Determination of HDL cholesterol. High-density lipoproteins - HDL: what it is, the norm, how to increase levels. Main Functions of LDL Cholesterol

Lipids are fats that do not dissolve in water, so in its purest form they are not present in the blood because they cannot move and be transported along with the bloodstream.

Therefore, nature provided a cohesive substance in which fats acquire solubility in the blood and greater mobility - these are lipoproteins (or lipoproteins). They are a complex consisting of fats and proteins, externally resembling a soft, waxy mass that is found in almost all parts of the body and is part of cellular structures. To many, this substance is better known as cholesterol.

It is not enough to know one concept; for diagnostic purposes, specialists analyze the state of the subclasses and fractions of this complex compound. One such subgroup is high-density lipoprotein (or HDL). Today we will tell you what HDL is in a biochemical blood test, what deviations indicate, and what norm is acceptable for healthy person.

Which cholesterol is good and which is bad?

No matter how surprising it may sound to some, cholesterol does not always cause harm to the body; in acceptable quantities, it is even necessary for the body to build cell membranes, to participate in metabolic processes, the production of sex hormones, and much more.

Scientists have long been dividing cholesterol into “bad” and “good”. We usually get the bad one with food, along with fried sausages, sausages, canned food, smoked meats, fast food, mayonnaise and other very fatty and heavy foods. This does not mean that the body does not need it at all; it is capable of supporting and stimulating well. immune system, but only when it is in an acceptable quantity.

Good, healthy cholesterol is produced human body to combat negative particles and normalize vital processes.

This is the high-density lipoprotein in question. He helps drive harmful substances back to the liver for processing, serves as a building material for cells, helps to establish the production of hormones by the adrenal glands, in addition, is responsible for the psycho-emotional state of a person, prevents the occurrence of depressive state And sharp changes moods. In layman's terms, HDL is the “good” cholesterol. And therefore if HDL is lowered, this is absolutely not good sign, in this case, the risk of atherosclerosis, heart attack, stroke and other blood vessel diseases increases significantly.

Thus, high- and low-density lipoproteins have almost opposite functions and types of effects on the body, and therefore the diagnostic value of these substances is different.

HDL norm

In order to evaluate possible risks development of cardiac ischemia, or myocardial infarction, atherosclerosis or the appearance of blood clots, as well as to select the correct treatment tactics, cardiologists, therapists and endocrinologists often prescribe to the patient biochemical research blood.
Lipoprotein levels may vary for different people age category and gender. Normal level HDL for a healthy person is considered:

  • for children:
  • up to 5 years - 0.98-1.94 mmol/l;
  • 5-10 years - 0.93-1.94 mmol/l;
  • 10-15 years - 0.96-1.91 mmol/l;
  • over 15 years - 0.91-1.63 mmol/l.
  • for adults:
  • from 20 years - 0.78-2.04 mmol/l;
  • from 30 years - 0.72-1.99 mmol/l;
  • from 40 years old - 0.7-2.28 mmol/l;
  • from 50 years old - 0.72-2.38 mmol/l;
  • after 60-65 years - 0.78-2.48 mmol/l.

It should be noted that the norm of the indicator may differ slightly, depending on the laboratory in which the research is carried out.

The HDL level in men is slightly lower than in women. A reading of less than 1.036 mmol/L for men and 1.30 mmol/L for women leads the doctor to believe that high-density cholesterol is lower permissible norm, which means the risk of cardiovascular diseases is much higher.

Often, doctors test high-density lipoprotein cholesterol levels to assess the potential risk of ischemia.
relative to the total amount of cholesterol in the blood. For this purpose, an atherogenic coefficient was created, showing the balance between “good” and total cholesterol.

KA= Total cold - HDL/HDL.

Normally, this coefficient should be in the range of 2-2.5 (for newborns - no more than 1, for men after 40 years - no more than 3.5).

Low HDL cholesterol, what does this mean?

The level of beneficial cholesterol substances in the blood may differ from standard values ​​for a number of different reasons, for example poor nutrition, bad habits, rhythm of life, etc.

But maybe HDL cholesterol is also lowered pathological reasons, these are:

The level of “good” cholesterol may decrease due to long-term use of certain medications, severe stress, or acute infectious exposure. In this case, the patient is prescribed a repeat study, after about 1.5-2 months.

High-density lipoproteins are elevated, what does this mean?

Having studied the information about HDL, you may think that an increased level is a favorable sign for the body, because this substance prevents the formation of excess cholesterol, and therefore reduces the risk of cholesterol plaques and the development of all kinds of ailments. This is true, but not always. HDL cholesterol is elevated, what does this mean?

Yes, of course, if high-density lipoproteins are elevated in the blood, doctors say that the likelihood of developing ischemia (CHD) is minimal, because There are more than enough “useful” components and they actively do their job. However, when HDL cholesterol is significantly elevated, there is reason to suspect some problems in the body. Such pathological conditions, we can highlight a few, these include:

  • hereditary increase in lipoproteins in the blood - hyperlipoproteinemia;
  • biliary (primary) cirrhosis of the liver;
  • Hepatitis B chronic form;
  • alcoholism or other types of chronic intoxication of the body.

Also, I would like to note that there are some factors that can affect the result and provoke an increase in the indicator, for example:

  • pregnancy period (therefore, it is recommended to take the test no earlier than 6-8 weeks after birth);
  • taking statins, estrogens, fibrates, cholistyramines, or insulin.

How to increase HDL cholesterol?

As we already said, unique feature hdl cholesterol-fraction is that it is denser and is capable of transporting “excess” cholesterol from organs and vessels back to the liver, from where it will subsequently be excreted from the body. Scientists have proven that increasing HDL by just 0.02 mmol/l reduces the risk of heart attack by more than 3%.

Therefore, the question often arises on the Internet about how to increase good cholesterol and lower bad cholesterol.

It should be understood that the terms “bad” and “good” cholesterol are used to explain the problem more easily to patients. Well, based on the properties of various subclasses of cholesterol.

So, in order to increase the level of good cholesterol, you must first of all follow the recommendations for lower LDL, i.e. “bad” cholesterol. To do this, you need:

  • reduce the consumption of saturated trans fats, they are usually found in maximum quantities in products of animal origin (meat, lard, cream, butter...);
  • decrease daily consumption calories, the best option will include fiber-rich vegetables, berries and fruits in the menu;
  • increase physical activity, we're talking about about useful gymnastic and cardio exercises;
  • to refuse from bad habits;
  • make it a rule to drink green tea, it contains polyphenols that help reduce general level cholesterol, and at the same time increase HDL. Cranberry juice has similar properties.

So that in the future you are not overtaken by a whole “bouquet” of diseases and problems with blood vessels, think about your health and watch your diet now!

Cholesterol is one of the most important substances for any living creature belonging to the animal kingdom. This fatty monohydric alcohol is one of the natural intermediate products of metabolic processes.

At the same time, cholesterol is considered one of the “culprits” of atherosclerosis and some other diseases. After the discovery of the role of this substance in pathophysiological processes, cardiologists, nutritionists, and doctors of some other specialties took up arms against it. In fact, everything is not so simple and unambiguous; the problem is not in cholesterol, as such, but in its quantity and the body’s ability to absorb this substance properly.

The body provides about 80% of the need for this substance on our own, cholesterol is synthesized in the liver. The body gets the rest from food of animal origin. It enters the blood in the form of complex compounds and is involved in a number of processes, in particular:

  • Growth and reproduction of cells, as one of the components of cell membranes and intracellular structures;
  • Hormone synthesis;
  • Transportation of substances with antioxidant activity and fat-soluble vitamins;
  • Synthesis of bile acids.

What is “bad” and “good” cholesterol

Cholesterol is insoluble in water, so it forms complex lipoprotein complexes for transport to target organs. The complex has spherical shape and consists of cholesterol esters and triglycerides coated with a shell of protein molecules.

There are several types of lipoprotein complexes in the blood, differing in composition and other physical and chemical properties. One of key characteristics lipoprotein complex - density. On this basis, the complexes are divided into “bad” and “good” cholesterol.

Low-density lipoprotein complexes are abbreviated as LDL and are conventionally called “bad” cholesterol. High-density lipoprotein, or HDL, is called “good.”

In fact, LDL and HDL cholesterol are vital to keeping the body functioning.

"Bad" cholesterol

As part of LDL, this compound travels from the liver to target organs, where it is included in the synthesis processes. LDL is the precursor of many hormones, including sex hormones. The body's need for readily available cholesterol is higher, so LDL accounts for over 60% of all cholesterol present in the blood. The content of cholesterol derivatives in them reaches 50%. When moving in the bloodstream, loose complexes can be damaged and cholesterol esters that are outside the protein membrane are deposited on the walls of blood vessels.

When LDL enters the blood in excess, the cells do not have time to absorb it completely and the process of deposit formation on the walls of blood vessels accelerates. Atherosclerotic plaques form. Narrowing of the lumen of blood vessels appears over time vascular insufficiency, ischemia in the affected area. When the plaque is destroyed, complete closure of the lumen of the vessel is possible - thrombosis or thromboembolism.

"Good" cholesterol

“Good” is popularly called high-density cholesterol complexes, HDL. These compounds transport cholesterol to the liver, where it is used to synthesize bile acids and excreted from the body. The cholesterol content in the complexes is up to 30%. In people with normal content This fraction of blood lipids reduces the risk of myocardial infarction to almost zero. When moving through the bloodstream, HDL captures excess cholesterol from the walls, according to some data, even from formed plaques. If HDL cholesterol is low, the body cannot cope with cleansing the walls of blood vessels, cholesterol continues to accumulate and atherosclerosis develops.

At the same time, it should be understood that the names “bad” and “good” cholesterol are more than arbitrary. What is HDL cholesterol? In fact, it is one of the final stages of lipid metabolism, “construction waste”, which must serve the body well before disposal. Replacing all “bad” cholesterol with good cholesterol is neither possible nor safe. The main thing is not so much absolute indicators LDL and HDL cholesterol levels, and their balance.

Blood cholesterol level

“Bad” and “good” cholesterol are not interchangeable compounds; they must always be present in the body, simultaneously and in a certain ratio. Deviation from the norm in the direction of increasing or decreasing the content of any of the cholesterol fractions or any of its fractions indicates the presence of serious problems in the body or potential threat their occurrence in the foreseeable future.

Estimated cholesterol levels:

  • General – less than 5.2 mmol/l
  • Triglycerides – no more than 2 mmol/l;
  • LDL – up to 3.5 mmol/l
  • HDL – more than 1.0 mmol/l

The concept of a norm is quite arbitrary. Cholesterol levels depend on gender, age, the presence of endocrine and other chronic diseases, and hereditary characteristics of lipid metabolism. This indicator is affected by stress, physiological changes seasonal. The individual norm may differ slightly from the average values; in the presence of certain diseases and other risk factors, cholesterol levels need to be more strictly controlled.

The attending physician will tell you about the individual norm and acceptable limits for each patient. He will give recommendations for effective reduction cholesterol level and, if necessary, prescribe treatment.

How to normalize cholesterol

First of all, doctors recommend adhering to special diet. Products containing trans fats are excluded from the diet, and the consumption of animal fats and sweets is limited. It is better to replace fatty meat with fatty sea fish, which contains polyunsaturated omega-3 and omega-6 fatty acid.

If necessary, the doctor will prescribe medication. The course of treatment includes:

  • Statins;
  • Bile acid binders;
  • Fibric acids;
  • B vitamins, vitamin E, omega-3 fatty acids, folic acid.

There is no danger to the body in increasing HDL. This fraction of cholesterol is conventionally called “good”; it does not settle on the walls of blood vessels and does not cause the development of atherosclerosis.

But, like any indicator, the HDL value needs to be monitored. Deviation may signal the presence of serious illnesses.

The article will discuss the main HDL function and reasons for deviation of the indicator from the norm.

Cholesterol– This is a form of fat acceptable to the body. In this form, it enters the tissues, and is formed from triglycerides - products of the breakdown of fats in the small intestine. In the human body, cholesterol performs the following functions:

  • is a building material, part of cell walls;
  • processed in tissues to release energy for biochemical processes;
  • participates in the synthesis of sex hormones (in men and women).

About 80% of the substance is produced in the liver. The organ converts incoming fats into cholesterol molecules. About 20% enters the body from the outside. Cholesterol is found in fish roe, fatty meat, margarine and fried foods(it is not present in the vegetable oil itself, but reactions of its formation occur during frying).

All biochemical reactions in the human body are automated. The body supports permissible level cholesterol and blood levels are within normal limits, as long as possible. Excess fats in the bloodstream are “picked up” by specialized conglomerates – high-density lipoproteins (HDL).

These are compounds of proteins and fat molecules. Fat fragments are enclosed in sacs, on their surface there are proteins - receptors. They are sensitive to liver cells and due to this transport the conglomerate accurately to its destination.

There are other fractions of cholesterol - (low and very low density lipoproteins). These are the same sacs, but they have virtually no protein receptors. In this form, cholesterol from the liver is carried to the tissues. It is LDL and VLDL that get stuck in the vessels and form. These fractions are considered “bad” cholesterol.

The density of the conglomerate is determined by the formula for the ratio of the number of fat cells in the sac to the number of proteins on its surface.

Diagnostics of their content in the blood

With an increase or decrease in HDL, the symptoms are blurred. It is impossible to determine the deviation from them. Reliable results gives . The biomaterial is collected from a vein or finger. After a laboratory study, a blood lipid profile is compiled (the level of content of various fractions of fat molecules). It includes: HDL, LDL, VLDL, total cholesterol, triglycerides.

The analysis is carried out strictly on an empty stomach, you can’t eat 8 hours before the procedure, and you can’t take medications either. They can distort the results. It is forbidden to drink alcohol 2 days before the test.

An overestimation of HDL is determined not only by the standard of its value. All cholesterol fractions are taken into account and calculated. It reflects the state of lipid metabolism as a whole. HDL is subtracted from total cholesterol. The remaining number is again divided by HDL. This is the result. Only after assessing the atherogenic index can we talk about the deviation of a particular fraction.

Norms for men and women by age

Women and men have different cholesterol levels due to the characteristics of metabolism and the functioning of the body as a whole. To the female body more fats are needed, as they are the basis for the synthesis of estrogens (female sex hormones).

With age, metabolism slows down and HDL levels increase. Cholesterol that comes from food is processed slowly. More HDL is needed to transport it and excess other fractions to the liver, in otherwise they will settle on the walls of blood vessels. If high-density lipoproteins are low in an elderly person, the risk of developing atherosclerosis increases significantly.

Table 1. Normal HDL level in women by age.

Table 2. Normal HDL level in men by age.

Decoding the biochemical blood test

The table shows the limits HDL norms. The value of the indicator may differ as a result: it may be higher or lower.

If high-density lipoproteins are reduced, excess cholesterol is not transferred to the liver for processing and settles on the walls of blood vessels. There is a real threat of the development of atherosclerosis and its consequences.

If the level is too high, conglomerates - transporters are present in excess in the blood.

Risk of occurrence cardiovascular diseases absent, but their increase can signal serious diseases.

Doctors recommend

For effective reduction cholesterol levels and prevention of atherosclerosis without side effects, experts recommend Choledol. Modern drug:

  • based on amaranth, used in the treatment of cardiovascular diseases;
  • increases the production of “good” cholesterol, reducing the liver’s production of “bad” cholesterol;
  • significantly reduces the risk of heart attack and stroke;
  • begins to act after 10 minutes, significant results are noticeable after 3-4 weeks.

Efficiency confirmed medical practice and research by the Research Institute of Therapy.

Doctors' opinion >>

HDL is elevated: what does this mean?

The indicator increases with the following diseases:

  • alcohol intoxication;
  • fatty liver hepatosis (excessive production of lipoproteins);
  • cirrhosis (biliary type);
  • metabolic disorders, obesity;
  • hereditary pathologies;
  • failure of function thyroid gland(hypothyroidism).

During pregnancy, a jump in HDL levels is normal. The placenta consists of cholesterol, its overall level in the blood increases. More transporters (HDL) of fat molecules are required.

If the above diseases are absent, and the indicator is increasing, the reasons may be the following:

HDL increases in proportion to the level of total cholesterol and triglycerides. Errors in nutrition - an abundant intake of fats in the body can cause an increase in the level of “good” cholesterol. The formation of HDL conglomerates is the only affordable way their transportation to the liver for processing.

Why is HDL lower than normal?

The level of “good” cholesterol decreases in the absence of fats in the food consumed. The reason may be a strict diet based on proteins and carbohydrates. The level of LDL and VLDL remains within normal limits.

The liver uses reserve reserves to meet tissue needs for energy and building material. But the arrival required quantity There is no dietary fat. HDL conglomerates are not formed, their level is reduced to a minimum. Correction of the diet in this case will be the only way out. After a few days balanced nutrition the level of “good” cholesterol returns to normal.

HDL may be low due to hyperthyroidism. Thyroid works in mode increased activity. This means that cholesterol is instantly consumed by the tissues, no excess remains, and no conglomerates are formed for return transport to the liver.

Readers recommend within 3-4 weeks. Doctors' opinion>>

Consequences if left untreated

The fact that HDL cholesterol is elevated indicates an excess intake of fats in the blood. The condition is dangerous due to a subsequent increase in the amount of LDL and VLDL. They are formed after the molecules delivered to the liver are processed. Excess “bad” cholesterol settles exclusively on the walls damaged vessels. Platelets cover microdamages and form a blood clot to stop intravascular bleeding. Their cells have the same charge as LDL, so they are attracted to each other.

A clot of platelets and “bad” cholesterol forms an atherosclerotic plaque. Over time, it hardens, the walls of the vessel lose their elasticity, and blood flow is disrupted. In order for blood to leak through a narrow passage closed by a blood clot, the pressure reflexively increases. The patient develops hypertension. The heart begins to work at an increased pace, the myocardium increases in size due to excessive contractions, and the flow of nutrients in the myocytes (myocardial cells) is disrupted. On advanced stages foci of local cell death are formed. They are deprived of food and oxygen. It's a heart attack.

Formation of atherosclerotic (cholesterol) plaques.

Another complication of high cholesterol is the detachment of a blood clot or part of it from the vessel wall. The clot travels further along the bloodstream. It gets stuck in the first narrow vessel or capillary it comes across. If this process occurs in the heart, there will be a heart attack, in the brain - a stroke.

Atherosclerosis in 82% of cases ends in premature and sudden death. It is simply necessary to treat it.

How to increase the content of high density lipoproteins?

To increase HDL, you need to balance your diet. If the situation is advanced and the HDL level is too low, the doctor will prescribe medications. Moderate physical activity is also necessary. Good blood supply to all parts of the body promotes the resorption of atherosclerotic plaques and prevents the formation of new ones.

Non-drug treatment

If there is a slight deviation from the norm, the diet will correct the situation; if carefully followed, it will quickly raise the HDL level to the desired numbers. Her main principle– exclusion of animal fats and replacing them with vegetable ones.

Healthy and harmful fats.

It is prohibited to use:

  • fat meat;
  • lard, sausage (smoked and raw smoked);
  • meat broths;
  • red and black caviar;
  • fried foods;
  • “fries” - dishes (fast food);
  • margarine, butter;
  • Use of drugs

    In case of serious deviations of HDL from the norm, the doctor prescribes medicines. differ high efficiency and good tolerability. These medications include:

    Start with a dose of 5 mg once daily evening time. At the same time, the HDL level in the blood is monitored. If the situation does not change, the dose is increased to 10 or 20 mg.

    Low HDL levels are not difficult to normalize. Readers recommend natural remedy, which, in combination with nutrition and activity, significantly normalizes cholesterol within 3-4 weeks. Doctors' opinion>>

    Which doctor should I contact for treatment?

    If you have not been diagnosed with atherosclerosis, but you suspect it, consult a physician. He will assign you necessary tests and, if necessary, will refer you to a cardiologist. You will be observed by him. A cardiologist treats patients with atherosclerosis.

HDL is called good, healthy cholesterol. Unlike low-density lipoproteins, these particles have antiatherogenic properties. Increased quantity HDL in the blood reduces the likelihood of the formation of atherosclerotic plaques and cardiovascular diseases.

Features of high density lipoproteins

They have a small diameter of 8-11 nm and a dense structure. HDL cholesterol contains a large amount of protein, its core consists of:

  • protein – 50%;
  • phospholipids – 25%;
  • cholesterol esters – 16%;
  • triglycerols – 5%;
  • free cholesterol (cholesterol) – 4%.

LDL delivers cholesterol produced by the liver to tissues and organs. There it is used to create cell membranes. Its remains are collected by high-density lipoproteins (HDL). In the process, their shape changes: the disk turns into a ball. Mature lipoproteins transport cholesterol to the liver, where it is processed and then excreted from the body by bile acids.

A high level of HDL significantly reduces the risk of atherosclerosis, heart attack, stroke, and ischemia of internal organs.

Preparing for a lipid profile

  • Blood for research is donated in the morning from 8 to 10 o’clock.
  • You cannot eat 12 hours before the test; you can drink plain water.
  • The day before the study, you should not fast or, on the contrary, overeat, or drink alcohol or products containing it: kefir, kvass.
  • If the patient is taking medications, vitamins, or dietary supplements, this must be reported to the doctor before the procedure. He may advise you to completely stop taking the medications 2-3 days before the test or to postpone the test. Anabolic steroids greatly distort the results of lipid profiles, hormonal contraceptives, non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs.
  • It is not advisable to smoke immediately before taking the test.
  • 15 minutes before the procedure, it is advisable to relax, calm down, and restore your breathing.

What affects HDL test results? The accuracy of the data can be affected by physical activity, stress, insomnia, extreme rest experienced by the patient on the eve of the procedure. Under the influence of these factors, cholesterol levels can increase by 10-40%.

An HDL test is prescribed:

  • Every year - for people suffering from diabetes of any type, who have had a heart attack, stroke, who have coronary artery disease, or atherosclerosis.
  • Once every 2-3 years, studies are carried out at genetic predisposition to atherosclerosis, heart disease.
  • Once every 5 years, it is recommended that persons over 20 years of age be tested for early detection of vascular atherosclerosis and heart diseases.
  • It is advisable to check it once every 1-2 years lipid metabolism with increased general cholesterol, unstable blood pressure, chronic hypertension, obesity.
  • 2-3 months after the start of conservative or drug treatment A lipid profile is performed to check the effectiveness of the prescribed treatment.

HDL norm

For HDL, the normal limits are set taking into account the gender and age of the patient. The concentration of a substance is measured in milligrams per deciliter (mg/dL) or millimoles per liter (mmol/L).

Norm HDL mmol/l

Age (years)WomenMen
5-10 0,92-1,88 0,96-1,93
10-15 0,94-1,80 0,94-1,90
15-20 0,90-1,90 0,77-1,61
20-25 0,84-2,02 0,77-1,61
25-30 0,94-2,13 0,81-1,61
30-35 0,92-1,97 0,71-1,61
35-40 0,86-2,11 0,86-2,11
40-45 0,86-2,27 0,71-1,71
45-50 0,86-2,24 0,75-1,64
50-55 0,94-2,36 0,71-1,61
55-60 0,96-2,34 0,71-1,82
60-65 0,96-2,36 0,77-1,90
65-70 0,90-2,46 0,77-1,92
> 70 0,83-2,36 0,84-1,92

Norm of HDL in blood, mg/dl

To convert mg/dL to mmol/L, use the coefficient 18.1.

A lack of HDL leads to a predominance of LDL. Fatty plaques change blood vessels, narrowing their lumen, impair blood circulation, increasing the likelihood of dangerous complications:

  • Narrowed blood vessels impair blood supply to the heart muscle. She doesn't get enough nutrients, oxygen. Angina appears. Progression of the disease leads to a heart attack.
  • Damage to atherosclerotic plaques carotid artery, small or large vessels brain disrupts blood flow. As a result, memory deteriorates, behavior changes, and the risk of stroke increases.
  • Atherosclerosis of the vessels of the legs leads to lameness and the appearance of trophic ulcers.
  • Cholesterol plaques affecting major arteries kidneys, lungs cause stenosis, thrombosis.

Reasons for fluctuations in HDL levels

An increase in the concentration of high-density lipoproteins is detected quite rarely. It is believed that the more cholesterol of this fraction is contained in the blood, the lower the risk of atherosclerosis and heart disease.

If HDL is increased significantly, there are serious disruptions in lipid metabolism, the cause is:

  • genetic diseases;
  • chronic hepatitis, liver cirrhosis;
  • acute or chronic liver intoxication.

To confirm the diagnosis, diagnostics are carried out, and if the disease is detected, treatment is started. There are no specific measures or medications that artificially lower the level of beneficial cholesterol in the blood.

Cases of low HDL are more common in medical practice. Deviations from the norm cause chronic diseases and nutritional factors:

  • celiac disease, hyperlipidemia;
  • dysfunction of the liver, kidneys, thyroid gland, causing hormonal disorders;
  • excess intake of exogenous cholesterol from food;
  • smoking;
  • acute infectious diseases.

Decreased HDL levels may indicate atherosclerotic lesion vessels, reflect the degree of risk of developing coronary artery disease.

For rate possible risks take into account the ratio of high-density lipoproteins and total cholesterol.

When analyzing HDL indicators, possible risks of cardiovascular diseases are identified:

  • Low – the likelihood of atherosclerotic vascular damage, the development of angina pectoris, and ischemia is minimal. High concentration good cholesterol provides protection against cardiovascular pathologies.
  • Medium – lipid metabolism monitoring and apolipoprotein B level measurement are required.
  • Maximum permissible – characterized low level good cholesterol, the development of atherosclerosis and its complications can be prevented.
  • High – low HDL level at increased rates total cholesterol indicates an excess of LDL, VLDL, and triglycerides. This condition threatens the heart and blood vessels, and increases the possibility of developing diabetes due to insulin insensitivity.
  • Dangerous - means that the patient already has atherosclerosis. Such abnormally low rates may indicate rare genetic mutations in lipid metabolism, for example, Tangier disease.

It should be added that during research, entire groups of people with low levels of beneficial lipoproteins were identified. However, it was not associated with any risk of cardiovascular disease.

How to increase good cholesterol

Plays a major role in increasing healthy cholesterol levels healthy image life:

  • Quitting smoking causes increase in HDL by 10% within a month.
  • Promotion physical activity also increases the level of good lipoproteins. Swimming, yoga, walking, running, and gymnastics in the morning restore muscle tone, improve blood circulation, and enrich the blood with oxygen.
  • Eating a balanced, low-carbohydrate diet helps maintain levels good cholesterol fine. If there is a lack of HDL, the menu should include more products containing polyunsaturated fats: sea ​​fish, vegetable oils, nuts, fruits, vegetables. Don't forget about proteins. They provide the body with the necessary energy. Dietary meat contains enough protein and a minimum of fat: chicken, turkey, rabbit.
  • Diet will help restore the normal ratio of HDL and LDL cholesterol. Eating 3-5 times a day in small portions improves digestion, the production of bile acids, and accelerates the removal of toxins and waste from the body.
  • If you are obese or have metabolic disorders, you can reduce bad cholesterol and increase the level of healthy lipoproteins by giving up fast carbohydrates: sweets, confectionery, fast food, baked goods.

  • Fibrates increase HDL levels by reducing harmful cholesterol in peripheral tissues. Active substances restore lipid metabolism, improve blood vessels.
  • Niacin ( a nicotinic acid) is the main element of many redox reactions and lipid metabolism. IN large quantities increases the concentration of healthy cholesterol. The effect appears a few days after the start of administration.
  • Statins are prescribed together with fibrates to increase good cholesterol. Their use is relevant for abnormal low rates HDL when hypolipidemia is caused by genetic disorders.
  • Policonazole (dietary supplement) is used as a food additive. Reduces total cholesterol, LDL, increases the concentration of high-density lipoproteins. Triglyceride levels are not affected.

Eliminating risk factors, giving up bad habits, and following recommendations restores fat metabolism, delays the development of atherosclerosis, and improves the patient’s condition. The patient’s quality of life does not change, and the threat of cardiovascular complications becomes minimal.


  1. Kimberly Holland. 11 Foods to Increase Your HDL, 2018
  2. Fraser, Marianne, MSN, RN, Haldeman-Englert, Chad, MD. Lipid Panel with Total Cholesterol: HDL Ratio, 2016
  3. Ami Bhatt, MD, FACC. Cholesterol: Understanding HDL vs. LDL, 2018

Last updated: February 16, 2019

Human blood contains a large number of components. One of them is LDL cholesterol. He plays significant role V fat metabolism, building cell membranes and producing hormones. Therefore, its deviation from normal concentration can be fraught with health problems.

What is LDL cholesterol?

Cholesterol is a substance found in the blood. It has a fat-like structure. Its synthesis occurs in the liver. In addition, it can enter the body through food of animal origin.

There are three main types of this substance: general, LDL and. Low-density lipoprotein cholesterol is commonly called “harmful.” Its concentration in the blood will be determined by the cholesterol content in the plasma.

The particle size is very small, so they can freely penetrate through the walls of blood vessels. At increased concentration particles can be deposited on the walls, forming plaques. It is difficult to remove them from the body.

Main Functions of LDL Cholesterol

Having learned what it is, it is necessary to understand the functional tasks of such a substance. It has several purposes at the same time:

  1. Participates in the construction of cell membranes and affects their permeability.
  2. Without it, full formation is impossible steroid hormones, such as estrogen, cortisol and others.
  3. Takes part in the formation of bile acids.

Low and high cholesterol levels negatively affect the health of the entire body as a whole. Therefore, experts recommend regular blood tests.

Standard indicators

In order to estimate the concentration of LDL cholesterol in the blood, it is necessary to know the indicators of a healthy person. The norm is different for men and women. This is due to the features hormonal levels. The content of this substance may vary by age. Even a person’s place of residence can affect the indicator.

For women, it is customary to use the following normative values:

  1. At the age of 20 years – 60-150 mg/l.
  2. In the range from 20 to 30 years, a value of 59-160 mg/l is considered normal.
  3. From 30 to 40 years - 70-175 ml/l.
  4. In women aged 40 to 50 years, the normal value is in the range of 80-189 ml/l.
  5. Women over 50 have nothing to worry about if their indicator falls within the range of 90-232 mg/l.

Deviations from the above indicators are a reason to think about your health. It is necessary to undergo a medical examination and consult a doctor.

For men, LDL cholesterol levels are as follows:

  1. Under the age of 20 years - 60-140 mg/l.
  2. From 20 to 30 years - 59-174 mg/l.
  3. If a man’s age is from 30 to 40 years, then the norm is 80-180 mg/l.
  4. At 40-50 years old - 90-200 mg/l.
  5. For men over 50 years of age, a level from 90 to 210 mg/l is considered normal.

To determine the exact amount of cholesterol in the blood, a test is carried out. This is a blood test that helps determine the concentration of all lipoproteins in the blood.

What causes elevated LDL cholesterol?

The causes of high cholesterol can be different. A person’s diet and lifestyle play a role in many ways. Often all kinds of pathologies lead to this phenomenon. Among the main factors are:

  1. Obesity. Increased level bad cholesterol most often talks about eating large quantity carbohydrates and animal fats, which causes weight gain.
  2. Hereditary factor. In some cases, such a deviation can be inherited. People whose relatives have had heart attacks or strokes are at risk.
  3. Diseases of the heart and vascular system.
  4. Pancreatic diseases. Most often the influence is diabetes, pancreatitis and malignant tumors.
  5. Deviations in the functioning of the liver and kidneys.
  6. Hormonal changes in the body caused by pregnancy.
  7. Alcohol abuse and smoking.
  8. Sedentary image life.

If you have such problems, you should regularly take a blood test to determine your cholesterol level. If its increased concentration is detected, measures must be taken immediately.

What measures to take for high cholesterol

If your LDL cholesterol is elevated, you need to take immediate action. Otherwise, it will lead to the formation of vascular plaques, heart disease and other health problems. There are several ways to reduce the concentration of this substance:

  • First of all, you need to reconsider your diet. Give up completely fatty foods it is forbidden. But it must be consumed in small quantities. Introduce more cholesterol-lowering foods into your menu.
  • Eat foods containing Omega-3. Such fatty acids are present in marine fish.
  • Lead active image life. Start playing sports, go for walks more fresh air, sign up for the pool. Do gymnastics every morning. Physical exercise will help not only remove low-density lipoproteins, but also prevent the development of many diseases.
  • If the level of bad cholesterol is significantly elevated, it is possible to use specialized medications. The most commonly used drugs are stanins, which block the enzyme responsible for the production of bad cholesterol. Fibrates also appear to be effective. They help break down LDL in the blood. The choice of specific drugs and the required dosage can only be made in consultation with your doctor.

Reducing low-density lipoprotein levels will help solve health problems and significantly improve your quality of life.

Principles of dietary nutrition

The basis for successfully reducing blood cholesterol levels is a balanced diet. First of all, review your menu. Remove the following products from it:

  1. Lard.
  2. Hard fatty cheeses.
  3. Mayonnaise and sauces based on it.
  4. Any semi-finished industrial products.
  5. Sausages.
  6. Flour products, confectionery.
  7. Fat meat.
  8. Sour cream.
  9. Cream.

Try to eat as many vegetables and fruits as possible. Sea fish must be present in the diet. It's best if it's salmon or sardines. At the same time, eat fish boiled or baked. Ideal option will be steamed.

  1. Green tea. It contains flavonoids, which have a strengthening effect on the walls of blood vessels.
  2. Tomatoes. They contain lycopene, a substance that is excellent for lowering cholesterol. Drinking two glasses is enough tomato juice in a day.
  3. Nuts. Since, despite all their benefits, they are too high in calories, you can consume them in quantities not exceeding 10 pieces per day.
  4. Carrot. To get rid of the problem, it is enough to eat two small carrots a day.
  5. Garlic. This product is especially effective when combined with lemon. For cooking healing agent You need to grind the lemon and garlic through a meat grinder. Eating cooked pasta helps reduce LDL level and cleanse the walls of blood vessels.
  6. Eggs. They are best eaten boiled or cooked as a steam omelette.
  7. Celery. Before use, it must be kept in boiling water for no more than 7 minutes and sprinkled with sesame seeds.

What does low cholesterol mean?

Sometimes a blood test reveals that LDL cholesterol is low. This is possible in the following cases:

  1. After a long fast.
  2. Being in a stressful situation.
  3. The presence of anemia in chronic form.
  4. Cystic fibrosis.
  5. Hyperthyroidism.
  6. Use of hormonal drugs.
  7. Oncological diseases bone marrow.
  8. Deviations in liver function.
  9. Infectious diseases in acute form.

In order to restore normal cholesterol levels, you must first find out the causes of the problem and eliminate them. To do this you will need to undergo a medical examination.

How the analysis is carried out and its decoding

The most common method for determining LDL levels is the Friedwald calculation. It is a precise formula that defines low-density lipoprotein as the difference between total cholesterol and triglycerides divided by 5.

The blood test should only be performed on an empty stomach. Allowed to use small quantity clean water . At least 12, but no more than 14 hours should pass since the last meal.

Several weeks before the test, you must stop taking any medications. If this is not possible, you must list all the medications you are taking and indicate their dosage to the specialist.

Recent consumption of fatty and fried food, alcoholic drinks. You should not engage in heavy physical labor immediately before the test.

Severely elevated LDL levels indicate that a person is suffering from atherosclerosis and coronary disease hearts. A slight deviation from the norm indicates initial stage development of such diseases.

LDL cholesterol is important indicator which must be constantly monitored. Measures should be taken even if there is the slightest deviation from the norm.