What does calcium deficiency lead to in the body? Myths and reality about older people. How best to replenish calcium reserves in the body

Calcium, Calcium, Ca is chemical element, which is located in group II of the periodic table under No. 20. It is a light silver-white metal. The element owes its name to the English chemist G. Davy, who in 1808 first obtained the metal from wet slaked lime using electrolysis - “calcium” comes from the Latin. "calx" ( Genitive“calcis”) – “lime”, “soft stone”.

Calcium is one of the most common elements on our planet. Thus, among the minerals of the earth’s crust, it ranks fifth in frequency of detection. IN large quantities found in nature: rocks and clay rocks are formed from its salts, calcium can be found in the water of rivers and seas, and it is also an essential component of plant and animal organisms.

In everyday life, the element surrounds a person all the time. Most of the various building materials - cement, brick, concrete, lime, glass - contain Calcium. In addition, there is quite a lot of it in the person himself.

An adult body contains at least 1 kg of calcium.

The role of calcium in the human body

Calcium is probably known to everyone. He often appears in advertisements for various medicines or food products. It was thanks to advertising that the role of calcium in supporting the normal condition of teeth and bone tissue became most famous. But few people know that calcium is also important for other systems of the human body. So, first things first.

Teeth and bones

Availability required quantity Calcium directly affects the proper development of bones and the formation of teeth. This is especially true for infants, children and adolescents. The element is also necessary for adults - it maintains the strength of bones, so that they remain strong throughout life. Pregnant women are a separate category of adults for whom the presence of calcium is extremely important. This is due to the fact that during pregnancy the mother’s body provides the fetus with all the elements necessary for development, which includes calcium.

Heart and muscular system

Maintaining heart health is another important role of calcium. Regular intake of calcium in the right amount helps normal operation heart, since it is involved in regulating the heartbeat. In addition to the heart, calcium is also needed for muscular system– it helps the muscles move smoothly and correctly.

Nervous system

Not the least important role is played by calcium in supporting nervous system. Element nourishes nerve fibers, improves their conductivity, which ultimately has a positive effect on the speed of impulses between nerve cells.


There are ones that are always present in the body - “good” and “bad”. Calcium is one of the elements involved in reducing levels bad cholesterol, the excess of which leads to various diseases heart, blood vessels and other organs.

Daily Calcium Value for Children, Teens and Adults

The daily calcium intake is directly related to a person’s age. It is also important that calcium enters the body along with phosphorus in a ratio of one to five. Optimal daily doses of calcium for various categories of the population depending on their age:


  • Up to 3 years – 600 mg.
  • From 4 to 10 years – 800 mg.
  • From 10 to 13 years – 1000 mg.
  • From 13 to 16 years – 1200 mg.
  • Over 16 years old – 1000 mg.


  • During pregnancy and breastfeeding – 1500-2000 mg.


  • Adults (over 16 years old) – 800-1200 mg.

Lack of calcium in the body, symptoms

In order to notice a lack of calcium, it is necessary to carefully monitor the condition of the body. The consequences of mineral deficiency are difficult to determine early stages: Sometimes months and years pass before they become obvious.

The first symptoms of calcium deficiency appear in the nervous system. Increased tension, irritability and anxiety may be noted. Also, a lack of the mineral provokes increased fatigue.

Insufficient calcium leads to decreased skin elasticity, causing it to become dry. Hair loses color and becomes more brittle – the same applies to nails. Teeth are especially affected: various enamel defects and caries can primarily indicate a lack of calcium in the body.

As for the muscular system, it may experience a feeling of numbness and spasms. Trembling in the limbs, as well as the occurrence of night muscle cramps are clear signs of calcium deficiency.

As for children, the lack of a mineral sometimes manifests itself in the desire to eat chalk or dirt. On later stages A lack of calcium often leads to poor posture and the development of flat feet.

Diseases associated with calcium deficiency

Most often, calcium deficiency appears after thirty years of age. If you ignore the lack of a mineral, then at a minimum, your health condition will worsen, and at maximum, you will experience serious illnesses, and even life expectancy will decrease.

Important! Normal absorption of the mineral occurs with the participation of vitamin D, produced in human body under influence sunlight!

This is of particular importance for people who, due to the nature of their work, are constantly in indoors and are practically devoid of sunlight. A lack of vitamin leads to the fact that the absorption of calcium is much worse and health is at great risk.

A lack of calcium can cause the following problems:

  • growth retardation in children;
  • rickets;
  • curvature of bones, scoliosis;
  • allergy;
  • blood clotting disorder;
  • kidney stone disease;
  • capillary fragility.

People whose bodies are constantly lacking calcium suffer from uncontrollable muscle contractions, bleeding gums and dental problems. They also cope much worse with physical and mental stress.

In some cases, calcium deficiency provokes the appearance of such serious pathologies as osteomalacia And osteoporosis. These diseases cause bones to soften, making them more fragile and unable to withstand stress. If calcium deficiency is not corrected, the risk of diseases becoming incurable increases.

Multiple sclerosis– incurable neurological disease– develops in cases where the body suffers from a lack of calcium from the age of 15. As a rule, the disease manifests itself after 40 years, but with a particularly acute calcium deficiency it manifests itself earlier.

Excess calcium and related problems

Excess calcium ( hypercalcemia) arises from various reasons. This is caused not only by excessive consumption of foods containing calcium, but also by the presence of certain diseases:

  1. Hyperparathyroidism is a pathology that manifests itself in increased production parathyroid hormone parathyroid glands. Most often, this disease occurs in women between 25 and 50 years old. The disease often proceeds without any external manifestations and is detected only during a medical examination.
  2. Cancers of the lungs, kidneys, ovaries.
  3. In addition, excess calcium may occur after radiation therapy neck and shoulders, and also due to the presence of excessive amounts of vitamin D in the body.

Older people and women are most susceptible to hypercalcemia.

Symptoms of calcium excess:

  • general weakness
  • loss of appetite
  • increased feeling of thirst
  • nausea and vomiting
  • convulsions
  • pain in the lower abdomen
  • constipation

Excess calcium in acute form leads to disruption of brain function, excess urine production, increased blood clotting, and deterioration in the absorption of zinc by bone tissue.

How to replenish the body with calcium?

In order to restore calcium reserves in the body, you can use various methods. For example, there is special drugs, which contain calcium. They are divided into three groups.

1. Single drugs– products that contain only calcium salt. Often, calcium carbonate is used to make them, which consists of 40% of the element itself. Somewhat less commonly used are calcium citrate, lactate and gluconate, containing 21%, 13% and 9% of the mineral, respectively.

2. Combination drugs - products containing vitamin D, calcium salt and other elements. Advantage similar drugs is that they replenish not only calcium reserves, but also provide the body with vitamin D, which has great importance in the process of calcium and phosphorus metabolism, and also supports normal condition and formation of bone structures.

3. Multivitamin preparationscomplex means, containing many vitamins and minerals necessary to maintain normal body functions of pregnant women.

Folk remedies

Besides medical supplies calcium replenishment, there are also traditional methods . One of the most famous is the product obtained from the shells of chicken or quail eggs. To make it, the shells are washed well, dried and crushed to powder. After this you should add a little lemon juice. Typically, such a course lasts two weeks, but in some cases it can last for several months.

Among medicinal herbs saturated with calcium, the following can be noted:

  • Nettle – 713 mg/100 g
  • Forest mallow – 505 mg/100 g
  • Great plantain – 412 mg/100 g
  • Ivy budra – 289 mg/100 g

Six rules for maintaining normal calcium levels

  1. Naturally, you should first provide the body with a sufficient amount of calcium. This is especially true for people who are prone to osteoporosis. It is extremely important to eat foods that contain calcium and avoid fasting.
  2. Make sure that in addition to calcium, the body also receives enough vitamin D. It is present in some foods, such as fish, and is also produced by the body during intake sunbathing. It is enough to spend 10 minutes in the sun for the daily portion of this vitamin to be synthesized.
  3. Drink alcohol in moderation or abstain from it altogether. Alcohol disrupts the metabolism of vitamin D in the liver, resulting in much poorer calcium absorption.
  4. Stop smoking, which leads to serious bone loss.
  5. Limit on strong coffee. Coffee removes calcium from the body, so this drink should be consumed in moderation.
  6. News active image life. Exercising is a great way to protect yourself from calcium deficiency. As a result regular loads condition improves bone tissue and the calcium balance in the body returns to normal.

Calcium rich foods

Let's look at which foods contain calcium in large and medium amounts. Dairy products are rightfully considered rich sources of calcium. They contain the mineral in an easily digestible form, and milk sugar, also known as lactose, is converted into lactic acid during digestion and in this form improves the absorption of calcium.

However, the natural cow's milk contains only 120 mg of calcium per 100 g of product, while, for example, milk powder or feta cheese contains much more calcium - 1000 and 530 mg, respectively.

When replenishing calcium deficiency with dairy products, you must also remember that less fat in such a product, the more calcium it contains. Hard cheeses are considered the leaders in this regard - they contain up to 1300 mg of the element per 100 g of product.

Calcium is present in all varieties of cabbage and spinach. Nuts are also largely composed of calcium. Among the nuts greatest number Calcium is found in almonds and Brazil nuts.

It is noteworthy that seeds such as sesame and poppy also contain calcium, and in decent quantities. They are considered record holders among calcium-rich foods: the first contains 975 mg, and the second – up to 1500 mg.

Whole grain wheat flour is also rich in calcium. Close to 900 mg of the microelement is also found in wheat bran. But it should be taken into account that finely ground flour, as well as high-grade flour, does not contain calcium at all.

Soybeans and products derived from them also contain calcium. In addition, there is a lot of it in herbs such as parsley, mustard leaves, dill and basil. Parsley contains more calcium than milk - 245 mg.

For lovers of baking and various sweets It's good to know that molasses contains about 170 mg of calcium. Using it instead of sugar, you can make baked goods not only tasty, but also healthy.

Calcium in food. Table No. 1

Product Calcium (Ca)
mg/100 g
01 Poppy 1450
02 Parmesan type cheese 1300
03 Skimmed milk powder 1155
04 Whole milk powder 1000
05 Cheese type "Russian" 1000
06 Sesame seed 875
07 Nettle 713
08 Dry cream 700
09 Brynza 530
10 Goat cheese 500

Calcium in food. Table No. 2

Product Calcium (Ca)
mg/100 g
01 Processed cheese 450
02 Sesame halva 425
03 Sardines in oil 420
04 Basil 370
05 Condensed milk (with/without sugar) 307 / 282
06 White chocolate 280
07 Almond 265
08 Parsley 245
09 Mackerel (canned) 241
10 Hazelnut 225
11 Egg powder 193
12 Watercress 190
13 Dried white mushrooms 184
14 Sheep milk 178
15 Hazelnut 170
16 Dill 170
17 Dried apricots 150
18 Goat milk 143
19 Ice cream 140
20 Pistachios 135
21 Cottage cheese 125
22 Dried apricots 120
23 Cow's milk 120
24 Yogurt, full-fat kefir 120
25 Acidophilus 120
26 Curdled milk 118
27 Sunflower seeds 115
28 Spinach 106
29 Dried dates 100
30 Crab meat 100

Products containing calcium in amounts less than 100 mg/100 g

What foods contain even less calcium than those presented in the second table? Here are some of them:

  • walnuts and shrimp: 95 mg;
  • sour cream and cream: 85, 90 mg, respectively;
  • boiled white beans: 90 mg;
  • oat flakes, herring, carp: 50 mg;
  • chicken and veal ≈ 27 mg;
  • chicken and rabbit meat ≈ 15 mg;
  • pork, lamb, beef: 8, 9, 10 mg respectively.

Among the macronutrients needed female body to provide proper functioning, calcium is especially released. Its deficiency negatively affects the functions of all organs.

Calcium (Ca) deficiency is classified as hypocalcemia. Its main effect is dysfunction of the parathyroid glands, which is checked by blood tests, which show a decrease in calcium levels. In women, calcium deficiency in the body manifests itself with particularly pronounced symptoms.

Causes of hypocalcemia

A common cause of calcium deficiency in women is a lack of vitamin D. It develops due to poor nutrition and lack of sunlight.

Causes of hypocalcemia:

  • hereditary diseases;
  • diseases of the hematopoietic organs;
  • cancerous growths on the parathyroid glands.

Menopause is usually accompanied by calcium deficiency. The level of estrogen, which is responsible for the content of macronutrients in bone tissue, decreases. Change hormonal levels With age, it provokes bone destruction. Age-related changes lead to a decrease in the absorption of the mineral from food.

Older women need to eat more calcium-containing foods to restore proper absorption of the mineral.

Symptoms of Ca deficiency

In women, the first symptoms of calcium deficiency are general weakness and fatigue. The main symptoms include dry and flaky skin, loss of shine and brittle nails, bad condition teeth. Lack of calcium in the body in women manifests itself in different symptoms.

Calcium (Ca) deficiency disrupts nerve conduction functions in the muscles, which manifests itself in night cramps and numbness of the limbs. Long-term calcium deficiency leads to osteoporosis, which often causes fractures.

Calcium required normal functions cardiac muscle, its deficiency impairs contractile activity, leading to heart failure.

A deficiency of this macroelement weakens the body's immune forces and interferes with blood clotting. Such pathologies are difficult to treat drug treatment, and the question of a threat to life arises.

Symptoms of calcium deficiency in women:

  • insomnia: a woman falls asleep, but there is no deep sleep phase, which does not provide a satisfactory night's rest. Poor sleep prevents the growth of new bone cells;
  • the inability to lose weight, no matter what diet a woman uses. Physiologically, the macroelement is stored in fat cells and regulates their preservation. However, his loss burns adipose tissue, and a woman can lose weight without any diets. But this will be painful weight loss associated with impaired mineral metabolism;
  • paresthesia: a disorder of the central nervous system, manifested in muscle tremors and tingling throughout the body.

In fact, calcium is associated with the work cycles of the entire body. Normal cycles are achieved by increasing mineral matter to normal. Calcium is contained in tryptophan, amino acids, which are found in the right quantities in turkey, cheese, and the sun.

    Does your body have enough calcium?

In women, symptoms of calcium deficiency in the body are expressed not only in insomnia and weight problems. Macronutrient deficiency interferes normal course pregnancy, proper development and fetal growth.

Treatment of hypocalcemia

Acute hypocalcemia can only be treated with inpatient conditions, since this condition poses a serious threat to life. In women, calcium deficiency in the body manifests itself acute symptoms that are amenable to drug therapy.

Chronic calcium deficiency requires the use of calcium and vitamin D supplements. Any calcium-containing preparations are prescribed in a dosage calculated for a daily intake of the mineral in the amount of 1.5-2 g.

In addition, vitamin D is prescribed, which improves the absorption of calcium (Ca) by the body. The dosage of the vitamin is calculated by the doctor according to the woman’s needs. The effectiveness of treatment is constantly monitored laboratory research blood tests.

It is important to achieve the disappearance of symptoms of hypocalcemia, normal content Ca in blood serum. Serum calcium levels are monitored weekly throughout inpatient treatment.

Then tests should be taken once every 2 weeks. After normalization of test results, blood is donated once every 3 months.

Drug therapy includes taking medications:

  • Calcium gluconate;
  • Natekal;
  • Calcium D3 Nycomed;
  • vitamin and mineral complexes - Complivit, Multitabs, Nutrimax.

The duration of treatment is determined by the doctor. He knows how much calcium a woman’s body needs based on her well-being and age categories.

Women constitute a risk group for this disease, since their body requires more high content macronutrient. Amenorrhea is a particularly significant disease. It reduces the level of circulating estrogen, and calcium balance significantly depends on this. Difficulties with its maintenance begin during menopause.

Pregnant women require a higher mineral content in order for the musculoskeletal skeleton of the fetus to develop normally.

Prevention of Ca deficiency

You can reduce the risk of hypocalcemia by adjusting your diet. You need to eat foods containing Ca and vitamin D every day. If you have a deficiency of Ca, you need to include them in your diet. sesame seed, hard and processed cheeses, wheat bran, almonds, hazelnuts, legumes. Milk contains much lower Ca content, however, calcium from it is easily absorbed by the body.

It is important to get vitamin D not only from food, but also from sunlight, because it activates natural processes in the body.

The warm season is a period when you need to sunbathe as much as possible sun rays with exposed skin. Especially a lot natural vitamin D the sun emits in the period before 10 o'clock in the morning.

You should supplement your diet with vitamin-mineral complexes as prescribed by your doctor. Pharmacology has developed special complexes for pregnant and lactating women, taking into account increased need calcium during these periods.

For the smooth functioning of the body, a sufficient amount is required minerals, proteins, fats, carbohydrates, vitamins. One of the most important microelements is calcium. Its lack in the body can lead to the manifestation of symptoms and the development of diseases in women, men, and children.

Calcium plays a role building material. Bones and teeth consist of 99% of this mineral, another 1% is present in the blood and soft tissues.

  • actively participates in activities different hormones, enzymes;
  • helps the functioning of nerve cells;
  • accelerates blood clotting and tissue metabolism;
  • endowed with antiallergic effect.

Due to the presence of calcium, the level of absorption of other substances by the body increases.

Calcium standards for women, men, children

Calcium requirements vary depending on a person's age. Also influence chronic diseases, ecology, nutrition, lifestyle, general state body. detailed information The averages according to age are presented in the table below:

Daily intake of calcium, vitamin D3:

Category Age Norm, mg D₃, µg/day.
ChildrenUp to six months400 5
Up to 1 year600
Up to 10 years800
Teenagers Up to 1500
Women18-50 years old800-1000
Pregnancy and breastfeeding 1300-1500
MenUp to 65 years old800-1000
From 65 years old1300-1500 10
GeneralFrom 70 years old15

Causes of calcium deficiency

Every day, approximately 700 mg of calcium is excreted from the human body naturally. If the element ceases to be supplied in sufficient quantities, then reserves from the bone mass begin to be consumed, which can provoke hypocalcemia.

The following factors increase the loss:

Risk groups susceptible to calcium deficiency

The risk groups are as follows:

  • Professional athletes. With strong physical activity energy consumption process increases. Respectively, nutrients the body needs more than in the ordinary rhythm of life. For bodybuilders, this topic is most relevant.
  • Pregnancy and lactation. The process of fruit formation entails additional consumption of the mineral.
  • Vegetarians and people on strict diets.
  • Women suffering from menstrual irregularities.
  • Persons diagnosed with osteoporosis.

Symptoms of calcium deficiency in the body

Lack of calcium in the body, the symptoms of which in women and men are accompanied in the initial stages by fatigue, irritability, weakness, greatly affects the condition. Possible severe attacks headache, insomnia. The condition of the teeth deteriorates, and there is a high risk of developing caries.

Other symptoms:

  1. Nervous system and muscles: the appearance of a feeling of numbness in the extremities (primarily the fingers, as well as the corners of the mouth), followed by cramps and pain in the bones. Spasms of the larynx can lead to changes in the voice. In the later stages - the development of osteoporosis, a tendency to deformities and fractures, often observed in the elderly.
  2. At the level of the cardio system, heart rhythm disturbances occur.
  3. Skin, hair, nails: excessive dryness and brittleness. Weakened immunity provides good soil for development dermatological diseases(psoriasis, eczema) and allergic reactions.
  4. Possible development of glaucoma, nosebleeds, loss of consciousness.


Calcium deficiency is diagnosed in newborns in the first days of life. The reason may be premature birth, maternal diabetes.

Main symptoms in infants:

  1. Nervousness or anxiety.
  2. Poor appetite.
  3. Slow breathing rhythm.
  4. Tachycardia.
  5. Excessive sweating while sleeping or eating.
  6. The child is often frightened by noisy and sharp sounds.

To identify calcium deficiency in a baby, you can take simple steps:

  • Tap your cheek with your fingertip (near the corner of your mouth).
  • Squeeze the child's hand in the middle third of the shoulder.

If twitching or convulsions occur while performing actions, then there may be a lack of calcium.

Muscle cramps

Calcium plays an important role in motor activity human: the process of changing its ions regulates contraction and relaxation skeletal muscles. Its imbalance in the body can lead to convulsions, loss of balance, and impaired coordination of movements.

Dry skin, brittle nails

The fundamental functions of calcium for the skin are:

  1. Promotes recovery barrier function epidermis.
  2. Maintaining water balance.
  3. Helps produce collagen and elastane, which slow down the aging process of cells.
  4. Regulating capillary tone.
  5. Plays the role of a “cross-linking agent” in the lipid layers of the skin and ensures their more dense structure.

Lack of an element leads to age-related changes skin, its dryness, decreased firmness and elasticity. Nails become brittle, begin to peel, and white spots and stripes appear.

Symptoms of late puberty and PMS

Later puberty in girls it can be a sign of calcium deficiency in the body. Another symptom is the occurrence premenstrual syndrome, accompanied by cramps, spasms, irritability or moodiness, increased cravings for food, as well as disruption of the menstrual cycle itself.

Tooth decay

With calcium deficiency, the enamel softens. The result is rapid darkening of teeth and increased sensitivity. The greatest danger is the appearance of caries, which is formed in the process of demineralization of hard tooth tissues: under the influence of organic acids, calcium and phosphorus salts that make up the enamel are washed out.

The tooth consists of 95% of these elements and only 5% of water.

Frequent fractures

Calcium is the main component of bone tissue. The formation of bones in length in humans ends at the age of 15-20 years. Sufficient consumption of microelements during this period will contribute to the formation of dense bone structure and its strengthening.

Bone has the ability to renew itself over time. Despite the flexibility and strength of bones, they are susceptible to microtrauma.

To eliminate them, the body has two groups of cells: some remove and destroy the affected tissue, and others fill the bone area, which subsequently calcifies. This action called remodeling. With age, the process of self-renewal of cells slows down, which increases the risk of fractures.


Frequent awakenings may indicate a lack of calcium in the body. Micronutrient levels increase during deep phase sleep. Calcium helps the brain use the amino acid tryptophan, which promotes the synthesis of the “happiness hormone” serotonin, which, in turn, produces melatonin, which is responsible for sleep and wakefulness.

Difficulty losing weight

Obesity leads to disruption of closely related processes in the body.

Many internal systems fail:

  • gets lost heartbeat, serious hormonal
  • changes, the digestive tract suffers.

The launch of a significant number of processes inside the cell occurs with the help of calcium. Thanks to its effect on intracellular metabolism, metabolism is accelerated, which promotes weight loss.

Problems with obesity that provoke mineral deficiency:


The disease is characterized by loss of sensitivity and is almost always secondary, that is, it occurs against the background of other ailments. His main reason– nerve damage that leads to the formation of a mass discomfort in the patient in the form of tingling, burning, crawling “goosebumps” on the skin. A lack of calcium can be the beginning of the onset and development of paresthesia.


Lack of a substance can cause a number of serious changes in vital functions. important systems. Disturbances in the formation of the bone skeleton, teeth, neurological disorders, hyperexcitability - a small list of consequences.

A dangerous manifestation of microelement deficiency is insufficient blood clotting. Transition of calcium deficiency into chronic stage increases the risk of heart disease and subcapsular cataracts.


Calcium metabolism is regulated by the 4 parathyroid glands, the activity of which is controlled by parathyroid hormone. When they receive information about a deficiency of a substance, a physiological reaction to support constant internal environment body.

At the command of parathyroid hormone, part of the calcium from the bone mass is released into the blood to replenish the resulting deficiency. With frequent deviations, the quality of bone mineralization decreases, and accordingly, strength decreases. This is how osteoporosis occurs.

Lack of calcium in the body, the symptoms of which in women and men lead to the development of osteoporosis, is often accompanied by tedious pain in the bones and muscles.

In addition, there are:

  • The appearance of excessive stoop.
  • Frequent bone fractures when falling even from a small height or with little physical exertion. Periodic damage to joints, especially small ones.
  • Sudden appearance of gray hair.

The following groups of people are at greatest risk of developing osteoporosis:

  • Aged people. Typically, this period begins after reaching 50 years of age.
  • People who are frail or short in stature.
  • Late onset of menstruation or early cessation), scanty or infrequent periods.
  • Infertility.
  • Long lactation (over 6 months).
  • Predisposition to fractures.
  • Early onset of menopause (up to 44 years).

Cardiovascular diseases

Range cardiovascular diseases wide:

Calcium promotes proper operation muscle cells and hormones that regulate heartbeat. When a microelement enters the cells, protein activation occurs, thereby activating the heart muscle. Calcium plays an important role in the process of blood clotting and maintaining the tone of blood vessels.

Low levels of the element lead to decreased blood pressure, weakened cardiac activity, and convulsions. High – development of paralysis, arrhythmia, paresis.

High blood pressure

Calcium may be good preventative measure in the fight against hypertension, mainly for elderly people suffering from hypersensitivity to salt.

In people in this category, consuming large amounts of sodium affects arterial pressure. Calcium makes the walls of blood vessels strong and elastic, controls heart rate, and lowers cholesterol levels.


According to some studies, taking calcium supplements may reduce the risk of the appearance and development of colorectal cancer, that is malignant neoplasm in the large intestine. Its ions form insoluble compounds with bile and fatty acids in the gastrointestinal tract.

Thanks to this, the destructive effect of acids on cells is reduced. Calcium also helps improve cell signal transmission and can cause cancer cells differentiate.

Diagnosis of calcium deficiency

You can determine the calcium content in the body by donating blood to biochemical analysis. This will allow you to identify and begin timely treatment serious pathology formed as a result of microelement imbalance.

Such a study may be needed in the following cases:

Preparatory stages:

  • Eliminate any meals 10-12 hours in advance.
  • During the day, remove sugar, foods containing dyes, large amounts of fat, and alcohol from your diet.
  • On the day of the test, reduce exercise to a minimum.

How to compensate for the lack of calcium in the body?

To normalize the microelement balance, the following products will help:

  • Calcium is absorbed most effectively with the help of phosphorus, vitamins B9, C, D. For example, a lot of microelement B9 is present in various greens, vegetables, grains, nuts, and fruits.
  • Plant foods that serve as a good conductor of calcium.
  • Animal products: eggs, fish and meat.
  • Fruits and vegetables.
  • Dairy products.

The active removal of calcium is promoted by excessively salty foods, smoked foods, alcoholic drinks, strong tea and coffee.

Diet correction

Balance daily diet you can, knowing the calcium content in food.

Amount of microelement in popular products in mg per 100 g:

Dairy Parmesan cheese Powdered milk Cottage cheese Acidophilus, kefir Low-fat yogurt
1200 1000 200 120 110
Nuts and seedsPoppySesameAlmondSunflower seedsPeanut
1600 1470 250 100 60
Fish and seafoodDried fish with bonesCanned sardineMackerelSalmonSea bass
3000 350-380 240 210 120
Greens and legumesDillBeansParsleyCelerySalad
208 194 138 40 36
Dried fruits and berriesDried apricotsFigsRaisinRaspberriesCherry
80 54 50 40 37
Cereal productsPeasWhite breadCerealsRiceRye bread
89 52 50 33 30
Meat productsChickVealSausageBeef liver, chickenBeef and pork
28 26 22 10 5
VegetablesWhite cabbageCarrots and radishescucumbersTomatoesPotato
210 35 15 14 6
SweetsMilk chocolateIce cream milkDark chocolateFruit icecreamShortbread
200 130 60 15 6
FruitsOrangesKiwiTangerinesPineapples, apricotsPears
42 38 33 16 10

Calcium supplements

For women, men and children, biological use is acceptable to replenish calcium and eliminate symptoms of calcium deficiency. active additives. When choosing a drug, it is important to pay attention to the presence of vitamin D3 in it, because thanks to its presence, calcium is better absorbed in the body.

These include:

  • vitrum-calcium-D3;
  • calcium-D3-nycomed;
  • alpha D3-teva;
  • Complivit-calcium-D3.


In some severe pathologies accompanied by a decrease in calcium levels in the blood, intramuscular or intramuscular calcium may be required. intravenous administration. For these purposes, calcium gluconate is used. It is administered to children only intravenously.

The diseases it helps to cope with include:

  • bronchial asthma;
  • cold;
  • allergy;
  • jade others.

Which doctor treats calcium deficiency?

Lack of calcium in the body (symptoms in women and men in most cases can be determined in the first stages) is diagnosed by a therapist after passing the appropriate tests, and in children - by a pediatrician. The choice of attending physician largely depends on the level of involvement in pathological condition other organs and systems.

Treatment for osteoporosis can be prescribed by an orthopedist or osteopath. It is often necessary to contact a gastroenterologist to check the condition digestive system. It will be useful to consult a nutritionist who will help you create the right, balanced diet. Science is moving forward, and now some advanced clinics offer personal diets by genetic analysis.

Measures to prevent calcium deficiency

Calcium deficiency in the body, the symptoms of which can be prevented in women and men, is compensated by simple preventive measures.

They are:

Calcium is a health mineral. Many life processes are carried out with its participation, including the beating of the heart and blood circulation. Timely replenishment of calcium deficiency in the body will help maintain this process and prevent the onset of symptoms. various diseases both in women, men and children.

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Video about lack of calcium in the body

Symptoms, treatment and prevention of calcium deficiency:

Natural elements are included in the structure of fabrics human body. Lack of calcium in the body causes brittle bones and tooth damage, is responsible for blood clotting disorders and muscle weakness.

Symptoms of calcium deficiency

Calcium deficiency Experts consider it an insidious pathology. The consequences of the deficiency are not too noticeable for the patient. Significant health consequences occur months or even years later. The risk group for hypocalcemia includes 3 categories: pregnant women, mature women, children during the period of active growth.

If you notice at least some of the signs below, think about replenishing your body with useful microelements:

For children, calcium deficiency is especially dangerous. Normal intake of this microelement into the body ensures the development of the skeleton, fast growth and development.

Calcium deficiency causes insufficient blood clotting.

For active and restless children, problems with blood clotting can be fatal. Minor injury or minor cut will result in fatal damage.

Replenishing the body with calcium

A natural way to replenish the lack of tissue-forming mineral is through nutrition. natural products. You can successfully compensate for the deficiency by following a reasonable diet, including foods containing the mineral, while limiting foods that remove calcium.

Fat cheeses are a calcium-rich product. However, fat forms insoluble compounds with the mineral that are not absorbed by the intestines.

Abuse of carbonated drinks provokes active excretion of calcium. Substances contained in sour food or chocolate, contribute to the leaching of the mineral.

Pounded eggshell traditionally considered a source of calcium for the body. Lemon juice can be added to the powder obtained from well-washed and crushed shells. The mixture is taken twice a day, half a spoon.

Calcium that enters the body with food and water has a low biological activity. To treat deficiency, doctors recommend taking special medications.

For effective absorption of calcium, vitamin preparations must contain vitamin D, phosphorus and magnesium.

Vitamin complexes contain not only the mineral itself, but also substances that help its absorption.

Calcium preparations

Pharmacological enterprises offer vitamin complexes containing calcium in tablets, in the form of soft chewable lozenges or lozenges. Fragrant chewable tablet especially convenient for maintaining calcium balance in children.

Calcium supplements must contain vitamin D.

Optimal proportions - for 500 mg of calcium there should be at least 200 IU of vitamin D3 or cholecalciferol.

The disadvantages of all vitamin complexes is too low a microelement content that does not provide daily norm consumption.

Causes of calcium deficiency

The body contains calcium in the form of salts and in compounds with protein. Our bones are made up of 25 percent of this mineral. Large amounts are present in blood serum and/muscles.

Lack of calcium is the cause of more than 150 serious diseases.

Demineralization occurs not only from poor nutrition. It happens that the body does not absorb the component supplied with food and actively spends the mineral to eliminate certain substances.

Calcium deficiency cannot be treated on your own. For warning severe consequences you need to go to the clinic, where specialists will diagnose accurate diagnosis and find out the causes of the problem.

Uncontrolled use of drugs containing calcium is dangerous. The body has a hard time with calcium deficiency.

IN initial stage disease, it is enough to follow a diet and take complex vitamin preparations. In cases where the patient’s condition is no longer amenable to diet therapy, doctors recommend taking tablets with high content mineral. Best effect get from drugs complex composition, where it is contained together with calcium vitamin D or complex vitamin and mineral preparations.

Diagnosis of calcium deficiency

Identify and eliminate violations mineral balance may be difficult in the early stages. Clinical symptoms not too accurate. The symptoms of hypocalcemia largely coincide with the manifestations of other diseases.

A general blood or urine test provides almost no accurate information on this problem. It is impossible to know how much of the substance is absorbed by the body, because with a small intake of calcium, it still enters the blood, as it is washed out of the bones.

Anna Koroleva

Reading time: 17 minutes


The role of calcium in the human body can hardly be overestimated. Thanks to this element, we can boast of strong nails and teeth, beautiful hair. Calcium is involved in the formation of skeletal bones, normalizes the functioning of the heart and nervous system, reduces cholesterol, participates in the process of blood clotting, and prevents inflammation endocrine glands and supports the immune system in general.

Lack of calcium in the body - symptoms and causes

A lack of calcium in the body can lead to serious problems with health. Unfortunately, it is difficult to detect its deficiency at the initial stage.

However, if you listen to yourself, you can notice the main symptoms of calcium deficiency:

  • Nails begin to break, hair falls out more than usual.
  • Increased bone fragility, possible frequent fractures, bones heal slowly.
  • Weakness and fast fatiguability became your constant companions.
  • You suffer from cramps in your legs, and every now and then you feel numbness in your fingers.
  • Suddenly you have become weather dependent - in bad weather you feel aching bones and chills.
  • Immunity is reduced, resulting in frequent colds and infectious diseases.
  • Tachycardia occurs.

The normal level of calcium in the blood depends on age:

  • In an adult person - from 1.5 to 2.15 mmol/l;
  • For a child – 1.75 mmol/l.

Age also affects the daily calcium intake:

IN separate group includes pregnant and lactating women. This is due to the fact that they need to provide micronutrients not only for themselves, but also for the baby. For expectant and nursing mothers, the daily dose of calcium can reach 2000 mg.

The causes of calcium deficiency are different character, the key factors include:

  • Consumption of food low in calcium, fasting, unbalanced diet.
  • Smoking and overindulgence coffee – both cigarettes and coffee speed up the process of removing calcium from the body.
  • Low levels of vitamin D3 in the body, which contributes to the absorption of calcium and maintaining its concentration in the blood. Daily dose D3 for children and adults – 400-800 IU, for pregnant women – up to 1500 IU. The vitamin is found in most seafood: cod, herring, halibut, salmon, red and black caviar. Mushrooms, chicken, and dairy products will also help compensate for the lack of vitamin D3.
  • Excess of substances that promote the active removal of calcium from the body - magnesium, lead, iron, phosphorus, potassium and others.
  • Taking medications.
  • Excessive consumption of alcohol - it interferes with the absorption of calcium by the body.

Also, do not forget that there are natural ways removal of Ca from the body, for example, with urine. Therefore, if diuretics or laxatives are used, the amount of element loss will increase significantly. You can check the level of calcium in the body and take preventive measures in time through a blood test.

How to replenish calcium deficiency - foods and drinks that will help

  1. Calcium is removed most actively too salty foods, smoked foods, oatmeal in large quantities, alcohol, strong tea and coffee.
  2. The best conductor of calcium into our body is considered plant food– in first place in this list are soybeans, beans, lentils and green pea. The second position is deservedly occupied by animal products - eggs, fish and meat. In addition to calcium, this food is rich in protein, and fish is a source of phosphorus.
  3. Large amounts of calcium found in milk and dairy products. Surely, many people in childhood heard phrases like “drink milk, otherwise you won’t grow up.” And indeed, there is a scientific basis behind these words.
  4. Fruits and vegetables also contain calcium. Let the element enter the body through such food in small doses, but in a stable manner.

Foods and drinks that will help replenish calcium deficiency:

Product Ca content per 100 g of product (in mg, approximately)*
Poppy 1438
Unpeeled sesame 975
Chia 631
Flax seeds 255
Vegetables and greens
Dill 1516
Basil 177
Parsley 138
Broccoli 47
White cabbage 40
Lettuce leaves 36
Radish 34-35
Carrot 33-35
Cucumber 16
Potato 12
Tomato 10-14
Fruits/ dried fruits
Dried apricots 55
Raisin 50
Date fruit 34-64
Kiwi 34
Apricot 28
Citrus fruits (from grapefruit to kumquat) 22-62
Grape 14
A pineapple 13
Hard cheeses (especially Parmesan) 800-1200
Processed cheeses 600-700
Cow's milk 125
Cottage cheese 100-150
Sour cream 90
Fish and seafood
Canned sardines 380-420
Crabs 90-100
Shrimps 90-95
Oysters 62-82
Carp 50
Rabbit 18
Chicken 14-28
Pork 4-14
Veal 6-12
Orange juice with added milk powder 200
Ryazhenka 124
Low-fat yogurt 110
Kumis 100-120

*According to USDA - Department Agriculture USA.

What substances promote calcium absorption?

Effective absorption of calcium by the body is possible by combining the mineral with phosphorus, vitamins B9, C, D. Let us remind you that detect phosphorus in large quantities can be found in fish, which is also rich in vitamin D3. Element B9 is present in parsley, lettuce, cabbage, mint and other greens. In addition to seafood, a successful combination of calcium with phosphorus and vitamin D3 is observed in seaweed and beef liver.

They are distinguished by a harmonious combination of calcium and phosphorus White cabbage, wheat, green peas, cottage cheese, hard cheese, beans and beans. The substance carotene also has a positive effect on calcium absorption.

You can also restore the balance of microelements in the body by taking special vitamin complexes that are sold in pharmacies, but you should consult your doctor before purchasing!

Lack of calcium during pregnancy

Most women experience a lack of calcium in the body during pregnancy. The fact is that the fetus during development needs a large amount of the mineral, which leads to a lack of the element in expectant mother. Consequently - bad feeling And possible problems With intrauterine development baby.

The deficiency of calcium in the body of the expectant mother can be replenished by following a diet in which foods containing the element will predominate. For example, 1 glass of milk, 50 g, will help replenish the daily requirement of calcium. hard cheese and 200 g of cottage cheese. Another way is to take calcium tablets designed specifically for expectant mothers. Again, it is important to understand that such issues should only be resolved with your doctor!

Lack of calcium in children during growth

A child's growing body needs many minerals, especially calcium.