Fitness for military service. What are the categories of fitness for military service

Every person who has passed any military commission the state of health is determined, about which there are corresponding marks.

How to find out the category of fitness for military service?

A person liable for military service who has passed any medical examination, which the army conducts, is put on military records (only a part of which is each medical checkup), so he can easily find out his state of health for fitness for service. This is done by 2 simple ways, that is enough:

  • 1. Look at your military ID;
  • 2. Contact the draft board.

Often a citizen who has passed a medical examination is interested in where to look for the category of fitness for military service in the ticket. Such data is most often displayed on 13-14 pages, but in some situations the degree of suitability is indicated on 2-3 pages.

Deciphering the categories of fitness for military service

In a military ticket, the state of a person’s health is not described in detail (there is a medical book for this), but the category of his fitness for service is simply indicated in letters (A-D). If a person has already been in the army, then there may be other values ​​\u200b\u200bthat indicate what kind of VUS he has, etc., but they do not matter to health.

What categories of fitness for military service are indicated by the letters A B C D E

  • 1. A - this letter indicates that the person is fit to perform official duties, and without any restrictions;
  • 2. B - this letter means that the citizen is fit for service, but with minor reservations, usually they relate to which troops the conscript cannot get into;
  • 3. B - if this letter is on the ticket, then the person is not fit for service in peacetime. Although he will be on the military register, and in wartime his call may be relevant. You also need to know that given state not permanent, that is, in many cases, the letter is replaced with B, if the diagnosis, complaints are not confirmed regularly;
  • 4. G - indicates that a deferment from conscription for 6-12 months has been granted. This can happen in the acute phases of some diseases, for example, with only a detected ulcer, etc. After the treatment, military medics can increase fitness;
  • 5. D - this letter indicates a person’s unfitness for service, but it is rare, since it is assigned only to disabled people of groups I, II.

Categories of fitness for military service - schedule of diseases

The state of health of all those passing the commission is determined with the help of the so-called disease schedule. This is a list of 2 thousand diseases according to which the health restrictions of each citizen passing the commission will be determined. For convenience, when registering this information about diseases, a table is used. Also, the schedule of diseases consists of three columns, they are intended for different groups citizens: conscripts, military personnel who do not have officer knowledge, for officers. Each column for military personnel is used to determine the health of both employees and non-servicemen on this moment of people.

If a conscript, another person liable for military service does not correspond to any disease from the schedule, then he is fully fit to fulfill his duty to the Motherland and his health falls under category A. When a person is found to have any disease, violation, then doctors just need to look at the schedule of diseases, where its name is indicated in order to understand how limited the health of any military person is and in what category he should be registered.

Categories of fitness for military service under the contract

The health of any serviceman under the contract is determined according to the schedule of diseases that is relevant for all those liable for military service and according to which their fitness is determined. As for all other groups of people, the designation of the state of health occurs with the help of letters A-D, and the column for them is indicated under the number II.

For officers, what categories of fitness are indicated?

"Electronic journal "Azbuka Prava", 01.12.2017


In order to determine the suitability for military service, citizens, in particular those subject to conscription for military service, undergo a medical examination. At the same time, citizens recognized as partially fit for military service for health reasons are exempted from conscription for military service, and those recognized as unfit for it - from execution military service(clause 1 of article 5.1, clause "a" clause 1, clause 4 of article 23 of the Law of March 28, 1998 N 53-FZ; clause 5 of the Regulation, approved by Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of November 11, 2006 N 663) .

In this material, we will consider the categories of fitness for military service, determined during the call, and cases of their change.

ABOUT determination of the category of fitness for military service

The fitness for military service of citizens upon conscription for military service is determined in accordance with the established requirements for the state of health (clause 6 of the Regulation, approved by Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of 04.07.2013 N 565).

Medical examination of citizens upon conscription for military service is carried out by specialist doctors: a surgeon, a general practitioner, a neurologist, a psychiatrist, an ophthalmologist, an otorhinolaryngologist, a dentist and, if necessary, doctors of other specialties. A psychiatrist also conducts a re-examination of citizens who have a tendency to deviant behavior (paragraph 15 of Regulation N 565).

Based on the results of a medical examination, doctors give a conclusion on fitness for military service in the following categories (clause 2, article 5.1 of Law N 53-FZ; clause 18 of Regulation N 565):

A - fit for military service;

B - fit for military service with minor restrictions;

B - limited fit for military service;

G - temporarily unfit for military service;

D - not fit for military service.

At the same time, a conclusion on temporary unfitness for military service is issued for a period of up to 12 months (clause 18 of Regulation N 565).

Organization of medical examination in this case is assigned to the conscription commission, which, based on its results, makes, in particular, a decision on conscription or on exemption from conscription for military service. This decision may be appealed by a citizen to the draft commission of the constituent entity of the Russian Federation within three months from the date of its adoption or to the court. At the same time, control over the medical examination of conscripts is entrusted to the military medical commission (clauses 1, 7 of article 28 of Law N 53-FZ; clause 13 of Regulation N 663; clause "c" clause 3 of Regulation N 565) .

AND changing the category of fitness for military service

In case of disagreement with the conclusion on fitness for military service based on the results of a medical examination, a citizen has the right (paragraph 7 of article 28, paragraph 2, 4 of article 29 of Law N 53-FZ; paragraph 5 of paragraph 8, paragraph 22 Regulations N 565, paragraph 1 of the Regulations, approved by Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of July 28, 2008 N 574):

1) pass a control medical examination organized by the draft commission of the constituent entity of the Russian Federation;

2) undergo an independent military medical examination;

3) to appeal to the court the decision of the draft commission, including the draft commission of the constituent entity of the Russian Federation.

It should be noted that going to court does not preclude an independent military medical examination within the framework of litigation(Part 1, 2, Article 77 of the CAS RF).

Note. In the event that deviations in the state of health are detected during the control examination that change his category of fitness for military service, the draft commission of the constituent entity of the Russian Federation cancels the decision of the draft commission, which is reported to the citizen and to the corresponding draft commission ( 22 of Regulation N 565).

Prepared on the basis of the material

lawyer Trignina V.G.,

Moscow Bar Association

"Military Bar Association"

The selection of people fit to serve in the army has been practiced since ancient times. If earlier, an evaluation criterion was used as an assessment of the degree of suitability, then at present the determination of the degree of suitability of a recruit for service is strictly scientifically justified.
The category is determined not only in connection with general condition health, but also allows you to determine in which troops this or that conscript can, without harm to health, and with the greatest efficiency, serve, fulfilling his duty.

What are the eligibility categories?

Article 5.1 of the Federal Law "On military duty and military service" gives a clear definition of the categories and criteria used to determine the suitability for military service.
Traditionally, it is customary to call them the letters of the Russian alphabet: from "A" to "D", thus highlighting 5 categories.
Physical health, absence chronic diseases, injuries, disability for other indicators - it is the basis categorization military personnel when they are called up for military service. And for those who are already certified and serve in the troops - when determining their degree of fitness in the event common disease, injured, concussion, trauma to deal with further fate soldier.

Conscripts and military personnel who do not have such high performance in general physical training or having slight deviations from the concept of "completely healthy" - successfully perform combat missions in no less critical areas of combat work, but not requiring extreme muscle and functional activity of the body.
Therefore, I call on military service young people assessed by the military medical commission with fitness categories “B” are also subject.

Differences in the categories of validity

The practice of using personnel in the troops has developed a number of selection criteria.
For units of the first echelon - necessary: ​​physical strength, activity, stress resistance, endurance.
For second echelon troops - other qualities are more important, since they have to perform combat work in completely different conditions.
In peacetime, the state may refuse conscription into the army for a significant number of conscripts who do not meet the strict army rules of routine, diet, and physical activity. But who can fulfill their duty to protect the Motherland in wartime.
The only category that under no circumstances allows conscription into military service includes persons suffering from severe somatic, mental, allergic diseases, or having a disability that makes it difficult to use military weapons in practice.

Gradation of expiration categories

The category of fitness for military service is determined as a result of an examination of a conscript (serviceman) by a board of 7 doctors. Their composition is constant and sufficient to detect any deviations in the state of health:

Determining the state of health and assessing the degree of suitability in military service is not built from scratch.
Each military candidate must provide medical commission the following documents:

Based on the documents provided, the results of the visual examination and medical tests military medical commission decides on the category.
Each of the 5 categories has (with the exception of the "D" category) a number of subcategories. They make it possible to take into account physical state and rational use of a soldier in the army.

The state of "absolute" health. A serviceman has no restrictions for serving in any extreme situations. Reduced vision to - 2 diopters is allowed.
The first echelon troops are recruited from the category "A" contingent. It has 3 subcategories, indicated in the registration certificate by Arabic numerals (1,2,3).
Minor deviations in health, taken into account by doctors, practically do not affect the suitability of a soldier for a combat mission.

The most massive and therefore the most common among military personnel. Has 4 subcategories. Within this group, more are taken into account individual characteristics organism and distribution to the duty station - more graded.
In case of doubts about the degree of suitability, conscripts, contract soldiers and military personnel are sent for an additional medical examination.
The presence of category "B" does not at all indicate that a serviceman cannot full dedication perform work in extreme or combat conditions.
The state, inviting young people to serve, is not interested in the fact that after its passage, the health of a person liable for military service will deteriorate. That is why service conditions with a sparing regime are recommended for this category, without increased physical activity.

In a certain layer of the subculture - the desired dream of mentally immature undergrowths.
Means unfitness for service in peacetime and exempts from military service.
Usually it is the presence of chronic diseases, which already burden the fate of a person. It is not in the interests of the state to aggravate their course or promote development.
Treatment costs more than useful returns.
Usually, conscripts applying for this category know the document by heart:

And in every possible way they strive not to be cured and gain health, but to further aggravate their illness.
Upon receipt of this category, recruits are enrolled in the reserve of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation. Receive a military ID (in exchange for registration certificate), and up to 50 years are in the reserve. Their military registration specialty is determined by the profile education at the time of issuing a military ID.

It includes persons who, at the time of examination at the VVK, have somatic, infectious, mental illness, which, when cured, do not interfere with the passage of service.
Gives a deferment from conscription for military service for a period of 6 months to 1 year.
Upon re-examination, it can be extended or replaced by another category.

Persons recognized as completely unfit for military service have severe health disorders and disabilities.
Social guarantees provide such people with state assistance in adapting and are in no way aimed at ensuring that a person is drafted into the army.
When determining category "D", a military ID with a special mark is issued. The same mark is affixed to the citizen's passport.
Persons with category "D" have a significant range of restrictions when applying for a job in the Ministry of Internal Affairs, the Ministry of Emergency Situations, the FSB, the FSO and other law enforcement agencies.

categorization conscripts, persons wishing to perform military duty under the contract and active military personnel - scientifically substantiated and aimed at the rational use of human resources and the preservation of health.