Mung bean sprouts are living food. What is mung bean and why is it better than beans and peas?

Mash is exotic plant, the fruits of which are eaten as grain crop. It is more common in Asia, but in Europe, including Russia, little is known about it. We will talk about this culture, its properties, the benefits and harms of mung bean, as well as how to use it at home in this article.

What is mung bean

This annual agricultural plant belongs to the Legume family, which is easy to guess from appearance its fruits and grains - mung bean seeds are round oval shape, bright green or green, similar to young peas or beans. The birthplace of the culture is India, where it is called “mung beans”; this name is now used in other countries.

Mung bean is popular not only in India, China, Korea, Japan and other countries South-East Asia, but also in Turkmenistan, Uzbekistan, Tajikistan, Turkey, where they are well aware of its beneficial properties. It is consumed as food in the form of green pods, ripe or sprouted grains, preparing dishes from them with the addition of various ingredients.

Composition and calorie content of mung bean cereal

Like all legumes, mung bean contains a lot of protein. There are 23.5 g of seeds in 100 g. This amount is enough to cover 30% of a person’s daily need for this nutrient. There are also a lot of carbohydrates, there are 46 g of them in the grain, and only 2 grams of fat. Fiber in 100 g of mung bean 11 g, water 14 g, the rest is taken up by minerals (K, Ca, Mg, Na, Ph, Fe) and vitamin compounds, especially C, E, PP and group B, which are in this healthy grain enough. Because of high content carbohydrates and protein mung bean is nutritious product. The calorie content of mung bean is 300 kcal per 100 g of product.

Health benefits of mung bean cereals

At regular use masha in food from it the body receives minerals and vitamins necessary for normal course many vital important processes. For example, potassium takes an active part in maintaining the balance of water, acids and electrolytes, in conducting nerve impulses and normalization of pressure; Calcium is used to form bone and tooth tissue and is also involved in muscle contraction.

In addition, mung bean has other effects on the body useful actions. The benefits of mung beans are that they:

  • strengthen the immune system;
  • improve memory and stimulate mental activity;
  • thanks to the diuretic effect, they cleanse the body of toxic compounds and prevent the formation of edema;
  • exhibit antioxidant properties, preserving the youth of tissues and organs;
  • restore vision and prevent its decline;
  • have a stabilizing effect on hormonal background and nervous system;
  • slow down the growth of tumor cells.

Healthy in all respects, mung beans are a good prophylactic, preventing diseases of the kidneys, heart and blood vessels, as well as respiratory and autoimmune diseases. Mung bean is also useful for diabetes, as it lowers blood sugar.

The benefits of sprouted mung bean

In addition to whole dry mung beans, which are cooked, these beans are also eaten sprouted. The benefits of mung bean sprouts are expressed mainly in the fact that the body receives a lot of easily digestible protein and vitamins, which are formed during the germination process. Along with the sprouted beans, simple beans are included, not complex carbohydrates, which means that the body does not spend extra energy processing them.

Mung bean sprouts contain more than 2 dozen useful mineral elements, which largely, and some almost completely, satisfy daily requirement people in them. According to doctors, sprouted mung bean is useful for everyone, including pregnant and nursing mothers, so it can and even should be consumed during these important periods of a woman’s life.

How to germinate mung beans at home

Sprouting mung beans at home is very easy, even easier than cereal grains. To do this, you will only need a small container made of ceramic, glass, plastic or an enamel bowl, a piece of clean gauze or a thin towel, the mung beans themselves and clean cold water.

The process of preparing sprouted beans is also not difficult for any housewife:

  1. You need to take a bowl and pour mung bean into it.
  2. Soak it in warm water for about 8 hours.
  3. Then drain the water and rinse the beans in cold, clean water.
  4. Cover the bowl with mung bean with damp gauze and place in a warm, bright place.
  5. After about 12 hours, healthy sprouts should already appear on the beans.

It is believed that the greatest benefit from mung bean sprouts occurs if they do not exceed 2 cm in length, so it makes no sense to sprout the beans for longer. Keep finished product It should be kept in a household refrigerator for no more than 5 days and be sure to rinse in water before eating. Healthy beans Masha with sprouts can be eaten separately, combined with other sprouted grains, or added to salads instead of green peas, the taste of which they resemble, in vegetable soups and in stewed and fried vegetable dishes.

Mash in cosmetology

The benefits of mung beans are not only that they nourish the body from the inside, they can also be beneficial for the skin of the face and body. They are used to make home remedies to cleanse and nourish the skin.

Facial scrub

To prepare it, you first need to grind dry mung beans in a coffee grinder, and if you don’t have one, then buy flour from these beans. Preparation technology:

  • 2 tsp. Mix ground beans with 2 tsp. mint or rose infusion (for thin or sensitive skin);
  • 2 tsp. mix masha with 2 tsp. lemon juice or honey (for oily skin);
  • leave to sit for 10–15 minutes.

You need to apply the mung bean scrub on your face in a circular motion, keep it on your face for 10 minutes, and then just rinse off warm water. Apply a couple of drops to the skin olive oil and rub into it with massaging movements.

Facial mask

To prepare this cosmetic product homemade you need 1 tbsp. l. Mix crushed mung bean powder with 1 tbsp. l. sour cream and 1 tsp. olive oil. You can add 1 more drop of your favorites essential oils. Mix everything well and apply the mixture to wet face. Leave for 15–20 minutes, then rinse with water.

How to cook delicious mung bean

You can cook a wide variety of dishes from it, for example, cook porridge, stew with vegetables, cook soup with beans. These simple dishes are easy to prepare, you don’t need any special skills, and the process itself won’t take much time.

Porridge recipe

They love to cook this dish in the East, and it is not surprising, because it is very tasty and nutritious. You will need:

  • rice and mung bean – 200 g each;
  • onions and carrots average size– 1 pc.;
  • fresh meat (beef, goat or lamb) – 400 g;
  • vegetable oil – 50–100 ml;
  • spices (black, red pepper, cumin) and salt;
  • water – 1.5 l.

How to cook mung bean porridge:

  1. Peel the vegetables, wash and cut the carrots into cubes and the onion into thin half rings.
  2. Cut the meat into small pieces.
  3. Fry it in oil along with vegetables and spices and place in a pan.
  4. Pour beans into it, add water and cook over low heat for 40 minutes.
  5. After this, add rice and cook until the water has completely boiled away.

Serve mung bean porridge hot, along with fresh dill and parsley.

Soup recipe

To cook this vegetable soup, you will need:

  1. 100–150 g mung bean;
  2. 1 onion and 1 medium-sized carrot;
  3. 2–3 medium potatoes;
  4. 200 g chicken;
  5. 100 g butter;
  6. 2 tbsp. l. homemade sour cream;
  7. spices and salt to taste.

Step-by-step description of preparation:

  • Place the meat in a saucepan, add water and cook until half cooked.
  • Then fry the onions and carrots in oil.
  • Add mung beans and potatoes to the meat.
  • 10 minutes before the end of cooking, add onions, carrots, spices and salt and last resort sour cream.
  • Serve mung bean soup hot.

How does mung bean differ from peas and beans?

The main advantage of mung bean is that it cooks quickly. It does not have to be soaked, but can be placed in a pan in in the usual form. And one more property of these beans is that they do not cause gas formation, so they can be eaten even by people with problems of this kind and by babies from 6 months.

Harm of mung bean and contraindications for use

Mung bean can bring not only benefits, but also harm to the body. But this is only when misuse. It should not be eaten by people who have gastrointestinal disorders, decreased intestinal motility, or are intolerant to any components of the product.

How to select and store mung beans

The best mung beans are fresh, smooth, and bright green. They should not have any damage or stains, they should not be dry or wrinkled. They need to be stored in a dry, dark place, where they can remain for 2 years without changing quality. Store prepared mung bean dishes in the refrigerator for no more than 5 days.


What the benefits and harms of mung bean will be also depends on whether it was chosen, stored and prepared correctly. If everything is done correctly, it will become not only healthy, but also a favorite dish for the whole family.

The beneficial properties of mung bean cereals were known in ancient eastern countries. Many people think that this exotic cereal is not suitable for our diet. It's actually easy to prepare and tastes great. Sauces, purees, porridges and soups are prepared from it. Those who are not lazy can germinate mung beans themselves and use them in their daily menu. Beans are also used in cosmetology; exfoliating body scrubs and masks are made from them.

  • What does mung bean consist of?
  • Cons of cereals
  • Mung bean recipes
  • Cooking porridge
  • Indian soup "Dal"
  • Soup "Mashkhurda"
  • Korean mung bean salad
  • Mash with rice

What does mung bean consist of?

Mung bean, which belongs to the legume family, is also called mung. Externally, miniature beans can be recognized by their oval shape and green color. The cereal contains elements such as iron, potassium, calcium, fiber, phosphorus and proteases. Also present are zinc, manganese, magnesium, vitamins A, C, E. For those who adhere to variety of diets and watches your own figure, you must remember that mung bean is a high-calorie large grain. 100 g may contain 300-350 kcal. In contrast to this, it should be noted that in cereals minimal amount fat Therefore, it will not harm the figure.

Positive characteristics of exotic food

Mash helps remove harmful substances from the body and at the same time deals a powerful blow to viruses. The cereal contains vitamin B. As a result, it has a calming effect and normalizes the process of protein metabolism. Consumption of cereal improves the functioning of blood vessels and reduces blood pressure. Mung bean dishes reduce vulnerability to seasonal colds and flu, activate brain function and help improve vision, strengthen skeletal system. Mung bean will bring enormous benefits to people suffering diabetes mellitus and disorders nervous system. Since protein predominates in the composition, cereals are of particular interest to vegetarians. There is absolutely no cholesterol in the cereal. Many diets include mung bean because the cereal is absolutely harmless. With its help you can successfully replace fatty meat and potatoes.

Cons of cereals

Compared with positive aspects, there are quite a few downsides. Among them are individual intolerance and diseases digestive system. Frequent use Beans are fraught with danger, as it can result in nausea and dizziness.

Mung bean recipes

Golden beans are represented in the national cuisines of China, India, Korea, Uzbekistan, and Tajikistan. IN Lately European states were no exception. Cereals are consumed both in purified form and in regular form. Not many people know that manufacturers produce the well-known translucent funchose noodles from mung bean starch.

You can prepare a wide variety of dishes from mung bean grains. In any case, the beans are soaked before cooking. Young mung beans are soaked for only an hour. But in general it is recommended to leave the beans overnight. This will allow the cereal to boil faster. On long time The grains are soaked when preparing soups or stews. The beans are soaked for an hour if it is intended that they will be cooked with a variety of other foods, such as vegetables and meat products.

Cooking porridge

Initially, the beans are washed under running water and soaked. The next day, drain the water and place the mung beans in a saucepan. Boil over low heat for half an hour. Salt is not added immediately, but 10 minutes before complete readiness. Depending on your own preferences, add carrots, onions or mushrooms. At the final stage, spices and oil are added.

Indian soup "Dal"

2 liters of water are heated in a saucepan. Place in container Bay leaf, one cinnamon stick and pour in a glass of soaked beans. Leave to cook for 20 minutes. Then add grated carrots combined with butter and turmeric. The soup is simmered until the beans become soft.

1.5 teaspoons of cumin are fried with red pepper (2 pods). Then add fresh ginger and garlic. Mix everything thoroughly and place in a saucepan. Keep on fire for about 5 minutes. Can be served with sour cream.

Soup "Mashkhurda"

Mashkhurda is an Uzbek soup. Its peculiarity is that some of the components included in it are fried. One of the ingredients is mung bean, so often used in Asian cooking. The preparation of the soup does not take long. Thick, delicious dish Can be completely cooked in an hour and a half. What's remarkable is that you don't need a lot of meat for it. 400 g will be enough for a half-liter pan.

It is more convenient to use a cauldron for cooking, since you will have to fry and cook in it. If you don’t have one on the household, then a stewpan will do. This warming soup will be a hit, especially on a frosty winter day. Pre-soak mung beans and rice in different containers. Then cut the meat and vegetables into cubes (onions, carrots, bell peppers and tomatoes). Heat the oil at the bottom of the container and fry everything together, except the tomatoes, stirring so as not to burn. Lastly added tomato paste and tomatoes. Drain the remaining water from the soaked cereals. We send the mung bean to the vegetables, add water and salt. Cook over low heat for 40 minutes. When the mung bean is well cooked, you can add diced potatoes. Spicy lovers add chili pepper at this stage. Add rice. At the final stage, add herbs, spices and garlic. Mashkhurda is not eaten immediately, but is allowed to brew under the lid for 20 minutes. The soup is served with sour cream or katyk, a favorite among Asians. In a day, the mashkhurda will infuse and will be even more aromatic and tastier.

Korean mung bean salad

Or in the Asian style “Tergum-Cha”. The dish is not only tasty, but also healthy, as it contains vitamins and essential microelements. Mung bean can be sprouted at home or you can buy it ready-made in the store.

It is important to know! If you have sprouted mung bean for 24 hours, but it still has not sprouted or even cracked, it should not be eaten. The cereal has been treated with chemicals.

So, place the sprouted mung bean in boiling water and cook for 2 minutes. Turn off, transfer to a colander and leave to excess liquid could have flocked. Cut the onion into half rings and fry in oil. Take it out of the pan after it’s ready and add a few tablespoons of soy sauce to the oil and cook for a minute. Pour the resulting sauce over the beans. Add garlic and seasonings to taste. The salad should soak for two hours.

Mash with rice

Of all the dishes listed above, this is the simplest. We sort both cereals separately and rinse under running water. Boil water in a saucepan. First, add the mung bean to boiling water and boil for 7 minutes. Then pour the raw rice into the same container. Add salt and spices. Cook for 12 minutes. When the water has boiled away, add butter to the cereals for taste and leave for a while. The dish can be used as a side dish or eaten with fresh vegetables.

By consuming mung bean cereal, you can get rid of extra pounds, improve your health and skin condition, and also diversify your diet.

Mung) is a plant of the Legume family, which is a source of easily digestible protein, phytoestrogens and protease inhibitors. The birthplace of culture is India. Today it grows in Southeast Asia, Uzbekistan, Korea, Japan, China, and Turkmenistan. Harvest occurs in June and November.

The beans are small, oval-shaped, green in color. Used in cooking as a side dish. Mung beans are eaten whole or starch is extracted from them, on the basis of which noodles are made. In addition, beans are used to prepare pureed soups, salads, creams, and snacks.

Mung bean is a high-calorie product (323 calories per 100 grams), very healthy for women's health. It maintains hormonal levels (which is especially important during menopause) and inhibits the development of breast cancer. In addition, mung beans improve memory and vision, strengthen joints and bones, fight allergies and asthma, and have a beneficial effect on the nervous system.

Mash is extremely popular in the cosmetics industry. The beans contain a coenzyme that stops age-related changes appearance: appearance age spots, wrinkles, sagging.

Benefits and harms

Mung bean has diuretic, antiseptic, and detoxifying properties. It's interesting that in ancient China healers used “miracle beans” to cleanse the body.


  • reduces pores, nourishes, softens, brightens the skin (as a mask);
  • strengthens the immune system;
  • stimulates mental activity;
  • increases visual acuity;
  • stabilizes;
  • fights tumors (protease inhibitors);
  • improves hormonal levels and psychological condition women during menopause, fights hot flashes (phytoestrogens);
  • normalizes blood pressure and blood levels;
  • absorbs toxins, excess fat;
  • increases the flexibility of arteries and veins;
  • stimulates the production of collagen, elastin, hyaluronic acid, which give the skin a young, healthy, toned appearance (phytoestrogens);
  • increases performance;
  • regulates body temperature, thereby preventing heat stroke;
  • normalizes metabolism;
  • Helps curb hunger and reduces cravings for sweets.

Dr. Wang Haichao found that mung bean extract prevents sepsis. According to the experiment conducted (on mice), it was confirmed that the survival rate of the group receiving mung bean extract was 70%, relative to the control group, in which it did not exceed 30%.

Mung beans – alternative source protein among foods plant origin. Interestingly, 100 grams of mung bean contains 23.5 grams of proteins, and beef tenderloin – 18.6 grams, – 17.83 grams, boiled – 22.6 grams, raw eggs– 12.6 grams. Therefore, you can replace meat with mung bean 2-3 times a week, this will reduce the load on the digestive tract.

Legumes – dietary product, which is especially useful for diabetics, vegetarians, athletes, people with overweight, heart and metabolic problems.


  • product intolerance;
  • poor intestinal motility;
  • diseases of the digestive system.

Excessive use may result in flatulence and dispersion.

Chemical composition

Mung bean contains valuable vegetable protein, fiber, vitamins, minerals, protease inhibitors, and phytoestrogens, which can fully replace meat.

Sprouted beans provide the greatest value for humans, since the concentration of nutrients in them increases by 1.5 - 5 times.

Table No. 2 " Chemical composition mash"
NameNutrient content per 100 grams of product, milligrams

Mung bean is eaten boiled and sprouted. When consumed regularly, beans speed up the recovery of patients suffering from infectious and inflammatory diseases (laryngitis, sinusitis, tracheitis, bronchitis, rhinitis).

The taste of mung bean resembles with notes of nut. Goes well with spinach, peas, chickpeas. In India, beans are used for cooking national dish- thick mashkhurd. In addition, mung beans produce hearty casseroles, snack pies, vegetable cutlets, stews, puree soups.

Cooking methods

Mung beans are widely used in Asian cooking in boiled form. Mung bean is consumed unpeeled, shelled, both whole and chopped. Starch is extracted from beans, which is used to produce pasta, jelly, ice cream, drinks, and creams. In Uzbek cuisine, vegetarian pilaf (“mash-khurda” or “mash-kichiri”) is prepared from unrefined mung bean and rice. Beans in combination with chicken, beef, seafood, sauces, and vegetables create hearty, tasty salads.

Deep-fried mung bean is a traditional oriental snack.

How to cook beans?

  1. Rinse the cereal under cold water.
  2. Soak for 2 hours (or overnight). The longer the beans soak in moisture, the softer they will be. ready dish and it will take less time to prepare them.
  3. Place the cereal on the fire (at the rate of 1 part mung bean to 2.5 parts water), cook for half an hour over low heat. The porridge is salted 10 minutes before the end of cooking. To improve the taste, you can add creamy or sunflower oil, sautéed onions, mushrooms, hot spices(asafetida, curry, chili powder, coriander, garam masala).

How to sprout beans?

First of all, it is worth noting that sprouted crops represent a powerful energy resource.

The nutritional value of such products increases by 2–10 times. Sprouting increases concentration biologically active substances in the product and reduces the amount of phytates that interfere with their absorption.

Beans with sprouts can be eaten raw or cooked heat treatment: fry in oil. Growth requires special conditions, which involve alternating regimes of light and darkness. Sprouts appear within 3 to 5 days and are ready for consumption within a week. Provided that they are in the light 4 hours a day, the rest of the time in the dark.

So, before sprouting, rinse, sort the beans, get rid of broken grains and debris. Soak them in water overnight. In the morning, rinse the moong, place it in a glass jar, cover it with gauze, and tie it with a rubber band. After this, turn the container with the beans over and place it in a plate of water at an angle of 45 degrees. The grains must be saturated with moisture. The next step is to remove the beans dark room. As it dries, rinse in the same way.

It is recommended to eat mung bean when the size of the bean with sprout is at least 1 centimeter. Exactly in this form beneficial features product are fully disclosed. However, do not delay germination, otherwise instead of fresh young white-yellow shoots you will get brown, tasteless sprouts. It is better to eat sprouted mung bean immediately; the maximum shelf life is 2 days in the refrigerator, in gauze.

Green bean skins contain natural vegetable fiber, which improves digestion, so do not peel it before consuming the product.

Interestingly, the content of vitamin C in sprouts increases 7 times compared to seeds (and amounts to 42.4 milligrams), 5 times (on the fifth day of cultivation it amounts to 517 milligrams), fiber - by 1/3 (reaches 8 ,9 %).

Active components mung seedlings activate the production of hemoglobin, participate in the construction of phosphatases, carry a powerful charge of energy, relieve stressful conditions, have antimicrobial activity, normalize metabolism. Legume sprouts help in the fight against arthritis, asthma, allergies, atherosclerosis, diabetes, menopause, and hypertension. IN Chinese medicine They are used as a cooling food that cools the body, cleanses the skin, and prevents ARVI diseases.

Any mung bean seeds are suitable for germination, since they are not subjected to heat or chemical treatment. The main condition is that the grains should not be dark or wrinkled.




  • mung bean – 200 grams;
  • butter – 50 grams;
  • fresh grated – 5 grams;
  • cinnamon – 1 stick;
  • – 7.5 grams;
  • water – 1.9 liters;
  • – 2 slices;
  • red pepper – 2 pods;
  • bay leaf – 2 pieces;
  • turmeric – 5 grams;
  • vegetables – 275 grams;
  • salt.

Cooking principle:

  1. Pour water into a saucepan and bring to a boil. Add bay leaf and cinnamon.
  2. Add mung bean to boiling water and cook for 20 minutes over low heat.
  3. Peel the vegetables, chop finely, mix with butter and turmeric. Place the resulting mass in the mash. Cook until the beans are soft. If the consistency of the soup is too thick, add a little water.
  4. Heat a frying pan, fry dried red pepper and cumin seeds in oil, when they darken, add garlic and grated ginger.
  5. Pour the seasonings into the dal and cook for 5 minutes.
  6. Add to dish before serving.



  • round grain rice – 200 grams;
  • lamb fat – 100 grams;
  • carrots – 2 pieces;
  • tomatoes – 3 pieces;
  • mung bean – 200 grams;
  • whole barberry – 15 grams;
  • cilantro – 4 sprigs;
  • boiled water – 3 liters;
  • beef bones – 400 grams;
  • lamb pulp – 400 grams;
  • vegetable oil – 60 milliliters;
  • onion– 2 heads;
  • red mixture hot pepper, cumin and coriander seeds – 15 grams;
  • salt.

Cooking principle:

  1. Cut fat and meat into small pieces.
  2. Peel the onions and carrots. Cut into strips.
  3. Scald the tomatoes with boiling water, remove the skin and chop.
  4. Rinse the mung bean and rice under water and place in a sieve. Do not mix grains with each other.
  5. Heat the oil in a cauldron, fry the meat and bones over high heat until a brown crust appears.
  6. Add the fat (it should become slightly transparent), then the onions (until yellowish tint), tomatoes. Add barberry and spice mixture. Cook for 5 minutes.
  7. Place the carrots in a cauldron, add mung bean, pour in water. Bring the contents to a boil, turn down the heat, and cook under a closed lid for at least half an hour. Cook the dish until the beans burst.
  8. Add bay leaf and rice to the contents. Cook for another 25 minutes, add salt. After cooking, leave the dish on the stove for 20 minutes.
  9. Serve mashkhurd with katyk or thick yogurt. Garnish with cilantro and basil.

It is interesting that in Uzbek stir-fry soups, spices are added at the stewing stage. They are often introduced after adding vegetables (in particular, tomatoes), when they actively release juice.


Mung beans are golden beans used to eliminate food poisoning, inflammation (tracheitis, laryngitis, sinusitis, rhinitis, bronchitis), acne, dermatitis. An extract from dry beans tightens pores, cleanses, softens and nourishes the skin, and also supports a woman’s body during the period of hormonal changes (menopause). Mash protects against free radicals, stimulates intercellular processes, removes dullness of the dermis, treats shallow wounds.

Mung beans are widely used in cooking. They are used to make sauces, pasta, soups, side dishes, snacks, pancake fillings, and salads. Mung bean is stewed, boiled, fried or served sprouted. Goes well with meat dishes, seafood and vegetables (vegetarian pilaf, risotto, dal, mashkhurda).

At daily use Beans lower cholesterol levels by 19%.

To increase concentration useful substances Mung bean is soaked and germinated for 5 days. Seedlings enrich the body with easily digestible protein, slow carbohydrates, healthy, fats, zinc, calcium, phosphorus, potassium, iron, E, C, K, PP. Sprouted beans are removed nervous tension, activate metabolic processes, normalize blood pressure, resist the growth of malignant tumors.

In addition, mung bean intake should be limited to nursing mothers, pregnant women and children under 6 years of age.

Mash (Mung)- This legume origin from India. Mung beans are small, green, and oval-shaped. The composition of vitamins and minerals in mung beans is perfectly balanced, making them a nutritious and healthy product.


Add mung bean sprouts to vegetable salads. They often serve as a substitute for green peas.

You can add beans to stewed or fried vegetables and soups just before serving.

Cook porridge with sprouts, combining them with cereals (rice, buckwheat, pearl barley, barley, quinoa). Biological value porridge with sprouted beans increases significantly. In addition, sprouted beans are easier and better digested and are perfectly absorbed.

How to cook

Before cooking, sort the beans, remove hardened grains, stones and other debris and be sure to cover with water and leave overnight.

When cooking mung beans, skim off any foam or skin that floats to the surface. The beans need to be cooked until they are soft. It turns out even tastier if you cook it over low heat for a long time. Boiled mung bean strengthens and improves digestion, strengthens the body after illness, and is very useful for older people.

In India, mung beans are traditionally used to prepare Dhal or Dal, an Indian bean-based creamy soup. coconut milk, vegetables and spices. This soup can be made from any legumes. Dal is very tasty, healthy and perfectly nourishes and warms the body in winter. The essence of the dish is to boil legumes together with vegetables until pureed. The dal is generously flavored with spices, which give the dish completeness and completeness. Dal can be eaten as an independent dish along with bread, flatbreads, or served as a sauce for the main dish or poured over rice.

Mash recipe with barley groats look .