The child cut his finger and did not have a tetanus shot. A child cuts his finger how to stop the bleeding. How to quickly stop bleeding from minor wounds and cuts

Of course, parents, first of all, must constantly monitor the baby’s movements during his “cognitive activity.” But even surrounded by caring parents, a child cannot avoid minor injuries. We are talking about scratches, cuts, bruises, hematomas, minor burns and other minor injuries.

The older the fidget gets, the higher the likelihood of injury - it is almost impossible to keep an active child in place. In this situation, parents must be able, firstly, to competently provide assistance to the child, and secondly, to clearly distinguish when, after providing first aid, the baby should be immediately shown to a doctor at the nearest emergency room or children's clinic.

Types of minor injuries and how to treat them

In case of a scratch, cut or abrasion, you should first wash the damaged area so as not to introduce an infection into the child’s body. Next, you need to stop the existing bleeding. To do this, you need to press a piece of gauze or fabric to the wound and hold it until the bleeding stops. If a leg or arm is injured, you can ask the child to lift it up and hold it in this position for a while. After the bleeding has stopped, one of the external medications should be used, which protects against a wide range of different bacteria.

Contrary to the childhood habit of using green paint in such cases, the antiseptic is not suitable for delicate children's skin, as it dries it out and can leave small skin lesions similar to scars. In civilized countries, the use of brilliant green has long been abandoned: Western doctors classify brilliant green as a toxin. As for ointments with antibiotics, they are used only for the treatment of complicated injuries and only a doctor can prescribe them. Experts usually prefer silver-containing bactericidal ointments like Sulfargin - they are well absorbed into the skin.

Bruises and hematomas - injuries affecting fatty tissue or muscles - should be treated with “cold”. The treatment consists of two stages: first, you need to apply ice or a bottle of cold water to the bruised area for 15-20 minutes. And then cover the injury with a napkin or cloth moistened with cold water for another 30 minutes.

Can't do without a doctor

However, there are injuries that parents without special medical education are not able to cope with.

It is necessary to resort to qualified medical assistance if:

  • the child does not stop bleeding for 15-20 minutes or if bright scarlet blood flows out of the wound, pulsating. Similar signs can be observed if the artery is damaged. However, severe bleeding causes great harm to the body, regardless of whether the arteries or veins were damaged or not;
  • a foreign object is stuck in the wound, it is large in size or dirt has already entered it. You should also be concerned when the cut does not heal for a long time and becomes inflamed;
  • if after the injury the child feels sick, vomits, feels dizzy or has a severe headache. For head injuries, these signs indicate a concussion;
  • wounds are present in the mouth or near the mouth.

Psychological aspect

It is important for parents to remember that a child, no matter what happens to him, is much more frightened of what happened than adults. For him, what is happening is unusual and incomprehensible; he experiences pain, fear, anxiety and, as a result, severe emotional stress.

The calm voice of the parents in such a situation will easily convince the child that there is nothing to worry about. In front of the baby, you should not scream and cry, wringing your hands hysterically. It is also worth refraining from “terrible”, clearly exaggerated predictions: “I cut my finger, there will be inflammation, then gangrene, my hand will be cut off!” Hysteria and panic on the part of adults can cause much more harm to a child than the injury itself. Trying to avoid an unpleasant reaction from his parents, he may try to hide a serious injury - the result may be sad.

When providing first aid to a child, try not to raise your voice and explain to him in an accessible form why and with what you are treating the wound. It is possible that your story will calm and distract the baby from pain faster than medicine.

The hot sun is shining, and gardening work is in full swing. You need to plant and make something for the garden. Cuts and injuries are common during this period. Are they so harmless? Unfortunately no.

Of course, everyone has heard about such a terrible disease as tetanus. It seems to many that this only happens in other countries, in past centuries, and that it will never happen to them. Others rely solely on immunization with a tetanus shot in childhood. Still others simply do not have information about the deadly disease and its prevention. Still others are vaccinated, but are still afraid of every accidental cut and scratch.

How should you treat this disease, and when should you get a tetanus injection? Let's try to understand.

Every year, about 400,000 people worldwide die from tetanus, because the tetanus bacillus lives in soil all over the globe. Most infections occur in countries with hot climates and low levels of hygiene and lack of vaccination (countries in Asia, Africa, and Latin America).

In Russia, cases of infection occur mainly in people over 65 years of age who have not been vaccinated against tetanus. In 2012, 35 cases of infection were recorded in our country, a third were fatal.

The mortality rate from tetanus with all the achievements of medical science is 16-25%, i.e. very high. In areas with no prevention - 80%.

When is a tetanus shot needed? How is it different from tetanus serum?

Vaccination with toxoid of this disease is done at an early age. The concentration of such a vaccine is very small. An adult needs to be revaccinated every 10 years as part of the ADS-m vaccine. It is designed to cause a person to develop their own antibodies to tetanus toxoid (TS). The effectiveness of such prevention has been proven.

In cases of injuries and burns, horse serum is administered, which is much heavier than the vaccination given in early childhood. Moreover, in this case, you need to associate the “tetanus shot” not only with children, but also with adults. This is the so-called passive vaccination, when ready-made antibodies to tetanus are administered.

So, both children and adults need to be administered tetanus serum in cases of serious injuries, deep cuts in contact with a source of infection, i.e. dirt (earth), and severe burns. This should be done as soon as possible (preferably in the first 5 days after the injury).

There is no need to worry about any cuts or scratches. But deep wounds, especially those that touch the subcutaneous fat, can be an excellent entry point for the tetanus bacillus.

Those. this could be an accidental “cut” of a finger with a hacksaw, a leg injury with a rusty nail, extensive abrasions that were in contact with the soil for a long time, a deep cut with dirty glass, etc. Also, the gateway for tetanus bacillus is burns and frostbite.

The decision to administer anti-tetanus serum is made by a surgeon, so immediately in cases of injury, try to consult with a doctor of this specialty, or if this is not possible, simply go to the emergency room. Serum should also be administered there if necessary.

If a person has had tetanus, then he is still recommended to be immunized against it throughout his life, because The body does not develop immunity to this disease.

Tetanus symptoms

The incubation period for tetanus is most often 5-14 days. Tetanus develops most quickly in wounds of the head and neck.

The disease begins abruptly. Symptoms of tetanus at the beginning: spasms and muscle twitching at the site of injury, sweating, general malaise, difficulty opening the mouth - trismus. Further, the infection seems to paralyze the person (hence the name - tetanus), affecting the muscles of the back, abdomen, arms and legs until it is completely impossible to move, except for the hands and feet. The patient also experiences difficulty or, in severe cases, complete inability to swallow and then breathe. All this is accompanied by fever, specific pained smiles due to spasms of facial muscles, convulsions ranging from short to those that last several minutes. The disease arches the body depending on the irritation of certain muscle groups. The position of the body is very specific when the patient throws back his head and arches his back.

There is also an excessive fear of tetanus from any wound, abrasion, or cut. It is completely unjustified for minor injuries without contact with the soil. Especially if a person follows the rules of hygiene and carries out vaccination on time. However, the danger of infection really exists. In cases of serious cuts and other injuries, not only children, but also adults should not be lazy to go to the emergency room. This is especially true during the spring and summer summer season.

It is believed that children vaccinated according to the vaccination schedule develop better immunity to infections. However, those with neurological disorders cannot be vaccinated

The story of a five-year-old girl from the Dnepropetrovsk region who fell ill with tetanus has alarmed many mothers whose children are not vaccinated against this and other deadly diseases. How to vaccinate children who for some reason did not receive vaccinations according to the calendar? What to do if a child is injured? Should tetanus toxoid be administered to vaccinated children in case of injury? FACTS answered these and other questions pediatrician at children's clinic No. 2, Podolsk district of Kyiv Natalya Makarova.

- Children are not immune from injuries or serious infections, so parents still need to think about how to protect them as much as possible from diseases that can even lead to death,- says Natalya Viktorovna. — Vaccinations done according to the calendar allow you to form good immunity, and if infection occurs, the body will be able to resist the infection. For example, DPT vaccination (whooping cough, diphtheria, tetanus) according to the calendar begins at three months of age. The child receives three vaccinations at monthly intervals. The child is then given DPT at two years of age. After - at six, 11, 14 and 18 years - they are vaccinated against diphtheria and bnyaka. Adults should also be vaccinated against these diseases. They should discuss vaccination with their family doctor.

— How do they vaccinate a child who has not been vaccinated according to the calendar?

- In this case, the pediatrician draws up an individual vaccination plan. He may advise you to consult an immunologist or allergist. A child under seven years of age can still receive DPT in the clinic, and after this age he is already given the DPT vaccine (diphtheria, tetanus). But if they wish, parents can vaccinate such children in private clinics with the vaccines they want. I think that a complex vaccine that also protects against whooping cough would not hurt. Although at an older age this is not a fatal disease (it threatens death for children under one year old), it is very unpleasant. A suffocating cough with whooping cough can bother you for up to six months.

But tetanus, infection of which can occur in any wound if the causative agent of the disease (a gram-positive rod) gets into it, leads to death without treatment. The man dies in terrible agony. The disease affects the nervous system and causes severe convulsions, the patient’s body arches. Death usually occurs from suffocation. Symptoms of tetanus may appear as early as seven to ten days after the injury. Diphtheria, whose symptoms resemble a sore throat, is also dangerous. If a person is not vaccinated and becomes infected, treatment is possible with anti-diphtheria serum. But the result depends on how quickly the diagnosis is made and treatment started. A polio vaccination is also required. There is no treatment for this disease, which can lead to paralysis and disability.

— What to do if a child is injured and does not have a tetanus vaccination?

- This happens quite often. And mothers begin to worry, running to emergency rooms, hospitals and pharmacies in search of anti-tetanus serum. If the wound is superficial and clean, you don’t have to worry, just treat it with peroxide and brilliant green. But if it is deep, earth has got in there, a child has driven a splinter or a rusty nail into it, anti-tetanus serum must be administered immediately after the injury. This will help prevent the development of the disease.

Doctors in emergency rooms and other health care settings may not administer tetanus toxoid simply because it is not available. But if the wound is serious, and the child has not been vaccinated with DPT or ADS before or has been vaccinated for a very long time, you should try to find this drug.(As “FACTS” was informed by the Kyiv Department of Health, tetanus toxoid is available, for example, in the capital’s Emergency Hospital. After calling several chain pharmacies, we found out that such a drug is on the list of pharmaceutical drugs, but has not been received for a long time. — Auto.)

— Is it necessary to administer anti-tetanus serum to those who have received the DTP or ADS vaccine?

— If the child was vaccinated according to the vaccination calendar, without missing anything, then emergency prophylaxis will not be needed. It is important to have a document confirming that all scheduled preventive vaccinations have been carried out (in accordance with the child’s age). But very often, children do not receive all vaccinations... Adults, as a rule, do not get vaccinated (they need to be vaccinated against tetanus every 10 years). In case of deep cuts from saws, other tools, as well as wounds and other serious injuries, they need to be injected with serum.

- Many parents believe that it is better to start vaccinating their child not according to the calendar, but in a year or two or even later...

“I think that a baby who does not have neurological problems, immune or other disorders should be vaccinated according to the calendar. After all, over time, immune settings fade, and immunity to vaccination may develop worse.

Babies up to one year old are regularly examined by doctors of various specializations, including a neurologist. But if parents have concerns that something may be wrong with their child, they want to hear the opinion of not only the doctors at the clinic; they should also consult with specialists from other clinics.

— In what cases are vaccinations contraindicated?

— For neurological problems, immune disorders, acute respiratory viral infections or influenza, as well as a serious allergic reaction to a previous vaccine administration.

By the way, there is no need to wait two weeks after suffering from an acute respiratory infection or acute respiratory viral infection to get vaccinated. If the doctor has issued a certificate stating that the child is healthy, then he can be vaccinated. By the way, vaccinations are given abroad even if the child has a temperature of 37.4. But it’s still better for the thermometer to show 36.6.

How to prepare for vaccination

  • It is advisable to take a blood test the day before.
  • Before vaccination, the doctor prescribes antiallergic drugs and sorbents for several days.
  • The child should not have cold symptoms (he must be examined by a pediatrician on the day of vaccination), and the temperature should not exceed 36.6 degrees.
  • If your temperature rises after DPT vaccination (this can happen after the second or third vaccination), you must take an antipyretic.

Our fingers and toes are constantly involved in everyday activities, and even a small cut or wound causes discomfort. A fairly common situation when it is necessary to stop various domestic injuries. You need to know basic tips on how to stop bleeding from your finger at home.

Any carelessness when working with sharp objects can lead to cuts and wounds to your fingers, and you will need to do it yourself.

Any wounds on the body attract various infections and microbes, and their direct entry into the bloodstream catalyzes the process of infection (). Thus, it is necessary to remember the basic rules of stopping bleeding and disinfection.

If the cut on the finger is shallow, then minor bleeding of the hands usually stops on its own in about ten minutes. Of course, if there are no problems with . The problem can be complicated by a person taking anti-clotting medications. With such a cut, the main thing is to clamp the wound to stop the bleeding, and also rinse the wound under running water - these are the main preventive actions against infection. After washing, treat the wound with hydrogen peroxide.

Hydrogen peroxide is the best disinfectant at home that sterilizes wounds and rinses the germs inside with a foam. If you cut your finger, before bandaging it, it is better to place a paper strip soaked in hydrogen peroxide. This will make it easier to remove the bandage. You should not tighten your finger too much. For very small wounds, only one bactericidal patch can be applied.

If it is on your arm, then it is better to hold the limb in an elevated state before applying a bandage (in order to “outflow” the blood).

If the bandage remains dry and blood does not flow, then you should remove the bandage and treat the wound area with brilliant green. Then apply a bandage or bactericidal patch a second time.

The same one on the leg. Of course, all actions must be carried out with clean, washed hands.

Deep cut

A deep wound usually bleeds for a long period of time, it cannot be stopped, the edges of the wound practically do not meet, the person feels pain, and has difficulty moving the injured limb. When a hand is deeply cut, the finger usually swells; especially piercing wounds are the most painful and dangerous.

If you cut your finger badly and the bleeding does not stop, then you should examine the wound, perhaps there are foreign particles that do not allow the blood to stop (particles of glass, dirt). If you cut your finger with a knife, pour hydrogen peroxide over the wound area and bandage it tightly. It is possible that the external opening of the cut is small, but the blood does not stop flowing, which means that the cut is deep from the inside. To do this, the wounded person should be placed in a horizontal position (lying down) and the affected part of the body should be elevated so that the blood circulates back in its channel.

Wounds and cuts in a child are especially dangerous, because the skin is quite thin. If your baby has cuts, you should immediately consult a doctor.

If the bleeding does not stop even after applying a bandage, you should press your hand deliberately on the wound or press down its edges and hold for some time.

In the most urgent case, if the bleeding from the finger does not stop for an excessively long time, a tourniquet must be applied. It must be loosened every half hour.

When is the best time to see a doctor?

It is not always possible to cope with bleeding on your own without doctors. The injury can be deep, and quite important large tendons and muscles can be damaged. The contaminated area of ​​any large wound is fraught with suppuration.

You should contact a doctor in the following situations:

  • Blood flows under pressure, pulsation is felt during blood loss. It is imperative to apply a tourniquet above the wounded area. Perhaps these are manifestations and contacting a doctor is necessary.
  • Loss of sensitivity is a very dangerous symptom. Damage to nerve endings and nerve trunks is possible. Urgent surgical intervention is required.
  • For major injuries, with a large wound area.

It is advisable for summer residents and people working with sharp cutting objects to have a first aid kit with them. We hope we have helped you understand how to stop the bleeding of a finger with a deep or not very deep cut, without an ambulance.

What to do if a child cuts himself? Due to their physiological characteristics, children are an inexhaustible source of good and cheerful energy and this is great! Kids learn about the world, every moment they learn something new and unknown. However, troubles may await the guys. Every adult has probably encountered the problem of cuts. This fate did not escape this fate even for small children.
How can babies cut themselves in most cases?
What types of cuts are there?
What should be included in a first aid kit for young parents?
How to stop and in what cases should you consult a doctor?
You will get answers to all these questions in the article.

Dangerous items for children. Be careful, your baby may cut himself!

In the apartment, on a walk, in the bathroom, there are many objects that are not safe for small children to handle.

Parents need to carefully monitor their child under 3 years of age. At this age, the motor skills of children's hands are not yet sufficiently coordinated and children can be injured by sharp or piercing objects.

Dangerous things in the house that can cause cuts of varying severity:

    1. Glassware.
    2. Razors in the bathroom, blades.
    3. Knives, forks.
    4. Scissors, needles.
    5. Working tools.

While walking on the street, a child can cut himself with a piece of glass, a thrown syringe, a nail, or sharp or blunt objects.

A cut. What it is?

A cut is a violation of the integrity of the skin. Depending on the severity, a cut can damage not only the skin, but also neighboring tissues, muscles, tendons, blood vessels and even internal organs.

The following classification is distinguished:

    1. Superficial cut. The damage involves the skin and subcutaneous tissue. in this case does not threaten the child's life. In this case, parents can cope with the injury on their own, without running to the help of a medical team.
    2. Deep cuts may affect blood vessels, tendons and internal organs. Most often, deep cuts are accompanied by profuse bleeding, which is very difficult to stop. In this case, it is necessary to call an ambulance, having first provided first aid to the injured child.

What to do if your baby cuts himself?

Despite the attentive attitude of parents towards their children, cuts and abrasions in children are quite common. Fortunately, in most cases, babies receive shallow cuts that can be treated at home. In order to properly help your child, you need the following:

    1. Parents must calm down themselves and instill confidence in the baby that everything will be fine. Excitement and fear are not helpers, you need to remember this!
    2. Assess the severity of the resulting cut. This is quite easy to do. To do this, it is necessary to examine the injured baby. An important point in diagnosis is the object with which the baby cut himself.

The danger comes from long, sharp objects that can damage not only superficial, but also deep-lying tissues.

It is important to remember that absolutely all cuts are accompanied by bleeding. The blood that comes out of the wound performs an important protective function. It cleanses the wound of pathological organisms that can enter the victim’s tissues when receiving a cut. After the bleeding stops, a protective plug forms, which looks like a sore. As you can see, nature has thought through everything, down to the smallest detail, in order to preserve human health and life.

Cuts from rusty, dirty objects should alert parents of unvaccinated children. DPT is a drug that will reliably protect your baby from such a terrible incurable disease as tetanus. If the baby is not vaccinated or more than 5 years have passed since the last vaccination, you must go to the emergency room. The doctor will evaluate the severity of the cut and the appropriateness of special protective vaccinations.

Help with shallow cuts is:

    - cleaning the area where the cut occurred. If your baby cuts his hand and before that he played in the sand, messed around in the dirt, or got his hands dirty after the cut, you need to wash the area of ​​the injury with soap and water;
    - treating the wound surface with an antiseptic solution;
    - applying a sterile bandage to the cut site. The bandage should exert moderate pressure, but not interfere with blood circulation. Bleeding from shallow cuts is stopped by applying a pressure bandage or by simply pressing with your fingers in the area of ​​the cut. In all cases, it is advisable to use a sterile bandage.

If the baby has injured an arm or leg, the injured limb must be raised up. Blood movement will slow down and bleeding will stop faster.

After applying the bandage, the skin around it should not acquire a bluish tint and cause pain to the baby!

If the bleeding cannot be stopped within 10 minutes, you must urgently seek medical help at the nearest point. Prolonged bleeding indicates that the depth of the cut is significant and complications may develop.

Help with deep cuts. If the baby is cut by a very long and sharp object, then parents should:

    - call an ambulance;
    - keep calm. To calm the child down, you can give him warm tea to drink. Try to immobilize the baby. Bleeding may increase if the child runs and screams.
    - if an arm or leg is injured, then it is necessary to lift it up. This action will reduce bleeding;
    - it is not allowed to independently remove glass fragments or foreign objects from the wound, as this can cause massive bleeding;
    - You cannot treat the wound yourself with antiseptic solutions. This action will be carried out by doctors. The main task of parents with a severe cut is to stop the bleeding;
    - It is very difficult to stop the bleeding from severe cuts.

The cut wound must be compressed by applying bandages made from dressings or improvised material. To do this, use sterile bandages whenever possible. If they are unavailable, the child's clothing will do. The tissue may leak the victim's blood. In this case, it is necessary to tie an additional layer of dressing material.

Do not remove the bandages used to stop the bleeding until the ambulance arrives. This action can resume bleeding with greater force!

Application of a tourniquet is permitted only in extreme cases. The tourniquet is always applied above the wound. It should not be applied to the skin. You need to put a thin material or 1 layer of clothing under it. The maximum time you can apply a tourniquet at the office is 30 minutes in winter, 1.30 in summer!

Features of first aid for shallow cuts in children under one year old

Most often, babies in their first year of life get cuts due to parental negligence. Children between 9 and 12 months of age, who are very inquisitive and aware of their surroundings, suffer. What parents can do is to calm the baby down and take him in their arms. You need to make it clear that nothing bad happened and the doctor will cure everything.

It is necessary to treat the wound with an antiseptic. It is prohibited to use toxic medications that are absorbed into the blood. These include: formalin, a solution of boric acid, salicylic acid, salts of heavy metals - mercury and copper.

Antiseptics that are used in children from birth to one year:

    — hydrogen peroxide 3%;
    - solution of brilliant green. It is not recommended to treat the wound with a solution of brilliant green ("brilliant green"), since it contains alcohol, which will cause irritation, pain and burning. It is allowed to treat the skin around the cut for disinfection;
    - manganese solution;
    - furatsilin solution;
    - miramistin solution.

Apply a sterile dressing to the treated wound. Secure the top with adhesive tape. In order to prevent the baby from crying, it is necessary to turn the unpleasant situation into a game. Tell your child that you are the doctor and he is your patient.

Once the bleeding has stopped, the bandage can be removed. Small cuts heal faster if they are in contact with air. It is possible to put on a bandage and fix the wound with a plaster only while walking and playing outside.

In most cases, small wounds heal within 1 - 1. without leaving any traces.

Help with cuts for children from 1 to 3 years old

The only feature that differs in providing first aid to children from one year to the next is a wider list of drugs - antiseptics. To those already listed you can add:

    - iodine solution;
    - betadine.

Help for children with a cut from 3 to 7 years old

Children from 3 to 7 years old very often get cuts as a result of inexperience and curiosity. If a child cuts himself, parents should:

    1. Try to calm the baby.
    2. Treat the wound with an antiseptic solution.
    3. If there is bleeding, apply a sterile bandage to the wound until the bleeding stops completely and a protective blood crust forms.
    4. After removing the bandage, you must carefully monitor the cleanliness of the wound, treating it with antiseptic solutions. For faster healing, you can use special ointments and creams. These may include drugs such as: bepanten, rescuer, feniran, calendula, eplan.

If pathogenic microorganisms are introduced into a cut and infection occurs, you must consult a doctor to prescribe a special antibacterial ointment.

At any age, parents should ensure that the child does not rip off the protective blood crust on the affected area, comb the area or touch it with dirty fingers.

As you can see from the article, small cuts in children can be treated at home yourself. Take care of your children and do not leave them unattended.