Lenten menu for every day. Delicious recipes for dishes during Lent. Dishes with heat treatment. Tender bean pate

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Lenten manna is a wonderful dessert that diversifies the menu during Lent. Please note that among the ingredients of manna there is vegetable oil, so include it in your diet only on Saturdays and Sundays, when the use of this product is allowed. Try making Lenten manna, the recipe with photos is presented below.

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Lenten salads with fish during Lent are nutritious dishes that will surely delight you with a variety of cooking variations and, most importantly, compliance with the requirements for these days.

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The Lenten pizza recipe will find a place in the notebook of any housewife. Firstly, this delicacy will provide an opportunity to pleasantly break up the monotonous menu of the Lenten table. Secondly, it's delicious. Thirdly, it is useful. Fourthly, it gives you the opportunity to show off your culinary skills: anyone can cook a simple pizza, but vegetarian pizza is almost an art. Fifthly... Although why waste time listing? It's time to preheat the oven! Recipes […]

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When should you prepare Lenten okroshka, if not during Lent? The sun is shining outside, young radishes are waving their green tails of tops invitingly from store shelves, and the body is demanding something super-vitamin-rich and tasty. Let's not disappoint him, especially since he deserved it during the long winter and difficult weeks of abstaining from forbidden animal food.

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Lenten salad with beans and croutons - hearty and tasty dish, which will delight you and your loved ones during Lent. In addition to the main ingredients that will be indicated in the recipes below, try preparing it in various variations, for example, by adding fresh leaves spinach and iceberg lettuce, or adding your favorite spices, for example, a set of Mediterranean herbs.

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Lenten muffins are a great way to arrange a little “belly celebration” for yourself and your loved ones, without sinning in the least against the strict rules of Lent. Let this time be given to us to curb passions (and not gluttony) last resort), supporting your determination is sometimes so important! And with small, delicious muffins without butter, eggs or milk, but with tender […]

Prepare fragrant cabbage soup to add vitamins to your diet.

Video: Lent Calendar 2017

A few words about 7 weeks of abstinence from the Simoron Technique channel:

Spiritual work on yourself does not mean that you need to be on a strict hunger strike for the entire 7 weeks. Look at the calendar more often, select delicious recipes for the Lenten menu during Lent, and you will be able to celebrate Easter not only in full health, but also in a great mood.

So, with the beginning of Lent, which begins on February 27 in 2017, our entire diet changes radically. Therefore, let's look at the menu for Lent by day for 40 days 2017 for the laity, so that it is easier for you to navigate and tune in to certain products for all days of fasting. By the way, don’t be afraid, if you approach the problem of nutrition rationally and thoughtfully during fasting, you won’t have to go hungry. You can plan your meals in such a way that the food will not only be varied, but also satisfying, nutritious and tasty. And don’t forget - nutrition is only a part of fasting, the main thing is to strengthen prayers, acts of mercy, visit the temple and train in love for your neighbors, then food restrictions will benefit the soul and body.
Just a small clarification, fasting actually lasts not 40, but 48 days (plus Holy Week).

During Lent 2017, you are allowed to eat the following foods:

1. Cereal bread and plain black bread made from coarse rye flour.
2. Any cereals and porridges made from them, cooked in water.
3. Summer preparations, namely salted, pickled and soaked vegetables and salads made from them, preserves, marmalades and jams.
4. Mushrooms prepared in all possible ways.
5. Beans, peas, beans and lentils - boiled.
6. Nuts, honey and dried fruits.
7. All vegetables, both fresh and boiled. Fruits and berries.
8. Seafood (squid, shrimp, mussels) and fish.
9. Tea, coffee, mineral still water, herbal decoctions.
10. In between meals, you need to drink water - 2.5 liters of mineral water and always without gas. Food should be taken three times - 1. morning (breakfast), 2. day (lunch), 3. evening (dinner). The size of each serving is 200 – 400 grams.
Look, it will be easier to make dietary changes.

The beginning of Lent 2017 - the strictest first week(like the last one, Passionate).

02/27/2017, Monday - abstain from food, only tea is allowed - chamomile, mint, St. John's wort.

02/28/2017, Tuesday – during the day you are allowed to eat 200 g of bread, a decoction of dried fruits, Herb tea and water.

03/01/2017, Wednesday: per day - 250 g of bread and herbal tea.

03/02/2017, Thursday: fresh, unprocessed fruits and vegetables. Preferably - grapes, apples, nuts, greens.

03/03/2017, Friday: decoction of dried fruits or tea throughout the day. Eating any food is prohibited.

03/04/2017, Saturday – 1. A glass of juice or tea.
2. Boiled vegetables - beets, carrots or potatoes, a glass of red, but only natural, wine.
3. Compote and Lenten cookies.

03/05/2017, Sunday – 1. Vinaigrette and coffee.
2. Any lean soup, potatoes with onions and mushrooms. Wine and compote.
3. Boiled cauliflower with apple and carrot, tea
Can be baked for borscht or soup, take a look step by step recipe, This is delicious. Besides, they can be made sweet for tea.

The 2nd week of Lent in 2017 in nutrition may look like this:

03/06/207, Monday. 1. Oatmeal with water, tea.
2. Vermicelli soup with carrots. Potato cutlets, fresh vegetables, jelly.
3. Apple and tea

03/07/2017, Tuesday. 1. Buckwheat on water, coffee.
2. Cabbage soup made from sauerkraut (lean), vermicelli (pasta) with mushroom sauce, vegetable salad with vegetable oil fresh vegetables, compote
3. Apples, baked with honey and tea.

03/08/2017, Wednesday. 1. Rice porridge, coffee.
2. Soup - vegetable hodgepodge. Potatoes with mushroom sauce with onions, herbs and tomatoes. Fresh cabbage salad with apple, carrots and cucumber, sauced with berry (grape) vinegar and butter. Compote.
3. Tea with lemon and jam.

03/09/2017, Thursday. 1. Corn porridge, tea.
2. Lenten cabbage soup, vinaigrette, cranberry juice.
3. Mashed potatoes with zucchini. Salted or pickled vegetables. Tea, maybe with lemon or apples.

03/10/2017, Friday. 1. Barley porridge, tea with jam (honey).
2. lean pea soup, vegetable salad and apple compote.
3. Potato salad with mushrooms, tea.

03/11/2017, Saturday. 1. Vinaigrette with mushrooms, coffee.
2. Buckwheat soup, rice cutlets, beetroot caviar, a glass of wine, pumpkin jelly.
3. lean pasties, tea.

03/12/2017, Sunday. 1. Millet-pumpkin porridge, coffee.
2. Lenten borscht, potatoes stewed with mushrooms, wine, lemon juice.
3. Vegetable caviar, pea cutlets, tea.

3rd week of Lent 2017, menu for every day

03/13/2017, Monday. 1. Millet, tea with honey.
2. Beetroot soup with pearl barley, potato zrazy stuffed with onions and mushrooms, pea salad with pickles, wine, fruit, cranberry lemonade.
3. buckwheat pie, tea with honey.

03/14/2017, Tuesday. 1. Boiled potatoes with garlic, coffee.
2. Bean soup, pasta with mushroom sauce, lingonberry juice.
3., tea with honey.

03/15/2017, Wednesday. 1. Semolina With strawberry jam, coffee.
2. Lenten solyanka, cauliflower casserole with peppers and tomatoes, coffee.
3. Fried squid with boiled potatoes, and tea.

03/16/2017, Thursday. 1. Oatmeal with fruit and tea.
2. Lenten cabbage soup, canned pickles with barley, compote.
3. Vegetable ratatouille, tea.

03/17/2017, Friday. 1. Rice porridge, coffee.
2. Pea soup, boiled potatoes with brown mushroom sauce, rosehip compote.
3. Squash caviar with buckwheat, tea.

03/18/2017, Saturday. 1. Semolina porridge with raspberry jam.
2. Pumpkin soup, stuffed squid with rice, wine, cranberry juice.
3. Open Lenten pie with apples, tea.

03/19/2017, Sunday. 1. Custard oatmeal with dried fruits, coffee.
2. Lenten borscht, pilaf with mushrooms, wine and compote.
3. Buckwheat with lecho, tea with honey.

4th week of Lent in 2017

03/20/2017, Monday. 1. Bean porridge, fruit, coffee.
2. Vegetable soup, lean pilaf, nuts, orange juice.
3. Stewed cabbage, tea.
03/21/2017, Tuesday. 1. Pearl barley porridge, coffee.
2. Lentil soup, pea puree with pickles, compote.
3. potatoes with garlic and mushroom caviar, tea

03/22/2017, Wednesday. 1. Lenten cabbage rolls, coffee
2. Mushroom pickle, cauliflower casserole, pineapple juice.
3. Nuts, fruits, tea

03/23/2017, Thursday. 1. Brewed rice, coffee.
2. Bean soup, rice with mushroom sauce, lingonberry juice.
3. Mashed potatoes with zucchini, tea.

03/24/2017 Friday. 1. Oatmeal, coffee
2. Pea soup, baked vegetables, compote.
3. Pumpkin salad with honey,

03/25/2017 Saturday. 1. Custard buckwheat, coffee.
2. Cabbage soup on sauerkraut, squid baked with carrots and onions, compote
3. Potato cutlets, tea.

03/26/2017 Sunday. 1. Apples baked with honey, coffee.
2. Lenten borscht, fried potatoes with boiled fish, fruit drink
3. Barley with tomatoes, nuts, or.

5th week of fasting, menu

03/27/2017, Monday. 1. Vinaigrette, coffee.
2. Lentil soup, pasta with mushroom sauce, squash caviar, compote.
3. Boiled potatoes with sauerkraut, tea.

03/28/2017, Tuesday. 1. Oatmeal, coffee.
2. Vermicelli soup with mushrooms, boiled fish with rice, berry jelly.
3. beets with prunes and tea.

03/29/2017, Wednesday. 1. Barley, coffee
2. Lean shea, vegetables, compote.
3. Apples baked with honey, tea.

03/30/2017, Thursday. 1. Stewed cabbage with carrots and herbs, coffee.
2. pea soup, baked vegetables, fried fish in lemon sauce, compote.
Dinner – sweet rice with fruit, tea
03/31/2017, Friday. 1. Oatmeal with jam, tea
2. Lenten borscht, boiled potatoes with herring and onions, rosehip jelly.
3.Vermicelli with mushroom caviar, tea

04/01/2017, Saturday. 1. Seafood, tea
2. Lenten solyanka, wine, raspberry juice.
3. Buckwheat with canned eggplant appetizer, tea

04/02/2017, Sunday. 1. Porridge with pumpkin, coffee
2. Cabbage soup with sour sauerkraut, boiled fish with fried potatoes, wine, coffee
Dinner – baked vegetables, tea

6th week of fasting 2017

04/03/2017, Monday. 1. Oatmeal with berries, coffee
2. Light soup with peas and corn, tomatoes with garlic and nuts, vermicelli, compote
3. Buckwheat with mushroom sauce, tea

04/04/2017, Tuesday. 1. lean vegetable pizza, with spicy tomato sauce, coffee
2. lean borscht, boiled squid, rice, juice
3. zucchini with boiled potatoes, tea

04/05/2017, Wednesday. 1. Semolina, coffee
2. Potato soup, raw vegetables, tea
3. Carrot cutlets with garlic and onions, tea

04/06/2017, Thursday. 1.beet cutlets, coffee
2. Lunch – lean cabbage soup, herring with vinaigrette, compote
3. Baked peppers stuffed with carrots and garlic, tea

04/07/2017, Friday. 1. Seafood, coffee
2. Vegetable soup, fried fish, rice, compote.
3. Beans baked with carrots and onions, tea

04/08/2017, Saturday. 1. Custard oatmeal with berries, coffee.
2. Buckwheat soup, boiled fish and potatoes, mushroom caviar, wine, compote
3. Sauteed eggplant with rice, tea

04/09/2017, Sunday. 1. Barley porridge, coffee
2. Mushroom puree soup, baked vegetables, boiled fish, wine, juice.
3. Roast mushrooms with potatoes, tea

The last, Holy Week of Lent, coming in 2017

04/10/2017, Monday, fasting day, bread and water.
04/11/2017, Tuesday. 1. Rice, coffee.
2. Cabbage cutlets, juice.
3. Baked apple, tea.

04/12/2017, Wednesday, 1. Fresh vegetables, coffee.
2. Cabbage salad with carrots and apples, coffee.
3. Fruits.

04/13/2017, Thursday. 1. Corn, tea
2. Cabbage soup with green peas, vinaigrette, herring, compote
3. Korean baked squid with carrots. Tea.
We bake Easter eggs and paint them!

Look - simple and tasty.

04/14/2017, Friday. Hungry day, herbal tea, water, bread are allowed.

04/15/2017, Saturday – we don’t eat until the first star.
We have provided you with sample menu for Lent in 2017, and you see for yourself, you can replace some products with similar ones, the main thing is to follow the rules for every day. And don’t forget to do good deeds, help the poor, show love to your neighbors, attend worship services and pray for everyone. And give the money you save on food to the poor.
April 16, 2017 — Great Easter, congratulations to everyone, you have endured the fast, cleansed your soul and body before the Lord, and you can safely break your fast!


Lent 2017 is in full swing, starting on February 27 and continuing until Easter, which falls on April 15 this year. It is no secret that Lent is the strictest of the year, when you need to adhere to serious dietary rules (we are not talking about the spiritual side). Therefore, if you decide to fast, we will simplify your task, at least in terms of creating a menu. Take note of 12 simple Lenten dishes that can be prepared during Lent 2017.

1. Vinaigrette
Vinaigrette is one of the favorite and healthiest dishes on the Lenten table. It’s incredibly simple to prepare, but at the same time saturates the body necessary vitamins. By old tradition, you can add herring and, to be original, change the presentation. Vinaigrette can be served as a salad or stylish canapés.

2. Buckwheat porridge with mushrooms and onions
Buckwheat porridge with mushrooms and onions has not changed its recipe: it is prepared exactly the same as several centuries ago, now only the kitchen utensils are different. Delicious buckwheat with mushrooms and onions will please you with its satiety during Lent, and may also evoke nostalgia in someone, because this is one of our grandmothers’ favorite recipes.

3. Vitamin salad
Vitamin salad is a very broad concept. As a rule, salad ingredients are available seasonal vegetables. You can cook it every day, and you definitely won’t get bored of it, because you can change the vegetables. You will also immediately feel the gratitude of your body, because fresh vegetables (and even with nuts) are full of vitamins and microelements necessary during the period of spring vitamin deficiency.

4. Beans with tomatoes and basil
This Italian recipe will dilute the Lenten menu with its piquancy, and also replenish the body with the necessary protein contained in beans. Beans with tomatoes and basil look very appetizing, but the taste of the dish will not disappoint you either

5. Rassolnik
Rassolnik is a traditional Russian soup that becomes a lifesaver for housewives during Lent before Easter. It practically does not change its taste, even if you cook it without meat and meat broth. This thick and rich soup is great as a simple or available recipe Lenten dish.

6. Cream of broccoli soup
Cream of broccoli soup – perfect recipe for those who are on duty, as well as for everyone who monitors their health and tries to eat right. The most delicate cream soup with a subtle aroma of spices and rich taste will delight even the most sophisticated gourmet.

7. Stewed cabbage with mushrooms
More classic recipe you can't find a lean dish. We recommend preparing one of these days stewed cabbage with mushrooms. It's no secret that cabbage is one of the most healthy vegetables, which can be eaten raw, boiled, fried and stewed. To decorate the taste of the dish, we recommend adding a lot of onions and fried mushrooms.

8. Rice with vegetables
Rice with vegetables is a dietary and lean dish that can be used to decorate your diet during Lent. This side dish never gets boring, because you can change the dressing, and the vegetables themselves as well.

9. Dried fruit compote
If you intend to eat less during Lent, then replenish your body's reserves by drinking. At this time, compotes made from dried fruits are especially relevant. It is important that dried fruits retain their energy and vitamin value almost in their original form.

10. Lavash rolls with potatoes, mushrooms and herbs
As an appetizer that you are not ashamed to serve to guests, try making lavash rolls with potatoes, mushrooms and big amount greenery This lean snack is sold out at a time.

11. Baked apple with nuts and honey
During Lent, many try to limit themselves to sweets in order to spiritually cleanse themselves and rid themselves of tasty rewards. But if you can’t do without sweets, we recommend taking note simplest recipe delicious dessert. A dessert proven over the years in the form of a baked apple with nuts and honey, seasoned with your favorite spices, will delight your sweet tooth.

Great Lent is not only a time of abstinence from fasting food, but also a period of spiritual cleansing. It is called to prepare believers for the Easter holiday, so that everyone can meet this bright day with a pure soul and an open heart.

The time of physical and spiritual abstinence is the period given to a person in order to moderate your desires and needs and thereby draw closer to the Lord. Daily prayers for yourself and your loved ones, as well as the renunciation of worldly pleasures, elevates the soul and allows it to develop in piety and faith in happiness. Lent in 2017 will begin on February 27 and continue until April 15. During this period, the church recommends that all Orthodox Christians adhere to the Lenten menu, excluding meat products from their diet.

First week of fasting

Monday, February 27th. Today, according to church canons, you should abstain from eating and devote time to prayer.

Tuesday, February 28th. On Tuesday, limit your diet to eating bread, mostly black, and water, kvass and tea without sugar are allowed as drinks.

Wednesday, March 1st. Eat raw vegetables and fruits. You can diversify the menu with dried fruits, nuts, herbs and bread.

Friday, March 3. The church does not allow the use of vegetable oil. It is also worth limiting raw foods. You should not cook on this day.

Saturday, March 4th. Stick to the Friday menu today. Grape and apple juices are allowed.

Sunday, March 5th. Today, cooking with the addition of vegetable oil is allowed. It is also allowed to drink dry red wine in small quantities as a sacrament.

Second week of fasting

Monday, March 6th. Porridge on water is allowed, vegetable soup, potatoes, fresh vegetables and fruits.

Tuesday, March 7th. You can diversify the menu with jam or jam. As your main food, use cereals cooked in water, as well as dried fruits and nuts.

Wednesday, March 8th. Include solyanka or other dishes using cabbage in your diet.

Thursday, March 9. Add vegetable oil to water-based porridge. Eating homemade food is allowed.

Friday, March 10th. For variety on the menu, prepare vinaigrette, pea soup and potato cutlets.

Saturday, March 11th. It is allowed to add homemade preserves to the main menu. Today is the first Parents' Saturday, on which Orthodox Christians visit the cemetery to honor their deceased relatives.

Sunday, March 12. On this day, fried potatoes, fruits and vegetables are allowed.

In general, the menu of the second week of fasting includes all the main products, with the exception of food of animal origin, so housewives can use it to prepare new dishes every day. Only alcohol is completely excluded. The ban also applies to excessive consumption of food.

Third week of fasting

Monday, March 13th. Any cereal cooked in water or vegetable broth is allowed.

Tuesday, March 14th. Use vegetable cabbage rolls, fresh vegetable salad and boiled potatoes.

Wednesday, March 15th. Diversify your menu with nuts and fresh herbs. They provide a sufficient amount of energy and help quickly saturate the body.

Thursday, March 16th. Today, for a change, make red bean lobio.

Friday, March 17th. Buckwheat cutlets And rice porrige with the addition of raisins, as well as fruit compote, will improve your mood.

Saturday, March 18th. As a main dish for lunch, please your household with pickle and containing a large number of vitamins vinaigrette. Today is the second parent's Saturday. Visit the cemetery and pray for your deceased relatives.

Sunday, March 19th. Vegetable borscht, as well as potato cutlets with the addition of fresh herbs will delight you with their taste.

Fourth week of fasting

Monday, March 20. Eat on this day legumes with the addition of dried fruits.

Tuesday, March 21st. For lunch today, serve vegetable soup with large pieces of carrots and green peas, you can make fruit jelly as a dessert.

Wednesday, March 22. Fresh cabbage soup and fruit salad dressed with sweet soy milk.

Thursday, March 23. Today, your homemade preparations will come in handy with fried potatoes.

Friday, March 24th. Add mushrooms to your diet. With their wonderful aroma they will remind you of the approach of the long-awaited summer and charge you with good emotions.

Saturday, March 25th. Make a prefabricated porridge from rice and millet in the oven, adding for taste dried fruits. March 25th is the third Parents' Saturday.

Sunday, March 26th. Add fried onions and carrots to buckwheat porridge, also cook healthy salad from tomatoes and cucumbers. Decorate dishes with herbs.

Fifth and sixth weeks of fasting

During these weeks, you can use the recommendations of previous days and prepare food based on your taste preferences. Still should not be used for cooking butter, as well as mayonnaise and other dressings, including milk, eggs and other animal foods.

Seventh week of fasting

The last week of Great Lent is extremely strict. This The final stage before the celebration of Easter.

Monday to Wednesday the church bans cooking - use it in the menu raw fruits and vegetables.

IN Thursday Porridge from any cereal cooked in water is allowed.

Friday- a strict day on which only bread (preferably yesterday's) and water are possible.

IN Saturday It is forbidden to eat food. Drink more fluids to avoid harming your health.

Sunday falls on the celebration of Easter and marks the end of Lent.

This sample list products that you can replace with others of similar composition. Such strict fast compiled for clergy and monks, and ordinary people you can make concessions by eating foods necessary to maintain yourself in good condition. Remember also that sick people, pregnant women and children should not maintain such an ascetic menu, as they require significantly more vitamins.

This year, Lent begins on February 27th. This day is considered the strictest, on which the monks did not even eat any food at all. The last day of Lent, April 14, becomes just as strict. Then they did not eat until the news that the blessed Easter fire had descended from heaven. After this, on Easter evening they held a feast, at which no one else appeared. Lenten dishes. The menu for this Lent for every day of 2017 can be written down by day. After all, 40 days are allotted by the canons for Lent. However, it’s easy to get confused in such a menu, because there will be no difference if, instead of fried eggplants, you decide to make soup with sauerkraut. Here are some rules that allow you to determine the Lent menu by day, as well as prepare for Happy Easter with a pure soul.

Weeks and fasting rules

So, on February 27, fasting begins, which will last exactly 40 days. The most difficult weeks are considered to be the 1st and last, passionate. Starting a fast is always more difficult, since it is not easy to wean yourself from the usual macaroni and cheese or meat cutlets. Therefore, at the beginning of Lent on Monday, which this year falls on February 27, the monks did not eat anything, not even butter. However, ordinary people, especially those who are fasting for the first time, find it difficult to observe such restrictions. Therefore, this Monday it’s enough to simply arrange a fasting day on apples.

Fasting limits the intake of meat, fish and dairy products. You can eat fish on it only on Annunciation (April 7) and Palm Sunday (April 9). On other days, you should not eat meat, fish, milk and all dairy products, including cheeses, yogurt and cottage cheese. Also, the monastic charter does not allow eating vegetable oil on Mondays, Fridays and Wednesdays, unless these days coincide with the Annunciation. This year this holiday falls on Friday, so on Friday you can eat not only vegetable oil, but also fish. However, such restrictions can be observed by monks, and even then not all. There are known cases when a sick monk was given food even during fasting. chicken bouillon so that he gets well. Therefore, fasting may not be observed by those who have poor health, suffer diabetes mellitus, and also does a lot of physically demanding work. It is for this reason that strict fasting allows relaxation or all restrictions are removed from a person who:

Does a lot of hard physical work;
- for elderly and weakened people, fasting cannot be observed;
- fasting is also not recommended for children under 12 years of age, as their bodies are growing. However, if a child wants to fast together with adults, then he can observe it. If, of course, he can endure such restrictions;
- Priests do not recommend that pregnant women and nursing mothers fast. They can eat whatever they want.

However, fasting can and should be observed by those who suffer overweight and wants to lose weight. The fact is that many foods pollute the body and can harm you. Meat, especially fried meat, and animal proteins can harm you. Therefore, fasting allows you not only to cleanse the soul, but also to remove overweight. Then you will not only lose weight, but also gain significant weight. own health. And here is the fasting menu that you and your loved ones will like.

What to cook for Lent. Dishes without vegetable oil

The main fasting menu is porridge cooked in water, with the addition of various dried fruits and additions. If you are preparing food without vegetable oil to eat it on Friday, Monday and Wednesday, then you need to pay attention to buckwheat with various additions. Here are some dishes you can prepare from it during Lent.

Buckwheat with pumpkin, honey and seeds

Cut the pumpkin into pieces, dry with a towel, sprinkle with flour and fry in a frying pan in honey. Or bake it in the microwave. Then wash the pan and fry it pumpkin seeds. Then clean them. After that, add a little pumpkin to the porridge along with honey, and then after that sprinkle with pumpkin seeds. After this, serve.

Buckwheat can also be served with banana and honey. This dish not only improves your complexion, but also gives you a long-lasting feeling of fullness.

It will also be very tasty to cook dried mushrooms along with the broth and serve with buckwheat. To do this, you need to salt the mushrooms a little, add a cooking cube and boil them. When the broth is ready, add a few tablespoons of prepared buckwheat to it and eat it like soup with mushrooms and buckwheat. The dish also turns out very tasty and appetizing. The whole family will love it, even the kids. You can also add any jams, preserves, honey and thawed berries to buckwheat. And the menu will turn out different every time. And, if you want to cook buckwheat with vegetable oil, you can use one of the following recipes.

Buckwheat with mussels in oil

Very tasty and healthy dish, which can be prepared during Lent. At the same time, mussels replenish not only iodine deficiency, but also animal protein. To do this, you just need to cook the buckwheat and serve it along with the mussels in oil. The taste is very bright, and the mussel meat is protein composition similarly meat protein. And on Palm Sunday and the Annunciation, you can add boiled or fried shrimp in dill to the meat a small amount lemon juice. The taste is very unusual and the dish is very tasty.

You can also fry the onion until golden brown in a frying pan along with herbs and garlic and serve with buckwheat. The dish also turns out very tasty and unusual, while being satisfying. You can eat it on Tuesdays, Thursdays, Saturdays and Sundays.

But, besides buckwheat, you can cook others interesting dishes and combinations.

What else can you eat while fasting?

For snacks, you can use black and slightly hard bread, preferably whole grain. It can be served with various jams or fried vegetables. This bread can be eaten with marmalade, as well as chocolate and peanut butter without milk.

You can also cook various dishes from vegetables. For example, fry zucchini or eggplant in a frying pan. They are placed on bread along with a small amount of ground garlic and salt. You can also add a little tomato paste. You can also make zucchini and Ratatouille sauce or lecho along with fried vegetables great sauce. It can be served with rice and pasta dishes. The result is a very appetizing and satisfying dish.

During fasting, you can also conduct various experiments with the following dishes:

Sauerkraut. It can be served with cranberries, baked apples, added to soups or used as an independent dish;

Mushrooms. Can be used both fried and marinated as an addition to main dishes, pasta, soups and sauces;

Potato dishes without adding sour cream, butter and eggs. You can prepare both mashed potatoes in water and various potato cutlets, potato pancakes, potato dough pies and much more. Nut and cabbage cutlets are also prepared using potatoes, which are very tasty and healthy;

- mussels, shrimp and seafood. They replenish the lack of protein in the body and promote rapid saturation. You can also use fish dishes during Lent on Palm Sunday and the Annunciation. These days you can eat various dishes with red caviar, mussels, crab sticks, sushi;

Jam, various berries and cereals. Including muesli bars, muesli and dried fruits, nuts and seeds, from which you can prepare various smoothies in a blender. Any berries can be added to compotes, juices, porridges, or made into sandwiches with jam. For example, dark bread will go well with lingonberry, blackcurrant and blueberry jam, as well as cloudberry jam. You can eat it with tea and use it during snacks.

Bread products, but not buns or cakes. It is best to use bread, regular bran or black bread, as it contains fewer calories and does not contribute to excess weight. You can eat various pita breads, but not buns. And from the bread you can make various toasts. For example, with roasted red peppers, olives and tomato paste. Or sweet posts with lingonberry jam and strawberries.

- vegetable dishes. In this case, vegetables can be stewed with various seasonings, sauces can be used, but without adding dairy products. Vegetable mixtures can be fried and added to various side dishes and dishes. Such mixtures can be collected independently or purchased from finished form. They turn out to be very tasty and healthy, and also make up for the lack of vitamins and minerals during fasting;

Marinades and pickles;

Spicy and sweet sauces that go well with a variety of vegetable dishes, pasta and rice;

Apples, bananas, oranges and other fruits. They can be eaten in any form and used during snacks. They turn out very tender and pleasant, and will also appeal to everyone who loves sweets. Also during fasting you can moderate amount there is dark chocolate. However, sweets with milk and cream, such as yoghurts, should be limited or eaten during Palm Sunday or Annunciation.

Based on these dishes, you can prepare various Lenten dishes and eat them during Lent. They will allow you not only to remove excess weight, but also improve your health during this time.