Is it possible to burn stomatitis in the mouth with brilliant green: how to smear the tongue of a child and an adult? What does brilliant green help with: traditional and unexpected uses. Rules and features of using ordinary brilliant green - what is its danger

Dogs of any breed most often behave very active image life, in which scratches, cuts, and sometimes serious injuries cannot be avoided.

Many owners are concerned with the question of how to treat scratches and wounds; the most often asked question is whether brilliant green can be used for treatment.

Most people who get scratched or cut resort to treating the wound with a solution of brilliant green. Dog owners have the same thoughts.

Veterinarians confirm that it is possible to treat your pet’s damaged skin with brilliant green. However, as is the case with humans, animal injuries should only be treated along the edge of the wound.

This use is explained by the fact that brilliant green is alcohol solution, which can cause burns and irritation in the wound. So that the animal does not suffer from severe pain In case of incorrect treatment with brilliant green, only the edges of the damage should be lubricated with this product.

Precautionary measures

A dog's licking of green stuff from a damaged skin surface will negate all attempts to treat the animal. To prevent this from happening, owners of four-legged friends have to resort to various tricks.

Some owners treat the dog’s wounds just before feeding or after treatment treat him with his favorite treat. In this case, the pet is distracted by delicious food and forgets that there is a foreign substance on her skin.

If you can’t change your dog’s attention to food or other activities, you can resort to other methods. For example, cover the treated surface sterile bandage, carefully securing it, or putting an Elizabethan collar on the animal.

What to do if you lick it?

If the dog does lick off the green stuff, there is no need to panic. Not big amount The dog won't be poisoned by the green stuff, it may just cause indigestion. To avoid all sorts of problems, you should dilute potassium permanganate in water and pour it down the animal’s throat. In the absence of potassium permanganate, the pet should be given a large number of warm water.

How to wash it from wool?

Washing brilliant green solution from animal fur is not so easy. Veterinarians and experienced dog breeders recommend waiting until the green stuff washes off on its own over time or a new coat grows.

You can try washing your pet with dog shampoo and conditioner, or using a special cleansing paste made for dogs. It needs to be rubbed into dry hair, wait about 10 minutes and rinse with warm water.

If you get it in the eye

If, while treating wounds in dogs, brilliant green gets into the animal’s eyes, you should immediately rinse the eyes with a large amount of cold water and wipe your eyes with a cotton pad soaked in strong black tea. If there is no improvement, you should immediately contact a veterinarian.

Pregnant, lactating and puppies

Treating wounds to a special group of dogs - puppies, pregnant and lactating females - can be done with some caution. It should be remembered that the body of such animals is weakened and more vulnerable to the effects of any medical supplies, including greens.

If it becomes necessary to lubricate damaged skin of small puppies, whelping dogs, or pregnant dogs, you need to make sure that the brilliant green does not get inside during licking. Treatment of the skin surface will not harm this group of animals.

Special aerosols

There are a large number of special sprays available for treating wounds in dogs. Pet owners can choose suitable remedy based own desires or drug characteristics.


This drug is an antibiotic. It has green color and is used in the treatment and prevention of skin diseases, for the treatment of traumatic, surgical wounds, abrasions, scratches.

The effect of the spray lasts for a week. Doesn't have side effects, if you do not exceed the recommended dose. Contraindicated in case of increased individual sensitivity to any component of the spray. When using, avoid contact of the substance with the mucous membranes of the eyes.

Second skin

Used at a distance of 15-20 cm for 2-3 seconds. The duration of the course is no more than two weeks. It is a low-hazard substance if you do not exceed the recommended dose. Contraindicated in case of individual intolerance to the component; side effects include skin irritation.

Chemi spray

It is a solution, available in vials with a spray nozzle. Has anti-inflammatory and antimicrobial effect. Among the disadvantages - it has pungent odor. The duration of the course of use is no more than 10 days.


A universal remedy. They can treat any wounds. Has a healing and antimicrobial effect. Spray on an open wound or under a bandage. The duration of the course of use is until the wound heals.


This product can treat any type of wound. Has an antiseptic and enveloping effect. Directions for use: Apply to damaged skin once a day. The course of treatment is 10 days.


Renders antibacterial effect, fights any pathogenic microflora, promotes the regeneration of damaged tissues. After treatment with this product, pus and inflammation do not form in the wound.

What to replace it with?

Instead of brilliant green, you can treat your pet’s wounds with the above-mentioned sprays or other means.

The following drugs are suitable for this purpose:

  • Furacilin;
  • Amoxicillin;
  • Ampicillin;
  • Cephalen;
  • Levomekol;
  • Chlorhexidine;
  • Vishnevsky ointment;
  • hydrogen peroxide.


It is quite possible to treat wounds on dogs with green paint. The main thing to remember is that it is not the wound itself that needs to be lubricated, but its edges. There is also great amount means that can replace brilliant green. However, in any case, you should not rely only on brilliant green or a special spray, if severe injuries the animal must be shown to a veterinarian.

In contact with

In this article we will try to answer 3 simple questions:

  1. Is it possible to smear brilliant green on an open wound?
  2. Are there any side effects when using brilliant green?

Diamond green is a well-known alcohol-based antiseptic that is found in almost every family's medicine cabinet. Usually they remember about it and start looking for it when there is damage to the skin (cuts, scratches, abrasions) in order to avoid infection and suppuration entering the wound. Parents often smear brilliant green on their children’s scratches on the forehead and wounds after falling on their knees, scratched elbows - and are quite pleased with the result: brilliant green disinfects the wound, dries the skin, and fights germs.

Ordinary domestic injuries the use of brilliant green is not limited. It is prescribed for the treatment of sutures after operations (for example, after caesarean section), it is used to lubricate the navel of newborns and to treat scars. This is such a universal remedy.

Zelenka is a typical antiseptic: its action is in many ways similar to other antiseptics(for example, iodine, hydrogen peroxide, chlorhexidine). An alcohol solution of brilliant green is very effective in the fight against gram-positive bacteria (for example, fungi, staphylococci, diphtheria bacillus), but it does not cope with gram-negative bacteria. That is why doctors, when any infection is detected, order tests to accurately identify the causative agent of the disease.

Along with its excellent sterilizing and wound-drying properties, brilliant green can also irritate the skin (after all, it is alcohol-based). Therefore, wounds must be treated carefully to avoid irritation and chemical burn. Every adult should know how to use this product correctly in order to use it effectively both for themselves and for their children.

Is it possible to smear brilliant green on an open wound?

If smearing brilliant green on an ordinary cut is not at all scary (although unpleasant), then what about treating an open wound?

When an open wound occurs, significant damage to the skin or mucous membrane occurs. Almost always the wound site bleeds, sometimes even significant blood loss. Do not forget that an infection can get into the wound, which can lead to suppuration, sepsis and other troubles. Therefore, you should remember: if you receive an open wound, it must be treated with an antiseptic.

But is it worth it? in this case Should I use the brilliant green solution? Judge for yourself: brilliant green has an alcohol base, so if it gets into an open wound there will be a burning sensation and pain. Therefore, first, it is better to look for hydrogen peroxide in the first aid kit - it does not sting. If there is no peroxide, look for chlorhexidine, if you can’t find it, use iodine. Zelenka should only be used in as a last resort, when more gentle antiseptics were not at hand.

On the other hand, even if you have already treated the wound with hydrogen peroxide, you can use a brilliant green solution to apply to the skin around the wound to disinfect it - it will not hurt, but is very effective in fighting germs.

How to properly treat a wound?

Upon receipt deep wound with a large affected area should be called ambulance– in this case, the assistance of a qualified medical professional is required. But if the wound is shallow and small, you can treat it yourself - without going to the hospital. The procedure is as follows:

  • First of all, it is necessary to stop the bleeding. To do this, you need to apply a tight bandage to the wound site - it is advisable to use a bandage from the first aid kit or other sterile material to avoid infection. Try not to touch the wound with your hands or wash them thoroughly first (or better yet, wear medical gloves).
  • When the bleeding has been successfully stopped, treat the wound with hydrogen peroxide. Do not pour antiseptic directly into the wound, moisten it cotton swab or sponge and carefully work the edges around the damaged area. For scratches, you can use iodine. We use brilliant green only when high probability penetration of infection or the absence of other, weaker antiseptics. You should not rinse the wound with tap water or apply ointment - it can cause an infection, and it will take longer to heal.
  • After disinfecting the injured area, a sterile bandage must be applied on top. The simplest and affordable option– put a piece of gauze and wrap it with a bandage. There is no need to secure it too tightly - the main thing is that the bandage does not fall off and protects the wound from germs. Bandage small scratch not necessary.
  • It is recommended to remove the bandage to re-treat the wound with brilliant green or other antiseptic no earlier than 24 hours after applying the bandage.
  • When using brilliant green, do not overdo it: it contains alcohol and a large amount of antiseptic can cause skin irritation. You shouldn’t feel sorry for her, but generosity can also be harmful. Children are recommended to apply a one percent solution.
  • Green diamond solution is excellent for treating burst calluses, small cuts, purulent rashes, boils, and stomatitis wounds.
  • Remember safety precautions: brilliant green can cause burns, so green medicine should not get into your eyes!

Side effects

If you handle green diamond solution carefully, there are no side effects. But if you overdo it with applying the solution, skin irritation may occur, for example allergic reaction, urticaria, itching. Individual intolerance to this antiseptic is extremely rare.

So that the use of brilliant green goes without side effects, the solution should be applied in 1-2 layers - this is enough. Re-treatment of wounds is carried out after 24 hours, during which time the previous application has already lost its color - it becomes light green. Avoid getting the solution into your eyes - it may burn the iris. If you accidentally drink a little green tea, your stomach may hurt, and diarrhea is also possible.

Every person knows about chickenpox. This viral disease most often affects childhood and only once due to the development of stable immunity in the body. Typical presentation diseases - numerous itchy rashes all over the body, causing considerable discomfort. It is customary to treat them, but today the question is increasingly being asked, why smear with brilliant green for chickenpox. Is it possible to do without such decoration at all?

Basic properties of brilliant green

An alcohol solution of brilliant green is a widely known and affordable antiseptic used for external processing. It is offered in pharmacies in the form of a liquid, poured into bottles, and a medical felt-tip pen, which simplifies the process of applying the composition.

The drug belongs to the group disinfectants, has a pronounced antimicrobial effect. Ethanol, on the basis of which the solution is prepared, enhances the disinfecting effect, additionally drying the tissue.

The destructive effect of brilliant green is manifested in relation to gram-positive microorganisms, pathogenic fungi, staphylococcus and diphtheria bacillus. The big advantage is the absence systemic impact And negative influence on fabric.

The role of brilliant green in the treatment of chickenpox

Chickenpox is a viral disease. Its causative agent is varicella-zoster from the herpesvirus family. A characteristic rash that affects the skin is the result of the activity of the human immune system (in response to penetration pathogenic microorganism into cells skin activates inflammatory process to stop further infection). The rash appears as small red spots with blisters filled clear liquid. Within 1–2 days they dry out and become crusty, and then disappear completely. The active period of the disease is characterized by severe itching, which is especially difficult for young children to tolerate.

Zelenka in the case of chickenpox is not a method of treating the disease, since the antiseptic does not affect viruses, and the immune system independently copes with the pathogen.

The alcohol solution performs other equally important functions:

  • Accelerates the drying process of the rash, which reduces itching.
  • When the integrity of the pustule is violated and fluid leaks out, a small wound is formed on the surface of the skin - an open gate for infection to attach from the outside. To avoid additional infection and suppuration, brilliant green is used.
  • The drying and disinfecting effect allows the vesicle to contract without rupture, thereby reducing the likelihood of scars appearing at the sites of rashes.

Is it permissible not to apply brilliant green to rashes with chickenpox? This practice exists. You don’t have to treat the blisters with anything, the disease will go away even in this situation. However, to prevent possible complications associated with re-infection, disinfection must be carried out, albeit with other antiseptics. The advantage of brilliant green is the absence of contraindications and exclusively external influence on the body.

How to treat rashes

For getting positive result When treating with brilliant green, you must follow the recommendations:

  • They begin to smear the rashes from the appearance of the very first pimple. The solution is applied to a cotton swab and the area of ​​inflammation is spot-treated.
  • Zelenka is used once a day. Frequent use of an alcohol solution is not recommended, especially on the face, as excessive drying of the tissue will increase the likelihood of scarring.
  • The main question is how many days should I apply brilliant green to the rashes? Typically, the recovery period is from 4 to 7 days, but this figure is strictly individual. Treatment is stopped after new pimples no longer form and the old ones have crusted over and are healing.
  • Hygienic procedures during treatment are minimized.
  • Do not apply brilliant green to the mucous membranes. For these areas, use a solution of furatsilin or boric acid.

Precautionary measures

In order for the treatment to be not only effective, but also not to cause any harm to the child or adult patient, some rules should be followed:

  • It is strictly forbidden to scratch the rash;
  • pimples should not be touched with your hands, especially dirty ones;
  • You can take a bath only after the skin has healed;
  • When processing, you should try not to affect healthy tissue, since brilliant green has a pronounced drying effect.

Treatment with disinfecting compounds is mandatory; this is the main measure to prevent re-infection and development local complications. If the situation does not improve for a long time or gets worse, you should consult a doctor.

Analogues of brilliant green for chickenpox

It is allowed to use other disinfectants to treat the rash. So, analogues of brilliant green for chickenpox are:

  • “Fukortsin” is a solution that does not differ in properties, but has a bright crimson color. Easily washed off the skin (compared to the brilliant green solution).
  • Potassium permanganate solution. It is allowed to use light liquid Pink colour. The concentrated solution is not applied to the skin.
  • “Tsindol” is a drug with zinc oxide that quickly dries out rashes and relieves the ongoing inflammatory process. You can apply it to the skin no more than twice a day.
  • “Methylene blue” is a solution of pronounced of blue color, which is easily washed off the skin. For chickenpox, apply a product with a concentration of no more than 2% to the pimples.
  • “Salicylic alcohol” is a kind of colorless green stuff that has both a disinfecting and drying effect on fabrics.

In case of severe itching, the use of drugs with antihistamines and antiviral effect: Fenistil gel, Acyclovir ointment, Viferon gel.

Adults and children are familiar with the medicine for treating scratches and abrasions - brilliant green (popularly called brilliant green).

Folk instructions for brilliant green

What is brilliant green made of?

In the production of brilliant green, an aniline dye of the triphenylmethane series is used. This discovery occurred in 1879 in Germany. The dry substrate consists of small lumps or is a green powder with a glossy surface. Familiar to us liquid preparation prepared by dissolving this solid dye in water or rubbing alcohol.

An aqueous solution of brilliant green is used mainly for treating mucous membranes, and the pharmacy accepts orders for its production. An alcohol solution is constantly available for sale.

About the release form

The product is produced in the form of a 1-2% alcohol or aqueous solution in 10 ml bottles.

About the shelf life of the solution and powder

The shelf life expires after 2 years; the powder has no expiration date.

Effect of brilliant green

The demand for the product lies in the fact that its use leads to immediate sterilization and destruction of all pathogens. In this case, however, there may be undesirable consequences- irritation and burns. This explains the reasons for its exclusively external use.

What do they smear with brilliant green? Application

The drug is prescribed by doctors for treatment pustular infection, for example, pyoderma (pustular skin lesions).

The drug is used in the treatment of blepharitis (inflammation of the eyelids). Diseases such as gonorrhea, syphilis, trichomoniasis and AIDS are also subject to it, however, if it is possible to neutralize them externally. In addition, “green medicine” is widely used in carrying out gynecological procedures. Zelenka perfectly sterilizes wound surfaces. It is noteworthy that thanks to these properties, brilliant green also finds its place in surgery.

The surgical field and postoperative post-traumatic scars can be treated with this antiseptic.

If a stye begins to appear, spot-smear the eyelids with an alcohol solution of brilliant green. When treating meibomitis ( internal stye) “our” drug also plays a role. Its inclusion in the number of medications can reduce treatment time.

An aqueous solution of brilliant green 1% is indispensable when caring for a child at any age: it is used to lubricate the umbilical wound of a newborn, diaper rash, and pimples. In addition, they cannot do without it when treating chickenpox, which helps reduce rashes, itching and residual effects.

Brilliant green has bactericidal capabilities, has a detrimental effect on microorganisms, and stops the growth of yeast fungi of the genus Candida.

Zelenka or iodine?! Note!

Diamond green is recognized by experts as more mild remedy in terms of action in comparison with iodine and manganese, therefore it is used from birth.

Zelenka is an antiseptic and acts as an analogue of ethyl alcohol and alcoholic tincture of iodine. But brilliant green should not be equated with iodine-containing drugs. Their difference lies not only in color scheme. Yes, iodine and brilliant green are antiseptics. But iodine has a more pronounced drying effect.

Zelenka - belongs to the category of softer and weaker antiseptics, has the ability to stimulate wound healing and does not dry out the skin. It is recommended to use brilliant green in cases where fabrics the size of a five-ruble coin or more are processed. However, brilliant green is prohibited when we're talking about about bleeding or allergies.

It should be noted that this remedy doesn't have practical application in international medical practice. In other countries, a product such as Mercurochrome is used instead. Like Miramistin, this replacement is not entirely correct, due to the fact that Mercurochrome is also a flawed drug.

About application

The instructions for using brilliant green prescribe the use of the designated drug for external use only. Brilliant green is used externally in the form of 1–2% alcohol and aqueous solutions. Area of ​​skin that requires medical intervention, must be processed 2-3 times a day.

For small patients and for injuries to the mucous membranes in adults, lubricate 1% aqueous solution dye.

What does brilliant green cure?

The drug is used for eye diseases, minor skin lesions, viral diseases such as herpes, chicken pox. In addition, there are indications for the use of brilliant green when the following diagnoses are established: folliculitis, boils, abscesses, aphthae, streptococcal infections.

Anyone can suffer a banal lesion of the skin. Of course, those who suffer more than others from scratches and injuries are small, excessively active children. They are in constant motion; play, pampering, and constant turmoil do not always allow them to keep everything under control. The result of the slightest mistake can be unpleasant situations, in which a child can get abrasions, purulent inflammations and even serious wounds. How to properly treat wounds with brilliant green, read further in the article.

Why is it important to know how to properly treat wounds with brilliant green?

Every parent of a small child should know and be able to provide first medical care. No matter how loud it may sound, however, even brilliant green and iodine must be applied correctly. It is important psychological factor, because dads and moms should maintain composure and balance while torturing their little blood with medical manipulations.

Of course, every baby will be capricious and cry, so before treating the wound, you should calm him down and only then start bandaging it. For these cases, you should always have a minimum set of supplies in your first aid kit.

How to properly treat open wounds with brilliant green?

Open wound is called a gaping violation of the integrity of the skin and mucous membranes of the body. This type of damage is dangerous possible complications, for example, bleeding with subsequent development acute anemia, shock, which is accompanied by the development of infections and dysfunction of vital important organs.

Most often, the well-known brilliant green is used to treat serious wounds.

Brilliant green solution or simply brilliant green is the most irreplaceable component of any home first aid kit. It is on a shelf in every home or in a medicine cabinet. But not every one of us knows how to properly treat wounds with brilliant green and in what specific cases this can and should be used medicinal product.

How to properly treat a child’s wounds with green stuff?

First of all, the child should stop bleeding from the wound using a compressive bandage. At first. Wash the wound with a solution of hydrogen peroxide (this should be done to wash out the elements of infection from hard-to-reach areas).

Then apply a solution of 1-2% brilliant green to the wound. Apply a dry sterile bandage on top. It is not recommended to re-treat the wound with brilliant green in less than 24 hours.

Do not apply several layers of brilliant green to the wound at once: since the solution of this antiseptic is alcoholic, its excessive use can cause irritation and even small burn skin. Brilliant green is usually available in 2 possible concentrations: as a 1% and 2% solution. If you are treating a child's abrasions, be sure to use a 1% solution.

Treat with brilliant green only those wounds that may be susceptible to purulent inflammation. If the wound is simple, you don’t even need to take brilliant green, but use iodine. If you have sutured a wound, then one or the other drug can be used equally to treat it. However, in this case, a doctor must apply for the prescription of the drug.

Be very careful and careful when treating wounds with green mucous membranes of the body - this should be done under medical supervision to avoid burns to the mucous membrane.

Instead of brilliant green, you can apply a bactericidal patch to the wound, which is also saturated with brilliant green, but with a significantly lower degree of concentration.

Zelenka is also ideal for treating purulent rashes caused by wound infection, since, unlike iodine, it dries the skin less.