Didactic games to reinforce the correct pronunciation of sounds. Games for developing correct sound pronunciation: automation and differentiation of different sounds

Our Masha

Goal: Automation of the sound sh in connected text.

Game description

A boy and a girl are chosen. They sit on chairs in a circle and rhythmically, to the children’s poems, as if they are bringing a spoon to their mouth. Children walk hand in hand around Masha and Sasha and say:

Our Masha ate porridge,

Brother Sasha helped.

After these words, Sasha and Masha say:

Who will bother us?

We will catch up with him.

Cat and mice

Target: Sound automation in a connected text.

Game description

A child sits on a chair with his eyes closed - this is a “cat”. The rest of the children are “mice”. To the accompaniment of folk music, they quietly tiptoe around the cat and say:

Our mice rustled

The cat heard them.

Don't forget about the cat

Hurry up, mouse, run away.

During the musical part, the “cat” wakes up, says “meow” and begins to catch up with the “mice”, who run away into their “hole” (beyond the line). The “mice” that the “cat” caught must pronounce the word with the sound sh. The game can be played until all the mice, except one, are caught. The clever “mouse” becomes a “cat”.

Target: Automation of sound in a connected text.

Game description

Children (bugs) sit in their houses (on chairs) and say:

I'm a beetle, I'm a beetle

I live here,

I'm buzzing all the time:

Ju-ju, ju-ju.

The folk melody “Zhuki” sounds. Children “fly” around the “clearing” and buzz: w-w-w. The character of the music changes - it started to rain. Children “fly” to their “houses” (chairs) and sit down there. The beginning of the melody sounds again.

Sparrows and car

Target: Automation of sound h in a connected text

Game description

Children (sparrows) sit on chairs (in nests) and sleep.

The teacher says:

Sparrows live in the nest

they get up early in the morning.

The children continue:

Chick, chirp-chick-chick!

The teacher finishes:

And the grains peck merrily.

To the “Spring Song” by G. Fried, children run around the room, “pecking grains” and “flying.” Suddenly a musical signal sounds - a car horn. The children return to their seats.

Target: Automation of sound with text

Game description

An "owl" is selected. All other children are “birds”. The “owl” sits on the “tree” (chair). Children quietly run around it to the sound of a cheerful polka. At the end of the music, they say, approaching the “owl”:

Owl, owl, big eyes,

He sits on a branch and sleeps very soundly.

In the morning the birds sang:

And the owl got tired of it.

The "owl" begins to catch the "birds". And the “bird” that she caught becomes an “owl” and must pronounce a word with the sound s.

Hares hunting

Goal: Differentiation of sound from in the text.

Game description

Three “hunters” are selected. The rest of the children are “hares”. They stand in rings outlined in chalk - their burrows, and the hunters stand to the side with balls - “guns”.

There's no one here now

Hares, come out!

Let's all play

Roll a sled in the snow.

To the sound of folk music, they scatter throughout the room and jump. The music is changing. The teacher beats the drum, the “hunters” run out and begin to hunt the “hares”. They must hit the “hare” with the ball before it reaches its hole. Those caught remember the word with the sound s and sit on chairs. Game continues.

Geese - geese

Target: Differentiation of sounds in words and sentences.

Game description

The “shepherd” and “wolf” are selected. The rest of the children are “geese”

"Shepherd" says:

Geese-geese, where are you from?

We're from home.


Ha-ga-ga, to the meadows.

Grass grows there.

To the tune of a cheerful polka song, the “geese” walk and “nibble the grass.” Suddenly the music stops and a “wolf” appears.

"Shepherd" says:

You need to run home

The wolf will catch up with you.

The “geese” cackle and run home (to the chairs). The "wolf" catches them. Those who are caught are out of the game. They must say a word with the indicated sounds.

Svetlana Ablezgova
Didactic games on sound pronunciation for children

Didactic play is a way to teach and develop a child’s entire speech function and, in particular, the development of phonemic hearing and visual perception. What is it didactic game? This is a multifaceted, complex pedagogical phenomenon, one of the forms of an adult’s educational influence on a child, this is the main type of activity children. The didactic game has two goals: educational, which is pursued by the adult and playful, for the sake of which the child acts. This is a type of game with rules specially created by adults. Didactic the game has a certain structure: didactic task, solving which in an entertaining way, children achieve a positive result, game action is the basis games, is a plot drawing games, a rule that helps manage the educational process. In Game children First of all, the game action captivates, it stimulates children's activity and evokes a feeling of satisfaction. Unnoticed by himself, without much tension, while playing, the child performs didactic task. Didactic the game has a certain result, which is the ending games, where the achievements of each child are emphasized, and for the teacher the result is an indicator of success children in acquiring knowledge and skills.

Play develops language, and language organizes play. The main purpose of games is the development of the child, the correction of what is inherent and manifested in him, leading the child to creative, experimental behavior.

Game workshop.

Speech therapist: “Dear teachers! Today we will take you on an exciting journey through the land of knowledge. To get into the country you don’t need to go down untrodden paths, but you need to open several doors. Each door has a key, but to get the key you need to solve the task. There are two paths to an exciting journey. Let's split into 2 teams. Whose team will quickly and correctly complete the task, and whoever has the most keys, will win.”

So, let's go!

1. Before you is the land of Knowledge. We are greeted by the Prince of Knowledge and the Princess of Skills. But to open the first door, you need to say the names of the prince and princess.

Didactic game “Say the name”.

Target: exercise children in the definition of the first sound in the word and composing a word from letters; cultivate attention and concentration.

Move games: pictures of a boy or girl. In each picture you need to highlight the first sound and name. (Whose team names the name faster gets the key.)

2. So, we are at the next door. Here you will see what miracles can happen with words, start searching for those who have escaped sounds.

Didactic game “Sounds got lost”.

Target: develop auditory perception, attention, and the ability to find errors in the text.

Move games:. The presenter reads the text, the players find the mistake,

So! Attention!

It is unknown how it happened

Only the sounds got lost,

Dropped into someone's house

And they rule it!

On the yellowed grass

The lion drops his leaves (forest).

Tolka ate five sheep

And said: “There would be so much more” (bananas).

We collected cornflowers

We have puppies on our heads (wreaths).

The boiler gored me

I'm very angry with him (goat).

The team that successfully completed the task receives a key.

3. There is a third door in front of you!

Didactic game “Chain of words”.

Target: develop phonemic hearing, visual perception, hearing skills sound at the end of a word.

Move games: in order to get the key to the third door, you need to lay out a chain of objects. Teams receive ten pictures depicting objects. The first picture is marked *. The next link in the chain will be the word that begins with sound, how the previous one ends. Whoever has the longest chain is considered the winner.

4. The next task awaits you at the fourth door.

Didactic game “What’s extra”.

Target: activate dictionary children; develop the ability to classify objects into groups; develop the ability for logical thinking; cultivate attention and concentration.

Move games: teams are presented with one poster depicting 9 items. For 1 team - animals. For the second - vegetables. It is proposed to highlight the extra item and explain why. If the teams complete the task, they receive a key.

At the fifth door

"How many words with sound Ш? "

Target: teach to find words with a given sound when listening to a poetic text.

Progress of the game:

The presenter reads a poem, the text of which contains many words with sound Ш. Children are given the task of listening to the text, finding words with the given sound and remember them. After reading, the presenter asks children what words they remembered. The one wins who remembered more words.

Speech material for the game:

In the silence of the wilderness, a whisper rushes towards a rustle, a whisper rushes towards a rustle, a whisper rustles through the forest.

Our Masha got up early: dolls of all recounted:

2 Matryoshka dolls on the window, 2 Tanyushka dolls on the pillow,

2 Irinka is on the feather bed, and Parsley is in the cap,

on an oak chest.

We went to the store and bought ourselves a balloon,

We will inflate the balloon, we will play with the balloon,

Inflate our balloon, inflate big,

Stay like this and don't burst out.

6. A mysterious task awaits us at the sixth door.

1)Didactic game “Wonderful fishing rod”.

A magnet is attached to the end of the thread of a small homemade fishing rod. Lowering the fishing rod into a bucket where there are several pictures, to which metal clips are attached, the child takes out the picture and names the first, last sound and gives a description.

2) "Ducks and perches."

Target games: teach to recognize by ear and distinguish the stressed vowels O and U in words.

Progress of the game:

children are divided into 2 teams - perches and ducks. They move freely around the site. The presenter pronounces the words alternately with shock with the sound U, then with an accented O. The “perch” children should freeze when they hear the word with with the sound O, and the “ducks” - when they hear the word with U. Whoever does not stop on time is eliminated from games. The one wins, who never made a mistake and stayed on the court the longest.

Words for games: hoop, vegetables, autumn, donkey, island, rest, vacation, Olya, lake, sheep, order, cloud, corner, fishing rod, dinner, beehive, vacation, smart, coal, narrow.

"Friendly sounds"

Target: teach to recognize sounds, pronounced with exaggerated intonation.

Progress of the game:

The speech therapist creates a game situation as follows: story: Once upon a time there were different sounds in one Sound State. When words began to be created, they had to go to their word homes. And instead of one sound"A" there were many of the same sounds"A". They want to get together because they miss each other. Help sounds come together. I will say 2 words each, and you clap your hands if the sounds will be the same. To make it easier for you to find friends, I will pronounce them protractedly and loudly. First you need to say which sound I say loudly in the first word, and then in the second word. After that we will compare sounds and rejoice, if they are the same, let's clap our hands.

"The Dolls Got Lost"

Target: teach to highlight in a word sound, pronounced with exaggerated intonation.

Progress of the game:

U children several dolls. Their names: Anya, Olya, Ulya, Elya. The dolls went into the forest and got lost. Which sound Shall we ask you to go look for Anya? Each child must find his own doll, name that one sound, which was pronounced by the presenter with greater force (stressed vowels are highlighted).

Didactic game"Add to cart"

Goals: Location determination sound in a word. Automation and differentiation of consonants sounds"R" "L"

Thus, you are clearly convinced that thanks to the use didactic games, the learning process takes place in an accessible and attractive way children preschool age in a playful way.

Didactic the game develops speech children: the dictionary is replenished and activated, the correct sound pronunciation, coherent speech develops, the ability to correctly express one’s thoughts.

Games and exercises for developing sound pronunciation

From birth, a child is surrounded by many sounds: people’s speech, music, the rustling of leaves. But of all the variety of sounds perceived by the child’s ear, only speech sounds serve the purpose of communication with adults, a means of transmitting various information, and inciting action.

The intelligibility and purity of speech depend on many factors, and primarily on the condition and mobility of the articulatory apparatus. Purity of pronunciation is ensured, first of all, by the correct pronunciation of consonant sounds. Mastering this skill takes several years.

As you know, preschool children love to play more than anything else in the world, so it is advisable to use specially designed speech therapy games for speech development. They develop children's auditory attention, correct speech perception, teach them to correlate a sounding word with a picture or object, clearly pronounce one-, two-, three-, four-syllable words, and answer questions; play onomatopoeia loudly and quietly. We offer you several such games.

What does it sound like?

Visual material: drum, hammer, bell, screen.

An adult shows the children a toy drum, a bell, a hammer, names them and asks them to repeat. When the baby remembers the names of objects, he is invited to listen to how they sound: play a drum, ring a bell, knock on the table with a hammer; then name the toys again. Then the adult sets up a screen and behind it reproduces the sound of the indicated objects. “What does it sound like?” - he asks the child. The child answers, and the adult again rings the bell, knocks with the hammer, etc. At the same time, he makes sure that the child recognizes the sounding object and clearly pronounces its name.

Miracles in a bag

Visual material: a bag, small toys depicting baby animals: duckling, gosling, chicken, tiger cub, piglet, baby elephant, frog, kitten, etc.

All the toys listed above are placed in a bag. An adult, holding a bag, approaches the child and, saying that there are many interesting toys in the bag, offers to take one out, show it and name it loudly. Goal: to ensure that the child names the toy correctly and clearly. If the child finds it difficult to answer, you need to prompt him.

Shall we go or not?

Visual material: a box and pictures depicting vehicles, as well as other objects with the sound s (s) in the name: sled, airplane, bicycle, scooter, trolleybus, bus, chair, table, boot, etc.

The child takes turns taking pictures out of the box, names the object depicted on it and says whether it is possible to ride or not. It is necessary to ensure that the child correctly pronounces the sound s (s) in words and clearly pronounces words with this sound.


Goal: to teach children to speak loudly, quietly, in a whisper, and also to develop auditory perception (to distinguish the degree of loudness of spoken words).

The adult invites the child to listen carefully to how he pronounces the words and pronounce (repeat) them the same way. It is necessary to ensure that the child pronounces words clearly, with an appropriate level of volume. For this exercise, it is recommended to select words that the child has difficulty pronouncing.


For the lesson you need approximately the following toys: elephant, sleigh, fox, bus, chicken, hen, egg, hare (there may be other names with sounds s (съ) or ц, but always at the beginning, middle and end of the word).

After clarifying the names of the toys, invite the child to arrange the toys whose names contain the sound s (съ) (sleigh, bus, fox), separately from the toys with the sound ц (chicken, hen, hare).

The adult monitors the correctness and clarity of the child’s pronunciation of these sounds. If a mistake is made when selecting toys, the adult pronounces the word, emphasizing the sound ts, and asks: “In the word hare, what sound do you hear, s or ts?” After clarification, you can invite the child to say the word again so that this sound is heard in it.

Consultation for educators

Didactic games to reinforce the correct pronunciation of sounds.

Let's go for a ride in the car.

with (s)

Visual material: Toys with sounds in their names with (s): elephant, dog, fox, pig, goose, as well as other toys: bears, crocodile, doll, car, etc.

The teacher shows a toy and asks several children to name it, then he names it himself and invites the children to listen carefully and say whether there is a sound in this word With (“song of the water”). For the child who answers this question correctly, the teacher offers to ride the toy in a car around the table. The teacher makes sure that the children pronounce the sound correctly with (s) in words, they determined words by ear by the presence of a given sound in a word; The teacher should pronounce the words drawlingly, emphasizing the sound with his voice With ( ssslon).

Be careful.

Goal: To consolidate the correct pronunciation of sounds by children з (зь) in words, teach them to isolate words with a given sound from a group of words, from the speech stream.

The teacher pronounces the words and invites the children to clap their hands when they hear words that contain the sound h(“mosquito song”) Recommended words: bunny, mouse, cat, castle, umbrella, goat, car, book, bell, etc. Answers can be group or individual. The teacher should pronounce the words slowly (if the children are not prepared, then the sound h in words you need to emphasize with your voice: zzzont), after each word, take a long pause so that the children have the opportunity to think. He must ensure that all children take an active part in the game. For individual answers, it is recommended to call those children whose phonemic hearing is not sufficiently developed, as well as those who pronounce this sound incorrectly.

Name it and guess.

Goal: To consolidate the correct pronunciation of sounds by children з (зь) in words, teach them to isolate words with a given sound from a group of words, from the speech stream.

Visual material: Flannelgraph; pictures depicting objects whose names have a sound з (зь), as well as paired ones without h, For example: bunny - cat, lock - key, goat - cow, vase - decanter

The teacher displays paired pictures on a flannelgraph and asks the children to say what is shown on them. Then he invites them to name only those objects drawn in the pictures and those animals whose names have a sound h("mosquito song"). If children make mistakes, the teacher himself pronounces paired words, emphasizing in his voice h(for example, zzzaika is a cat), and asks the children in which word they hear the sound h. The teacher ensures that all children pronounce the sound correctly з (зь), were able to highlight these words with sound.

What's in the bag?

Goal: To consolidate the correct pronunciation of sounds by children ts in words, teach them to isolate words with a given sound from a group of words, from the speech stream.

Visual material: Bag; toys and objects that have a sound in their name ts: chicken, hen, sheep, hare, saucer, button, as well as other toys: car, cube, ball, ball, etc.

The teacher says that he has a bag (shows) in which there are many interesting things. “Whoever I approach,” he continues, “let him take one toy out of this bag, name it and show it to all the children.” The called child completes the task. Then the teacher takes the toy from him and asks several children to say again what it is called, then he himself names the toy and asks them to listen to whether there is a sound in this name ts("titmouse song"). When all the objects have been taken out of the bag, the teacher leaves on the table only those whose names contain the sound ts (chick, hen, sheep, hare, saucer, button), and invites the children to list them. The teacher must pronounce words clearly, emphasizing the sound ts, For example: sheep When choosing toys, you need to make sure that among them there are no objects that have a sound in their name With, which can confuse children. The teacher strives to correctly name words containing ts, clearly pronounced this sound in words.

Our names.

Goal: To consolidate the correct pronunciation of sounds by children w in words, teach them to isolate words with a given sound from a group of words, from the speech stream.

Visual material: Doll.

The teacher shows a new doll and invites the children to name it so that the sound is heard in its name wsong of the goose"). If the children cannot choose a name themselves, then the adult suggests calling the doll Masha. Repeating the name, he emphasizes the sound with his voice w: "Mashshsha, Mashshshenka." Then the teacher asks them to say what names they still know, where the sound was heard w. Children call: " Shura, Dasha, Lyosha, Natasha, Masha" etc. If they find it difficult, the teacher invites some of them to say their name and listen to whether it contains "goose song" or not. “Misha, say loudly what your name is,” the teacher turns to the boy. The child answers: “There is a sound in your name shh - "goose song" or not?" If the child makes a mistake, the teacher repeats his name, emphasizing the sound with his voice w, and invites all the guys to answer: “It’s in the name Mishshsha "goose song" or not?" This work can be done with 6-8 children. In some cases, you need to change the name so that a sound appears in it w, For example: Tanyusha, Katyusha, Andryusha. Those children whose names do not have this sound are also called in to answer: Lena, Vova, Kostya, etc.; Special attention should be paid to those children who do not yet clearly pronounce this sound in words.

Select items.

Goal: To consolidate the correct pronunciation of sounds by children h in words, teach them to isolate words with a given sound from a group of words, from the speech stream.

Visual material: Toys and objects with sounds in their names h: watch, key, kettle, cup, ball, etc., as well as other toys: doll, bear, car.

The teacher puts all the prepared objects (6 - 8) on the table and asks the children to name only those whose names contain a sound h. The teacher makes sure that the children choose the right objects and ensures that they pronounce the sound clearly h in the titles, highlighting it with a voice: hhhhh, keyhh. Incorrect answers are sorted out by the whole group.

We will give what to whom.

Goal: To consolidate the correct pronunciation of sounds by children w in words, teach them to isolate words with a given sound from a group of words, from the speech stream.

Visual material: Flannelgraph; pictures depicting a boy, a girl, as well as a fur coat, hat, cap, scarf, car, horse, cockerel, cat, cannon, bear (all names have sound w)

The teacher displays a picture of a boy on one side of the flannelgraph and a girl on the other, attach other objects to the bottom of the flannelgraph, and invites the children to list them. Pointing to pictures of children, he says: “This boy’s name is Misha, and the girl’s name is Masha.” He offers to give some of the pictures below to Misha, others to Masha. The teacher points to a picture of a fur coat and asks what it is drawn. The children answer: “Fur coat.” - “To whom will we give a fur coat; Misha or Masha? The children offer to give a fur coat to Masha. The teacher places this picture under the picture of the girl. "And what's that?" - he asks, showing the car. “This is a car,” the children say. “Who will we give the car to?” Children offer to give a car to a boy (the picture is placed under the boy’s image), etc. Children can give some of the items shown in the pictures to both Misha and Masha. When all the items have been distributed, the teacher invites some of the children to list which items they gave to Misha and which to Masha, and makes sure that all the children pronounce the sound correctly w in words. A similar game can be played to practice the pronunciation of any sounds in words.

Why is it necessary?

Goal: To consolidate the correct pronunciation of sounds by children h in words, teach them to isolate words with a given sound from a group of words, from the speech stream.

Visual material: Objects or pictures: cup, teapot, watch, glasses, keys, net, fishing rod, ball (all names have sound h).

The teacher shows objects (or pictures) and asks the children to name them and say why they are needed. For example, he shows a cup and asks: “What is this?” Children: "Cup." “Tanya, why do we need a cup?” Tanya: “Drink tea.” - “Who can say what else you can drink from a cup?” - the teacher addresses the whole group. Children list: “Drink milk, jelly, compote,” etc. Next, the teacher shows watches, glasses, keys and other objects and asks about their purpose. The teacher makes sure that all children pronounce the sound correctly h in words.

Let's pick up toys.

Goal: To consolidate the correct pronunciation of sounds by children and in words, teach them to isolate words with a given sound from a group of words, from the speech stream.

Visual material: doll; toys and objects: beetle, giraffe, hedgehog, flag, circle, foal, etc. (all names have a sound and).

The teacher places all the toys and objects listed above in visible places in advance. The game begins with the teacher showing the children an unfamiliar doll (boy or girl) and asking them to come up with a name for it so that a sound can be heard in it and (bug song). Children remember the names Zhenya and Zhora. The teacher repeats them, highlighting them with his voice and: Zhzhenya, Zhzhzhora. Then he says that Zhenya (Zhora) has a lot of different toys and objects at home, the names of which also include and(bug song).“Who can tell what toys and objects Zhenya has at home?” If the children themselves cannot answer, the teacher invites them to look around and say what toys and objects they see that contain “ beetle song". The found and named objects are placed on the table. When all the objects prepared by the teacher for the game are on the table, he invites the children to name them again, emphasizing the sound in their voice. and: hedgehog, flagzhzhok, etc. If someone names the wrong object - without and, the teacher analyzes this word together with the children; he makes sure that all children pronounce words clearly and clearly with sound and, highlighted him with his voice.

Who has who?

Goal: To consolidate the correct pronunciation of sounds by children and in words, teach them to isolate words with a given sound from a group of words, from the speech stream.

Visual material: Pictures depicting animals and their cubs: a bear and cubs, a hedgehog and hedgehogs, grass snakes, camels and camels, horses and foals, etc. (many names have sound and).

The teacher shows a picture of an adult animal and asks the children to say who it is. The children answer. Then he asks: “What do they call baby bears (if he showed an adult bear)?” “Bear cubs,” say the children. “What about baby hedgehogs?” - “Ezhata.” Etc. The teacher makes sure that the children pronounce the sound clearly and in words, emphasizing it with a voice: bear cubs, zzhzherebyata. Similar to this, you can conduct an exercise to reinforce the correct pronunciation of sounds by children h: wolf - wolf cubs, bunny - hares, rabbit - rabbits, squirrel - squirrels, jackdaw - jackdaws etc. It is necessary for children to name baby animals not only in the plural, but also in the singular: bear cub, foal, hare, wolf cub etc.

Choose a word.

Goal: To consolidate the correct pronunciation of sounds by children sch in words, teach them to isolate words with a given sound from a group of words, from the speech stream.

The teacher, at a slightly slower pace, pronounces a number of words that contain sound sch, as well as those in which this sound is not present, and invites them to clap their hands when they hear the sound sch(“saw song”) An example set of words: pike, lamp, broom, brush, pliers, train, cubes, box, dress, doll, cloak. If children have difficulty and make mistakes in identifying words with sounds sch, The teacher pronounces the words, emphasizing this sound in his voice: pike, boxer. Group answers alternate with individual ones. When choosing words for the exercise, you should avoid words with sounds w, s, s, so that children don't get confused.

Guess what Parsley took.

Goal: To consolidate the correct pronunciation of sounds by children sch in words, teach them to isolate words with a given sound from a group of words, from the speech stream.

Visual material: Toys and objects that have a sound in their names sch; brush, box, pliers, puppy; Parsley.

The teacher puts four objects on the table whose names contain a sound sch, he asks the children to name them and remember them. After this, Petrushka appears and greets the children. The teacher says that Petrushka needs some things that are on the table, but he doesn’t want the children to see what he will take. “You will close your eyes now,” he says, “and when I tell you, you will open them.” The children close their eyes and the teacher removes one of the objects. Children open their eyes and name the object that Parsley took. When several people confirm that this particular item, for example a brush, was taken, the teacher asks: “Why does Parsley need a brush?” “Parsley needs a brush to clean clothes (teeth, if a toothbrush),” the children answer. Gradually, the teacher removes all the objects, and the children guess why they are needed. The teacher makes sure that all children are attentive, correctly identify the objects taken, and pronounce words clearly and clearly with sound. sch, highlighting it with his voice.

Find a toy.

Goal: To consolidate the correct pronunciation of sounds by children l (l) in words, teach them to isolate words with a given sound from a group of words, from the speech stream.

The teacher invites the children to look around and name objects and toys with sound l (l). Children call: “Horse, lamp, bicycle, table, chair, doll,” etc. Listening to the children's answers, the teacher asks them to highlight the sound in the words with their voice l (l) so that everyone can hear him clearly, for example: lllampa, stoll. The teacher makes sure that the children choose the words correctly, clearly pronounce the words with the given sound, highlight the answers and understand them as a whole group.

What animals do we know?

Goal: To consolidate the correct pronunciation of sounds by children l (l) in words, teach them to isolate words with a given sound from a group of words, from the speech stream.

Visual material: Flannel graph, pictures: horse, wolf, fox, lion, elephant, camel, goat, calf, deer, elk, donkey, squirrel (all names have sound l (l)

The teacher shows a picture of, for example, a horse, and asks the children: “Who is this?” “Horse,” the children answer. "And who is this?" (Shows the lion). - "A lion". Etc. The teacher places the examined pictures on a flannelgraph so that all domestic animals are on one side, and wild animals on the other. When the children name all the animals and the teacher arranges the pictures, he, pointing to the side of the flannelgraph where the pictures of domestic animals are attached, invites several children to list them. The teacher explains that these animals are called domestic because they live next to humans, he feeds them, cares for them, these animals bring great benefits to people.

The teacher makes sure that the children pronounce the sound correctly l (l) in words, corrects those who do not yet pronounce this sound clearly enough, asks them to repeat a vaguely spoken word, and gives a pronunciation sample.

Poems to reinforce the correct pronunciation of complex sounds

Forming correct sound pronunciation is not an easy task. You can reinforce the correct pronunciation of sounds not only in special exercises. When learning funny poems, the process of “speaking out” can become interesting and joyful, which guarantees the best results.
The blizzard howls:
- Oooh!
I can wrap you up.
Sweep it into a big snowdrift.

Snowflake sat on a branch
- f-f, f-f!
The rain splashed -
he got wet:
- f-f, f-f!
The breeze, blow lightly,
Discuss it for us, bullfinch
- f-f, f-f!
(German song)

"We're riding a horse"
Let's go, let's go on a horse -
On a smooth winter road.
The sleds squeak - shhhh!
The bells are ringing - ding-ding!
The woodpecker knocks - knock-knock-knock!
The blizzard whistles - ssss!
A squirrel on a branch is gnawing nuts - click-click!
The red fox is guarding the hare - f-f-f!
Cold, cold - v-v-v!
Cold - brr-brr!
Fluffy snow
Spinning, circling - oh-oh-oh!
We rode, we rode - clop-clop-clop!
Finally we arrived:
From the hill - wow!
In the hole - bang!
We've arrived!
T. Tyutyunnikova

Drip-drip, knock-knock,
Rain on the path.
Children catch these drops,
Putting out your palms.
G. Boyko

"Autumn Leaves"
Autumn leaves sit on branches,
Autumn leaves tell children:
Aspen - ah-ah...
Rowan - and-and-and...
Birch - oh-oh-oh...
Oak - wow...
M. Kartushina

Drip-drip-drip! - cloud.
Drip-drip-drip! - weeper.
Cries day and night
The rain is falling down.
M. Kartushina

The breeze rustles the leaves:
Shu-shu-shu, shu-shu-shu.
It buzzes loudly in the pipes:
Oooh, ooh, ooh.
Raises dust in a column.
Bom-bom-bom, bom-bom-bom.
It blows everywhere, all around.
Gom-gom-gom, gom-gom-gom.
He can cause a storm.
Fear-fear, fear-fear!
Even the elephant can't resist
Ah-ah, ah-ah!
E. Alyabyeva

"In the courtyard"
Ta-ra-ra! Ta-ra-ra!
The horses have left the yard!
Two dogs are very strict
We were told at the door:
- Av-av-av! Aw-aw-aw!
Sooner or early two rams
They knocked on the gate:
Tra-ta-ta and tra-ta-ta!

Two kittens: “Meow-meow!”
Two puppies: “Woof-woof!”
Two foals: “Igo-go!”
Two little goats: “Me-e-e!”
Two calves: “Moo!”
Look at the horns!
(Children's nursery rhyme)

Boo-boo, I'm horny
Boo-boo, I'm tailed
Boo-boo, I'm big-eared
Boo-boo, very scary,
Boo-boo, I'll scare you
Boo-boo, I'll gore you.
(Lithuanian song)

❀ ❀ ❀ ❀ ❀ ❀ ❀

The cockerel woke up in the morning,
He played the pipe: tu-ru-ru.
We will help the shepherdess
We will sing along with the shepherdess.
There's a cow in the meadow - moo-moo!
Pink pigs - oink-oink-oink!
And the horned goat - me-me-me!
Bearded ram - be-be-be!
The cat meowed - meow-meow!
And the dog barks - aw-aw-aw!
And in the forest the cuckoo is all cuckoo, cuckoo!
The cheerful cockerel sang - ka-ka-re-ku!
And in the green garden there are children
Sings songs - ta-ra-ra!

❀ ❀ ❀ ❀ ❀ ❀ ❀

Ku-ka-re-ku! I'm guarding the chickens!
Ku-dah-dah-dah! She got carried away in the bushes!
Pee-pee-pee! Drink some water!
Mur-mur-mur! I'm scaring the chickens!
Kra-kra-kra! It will rain tomorrow morning!
Moo! Milk for anyone?
A. Barto
❀ ❀ ❀ ❀ ❀ ❀ ❀
The cockerel will sing
As soon as the sun rises.
Ku-ka-re-ku! The sun rose!
Ku-ka-re-ku! Morning has come!
Wake up! Get up!
Get to work!
(Children's nursery rhyme)
❀ ❀ ❀ ❀ ❀ ❀ ❀
Our ducks in the morning:
Our geese by the pond:
And the turkey in the middle of the yard:
“Bal-bal, ball-bal-bald!”
Our buns above:
Our chickens through the window:
What about Petya the Cockerel?
Early in the morning
He will sing to us: “Ku-ka-re-ku!”
(Children's nursery rhyme)
❀ ❀ ❀ ❀ ❀ ❀ ❀
Two frogs are arguing loudly -
Which one is the beauty?
Kva-kva, kva-kva-kva.
How do you like it?
V. Lifshits

Yulia Vitkova
Games for developing correct sound pronunciation

A child’s communication with adults and peers is most successful when the speaker pronounces words clearly and clearly. Unclear or incorrect pronunciation of words may cause misunderstanding.

Incorrect pronunciation of certain groups of sounds in early preschool age is quite natural and justified by the physiological characteristics of the formation of children's speech. But in order to create favorable conditions for the correct pronunciation of all sounds, clear and intelligible pronunciation of words, it is necessary to conduct special games and activities.

Consolidation of the correct pronunciation of sounds is carried out by repeatedly pronouncing words rich in these sounds.

To reinforce correct sound pronunciation, it is good to use special songs, poems, nursery rhymes that imitate the voices of animals, birds, and the sounds of objects known to the child (hammer, watch, etc.).

The ability to pronounce sounds correctly is the most important condition for good diction. Using various games and exercises, the teacher teaches the child to pronounce words clearly. He asks to pronounce the words so that all sounds are heard. But first the adult pronounces the words at a slightly slower pace, the children repeat, then the speed of pronunciation increases; Pronouncing words in a whisper is also very effective - this requires more articulation of sounds.


Goal: To develop speech hearing and the ability to imitate.

Equipment: Toy rooster, chicken, cat, dog, cow.

Progress: The teacher expressively reads the poem and shows the corresponding toys.


I look after the chickens.

Where, whack, whack!

She got carried away in the bushes.


I'm scaring the chickens!

Am-am! Who's there?


It will rain tomorrow morning!

Milk for anyone?

(A. Barto)

After reading the poem, the teacher asks the child questions: “How does a cow moo?”, “How does a dog bark?”, “How does a duck quack?” etc.


Goal: To reinforce correct sound pronunciation. Develop speech hearing and speech activity, the ability to pronounce sounds and sound combinations by imitation.

Equipment: Large doll, rooster, cat, duck, bear, frog.

Progress: The teacher accompanies his story by showing character toys; clearly pronounces onomatopoeia and gets this from the child when answering questions about the story.

The girl sang a song,

She sang and sang and finished singing.

Now you, cockerel, sing!

Ku-ka-re-ku! - the cockerel crowed.

Sing, Murka!

Meow-meow, - the cat sang.

Your turn, duck!

Quack-quack-quack, - the duck began to sing!

And you, Mishka?

Roar-roar-roar, - the bear growled.

You frog, sing

Kwak-kwak-kwak, - croaked the frog.

Will you, doll, sing?

Mom mom!

Sweet song!

(G. Gerbova)

At the end of the story, the child is asked questions: “How does the cat sing? How does Mishka sing?” (Fig. 6)


Goal: To develop onomatopoeia and spatial orientation.

Equipment: Hen and chick caps (according to the number of children)

Progress: The teacher portrays a chicken, and the children pretend to be chickens. The “hen” and the “chicks” walk across the lawn and “peck the grains” (tapping their fingers on the floor).

The chicken went out for a walk,

Pinch some fresh grass,

And behind her are the boys,

Yellow chickens.

Ko-ko-ko yes ko-ko-ko,

Don't go far

Row your paws,

Look for the grains!

(T. Volgina)

It is important to ensure that children coax the teacher and clearly pronounce the sound combinations “ko-ko-ko”. (Fig. 7)


Goal: To consolidate the pronunciation of sounds by imitation.

Equipment: Pictures of a puppy, horse, calf, chicken, kid.

Progress: The teacher accompanies the reading of the poem by showing pictures of animals and birds.

“Woof! Woof! - at dawn,

“Woof! Woof! - outside.

A puppy was running in the yard,

And in the stable the horse neighed.

He got angry: “What are you doing?

Are you disturbing your sleep? E-go-go!

And the calf said: “Moo!”

It prevents him from sleeping.

And the calf said: “Pi!

You, puppy, sleep some more!”

And the kid: “Meh!” yes "Meh!"

“They didn’t let me take a nap.”

And the puppy is all “Woof!” yes "Woof!"

He has a cheerful disposition!

And this cheerful disposition

It's called "Woof - Woof!"

(according to T. Volgina)

It is important to ensure that children pronounce sound combinations clearly, imitating the voices of animals. (Fig. 8)


Goal: Same

Equipment: Pictures of ducks, geese, turkey, pigeons, hens, cockerel.

Progress: The teacher accompanies the reading of the poem by showing pictures.

Our ducks in the morning:



Our geese by the pond:



And the turkey in the middle of the yard:



Our buns above:



Our chickens through the window:



What about Petya the Cockerel?

Early in the morning

He will sing to us “Ku-ka-re-ku!”

(Russian folk song)

“What does a duck call?” - asks the teacher. The kid answers this and other questions about all birds. This way he clarifies and consolidates the pronunciation of sounds.


Equipment: Large and small watches.

Progress: The teacher shows the child a watch and says: “This is a watch. When they walk, they tick "tick-tock, tick-tock." How does the clock tick? (children answer). Watches come in big and small. The big clock ticks loudly (says loudly) “tick-tock”, and the small clock ticks quietly “tick-tock”. How does the big clock tick? What about the little ones? (children answer). The big clock, when it runs, ticks slowly (says in slow motion) “tick-tock.” And the little ones quickly (pronounces at an accelerated pace) “tick-tock.” How does the big clock tick? What about the little ones? (children answer). It is important to ensure the correct and clear pronunciation of the sounds “k” and “t” (t). (Fig. 9)


Goal: Learning to clearly pronounce the sound “i”.

Equipment: Toy horse.

Progress: The teacher shows the child the horse, explains that it screams “and-and-and” and asks the child to repeat (2-3) times. Then the teacher invites the child to play wind-up horses, “winds up” the “horse” child with a key, and he runs around the group and says “and-and-and.”


Goal: To form a correct and distinct pronunciation of the sound “b” (by), to develop the ability to pronounce individual onomatopoeia loudly and quietly; to navigate in space.

Equipment: Cardboard steering wheels (according to the number of children, large and small cars.

Progress: The teacher shows the cars and asks how they buzz (“beep, beep”). Then he shows a big car and says: “The big car hums loudly, listen to how (pronounces onomatopoeia a little louder than usual) “beep, beep,” and the little one hums quietly (says in an undertone) “beep, bee.” . The child is asked to repeat the sound combinations, sometimes loudly, sometimes quietly. Then the teacher invites the children to drive the cars themselves. Children, pretending to be drivers, run around the group with the steering wheel in their hands scatteredly, saying: “beep, beep.” (Fig. 10)


Goal: Continue to form the correct and distinct pronunciation of the sound “b” (by), teach how to regulate the strength of the voice.

Equipment: Drum.

Progress: The teacher shows the drum, knocks on it, accompanying his actions with the words: “Bam-bam-bam! This is how the drum sings." Then he asks the child how the drum sings. The baby answers first with an arbitrary volume, then, according to the adult’s instructions, loudly or quietly. It is important to ensure that the child correctly and clearly pronounces the sound “b” (beat), and onomatopoeia - loudly and quietly.


Equipment: Picture of rain.

Progress: The teacher shows the picture and says: “It started raining. At first it began to drip quietly: “drip-drip-drip” (the child repeats quietly, then he knocked harder: “drip-drip-drip” (the child repeats louder) “drip-drip-drip.” Again the rain drips quietly and stops!” At the end of the game, the teacher reads a nursery rhyme:

Rain, rain,


Wet paths.

We can't go for a walk -

We'll get our feet wet.

(Russian folk song)

The child, together with the adult, repeats the onomatopoeia “drip-drip-drip”.


Equipment: Toy hammer.

Progress: The teacher shows the hammer and offers to listen to how it knocks “knock-knock-knock”. The child imitates tapping: he taps his palms with a hammer fist and repeats “knock-knock-knock.” The teacher says: “My hammer can knock loudly (knocks and loudly says “knock-knock-knock”, or maybe quietly (shows).” The child repeats. Then the teacher says that you can knock with the hammer quickly and slowly (shows and says onomatopoeia “knock-knock-knock" at a fast and slow pace). The baby repeats. At the end of the game, you can let the child knock with his hammer.