Sakhalin Regional Dermatovenerologic Dispensary. Other medical institutions

- Yuzhno-Sakhalinsk - Dispensaries - Sakhalin Regional Dermatovenerologic Dispensary - Yuzhno-Sakhalinsk, st. Hospital, 46b

Directions to the Sakhalin Regional Dermatovenerological Dispensary on the street. Hospital, 46b in Yuzhno-Sakhalinsk

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A country: Russia

Region:Sakhalin region

City: Yuzhno-Sakhalinsk

Address:st. Hospital, 46b

Supervisor: Tatarkin Andrei Gennadievich

Phones:+7 (4242) 75–27–15, +7 (4242) 73–39–62, +7 (4242) 73–56–93

Opening hours: -

Official site:

Type of ownership: GUZ

Specify the mode of operation and the possibility of making an appointment with a doctor at the indicated phone numbers.

Additional Information:



  • Dispensaries

Other medical institutions:

Sakhalin Regional Narcological Dispensary
st. D. N. Kryukova, 84
Regional narcological dispensary
st. Kryukova, 84
Regional Oncological Dispensary
st. Gorky, 3
Regional Medical and Sports Dispensary, State Unitary Enterprise
st. Khabarovskaya, 29/a
Regional TB dispensary, State Healthcare Institution
st. Hospital, 46/a
Dermatovenerologic Dispensary
st. Guards, 31

Sakhalin Regional Dermatovenerologic Dispensary is located in the village of Yuzhno-Sakhalinsk, Sakhalin Region at the address st. Hospital, 46b. Chief Physician/Director Andrey Gennadyevich Tatarkin and employees of the healthcare facility will answer you by phone: ☎ +7 (4242) 75–27–15, +7 (4242) 73–39–62, +7 (4242) 73–56–93.

The organization is located in the Dispensaries section of Yuzhno-Sakhalinsk of our medical directory. Information on how to get there, as well as the work schedule, you can check on the official website of the organization

Important: All reviews are moderated.

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Sakhalin Regional Dermatovenerologic Dispensary: ​​65 years in service

On August 22, 2015, the dispensary will celebrate its 65th anniversary. Currently, it is the leading specialized institution in the region, which diagnoses and treats patients with chronic dermatosis, allergic dermatitis, skin diseases, and sexually transmitted infections. SOKVD coordinates the work of 24 dermatovenerological departments and offices of the Sakhalin Region.

The starting point for the creation of the Sakhalin Dermatovenerological Service is considered to be 1950, when the dispensary became regional by decision of the executive committee of the Sakhalin Regional Council of People's Deputies. For 30 years, the institution was headed by Yadviga Eliseevna Stafeeva, then it was headed by Yuri Ivanovich Nikiforov, who made a great contribution to the development of the dermatovenerological service of the Sakhalin Region, the training of medical personnel and paramedical workers. Since 1995, the head of the dispensary was Sergei Vladimirovich Volkov, who continues to this day to provide invaluable assistance in the work of the SOKVD as the head of the organizational and methodological department. Since 2004, Andrey Gennadyevich Tatarkin, a doctor of the highest qualification category, specializing in Health Organization and Public Health, has been the head physician of the dispensary.

It should be noted that since 1991 the dispensary has been located in its own building, built according to an individual project. It includes two inpatient departments for 100 beds, a polyclinic department for 110 visits per shift, physiotherapy, cosmetology, immunology, pediatrics, anonymous and organizational and methodological rooms, a prevention room, as well as clinical, serological, bacteriological, immunological and PCR laboratories. .

The dispensary has a modern material and technical base: computer software, laboratory and physiotherapy equipment have been introduced; ELISA analyzers, biochemical, hematological and urinary analyzers, luminescent microscopes, equipment for polymerase chain reaction, bacteriological, immunological, allergological studies are used. All this makes it possible to carry out diagnostics and treatment of all types of sexually transmitted infections, acute and chronic dermatoses, contagious skin diseases at a high level. Treatment methods unique in the Far East are used here - extreme aerocryotherapy, excimer laser treatment by DEKA. The latest diagnostic methods are used: PCR, ELISA, STI immunofluorescence, immunological status is detected by diagnosing cellular, phagocytic and humoral immunity.

As for the drug supply of the dispensary, over the past few years we have had no difficulties in providing medicines, dressings, test systems, reagents, disposable syringes and other consumables. In our work, we use all the latest advances in pharmaceuticals, - says the chief physician.

Conducting a modern examination of patients, their high-quality treatment requires the involvement of highly qualified personnel, constant and systematic work on their training and advanced training.

Personnel are the main, most valuable and significant part of health care resources, which ultimately ensure the effectiveness and efficiency of the institution, - says Andrey Gennadievich. He is sure that a close-knit highly professional team is the dispensary's main asset.

Currently, the institution employs 131 people, including 29 doctors (9 have the highest qualification category, 7 - the first and 2 - the second), 45 people of paramedical personnel (14 have the highest category, 8 - the first, 2 - the second).

GBUZ SOKVD is fully staffed at all levels. The region has a program of the Government of the Sakhalin Region to attract young professionals with the provision of housing and primary financial support.

To improve the efficiency of providing medical care to the population of the city and region, the dispensary conducts joint preventive work with the regional Center for Medical Prevention (actions, conversations, lectures among students of universities, colleges, schoolchildren, health schools, participation in city events - "Health and Beauty", "MedInfo " and etc.). The doctors of the dispensary provide specialized consultative and diagnostic assistance in all health facilities of the city and region.

For many years, the dispensary has been holding a school of psoriasis for patients with chronic dermatosis.

Andrei Gennadievich, what achievements in your work do you consider the most important?

It is very important that the dispensary is a well-equipped medical institution capable of providing highly qualified dermato-venereological medical care to the population. The dispensary is being provided with medical equipment and apparatus at an accelerated pace. Over the past three years, 10 million rubles have been spent for these purposes. The dispensary has and uses equipment that is not possessed by any dermatovenereological institution in the Far Eastern Federal District.

What results have been achieved?

As a result of purposefully carried out work in the region as a whole, the incidence rate has not only stabilized, but also has a stable positive trend towards a further decrease.

Over the past three years, the overall incidence of sexually transmitted infections has decreased by 1.3 times, and the incidence of syphilis by 1.8 times (39.5 per 100 thousand population), now it is one of the lowest in the Far Eastern Federal District (64 ,0). The incidence of syphilis in children has decreased, the incidence of syphilis among pregnant women is decreasing, and congenital syphilis is not registered. The incidence of trichomoniasis, gonococcal, chlamydial, anogenital herpetic infections, and anogenital warts is decreasing. The incidence of scabies is decreasing every year. Over the past three years, outbreaks of this disease have not been recorded. I see it as important to create a cosmetology service in the dispensary, which provides assistance to the population at the most modern level.

Much attention is paid to the issues of work with personnel. The provision of the dispensary with dermatovenereologists is 1.0 per 10,000 population, while the average for the Russian Federation is 0.67. All physicians are certified and have undergone professional retraining within the last five years. The positions of doctors were introduced: pediatrician, internist, gynecologist, allergist-immunologist, which made it possible to significantly improve the examination and treatment of patients. Doctors, their knowledge and experience, remain our main asset.


About the dispensary:

In the autumn of 1945, immediately after the liberation of the south of Sakhalin and the Kuril Islands from the Japanese invaders, a skin and venereal clinic was organized at the first clinic in Yuzhno-Sakhalinsk.

In September 1946, on the basis of the infectious disease department of the Yuzhno-Sakhalinsk city hospital, a dermatovenerologic department with 50 beds was deployed.

In December 1947, by order of the Yuzhno-Sakhalinsk City Health Department, a city dermatovenerological dispensary was organized. The dispensary was housed in a two-story Japanese building in the center of Yuzhno-Sakhalinsk on Amurskaya Street.

Since 1948, a network of skin and venereal surgeries has been organized in the regions of the region, including the South Kuril region.

In 1950, there were 28 venkabinets in the Sakhalin Region. In Yuzhno-Sakhalinsk, Kholmsk, Korsakov, night dispensaries and serological laboratories were organized. 28 doctors worked in them.

In August 1950, the city dermatovenerological dispensary was reorganized into the Sakhalin regional dermatovenerologic dispensary by the decision of the regional executive committee.

Over the years, the Sakhalin Regional Dermatovenerological Dispensary was headed by: Stafeeva Yadviga Eliseevna, Nikiforov Yuri Ivanovich, Volkov Sergey Vladimirovich. Currently, the chief physician is Andrey Gennadievich Tatarkin.

At present, 24 dermatovenerological institutions operate in the Sakhalin Region to provide assistance to patients with skin diseases and sexually transmitted infections, including: one dispensary and 23 rooms. They employ 37 dermatovenereologists.

Since 1990, the regional dermatovenerological dispensary has been located in a four-story building built according to an individual project in the city of Yuzhno-Sakhalinsk.

It houses:
24-hour inpatient department for 60 beds.
Polyclinic department for 110 visits per shift, work in two shifts.
Teen office.
Day hospital 40 beds, including 35 beds at the polyclinic and 5 beds at the hospital.
Physiotherapy room.
Clinical diagnostic laboratory.
Serological laboratory.
Cosmetology office.
anonymous office.
Department of Medical Prevention
Organizational methodical department.

In the polyclinic department of our dispensary, receptions are organized - dermatological, male urological, female urological, syphilidological, immunological, pediatric, cosmetological. There is a room for the prevention and treatment of sexually transmitted infections among children and adolescents.

In addition, there are centralized serological, clinical, biochemical and bacteriological laboratories, PCR laboratory. There are modern ELISA analyzers, biochemical, hematological and urinary analyzers, luminescent microscopes, equipment for polymerase chain reaction, bacteriological research.

The dispensary diagnoses all types of sexually transmitted infections by methods: immunofluorescence, enzyme immunoassay, PCR, bacteriological and other methods. All modern methods of diagnosing acute and chronic dermatoses, contagious skin diseases have been introduced. Highly qualified treatment of patients is carried out with the most modern medicines using the latest medical equipment.

The dispensary employs 130 people, including 73 medical workers, of which 27 are doctors of various specialties. Doctors are highly qualified. All doctors are certified, 9 of them have the highest qualification category, 5 - the first, 2 - the second. Nursing staff - 46 people, 20 of them with the highest qualification category, 4 - the first, 1 - the second, all have a certificate of a specialist.

The material and technical base of the dispensary meets the most modern requirements for institutions of such specialized medical care. The dispensary is fully computerized. New medical, diagnostic, laboratory and physiotherapy equipment is constantly being acquired.

Our dispensary coordinates the work of 23 dermatovenerological departments and offices, as well as all medical institutions of the region on the prevention of STIs and contagious skin diseases.

In the work on the prevention of STIs and contagious skin diseases, we closely cooperate with the regional administration, administrations of cities and districts, industry departments, heads of enterprises and organizations in accordance with federal and industry legislation.

We focus our efforts on providing highly qualified specialized, consultative, diagnostic, treatment and preventive care to the population of the region on an outpatient and inpatient basis using effective medical technologies and observing dispensary principles of work for the benefit of improving the health of the population of the Sakhalin Region.

State budgetary healthcare institution Sakhalin Regional Dermatovenerologic Dispensary (GBUZ "Sakhalin dermatological dispensary, Yuzhno-Sakhalinsk"), is a medical diagnostic and advisory center. It provides outpatient (both planned and emergency) and round-the-clock - inpatient care that meets the most modern medical standards, both to residents of their own and other regions.

The main profile of the dispensary is medical care in the treatment, as well as assistance in the treatment of sexually transmitted diseases.

On the base Regional Skin Dispensary, Yuzhno-Sakhalinsk, are provided both free of charge, within the framework of the compulsory medical insurance program and the Territorial Program of State Guarantees, and paid medical services. As part of paid medical services, you can get specialist advice, laboratory, diagnostic, treatment and other types of services.

Regional Skin Dispensary, Yuzhno-Sakhalinsk, equipped with modern medical and diagnostic medical equipment. The institution constantly introduces the achievements of modern science and technology, preventive methods. Service is carried out by highly qualified specialists. On the basis of the institution, all conditions have been created for the provision of various types of medical, organizational, methodological and advisory assistance.

Dermatovenerological dispensary, Yuzhno-Sakhalinsk,- constantly developing and improving medical institution. The most modern information technologies are used in the work of the organization. For the convenience of patients, the possibility of electronic appointment with a doctor online through the international Internet is widely used, including in Sakhalin Dermatovenerologic Dispensary You can also make an appointment with a doctor using the "Electronic Registry" service.

In addition to the serviced population attached to the city of Yuzhno-Sakhalinsk, residents of other territories can also receive help here.

In structure Regional Dermatovenerologic Dispensary, Yuzhno-Sakhalinsk, in the complex, there are inpatient departments and rooms for outpatient reception, allowing you to receive high-quality assistance in various areas. The diagnostic and paraclinical service is represented by the clinical diagnostic (general clinical and biochemical) laboratory and other structural subdivisions.

Controlling function Kozhvendispanser, Yuzhno-Sakhalinsk carried out by the Ministry of Health of the Sakhalin Region, the territorial body of Roszdravnadzor for the Sakhalin Region and the Territorial Fund for Compulsory Medical Insurance of the Sakhalin Region.