Massotherapy. Restorative massage technique. Contraindications to the use of massage for stroke

Restorative massage, as a type of sports massage, is prescribed after sports stress to restore overall performance.

The question of restoring performance with the help of massage, after previous physical stress, a lot of work and research has been devoted to it.

Big practical significance has the experimental work of V. E. Vasilyeva - Associate Professor of the Department of Physical Therapy and Medical Control of the Central Institute physical culture, which, using myokymographic recordings carried out at the Institute of the USSR Academy of Medical Sciences on athletes and healthy people not involved in sports, as well as on patients, determined the influence of some physiotherapeutic factors on muscle fatigue.

According to V. E. Vasilyeva, when comparing the effects of massage, heat, cold and passive rest on experimentally induced muscle fatigue, studied using myokymographic recordings on healthy and sick people, it turned out that the best effect on restoring muscle performance is massage, after which the curve muscle work increases sharply.

In second place among the listed factors is the local thermal procedure, which also has a beneficial effect on increasing muscle performance and can be recommended where, for some reason, massage cannot be used.

Cooling has a sharply negative effect on muscle performance. A tired muscle under the influence of cooling not only does not restore its performance, but, as a rule, completely refuses to work. The effect of passive rest on experimentally induced muscle fatigue is very ineffective, and therefore it is better to use massage and thermal procedures where a rapid restoration of muscle performance is necessary.

In sports practice, massage and thermal water treatments found theirs a long time ago practical use based on purely empirical experience.

Restorative massage is performed in a warm room.

Restorative massage begins 20-30 minutes after the competition; in case of severe fatigue - after 1-2 hours; in case of excessive fatigue, a warm bath is necessary, for example when running a marathon. The massage is scheduled for another day.

The pace of movements is uniform. Avoid speed and confusion. The duration of the massage is 30-45 minutes.

During a restorative massage, chopping and effleurage are not used at all.

Soft, elastic and absolutely painless kneading should alternate with light stroking.

After kneading and stroking, they begin rubbing, first light and soft, and then more energetic. Of the kneading, the most preferable is double circular kneading, separately or alternately, with stroking with one hand. Long warm-ups are recommended for rowers, fencers, and wrestlers. For a restorative massage of the hip and shoulder, light felting is prescribed; for a massage of the arms and legs, elastic and soft shaking of individual muscle groups. Great importance is attached to breast massage.

During a restorative massage, the muscle attachment points are thoroughly massaged.

Restorative massage, short in duration, is prescribed during the break between sports competitions(between two rounds in boxing, rowing, swimming, etc.).

The opinion that after excessive fatigue, for example after marathon running, intense boxing, or cycling, rest is required, is not shared by all athletes and coaches. A. Vasiliev demands the most energetic massage after racing. K. Gradopolov - a light one, and E. Ogurenkov - an energetic massage after a tiring match, etc. It seems to us that the need for a restorative massage should be determined by the degree and nature of the athlete’s fatigue, pain symptoms in muscles, condition of cardio-vascular system and especially the condition nervous system.

The importance of restorative massage is not limited to neutralizing the onset of fatigue and quickly restoring muscle performance. Restorative massage eliminates the consequences of the great strain that occurs in various types sports Fayzulin points out that after a long swim, the swimmer feels some residual phenomena, expressed in the presence of contractures of individual muscle groups. Muscle fatigue and contractures quickly disappear after a hot bath and several sessions of general massage. The same phenomena of contracture of individual muscles and the appearance of cramps are observed in wrestlers and long-distance runners. Baths, massages, and rubbing with the liquid rubs mentioned above quickly eliminate the effects of sports stress.

Massage also has a beneficial effect on less-trained athletes who, after competition or intense training, experience muscle pain, difficulty moving, hardening (swelling) of muscles.

We have repeatedly noted that to restore the performance of tired muscles, massage of muscles that did not participate in the exercise is especially effective. sports load. It is especially recommended in such cases to massage the thigh (left), back, and shoulder girdle.

The most important tasks of training an athlete are restoration and improvement of his performance. Along with physical and psychological preparation Sports restorative massage helps to improve the performance of athletes and improve athletic performance.

In order for the body to recover faster, it is necessary to use a restorative massage after exercise (both during training and during competitions). This is why it is an important element of sports training.

Due to the fact that in Lately the volume and intensity of the training load increases, sports rehabilitation massage is given great importance.

The best effect is achieved when performing a restorative massage immediately after hydrotherapy ( warm shower, 5-12 minute baths, swimming in the pool) or steam baths that promote relaxation muscle tissue. It is also possible to additionally use vibration, pneumatic or underwater massage.

Today, in parallel with restorative massage as aids Physiotherapy (ultraviolet, infrared irradiation, etc.), oxygen breathing, and autogenic training are used.

When prescribing a restorative massage, the nature of the load performed (volume, intensity, etc.) is first taken into account. It should be borne in mind that after prolonged and intense exercise, fatigue persists longer than after short-term exercise. As a result, the athlete cannot achieve the usual level of performance for two or more days.

Athletes running sprint distances expend a large amount of energy in a short period of time. In the muscles, an accelerated breakdown of energy substances occurs under anaerobic conditions, and the amount of breakdown products increases sharply. When the work ends, the oxygen debt is replenished.

Restorative massage is started only after the athlete’s pulse and breathing rate have returned to normal after exercise. As a rule, the time interval between exercise and massage is 10-15 minutes.

The duration of the massage session depends on the type of sport, it is 5-10 minutes. Those muscles on which the main load fell are massaged with special care.

At competitions (in athletics, swimming, cycling, etc.) cases of maximum load are not uncommon. Therefore, it is necessary to remove stroking from the set of techniques for restorative massage performed in between exercises, as it helps to relax the muscles and slows down the motor reaction. It is recommended to use squeezing, kneading (especially double ordinary, double ring), rubbing with the heel of the palm and fingertips. Shaking should be done after each kneading technique.

When the breaks between exercises are 1.5-3 hours, it is useful to do a restorative massage in the shower or after a 3-4 minute stay in a dry-air bath. The duration of the massage should be 7-15 minutes. If conditions do not allow such a massage, then you need to perform a dry restorative massage.

At the end of the massage session, the athlete should get dressed and spend some time in peace. After an hour, “it is advisable to have a repeat session of a 5-minute private restorative massage.

If the first session of restorative massage is carried out immediately after the athlete’s performance, then recovery period will take place much faster and more evenly, while performance will increase.

Mid-distance running is super-powerful work. The oxygen-free breakdown of substances in the muscles is very high from the very beginning. As a result, a lack of oxygen occurs in the athlete’s body, oxygen debt increases, significant accumulations of under-oxidized breakdown products occur in the muscles and large biochemical changes in the blood (adidosis).

A restorative massage session, which should be carried out after physical activity this kind is prescribed after 10-12 minutes.

In this case, the duration of the session is 12 minutes - 6 minutes for each leg: 4 minutes for the thigh, 2 minutes for the lower leg.

The load of submaximal power, as well as maximum, can be performed repeatedly. After the first load, a restorative massage is carried out in order to maximally speed up the recovery of the athlete’s performance before the start of repeated work. Those muscle groups that bore the maximum load are especially carefully massaged.

Massage for sports injuries and some diseases of the musculoskeletal system

Massage is one of the components complex treatment sports injuries. It plays a major role during the rehabilitation of athletes’ performance after they have suffered injuries of various types.

The most common injuries are various bruises, sprains, dislocations and damage to muscles and tendons.

Massage performed for sports injuries and other injuries has the following effects:

  • -- being a skin irritant, it contributes to the occurrence of active skin hyperemia;
  • -- activates muscle contractions;
  • - sharply reduces sensitivity peripheral nerves, at the same time, general soreness of the area that is injured;
  • -- favors an active flow of blood to the massaged area, while stimulating metabolic processes in him;
  • - prevents the onset of atrophy, and if it does occur, it helps eliminate it;
  • -- promotes the fastest education callus;
  • -- effectively acts on the resorption of effusions, swelling, hemorrhages and infiltrates;
  • -- strengthens muscles and improves tissue trophism.

The techniques that are used when performing massage for sports injuries are the same as for general massage: squeezing, rubbing, stroking, kneading and others. The choice of techniques depends on the configuration of the muscles, the nature and location of the injury, etc.

Faster restoration of the functions of joints and ligaments with various injuries Rubbing and ointments also help: for diseases of the muscles and peripheral nervous system - myalgin, myositis; for sprains and bruises - VIP-ratox, amizartron. All of the drugs listed are used only after consultation with a doctor.

One common type of sports injury is bruises. Bruises are damage to tissues and organs that do not affect the integrity of the skin and bones. With bruises, swelling, hematomas, ruptures of blood vessels, muscle tissue and nerves are observed.

Along with other means, massage is the main thing remedy for bruises. Its effect is great: pain goes away much faster, swelling disappears, muscles are strengthened, their functions become the same.

If a soft tissue injury occurs, in which there is no rupture of large vessels, massage should be done on the 1-2nd day after injury. Carrying out massage for more early stage acts more effectively on injured tissues and restores their functions faster.

Immediately before performing the massage, you should try to achieve the greatest relaxation of the muscles or ligaments in the area of ​​​​the area that is damaged. The position of the person being massaged should be such that the whole body is in a relaxed position.

Massage, which is performed for injuries to the musculoskeletal system, is divided into two stages: preparatory and main.

Preparatory massage is carried out on uninjured parts. It is performed over several sessions (3-5), it all depends on the type of injury and pain experienced by the athlete. Some time after the injury, the first massage session is scheduled. It includes a complex various techniques: stroking, squeezing, kneading and shaking.

The massage should begin with light stroking, which should be performed on the area slightly above the injury. After gradual adaptation of the injured person, you can begin stroking and squeezing more intensely without causing pain. After repeating the squeezing 2-3 times, combined stroking is performed again, then a small kneading, which captures most of the tissue.

If the injury occurs in an area that consists of large muscles, a kneading technique, double circular and long, is used. When performing a massage, kneading techniques should alternate with stroking and shaking techniques.

Massage is done 2-3 times a day. The session lasts 5-7 minutes. For the first massage sessions, the time for its techniques is distributed as follows: for kneading and stroking - 2-3 minutes, and for shaking - 1 minute.

By performing a massage using this technique, you can achieve a reduction in swelling in the area of ​​injury and normalization of the function of the injured area.

After 2-3 days, after three to five sessions of preparatory massage, you can begin the main one.

The main massage is performed on the injured area. This massage is started only if the athlete does not have any symptoms. painful sensations in the area of ​​the bruise, tissue swelling and high temperature.

The massage begins with stroking, squeezing and kneading the areas above the injury area, after which the injury area is massaged. In this case, light combined stroking and rubbing is used. At the moment of stroking, pressure of varying strength is applied: the further from the injured area the pressure is applied, the stronger.

If severe pain is not observed, you need to start using straight-line rubbing with your fingertips from the very first day, doing it with low intensity, alternating with concentric stroking (on the joints). When the pain becomes insignificant, you need to start using spiral and circular rubbing with your fingertips.

The main massage can be carried out using therapeutic and warming agents that have beneficial effect, as a result, the recovery period is significantly reduced. It is also important that massage is carried out with the aim of restoring the functions of the injured area, so it must be combined with physical exercise and thermal treatments (before the massage session).

Massage technique for sprained joints (distortion)

Among other sports injuries, damage to joint ligaments is common. It is associated with strong tension in a certain area of ​​the fibrous capsule of the joint and the ligaments that strengthen it. The most common sprains occur in the trochlear joints, mainly the ankle, wrist, elbow, knee and finger joints. Often, during a sprain of the ligamentous apparatus of a joint, simultaneous damage occurs synovial membrane, tendons, and in some cases joints, nerves.

The main symptoms of a sprain are pain and swelling in the joint, as well as limited movement in it. It is impossible to fully work with the injured limb, for example, to step on a leg.

For injuries such as sprains, the doctor prescribes thermal procedures, which are carried out on the second day. Thermal treatments include warming compresses, baths, paraffin and massage. When working on joints, the massage therapist must take into account the patient’s condition and perform techniques with such force that the person being massaged does not experience pain.

When performing a joint massage, you need to remember the places where the muscles attach to the tendons and pay attention to them.

Shoulder joint. Impact on the shoulder joint should begin with the muscles of the shoulder girdle (upper trapezius muscle and neck muscles). First, you need to use stroking and kneading (single, double ring), and after two to three minutes, move on to concentric stroking of the shoulder joint and kneading the shoulder. Massage should be carried out for 5-7 minutes 2 times a day.

If acute pain no, then you can begin direct impact on the joint. First, the anterior, posterior and lower walls of the joint capsule are massaged. To make work more convenient, the patient is recommended to have injured hand(as far as possible) behind your back. Standing behind the patient, the massage therapist simultaneously works on the right and left joints: right hand- on the right joint, left - on the left. Along with this, various rubbings are used: straight with the pads of four fingers, circular with the pads of four fingers, the base of the palm and the phalanges of the fingers bent into a fist. Rubbing must be used in combination with stroking and kneading.

Massage of the back surface of the joint should be carried out using the same technique as massage of the front surface; the difference is that when exerting the influence, the massage therapist must be in front of the patient, and the patient must take a position in which the hand of the affected hand must grasp elbow joint healthy hand.

Massage shoulder joint can also be performed in a position where the forearm of the affected arm is on the table. This position makes it possible to relax the shoulder muscles and get deeper into the joint capsule. First of all, you should perform concentric stroking, and then straight and circular rubbing around the joint.

At the end of each massage session, several movements should be made in the joint. To do this, the massage therapist must fix the outer edge of the scapula with one hand, and with the other, holding the distal part of the limb, perform movements in all directions, increasing the amplitude over and over again.

Knee-joint. When ligament damage is observed, effusion accumulates in the joint capsule, which then deforms its anterior wall and displaces the patella upward. Massaging should begin from the front of the thigh. After a two to three minute preparatory massage, which includes stroking, squeezing, kneading techniques, you can move on to concentric stroking knee joint(to give it an optimal physiological position, you need to place a pillow under the joint). After this, it is recommended to carry out straight-line and circular rubbing with the pads of four fingers and the base of the palm, lasting 2-3 minutes. Special attention should be given to the lateral areas of the joint. The patient is recommended to bend his leg at the knee, after which he needs to continue rubbing the side areas with pads thumbs. Rubbing should be done in different sides. Over time, the intensity of the massage should increase.

If you need to massage the back surface of the knee joint, the patient should take a lying position on his stomach and bend his leg at the knee at an angle of 45-75 degrees. The massage should be carried out in the same way as on healthy joint, taking into account only the patient’s level of pain. Massaging the knee joint should be completed with alternating passive, active and resistance movements (sometimes alternating with rubbing).

Ankle joint. Before starting a massage of this area, you need to place a cushion or pillow under the sore leg, and then begin a preparatory massage in the direction from the ankle joint to the knee (2-3 minutes). In this case, you should use a combination of stroking and squeezing.

Then, with the hands of both hands, you need to stroke in the direction from the foot to the middle of the lower leg, applying pressure of varying strength to the different areas. Most often, more force is applied to the foot, and as you move away from the joint, stroking is replaced by squeezing. Having finished performing straight-line stroking and squeezing, you should gradually move on to concentric stroking on the joint and light rubbing. Attention should be concentrated on those places where ankle joint most accessible: under the ankles and on both sides of the Achilles tendon.

After this, the massage therapist should influence Achilles tendon with the pads of four fingers, using straight and circular rubbing. Then you need to perform circular rubbing with the pads of all fingers of both hands, which should be located on both sides in relation to the Achilles tendon, and finally massage the lower leg. Using circular rubbing, you can penetrate into the depths of the joint, even into those areas where the tendons are located above the joint. Circular rubbing should be used in combination with vigorous concentric stroking and passive flexion and extension of the foot. After the pain gradually passes, you can increase the duration of the session.

Professional and amateur sports put a lot of stress on muscles, ligaments and joints. To cope with negative consequences physical fatigue, overwork and to avoid injuries, sports doctors have developed special massage programs.

The purpose of sports massage is:

  • Increasing psychological and physical endurance;
  • Restoration of homeostasis disturbed due to overwork;
  • Increased muscle performance;
  • Elimination of consequences of injuries;
  • Relaxation or stimulation of the nervous system;
  • Relieving symptoms of fatigue;
  • Increased overall tone;
  • Prevention of diseases of the musculoskeletal system.

The objectives of training massage include:

  • Prevention of physical fatigue during intense exercise;
  • Preservation and maintenance of high muscle tone;
  • Maintaining a given level of physical fitness;
  • Maintaining emotional stability.

Sessions are not conducted during exacerbation chronic diseases, integrity violations skin and pain of unknown nature. You should also refrain from procedures if you have an upset stomach, vomiting, or high blood pressure.

Types of sports massage

Modern sports massage is divided into:

  • Restorative;
  • Preparatory;
  • Training.

Each technique uses the classic techniques of stroking and rubbing, squeezing, patting, kneading.

Additionally, techniques from oriental or acupuncture practices may be included.

Training massage technique

The training process is not only physical exercise, but also massage. Selected training massage according to the schedule of classes, type, volume and type of physical activity. Purpose of massage treatment:

  • Help muscles develop maximum range of motion;
  • Increase the elasticity of ligaments;
  • Improve joint mobility;
  • Relieve muscle tension;
  • Relieve emotional stress.

During the session, the level of training and the tasks set by the trainer are also taken into account. The duration of the session depends on the weight of the athlete. The training massage lasts from 40 to 60 minutes, if the weight does not exceed 100 kg. If the weight is greater, then the procedure can last up to 90 minutes, and if time is limited, then intensive massage is performed. Its duration is approximately 20 and 30 minutes, respectively.

This type of massage differs from others in that it affects working muscles. The main load for cyclists falls on the legs, so all the muscles of the lower extremities are worked on. Kayakers working group- shoulder girdle, for gymnasts - back, ligaments and joints. For wrestlers and representatives of martial arts, training massage relieves tension in the neuromuscular system and increases coordination of movements and concentration. If the training is of a general strengthening nature, then all muscle groups are massaged. Also, all muscle groups are massaged if more than 8 hours have passed after the workout. After the session, it is recommended to visit the steam room or take a hot shower. This will help relax muscle tissue, improve blood circulation and relieve fatigue.

The main method of practice is kneading. Up to 70% of all time is devoted to him. The session always begins and ends with stroking. The remaining techniques are selected individually and agreed upon with the trainer and sports doctor.

Training massage is carried out daily until the competition. The exception is rest days, on which training sessions are replaced with general or relaxing ones.

Pre-workout massage

Before going to the start line or starting active training, a preliminary massage session is carried out. Preparatory massage is divided into:

  • Warm-up, which is started a few minutes before the start of the exercises;
  • Pre-launch, aimed at creating the desired emotional mood;
  • Warming, which is performed only to prevent hypothermia.

Pre-launch massage is divided into soothing and tonic. If the training massage is aimed more at development physical capabilities, then the pre-launch one works with emotional background. The procedures are aimed at:

  • Increased overall performance;
  • Increased overall tone;
  • Removing fears, uncertainty, emotional blocks;
  • Relieving pre-launch fever;
  • Recovery normal breathing and heart rate.

During treatment, you need to use warming ointments or gels, universal massage oils. The depth of movements is selected individually, based on the condition of the muscle tissue.

Pre-workout massage includes all classic techniques in equal proportions. The treatment begins and ends with stroking. Their role is to relax the nervous system. Kneading makes more energetic for activation nerve impulses. Patting and rubbing have a beneficial effect on muscle fibers and improve the movement of lymph and blood through the vessels. A quick vibration tap is applied after each dose to distribute blood between cells and relax muscle fibers. Average duration processing time - 10 minutes.

Restorative massage technique

Restorative massage is carried out both for the whole body and for individual areas. It is prescribed to relieve muscle and emotional fatigue, spasms, and pain after competitions. To quickly remove decay products from the intercellular space and speed up recovery, sessions are combined with water procedures.

The technique of sports restorative massage in osteopathy was developed specifically for people with serious and permanent loads. A strong mechanical effect is exerted on the skin and subcutaneous layers, promoting active restoration of joints, ligaments, and muscle fibers. The result of regular sessions is the normalization of the functioning of the glands responsible for sweating, improvement of metabolic and regenerative processes, and blood circulation.

Working out the joints and ligaments allows the person being massaged to return their mobility and prevents injury. Regular sessions help maintain the health of the heart, lungs, blood vessels and endocrine system.

Method of application segmental massage in the treatment of lower extremity injuries and their consequences, they are used in different types sports It is also classified as a general restorative massage. The technique uses all the basic classical techniques, and the elaboration always proceeds from the bottom up. Segmental reflex massage procedures are carried out depending on the problem area. For injuries of the upper extremities, the specialist works with cervicothoracic region, if there is a leg injury - with the lumbosacral. After processing problem area move on to other muscle groups. Lower and upper limbs massaged above and below the injured area, and exposure to the damaged area is prohibited.

Duration of sessions

Restorative massage uses the basic techniques of the classical technique, but with some modifications. Large and important muscles are strengthened: to do this, the massage therapist shifts his body weight and places one hand on top of the other. For greater impact and to work with difficult areas, the master can use his knee.

Each sport has its own scheme of sessions, and their final duration is selected individually. For skaters massage treatments carried out no more than 3 times a week, and once a session is combined with a sauna or hydromassage. The procedure is aimed at relieving neuromuscular fatigue, mental stress, improving coordination of movement and reaction. Main areas to work on: lower limbs, back, shoulder girdle.

For athletes who exercise aquatic species sports, the duration of each massage session is from 25 to 35 minutes.

Sessions are held every day or every other day. Much attention during massage is given shoulder girdle, arms and legs, back. While massaging your back, it is necessary to work with great strength on the trapezius and rhomboid muscles. To achieve the desired muscle relaxation, kneading is alternated with vibration techniques and stroking.

Massage for injuries

An important part of the rehabilitation of athletes after injuries received during training or competition is power massage. Sessions help tissues recover in short time, eliminate swelling, reduce pain and restore joint mobility. During the session, a mechanical effect is applied that stimulates metabolic processes. Massage techniques prevent the development of muscle atrophy and improve skin respiration. They also influence emotional condition: improves mood, relieves stress symptoms.

The massage technique is similar to the classical one. Power massage is distinguished by more intensive treatment and shorter duration. Before starting the session, be sure to take painkillers, and use anti-inflammatory gels and ointments instead of massage cream.

Power massage techniques are often combined with physical therapy in postoperative period. The treatment begins with soft influences, accompanied by point vibrations and intense stroking. The strength of the massage increases gradually and only with the permission of the doctor. The effect of the massage is aimed at accelerating regeneration processes in the damaged area.

Massage is usually prescribed for soft tissue injuries a few days after the injury. If affected musculoskeletal system, then a preliminary session is carried out on the healthy side to identify possible negative reactions. The duration of the session is from 5 to 7 minutes, and the duration of the course usually does not exceed a week. After the power massage, post-traumatic or restorative treatment of the damaged areas begins.

Thai sports massage technique

For athletes during the period of recovery and preparation for competitions, the classic Thai massage technique is also recommended. Intensive treatment of deep tissue eliminates spasms and muscle knots, accelerates intercellular metabolism and regeneration processes, removes toxins and increases the overall tone of the body.

Thai massage allows you to quickly recover after competitions, cope with physical and emotional fatigue, relieve pain. Twisting and stretching techniques increase the flexibility of the body, increase the range of motion and allow you to move freely and smoothly. During the sessions it is also worked out energy body and emotional plane. Removing energy blocks allows energy to move freely through channels, which has a positive effect on health, psychological state and sports results.

Psychoanalyst Reich put the stagnation of biological energies at the basis of all problems, leading to the emergence psychological disorders. The instability of emotions affects the appearance of muscle blocks, and chronic stress leads to the formation of a muscular shell. The athlete cannot move freely, is often injured, experiences severe pain and fatigue after physical activity, emotionally depressed.

Reich's massage technique reduces chronic muscle tension and releases repressed emotions. During the session, stroking techniques are used, which are replaced by light pinching and intense kneading. All movements are directed from top to bottom and reach only the hip joint.

Massage for piriformis syndrome

Acute pain starting in the buttocks and spreading to the lower extremities is called syndrome piriformis muscle. The cause of the disease is diseases and injuries of the sacral region, unsuccessful injections, injuries, damage, bruises of the spine, chronic fatigue.

Massage for piriformis syndrome is prescribed for early stage diseases in addition to drug therapy. It begins with kneading the paravertebral region and smoothly moves to the lumbosacral region. Massaging is performed on the sore side of the buttock and the back of the leg.

Massage procedures in sports are of great importance: not only the condition of muscle tissue, but also the healing process, emotional state, and readiness to go to the start depend on them. Correctly selected technique and session time will increase muscle activity and gain free movements, good physical and psychological endurance. The types of sports massage include preparatory, training and restorative. How often to massage and how long the session will last depends on many parameters: the age of the athlete and his physical condition, the level of load and training, the competitive period, the number of training sessions and the presence of injuries. The massage session scheme is selected by the coach and sports doctors individually for each athlete.

Restorative massage- used after any kind of stress (physical and mental) and at any degree of fatigue for maximum quick recovery various functions the body and increase its performance.

Objectives of restorative massage:

  • restore motor performance;
  • relieve feelings of fatigue;
  • prepare the body for the upcoming physical activity.

Restorative massage is carried out after competitions or training and in between them. The duration of the session, as well as the depth and intensity of the massage, should be individual for each athlete. When prescribing it, it is necessary to take into account the type of sport, the loads applied, physical state athlete, the size of the massaged surface and the development of the muscular system.

Along with physical and psychological preparation, sports restorative massage helps to improve the performance of athletes and improve athletic performance.

In order for the body to recover faster, it is necessary to use a restorative massage after exercise (both during training and during competitions). This is why it is an important element of sports training.

Due to the fact that recently there has been an increase in the volume and intensity of the training load, sports rehabilitation massage is given great importance.

The best effect is achieved when performing a restorative massage immediately after hydrotherapy (warm shower, 5-12 minute baths, swimming in the pool) or steam bath, which help relax muscle tissue. It is also possible to additionally use vibration, pneumatic or underwater massage.

Today, in parallel with restorative massage, physiotherapy (ultraviolet, infrared irradiation, etc.), oxygen breathing, and autogenic training are used as auxiliary means.

When prescribing a restorative massage, the nature of the load performed (volume, intensity, etc.) is first taken into account. It should be borne in mind that after prolonged and intense exercise, fatigue persists longer than after short-term exercise. As a result, the athlete cannot achieve the usual level of performance for two or more days.

Athletes running sprint distances expend a large amount of energy in a short period of time. In the muscles, an accelerated breakdown of energy substances occurs under anaerobic conditions, and the amount of breakdown products increases sharply. When the work ends, the oxygen debt is replenished.

Restorative massage is started only after the athlete’s pulse and breathing rate have returned to normal after exercise. As a rule, the time interval between exercise and massage is 10-15 minutes.

Session duration massage depends on the type of sport, it is 5-10 minutes. Those muscles on which the main load fell are massaged with special care.

In competitions (athletics, swimming, cycling, etc.) cases of maximum load are not uncommon. Therefore, it is necessary to remove stroking from the set of techniques for restorative massage performed in between exercises, as it helps to relax the muscles and slows down the motor reaction. It is recommended to use squeezing, kneading (especially double ordinary, double ring), rubbing with the heel of the palm and fingertips. Shaking should be done after each kneading technique.

When the breaks between exercises are 1.5-3 hours, it is useful to do a restorative massage in the shower or after a 3-4 minute stay in a dry-air bath. The duration of the massage should be 7-15 minutes. If conditions do not allow such a massage, then you need to perform a dry restorative massage.

At the end of the session massage, the athlete must get dressed and spend some time alone. After an hour, “it is advisable to have a repeat session of a 5-minute private restorative massage.

If the first session of restorative massage is carried out immediately after the athlete’s performance, then the recovery period will go much faster and more evenly, and performance will increase.

Mid-distance running is ultra-powerful work. The oxygen-free breakdown of substances in the muscles is very high from the very beginning. As a result, a lack of oxygen occurs in the athlete’s body, oxygen debt increases, significant accumulations of under-oxidized breakdown products occur in the muscles and large biochemical changes in the blood (adidosis).

Restorative massage session, which should be carried out after physical activity of this kind, is prescribed after 10-12 minutes.

In this case, the duration of the session is 12 minutes - 6 minutes for each leg: 4 minutes for the thigh, 2 minutes for the lower leg.

The load of submaximal power, as well as maximum, can be performed repeatedly. After the first load, a restorative massage is carried out in order to maximally speed up the recovery of the athlete’s performance before the start of repeated work. Those muscle groups that bore the maximum load are especially carefully massaged.

Restorative massage is most effective when performed daily, at least twice a day. In sports such as athletics, wrestling, swimming, boxing and others, short-term restorative massage is carried out during breaks between competitions.

Depending on the purpose, there are 3 varieties therapeutic massage:

  • therapeutic massage - aimed at eliminating certain diseases and injuries;
  • therapeutic and prophylactic - carried out not only for treatment, but also to prevent the development of diseases, as well as maintain muscle tone with insufficient physical activity;
  • therapeutic and restorative massage - prescribed during the rehabilitation period after a stroke, pathologies musculoskeletal system, in order to restore athletes after increased loads, etc.

Depending on the area of ​​influence, massage can be of two types:

  • General. With it, the specialist affects all parts of the body except the head. Before the procedure, he conducts diagnostics and studies the patient’s medical history. General therapeutic massage is carried out in the morning, but not every day (optimally after 2-3 days). The duration of sessions is increased gradually, starting from 20 minutes and increasing to an hour.
  • Local. With this massage, only one part/area of ​​the body is affected. Sessions are held daily. The duration of the procedure can vary from 15 to 40 minutes depending on the condition and area of ​​impact.

According to the direction of influence, massage can be:

  • classic - has a layer-by-layer effect on tissue;
  • segmental-reflex - aimed at reflexogenic zones;
  • acupressure - the massage therapist acts on biologically active points.

The following massages are distinguished by means of influence:

  • manual,
  • instrumental,
  • hardware.

In what areas of medicine can massage be used?

Therapeutic massage is actively used:

  • in urology,
  • gastroenterology,
  • neurology,
  • traumatology,
  • gynecology,
  • speech therapy,
  • rehabilitation and sports medicine,
  • cosmetology, etc.

Indications for therapeutic massage

Indications for therapeutic massage are:

  • some pathologies gastrointestinal tract(constipation, flatulence, etc.);
  • lesions of the musculoskeletal system (sciatica, arthritis, osteochondrosis, spondyloarthrosis, intervertebral hernia, posture disorders, fractures, dislocations, sprains);
  • functional disorders after fractures (spasms, muscle atrophy, joint stiffness);
  • respiratory diseases (pneumonia, bronchitis, pleurisy, laryngitis, pharyngitis, tonsillitis, rhinitis);
  • illnesses circulatory system(heart failure, heart attack, hypertension, myocarditis);
  • violations nervous activity(headaches, insomnia, insufficiency cerebral circulation, cerebral atherosclerosis, neuralgia, neuritis, plexitis);
  • diseases genitourinary system(urethritis, prostatitis, uterine displacement);
  • lymphedema;
  • weakened immunity;
  • recovery period after serious injury or surgery.

The effect is noticeable after 1-2 sessions. To consolidate the result, it is recommended to go through full course therapy, which includes at least 10 procedures. It is recommended to take the course 2 times a year. This will keep you healthy and energetic throughout the year.