • any fish;
  • milk and everything that is made from it
  • egg;
  • any baked goods containing additives from the above;
  • sauces, mayonnaise of any kind, if they contain milk or eggs, egg powder;
  • alcohol.

An important rule: do not eat food on Fridays and on the first day. The first and final weeks are the most difficult. They drink only water and eat fruits and vegetables. At other times, honey is allowed, in some cases fish dishes with vegetable oil.

Can I have sweets?

Sometimes the question arises: is it permissible to drink tea with sweets or chocolate? Yes. If bitter, without milk and in small quantities. It is not forbidden to eat kozinaki, dried berries, and marmalade.

More strict Orthodox Christians, especially monastics, are against the use of honey. However, clergy do not prohibit it. According to their advice, to have good source vitamins, eat better linden honey or buckwheat.

Approximate one-day menu

For those who decide to fast, we can recommend a proven meal plan:

  • In the morning, have breakfast with porridge (250 g) from any cereal, boiled in water and a piece of bread, preferably black.
  • You can have lunch light salad of tomatoes, cucumbers, lettuce, salted and sprinkled with lemon juice.
  • They have an afternoon snack with fruit and berry compote.
  • It is recommended to have dinner with a stew made from a combination of potatoes, carrots and cabbage.

By abstaining physically and spiritually, a person becomes closer to the Creator.

Has begun Lent. Some people decided to fast for the first time, while for others it is an annual ritual. But there are still people who ask the question: “Why is he important? Is it really necessary?”, “What can and cannot be eaten?”.

What is Lent?

Fasting is an important part of Christians. The majesty and meaning of Lent lies not only in abstaining from food. Fasting teaches abstinence in general. Failure to deny yourself leads to disaster. First of all, fasting is a spiritual exercise, a desire for God, and not a diet.

The fast lasts for 40 days or seven weeks.

Let's note popular misconceptions about fasting.
1. Fasting is in no way a diet, not hunger, and clearly does not include the goal of losing weight. excess weight. Many, even completely unbelievers, refuse meat and other products, but this does not mean that they are fasting. Fasting is possible with prayer and communication with God.
2. The main thing is not to lose God during fasting, and not to strive to fulfill the external obligations of fasting. Feel pangs of conscience when you bite off a piece of meat, but not when you get angry at your own children, yell at your spouse, etc. The main thing is not to eat each other, especially during fasting.
3. Avoid arrogance. During fasting, a person's gaze should be focused on himself and not on others.
4. Fast in secret. Some Christians, having begun to fast, endlessly say that they are fasting. Everyone should understand how they go every day. Their facial expressions and mannerisms emphasize the feat being accomplished. But you need to perceive Fasting before God, and not before people.

How to fast correctly

In order to fast according to all the rules, you must know the following:
- on fasting days, a person refuses food containing animal fats.
- you will have to partially refuse to eat hot food.
- a lot of attention is also paid to dry eating (however, you should remember that dry eating is a very difficult type of fasting, so before you start dry eating, you should consult with your confessor).
-despite the fact that the bread is cooked in a hot oven, you can still eat it.
-it is necessary to drink enough water to maintain water-salt balance
-eat small portions and more often, 6-7 times a day
-be sure to include protein-rich foods in your diet to make up for the forbidden meat
-do not forget that fasting is a voluntary abstinence from food, which shows how Christians are able to abstain from unclean passions.

Lent symbolizes the wandering of Jesus Christ in the desert for 40 days, when he resisted the temptation of the devil and did not eat food. By refusing to eat, Jesus began the salvation of all mankind. Lent is an important holiday for Christians. During the days of Lent, Christians mainly eat dry food. Lent lasts seven weeks. In the first and last week, fasting is especially strict. On Saturdays and Sundays it is allowed to consume vegetable oil and grape wine. Fish is allowed only on the holidays of the Annunciation and Palm Sunday. Do not forget that despite the fact that the tradition of refusing food has been around for many years, even monks do not fully adhere to it. The severity of such fasting is not obligatory for the laity.

Who should not fast?

Fasting is undesirable, and in some cases even contraindicated for the following lay people
-pregnant women
-people who have recently undergone surgery
-children under 12 years old
- for cardiac ischemia
- for stomach ulcers and gastritis
-people suffering from hypo- and hypertension
- for joint diseases, osteoporosis
- for blood diseases, especially anemia
-people engaged in hard work who are on military service and so on.

What you can and cannot eat during Lent

In this section of our article, we will not only provide you with a list of foods allowed and prohibited for consumption during fasting, but also tell you how to eat during fasting day by day, and what recipes you can use.

Nutrition calendar for Lent

To begin with, we will give you a table-calendar that will help guide you by day in eating food.

What can you eat during Lent?

Vegetables (cabbage, potatoes, tomatoes, cucumbers, carrots, Bell pepper, greenery)
Cereals (oatmeal, buckwheat, rice, corn, wheat, barley)
Legumes (beans, beans, peas, lentils)
Fish (only twice during the entire post)
Sweets (for example, halva, dried fruits, nuts, dark chocolate, honey, sugar, candies, candied cranberries)
Drinks (juice, tea, coffee, uzvar, fruit juice, jelly. Grape wine on weekends)

What should you not eat during Lent?

Meat and semi-finished products from it
-bread and pastries, if they are made with eggs, butter, milk
-sweets containing milk

Recipes for Lenten dishes during Lent

Bean soup without vegetable oil

To get started you will need good beans, onions, several tomatoes, kitchen salt, herbs and a couple fresh leaves celery. Before you start preparing all this, you need to prepare workplace. After which you should cut the onion into small pieces and pour 4 tbsp. spoons of cold water and then cook over medium heat. At night you should soak the beans, after the onions are cooked add the beans, 1 tbsp. a spoon is enough, but if you want to make the soup richer, you can add 2 tbsp. Spoons. Don’t forget about the tomatoes, they should be chopped and also thrown into boiling water. We wait about 20 minutes, add salt, stir, and you can remove the soup from the heat. Before serving the soup, you should add parsley and a couple of celery leaves, they will add aroma and taste to our soup. It should be noted that this soup is suitable for people suffering overweight not only during Lent, but also on any other day.

A fairly popular dish during Lent is herring under a fur coat.
What you need to know when preparing this dish. First of all, you need to buy a herring, 2 should be enough, however, if the table requires large quantity more people possible. In addition to fish, boiled potatoes, carrots and onions are also needed. All this needs to be crushed, for this we need a grater. To give the dish a beautiful look, you need a flat saucer on which we will place layers of potatoes, fish and onions. After all this is prepared, the layers are laid out, you should spread the dishes with mayonnaise. When you have finished cooking, let the dish brew, then its taste will be richer and more pleasant.

In order to prepare this caviar you will need dried mushrooms; you can also pickle these mushrooms or use a mixture of them. It is better to collect mushrooms for this in the forest or buy them at the market. Before cooking them, you need to wash them thoroughly, then cook them until tender, and then cool and chop them into small pieces. If you make caviar from salted mushrooms, they should also be washed in cold water. Cut the onion into small rings and fry in oil along with the mushrooms, then simmer them for about 15 minutes. A few minutes before stewing, add some spices and crushed garlic, pepper to add spiciness, salt to taste and pour over vinegar. The caviar is ready, now it is better to leave the caviar for 20-30 minutes so that it infuses and absorbs all the components. Bon appetit!

Oat pancakes

To prepare such a lean breakfast you will need cereals, water, yeast, flour, salt and of course vegetable oil. Pour oatmeal into an iron bowl, mix, pour 2 cups into it warm water(not boiling water), add sugar, salt and a packet of yeast, mix it all thoroughly and add flour. After about half an hour, stir again and you can start making pancakes. To do this, heat a frying pan and pour vegetable oil into it. All that remains now is to fry the pancakes. Pancakes are healthy with honey and jam, so they are best served together. This breakfast is not only lean, but quite healthy.

Before cooking, put the water to boil, you should cut the potatoes into quarters, pour the canned red beans into the pan, stir, you should also cut the carrots onion, and a little greenery to add pleasant aroma soup. Cook all these ingredients in a saucepan, covered, for 20 minutes. Add salt to taste, add crushed garlic, red pepper, tomato juice And tomato paste. Boil for about 10 minutes and throw in some greens.

To prepare this dish, you need to boil finely chopped carrots and beets in salted boiled water. In another pan, it is advisable to boil finely chopped potatoes (in cubes) separately. These decoctions should be combined and preserved. These vegetables should be thrown into a colander and mixed with chopped cucumbers. Get a jar of canned peas and pour the contents into a bowl. In another bowl, pour 1 cup vegetable oil and a glass of red wine, squeezed lemon juice and salt. Bring this marinade to a boil. Pour the marinade over the salad and mix. Leave the salad for 30 minutes to steep. This vinaigrette is quite high in calories and healthy; it should be consumed not only during fasting.

In our next article we will tell you how to correctly compose Lenten menu, which dishes are better to include and which not, we’ll give sample menu for a week. Follow our releases, subscribe to updates.

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According to church canons, during this period all Orthodox believers must exclude a number of foods from their daily diet and devote themselves to cleansing, repentance and the fight against their own sins. Food restrictions during Lent include a ban on eggs, meat and dairy foods. The Church also calls for giving up entertainment, vanity and bodily pleasures, thinking about God, devoting time to serving others and visiting church.

In Buryatia, everyone joins in fasting every year more people. And although many are frightened by the thought of such a long-term “gastronomic” abstinence, doctors assure that it has a positive effect on human health. The main thing is to know in moderation in everything and combine foods correctly so as not to harm the body. The priests remind: restriction in food is not the goal of fasting, but only a means. This is necessary so that the body does not interfere with the soul’s internal spiritual work. Therefore, fasting should not be regarded as a “diet” and an opportunity to lose excess weight.

The seven weeks of Lent consist of Pentecost - forty days from February 19 to March 30 and Holy Week - the last week before Easter (from April 2 to 7). It is dedicated to the memories of last days earthly life and the death on the cross of Christ.

Holy Week is preceded by Lazarus Saturday (March 31), when the church remembers the miracle of the resurrection of righteous Lazarus by Jesus Christ, and Palm Sunday(April 1) - Feast of the Entry of the Lord into Jerusalem. These days the fast is weakened.


Those who decide to fast should give up “meat food”, that is, products of animal origin - meat, dairy products, eggs, white bread, partly fish, caviar and vegetable oil. In addition, baked goods, chocolate, sweets, fast food and everything are taboo alcoholic drinks- with the exception of red wine. It can be consumed on Saturdays and Sundays throughout Lent, but only in moderate doses.

The main components of the menu during this period are vegetables (fresh, salted or pickled), fruits and dried fruits, mushrooms, herbs, water porridge, soups (without meat), pasta, vegetable salads, black bread, honey, various spices, jelly, tea and kvass.

The first two and last two days of fasting impose the strictest restrictions: believers are required to completely abstain from food. Lay people are encouraged to receive a blessing from their confessor in advance. First and last week(except weekends), as well as all Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays from the second to the sixth week inclusive (from February 26 to April 1) - dry eating, when the church allows only cold food (not thermally processed): raw vegetables and fruits, unleavened bread (without sugar and butter), fermentations, pickles, nuts and honey.

On Tuesdays and Thursdays from the second to the sixth week of fasting, you can eat hot food without oil - soups and porridges made from cereals, boiled potatoes, boiled and stewed hot vegetables. On weekends (Saturday and Sunday), it is allowed to include alcohol in the menu, as well as hot food with butter - fried potatoes, cabbage or carrot cutlets, etc.

On Lazarus Saturday and Palm Sunday you can eat fish dishes, but on Annunciation you will have to give them up, because in 2018 it falls on Holy Saturday (April 7). On this day, for the sake of the holiday, the canons allow hot food with vegetable oil and wine. On Good (or Great) Friday, April 6, people abstain from food until Friday Vespers, the culminating moment of which is the removal of the shroud from the altar to the middle of the temple, where it remains until Saturday night - the Easter Midnight Office.

Who can not fast?

From a medical point of view, a sharp reduction in protein foods during fasting can lead to loss muscle tissue and weakened immunity. This primarily concerns young children, adolescents, pregnant and lactating women, the elderly and people with poor health, as well as those who suffer from anemia, stomach and heart diseases, diabetes, osteoporosis and various inflammations.

Dietary restrictions are also dangerous for people with reduced level hemoglobin. The Church treats such situations with loyalty. To receive a blessing for a “softer” fast, it is enough to come to your confessor and explain the situation to him.


According to nutritionists, regular refusal of food of animal origin and an increase in plant foods in the menu during fasting is very beneficial for the body: cholesterol and blood sugar levels are reduced, and blood levels are normalized. arterial pressure and intestinal microflora, liver and gallbladder function improves. But in order to endure fasting, it is important to approach this issue wisely and not rush to extremes. IN otherwise You may encounter serious complications.

  1. If you decide to fast, consult your doctor: for some diseases, a fasting menu is strictly contraindicated.
  2. While fasting, try to eat at least 4-5 times a day. Because in food plant origin Much less calories than meat, it will be much more difficult to get enough. It is advisable that daily calorie content remained at the usual level. For an adult, the norm is 1600-2000 kcal.
  3. Follow your diet: it is better to sit down at the table at the same time every day.
  4. Turn on daily menu cereals, lentils, beans, peas, nuts, mushrooms and soy products: This will help fill the protein deficiency in the body.
  5. Monitor your fluid intake. It’s better if it’s freshly squeezed juices diluted with water, mineral water without gas, green tea, cranberry and lingonberry fruit drinks or homemade compotes. But it’s better to avoid strong coffee or tea: these drinks overload nervous system. Try to drink at least 1.5-2 liters of fluid per day. By the way, perfect option To quench thirst - regular drinking water.
  6. Plan your diet: Lent occurs in the spring, when the body already suffers from vitamin deficiency. Therefore, it is important not only to provide it essential vitamins and microelements, but also correctly combine them with each other. Shortage fat-soluble vitamins A, E, K and D can be replenished by taking the appropriate vitamin complexes. Carbohydrates that give the body energy are found in bread, cereals, vegetables and potatoes. Do not forget about sources of iron and calcium - apples, buckwheat, walnuts and oatmeal.
  7. You can add natural spices to your food that improve digestion: cardamom, anise, cumin, lemon balm, dill, rosemary, thyme, sage, flax seeds, mint, sesame. In between main meals, satisfy your hunger with nuts, dried fruits or fresh fruits.
  8. Do not overuse pickles: this can lead to high blood pressure and exacerbation of various gastrointestinal diseases.
  9. On the morning of Easter, you can eat about 200 g of Easter cake, one egg and a small piece of meat. It is recommended to drink a glass of water before starting your meal.
  10. Fasting should not harm your health. If you feel unwell during the first week and your health worsens, you should loosen the restrictions (for example, include fish in your diet) or abandon them altogether. Plays an important role psychological attitude. To make it easier to survive the days of abstinence, get good sleep, walk more fresh air, and to relax, take baths with pine needles or soothing herbs- mint, oregano, valerian or motherwort.

The right way out

During fasting, the body gets used to working in “economy” mode. If you don't comply certain rules, getting out of this state will be quite problematic.

The “transition” period is usually 10-14 days, so you should not immediately after the end of Lent pounce on fatty and meat foods. This is fraught with exacerbation of gastritis or stomach ulcers. The fact is that the body, already accustomed to plant products, worse secretes the enzymes necessary for the breakdown of animal proteins. And abuse fatty foods, cakes and pastries can result in the development of cholecystitis, pancreatitis or overweight. Introduce such products into daily diet you need to do it little by little.

  1. To begin with, include in your menu fruits and vegetables rich in vitamins and microelements, low-fat dairy products(ryazhenka, cottage cheese, kefir, yogurt), then whole milk (milk, eggs and cottage cheese) and finally fish dishes. Meat products can be eaten on the fifth or sixth day: it is better if it is chicken, lean pork, veal or steamed cutlets.
  2. Eat 5-6 times a day in small portions: This will protect the stomach from overload.
  3. As a side dish for meat dishes it is better to use potatoes: they contain simple carbohydrates improve the absorption of animal protein.
  4. At first, give up alcoholic drinks and foods " fast food» - sandwiches, sandwiches, crackers, chips and a variety of crackers.

What foods can you eat on the fasting list?

  1. Baking can be done on Tuesday, Thursday, Saturday, Sunday with the addition sunflower oil except the first week of Lent and the last Holy Week. You can do it on other days without adding sunflower oil. The composition may contain fruits, dried fruits, nuts, vegetables, flour, water, yeast, sugar, honey, mushrooms. Simply put, everything is plant-based.
    Very a delicious cake: flour 250 grams, baking powder 4 teaspoons, vegetable oil 5 tbsp. spoons, mineral water 250 Milliliters, juice 400 Milliliters, semolina 2 Art. spoons, sugar 1 tbsp. spoon, fruit 500 grams.
  2. Yes, it really is easier to list what is impossible. But I will try to list what is possible. And so, you can eat foods of plant origin during Lent. Vegetables, fruits, mushrooms, all types of cereals cooked in water, lean mayonnaise, pasta, ketchup, mustard and other dry seasonings, Lenten cookies, vegetable oil (only on Saturdays and Sundays if strictly observed), bread is also possible, waffle cakes and any baked goods without adding eggs, milk, kefir. Drinks: jelly, compote, kvass, etc. without alcohol content. There is a lot more that can be done.
  3. What kind of baked goods can you make?
  4. List of Lenten Products

    Cereals. Any.
    Vegetables and mushrooms. Also any.
    Peas and all legumes.
    Vegetable fats. It's about about any vegetable oils.
    Fermentation products. From traditional cabbage to soaked grapes.
    Greens in any form (fresh or dried) and in any quantity.
    Soy and soy products.
    Bread and pasta.
    Olives and olives.
    Desserts include jam and marmalade, dark chocolate, marmalade, halva and kozinaki.
    Any fruit. Both ours and exotic ones, including dried fruits (raisins, candied fruits, etc.)

    Orthodox Lent 2016 Nutrition calendar by day - pictured
    A detailed article is on my blog - the link is blocked by decision of the project administration

  5. Great Lent is the most strict and significant of all fasts.

    Smoking and drinking alcoholic beverages are prohibited on all days of fasting. You should not consume animal products (meat, fish, milk and eggs), rich (white) bread, sweets, buns, mayonnaise. Allowed only plant food(fruits, vegetables, dried fruits), pickles (sauerkraut, pickled and pickled cucumbers), crackers, dried fruits, tea, mushrooms, nuts, black and gray bread, jelly, water porridge. And on the holidays of the Annunciation Holy Mother of God and Palm Sunday it is allowed to eat fish.


    First meal

    Lenten soups. The main thing you need to do is fry the onions and carrots, you can add ketchup or tomato paste, then the soup will be tastier. You can add to borscht or cabbage soup to improve the taste. bell pepper. Great saver pea soup or bean soup, mushroom soups, sorrel soup. Also for thickness in lean soups Usually cereals (rice, pearl barley) are added.

    Second courses

    The most delicious, in my opinion, Lenten dish fried potatoes with sauerkraut. Potatoes will probably be your main food: French fries, mashed potatoes, potato cutlets, potatoes with gravy, baked potatoes... In short, everything that used to be a side dish will suit you for the main meal: green peas, beans (in jars with sauce), corn. Fried mushrooms are a good substitute for meat. If you are already tired of everything, think about vegetable stew and hodgepodge. If it’s immediately clear what a hodgepodge can be made of, then you can put anything you can get your hands on in a vegetable stew. You can add nuts (walnuts or hazelnuts) to any dish when cooking; it’s both tastier and more satisfying. You can buy frozen vegetables (broccoli, Brussels sprouts, green beans, mixed vegetables).

    Drinks, desserts

    Juices, jelly, compotes, tea, fruit drinks. For dessert, you can prepare such a wonderful children's dish: apples and carrots puree. Remember how it used to crack behind your ears? Or other fruit purees.


    For breakfast you can eat muesli (water or juice).

    What's on offer at work?

    In general, it is difficult to adhere to a fast at work. But at work we found a way out; we made vegetable shawarma, which was a little funny. Bought Korean carrots, brought with them sauerkraut added fresh vegetables, they wrapped the whole thing in pita bread (thin), rolled it into a tube and ate it. In general, you can take with you to work the same crackers, bagels, nuts, seeds, dried bananas, jam, seaweed(at worst) and salads.

  6. water
  7. It’s easier to list what’s impossible...
    Food of animal origin.

editor-in-chief of the website "M.Vkus"

Lent begins on Monday. Time that is recommended to be spent in silence, calm and abstinence. You should abstain for 40 days social networks and TV series, do not allow negative emotions and thoughts, exclude any animal products from the diet. Even if you are not very orthodox, we highly recommend trying to adhere to the established rules throughout this period. Firstly, this is an excellent detox that will help you lose the pounds gained over the winter, avoid vitamin deficiency and improve your intestinal microflora. Secondly, this is an ideal way to put your thoughts in order, adjust your goals and plans for the future, and be alone with yourself. Thirdly, instead of entertainment, read long-delayed useful non-fiction books, improve your English level, or take an online training course. In general, Lent is 40 days that can be spent with maximum benefit for your own soul, body and intellect.

There are quite strictly regulated regulations regarding food for each day of Lent. They are very harsh, but one must understand that in Orthodox tradition there are no separate rules for monks and ordinary people. So these rules should be strictly adhered to by church employees, while everyone else can make some allowances for themselves. In addition, travelers, pregnant women, children, the elderly and the sick are not allowed to fast.

For everyone else there is one important rule– for almost the entire 40 days, follow a strict vegan diet, completely eliminating alcohol and any animal products from the diet: meat, poultry, fish, seafood, eggs, dairy products.

For those who are going to fast for the first time, let us clarify that this list also includes cappuccino and latte regular milk, milk chocolate, most baked goods and desserts. At the time of buying finished products just read the packaging carefully. In addition, many large supermarkets make a separate counter with lean products or mark them with special stickers.


During these days of Lent, complete abstinence from food is recommended, that is, you need to fast. You are only allowed to drink water. Evaluate your own mental and physical strength, how much you can withstand a day without food. If you have any chronic diseases or health problems, then about fasting and strict fast days You should consult your doctor.


Fasting days: Monday, Wednesday, Friday

The strictest days of Lent, when you cannot eat hot cooked foods and use vegetable oil. Don’t think that there will be nothing to eat - delicious dishes more than enough. Fresh, salted and pickled vegetables and mushrooms, fruits, berries, nuts, seeds, dried fruits, bread, honey and cold-cooked cereals are allowed. Drinks allowed are water, fresh juices, lemonades (without cooking) and smoothies. These days you can try your culinary skills in preparing a variety of raw food dishes. Such as zucchini spaghetti with parsley pesto sauce, raw gazpacho, raw bread from a dehydrator, a variety of salads, desserts made from nuts and dried fruits.

From the collection of recipes “M.Vkus” the following recipes are suitable for these days:

Hot food without oil

Fasting days: Tuesday, Thursday

On these days, you are allowed to eat all dry food products, plus add cereals, legumes and pasta with water or vegetable milk, a variety of dishes from cooked vegetables and mushrooms (boiled, baked, steamed or sous vide), bread and pastries without butter, fruits fresh or prepared, you can drink hot tea and black coffee or with nut milk. Separately, I would like to mention soy products, which during Lent are an excellent source of protein, replacing animal proteins. Prepared from soybeans delicious cottage cheese or a cheese called “tofu”, which can simply be fried with vegetables or made into imitation omelettes or cheesecakes. Soy milk is a great alternative cow's milk - you can use it to make cappuccino and lattes, cook porridge on it, cook pastries and lean pancakes.

From the collection of recipes “M.Vkus” the following recipes are suitable for Tuesdays and Thursdays of Lent:

Hot food with vegetable oil

Fasting days: Saturday, Sunday

These days you can cook yourself any vegan dishes without restrictions. A variety of Lenten pastries, pancakes, dumplings and pizza for those who want a more filling meal. Pickles, boiled or steamed non-starchy vegetables and green salads for those who want to lose weight properly and arrange a complete detox. Dishes with pasta, legumes and tofu for everyone who actively continues to exercise during Lent.