Why do you dream about a houseplant breaking? Why do you dream of white flowers, indoor flowers or flowers in pots? Why do you dream about flowers in pots according to Freud’s dream book?

Indoor flowers in a dream symbolize your inner world, as well as relationships with your loved one. Such a dream means that you do not want to share your happiness with others, you are trying to hide it from the outside world. Perhaps you are hiding your relationship with someone from everyone around you.

If in your dream there are a lot of flowers in pots, this may indicate that you have a secret admirer - someone who loves you, but is in no hurry to open up about his feelings. Sometimes this may indicate that your loved ones are expecting a frank conversation from you and expect to learn more about your feelings than you are willing to tell them. It can also mean a secret relationship with a married person.

Fragrant indoor flowers, the smell of which you admire, promise a romantic date or an unexpected pleasant meeting.

If you dream that you have been given a houseplant as a gift, this is a wonderful sign that indicates that in reality you will have many fans. Sometimes such a dream indicates that a significant acquisition awaits you - perhaps an expensive gift or a long-awaited purchase.

If the flowers have faded

It is very important to pay attention to the state of the flower seen in your dreams. If it is a fresh, beautiful plant, full of energy, a flower that you admire and admire, this is a wonderful sign. And vice versa - a stunted, drying plant does not bode well, unfortunately.

If the flowers in the pot in your dream have withered, this means that your relationship with your loved one is going through its worst days. Perhaps the feelings have “faded” a little, and they should be revived - “water the flowers”?

A lot of dried flowers can indicate health problems or separation from a loved one.

If you see how a small plant in a pot is rapidly gaining strength, growing before your eyes and unfolding its leaves, this means a rapid growth in your well-being and popularity.

But a plant that does not want to grow at all and does not bloom, despite your expectations, is a sign of sad events. True, some dream books report that perhaps the person who saw such a dream has already outlined for himself the path to his own happiness and high position - this path will be long, but it is worth reaching its end.

If in a dream you prick yourself on a gifted indoor flower, expect betrayal - perhaps from your closest friends. In addition, this dream may foreshadow the suffering that your loved one will bring.

If you broke a houseplant in a dream, it means that there is some secret that you do not know about yet. Your ill-wishers will try to keep you in the dark. Just remember that some secrets are better left secrets!

If you plant a flower in a dream, this is a sign of a wonderful and noble deed that you have to perform. And be sure that others will notice and appreciate it!

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Flowers are a symbol of wealth and love relationships. If a person dreams of flowers in pots, he is in for a major acquisition, a lucrative deal, a change of job, or even a new romance, a romantic acquaintance, or a wedding in real life.

What if you dream about flowers in pots?

Seeing flowers in pots in a dream is a good sign. Interpreters prefer to associate such visions with improved material well-being. The dreamer may find a more financially profitable job. If a businessman has such a dream, his business will go uphill.

It is considered a good sign to see flowers in pots on your windowsill. Moreover, the more there are, the better. If in a dream a person watches some beautiful flower in a pot appear in his house, a major acquisition awaits him in reality.

If one of his colleagues or friends gives him a flower, this portends unexpected help from loved ones or relatives. Perhaps a mysterious patron will appear in the dreamer's life. It is thanks to him that he will be able to earn a lot of money and acquire something.

If in a dream a person chooses flowers in a pot at the market or in a store, he himself will make some efforts to get rich or improve his personal life.

A dream in which a person sees flowers in a pot that are limp and withered cannot be considered favorable. Such a vision only foreshadows failures in love, the collapse of relationships, as well as some financial troubles, minor problems in the family and at work.

Seeing artificial flowers in a pot outside is a bad sign. This vision symbolizes that the dreamer’s relationship with his soulmate cannot be called sincere.

Most likely, they are simply used to living together, but no longer feel the former passion and love. Also, a vision may mean that the sleeping person or his significant other is not sincere in his feelings. Perhaps some of them are simply driven by selfish interest.

If in a dream the dreamer is given flowers that have already withered, this means the collapse of the relationship. The separation will be associated with the fading of old feelings and the emergence of a desire to change something in your life.

When a dreamer waters a flower in a pot in his vision, he will want to return his former love in reality. To achieve this, he will do everything in his power. If a flower begins to come to life in a dream, it means that one will succeed. Perhaps there was simply a temporary cooling in his relationship with his significant other, but everything can still be fixed.

What does it portend?

If a woman sees in a dream how different men give her a lot of flowers in pots, in reality she will be successful with the opposite sex. Young people will vie with each other to offer her dates and give her gifts. But it will be difficult for a woman to choose just one. Most likely, all these men will not take her seriously enough.

Seeing how a gifted flower begins to fade before your eyes is an unkind sign. The person giving it does not treat the dreamer sincerely. Most likely, he is driven by a thirst for profit.

The shade of the flower in the pot is also important. Red is traditionally considered a symbol of financial well-being. Pink flowers portend good luck in love.

If a person sees yellow flowers in pots in a dream, he will be disappointed in his relationship. Most likely, he will face betrayal and betrayal, which will hurt him very deeply.

Seeing flowers in pots in a dream is considered a good sign if the plant does not look lethargic or withered. When trying to interpret a dream, you should not miss even the smallest details. Visions in which red and pink flowers are present are considered the most favorable. The more of them on the windowsill, the better.

You had a rather interesting dream, which can say a lot about your psychological resistance to new events. You are fully prepared for anything that might happen. But still, why dream of a full pot of indoor flowers? The dream book will give the necessary answers.

Let's look at this dream from a different angle. How exactly can the appearance of indoor flowers in your dream characterize you?

It must be said right away that each dream has its own interpretation, unlike other ones. To correctly set all your priorities, you need your subconscious to provide you with as much information as possible. To do this, you need to synchronize with it, completely adjust all perception to your level.

As a rule, a dream with indoor flowers and any home attributes can symbolize a rebellious spirit, or a simple, quiet abode, which everyone loves to call “home.” Yes, indeed, it is much easier to attribute domestic flowers to the hearth, but who would have thought that flowers themselves are a symbol of the warlike nature of our dreamer.

Reader, think about it: if flowers grow in the house, does this mean that they feel good? Perhaps, but at this time there is a serious struggle going on in their roots - they are trying to cut through, give maximum useful material to their stem and grow in these conditions, which is not such an easy process in ordinary nature.

That is why it is worth interpreting flowers not from the point of view of the hearth, which will never go out and will wait for the quiet and timid dreamer, but from the point of view that after this dream the reader will go and fix his problems, no matter how terrible they may seem to him, because this is exactly what your subconscious desires, so to speak, the “Second Self”

Interpretation of a dream regarding plot and circumstances

I would like to understand why you have such dreams. To answer this question, try to go deeper - what your character is, what you like to do, and what you frankly don’t like and can’t do. How exactly would you like to spend your day, and why do you spend it exactly as society demands. Are you a hot-tempered person or a rational one?

You also need to remember everything that happened to you in your dream. You need to remember exactly how you reacted to the current situation. Below we will consider the option in which a huge house tree entangles you in a vice, how would you react to such a dream? There are many options, each of them shows one or another part of the character who saw the dream;

If you have managed to completely synchronize with your subconscious and received the necessary information, then we can begin to interpret your extraordinary dream. Our website provides all the necessary information for interpreting a dream at home, so the reader will not have difficulty remembering his dream and relating it to the options given below:

  • A huge number of indoor flowers. If for one reason or another you have seen a huge number of flowers in your home, then you should think about the safety of your feelings - do you really like to speak out with your conservative views on love, do you really love your job and your soulmate so far, answer yourself these questions;
  • Small number of flowers. In itself, a very small number of flowers (Like the small flowers themselves) do not mean anything, they only warn the dreamer about dangerous events that can certainly occur in several variants of the postposition of a given dream;
  • The plants came to life and began to walk around the apartment. Such a Hollywood plot really deserves an Oscar, it has never been seen at the box office before. However, dreams with a similar plot symbolize the extreme uncertainty of the dreamer, who assures himself that all the people around are watching him and trying to fool him. This is completely untrue and makes the reader doubt himself and put pressure on other people because of his own complex;
  • Smelled indoor flowers. A rather nice dream that does not foretell anything bad - only good relations with superiors and increased material well-being;
  • The flowers disappeared one day. Dreams of flowers disappearing are not uncommon; they usually predict complete oblivion. You will forget about your problems and those people who constantly tried to hurt you, did it in various ways and could not calm down. You will still go towards your goal and not pay attention to those who remain on earth;
  • The flowers smelled very bad. You should not ignore dreams with a similar plot, as they predict for the dreamer either very strong disappointment or a very pleasant blessing. Everything depends on a certain action in the future, which will determine absolutely everything;
  • The flowers were not watered. Yes, not all of us are gardeners and everyone can forget to water the flowers once, but what if in a dream you simply deliberately did not water them, so to speak, because of some kind of inner anger. Such a dream predicts only complete mutual understanding with colleagues, perhaps built on hypocrisy, lies and deception, but still mutual understanding. Even such colleagues are worth appreciating, that’s what our subconscious is hinting at. It also doesn’t want you to become another hypocrite;
  • The plant was destroyed. Acting as a cruel plant destroyer means that it is very unpleasant for you to realize your own place and position in society. you are constantly trying to get ahead due to your achievements, which carry significant weight, but never find approval in society. The subconscious mind tells you that society is not the main measure of your uniqueness, and you can achieve more if you do not rely on public opinion.

How psychics and specialists interpret a dream

  1. Vanga. The Bulgarian seer is sure that a dream with a houseplant cannot predict something bad, after it the ability for self-improvement and introspection always increases, as a result of this you can finally achieve a long-standing dream and goal, do not stop there, break through your own ceiling a little once;
  2. According to Freud. Sigmund Freud is sure that this is not the first time you have encountered a wall of misunderstanding that must be completely broken through. You have your own unique character, unique pros and cons. you should not get hung up on society’s opinion on this issue;
  3. According to Miller. Henry Miller is sure that you should forget yourself, abstract yourself from your own problems and decide for yourself how to build your life without listening.

Why do you dream of white flowers, indoor flowers or flowers in pots? 5.00 /5 (1 votes)

A dream about a bouquet of flowers is usually associated with life events. Something nice might happen. But it also happens that sadness will overtake you. It is worth noting that any detail of the dreamed flowers can play an important role in the interpretation.

If you dreamed of white flowers

A dream in which white flowers are seen is considered favorable. Everything will be fine in life. Red plants are a harbinger of love. Romantic dates, sex, passion await. Yellow flowers, unlike white ones, symbolize the upcoming separation. Blue plants warn that there will be no changes in life in the near future, a calm future awaits. Blue plants are dreamed of by those who spend a lot of time at work. You need to switch to something else.

It is considered a bad sign if you dream that you are picking flowers. You will have to break off relations with someone close to you.

After sleeping with living plants, a sick person can hope for a speedy recovery. This also applies to those who have recently encountered troubles. There are joyful and happy events ahead.

Indoor flowers in a dream

If in a dream you see indoor flowers, then at heart you are an altruist, you think more about others than about yourself. Time to change! If you transplant indoor flowers from one pot to another, then a series of changes awaits you.

Dreams containing roses are usually dreamed of by romantics and impressionable people. Wildflowers promise relief from problems. For men, a dream with tulips has a negative interpretation. He dreams of confrontation. A woman's dream about tulips promises advancement up the career ladder. A dream with calla lilies has an unpleasant meaning. It foretells problems.

Dreaming of flowers in a pot

To dream of a flower in a pot indicates a person who is too busy with household chores. It's time to think about yourself. Artificial polka dot flowers in a dream foreshadow possible health problems. Dry plants warn of death. If you dream of paper flowers, then you are being deceived.

Other dreams about flowers

Your soul is not in the right place if you dream that you are planting flowers. The one who watered them in a dream will have to work on himself for a long time. This is the only way to change what is happening.

If you buy a bouquet, you will have a lot of fun in the near future. But there is no need to be particularly happy. All entertainment will be at your expense. Anyone who picks flowers in a dream will have persistent progress towards their goal. The one who has dreamed of blossoming buds will be able to complete his plan.

It's good when you dream of big flowers. This is a harbinger of successful completion of affairs and a happy life.

In order to accurately understand how the dream book interprets a plant, it is necessary to consider this symbol in the context of the dream.

The plant usually symbolizes growth, both materially and spiritually. A special case - indoor plants - reflect the state of affairs of the dreamer in the family and in relationships.

If you have seen them growing in pots, it means that you are quite happy with the atmosphere in your family and in your relationship with your loved one. Depending on the type of indoor plant, you can analyze your and your partner’s feelings in more detail.

What exactly did you dream about?

Most often I dream:

  • Flowers
  • Palm trees
  • cacti
  • Fruit
  • Ferns



You dream of a fern as a reflection of your thoughts about the past. Perhaps you feel regret about something or are replaying in your head possible outcomes of events if you had acted differently in this or that case. A dried fern means you are ready to let go of the past and start a new life with a clean slate.

Dream details

What did you do with the potted plant in your dream? Your actions towards them can help you decipher what indoor plants mean in dreams.

1. What does it mean if you dreamed that you were given a plant?

If you dreamed that someone gave you a gift in the form of a flower in a pot, expect a pleasant offer or an invitation to a date. The person who gave you such a gift has truly sincere feelings and will not disappoint your expectations.

2. What does it mean to dream in which you had to uproot a plant from a pot?

If in a dream you broke a plant or pulled it out, in the near future there is a chance of making a mistake and breaking things. Don't ruin your relationship with a loved one or business partner because you're stubborn and unwilling to admit your mistakes.

3. Why dream about watering plants?

If you dream that you are fertilizing the soil with indoor plants, it means that you are making every effort to achieve your dream. And thanks to such persistence, you will be able to achieve real results very soon.

4. Interpretation of the dream in which you broke a flower pot.

Why break a flower pot in a dream depends on the feelings you experienced. If this happened by accident and you are very upset, it means that you will become a victim of circumstances, and in order to avoid an unpleasant outcome you will have to resort to deception. Later you will be very ashamed of this act, but there is no other way out.

If you did this on purpose in a fit of anger, there is a high probability that, due to your ambitions or inflated claims, you will hurt the person who loves and appreciates you very much. Do not ignore this warning, try to control your emotions, and then an unpleasant situation can be avoided. Author: Ekaterina Volkova