Why is cervical erosion dangerous? Cervical erosion in nulliparous girls: causes, symptoms, treatment

Natalya Artikova,


The Russian segment of the Internet in matters of medicine is extremely categorical. Here the “reds” fight to the death with the “whites”, taking no prisoners. Moreover, this applies to both patient forums and medical forums.

I regularly come across advice: “if a gynecologist offers to treat erosion, then run away from him.” You have probably read that “nowhere except Russia, the diagnosis of “cervical erosion” does not exist.” We are surrounded! Unscrupulous doctors with commercial diagnoses, mythical diseases in gynecology, there is erosion, and there is pseudo-erosion...

These seem like the right words, but they do not add clarity, and some are downright harmful, since they create the illusion of well-being in a woman and lead her into a state of outright indifference.

Let's try to systematize our knowledge. The diagnosis of “cervical erosion” really does not exist, but it has not yet been possible to banish this term from minds. Moreover, this concept is for all ages and non-social. About a couple of times a week at appointments I hear the question (sometimes even from the most “proven” patients): “How is my erosion?” You can’t just take a phrase and remove it from everyday life without replacing it with something more specific.

From a medical point of view, the popular term “cervical erosion” refers to several heterogeneous conditions: ectopia, ectropion, dysplasia.

Each of them requires different monitoring and treatment tactics.

Ectopic cervix

The shape of the cervix resembles a hollow cylinder, the inner surface of which (endocervix) is lined with columnar epithelium, the main function of which is to produce mucus. The outer part (exocervix) is covered with stratified squamous epithelium, the task of which is to protect the cervix from various damages. With ectopia, areas of columnar epithelium appear on the surface of the exocervix.

The neck is not a monumental reinforced concrete part of the body, given at birth once and for all. It has the ability to change physiologically under the influence of various factors, including hormones. Ectopia is a reflection of dynamic processes, most often found in girls and young women, and it is an absolutely benign condition that does not require treatment.


When a cylinder, beautiful in its symmetry, is destroyed for some reason and its inner part is “turned” outward, an ectropion occurs. In this case, the anatomical structure of the cervix is ​​disrupted. Such changes can be caused by various manipulations with the cervix: childbirth, abortion, suturing, various types of operations. Very rarely, ectropion is congenital as a consequence of problems with intrauterine formation.

This is a benign condition that does not require treatment. There is only one exception: if too many folds of the cylindrical epithelium “protrude” into the lumen of the vagina, then this may be the cause of constant and profuse leucorrhoea: the glands of the endocervix, even in an atypical place for themselves, regularly do their job and produce mucus.

This does not have a detrimental effect on your health, but it causes obvious inconvenience: you have to constantly use panty liners, and someday you will definitely get tired of it. That is, there are cosmetic indications for surgical treatment of the cervix. Ectropion does not develop into cancer.

Cervical dysplasia

The most important pathology (“pathology” is the keyword) for which the doctor must make a choice: to observe or operate is cervical dysplasia. This condition can develop into cancer over time. There are no pills for treatment.

In order not to make a mistake with a clinical decision, the gynecologist has three tools: cytology (smear for atypical cells, PAP test), PCR smear for papilloma virus (HPV) and colposcopy. It is recommended to do a PAP test from the age of 21 at least once every 3 years. From the age of 30, healthy people undergo additional HPV screening. If there are problems with immunity, screening begins earlier.

If changes are detected in any of the tests (PAP test or HPV smear), then only in this case a colposcopy is performed. That is, colposcopy (with or without a biopsy) completes the stage of establishing a diagnosis, and does not begin it.

Recently, the opinion has spread that it is not necessary to do a PAP test, only HPV screening is sufficient. However, we must remember that cervical cancer (which we want to prevent with the help of all these manipulations) is heterogeneous. There is squamous cell carcinoma, and there is adenocarcinoma, which will not react in any way to an HPV smear, but will be suspected by cytology. Therefore, HPV complements, but does not replace, cytology.

Polyps can very rarely transform into something malignant, so they should be removed if they are large (more than 3 cm), if they bleed periodically, or if they are atypical in appearance.

Cervical endometriosis

Endometrial cells that have settled in the tissue of the cervix - endometrioid heterotopia - can be an incidental finding during examination, and in this case do not require treatment. And they can be the cause of “spotting” bloody discharge before and after menstruation; accordingly, such a cervix is ​​subject to surgical treatment.

Endometriosis, like dysplasia, is operated on with a laser or radioknife, usually on an outpatient basis, under local anesthesia.

Cervical erosion is a pathological formation that occurs under the influence of hormonal changes, infectious processes, injuries and other conditions. Erosion looks like a defect in the mucous membrane. For a long time, the disease is asymptomatic, making itself felt only by minor contact bleeding. Some forms of pathology go away on their own, others require mandatory treatment using modern techniques (laser, radio wave coagulation, etc.).

Why is cervical erosion dangerous and what will happen if it is not treated? To answer this question unambiguously, you need to understand the reasons for its appearance, as well as understand what complications can arise from this pathology. Having complete information, every woman will be able to adequately assess the state of her health and make the right decision after consultation with a gynecologist.

Cervical ectopia, or when there is no cause for alarm

The term “ectopia” is understood as a congenital or acquired condition in which the columnar epithelium of the cervical canal is displaced onto the vaginal part of the cervix, visible in speculums. Another name for the pathology is pseudo-erosion, or false erosion. Ectopia is considered a normal variant in women under 25 years of age. If the disease is not accompanied by complications, it does not need to be treated. For most women, due to changing hormonal levels.

There are situations in which treatment of cervical ectopia is necessary:

  • Frequent bleeding;
  • Infection and development of cervicitis - inflammation of the cervix;
  • Suspicion of malignant tissue degeneration.

Even relatively harmless erosion can negatively affect a woman’s health, so it is impossible to do without medical supervision. It is recommended to visit a gynecologist every 6 months. If complications develop, the optimal treatment and rehabilitation regimen is selected. The prognosis for ectopia is favorable: in most cases, the problem can be eliminated in a short time. A photo of the false erosion can be seen below.

Pseudoerosion (ectopia), as a rule, does not require treatment. But it is necessary to periodically visit a gynecologist to monitor the condition of the cervical mucosa.

On a note

Cytological examination and colposcopy will help confirm the presence of ectopia and exclude other dangerous diseases of the cervix.

Consequences of cervical erosion for women

What will happen if the disease is not treated, and what are the consequences of such a decision? The consequences can be different, and the prognosis of the disease depends on many factors:

  • Type of erosion;
  • Defect size;
  • The woman's age and reproductive status;
  • The presence of complications and concomitant gynecological pathologies;
  • Compliance.

On a note

Compliance is adherence to treatment. The higher the patient’s trust in the doctor, the more accurately she will adhere to the prescribed therapy, and the greater the chance of a favorable outcome of the disease.

Possible consequences and complications of untreated erosion:

Defect growth

Erosion, which no one is treating, gradually grows, affecting new areas of the mucous membrane. A once minor defect, over the years, can cover the entire upper and lower lip, located around the inner pharynx. Large erosions often bleed, which creates certain difficulties in intimate life.

A significant defect is an entry point for infection. Such diseases almost always occur against the background of cervicitis (inflammation of the cervix) and colpitis (inflammation of the vagina), and are also accompanied by an imbalance of the microflora of the genital tract.

With the growth of the erosive area of ​​the cervix, a favorable environment is created for the development of pathogenic microflora, which can lead to other concomitant diseases, for example, colpitis.

Erosion of the cervix can grow not only in width, but also in depth, capturing new layers of the epithelium. The deeper the pathological process penetrates, the higher the likelihood of malignancy. The prognosis directly depends on the severity of the lesion and the speed of development of the process.


Cervical erosion in 50% of cases is accompanied by bleeding from the vagina. Discharge appears on underwear or pads after sexual intercourse, douching and other procedures. As a rule, these are minor blood stains, bloody or brown. Severe bleeding is not typical for erosion.

Bloody discharge occurs with erosion of any size. Even a small defect can remind you of itself from time to time. Often it is bleeding that becomes the reason for a visit to the doctor and subsequent treatment. Without treatment, the discharge will continue. Constant injury to a defect in the mucous membrane is fraught with gradual degeneration of its cells and the development of a malignant tumor.


Cervicitis is a common complication of untreated cervical erosion. A defect in the mucous membrane acts as an entry point for infection. Its own opportunistic flora (Escherichia coli, streptococci, etc.) is activated, and the concentration of beneficial lactobacilli decreases. Nonspecific inflammation of the cervix develops, accompanied by the appearance of very unpleasant symptoms:

  • Itching and burning in the vagina;
  • The appearance of unnatural discharge (yellow, green, gray, cheesy);
  • Pain during intercourse.

Cervicitis is characterized by purulent vaginal discharge, swelling and redness of the cervical mucosa.

The infection easily spreads through the genital and urinary tract. Possible damage to the bladder and the development of cystitis. The spread of infection into the uterine cavity threatens the formation of endometritis and in the long term can lead to infertility. Untreated erosion is a time bomb, and it is difficult to predict in advance how this pathology will turn out for a woman.

Other dangers of cervicitis:

  • If the natural biocenosis of the vagina is disrupted, the risk of contracting an STI increases;
  • Against the background of chronic infection, the cervix begins to bleed, inflamed erosion grows, and the disease progresses.

Various local medications are used to treat cervicitis. After inflammation subsides, some cervical diseases go away without additional exposure. Proper treatment of cervicitis sometimes allows you to do without cauterizing the erosion.

Does every erosion lead to cancer? Not at all. According to statistics, cervical ectopia almost never degenerates into carcinoma. The only danger is deep damage to the epithelium: erythroplakia, leukoplakia and dysplasia. If this pathology is detected, treatment cannot be avoided.

On a note

First-degree dysplasia (CIN I) is currently not considered a precancerous disease and responds well to drug therapy.

Severe, significant damage to the mucous layer of the cervix does not occur overnight. It all starts with a small defect, which, without treatment, grows, affecting the deep layers of the epithelium. All these changes are monitored by special studies (colposcopy, smear for oncocytology). It is important to notice the progression of the disease in time, because in the early stages it is possible to slow down the development of the oncological process. In the final stages, the only treatment method may be conization - excision of a section of the cervix. A photo of the cervix during cancer development can be seen below.

What are the risks of carcinoma? Serious consequences for a woman’s health and possible death. To save lives, sometimes not only the cervix, but also the entire reproductive organ is removed, and this is a real disaster for young women. With timely treatment of erosion, such dangerous consequences can be avoided and the development of cancer can be prevented.

The danger of cervical erosion is that it can indirectly increase the risk of developing cancer. If it is accompanied by inflammation of various kinds, then without proper treatment it can develop into dysplasia (a precancerous condition).

Reproductive health

Erosion itself does not affect a woman’s hormonal levels. Insignificant, does not affect the course of labor. Erosion cannot be the cause of infertility, even if we are talking about deep damage to the epithelium. The disease can be combined with other problems in the reproductive sphere, and can also be a marker of immune and hormonal disorders. If a woman cannot conceive a child, she needs to undergo a full examination by a gynecologist - other diseases that accompany cervical erosion will probably be found.

Cervical pathology does not have a significant effect on the course of pregnancy. Large erosion complicated by cervicitis may pose a threat as a likely source of infection. Without treatment, pathogenic microorganisms can penetrate the uterus and appendages, causing endometritis and salpingoophoritis (inflammation of the ovaries and fallopian tubes). Such conditions lead to the development of serious complications:

  • Early miscarriage;
  • Premature birth;
  • Intrauterine infection of the fetus;
  • Delayed fetal development.

Conditions dangerous for the child are observed with advanced inflamed erosion. A natural decrease in immunity and hormonal changes during pregnancy provoke the progression of the disease, which leads to serious consequences for the woman and the fetus.

The effect of erosion on the birth process also depends on its size and the depth of damage to the epithelium:

  • With uncomplicated erosion of small size, childbirth occurs through the natural birth canal without any special features;
  • A large defect creates an increased risk of rupture during childbirth;
  • Inflamed erosion is a high risk of developing postpartum endometritis.

Untreated erosion, active inflammation - all this creates not the most favorable conditions for the birth of a child. During childbirth, the cervix often ruptures, and tissue healing against the background of erosion is much slower. The formation of rough scars and the appearance of ectropion - eversion of the mucous membrane of the cervical canal. In the future, this threatens the development of ICI (isthmic-cervical insufficiency) and problems during subsequent pregnancy. In case of severe scar deformities, repeated natural childbirth will be impossible..

Obstructions in the birth canal, namely scars on the cervix, may prevent a woman from giving birth naturally. In this case, obstetricians and gynecologists will recommend a cesarean section to reduce the risk of complications during childbirth.

Consequences of cervical erosion for men

Uncomplicated erosion does not pose a danger to representatives of the stronger half of humanity. This condition does not affect a man’s health in any way. The only unpleasant thing is that erosion, like any gynecological diseases, does not in the least contribute to full-fledged sexual relationships, which can negatively affect the relationship in a couple.

Inflamed erosion is a potential source of infection for a man. This condition indicates that pathogenic microorganisms are actively multiplying in the woman’s genital tract. And if the banal E. coli is not dangerous, then chlamydia, gonococci and other pathogenic bacteria can cause considerable harm to a man’s health. HPV also deserves special attention. It has been proven that the human papillomavirus causes not only cervical cancer, but also leads to the appearance of genital warts and malignant tumors of the penis.

Tactics for identifying cervical pathology

Erosion is a disease that remains asymptomatic for a long time. Often the disease is discovered by chance during an examination by a doctor. That's why All women are recommended to visit a gynecologist at least once a year, even if there are no complaints. Patients at risk who have reproductive problems should see a doctor at least once every 6 months.

If erosion is detected, the doctor will refer the woman for examination. The list will definitely include a colposcopy and a cytology smear. According to indications, a biopsy and examination for STIs (including HPV) are performed. Further tactics depend on the diagnosis. Some forms of erosion (uncomplicated congenital and acquired ectopia) do not require treatment in nulliparous women. Other diseases (dysplasia, leukoplakia, ectropion) require mandatory therapy. If cancer or precancerous conditions are detected, treatment should be carried out as soon as possible.

An interesting video about the dangers of cervical erosion

Expert recommendations: how to protect nulliparous women from complicated cervical erosion

Cervical erosion is the most common disease. It is expressed in damage to the epithelium, which over time becomes covered with cracks and ulcers.

Reproductive system problems are diagnosed more often after pregnancy or childbirth.

Can it hurt?

Types of erosion:

  • True. Appears due to mechanical impact (for example, inaccurate gynecological examination).
  • False or ectopia. The epithelial cells are replaced by a cylindrical upper layer of mucosa.
  • . Occurs when the boundaries of epithelial cells in the cervical canal shift.

Erosion or ectopia occurs without symptoms. A woman can lead a normal life without knowing that she is suffering from this disease.

This pathology is often detected during a routine examination by a gynecologist. But sometimes a woman still begins to suspect her illness: a feeling discomfort, pain.

Gynecologist D. Lubnin will talk about the disease:

Why the pain starts, reasons

They are transmitted from a partner or appear due to improper hygiene or weakened immunity.

The reason is mechanical impact on the cervix, its damage, for example, during sexual intercourse or abortion.

Irregularity of menstruation should also alert the woman. This may be a signal of an inflammatory process or hormonal imbalance, which can cause disturbances in the mucous membrane of the cervical canal.

An insufficient amount of female sex hormones worsens the condition of the cervix. It becomes loose and easily susceptible to infection or damage.

Early sexual life negatively affects women's health, exposing a young and unprepared body to infections or diseases.

This pathology of the female reproductive system does not have pronounced pain syndrome at an early stage.

But everything in the body is interconnected, therefore, at an advanced stage of the disease, it is accompanied by serious problems or pain.

In case of hormonal imbalance Menstruation is profuse and painful.

Mechanical damage cervix causes discomfort during sexual intercourse and bleeding.

How to recognize pathology

Ectopia occurs without pain or signs, very common in young and.

Irregular visits to the gynecologist leads to the fact that the disease quickly progresses to a new stage of development. It is accompanied by inflammation or other consequences.

How to distinguish that it is erosion that hurts:

  • An increase in the amount of leucorrhoea interspersed with blood, appearing suddenly, not associated with the menstrual cycle.
  • Unpleasant odor, strange consistency of discharge (pus, mucus).
  • Pain in the lower abdomen, lower back: a woman usually experiences such sensations when menstruation occurs.
  • Severe nagging pain during sexual intercourse, and after it blood and discomfort in the uterus and vagina. There may be a cutting pain when urinating.
  • Bleeding.

Without accompanying infections, the disease does not show itself as pain or discomfort.

What to do if you feel discomfort

If at least one of the signs is detected you need to consult a gynecologist. Most likely, he diagnoses not only cervical erosion, but also the disease accompanying it.

The doctor will take the necessary swabs for infections, cultures from the vagina and cervical canal. And to accurately confirm the diagnosis, a colposcopy will be performed - examining the affected area with a microscope.

Ectopia in young girls usually goes away after the first birth.

The process of restoration of the uterus, regeneration of the epithelium completely heals all cracks and ulcers. Don't worry if you notice erosion.

In almost all cases, it can be treated; the main thing is to choose a method that is acceptable to you. Modern medicine quickly and painlessly copes with this problem..

Drug treatment is prescribed for a period of 2 weeks to 2 months, and the rehabilitation period after surgery does not exceed a month.

If the doctor scares you of precancer after a cursory examination, it would be wiser to contact another specialist, since the diagnosis of cervical erosion consists of a certain set of procedures:

  • blood test for syphilis (Wassermann reaction)
  • blood test for HIV infection
  • general and gynecological examination
  • examination of smears of cervical and vaginal contents with careful bacterioscopy to identify gonococci, trichomonas, yeast fungi, gardnerella
  • examination for chlamydia and mycoplasma
  • cytological examination of cervical scraping (before bimanual examination and colposcopy)
  • simple and extended colposcopy
  • targeted biopsy followed by histological examination (if indicated, only in cases of severe dysplasia or suspected cervical cancer)
  • determination of estrogen and progesterone levels in the blood
  • determination of indicators of humoral, cellular and local immunity (according to indications).

Such a detailed diagnosis will help the doctor determine the type and form of ectopia/erosion in order to select the optimal treatment. Let us remind you once again that not every erosion is a precancerous condition, and even when you receive a diagnosis of “cervical erosion,” you should not panic.

Should cervical erosion be treated?

The uncomplicated form of congenital or acquired ectopia (pseudo-erosion) does not require local treatment. In some cases, the gynecologist can correct menstrual dysfunction or prescribe more suitable contraception.

In case of complicated pseudo-erosion, gynecologists recommend treatment of the concomitant inflammatory process of the cervix and vagina. To completely eliminate the source of infection, in rare cases, removal of pathologically altered cervical tissue may be indicated.

The method of treating ectopia primarily depends on its causes. For example, in 67.7% of cases it develops against the background of inflammation of the cervix and vagina, in 36% - against the background of chronic adnexitis and endomyometritis. Inflammation in 55.8% of cases occurs against the background of sexually transmitted infections - chlamydia, ureaplasmosis, HPV, trichomoniasis, candidiasis, etc. Of course, all these diseases require special treatment, but this does not mean that the cervix will necessarily be cauterized.

Treatment methods for cervical erosion

Today, there are several effective methods for treating cervical erosion: local suppository therapy, electrosurgery, cryodestruction, chemical coagulation, radiosurgery, laser destruction. Each of them has its own advantages and disadvantages.

Cauterization of cervical erosion with electric current (diathermocoagulation)

This method of treating cervical erosion involves applying an electric current to the pathological area of ​​the mucosa. A burn forms at the site of the eroded surface, leaving a scar. At the same time, erosion is cured in 90%.

This method is quite painful: during and after the procedure it causes the woman significant discomfort, can cause cramping contractions of the uterus, and within 4 weeks patients often experience lower back pain or bleeding from the vagina. At the same time, diathermocoagulation does not lose its popularity due to its availability.

Among the complications of cauterizing erosion with electric current are the risk of bleeding, scar formation, the risk of infertility and miscarriage, therefore this method is not recommended for nulliparous women.

Chemical coagulation for the treatment of cervical erosion

Another method of treating erosion that is NOT prescribed to nulliparous women is chemical coagulation. Most modern clinics are trying to move away from it. The procedure is indicated for polyps and cervical hyperplasia. Using a colposcope, a special mixture of acids is applied to the mucous membrane of the cervix, which destroys erosion.

Chemical coagulation is not used to treat large erosions or cervical dysplasia, and its disadvantages include scar formation and a high risk of relapse.

Radio wave treatment of cervical erosion

This non-contact method of treating erosion involves the use of a radio wave knife: under the influence of radio waves, damaged cervical tissue will “evaporate”. This procedure is completely painless and lasts only 15 minutes. Radio wave treatment does not leave scars, therefore it is suitable for nulliparous women. A month after the procedure, the cervix is ​​completely healed, and before that, ichor may be discharged from the vagina.

Treatment of erosion using radiosurgical methods does not damage the muscular structure of the cervix and virtually eliminates the risk of relapse, but its cost is much higher than standard cauterization.

Treatment of cervical erosion with laser

Laser destruction of cervical erosion (vaporization) is one of the most modern and safe methods, which involves “evaporation” of damaged epithelial cells. The procedure is considered highly accurate and effective, since the laser beam targets the eroded surface with precision down to the millimeter.

The procedure is performed under local anesthesia a week after menstruation. Cervical tissue heals in 3-4 weeks. Laser treatment of erosion also does not leave scars, therefore it is suitable for nulliparous patients.

Cryodestruction for the treatment of cervical erosion

Cryosurgery completely eliminates cervical erosion in 82-97% of cases. This is a highly effective, bloodless and painless method that can be performed without anesthesia on an outpatient basis. Using a special apparatus, cervical erosion is exposed to liquid nitrogen, but if the tissues are not frozen enough, some pathological cells may persist and lead to relapse of the disease.

Treatment of cervical erosion with suppositories

Treatment of cervical erosion with suppositories (vaginal suppositories) eliminates the inflammatory process, as a result of which the cervix can recover without surgery. This method is prescribed for violations of the vaginal microflora, in the early stages of cervical erosion, cervicitis, decreased immunity, sexually transmitted diseases, colpitis, hormonal imbalances, after abortion or childbirth.

As a rule, suppositories are prescribed only for small erosions (up to 2 cm) or after cauterization, laser destruction or other surgical interventions. The main advantages of suppositories are the absence of injury and the rapid healing of small ulcerations on the cervix.

How to treat cervical erosion with folk remedies

Folk remedies and herbal preparations cannot replace full treatment and should not be used without a doctor’s prescription.

(ICD-10 N86 - code for medical classification of diseases) is a widespread disease. Most often, a woman finds out about it by chance, during a routine examination or when registering for pregnancy. What procedures does the doctor prescribe and what to do in case of cervical erosion? Answers to the most common questions can be found in this article.

What is cervical erosion, is it dangerous?

This diagnosis is quite common, and at least 30% of women experience it. But not everyone understands whether this is dangerous. Cervical erosion is a small defect in the mucous membrane in the form of an ulcer. The disease can be successfully treated if left untreated. If left untreated, erosion can cause various diseases, including cancer, and can sometimes interfere with conception.

The disease is divided into pseudo-erosion and true. The first occurs in young girls and women with elevated levels of estrogen in the blood and consists of the release of the prismatic epithelium beyond the cervix. The true one is a wound in the form of a red spot on the mucous membrane.

Causes of erosion

The most common factors provoking the disease:

  • Diseases that are sexually transmitted are chlamydia, mycoplasmosis, gonorrhea, genital herpes and others.
  • Inflammatory diseases of the female genital organs - thrush, colpitis, vaginitis and others.
  • Mechanical injury to the mucous membrane - after abortion, childbirth, due to harsh sexual intercourse.

Erosion can be triggered by a drop in immunity, menstrual irregularities, as well as early sexual activity and hormonal imbalances.

Symptoms of the disease

Basically, a woman learns about the presence of erosion during a routine examination with a gynecologist. This situation occurs because the disease generally occurs without significant symptoms. Rarely, cervical erosion bleeds, and then the woman herself turns to the gynecologist with complaints about the appearance of blood during sexual intercourse or in the period between menstruation. Less often, patients notice mucopurulent discharge or feel pain during intimacy. This may occur due to the appearance of an infection that gets into the wound and worsens the condition of the disease. If there are severe symptoms, treatment of cervical erosion and the recovery period may be delayed.

Diagnosis of erosion

Already during the initial examination, the doctor identifies the disease. But visual diagnosis alone is not enough, and the gynecologist carries out a number of standard measures:

  • Detailed examination in a gynecological chair.
  • Tests for examination in the laboratory for the presence of infections that may cause damage to the mucosal tissue.
  • Oncocytology is a study in which material is taken from the cervix and tested for the presence of cancer.
  • Colposcopy is an examination of the damaged area with a device that can magnify the image several times.
  • Biopsy is a detailed examination of an area of ​​damaged tissue to make an accurate diagnosis.

The use of additional research methods allows the gynecologist to identify the exact cause of the disease, as well as learn about the features of its development.

Can you get pregnant with cervical erosion?

The disease reduces reproductive function. Many women are interested in whether it is dangerous. Cervical erosion does not cause infertility, but can affect the course of pregnancy due to low immunity. If the general condition of a woman’s body is normal, then pregnancy can contribute to the treatment of erosive diseases, as well as other pathological transformations. During pregnancy, hormonal changes occur that prevent changes in epithelial cells. Also, the disappearance of menstruation has a positive effect on the atrophy of the affected area and can contribute to the restoration of the epithelium. It is advisable to treat the disease before conception to avoid unwanted consequences.

Planning pregnancy with erosion

Before conception, it is advisable to undergo a full examination and treatment, which requires a long time. You should also wait 1-2 months until the cervical tissue is completely restored. If this period is observed, the risk of relapses, as well as the occurrence of inflammatory processes, is minimal. To treat erosion, the doctor can use the cauterization method, which requires careful and precise execution. If this procedure is unsuccessful, scars sometimes form after this procedure, which provoke injuries and ruptures during childbirth.

Therefore, it is important to choose an experienced doctor and a clinic with a good reputation for this procedure. After cauterization, the resulting pregnancy may have complications and requires regular medical examination. Is it dangerous? Cervical erosion weakens the vaginal walls, making them more susceptible to the pain of pre-labor contractions, which can cause rupture. Therefore, it is advisable to wait until the body is completely restored.

Cervical erosion in nulliparous women

The disease is most common in women giving birth. The causes of cervical erosion in nulliparous women differ:

  • Complications after abortion.
  • Infectious diseases.
  • Viral infections.
  • Advanced inflammatory disease.
  • Hormonal imbalances.

Treatment methods for nulliparous patients

There are many gentle ways to cauterize erosion. For this purpose, laser therapy and chemofixation are used. Treatment is best carried out in specialized centers under the supervision of experienced specialists. The advantages of these methods are the absence of pain and a short recovery period. In this case, you should not delay treatment until delivery, as the disease may develop into cancer. Classic methods: burning or freezing are not suitable for young girls, since there is a possibility of scarring. They, in turn, will negatively affect the birth process and can provoke ruptures. Women who have not given birth can also use medication. Regular examination by a gynecologist will help to detect the disease in time, since erosion most often occurs without symptoms, which can lead to negative consequences.

Drug treatment

If the gynecologist detects an inflammatory process and the results of the Pap test show 1-2 degrees of dysplasia, then he may prescribe anti-inflammatory drugs before performing colposcopy and biopsy. In this case, the cause of the disease may be chlamydia and gonococci, and less commonly, viruses.

Treatment can be carried out with special suppositories or tablets, depending on the pathogen. Upon completion of the course of procedures, the gynecologist prescribes repeat tests. Drug treatment may be prescribed if a large area involving the vaginal mucosa is identified.


The procedure is carried out in several ways:

  • Electrocoagulation is cauterization of the diseased area with electric current. Several years ago, this method was the main method of treating cervical erosion. At the moment, it is in little demand, since it often leads to scars, bleeding and deformities.
  • Cryodestruction - freezing the affected area with liquid nitrogen. The most popular method due to its low price. This method can be used for nulliparous women, since it does not leave a scar, which has a beneficial effect on the course of labor. But after cryodestruction, copious watery discharge may bother you for several days. Also, the procedure is not suitable for large lesions - more than 3 cm and in the presence of scar tissue, which is often observed in women who have given birth.
  • Laser coagulation - this method acts directly on the affected area that needs to be removed. It is used under local anesthesia, for this purpose an injection of Lidocaine is given. Bleeding may rarely occur with this treatment method. But laser treatment is not recommended for nulliparous women.
  • Radio wave treatment - the essence of this procedure is that a stream of high frequency waves is sent to the affected area, which leads to evaporation of the affected areas. The method is in little demand due to its high price. But this method is suitable for nulliparous and parous women, which will be the best treatment for cervical erosion for them.

Before using one of the described services, you need to undergo a histological examination of the affected tissue. This may include a biopsy, Pap test and colposcopy. Such a thorough examination is necessary to exclude the presence of oncology, which can be treated with other methods. During cauterization, a woman may experience pain in the uterine area, since the impact on her cervix causes cramps similar to menstrual syndrome. After the procedure, you need to abstain from intimacy for a while and carefully monitor intimate hygiene. You should not take a bath, swim or douche for cervical erosion until the wound has completely healed.

Folk remedies

The use of this treatment method is possible if cervical erosion is mild. The most popular folk remedies:

  • Sea buckthorn oil contains useful substances and vitamins that speed up the healing process of wounds. For treatment, take a cotton swab and soak it well in oil, then insert it into the vagina. Leave it for several hours, or better yet, overnight. For the procedure, it is better to use a special tampon with a string for easy removal after completion of the procedure.
  • Honey - wrapped in gauze and inserted into the vagina for 3-4 hours. The procedure is carried out once a day. It can be used together with onions; to do this, make a hole in it and add honey. Next, the product is baked in the oven, cooled and inserted into the vagina in gauze. Treatment requires 10 procedures.
  • Propolis has anti-inflammatory and antibacterial effects. When treating erosion, use an ointment that you can prepare yourself. To do this, you need to melt 100 grams of Vaseline, adding 10 grams of propolis. A tampon is soaked in the product and placed in the vagina for 10-12 hours, preferably overnight. The procedure is carried out once a day for 10 days.

So, erosion is a common disease that manifests itself in the form of an ulcer on the cervix. Most often, a woman has no complaints or symptoms. Treatment of cervical erosion is carried out using medication, cauterization, and folk remedies. The disease can lead to serious consequences and provoke the appearance of cancer, so you should regularly visit a gynecologist to detect erosion in time.