Consequences of rotavirus infection in adults. What antiviral drugs are used for rotavirus infection. Symptomatic and pathogenetic treatment

Rotavirus infection: symptoms, treatment, prevention.

Rotavirus infection- a disease whose symptoms are very similar to indigestion. Rotavirus infection is contagious and most often affects children preschool age, however, adults can also get sick.

Signs and symptoms of rotavirus intestinal infection in adults

The name rotavirus comes from the word "rota"(from English “wheel”). Attitude to the word "mouth" the name has no origin.

Rotaviruses are transmitted fecally orally. You can become infected not only by airborne droplets, but also many others ways:

  1. Through contaminated food
  2. Upon contact of hands
  3. Through dirty water

Rotaviruses infect the mucous membranes gastrointestinal tract.

Rotavirus in adults

In the first days of illness, they are expressed as follows:

  • Fever
  • Frequent vomiting
  • Diarrhea
  • Rumbling in the stomach

In addition, rotavirus infection is accompanied by pain, sore throat, and mild runny nose.

You can assume infection with rotavirus by observing your stool: on the first day, your stool is loose yellow color, the next day - grayish with a clay-like consistency.

The infection can be diagnosed by testing stool for antibodies to the virus.

Rotavirus infection

Important: Rotavirus infection usually affects children aged 2 to 6 years. The disease in adults often passes under the guise of food poisoning - the symptoms of these two diseases are very similar. However, unlike food poisoning, rotavirus is contagious.

It is worth noting that the immunity of adults is able to resist the disease more steadfastly than children's immunity. Therefore, quite often rotavirus infection in adults occurs in mild form.

How long is the incubation period for rotavirus infection in adults?

If one family member becomes ill, there is a high probability that other family members will soon become infected with rotavirus infection. The disease is divided into three stages:

  1. Incubation period (3-5 days)
  2. Acute stage (about 5 days, sometimes 7 days)
  3. Recovery stage (4-5 days)

Symptoms rotavirus infection

How many days is rotavirus infection contagious for adults after contact with a sick person?

Important: You can become infected with rotavirus even before a person develops symptoms. acute symptoms diseases. In general, a rotavirus carrier poses a threat to others for 10 days.

The period of the acute stage is especially dangerous, when the patient has vomiting and loose stools.

It is advisable to isolate infants and pregnant women from the sick. If you do have to come into contact with a sick person, follow the rules:

  • A patient with rotavirus should use individual utensils
  • Wash your hands often with soap, and the patient should also wash their hands and face frequently

Tablets, drugs for the treatment of rotavirus infection in adults at home

There is no specific treatment regimen for rotavirus. There's no point in accepting antiviral drugs and antibiotics. However, it is necessary rehydration therapy And intake of sorbents(smecta, activated carbon, enterosgel).

Rehydration therapy consists of taking large quantity fluids to prevent dehydration during diarrhea. Saline solutions, unsweetened compotes, herbal teas- This drink is suitable for the treatment of rotavirus disease.

Treatment of rotavirus

How to treat rotavirus infection in adults with folk remedies?

Having simple components on hand, you can prepare solutions for the treatment of rotavirus infection.

  • For cooking saline solution mix 1 tsp. salt, 5 tsp. sugar per 1 liter of boiled water. Take the solution throughout the day.
  • You can also do soda solution . Take the same amount of water, salt and sugar as in the previous recipe and add 1 tbsp. baking soda.
  • Decoctions of chamomile, St. John's wort, calamus will relieve inflammation of the intestinal walls and help restore water balance. Herbal mixtures can be bought at the pharmacy, they are quite inexpensive.
  • Helps well with diarrhea pomegranate peel infusion. Just pour a glass of boiling water over the peel, leave for half an hour and drink little by little.

Traditional methods rotavirus treatment

Nutrition for adults with rotavirus infection

If you are sick with rotavirus infection, it is important to adhere to strict diet.

First of all, you need to exclude:

  • Dairy products, milk porridges
  • Fatty, spicy, salty
  • Sweets
  • Carbonated drinks
  • Raw vegetables or fruits

You are allowed to eat the following foods:

  • Vegetable soups
  • Rice and semolina on the water
  • Rusks or stale black bread
  • Compotes
  • Herbal teas
  • Boiled (or steamed) fish and lean meat
  • Light broth
  • During the recovery stage, you can enter mashed potatoes

It’s difficult to follow a diet; you’ll have to give up a lot familiar products, however, the diet is the only way to a speedy recovery.

Vaccination for adults against rotavirus infections

The vaccine is a reliable method of preventing rotavirus infection. You should know that:

  1. The rotavirus vaccine consists of live, weakened strains of viruses (administered orally)
  2. The vaccine can be given to both adults and children
  3. The vaccination should be done in 2 doses, then it will protect the body from rotavirus attacks
  4. It was found that the vaccine does not lose effectiveness if given simultaneously with other vaccines (for example, DTP)
  5. Vaccination against rotavirus will protect the body for several years; there is no lifelong immunity.

Important: The vaccine should not be given to those who had a strong allergic reaction, as well as people with immunodeficiency syndrome. Vaccination of people with intestinal defects and chronic gastrointestinal diseases is questionable (the final decision is made together with the doctor). It is also contraindicated to get vaccinated during the acute stage of the disease.

Vaccine for rotavirus infection

What are the complications of rotavirus infection in adults?

Rotavirus is usually transmitted without side effects and complications. When correct mode drinking and eating for 10 days, the patient recovers without consequences.

The most dangerous factor in the development of infection is dehydration. In some cases, dehydration can be fatal.

It is also necessary to monitor body temperature. It is not worth reducing the temperature to 38º if the patient tolerates it normally. It is at this temperature that the body destroys harmful viruses. However, if the temperature goes beyond 39°, it is necessary to take an antipyretic, since such a temperature puts a strain on the cardiovascular system.

Prevention of rotavirus infections in adults upon contact with a patient: drugs

It is advisable to avoid contact with a person who has become infected with rotavirus infection. Visits to the patient in this case inappropriate.

There are no drugs to prevent rotavirus. The only thing you can do is wash your hands and face more often, and use separate utensils if contact cannot be avoided. Although these measures will not provide a 100% guarantee of protection.

If a person has had rotavirus once, this does not mean that he will not get sick again. Lifelong immunity to these pathogens is not developed, and re-infection is possible.

Video: How to cope with rotavirus infection?

Rotavirus infection is an acute infection, also called stomach flu, the main cause of which is believed to be RNA rotavirus. The disease is transmitted in most cases orally. This type of infection is quite dangerous. As shown medical practice, more than 610,000 people die each year from rotavirus infection. A person should know how to treat rotavirus in children and adults, since timely treatment will help avoid severe consequences diseases.

Infection with rotavirus occurs in several ways - fecal, oral, and also through household contact. The main symptoms of rotavirus infection manifest themselves in the form of poisoning; a little later other signs may develop:

  • pain in the stomach;
  • vomit;
  • nausea;
  • bloating;
  • stool disorder;
  • increase in body temperature.

Incorrectly selected treatment carried out at home can lead to dangerous consequences for human health and even life.

Features of rotavirus treatment

Treat company viral infection necessary immediately after the first signs of the disease appear. But it should be remembered that in modern medicine does not exist specific methods treatment of intestinal flu. In no case should you self-medicate; all medications should be prescribed only by a specialist.

In this case, it is necessary to correctly diagnose the disease, since it is similar to food poisoning. For this purpose they are appointed lab tests. After research, the optimal method of therapy is selected.

Required elements healing process are strict adherence to diet and drinking regime, bed rest.

Treatment of intestinal flu is symptomatic. It is aimed at preventing further dehydration of the body, eliminating vomiting, abdominal pain and normalizing stool. It can be carried out both at home and in a hospital. But since this disease is contagious, the patient must be isolated until recovery, ensuring complete quarantine.

Sharp abdominal pain is a characteristic sign of rotavirus infection

Drug treatment

Any medications for rotavirus infection in children and adults are taken only as prescribed by a doctor. It is strictly not recommended to take any antidiarrheal or antiemetic medications on your own.

At stomach flu Antibacterial or antiviral drugs are not used, since they do not have an effective effect on the causative agent of the disease. Rehydrants must be prescribed - this is pharmacological agents, which prevent dehydration of the body and normalize the water-salt balance.

The main drugs used for rotavirus:

  • Antiviral - Tsitovir, Cycloferon, Kagocel, Ingavirin, Furazolidone.
  • Antidiarrheals - Loperamide, Imodium, Enterol.
  • Detoxification - Polysorb, Regidron, Gastrolit, Activated carbon.
  • Normalizing work digestive system- Creon, Pangrol.
  • Improving intestinal microflora - Bifiform, Linex, Hilak forte, Acipol.
  • Painkillers – Spazmalgon, Drotaverine, No-shpa.
  • Antiemetics – Motilium, Metoclopramide.
  • For bloating – Maalox, Reni.

How to treat rotavirus in case of fever? When body temperature rises above 38°, it is recommended to take medications with an antipyretic effect - Paracetamol, Ibuprofen, Coldrex.

In case of sudden painful spasms in the stomach area, it is strictly not recommended to take painkillers on your own, as this may prevent the attending physician from making a correct diagnosis.

Vomiting and stool upset lead to intense fluid loss

Restoring water-salt balance

When treating rotavirus infection in children and adults, it is necessary to take medications, the main purpose of which is to prevent further dehydration of the body and eliminate its intoxication. For this purpose, pharmacological agents such as Regidron, Polysorb, Gastrolit, Liferan, Glucosolan, Smecta can be used.

They have the following effects on the body:

  • Effectively compensate for the loss of moisture in the patient's body.
  • Make up for the deficiency minerals, vital for immunity.
  • Improve general health person.

Taking rehydrants is mandatory in case of vomiting or stool upset, since in this case the likelihood of rapid dehydration of the body rapidly increases. If you don’t have any of the above medications at home, you can prepare a rehydrant yourself. To do this, add a teaspoon of soda and salt to 1 liter of clean boiled water, add 3-4 tablespoons of sugar. It is recommended to drink this liquid in small sips every 15-20 minutes.

Diet for rotavirus

An obligatory part of the treatment of intestinal flu is special therapeutic nutrition. On the first day after an exacerbation of the disease, doctors recommend completely refusing to eat, only drinking is allowed. This will reduce the symptoms of intoxication and quickly improve the patient’s overall well-being. When painful sensations disappear and your health returns to normal, you can move on to a diet that should be as light and gentle as possible.

When treating rotavirus, you must completely avoid the following products:

  • Whole milk and fermented milk products.
  • Rye bread.
  • Delicious baked goods.
  • Raw fruits and vegetables - cucumbers, radishes, radishes, onions and garlic, cabbage, citrus fruits.
  • Pasta, millet and pearl barley.
  • Dark chocolate, carbonated drinks, concentrated juices.
  • Cakes, candies and other sweets.
  • Hard cheese.
  • Sausages, smoked meats.
  • Salted, pickled and spicy foods.

What foods should be present in the diet of a person diagnosed with rotavirus infection? These can be low-fat broths, jelly, congee, mashed potatoes in water without butter, boiled rice, chicken or turkey meat without skin, steam cutlets.

You can eat no more than 2-3 boiled eggs per week. From creamy and vegetable oil must be categorically refused. The only baked goods you can eat are bagels and dry cookies such as biscuits.

Basic Rule dietary nutrition for rotavirus infection, you need to eat often, but in small portions. This will help reduce the manifestations of intoxication and normalize the functioning of the digestive system.

Treatment of rotavirus in a child

How to treat rotavirus infection in a child? The basic principles of treatment for children are practically no different from the treatment of intestinal flu in adults. The main goal of the treatment process is to normalize the baby’s condition, improve his well-being, and minimize the manifestations of intestinal disease.

IN mandatory adjustments are made to children's diet nutrition, medications are taken to normalize water-salt balance, elimination of symptoms of intoxication.

During the period of exacerbation of the disease, it is necessary to leave the baby without food for 1-2 days, only give him drinking plenty of fluids. In case you get sick Small child, which is located on breastfeeding, it is recommended to switch it to artificial - give it to the baby in small portions a mixture that does not contain lactose.

After the child feels better, he can be given light rice water, homemade jelly with water, and low-fat chicken broth. Older children can gradually introduce chicken meatballs or steamed cutlets, mashed potatoes without butter and milk, and rice porridge into their diet.

The child must be given medications to replenish fluid loss in children's body. This is especially important if the baby has vomiting or diarrhea. It is worth noting that as body temperature rises, dehydration occurs at a rapid pace.

Treatment of rotavirus infection in children has good prognosis

Main drugs:

  • Oralit,
  • Regidron,
  • Enterosgel,
  • Smecta,
  • White coal,
  • Atoxyl.

It is also very useful to give your child a weak chamomile decoction, saline or soda solution to drink in small sips. You need to drink every 10-15 minutes. If the baby categorically refuses to drink liquid, you should not force him, as this may cause a gag reflex.

To normalize the functioning of the digestive system, the child is prescribed probiotics - Lacidofil, Bifilact.

When a child’s body temperature rises, antipyretic medications are used - most often Efferalgan, Paracetamol, Nurofen.

In some cases, medications with antiviral effect– Lipoferon, Viferon. They actively fight the main causative agent of the disease and speed up recovery.

Folk remedies for the treatment of rotavirus

Helps effectively treat rotavirus infection in adults various recipes traditional medicine. Diarrhea can be cured with a decoction made from pomegranate peels. A handful of chopped peel should be poured with 200 ml of boiling water, left to steep for 10-15 minutes and drunk often in small sips.

A decoction of chamomile or St. John's wort is also considered extremely useful. To prepare it, pour a tablespoon of fresh or dried plant into a glass of hot water, leave and consume every 10 minutes.

All medications for rotavirus infection should be prescribed only by a doctor.

At home, it is used to treat rotavirus infection. decoction from blueberries. It is prepared as follows: boil 2 tablespoons of berries for several minutes in a small amount of water, then pass through a sieve and combine with 4-5 tablespoons granulated sugar. After this, the berry puree is poured with water and brought to a boil, after which it is drunk throughout the day.

Blueberries can be replaced with rose hips. It not only normalizes the water balance in the body, but also eliminates symptoms of intoxication, increases immunity and replenishes vital deficiencies. important vitamins and microelements.

A medicinal plant called aspenberry is excellent for getting rid of severe, debilitating diarrhea in young children. Pour a tablespoon of the plant into 300 ml of water, put it on low heat and boil for 3-4 minutes. Ready product It is recommended to take a spoonful every 2-3 hours.

Before treating rotavirus infection in children and adults, you should definitely consult with your doctor. Especially if the disease is accompanied by an intense increase in body temperature. Intestinal flu can have the most severe consequences for the body, including death. Competent and timely treatment can cure the disease and return a person to good health.

Rotavirus infection is an acute infectious form gastroenteritis. This disease is otherwise called intestinal flu. The reason for the development is the penetration of RNA rotavirus into the human body. This disease is reported annually throughout the world. About 25 million people suffer from intestinal flu. Approximately 600-900 cases of infection are fatal. Rotavirus infection occurs much more often in adults than in adults, but despite this, in 90% of cases, antiviral antibodies are found in the blood of children.

Signs of rotavirus infection are characteristic. They consist in the appearance, dehydration, damage to the intestines and stomach. The appearance of rotavirus in adults is accompanied by respiratory symptoms, which appear at the primary stage of the disease and in some cases persist.

What is rotavirus infection and how is it transmitted? The virus is usually transmitted through food. In other words, we can say that a person gets sick when he eats unwashed food. Unwashed hands can also cause illness. This most often occurs when consuming dairy products. The virus can live even in the refrigerator for a very long time if disinfection is not carried out using chlorine-containing detergents.

Please note that rotavirus infection is transmitted by airborne droplets. What changes occur in the human body after infection? Rotavirus in adults provokes the development inflammatory process. The disease spreads similarly to the influenza virus. First, the infection penetrates the mucous membrane of the gastrointestinal tract. The small intestine is predominantly affected. This is accompanied by the development of enteritis, which is characterized by inflammation of the mucous membrane digestive tract. This is fraught with the development of symptoms characteristic of intestinal flu. Rotavirus infection is accompanied by dysfunction of the stomach and intestines, which can lead to disruption of food digestion functions. At the same time, the human body loses a large amount of fluid, which is fraught with the development of dehydration.

How long does it last acute stage diseases? No more than 5-7 days. The recovery process takes 5 days, subject to the doctor’s recommendations. If rotavirus infection is treated promptly and correctly, the development of complications is minimized.

How to distinguish rotavirus from poisoning? At infectious process As a rule, there are no symptoms of intoxication. What is poisoning? It is characterized by a short-term process, and rotavirus torments its “victim” for about 2 weeks. The infectious disease has more severe symptoms. In case of poisoning, there is no picture of ARVI.

Ways of transmission of the disease

How is rotavirus transmitted? The source of infection can be not only spoiled dairy products, but also an infected person. The causative agent of the disease is excreted along with feces during defecation. The infectious period lasts throughout the entire period of the disease and 10 days after the symptoms of intestinal flu disappear. Please note that the source of intestinal flu can be a person who has been in contact with infected people, but due to the high protective barrier, did not get sick.

The incubation period after contact with the pathogen lasts 2 weeks. First of all, it depends on the condition protective forces human body. How long a rotavirus infection will last will depend on a person’s health. The incubation period is only in rare cases lasts up to 3 weeks.

Progress of rotavirus development

Rotavirus infections develop in a special way. The causative agent of the disease, having penetrated the human body, attacks the intestinal mucosa, namely epithelial cells, which leads to their death. The resulting defects are filled with defective and immature epithelial cells. This process is fraught with the development enzyme deficiency. Such changes are accompanied by impaired breakdown and absorption of carbohydrates, mainly lactose. Next, substances that have not been digested enter the area of ​​the large intestine, which is fraught with the accumulation of a large amount of fluid, which is released from the tissues due to excess. This factor provokes the development of diarrhea, which is accompanied by loss of nutrients in the body and dehydration.

Rotavirus can attach only to mature epithelial villi in small intestine. The disease progresses until all intestinal cells are replaced by new ones. After acute process infectious disease subsides, the body needs to restore digestive functions.

If treatment for rotavirus infection is not started in a timely manner, bacterial flora can be added. In this case, medications for rotavirus must be combined with antibacterial drugs. When bronchial symptoms appear, we are also talking about complications that are associated with the addition of a secondary infection.

Symptoms of the disease

Symptoms of rotavirus infection in adults usually appear 1-14 days after infection. After the manifestation of the disease, the following changes are observed in the body of a sick person:

  • Body temperature rises to 37.5-39 degrees.
  • Vomiting appears, which is not isolated and can occur up to 10 times a day.
  • Loose stools can be present up to 6-8 times a day.
  • There is strong rumbling and pain in the abdomen caused by spasms of smooth muscles.
  • The patient suffers from flatulence and a feeling of fullness in the abdomen.

Rotavirus infection has catarrhal type symptoms. It's about about a runny nose, hyperemia of the throat mucosa, conjunctivitis and a slight cough.

Diarrhea with intestinal flu is peculiar. At first feces have a mushy consistency, and after several days from the onset of the disease it becomes watery. The feces may contain streaks of blood and mucus. This is due to the addition of bacterial flora.

Gastroenteritis can occur without diarrhea. This disease manifests itself differently in everyone, so you should not diagnose yourself. Only a doctor can figure out what kind of disease a patient has by checking a number of diagnostic studies.

You can learn more about rotavirus infection by watching the video:

Complications of rotavirus infection

The most a common complication An infectious disease is dehydration, which is characterized by the following symptoms:

  • Dry lips and dry mouth.
  • Decreased skin elasticity and dry skin.
  • Frequent urination (no more than 6-8 times a day), during which a small amount of liquids.
  • Sunken eyes and weight loss.

The duration of the disease and how many days a person remains contagious is influenced by the patient’s health status. An infected person will be sick longer if he has accompanying illnesses. Serious complications can arise from intestinal diseases, heart disease and kidney failure.

Establishing diagnosis

Treatment of rotavirus infection in adults begins only after a series of diagnostic tests. Often the diagnosis is made based on the medical history.

Before treating rotavirus infection in adults, the patient is recommended to undergo a stool test - immunochromatography.

To determine rotavirus, it is recommended to take a special test. This test is an examination of vomit, urine and blood. Any biological fluid can give a reliable result. The test shows an excess of certain indicators: leukocyturia, hematuria and proteinuria.

In the presence of rotavirus, the test shows the presence of a marker such as VP6, which can be classified as group A. Test for rotavirus infection to get more reliable result, combined with a laboratory blood test such as ELISA - enzyme immunoassay test. Accurate result gives analysis blood PCR. Upon receipt of the analysis result, it is recommended to repeat the study. Otherwise, you may get a false positive or false negative result.

Qualified approach to treatment

How to treat rotavirus infection? It's better to ask your doctor about this. Self-medication in this case is unacceptable. This approach to fighting infection can cause the development of serious complications. The consequences of rotavirus infection in this case are difficult to correct.

Symptoms and treatment in adults have a close relationship with each other. note that specific therapy not designed for this case. Antiviral drugs are not used for rotavirus infection. The main efforts are aimed at combating dehydration. For this, the patient is prescribed rehydration drug therapy.

Diet in the fight against gastroenteritis

Another important point in the fight against the disease - diet for rotavirus infection. The patient is recommended during treatment stop eating dairy products.

What can you eat if you have gastroenteritis? Steamed vegetables and meat, cereals and baked goods in small quantities. Green fruits and raw vegetables consumption is not recommended. This can cause complications in the gastrointestinal tract.

Diet after and during rotavirus infection in adults should be combined with a course of treatment digestive organs, by using enzyme preparations, such as “Mezim”, “Pancreatin”, “Festal”. Prebiotics are prescribed without fail - drugs that include bifidobacteria, lactobacilli and beneficial E. coli.

The diet for rotavirus infection is combined with the fight against dehydration. Otherwise, eliminate the infectious disease without causing negative consequences will not work. It is also recommended to adhere to a diet after rotavirus infection in adults. Only comprehensive rehabilitation therapy and proper nutrition will help you recover faster after an illness.

Meals for rotavirus infection should be fractional. During an exacerbation, it is recommended to take pureed and gentle food to reduce the likelihood of injury to the intestinal mucosa.

Fighting dehydration

It is recommended to discuss the use of any medications for rotavirus infection with your doctor in advance. No matter how long rotavirus infection lasts, the following measures To eliminate dehydration, the following are required:

  • treatment is carried out in a hospital setting;
  • A solution of sodium chloride and glucose is administered intravenously;
  • drink enough fluid;
  • If the temperature rises, use antipyretic tablets.

Often medications are not needed for rotavirus infection. Treatment can be carried out with diet and medications that eliminate the symptoms of the disease. Most often using antidiarrheal and antiemetic drugs.

Rehydration process

To reduce the symptoms of an infectious disease, the patient is prescribed sorbents. Most often, “ ” and “ ” are assigned for this. Glucose and colloidal solutions are administered intravenously only in severe cases.

Diet after rotavirus infection in adults plays a huge role in the process of rehydration. Proper nutrition during the development of rotavirus infection allows it to be eliminated from the body more quickly pathogenic microorganisms and restore the acid-base environment.

In order to eliminate dehydration, a rehydration procedure is carried out, which involves the use of drugs such as “” and “Glucosil”. If dehydration is severe, the patient is hospitalized for infusion therapy using Ringer, Quartasol and Trisol.

When is antibacterial therapy necessary?

Antibacterial medication is not used for gastroenteritis. Antibiotics are only needed when attachment occurs bacterial infection. At persistent diarrhea use medications such as "Furazolidone" and "". The use of these medications for rotavirus infection allows you to quickly eliminate the cause of the disease and reduce the severity of symptoms, alleviating the patient’s condition.

Prevention measures

Prevention of rotavirus infection plays an important role in preventing the development of the disease. How to avoid getting infected with rotavirus? First of all, it is necessary to strictly follow certain recommendations:

  • wash your hands after visiting public places and the toilet;
  • maintain personal hygiene;
  • drink only purified or boiled water;
  • eat only washed fruits and vegetables;
  • carry out daily wet cleaning.

In order to avoid contracting rotavirus infection, it is necessary to isolate infected patients from other people. You can avoid transmission of rotavirus infection by elementary rules, the main thing is not to lose sight of them.

In order not to become infected with gastroenteritis, it is necessary to get vaccinated, which is carried out before 6 one month old. IN currently Such preventive measures are used only in the United States. In Russia there are still no reliable facts about how effective this measure is.

If symptoms of rotavirus occur, you should consult a doctor as soon as possible. The disease may not manifest itself acutely enough, but despite this, cause complications. Therefore, consulting a doctor is the only the right step on the road to recovery. Prevention of rotavirus is mandatory for both adults and children.

Infectious disease physician, private clinic"Medcenterservice", Moscow. Senior editor of the website "Poisoning Stop".

Rotavirus infection is an infectious disease caused by rotavirus. Other names - RI, rotavirosis, rotavirus gastroenteritis, intestinal flu, stomach flu. The causative agent of rotavirus infection is a virus from the order of rotaviruses (lat. Rotavirus). According to WHO experts, almost every child experiences rotavirus gastroenteritis during the first five years of life, regardless of race and socioeconomic status.

On modern stage There are seven serogroups of rotaviruses (A, B, C, D, E, F, G), which combine a large number of serotypes. The most numerous is serogroup A, which includes the majority of human rotaviruses. Most often, four serotypes of group A cause the development of rotavirus diarrhea: P8G1, P8G3, P8G4, P4G2.

The incubation period of infection is 1-5 days. Rotavirus affects both children and adults, but in an adult, unlike a child, the disease occurs in a milder form. The patient becomes contagious with the first symptoms of rotavirosis and remains contagious until the end of the manifestation of signs of the disease (5-7 days). As a rule, recovery occurs after 5-7 days. The body develops a short-term immunity to this serotype of rotavirus, that is, it remains possible to become infected with it again later.

How is rotavirus infection transmitted?

The route of transmission of rotavirus is mainly food (through unwashed food, dirty hands). You can become infected with rotavirus infection in the most in different ways, for example, through infected food products, primarily dairy products (due to the specifics of their production). Rotaviruses thrive in the refrigerator and can live there for many days; chlorination of water does not kill them. Rotaviruses feel calm in holy water. In children aged 1 year and older, rotavirosis may appear when visiting nurseries, kindergartens and schools, since in the new environment there are different viruses and microbes than in the home environment or in the group where the child was for a long time. This infection can also be classified as a “disease” dirty hands" In addition, since rotaviruses cause inflammation and respiratory tract, they, like influenza viruses, are spread by droplets - for example, by sneezing.

Rotaviruses of mammals and birds are NOT pathogenic for humans under natural conditions.

Rotavirus infection occurs both sporadically (isolated cases of the disease) and in the form of epidemic outbreaks.

The virus penetrates the mucous membrane of the gastrointestinal tract. The mucosa of the small intestine is mainly affected.

Rotavirus infection affects the gastrointestinal tract, causing gastroenteritis (inflammation of the mucous membrane of the stomach and intestines), hence characteristic symptoms Rotavirosis.

Symptoms of rotavirus infection in children

Stands out incubation period(1-5 days), acute period(3-7 days, in case of severe illness - more than 7 days) and the recovery period after illness (4-5 days).

Rotavirus infection is characterized by an acute onset - vomiting, sharp increase temperature, diarrhea is possible, and often very recognizable stools - liquid yellow on the first day, gray-yellow and clay-like on the second and third days.

The temperature reaction usually does not exceed 38-39 °C, fever persists for 2-4 days. Symptoms of intoxication are noted: weakness, lethargy, loss of appetite, up to the development of anorexia and adynamia with severe forms ah illness. One of the first, and often the leading, signs of rotavirus infection is vomiting. It appears simultaneously with diarrhea or precedes it, is repeated or repeated, but persists within 1-2 days. Feces are abundant, liquid, watery, yellow in color, without visible pathological impurities, sometimes there is a small amount clear mucus. Depending on the severity of the disease, the frequency of bowel movements ranges from 3 to 20 times a day. The duration of diarrhea is 3-7 days. Abdominal pain appears from the onset of the disease. Pain varying degrees severity, diffuse or localized in the upper half of the abdomen, there may be episodes of cramping pain. In almost half of the cases, there is bloating, rumbling along the intestines, and flatulence.

In addition, most sick children develop a runny nose, coughing, redness in the throat, and experience pain when swallowing. During the acute period, there is no appetite and a state of loss of strength is observed. Long-term observations have shown that the largest outbreaks of the disease occur during or on the eve of an influenza epidemic, for which it received the unofficial name “intestinal flu.”

Rotavirus infection often manifests itself in a child the following symptoms and signs in order: the child wakes up lethargic, capricious, he feels sick in the morning, vomiting is possible even on an empty stomach. Vomiting with mucus is possible. Decreased appetite, repeatedly vomits pieces after eating undigested food, vomiting begins even after drinking liquid in an amount of more than 50 ml. The temperature begins to rise and by the evening the thermometer may already show more than 39 degrees Celsius. When infected with rotavirus infection, the temperature is persistently elevated and it is difficult to “bring it down”; the elevated temperature can persist for up to 5 days. Symptoms include loose stools, usually yellow with unpleasant smell, and your stomach may hurt. In babies who still cannot explain that something hurts, a sign of pain is crying and rumbling in the stomach. The child becomes whiny and irritable, loses weight before our eyes, and drowsiness appears from the second day of the disease. At proper treatment all symptoms of rotavirus infection disappear after 5-7 days and full recovery, loose stools may last a little longer.

The intensity of symptoms of rotavirus infection, the severity and duration of the disease vary. Based on the severity of the course, rotavirus infection is divided into mild, moderate and severe forms. The severity of the course is primarily due to the development of dehydration syndrome. Atypical (erased, asymptomatic) forms, as well as carriage of rotavirus, are also possible. Such cases occur, as a rule, in premature and newborn babies. However, when outbreaks with massive infection develop, they may develop severe forms of infection, accompanied by severe dehydration, quickly leading to an unfavorable outcome.

The symptoms of rotavirosis are very similar to those of other, more serious illnesses, for example, poisoning, cholera or salmonellosis, so if a child’s temperature rises, nausea and/or loose stools appear, immediately call a doctor from the children’s clinic to your home. If you have abdominal pain, call ambulance, do not give your child painkillers until the doctor arrives!

The patient is usually contagious for 8-10 days from the first symptoms, but in some cases the virus carriage persists for up to 30-60 days.

Symptoms of rotavirus infection in adults

Adults also suffer from rotavirosis, but some may mistake its symptoms for a normal temporary digestive disorder (they say, “I ate something wrong”). Nausea and vomiting are usually not a concern, but may general weakness, loss of appetite, fever and loose stools, but not for a long time.

Rotavirus infection in adults is often asymptomatic. Despite the erasure of symptoms, the patient remains infectious all this time.

The easier course of rotavirus infection in adults is explained not only by stronger immunity, but also by the greater adaptability of the gastrointestinal tract to this kind of shock. Usually, if there is an infected person in a family or group, then within 3-5 days the rest of the family begins to get sick one by one. Preventing infection from a carrier of infection is only possible if the immune system is active.

Treatment of rotavirus infection in children

There are no drugs that kill rotavirus, so treatment of rotavirus infection is symptomatic and is aimed at normalizing the water-salt balance disturbed by vomiting and diarrhea and preventing the development of a secondary bacterial infection.

The main goal of treatment is to combat the effects of infection on the body: dehydration, toxicosis and associated disorders of the cardiovascular and urinary systems.

If symptoms of a gastrointestinal disorder appear, under no circumstances should you give your child milk and dairy, even fermented milk products, including kefir and cottage cheese - this is an excellent environment for the growth of bacteria.

The child’s appetite is reduced or absent, you should not force the child to eat, give him a little jelly to drink (homemade, made from water, starch and jam), you can give him something to drink chicken broth. If the child does not refuse food, you can feed him liquid rice porridge in water without oil (sweeten a little). The main rule is to give food or drink in small portions with breaks to prevent the gag reflex.

First of all, rehydration therapy is used in treatment; sorbents may be prescribed (activated carbon, dioctahedral smectite, attapulgite). On days from severe vomiting or diarrhea, you need to replenish the volume of fluid and salts washed out from loose stools and vomit. To do this, dissolve 1 packet of rehydron powder in a liter of water and let the child drink 50 ml every half hour until the water runs out. If the child is sleeping and skips drinking the solution, there is no need to wake him up; wait until he wakes up, but do not give more than 50 ml of water (he may vomit).

Currently, the effectiveness of the use of antiviral drugs for rotavirus infection is being actively studied. Prescribing interferon inducers (Cycloferon, Anaferon for children) during the acute period of the disease helps to reduce the duration of the disease and quick disposal from the virus. The use of the drug Kipferon stimulates the production of antibodies and leads to an increase in the concentration of interferons. Arbidol, Viferon, Complex immunoglobulin preparation, Gepon or anti-rotavirus immunoglobulin can be used as etiotropic agents.

And yet the basis of treatment for rotavirus gastroenteritis The treatment is symptomatic. This is a diet oral rehydration, infusion and detoxification therapy. Enterosorbents (Smecta, Filtrum-STI, etc.), probiotics (Enterol, Bifiform, Linex, Acipol, Acylact, Bifidumbacterin forte, Baktisubtil, etc.), prebiotics (Duphalac, Hilak forte), enzymes (pancreatic: Creon, Pancitrate, etc.) are used. Pancreatin, Mezim forte; Lactase). Syndromic therapy is carried out: antispasmodic, antipyretic, etc.

How to reduce fever with rotavirus infection

According to generally accepted recommendations, the temperature should not be brought down below 38 degrees if the patient tolerates it satisfactorily. To reduce higher temperatures (and its threshold for rotavirus infection can reach more than 39 degrees), doctors usually prescribe cefekon suppositories for children under 3 years of age, and paracetamol for older children (in an age-appropriate dosage). Temperature control candles are convenient because they can be placed regardless of whether the child is sleeping or awake. With a persistent increase in temperature, when the temperature does not “go astray,” children over a year old Paracetamol is prescribed with a quarter of analgin. The break between tablets or suppositories for fever containing paracetamol should be at least 2 hours, in the case of other drugs for fever - from 4 hours or more (see instructions), but paracetamol is most effective for rotavirus infection.

Good for reducing fever wet wipes weak vodka solution, but there are some rules: you need to wipe the child’s entire body, avoiding a temperature difference between parts of the body, and after wiping, put thin socks on your feet. Wipe if more than half an hour has passed after taking the drug and the temperature has not begun to decrease. Do not wrap a child with a high temperature.

For symptoms gastrointestinal disorders With elevated temperature doctors prescribe Enterofuril (2 times a day, dosage according to age, drink for at least 5 days) for the prevention or treatment of bacterial intestinal infection. This drug helps prevent protracted course diarrhea. Can be replaced with Enterol.

For abdominal pain with a confirmed diagnosis of rotavirus infection, you can give the child no-shpa: 1 ml of no-shpa solution from an ampoule, give to the child’s mouth, wash it down with tea.

With the appearance of appetite, to restore intestinal microflora and treat diarrhea, the child is prescribed bactisubtil - 2 times a day, 1 capsule dissolved in water an hour before meals for 5 days.

Treatment of rotavirus infection in adults

No special treatment is required. At severe symptoms Treatment is symptomatic. Avoid contact with children during illness to avoid infecting them.

Complications of rotavirus infection

With proper treatment, rotavirus infection occurs without complications. If you do not give water to a child with vomiting and diarrhea often, this is especially true for children under one year old, dehydration of the body may result, even to death. If measures are not taken, a bacterial intestinal infection may occur and the disease will become even more severe. Be sure to monitor your child's body temperature long-term increase temperatures above 39 degrees lead to cell death, primarily brain cells.

Death occurs in 2-3% of cases, mainly among children with poor health. Basically, after recovery, rotavirus infection does not entail any long-term consequences and the prognosis is favorable.

Prevention of rotavirus infection

As effective remedy against rotavirus, WHO recommends preventive vaccination. For specific prevention of rotavirosis, there are currently two vaccines that have been tested clinical trials. Both are taken orally and contain a weakened live virus.

Nonspecific prevention consists of observing sanitary and hygienic standards (washing hands, using only boiled water for drinking).

Pediatrician T.P. Vinogradova

Rotavirus infection is better prevented than cured. A prevention method such as vaccination acts on a specific virus. Otherwise, the activities are not specific.

Prevention of rotavirus is primarily vaccination against infection. A weakened live strain of the virus contained in the vaccine. Absolutely everyone can be susceptible to the flu, especially weakened, elderly people, patients with chronic diseases. For some of them, the disease can even be fatal, so it is advisable to take care of safety.

Rotavirus is called different types influenzas, such as intestinal, stomach, and rotavirosis. Viruses, causing disease, have the shape of a wheel, in Latin “wheel” is “rota”, hence rotaviruses. These viruses affect everyone, and children are especially affected.

Signs of rotavirus infection may appear 5 days after it enters the body. Then the patient becomes contagious. The disease usually lasts 7 days, during which time immunity is developed. Re-infection happens very rarely.

Spread of rotavirus

A person who is not sick can also suffer from rotavirus infection, but signs of the disease may not yet appear. Rotavirus is mainly transmitted through food. Food from the refrigerator can also be contagious. Once in the water, it infects it and even disinfection does not eliminate the virus. And of course, like any flu, it is transmitted by airborne droplets through contact with a sick person. Symptoms of the disease: sneezing and coughing, high fever. Microbes flying in the air in public places get to healthy people into the body, damaging it. Influenza epidemics most often occur in cold weather.


Adults, unlike children, often suffer from the disease on their legs. In them, the disease is more mild; nausea and vomiting are usually excluded. Rotavirus infection is usually mistaken for poisoning and treated with anti-diarrhea medications. However, this disease is still contagious and dangerous. The carrier can infect his family and surrounding people. Only with a strong immune system can infection be avoided. If you suspect rotavirus, you should call a specialist.

Symptoms in children

Infants are usually not afraid of rotavirus, since they have antibodies obtained from their mother's milk. In children older risk get sick more. With this flu, children may suffer from diarrhea and vomiting. Their temperature rises, they develop a runny nose and cough, and a sore throat.


When the disease occurs, the function of the digestive system is disrupted and food particles are not broken down. Viruses can only be found in the intestines, and not in the blood.

Usually there are no complications, but if the child has low immunity, then it is possible death. The main rule is to ensure that the body does not become dehydrated. Very high temperature needs to be shot down. Timely treatment and prevention can prevent or help quickly get rid of the disease.


Only when differential diagnosis excluding other diseases, the presence of rotavirus can be determined. Feces are examined using electron microscope, in order to find the virus. And after this, treatment is prescribed.


Prevention of rotavirus infection initially begins with methods of spread. Need to apply:

  • eliminating contact with the sick, with dirty food, water of dubious origin;
  • maintaining complete hygiene and cleanliness.

One of the causes of the disease may be the use of contaminated natural water. Preventive action at the same time the delivery to people is good drinking water. Activities and laboratory research to improve the efficiency of RVI control.

How to protect yourself from rotavirus infection and protect yourself from re-infection? IN living conditions It is imperative to boil water and maintain personal hygiene. In an elementary way There is frequent washing hands after coming into the room from the street, going to the toilet, before preparing food.

Basic prevention also includes scalding washed fruits and vegetables with boiling water. Children's dishes, pacifiers, bottles, and toys must be boiled. IN winter time you need to use boiled water to wash dishes, also bathe babies in it, and, of course, drink.

For infants, feeding with mother's milk plays an important role, since in this case the baby's body receives protection from viruses.

The area of ​​prevention such as vaccination of the population is gaining popularity. Rotavirus vaccination has been used for a long time. By using two live attenuated RotaTeq vaccines so far, Merck and Rotarix™, the required immunity can be achieved. The Rotarix™ vaccine is considered effective and is used in Ukraine.

For children 6-24 weeks of age, vaccination against RVI is offered. The entire course includes 2 doses over two months, one dose per month. In this case, it is possible to provide 80% protection against rotavirus and 100% to avoid the development of severe forms of the disease.

Isolation of sick people from others for 2 weeks is also considered prevention. Light form the disease does not require hospital treatment. You can be treated at home if there are conditions for isolation and procedures. Daily wet cleaning is carried out. To treat your hands, use a 95% solution ethyl alcohol. In water, the virus is killed by boiling.

Protection is the production of specific antibodies of the IgA, IgM and IgG classes in the body of the person who has recovered from the disease. Antibodies can last 1-2 years, then their protection weakens. During this period, a person is almost completely protected from the type of rotavirus that he has already had, and partially from other types. Re-infection may not occur in the first year and the risk of disease is only 30%.

However, after a year, the possibility of getting sick again increases greatly, because the immunity that is formed is unstable. If the disease of one form has already occurred twice, then the immunity will be much more stable than after the first one.


For treatment to be effective, you must follow a diet. It is advisable to reduce the consumption of certain foods, namely those containing a lot of sugar. Limit consumption of dairy products. It is necessary to follow strict rules when sick, to consume only pureed and liquid foods. Drinking should be plentiful.


To eliminate the infection, do the following:

  • rehydration therapy to eliminate vomiting and diarrhea;
  • take sorbents in the form of Enterosgel, activated carbon and Sorbex;
  • multienzyme drugs that eliminate gastrointestinal disorders.

When treating any viruses, antibiotics are not used, since they do not act on the cause, but only on bacteria, in addition, they cause dysbiosis.

Treatment with folk remedies

In treatment, they are used folk remedies, but only after agreement with the doctor. This is a decoction of biennial aspen, slippery elm powder, St. John's wort, brine and others.

In this case, you need to monitor the patient’s condition and follow a strict diet. The apartment should always be ventilated and wet cleaning should be carried out every day. To effectively treat a viral infection, it is better to combine traditional and traditional medicine, you should consult your doctor.


Most effective prevention rotavirus infection is vaccination. Rotavirus infection is a serious danger various types for people with weakened immune systems and may lead to bad consequences. New effective vaccines have been created, for example, Ultrix® for more stable and long-lasting immunity.

How to avoid getting infected with rotavirus infection? Nonspecific prophylaxis rotavirus infection are complied with normal rules hygiene. You need to wash your hands more often if you have intestinal flu, eat foods after properly treating them beforehand, and drink only boiled water. How to protect yourself from it during a general epidemic? It is necessary to avoid crowded places large number of people.