Anti-inflammatory for prostatitis. What to choose? Why is it necessary to use anti-inflammatory drugs for prostatitis? Alternative Anti-Inflammatories

Anti-inflammatory drugs for prostatitis are one of the main points in the treatment of prostate diseases. However, in order to quickly cope with the problem, the patient must understand that he will also have to completely change his lifestyle and undergo a series of physiotherapeutic procedures. This integrated approach helps to enhance the effect of medications on the body, due to which the therapeutic effect increases several times.

When using anti-inflammatory drugs in the treatment of prostatitis, there is no need to neglect other treatment methods

List of popular medications

Nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs are most often prescribed in the form of suppositories. Doctors confirm the high effectiveness of this form, despite the fact that the active substances have to pass not only through the capsule wall, but also directly through the intestinal tissue.

When treated with suppositories, all beneficial components remain intact, since they are not destroyed by the liver and active substances in the stomach and small intestine.

Accordingly, of all forms of anti-inflammatory drugs, suppositories are the most effective.

Suppositories act at the injection site without causing side effects on the body

The composition of candles may vary. Many drugs contain analgesics that have an analgesic effect. Additionally, it may contain components such as ferromagnets, prostapine, prostatilen. Each of them has its own effect on the prostate, so when choosing a specific drug, the doctor focuses on the form of the disease in the patient.

Anti-inflammatory suppositories for prostatitis may contain the following components:

Sea buckthorn oil-based suppositories are also effective for hemorrhoids

Rectal suppositories usually serve as the basis for anti-inflammatory treatment for prostatitis.

However, there are a number of other medications that actively promote organ restoration.

What else is used to treat prostatitis?

Anti-inflammatory drugs for prostatitis include other medications. Each category has its own sphere of influence. Depending on the form of the disease, the doctor may prescribe one or another drug.

For treatment to be effective, each drug must be prescribed by a doctor.

Self-medication for prostatitis can be harmful to health and lead to the disease becoming chronic.

Auxiliary Help

Drug therapy alone is not a panacea. The treatment of prostatitis requires an integrated approach.

In complex treatment, the doctor can prescribe a diet for his patient. In general, it is no different from other recommendations for proper nutrition, which require excluding everything harmful from the diet - chemical spices, fried, salty, smoked foods, mayonnaise and other hot sauces. The patient needs to drink enough water - at least 1.5 liters per day. The only thing worth focusing on is green tea and cinnamon. These products stimulate the immune system's defenses.

In addition to the diet, dietary supplements may be prescribed. They help saturate the body with all useful substances and have a beneficial effect on the immune system. It is necessary to completely give up alcohol and smoking, and avoid hypothermia.

Green tea with cinnamon is useful both for the prevention and treatment of prostatitis and other diseases

In case of prostate diseases, it is necessary to pay great attention to the doctor’s recommendations and strictly follow them!

This applies to both drug treatment and other procedures. For example, if a doctor prescribes a prostate massage, then it is necessary, and any embarrassment would be inappropriate.

You will learn more about the use of non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs in the video:

Prostatitis is a serious prostate disease that involves an inflammatory process. There are a sufficient number of methods for treating the disease, but medication is the mainstay of effective relief from the disease. Anti-inflammatory drugs for prostatitis are used to eliminate the acute inflammatory process, relieve pain, spasms, and fight infection.

involves the use of drugs:

  • anti-inflammatory non-steroidal drugs;
  • antibacterial drugs;
  • antispasmodics;
  • alpha-blockers;
  • anti-inflammatory suppositories.

Antibacterial drugs

Anti-inflammatory is able to eliminate bacterial infection. Thanks to the effect of the drug, infectious agents are destroyed.

Antimicrobial agents for systemic use

The most effective antibiotics for prostatitis are:

  1. Cephalosporins: "", "Cefipime", "Cefotaxime".
  2. Macrolides: Clarithromycin, Azithromycin.
  3. Penicillins: Carbenicillin, Amoxicillin, Ampicillin, Oxacillin.
  4. Tetracyclines: Doxycycline, Oxytetracycline, Minocycline.
  5. For chronic prostatitis, the most effective are anti-inflammatory drugs from the fluoroquinolones group: Ofloxacin, Ciprofloxacin, Lomefloxacin, Pefloxacin.

Treatment with antibacterial drugs is prescribed individually, after consultation with a specialist.

Anti-inflammatory nonsteroidal drugs

Non-steroids are effective anti-inflammatory drugs for prostatitis. The products have a powerful analgesic effect, will help relieve fever in acute prostatitis, and improve erectile function.

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Voltaren is a non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drug

The most effective among non-steroidal drugs:

  • products with diclofenac - “Voltaren”, “Diclofenac”, “Dicloberl”;
  • medications based on ibuprofen - “Ibuprofen” (available only in tablet form);
  • preparations with ketaprofen - “Oruvel”, “Ketanol”.

Side effects may occur due to the use of NSAIDs: increased blood pressure, headache, decreased appetite. The most widely used anti-inflammatory drugs for the prostate are medications based on diclofenac, as it has the fewest side effects.

Hormonal medications

If non-steroidal drugs are ineffective, hormonal medications are prescribed:

  • "Prednisol."
  • "Dexamethasone."

The drugs stimulate tissue regeneration, relieve pain and strengthen the immune system.

Has anti-inflammatory, antiallergic, immunosuppressive effects


For severe cramps of the perineal muscles, antispasmodics are prescribed. The drugs completely relax muscle fibers, relieve pain and increase microcirculation.

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Medicinal products in this group are:

  • "Baralgin";
  • "No-shpa."

As a result of using antispasmodics as anti-inflammatory drugs for the prostate, the inflammatory process is reduced and the feeling of discomfort goes away.

Alpha blockers

Highly effective drugs prescribed as anti-inflammatory drugs for prostatitis are alpha-blockers. Medicines cope with the problem of urination, normalizing the flow of urine. Improve blood circulation and strengthen the body as a whole.

Silodosin is an antagonist of postsynaptic α1-adrenergic receptors, which are located in the prostate capsule

The most widely used:

  • "Silodosin."
  • "Tamsulosin."

The action of the drugs is not aimed at treating prostatitis itself, but exclusively at getting rid of the unpleasant signs of the disease.

Anti-inflammatory suppositories

To increase the effectiveness of treatment, local drugs are prescribed. Anti-inflammatory suppositories are based on natural ingredients. Such anti-inflammatory drugs for the prostate activate blood circulation and regenerate inflammatory areas without having a detrimental effect on the liver.

Antibiotics, which are included in the contents of suppositories, are gaining due attention. The composition may contain prostapin, propolis, thiotriazoline, protastilene and papaverine.

Sintomycin is a broad-spectrum antibiotic. The mechanism of antimicrobial action is associated with a violation of the synthesis of proteins of microorganisms

Antibiotic suppositories

To cure prostatitis, it is recommended to use suppositories with antibiotics. The use of suppositories relaxes muscles, has an analgesic and antiviral effect, and lowers body temperature. An example of antibacterial suppositories is Rifampicin.

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Suppositories with propolis

Suppositories with propolis are actively used for preventive and therapeutic purposes. They prevent inflammation and help strengthen the patient's immune system. Propolis is recommended for use for treatment of chronic prostatitis.

Suppositories with prostatilene

Prostatilen helps improve gland secretion, reduces inflammation and swelling. With regular use of suppositories, urination resumes, the quality of sexual function improves, painful spasms stop and blood flow improves. Thanks to the product, the bactericidal function is also restored.

Propolis suppositories are a set of medicinal homeopathic preparations containing the same active substance and produced in the form of suppositories

Candles with ichthyol

In case of chronic prostatitis, they resort to the use of suppositories with ichthyol. They improve blood circulation, enhance cell regeneration, and reduce the acute inflammatory process. If you have an individual intolerance to bee products, it is better not to use the drug.

Suppositories with thiotriazoline

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Candles with prostapin

The candles consist of propolis, honey, wax and pollen. The combination of components has analgesic, immunomodulatory and anti-inflammatory properties.

Prostopin, thanks to its constituent components, has a wide spectrum of action

Candles with sea buckthorn oil

Suppositories of this type are used for chronic prostatitis. Sea buckthorn oil exhibits anti-inflammatory properties and accelerates cell renewal. When using the drug, a burning sensation may occur. Suppositories are contraindicated in patients with diarrhea.

Herbal medicines from a home pharmacy

Herbal medicine also has an anti-inflammatory effect. Mostly these are decoctions or infusions.

Recipe 1:

  • Grind the leaves of celandine, yarrow, St. John's wort, and tansy in equal proportions;
  • 5 tbsp. l. cover the mixture with 1 liter of hot water;
  • leave for 8 hours;
  • drink 1 glass before meals, three times a day;
  • take a 7 month prophylaxis course.

Inflammation of the prostate gland is treated comprehensively. Anti-inflammatory drugs for prostatitis are an important part of symptomatic therapy. Medicines in this group quickly eliminate pain and improve well-being by stopping the inflammatory process. They are used for both infectious and non-infectious prostatitis.

Treatment of prostatitis is divided into specific and symptomatic. Specific therapy for prostatitis is the use of prostate protectors, immunomodulators, antibiotics - that is, those medications that eliminate the very cause of the inflammatory process.

Symptomatic therapy is a set of measures and medications aimed at quickly eliminating the manifestations of the disease. These medications include analgesics, alpha-blockers and anti-inflammatory drugs.

In turn, anti-inflammatory drugs may belong to the non-steroidal group (NSAIDs) or herbal medicines.

Nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs) help reduce the inflammatory process by affecting the enzymes responsible for the development of this reaction. Additionally, drugs in this group have a pronounced analgesic and antipyretic effect. Popular anti-inflammatory drugs for prostatitis are Diclofenac and Nimesulide.

Combined and herbal anti-inflammatory drugs have a more complex effect, stimulating blood circulation, reducing swelling, and activating local immunity. Anti-inflammatory drugs such as Prostatilen have been developed specifically for the treatment of prostatitis. It should be noted that drugs in this group have low antimicrobial activity, so they will not replace taking antibiotics.

Depending on the type of drug, anti-inflammatory drugs quickly relieve symptoms or have a complex effect

In case of acute bacterial prostatitis, non-steroidal drugs are used to quickly relieve symptoms, and in case of chronic, low-grade inflammatory process, anti-inflammatory drugs of complex action are used.

Forms of release and rules of use

Almost all anti-inflammatory drugs for prostatitis are available in three forms - tablets, injection solutions and suppositories.

The best effect is achieved with intramuscular or diffuse administration of the drugs, however, this form of release has a significant drawback - the difficulty of using it at home. Tablet anti-inflammatory drugs for prostatitis are ineffective - they are quickly absorbed by the intestines, but their metabolism occurs mainly in the liver, so a small amount of the active substance reaches the inflamed organ. The bioavailability of drugs when taken orally rarely exceeds 35%.

Rectal suppositories are the best choice for home treatment of prostatitis. Firstly, this form of release guarantees rapid delivery of the active substance to the prostate tissue, since the drug is absorbed in the rectum. Secondly, using drugs in suppositories at home is very simple.

Unlike tablets, which should be taken several times a day at regular intervals, there is no specific regimen for the use of suppositories, and they are administered rectally every day before bed. The course of treatment with suppositories lasts on average two weeks. As prescribed by the treating urologist, the course can be extended to one month.

Popular drugs

When choosing suppositories for prostatitis for home treatment, it is important to consider the composition of the drug and the principle of its action. It is quite difficult to understand the variety of medications on your own, so it is recommended to listen to the advice of a urologist, but not to self-medicate.

Anti-inflammatory suppositories should be selected taking into account the nature of the disease. In acute bacterial prostatitis, such drugs are used in addition to antibacterial therapy, but in chronic congestive inflammation they form the basis of treatment.

For non-infectious prostatitis, the emphasis in treatment is on the use of suppositories

Popular medications used for prostate inflammation:

  • Thiotriazolin;
  • Propolis;
  • Prostatilen;
  • Prostopin.

Also, simple and inexpensive suppositories, for example, containing ichthyol, can be used to treat the prostate gland. Each drug has a number of features that must be familiarized with before starting treatment.


The drug has a natural composition; the basis of the suppositories is propolis. Suppositories have a pronounced anti-inflammatory effect and also exhibit immunostimulating activity. The drug can be used both for the treatment of acute inflammation and for prevention.

In the first case, the application regimen is 1 candle before bed for two weeks. For chronic non-infectious prostatitis, this medicine is recommended to be used for a month.

The drug has only one contraindication - individual intolerance to any beekeeping products.

If you are allergic to bee products, you cannot use propolis candles.


This medicine is available in tablets. Its features are membrane stabilizing and antioxidant effects. The drug promotes:

  • stimulation of immunity;
  • normalization of metabolic processes in prostate cells;
  • improvement of prostate trophism;
  • reduction of pain syndrome.

The main function of the drug is to protect prostate cells from the action of negative factors, one of which is the inflammatory process. Thus, the drug not only helps fight inflammation, but rather protects the prostate from possible negative consequences.

The medicine is taken three times a day after meals. The course of treatment is three weeks. The drug is well tolerated by patients and does not cause side effects.

There are not many contraindications to taking the medicine - these are renal failure in the acute phase and individual intolerance to the components of the drug.


The number one remedy for treating inflammation of the prostate gland is Prostatilen suppositories. Their advantage:

  • affordable cost of treatment;
  • high efficiency;
  • rapid therapeutic effect;
  • good tolerance;
  • no adverse reactions.

The medicine is available in a package of 5 suppositories. They should be used daily at night for two weeks. The total cost of the entire course is about 900 rubles, which is due to the popularity of the drug.

Suppositories are used for acute inflammation in addition to antibacterial therapy. For chronic prostatitis, Prostatilen suppositories are used in courses to prevent exacerbations.

The composition is based on peptides obtained by processing the prostate gland of young bulls. The drug also contains two important microelements - zinc and selenium. The immunomodulatory and antioxidant effect of the drug is determined by the amino acid glycine in the composition.

Prostatilen is the most popular drug among similar


The drug Prostopin contains bee products: royal jelly, beeswax, propolis. The medicine is available in suppositories for rectal administration. The drug has a pronounced anti-inflammatory effect and immunostimulating activity. Suppositories are indicated for the treatment of prostatitis; they are used for 10 days, 1 suppository before bedtime.

For chronic inflammation of the prostate gland, it is recommended to undergo a preventive course of treatment twice a year, lasting 7 days.

The drug has only one contraindication - an allergic reaction to bee products. Otherwise, the drug can be used by all men, it does not cause side effects, and an overdose is impossible when used correctly.


A simple and cheap remedy, the effectiveness of which has been proven over the years, is suppositories containing ichthyol. You can purchase them at any pharmacy at an affordable price - the cost of a package does not exceed several tens of rubles.

Ichthyol has a pronounced anti-inflammatory effect. In addition, the medicine effectively relieves pain and stimulates local metabolic processes. This natural remedy has no contraindications and does not cause side effects. The only thing is that before using suppositories for the first time, you should conduct a sensitivity test to avoid the development of an allergic reaction.

Ichthyol suppositories are used for two weeks. The dosage regimen is standard - one suppository is administered rectally at bedtime. If necessary, a second course of treatment can be carried out after one and a half to two months.

For chronic prostatitis, it is allowed to use ichthyol suppositories 3-4 times a year to prevent exacerbations.

Sea buckthorn oil

A remedy that combines anti-inflammatory, regenerating and stimulating effects on the prostate gland is sea buckthorn oil. It helps to increase local immunity and avoids scarring of prostate tissue, which is observed in acute inflammation of the prostate.

Sea buckthorn oil is known for its regenerating properties

Candles with sea buckthorn oil are sold in every pharmacy at a very affordable price. Their names may vary, but the composition is always the same - it is a combination of oil with petroleum jelly, animal fat or beeswax.

The regimen of use and course of treatment with sea buckthorn suppositories completely repeats the therapy with other drugs of this group - 1 suppository is administered rectally at night for 10-14 days.

Suppositories with saw palmetto and nettle extracts

Suppositories with plant extracts, in addition to saw palmetto and nettle, contain more than 10 components. As a result of the combination of various anti-inflammatory medicinal herbs, a drug was obtained that has a complex effect on the prostate gland. Suppositories with nettle and saw palmetto extracts help:

  • reducing the inflammatory process;
  • normalization of the outflow of prostate secretions;
  • reducing swelling of the organ;
  • relief of pain syndrome;
  • normalization of male sexual function.

Patients note the positive effect of these suppositories on potency, a decrease in which is often noted against the background of prostate inflammation. Nettle extract maintains the stability of a man’s hormonal levels, thereby normalizing his sexual function.

The drug is administered rectally 1-2 times a day. The duration of the course depends on the severity of symptoms and averages two weeks, however, as prescribed by a doctor, it can be reduced to one week, or increased to a month, with a change in the regimen of suppositories.

Contraindications for use

When taking any drug, you must be careful and read the instructions for use. Drugs in suppositories should not be taken at random; they should be prescribed by a qualified specialist.

Before starting treatment, the possibility of an allergic reaction should be excluded. If after administration of the suppository there is severe itching, burning or pain in the anus, it is necessary to do a cleansing enema and consult a doctor about replacing the drug with an analogue.

Suppositories are not administered for exacerbation of hemorrhoids, anal fissures or malignant neoplasms in the rectum or prostate gland. All other contraindications are described in the instructions and depend on the drug chosen.

Until August 10 The Institute of Urology, together with the Ministry of Health, is conducting the “Russia without prostatitis". Within which the drug is available at a discounted price of 99 rubles. , to all residents of the city and region!

Chronic prostatitis occurs in men at a fairly mature age. This disease can be caused by various hormonal changes, the penetration of infectious diseases, reduced performance of the immune system, and even long breaks in sex. Treatment requires the use of anti-inflammatory drugs and drugs that prevent the development of the disease. The dosage should be determined by a specialist.

Release forms

Currently, the following forms of drugs exist:
  • injections;
  • candles;
  • pills.

Most often, suppositories (candles) are prescribed. Anti-inflammatory drugs in suppository form are much more effective than regular tablets or other types and forms of drugs.

Since anti-inflammatory suppositories are administered near the prostate, they have the most powerful effect and do not destroy the liver. In addition, suppositories restore blood flow in the pelvic and prostate areas, and also regenerate inflamed areas of the prostate gland. The following anti-inflammatory drugs in the form of suppositories are most effective:

  • Thiotriazolin. Regenerates damaged prostate cells.
  • Propolis. Stops the inflammatory process and improves the performance of the immune system.
  • Prostopin. Anesthetizes and immunomodulates.
  • Prostatilen. Removes swelling and stops inflammation.
  • Ichthyol. It relieves pain, accelerates regenerative processes, and is used for chronic prostatitis.
In addition to suppositories, there are also other anti-inflammatory drugs. Among them are drugs such as Ibuprofen and Diclofenac (non-steroidal).
These drugs relieve pain and relieve fever in chronic prostatitis. It should be remembered that they should be used only if antibiotics have not had a positive effect.

Pharmacological drugs

For chronic prostatitis, drugs should be used in combination: antibiotics, painkillers, hormonal, anti-inflammatory, antiviral and others. Antibiotics make up the majority of treatment for prostatitis. Antibiotics are most often prescribed for chronic prostatitis and its exacerbations. If the disease is complicated, then the course should be continued for a month, and also add injections as a method of treatment. If the cause is unknown, then treatment methods should be combined. For prostatitis, you need to take painkillers, but coordinate their use with a specialist. They relieve pain, but if taken uncontrolled, side effects may occur that will cause great discomfort. Most often, doctors prescribe Ibuprofen, Doxazosin, Terazosin. They relax the muscles in the pelvis, which relieves pain when urinating. Side effects when using this group of drugs are low blood pressure and headache. Typically, such drugs are prescribed for chronic prostatitis. Very often, the male body with prostatitis needs to strengthen the immune system. To do this, you need drugs belonging to the group of immunomodulators. To relax the muscles located in the pelvis, muscle relaxants should be used. They relieve tension in muscle tissue and relieve discomfort. The most commonly used drugs are No-spa and Baclofen.

Hormonal drugs should be taken with caution, as if the dosage is incorrectly chosen, it can lower testosterone levels, which will cause an enlargement of the prostate gland.

With hormonal treatment, the inflammatory process stops, and hormonal levels return to normal. During treatment, medications are used in a comprehensive manner that relieve swelling and relieve pain. Herbal preparations help well.

Anti-inflammatory suppositories

Suppositories include non-steroidal substances. Products with the following properties: Voltaren, Diclofenac, Dikloberl. The most commonly used suppositories are called Voltaren. In all suppositories, the main component is diclofenac. The entire range of suppositories in which diclofenac is present is very quickly absorbed into the blood and has a beneficial effect on the entire body. The substance affects blood circulation in the pelvis most of all. Within an hour, the drug spreads throughout the body and removes inflammation, as well as anesthetizes and lowers temperature. When using suppositories with diclofenac, you need to take into account some factors. They are not recommended for use for the following diseases:
  • ulcers and other diseases related to the gastrointestinal tract;
  • lesions of the circulatory system;
  • various allergic reactions to components;
  • bronchial asthma;
  • rhinitis is also a contraindication (allergic);
  • polyps on the nasal mucosa;
  • various respiratory diseases;
  • Quincke's edema;
  • hives.
When using suppositories, you need to consider not only contraindications, but also side effects:
  • nausea, vomiting;
  • abdominal discomfort (bloating, constipation);
  • poor appetite;
  • loss of kidney function;
  • headaches and dizziness;
  • irritability, absent-mindedness;
  • rapid onset of fatigue;
  • decreased performance of the immune system;
  • allergies;
  • hypertension;
  • swelling.

To avoid all unpleasant moments with candles, you should consult a doctor. It should be remembered that suppositories should not be taken together with antibiotics.

Suppositories with saw palmetto and nettle extracts

The composition of such suppositories includes: saw palmetto and nettle extract, curcumin, artemisin, boron and many vitamins. When using the drug orally, the components are absorbed very poorly, so it is recommended to combine suppositories with tablets. Together they have an anti-inflammatory effect. Suppositories not only alleviate the symptoms of the disease, but also improve the condition of the prostate in general. In addition, they prevent the formation of prostate cancer. The substances that make up the candles act as follows:
  • saw palmetto extract suspends the functioning of androgen receptors, which reduces the urge to urinate, especially at night, and also stops inflammation, which spreads very quickly;
  • Nettle extract supports prostaglandins in the male body in the right amount. In addition, it affects the production of proteins that are associated with sex hormones and regulate hormonal levels. This helps restore the prostate gland to functionality;
  • curcumin acts as an antioxidant and reduces inflammation. In addition, the substance fights tumors and arthritis well;
  • Artemisin is a component of plant origin and has the property of removing all unnecessary carcinogens from the body.
In addition to the above substances, such suppositories contain various acids of plant origin, as well as lecithin and starch. It is recommended to use no more than 2 candles throughout the day, preferably in the evening. Before use, you need to empty your intestines or cleanse them so that the suppositories are not expelled before dissolving. The active substances must first be completely dissolved - this takes about half an hour. If you empty your intestines less than half an hour after the administration of the suppository, then it will not have any therapeutic effect. Almost all patients tolerate treatment with suppositories with components of plant origin well. Before use, you should visit a doctor to find out which suppositories are most suitable for your case and how they should be used, in what dosages. If any unpleasant symptoms or discomfort appear, it is recommended to consult a doctor to find out the cause. Treatment will either be canceled or the drug will be changed.

Prostatitis in acute or chronic form is a very painful and unpleasant disease. The patient is deprived of healthy sleep due to a burning sensation in the perineum that accompanies the inflammatory process.

When treating a disease, the emphasis should be placed not only on eliminating the pathogen, but also on smoothing out the inflammatory process. When inflammation decreases, the patient’s pain disappears and the functions of the prostate gland are restored. The body is gaining strength. In order to avoid complications, it is necessary to begin timely treatment of the disease. On this basis, many men have a question about which anti-inflammatory drugs for prostatitis are the most effective.

Effective anti-inflammatory drugs

For each inflammation, its own effective form of medication has been developed. This form helps the patient to eliminate the emerging symptoms of the disease as soon as possible with minimal harm to the body. Inflammation of the prostate gland is incredibly difficult to cure with injections or pills. This organ is overly sensitive to operational receipts of the composition. Therefore, the slightest overdose can cause incredible harm to your health. Moreover, oral medications undergo additional processing by the liver. For this reason, the drugs may not reach the prostate.

An effective form of drugs are suppositories. Such anti-inflammatory drugs will help even with the most severe form of the disease. Suppositories introduce the active substance quite slowly in a harmless concentration. The substance is delivered directly to the organ. The drug cannot be processed by the liver, so it arrives in its original composition.

When treating the disease, you need to use anti-inflammatory drugs produced specifically for this purpose. They have the following actions:

  • eliminate pain;
  • help the patient relax;
  • reduce the affected area and eliminate the inflammatory process;
  • improve blood supply to the prostate gland;
  • help accelerate tissue recovery.

Anti-inflammatory suppositories for prostatitis affect the organ differently, depending on the goal. Essential ingredients in the composition of the products are necessary to combat various types of disease. It is prohibited to self-medicate and self-prescribe medications. The wrong medicine can have a negative effect and cause harm to health.

The most effective suppositories for prostatitis

If any symptoms of the disease appear, you should urgently consult a specialist. Only a doctor will be able to make an accurate diagnosis and, according to the clinical picture, select suppositories that will maximally improve the patient’s condition.


Since ancient times, treatment of many diseases has been carried out with the help of propolis. It has a strong anti-inflammatory and antispasmodic effect. Rectal suppositories Propolis DN are used as an anti-inflammatory agent for illness. They are recommended to be included in complex treatment. They cannot be used only in case of personal intolerance to bee products or individual components in the composition. After use, allergic reactions may occur. Insert suppositories into the rectum for 10 days, 1 suppository three times a day.

An analogue of this remedy is Prostopin suppositories. These are suppositories with activated propolis, which have a powerful anti-inflammatory effect. It can be used for both acute and chronic forms of the disease. Candles have a restorative tonic effect on the body. For this reason, they are indispensable for those with a weak immune system. After use, potency increases significantly. Introduce suppositories one at a time before bedtime. Before this, be sure to do a cleansing enema. The duration of treatment lasts from 2 weeks to a month.

Another equally effective suppository is Hemo-Pro. This is a combined anti-inflammatory drug that is prescribed for prostatitis. After their use, inflammation disappears and all pain is eliminated. Before going to bed, inject quite deeply into the rectum. The course of therapy lasts from 10 to 30 days, depending on the severity of the disease.

Propolis D with dimexide is used both for chronic and acute forms of the disease. The drug has pronounced anti-inflammatory and antibacterial effects. Use after taking warm baths before bed. Insert deep into the rectum. The duration of treatment depends on the general condition of the patient. Typically, the duration of therapy is 30 days with a break of 2-3 months.

This remedy is indispensable if the inflammatory process is accompanied by swelling. In the case of a chronic form of the disease, the functioning of the genitourinary system is significantly reduced. In this case, the disease is accompanied by:

  • difficulties with ejaculation;
  • irritability;
  • lethargy;
  • cramps in the groin.

Prostatilen rectal suppositories contain a substance that is extracted from the glands of cattle. The substance copes with stagnation of prostate secretions and relieves swelling. The drug very quickly eliminates the inflammatory process and pain.

In order to say goodbye to all symptoms for good, the medication must be taken regularly. After use, difficulties with urination are eliminated.

These are soft suppositories that are prescribed by a specialist as a fairly strong medicine for the treatment of chronic prostatitis. The main components in the composition have a very strong analgesic effect. Thanks to this, pain in the affected area disappears. Pathogenic processes are eliminated, the area of ​​inflammation becomes smaller.

This medication is not intended for use in acute cases of the disease. They are manufactured for moderate healing process. The components in the product stimulate blood flow to the pelvic organs. The main advantage is the complete absence of contraindications for use.

This drug also has virtually no prohibitions. The medication actively fights suppuration, but suppositories are prescribed only for severe stages of chronic prostatitis. The active substance in the composition can cause discomfort and a burning sensation in the rectum.

Suppositories speed up the process of tissue restoration and help the body as a whole very quickly cope with all the consequences of the disease.


These suppositories are prescribed by a doctor in case of severe prostatitis. They very effectively fight inflammation and help consolidate the results. They can reduce the manifestation of all symptoms of prostatitis. They start the process of restoration of affected cells.

All these drugs have an anti-inflammatory effect for chronic prostatitis. Use products only according to instructions. It is important to listen to all recommendations of your doctor and not change the dosage yourself.

Ancillary drugs

Some NSAIDs can significantly enhance the effect of antibiotics in case of illness. They completely neutralize the inflammatory process, but are never used as the main method of treatment. Doctors usually prescribe the following medications such as NSAIDs:

1. Cernilton. Prescribed in case of severe spasms and metabolic disorders. The drug very quickly eliminates pain, improves the metabolic process and facilitates the process of urination. In addition, it has a positive effect on erection.

2. Diclofenac. The product is available both in the form of a separate drug and in the form of suppositories. The active substance of the drug significantly narrows the area of ​​irritation and lowers the temperature of the affected tissues. Candles can be used at any stage of the disease. Dragees have a more immediate effect, but have a negative effect on the liver. For this reason, they are recommended to be used only in the most emergency cases.

3. Movalis. Movalis is available in the form of tablets, injections and suppositories. For prostatitis, it is recommended to use suppositories or an injection solution. The solution is administered 1.5 ml intramuscularly several times a day. The frequency of use is prescribed by the doctor, depending on the severity of the disease and the general clinical picture. Therapy can last from 7 to 10 days. If you use suppositories, you must use 1 suppository with a reduced dose once a day. If necessary, the dose can be increased. Only the attending physician deals with this issue. Parallel use of several forms is possible. But the daily norm should not exceed 15 mg. The remedy for the disease improves blood circulation in the capillaries. It is recommended to take Movalis together with antibiotics. In this case, the treatment will give the fastest positive effect. Without the use of this medication, antibiotics will have much less positive properties. Significantly reduces the concentration of leukocytes in prostate juice when combined with antibiotics. The medication should not be used for bronchial asthma, tumors in the rectum, or bleeding from the rectum.

4. Nimesulide. The drug is produced in the form of syrup, powder for suspension, suppositories, gel or ointment, tablets. To treat prostatitis, doctors prescribe either suppositories or tablets. Acts as an anti-inflammatory and analgesic drug. Significantly reduces thrombus formation. The pain relief process begins within 20 minutes after taking the tablet. The dosage and frequency of administration of the drug depends on the clinical picture, the general condition of the patient and the severity of the disease. Only the attending physician deals with this issue. The tablets should be taken only before meals. If discomfort occurs, it may be consumed while eating. This drug has a large number of side effects and contraindications, so self-medication is prohibited. Perhaps the doctor will prescribe another medication to solve the problem, since your health condition does not allow taking this medicine.

Typically, the use of the above drugs does not cause any side effects. Patients tolerate treatment with herbal preparations very well. Before using them, it is important to visit a doctor to select the most suitable product. If any discomfort or unpleasant sensations occur, you should immediately seek help from a doctor to identify the cause. Usually treatment is canceled or other anti-inflammatory drugs are selected. Each organism is individual, so personal intolerance to any individual components in the composition is possible.