Ovulation period with a 28-day cycle. When does a woman ovulate? How to determine ovulation by basal temperature? On what day does ovulation occur?

It just so happened that reproductive function is activated in the girl’s body at the moment when she does not care about this function at all. Having just put the dolls aside, the girl is faced with a whole series of little-understood processes occurring in her body, which immediately begin to be heatedly discussed among her peers, with consultations from those who are older. And mothers in this situation do not always rise to the occasion, since they themselves are poorly versed in this topic.

So, let’s figure out once and for all what happens to you every month, dear women, what is considered normal, what should alert you.

Most women, when asked about the duration of their menstrual cycle answer with a similar phrase “about once a month, a couple of days earlier than the previous month”- this one with a fancy phrase the cycle duration is 28 days. This cycle length occurs in most healthy women, but does this mean that shorter or more long cycle Is there a manifestation of pathology? No!

Recognized that a normal menstrual cycle can last from 21 to 35 days, that is, plus or minus a week from the average of 28 days. The duration of menstruation itself can normally range from 2 to 6 days, and the volume of blood lost should be no more than 80 ml. A longer cycle occurs among residents of the northern regions, a shorter cycle among those living in the southern regions, but this is not an absolute pattern.

Regularity is important in the menstrual cycle. That is, if a woman’s cycle is always 35-36 days, then this can be absolutely normal for her, but if it is either 26, then 35, then 21, this is not the norm. Thus, Irregularity can be considered a pathology(when menstruation comes at an uneven period of time), long cycle(more than 36 days) or short cycle(less than 21 days). In general, the menstrual cycle can vary greatly depending on the condition of the woman and the situation in which she finds herself.

However, different women lability of the menstrual cycle depending on external and internal factors can be different. For some, a little stress can already lead to a delay in menstruation, while for others, severe depression is not a reason for menstrual irregularities. One woman's menstrual cycle can match another's if they long time exist together. This is often seen on women's sports teams or when living together in a dorm. It is not entirely clear what explains this fact. All we can say is that menstrual cycle although there is a clear mechanism, but may vary significantly in a normal healthy woman and these changes are a reflection of the body’s reaction to external and internal factors.

The menstrual cycle is not always stable

The most irregular period is the first two years after the start of menstruation and three years before its end (menopause). Violations during these periods are due entirely physiological reasons, which we will talk about below.

Where do these numbers come from and why might they change?

The menstrual cycle is divided into three phases: menstruation, the first phase (follicular) and the second phase (luteal). Menstruation lasts on average 4 days. During this phase, the lining of the uterus (endometrium) is shed due to failure to become pregnant.

First phase lasts from the end of menstruation until ovulation, that is, on average until the 14th day of the cycle at 28 daily cycle(cycle days are counted from the start of menstruation).

This phase is characterized by the following events: several follicles begin to grow in the ovaries (from birth, the ovaries contain a lot of small vesicles (follicles) containing eggs). During their growth, these follicles secrete estrogens (female sexual hormones) into the blood, under the influence of which the mucous membrane (endometrium) grows in the uterus.

Shortly before the 14th day of the cycle, all follicles except one stop growing and regress, and one grows to an average of 20 mm and bursts under the influence of special stimuli. This process is called ovulation. An egg emerges from a ruptured follicle and enters the fallopian tube, where she waits for the sperm. The edges of the ruptured follicle gather (like a flower closing for the night) and this formation is now called the “corpus luteum.”

Starts immediately after ovulation second phase of the cycle. It lasts from the moment of ovulation until the start of menstruation, that is, about 12-14 days. During this phase, the woman's body waits for the pregnancy to begin. The ovary begins to flourish " corpus luteum“- the corpus luteum formed from the bursting follicle sprouts vessels and begins to secrete another female sexual hormone (progesterone) into the blood, which prepares the uterine mucosa for the attachment of a fertilized egg and the beginning of pregnancy. If pregnancy does not occur, then a signal is sent to the corpus luteum and it curtails its work.

When the corpus luteum stops secreting progesterone, a signal is sent to the uterus, and it begins to reject the no longer needed endometrium. Menstruation begins.

At of different durations cycle, the duration of the phases is reduced - this means that one woman needs 10 days for the follicle to mature, while another needs 15-16.

Having understood what the menstrual cycle consists of, it is easy to understand what determines its duration normally and in the presence of pathology.

Why is everything often unstable at the very beginning and then, after childbirth, it gets better?

The female reproductive system matures gradually, and being a complex mechanism, requires a setup period. The fact that a girl's first menstruation occurs does not mean that its system is mature and ready to work fully(although for some, the menstrual cycle starts working correctly from the very beginning).

Functioning of women's reproductive system can best be compared to an orchestra, the harmonious play of all instruments of which creates the unique sound of a musical work - in our case regular menstrual cycle. Just as instruments in an orchestra require a period of tuning, all components of the reproductive system need to agree with each other to understand and work together harmoniously. Such a rehearsal usually takes about 6 months - for some it is longer, for others it is shorter, and for others it may take longer.

Why do there be delays or do my periods start earlier?

Everything is very simple - if during the first phase of the cycle it is not possible to grow a full-fledged follicle, which could burst in the middle of the cycle (ovulation), then the second phase of the cycle, accordingly, does not begin (no ovulation - there is nothing to form the corpus luteum from). The first phase lasts a long time, until the uterine mucosa (endometrium), which has grown under the influence of estrogen, begins to be rejected on its own (like a pyramid of cubes collapses when it is stood too high). The cycle in this situation can last up to several months.

At the same time, in next cycle Ovulation can occur and the cycle has a normal length. When such alternation occurs, they speak of an irregular menstrual cycle.

Another reason for delayed menstruation may be too long existence of the corpus luteum. As I noted above, it lives for about 10 days and then begins to curtail its work, since pregnancy has not occurred. But sometimes it happens that despite the fact that pregnancy has not occurred, the corpus luteum continues its work and menstruation does not occur, and occurs only when the corpus luteum finally decides to leave.

More earlier onset of menstruation This is usually due to the fact that the notorious corpus luteum, on the contrary, stops its work too early. This leads to an earlier onset of menstruation.

Remember how the orchestra sounds when it tunes its instruments - the same cacophony from the menstrual cycle is often observed at the beginning. The components of the reproductive system negotiate so that they can grow a follicle in 14 days, start the ovulation process, and maintain the corpus luteum for at least 10 days. At the beginning, she does not succeed in all stages of this work and this is manifested by an irregular menstrual cycle.

But this adjustment can be seriously interfered with by the person himself. Nothing has such a negative impact on the development of the reproductive system as stress(intensive study, exams, unhappy love), reinforced sports training, extreme weight loss, frequent illnesses, smoking, alcohol and drugs. Against the backdrop of all of the above, quite often periods disappear and then you have to wait a long time for them. And the reason is very simple, I would say there is simple biological expediency in this - in extreme conditions life and when, for health reasons, a woman cannot bear healthy offspringreproductive function turns off until better times. It’s not for nothing that during the war, most women stopped menstruating; this phenomenon was even given a special term “wartime amenorrhea.”

What to do about it?

Let me make it clear right away that I don’t take into account various diseases, I'm talking about some common menstrual cycle adjustment problems. Such cycle disorders are solved by taking hormonal contraception. Here we need to return again to the comparison with the orchestra. If the orchestra starts to go out of tune, you must stop playing completely, give the musicians a rest and start again. Hormonal contraception does just that. She turns off the reproductive system and “rests” the entire time she takes contraception. Then, after its cancellation, the system begins to work again and, as a rule, the cycle failures disappear.

Why does the cycle quite often become stable after childbirth, and sexuality flourishes?

The orchestra can rehearse as much as it wants, but it is finally played only when it performs its first concert from beginning to end. Pregnancy is the only purpose for which the reproductive system is designed in the body. Only after the first full pregnancy, which ends in childbirth and the period of breastfeeding, the reproductive system matures completely, since during this period all the functions provided by nature are realized. After pregnancy, a woman finally matures and all the not fully “unpacked” properties of the body finally begin to work in full force.

The reproductive system must be used for its intended purpose - this is important; menstruation is not a function of the reproductive system, but a monthly reminder that it exists at all and is still working.

Let's step beyond 30...

Time passes, the reproductive system, which on average is allotted to exist in working order for 38 years (from 13 to 51), instead of performing its function is limited only to regular menstruation.

For reference: on average, a woman experiences about 400 menstruation during her life (with 2 births) and loses about 32 liters of blood, while during reproductive behavior (pregnancy, childbirth, 3 years of breastfeeding, and only then 1-2 menstruation and pregnancy again ) there are about 40 menstruation periods.

In addition, as a woman ages, her history of various gynecological and common diseases , and all this begins to affect the state of the reproductive system and, therefore, is reflected in menstrual irregularities. Inflammation, abortion, gynecological operations, overweight or underweight, general chronic diseases may cause problems.

Menstrual irregularities in the form of delays or earlier onset of menstruation a couple of times a year can occur even in the absence of any pathology.

As a rule, this is due to climate change or other stresses on the body (illness, hard work, personal problems, etc.). All nervous professions can lead to either delays in menstruation, their earlier onset or complete cessation.

Every woman is different, so everyone's cycle will change differently depending on the type of stress response and the phase of the cycle in which it occurs. For most women nervous work have no effect on their menstrual cycle at all. Cycle disorders, especially if it was stable before, often make a woman think that something is wrong with her. Not in all cases you need to panic.

If you can clearly remember any negative events in the recent past that greatly shocked you, then most likely this is a one-time cycle disruption and there is nothing wrong with it. If there is no menstruation for a very long time (and the pregnancy test is negative), then you need to consult a doctor. If menstruation came earlier and does not end, this is also a reason to rush to see a gynecologist.

Sometimes Cyclic disorders can manifest as very frequent menstruation(several times a month). And there is no need to delay it - see a doctor immediately.
But if the regularity of the cycle disappears completely– this is also a reason to see a doctor.

Regularity– the main indicator of the normal functioning of the reproductive system. Sometimes it happens that a cycle had one duration and suddenly becomes shorter while maintaining its regularity. As a rule, this is due to the fact that the second phase of the cycle becomes shorter, as the corpus luteum begins to work less. Such changes are more often observed closer to 40 years. This is not a reason to panic, but simply a reflection that your reproductive system will change as you age, just like you.

Early menopause

This is one of the very common fears of women. In fact, this fear is exaggerated, since early menopause quite rare. It is mainly due to rare congenital diseases, rare systemic diseases, a consequence of treatment (chemotherapy, radiation therapy at oncological diseases) and others rare conditions. There are situations when, due to surgical intervention A woman's ovary or part of it is removed. Then menopause may occur earlier due to the fact that there is little tissue left in the ovaries that could support normal operation reproductive system.

Early menopause As a rule, it is manifested by the cessation of menstruation and the appearance of symptoms of insufficiency of female sex hormones (hot flashes, irritability, tearfulness, insomnia, etc.). There is no prevention of this disease.

Painful periods and PMS

For some reason it is generally accepted that bad feeling This is normal during menstruation. Presence of pain, nausea, migraines during menstruation is not normal. This condition painful menstruation called dysmenorrhea and requires treatment. Even if these phenomena are expressed insignificantly, they can and should be corrected.

Dysmenorrhea it happens like primary(most often in at a young age), when it is most likely due to simply the immaturity of the reproductive system and secondary– when it is a reflection of a number of serious gynecological diseases.

The same applies to premenstrual syndrome. In general, the widespread popularization of this syndrome allows women to attribute their sometimes not entirely adequate actions and behavior to manifestations of this syndrome. However, PMS is not a woman’s personality trait., which everyone has to put up with. PMS is a disease, which has incompletely understood causes, whole list symptoms and specific therapeutic measures. Manifestations of PMS can and should be corrected. Take monthly illness for granted in modern conditions wrong. If you have such problems, consult a doctor.

How it all ends

Decline of the reproductive system usually occurs in the same way as its formation. Menstruation becomes irregular and there is a tendency to be delayed. This is due to the same reasons as in the beginning.

The ovaries respond less well to stimuli from the brain. It is not possible to grow follicles that could reach ovulation - accordingly, the cycle is delayed. If ovulation occurs periodically, the resulting corpus luteum does not work well. What causes menstruation to either start earlier or, on the contrary, to be delayed? long term. Eventually your periods will stop, and if you haven't had them for more than 6 months, you should see a doctor. Based hormonal tests and ultrasound can suggest the onset of menopause.

Sometimes there are cases when menstruation stops for a long time, and according to tests and ultrasound, the onset of menopause is expected. This can be especially frightening for young women. However, this may only be a temporary period, and menstruation may resume on its own, for example after proper rest.

Thus, the myth that 28 days is the norm and everything that differs from this figure is pathology has been debunked. The main thing in the menstrual cycle is its regularity, and the duration of the cycle can fluctuate over a wide range.

And yet, there is a simple rule: if you regularly undergo preventive examinations with a gynecologist (at least once a year), if any violations appear, do not put off an “unpleasant” trip to the gynecologist - then you will almost never have serious gynecological problems.

Pregnancy is a wonderful condition. And even better is the realization that a baby is about to appear in the house. You can bring the long-awaited moment closer by finding out the exact day of ovulation.

Calculation of the day of ovulation for cycle 28

Let's immediately look at independent calculation, including its advantages and disadvantages.

But a girl can become pregnant a few days earlier or later, since a sperm lives in a woman’s body for several days, and a fertilized egg lives for a day.

If the cycle is not regular, then you should not rely on calculations. In addition, ovulation can be early, timely, or late.

When making your own calculations, an excellent assistant is an ovulation test, which can be purchased at any pharmacy.

If we talk about online calculations, then it is simpler and better than doing it yourself calendar method because the program produces the following dates:

  • day of ovulation;
  • probable days of conception;
  • “useless” days;
  • for those for whom the gender of the child is important, the periods of “boy” and “girl” are emphasized.

Method of use online calculator very simple: you need to enter the date of the first day of menstruation, the duration of menstruation (for example, 3 days), the duration of the cycle - in our case, 28 days. Then click the “calculate” button.

Everything is quite elementary. But this test is not suitable if the cycle is not regular or ovulation is untimely (early or late).

The doctor determines the day of ovulation using ultrasound diagnostics. This method is used mainly by those girls whose cycle is disrupted, that is, difficulties arise with independent and computer calculations.

Early ovulation with a 28-day cycle

Early maturation of the egg is explained by:

  • hormonal imbalances;
  • unhealthy diet;
  • stress;
  • traumatic sex;
  • abuse of alcohol and drugs;
  • heavy physical labor;
  • change of place of residence;
  • overwork;
  • postpartum period and inflammatory processes.

Signs early ovulation similar to normal symptoms:

  • lower abdominal pain and bloating;
  • breast swelling and pain;
  • change in the consistency of vaginal discharge;
  • mood swings;
  • increased libido.

Early ovulation is not as scary as it might seem at first glance, although it all depends on the reasons for its occurrence. By eliminating the factor, the problem is eliminated.

Late ovulation with a 28-day cycle

If early maturation eggs - this is a common case, then later - it refers to almost isolated situations. The harbingers of late ovulation are more serious than in the previous version:

  • infectious diseases of the genital organs;
  • abortions;
  • miscarriages;
  • postpartum period;
  • menopause;
  • hormonal dysfunction.

It is now clear that to treat late ovulation it is necessary to eliminate its source.

As for symptoms, everything is determined at the individual level - each woman is different.

Is it possible to ovulate again?

Typically the formula is: 1 cycle = 1 ovulation. But there are known exceptions, or rather:

  • before the onset of menopause;
  • stopping taking hormonal medications;
  • increased sexual desire, which often occurs in women in the absence of regular relationships.

As has already become known, no one is immune from repeated ovulation. But it is not recommended to hope for it, even if it has arrived, since the mature egg most often dies during this period.

No ovulation

Some women throw hysterics when they learn that during the entire period from period to period, her cell did not mature. It is too early to sound the alarm if anovulation (lack of ovulation) occurs 2–3 times a year. This happens even in a healthy body.

If anovulation is more than four times a year, then this is serious reason to see a doctor.

Anovulation is typical during: menopause, pregnancy, taking certain medical supplies; hormonal disorders, infertility.

Be that as it may, every girl who has reached reproductive age(even if she is a virgin) should visit a gynecologist at least twice a year. Preventive examination will allow you to avoid a number of problems in the future, and also at the time of conversation with the doctor, the girl is able to find all the answers for herself. Besides, ultrasonic determination ovulation in medical institution- the surest way.

When to take an ovulation test?

They are done 5-7 days before its expected start. This is subject to the condition of a regular menstrual cycle, since otherwise you need to buy more tests and use them about 10 days before the follicle ruptures, that is, almost every day.

At late offensive luteal phase It is advisable to use the device on days 13-21 of the menstrual cycle. After receiving positive result the test will no longer be needed, since it has fulfilled its function.

Is it possible to correct/restore the cycle?

WITH medical point it's easy to do, but it is important to understand why you need to interfere with the menstrual cycle.

If late ovulation variant of the norm, then there is no need to restore the cycle for the “average value”, since the consequences will be unpredictable.

In cases of persistent hormonal imbalance (increase/decrease in prolactin, progesterone), serious illnesses It is necessary to correct and restore the menstrual cycle. For this there are special drugs inhibitors or analogues of hormones that normalize hormonal status.

For example, among gynecologists it is used popular medicine"Duphaston". It stimulates the onset of the luteal phase and is also an analogue of progesterone.

Sometimes combined ones are used oral contraceptives . However, if it is a woman, then it is most reasonable. After 2 months, the cycle will recover on its own.

Is it possible to conceive, how does it affect pregnancy?

Late ovulation is not an obstacle for pregnancy and subsequent gestation. However, it is permissible to say so only if it refers to a variant of the norm and is just a consequence of a long menstrual cycle.

Minor hormonal imbalances of a short-term nature also do not pose a danger to conception, but in the case of serious illnesses and significant endocrine disorders pregnancy is unlikely.

For example, at elevated prolactin or insufficient amounts of progesterone, fertilization is almost impossible, which indicates the need medical care. Each case is individual.

Who is most likely to conceive?

Untimely rupture of the follicle has no effect on gender future child. Here it is impossible to calculate accurately and in advance, since such biological parameters depend to a large extent on the partner. It is in a man that the Y chromosome has an X and Y program, unlike the egg.

Scientists have found some connection between the sex of the child and the woman’s ovulation. For example, you need to have sexual intercourse immediately before ovulation, and then 2-3 days before its onset, stop sexual relations.

Happens to the boy everything is exactly the opposite: it is advisable to start sexual intercourse during ovulation.

The key factor here is an accurate determination of the luteal phase of the cycle, which will indirectly help influence the gender of the unborn child.

In conclusion, it must be said that late ovulation is not an independent diagnosis, but just a symptom that can be a variant of the norm or pathology. With a long menstrual cycle, late rupture of the follicle is logical and natural. This in no way speaks in favor of a serious illness.

With a 28 day cycle in good condition the body occurs on the 14th day after the start of menstruation. It is the first day of menstruation that is considered to be the countdown of a new period. In this article we will look at the calculation rules fertile days and methods for determining ovulation.

A 28-day cycle is considered ideal from a scientific point of view.

It's pretty easy with him. The thing is that the cycle is divided into two main phases, the first of which can vary in duration, and the second is always two weeks.

Therefore, to find out the day the egg is released, you need to subtract 14 from 28.

On what day of the cycle does ovulation occur? Most likely, it will rupture on the 14th day after the start of menstruation, and a viable egg will come out of it, ready for fertilization.

Calculation of the day of ovulation using an example: The menstruation was on November 20, and the next one began on December 17. Therefore, ovulation occurred on December 3rd.

For the purpose of conception favorable days will become December 1,2,3 and 4. This is because sperm are able to maintain their activity for 2-3 days.

Perhaps they will wait for the egg to be released and fertilize it. If sexual intercourse occurs after ovulation, then it is worth remembering that the egg lives for 24 hours.

Reference: If conception does not take place, it will collapse in. In two weeks, the woman will begin a new menstrual cycle. If the fertilization process is successful, the zygote descends into the uterus, settles there for 6-12 days and pregnancy occurs. During pregnancy, eggs are not produced.

At the same time, you need to remember that ovulation does not always occur. There may be several cycles a year without it. With the return, their number increases, so after 35 years there is less and less chance of conceiving and giving birth to a child without problems.

Methods for determining ovulation

There are many methods for determining ovulation. The most common of them are the following:

  1. state .


So, if you listen carefully to yourself, you can feel the approach or onset of ovulation.

There are eight main signs that will help you correctly determine the day of follicle rupture without consulting a doctor:

  1. . The amount and nature of vaginal secretion varies greatly. It becomes more viscous, reminiscent of the white of a raw egg;
  2. are starting to appear nagging pain , it is possible. This discomfort is associated with rupture of the follicular capsule and release of the egg. Often during this period, a woman is worried about excessive gas formation;
  3. appearance of blood. Sometimes it is her who the woman sees together transparent discharge;
  4. . Its sensitivity increases due to changes in hormonal levels;
  5. sexual desire increases. Many women say that they want to have an intimate relationship with a partner. Perhaps this is due to the fact that they are afraid of missing the moment favorable for conception;
  6. change olfactory and gustatory addictions.

At the same time, not all ladies can notice these symptoms. If this situation occurs, it is necessary to use other methods.

Basal temperature

It is measured every morning, without getting out of bed, in the rectum. It is recommended to have a separate thermometer for this procedure and keep it next to the bed. All indicators must be written down in a separate notebook or notepad, and then a graph must be drawn up based on them. When it jumps sharply above 37 degrees, this will indicate about the onset of ovulation.

This method is free and very common, but it requires high level self-organization.

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The duration of the menstrual cycle varies for each woman and can range from 21 to 40 days. Very in rare cases There are deviations from these indicators, which is not a pathology, but a feature of the body.

In this case, the menstrual cycle itself consists of the following stages:

  • Follicular phase
  • Corpus luteum phase

In the follicular phase, the process of growth and maturation of eggs in the follicles occurs under the influence of FSH (follicle-stimulating hormone of the pituitary gland and ovarian estrogens).

Then the largest egg from dominant follicle breaks through the wall of the ovary and enters the fallopian tube. This process is called ovulation.

If you are planning, be sure to determine ovulation using special tests, plotting basal temperature or folliculometry.

. In the second phase of the menstrual cycle, this hormone is produced by the corpus luteum. If conception occurs and pregnancy occurs, then it is the progesterone of the corpus luteum that provides support for pregnancy, then the placenta takes over this function.

In some women, a pathology such as phase deficiency can be observed, which leads to a decrease in the concentration of progesterone in the blood. This can lead to the inability to conceive a child, and premature termination of pregnancy.

It is possible to increase progesterone levels using the following recommendations:

  • Take, especially groups B and E.
  • Watch your diet. It should be varied and complete; a sufficient supply of proteins and microelements is especially important.
  • In some cases, your doctor will prescribe medications that contain progesterone.

It is possible to increase progesterone levels with the help of certain folk recipes. Cuff grass, plantain seeds, twig fruits, and raspberry leaves have such properties.

If you cannot conceive a child for a long time, be sure to seek help from a specialist. The doctor will conduct full examination, will determine whether you are ovulating, when it occurs, and will help adjust hormone levels, including progesterone.