Coniferous tincture: benefits and harms. Honey from pine buds. Inhalations, compresses, etc.

If it is just beginning its march across the planet, then its main attribute is living out its last days in houses. And thank God that the world is changing and, I think, today 60-70 percent of families put up artificial symbols, live plants in tubs, or use coniferous branches, thereby saving the life of a large number of trees. But conifers grow very slowly, over a long 7-10 years they reach a height of 1.5 meters.

For those whose beliefs still remain at the same level of consciousness, and they still buy living trees, cut down by someone’s ruthless hand, and after 7 - 10 days they will take the New Year’s miracle into the yard, my advice on the benefits of Christmas tree and pine needles as just in time.

By the way, literally on January 1st in the morning we went to the place where green Christmas trees were sold in our village and saw a green dump:

These New Year's symbols no one bought or even took for free and now their fate is to be burned. It’s a pity, it’s a pity... We collected a trunk full of spruce branches, now I have a bag of pine needles, I can share with you :)

So what benefits can you get from a tree that has served you? Do not throw away the Christmas trees, remove the needles from them, dry them, you can grind them in a coffee grinder or finely chop them with a knife or scissors and they will benefit you.

Composition and beneficial properties of pine needles

Our houses are mainly decorated with pine and spruce, and these will be discussed here. Although, of course, the needles of larch, juniper, and fir, which contain a lot of useful substances, have even greater beneficial properties. It contains:

  • amino acids,
  • trace elements and metal salts: iron, manganese, cobalt, copper, chromium, selenium;
  • Of particular value are essential oils and resins, promoting the removal of radionuclides from the body and cleansing the bronchi. Everyone knows the feeling after walking through a coniferous forest: lightness, cheerfulness and great mood- these are all coniferous phytoncides. They will also serve as a service for disinfecting premises during and eliminating the smell of tobacco and other troubles.

The needles of all representatives of this species are useful; in general, their composition affects the body and has the following healing effects:

  • bactericidal,
  • expectorant
  • regenerating,
  • sweatshop,
  • enzymatic
  • diuretic,

Winter needles are especially useful; unlike summer ones, they contain much more biologically active substances. Thus, the vitamin C content in dry winter needles is 600 mg%, while in summer dry needles it is only 250–300 mg%. Buy spruce and fir needles. You can buy pine in pharmacies, although they don’t always have it in stock.

The first thing that comes to everyone’s mind about the benefits of pine needles is its life-saving ability to get rid of scurvy in the regions of the far north in distant years. By brewing it with boiling water, people drank the decoction and got rid of this illness.

Chopped pine needles with the addition of regular pine needles, you can - excellent folk remedy for gum diseases, chronic periodontitis, and loose teeth. Rub the mixture into the mucous membrane with your fingers for a few minutes every day for 10 days, which will strengthen the mucous membrane and eliminate bad smell from mouth.

Recipes for pine decoctions and tea for health

Pine decoctions and drops of pine oil show their bactericidal property, they are added to inhalations for sore throat and stomatitis.

For pneumonia and cough, taking an expectorant decoction of pine needles and especially pine buds collected in February - March is an excellent and effective remedy, proven more than once. For chronic, long-lasting cough, you need to use a decoction pine buds, collected in the forest or purchased at a pharmacy and prepared according to the following recipe:

Pour boiling water over 1 tablespoon of dried buds, leave in a warm place for 2 hours, strain and take 2-3 sips three times a day and the cough will go away.

To drink pine tea: just pour 1 teaspoon of pine needles into a glass of boiling water, add a little tea and drink it, you can add a slice of lemon, lemon balm herb, rose hips to improve the taste and eliminate bitterness. Tea relieves fatigue, gives vigor, normalizes metabolism and improves the elasticity of blood vessels. It is not only affordable and healthy, but also simply delicious.

Needles improve vision

Infusion recipe:

5 tbsp. l. crushed pine needles, pour 2 cups of boiling water, leave overnight, strain, and drink 1 tbsp. l. 4 times a day after meals.

So what is the secret of everyone’s favorite forest beauty?

Needles in traditional medicine recipes

Pine needles contain many useful substances:

  • essential oils;
  • vitamins;
  • phytoncides;
  • phytohormones;
  • macro- and microelements.

The above substances have a pronounced stimulating, bactericidal and therapeutic effect.

Needles help purify the air from microbes and harmful substances, successfully coping with pathogens of acute respiratory diseases.

Because of high content ascorbic acid(vitamin C), pine needles are used to increase immunity and treat vitamin C deficiency.

Pine needles contain vitamin E, the lack of which leads to rapid aging, disorders of nervous and cardiac activity. Therefore, for treatment and prevention nervous disorders and cardiovascular diseases, pine baths with the addition of pine extract are used.

Wood directly benefits our vision. Its needles contain carotene, which is converted in the body into vitamin A, which synthesizes visual pigment.

For general health improvement the body is recommended to drink pine tea. It not only normalizes the activities of everyone internal organs, but also prevents the occurrence of tumors. This unusual drink can be used as an expectorant, analgesic, antiseptic and blood purifier.

For colds, use pine decoction, both internally and in the form of inhalations.

Finally, pine needles can simply be chewed to strengthen teeth and gums.

Essential oil - unique properties and uses

Essential oils of Scots and Siberian pine are widely used in the pharmaceutical and perfume industries.

In ancient times, they were used to stop bleeding, heal burns, reduce body temperature, treat articular rheumatism, and scurvy.

Thanks to the special components included in the composition (pinene, carene, bornyl acetal, sylvestrene, cadinene, teprineol, resin acids), it normalizes arterial pressure and headaches are relieved.

Inhalation of pine extract vapors promotes better concentration attention, improving memory and elevating mood.

To relieve joint pain, make compresses with essential oil.

Essential oil found active use in cosmetology. It is added to lotions, balms and body creams. Due to this, regenerative and protective functions skin.It has great value for healthy hair, not only strengthens it, but also helps to cure dandruff.

Before washing your hair, it is recommended to massage the scalp using a special cosmetic ice with essential oils. By adding a few drops to your shampoo or conditioner, you will provide your hair with essential nutrients, strengthen it and prevent premature hair loss.

In order to make hair more elastic, pine extract is added to hair masks. Mask recipes may vary. For example, based on honey and yolk, with the addition of lavender, geranium and rosemary.

It can be applied even when combing your hair, lubricating the teeth of the comb with oil.

Pine pollen - unique properties and uses

Pine pollen is a source of life not only for the tree itself, but also for people. It contains huge stock nutrients, necessary for full life: minerals, proteins, mono- and polysaccharides, amino acids, enzymes, coenzymes, etc.

Pollen increases efficiency, restores strength and energizes after hard work.

Preparations containing pollen can slow down the aging process. They give the skin freshness, elasticity, smooth out wrinkles and eliminate age-related plaques.

Pine pollen also has an unconventional use, acting as an anti-hangover remedy. Taking it before drinking alcohol will greatly facilitate the work of the liver and painlessly remove toxins from the body.

Pollen contains flavonoids– substances that improve heart function, reducing cholesterol in the blood and improving microcirculation.

It stimulates insulin production, increasing sugar tolerance, which is especially important for diabetics.

Pine pollen can be used to cure tuberculosis. One liter of raw material is enough to completely cure three patients.

The use of pollen increases the effectiveness of prostate treatment several times. The amino acids contained in it improve blood flow, reduce urethral blockage and reduce swelling.

Pollen suppresses the development of tumors, so it is actively used in chemotherapy. The latent period of neoplasm development can last from 10 to 30 years. During this time, the person has the opportunity to take measures to suppress the tumor, and pine pollen can play a decisive role in this.

Pine needles with their beneficial properties and contraindications can seriously compete even with the usual pharmaceutical ones medicines. Various medicinal properties of pine needles, spruce, juniper and fir are used in medicinal decoctions, infusions, tinctures in numerous traditional medicine recipes. We have long been accustomed to the fact that coniferous forests surround us everywhere.

On New Year's Eve, coniferous trees and their branches are at our house. Don't throw it away useful miracle a tree after the holiday, if it came to us from a clean forest. We can take the pine needles and use them in recipes to benefit our health.

Scots pine is a long-living tree. They live up to two hundred to three hundred years. It grows up to 40-50 meters. The needle-shaped leaves live for about two years and during this time they accumulate great amount healthy essential oils and a lot of vitamins. Reviews from doctors and scientists say that pine needles contain a lot of vitamin C, even more than lemon.

Vitamins and microelements in pine needles

Vitamin C is absorbed from pine decoction much faster than from any citrus fruit. Tannins, carotene, vitamins B, K and P and trace elements fill pine, spruce, fir or juniper needles with beneficial properties.

  • Vitamin A (retinol, helps maintain visual acuity)
  • B vitamins (help maintain mental activity and healthy mental state)
  • Vitamin E
  • Vitamin K (participates in the absorption of calcium, as well as the stable functioning of the hematopoietic systems in the body)
  • Iron
  • Essential oils
  • Resins
  • Chlorophyll
  • Phytoncides
  • Starch

Pine needles - beneficial properties and contraindications

Among all coniferous trees With its beneficial properties, pine occupies one of the very first places as a storehouse of useful substances, but it also has contraindications. For pneumonia, bronchitis, tonsillitis, and allergies, all parts of pine are effectively used: pine buds, needles, pollen, natural essential oil and pine resin. Tar is most often used externally as ointments for skin diseases.

The aroma of pine needles can drive away headache, lower blood pressure and strengthen the immune system. Pine needles are of great benefit when used as baths and when taken orally. It was a decoction of pine needles that sailors drank on voyages to prevent scurvy - a cheap and effective remedy.

Rules for harvesting needles

You can harvest pine and spruce needles all year round. There are periods when their value is considered to be maximum.

  1. In winter, when the needles have gained maturity and are full of vitamins and a lot of useful substances.
  2. In spring, when young needles grow. Before this, pine pollen is collected, which also has great benefit. A little later, young cones are collected.

Pine buds are harvested at the end of winter, before blossoming begins. They are cut with the tips of the branches about 3 cm. The needles are of the greatest value during the first two weeks after collection. You can store pine needles in the cold in winter for up to two months. Dry needles are stored for no longer than two years.

Needles in folk medicine

Pine needles have strong antibacterial, antifungal and anti-inflammatory properties, which are successfully used in various medicinal recipes herbalists of traditional medicine. A walk through a pine forest improves your performance and helps you cheer up. Air filled with phytoncides relieves headaches.

Even ancient healers advised walking in a pine forest to prevent various colds and viral diseases. At the same time, the immune system is strengthened, pulmonary and heart diseases are treated.

If you just stand for a few minutes, hugging the trunk of a healthy, strong tree, your soul becomes light and calm. The soul is filled with joy. This is how the tree shares its energy and health with us.

Medicinal properties of pine needles

  • Antiviral
  • Antibacterial
  • Anthelmintic
  • Choleretic
  • Diuretic
  • Sweatshop

A variety of decoctions and infusions with the addition of milk or honey can help fight excretory, respiratory and heart diseases. Essential oils of pine or spruce needles have a strong bactericidal effect, they are used not only in medicine, but also in the production of perfumes and perfume compositions.

Pine needles are used as aromatherapy. Aroma oils You can always buy it in almost every pharmacy. To ensure that the essential oil not only smells pleasant, but also brings benefits, it is better to choose a more expensive, but natural essential oil.

As a compress from an infusion of pine needles, traditional medicine suggests treating joint pain, rheumatic pain and radiculitis. At various diseases in support - musculoskeletal system Baths made from pine needles and buds help. To obtain a high-quality infusion for a bath, mix half a kilogram of pine needles and buds, pour it all with five liters of boiling water.

Wrap it up warm and let the infusion sit for several hours, then strain it and pour it into the bath. It is useful to take such pine baths for severe fatigue, neuroses, depressive states. They help with correct use tidy up your joints and get rid of constant pain.

In case of skin diseases The only thing that quickly helps is that collected pine needles: freshly collected needles are doused with boiling water, wrapped in gauze or a scarf and applied to the area of ​​unhealthy skin. Cooled gauze with pine needles can be applied to areas of burns and injuries. Baths made from steamed pine needles can easily cope with teenage acne and improve general state skin.

Health-improving medicines are prepared from pine needles

  • Infusions
  • Decoctions
  • Tinctures
  • Masks
  • Baths
  • Aroma oils
  • Compresses

Pine needles are indispensable for those ladies who dream of being forever young: its decoctions will support the immune system and improve the condition of the body from the inside, and pine masks will refresh the complexion.

Where allergy sufferers, often ill children and adults live, you need to place vases in which pine needles are poured - the needles will release phytoncides and purify the air in the room. Of course, if there are no contraindications and allergic reaction on the needle itself.

Recipes based on pine needles

Have the best effect medicinal products made from fresh needles. The effect of dried raw materials is slightly weaker. Important: When drying, keep the product away from sun rays in a dry, well-ventilated area to avoid mold.

The simplest vitamin recipe

Mash 50 grams of pine needles in a saucepan, pour 200 milliliters of clean hot water, cook for about 15 - 20 minutes on the lowest heat, then remove and let stand. Strain the broth through clean gauze and you can start drinking twice a day. It will work out wonderful remedy from vitamin deficiency in winter period.

Vitamin drink made from pine needles

  1. For 500 ml clean water take 400 g of pine or Christmas tree needles (you can use fir, cedar needles) and 2 teaspoons of lemon juice. Place everything in a jar and leave for 3 days. In this case, the jar is kept in a dark place. After 3 days, when it’s infused, filter and use 50 ml three times a day. If required, add honey to taste, as the drink turns out bitter.
  2. One tablespoon with a mound of crushed needles, a slice of lemon and a glass of boiling water are heated under a lid in a water bath for about 15 minutes. After cooling, strain the infusion. 100 ml of this drink contains 75% - 80% of the total daily value vitamin C for an adult. It is okay to add a little honey.

Vitamin drink for children

If there is no intolerance to pine needles, then you can strengthen the children’s immune system with the help of pine and spruce needles. To do this, you need to pour 30 g of needles with a glass of boiling water. For getting healing infusion The needles need to sit for about 15 minutes and you can start drinking right away. Add honey if desired.

Pine tea

  1. 200 g of pine, cedar or spruce needles are poured with 1 liter of very hot water, add lemon juice and heat the entire composition in a water bath in an enamel container under a tightly closed lid for about half an hour. We steep the pine tea for at least 3 hours, then strain it and start drinking the healing vitamin drink. It is recommended to drink no more than a glass of pine needle tea per day for five days in a row. We take a break for 2 - 3 days and it is permissible to drink again.
  2. Pine, cedar or spruce needles, raspberry and strawberry leaves, fireweed, and oregano are brewed in a teapot with boiling water. Let the tea brew for 15-20 minutes and drink it with honey and lemon. The drink would be appropriate for a bath.

Pine kvass

  1. Add 1 kg of freshly picked pine needles to 5 liters of regular ready-made bread kvass. Leave for a day, then filter and drink delicious vitamin kvass.
  2. Loosely place freshly collected pine or spruce needles into a clean three-liter jar. Pour clean water up to the shoulders, put a heaped tablespoon there bee bread or a mixture made from one teaspoon of sour cream and a glass of sugar. Bee bread is preferable, but with sugar fermentation begins faster. Mix the contents of the jar thoroughly. The neck of the jar should be tied with gauze and left to ferment in a warm, dark place for two weeks.

After two weeks of infusion, the resulting kvass is filtered and placed in the refrigerator. Drink this one healing drink half a glass half an hour before meals three times a day. This kvass can be drunk for a long time, but not more than two months. One course a year is enough. Kvass perfectly cleanses the body and strengthens the immune system; lightness appears throughout the body.

And here is another option for making kvass, which is extremely useful for men. Be sure to watch this video.

Strengthening decoction of pine cones

Take 10 green cones and fill them with 1 liter of clean, cool water. Gently boil the buds for about half an hour. After 40 minutes, you need to strain the broth and drink ½ - 1 glass three times a day, like a regular drink. It is better to store the remaining broth in the refrigerator and reheat as needed.

For bleeding gums

Scald clean needles with boiling water and when they cool down a little, chew and keep in your mouth for several minutes several times during the day. The cake is allowed to be spat out. This easy procedure quickly and permanently freshens breath and heals gums.

Soothing bath

Place the branches with needles in a large enamel container, filling it about a third. Fill the pan to the top and boil for half an hour. Let it brew for a day and you can add it to the bath. The healing bath water should be pleasantly warm and not cover the heart area. You can take it for no more than 20 minutes; it is best to do it at night before going to bed.

Spruce and pine needles to improve vision

To improve vision there is no need to spend money on expensive pharmaceutical drugs. Here is a drink that will not only help you see better, but will also saturate your body with various useful substances. For cooking healthy drink you need to take 5 large spoons full of ground spruce or pine needles. Pour 0.5 liters of boiling water over them in an enamel bowl.

For half an hour we put it all in closed on water bath. Once removed from the heat, let it brew for at least 12 hours. It is convenient to do this in the evening, then in the morning the infusion will be ready. We filter the infusion, divide the resulting volume into 3 times and drink 15 minutes before meals.

Needles for cough and pneumonia

To defeat the disease and prevent possible complications We use the power of nature. Mix 5 parts of needles with three parts of rose hips. We brew overnight in a thermos. You can start drinking in the morning. Before drinking, add a spoonful of honey and lemon to the cup. Take half a glass each time 5-6 times during the day. This is the norm for an adult. We also use pine needles for inhalations. Inhaling vapors helps relieve coughs and promotes healthy bronchi and lungs.

Pine kvass for diseases of the bronchi and lungs

For three liters cold water you need to take a glass of needles and a glass of tricolor violet (violet can be replaced with elecampane root). Add a glass of granulated sugar and a spoonful of sour cream to the jar. Mix everything thoroughly and tie the neck of the jar tightly with gauze. Leave the kvass to ferment in a dark place for one and a half to two weeks.

When the healing kvass has fermented and is ready, it needs to be strained and can be placed in a cold place. Take half a glass of kvass at room temperature before meals, about 30 - 40 minutes. You can drink it continuously for up to two months. If you need to take longer, then you need to take a break for a week and continue drinking further.

Cones for inhalation

Take 1 part of young green pine or fir cones, pour 5 parts of boiling water and keep them on the stove for 20 - 25 minutes. Let it brew for 15 - 20 minutes, let it cool and you can strain. Brown a liquid with a pine smell is heated and used for inhalation. For one time per adult, 20-30 ml is enough.

Pine decoction for arthritis

It is good to use baths for arthritis for sore joints. Branches of coniferous trees are poured with boiling water in a bucket or large pan. The water must cool to an acceptable temperature, then it is poured into a basin and the legs are lowered. It is best to use freshly cut pine needles.

You can tie steamed branches to sore joints and wrap them tightly. In this case, it is advisable to lie down and insulate the sore spot.

A stunning recipe for a decoction of a mixture of needles, onion peels and ground dark rose hips has enormous benefits. Its antioxidant properties help get rid of many diseases. It does not allow the formation of new cholesterol plaques in the vessels and eliminates the formation of blood clots.

Helps faster tissue regeneration, restores mucous membranes and removes toxins from the body. This composition is used even for frostbite, poisoning and burns.

How to prepare a healing decoction from onion peels, needles and rose hips at home

Take 2 large tablespoons of ground dried dark rose hips, 5 large tablespoons of needles (it is best to take fresh tops of branches 10-15 cm in size) and 2 large tablespoons of chopped dry onion peels. Place everything in an enamel bowl and bring to a boil over heat.

When it boils, remove from heat and wrap in a blanket. After 10 hours, the cooled broth will be ready for use immediately after straining. Take half a glass 3-4 times a day. If desired, it is permissible to add honey. True, even without them the drink tastes very pleasant.

Pine needle decoction for the heart

Take 5 heaped tablespoons of pine needles (pine, spruce or cedar), 2 heaped tablespoons of husks, 2 tablespoons of crushed rose hips (preferably dark). Pour the entire mixture into a liter of cool water and slowly bring the mixture to a boil. Cook for about 15 minutes. Let the broth sit and drink as desired throughout the day. The same mixture can be brewed in a thermos and left to steep overnight. It is recommended to drink warm.

To reduce high blood pressure

Similar recipe with onion skins will help from high blood pressure. Everything is very simple to prepare. Take 5 tbsp. spoons of any pine needles, 2 tbsp. tablespoons of onion peel and ground rose hips (it is better to take dark ones). Fill it all with 1 liter of clean cool water, put it on the fire and cook over low heat under a tightly closed lid for 10 minutes.

Let stand until cool for 2 - 3 hours, strain. Let's finish boiled water the resulting volume is up to 1 liter. We divide this volume equally into two days. Drink 500 ml throughout the day, regardless of meals. Next we prepare a new portion. Treatment course lasts no longer than 4 months. At the same time, such courses are conducted regularly in the first years, then as needed.

The recipe tones, cleanses and normalizes blood pressure. Its action has been tested by many, and there are many positive reviews on the Internet.

Anti-asthmatic infusion

For getting medicinal composition you need to take 5 large spoons with the top of pine buds or its young shoots, 50 ml alcohol tincture ginseng, 100 ml of ready-made rosehip syrup (just take the pharmacy one), 150 ml of agave juice (preferably homemade, if we don’t have it, we take the pharmacy one), 300 g of liquid natural honey, 10 g of purified mumiyo and for its dilution 50 ml of clean cool water.

Dissolve the mummy in water and mix with the rest of the ingredients. It’s better to put everything in a dark jar. Leave for a week in a dark closet. After infusion, strain the liquid and take a full tablespoon before breakfast and lunch half an hour before.

Needles for healthy liver

Pour a large handful of pine needles into 0.5 liters of boiling water and keep in a water bath for half an hour. Drink half a glass after cooling. The body is saturated with vitamins, and bitterness and phytoncides disinfect and restore liver function.

Green cones for treating joints

Place 10 green young cones in a liter dark glass jar and fill them with 0.5 liters of vodka. For getting healing agent, the tincture needs to stand in the dark for 10 days. You don't have to throw away the cones. It is useful to rub this remedy on sore joints as needed.

Skin toner

Brew a glass of pine needles with a glass of boiling water. Wrap the tonic warmly and leave to infuse until it cools completely. All. We begin to wash ourselves.

Spruce needles - beneficial properties and contraindications

  1. In winter, the healing aroma of spruce needles will perfectly clean the air in the room. You can arrange bouquets of fir branches throughout the rooms.
  2. There is another option. Pour boiling water over the needles in a saucepan and do not cover with a lid. Essential oils will evaporate freely. When it cools down, we begin to use the resulting composition as vitamin drink with the addition of honey and lemon.

Spruce ointment for skin treatment

It is applied for quick treatment ulcers, ulcers and small wounds. Have to take equal amount resin, natural honey, natural wax And sunflower oil. Gently heat over low heat, stirring constantly. Let cool, remembering to stir regularly. The result is a thick, viscous ointment that is applied to damaged areas of the skin.

Expectorant made from young green cones of spruce

1 liter of cold water, 1 kilogram of granulated sugar and 1 kilogram of young spruce cones are boiled in an enamel bowl over low heat for about half an hour. It is best to make this expectorant in advance and store it in jars, rolled up. Opened jar put in the refrigerator. Take 1 teaspoon for adults three times a day.

Mask against peeling skin in winter

This mask not only copes with peeling, but also makes the skin healthy and velvety. Pour boiling water over a handful of needles so that the needles are covered with water. Let it brew for about 1 hour. Strain the resulting infusion and store it in the refrigerator for up to a week, using it as needed.

Mix the resulting 3 teaspoons of infusion with 2 teaspoons of finely ground oatmeal, 2 teaspoons of cottage cheese, 2 teaspoons of buckwheat flour and 1 egg yolk. After mixing all the ingredients, you should get a homogeneous mass, similar in consistency to sour cream. The mixture is best applied in the evening clean face and leave for 20 minutes. Do healing mask recommended twice a week. Usually, only 4 - 5 of these masks are enough and the skin takes on a blooming appearance.

Pine needle decoction for beauty and health of hair

The decoction helps get rid of dandruff and make hair beautiful and shiny. Brew a tablespoon of needles with a glass of boiling water, heat on fire for 5 minutes and let it brew. After 3 hours, the broth can be filtered and rinsed with a warm mixture after washing your hair.

For the treatment of kidney diseases

Pour a liter of hot water into 5 large spoons of needles and heat this mixture over the fire for 15 - 20 minutes. Leave overnight and filter. Drink for a long time: at least 3 - 4 months.

Jam from young spruce cones

The cones are collected while they are still green. Soak them for a day in cool water. Cones and granulated sugar we take it equally. First we cook the syrup. Into the boiling sugar syrup lower the cones and cook them over low heat until they begin to soften. It is permissible not to remove the foam during cooking. Jam is stored in sealed jars.

Can be cooked healthy jam from young Christmas tree branches. Brew 1 kilogram of spruce shoots with 3 liters of boiling water and cook for a long time over low heat until 2/3 of the volume has evaporated. The resulting brew needs to be filtered and put into it 1 kilogram of natural flower honey and a large tablespoon of propolis alcohol tincture. Keep refrigerated. Use for the treatment and prevention of colds. The vitamin composition is taken little by little, strengthening the immune system.

Juice and cake from young branches for inhalations and baths

Spring young needles are collected while the branches are still soft and tender. Extract the juice using a juicer, filter and freeze the ice cubes. These pine juice cubes can be thawed and inhaled. It is also possible to blend the pulp and freeze it in bags. Add in gauze bags to the bath even for children.

For stuffy nose and gargling

Disassemble a young fir cone into scales. Take 40 g of cone scales and pour 0.2 liters of boiling water. Cook over low heat under a tightly closed lid for 15 - 20 minutes, after which the broth must be thoroughly strained. Gargle with a warm mixture.

For a runny nose, the same infusion can be instilled 5 drops 4 times a day into each nostril for an adult, proportionally less for children. It is better not to use for children at all.

Medicinal properties of fir needles

Except everyone medicinal properties coniferous trees, fir is harvested for the winter as brooms for the bathhouse. Whipping a Christmas tree is not the most pleasant thing. Fir is much more tender, and its needle properties are the same.

It also has anti-inflammatory properties, reduces swelling and pain in osteochondrosis. Essential oil relieves insomnia, calms the nerves, disinfects the air and relaxes muscles (with massage).

Fir tincture with vodka for treating wounds and abrasions

250-300 g of fir needles pour 0.5 liters of vodka or medical alcohol. Let the fir needles brew for at least 2 weeks, then filter. Use fir medicinal tincture on vodka as an antiseptic externally.

Beneficial properties of juniper needles

The smell of fresh pine needles very effectively cleans the air of various microbes. If you harvest juniper needles in the fall, then during epidemics, fumigate your living space with smoke. To do this, you should take an unnecessary bowl. Most likely, it will be spoiled by the released oily liquid and soot. So, it’s better not to experiment with a good bowl.

Place 2-3 twigs measuring 15-20 cm in a bowl. Place on a hot rack and set fire to the needles. The needles burn quickly enough, crackle and emit smoke, which has bactericidal and antiviral properties. While the juniper is burning and smoking, we fumigate the entire room with this smoke. Especially where the sick person is. The smell of smoke is quite pleasant, but you can ventilate it after half an hour.

A decoction of pine needles is real vitamin cocktail for winter, strengthens the immune system and increases resistance to colds. They gargle. A cold will go away more quickly if you breathe over the steam of a decoction of pine, cedar or spruce needles.

Essential oils purify the air, fight insomnia and calm the nerves. Cleanses the lungs and helps relieve cough.

The composition of vitamins in needles is constantly changing. in winter vitamin composition increases, decreases in summer. This is especially true for vitamin C.

Vitamin compositions and decoctions strengthen the heart and lungs, relieve joint pain and are good for radiculitis. Vitamins from conifers make the skin firm and elastic in winter and protect from chapping. For this purpose, it is good to take healing baths and rubdowns.

Contraindications to the use of pine needles

Pine needles, like other coniferous trees, have undoubted benefits, but there are several contraindications:

  • Firstly, these are allergies and individual intolerances.
  • Pregnancy – pine needles can cause a miscarriage.
  • It is also better for nursing mothers not to use pine needles, so as not to provoke allergies in the baby.
  • You should not abuse pine needles if you have heart failure.
  • People who have gastritis or acute stomach ulcers.
  • Some doctors do not recommend using pine needle treatment for people with hepatitis and liver disease.
  • With serious kidney disease.
  • If you have skin infections, you should not take pine baths.

Since pine and spruce are one of the most common trees in Russia, there is an excellent opportunity for everyone to maintain health natural remedy– pine and Christmas tree needles. You should not take coniferous compounds too often or in large quantities. Overdose did no one any good. Too high concentrations and excessive consumption can cause severe headaches and lead to inflammation of the gastric mucosa.

The use of needles in a summer cottage

In addition to using conifers to maintain and improve health, coniferous litter is successfully used by summer residents on their plots as fertilizer and as mulch, as well as by hobbyists indoor flowers. Weeds do not grow under the layer of needles and the soil remains loose and moist for a long time.

You just need to remember that any needles acidify the soil. It is better to use it on areas of land with a lack of acidity and for various plants that tolerate acidic soil well. Others may feel depressed. But in the fight against pests, pine infusions can and should be used.

Needles against weevils, aphids and moths

For a 10 liter enamel bucket of water we take 2 kilograms of any fresh pine needles. We steam it with boiling water, close the lid and let it brew for 8-10 hours. We spray the beds and trees. It also helps against aphids. The main thing is that the product is absolutely harmless to plants, humans and their pets. The birds will not be harmed either.

I suggest watching a video about beneficial properties and contraindications of pine needles. Such a treasure trove of benefits grows in our surrounding forests. You just need to know how to use it and use it for the benefit of yourself and your loved ones.

See you again on the Marivlad blog. Be healthy!

For each of us, spruce is associated with New Year's holidays and great mood. But when fun days run out, we are in a hurry to throw away the “green beauties”. But don’t rush, because in fact, parts of this plant can bring enormous benefits to our health.

Spruce is unique natural preparation, which will help overcome the most various diseases. Parts of spruce are rich in vitamins, minerals and flavonoids. And for these components to bring maximum benefit, it is enough to properly prepare a decoction of spruce needles, cones and branches.

About the incredible benefits of eating

You can safely call it spruce unique plant, which can increase protective forces body, strengthen immune system, relieve stress and take care of skin health. As mentioned earlier, based on its various parts, you can prepare a healing spruce decoction with great benefits. Regular use this drink helps to increase tone, neutralizes anxiety states and increases appetite.

Spruce preparations have the following properties:

  • a diuretic, which is used to treat the entire urinary system;
  • bactericidal and antiviral, which become especially relevant in the autumn-spring period;
  • calming - allows you to cope with increased nervousness, insomnia and overexertion;
  • thanks to the presence large quantity essential oils, spruce decoction exhibits high efficiency for a runny nose, it is used as a prophylaxis against acute respiratory infections and helps overcome diseases of the upper respiratory tract;
  • behind a short time This product can neutralize the effects of harmful microorganisms.

Spruce needles

A decoction of pine needles exhibits the following beneficial properties:

  • antimicrobial;
  • diaphoretic and diuretic;
  • anti-inflammatory;
  • choleretic;
  • painkiller.

Spruce needles help with vitamin deficiency, since all healing components, when boiled, go into the decoction and are completely preserved in it. With its help, you can cleanse the body of toxins and waste, normalize metabolism and even get rid of excess weight.

Most often, pine decoction is used to strengthen the immune system. And if you use it daily for a month, you can feel a surge of strength, vigor and vitality.

You can prepare a tonic drink as follows:

  • Grind 2 tablespoons of pine needles;
  • pour a glass of boiling water;
  • cook for 20 minutes.

Advice! So that the decoction has more pleasant taste, you can add a small amount of sugar to it.

The resulting product must be drunk in three doses throughout the day.

A decoction of spruce needles can be used as an antiscorbutic agent; for its preparation you need:

  • take a tablespoon of freshly picked needles;
  • pour a glass of boiling water;
  • cook for half an hour;
  • Pour into a cup, cover and let steep.

After three hours, the restorative pine decoction is ready. It must be taken 100 ml throughout the day.

Important! Before you include spruce decoction in your daily diet, you need to consult your doctor and rule out individual intolerance.

Fir cones

A decoction of fir cones has also found use in folk medicine. This part of the plant is rich in the following valuable substances:

  • resins;
  • essential oils;
  • vitamin C;
  • tannins;
  • copper, manganese, chromium, iron and aluminum.

It is thanks to these components that the drink made from young cones exhibits many beneficial properties. With its help, you can overcome sore throat and bronchitis, sinusitis and pharyngitis, and it will help both adults and children against pneumonia.

A decoction of spruce cones is recommended for use for muscle and joint pain of various etiologies, and when complex treatment helps to significantly improve the condition of patients suffering from such complex disease like pulmonary tuberculosis.

To prepare a healing drink you need:

  • chop fir cones;
  • pour boiling water in the ratio – 1 part pine cones to 5 parts water;
  • cook for half an hour;
  • let it brew for 15 minutes, filter.

Note! The finished decoction should have a brown color, an astringent taste and a pleasant pine aroma.

To use the resulting product for inhalation, it must be heated to a temperature of +60°C. For adults, take about 25 ml of decoction per procedure.

Fir branches

A decoction of spruce branches is used for bathing. It is highly effective when:

  • myositis;
  • lumbosacral radiculitis;
  • lichen.

In addition, spruce baths have positive impact to the central nervous system, and when inhaling evaporating essential oils, the immune system is strengthened, which, in turn, allows the body to resist adverse effects external factors during the season of exacerbation of colds.

To prepare a decoction for bathing, do the following:

  • V large saucepan lay down several spruce branches;
  • add water and boil for half an hour;
  • strain and add to the bath.

After the first use, you will feel a surge of strength, a pleasant lightness will appear throughout your body, and your nerves will noticeably calm down.

All materials on the website are presented for informational purposes only. Before using any product, consultation with a doctor is MANDATORY!

Today we will talk about pine needles, the beneficial properties and contraindications for its use in folk medicine, the use of pine needles, the preparation of decoctions, infusions, and pine baths.

Pine - description, photo

Scots pine belongs to the family of coniferous trees, the height without the top is 50 meters. As a rule, the trunk is straight with cracked bark, smoothing towards the top, and a rounded, cone-shaped or flat crown.

The leaves are in the form of needles, located in pairs on the branches, often sticking out in different sides, dense in structure. Pine begins to bloom in May, when small compactions called cones form on the branches. Then they increase in size and become woody, and seeds form in the scales. According to scientists, these trees live up to three hundred years.

A long time ago, our ancestors began to use pine needles for various ailments, the recipes from which remain relevant to this day and take far from last place in folk medicine of modern man.

Chemical composition of pine needles and preparation

It contains many vitamins (C, B, K, P) and microelements, tannins, carotene, pine needles are available (coniferous forests are evenly distributed throughout almost the entire territory of Russia) and many decoctions, infusions and ointments can be prepared on its basis. You can use prepared pine needle products internally or externally.

Harvesting pine needles can be done all year round, but, according to healers, it is better to do it in winter.

At this time, the tree retains its optimal composition useful vitamins and minerals, and thanks to the cold, the needles will be stored longer. You need to collect in small bunches or branches, as far as possible from large cities and busy highways.

The medicinal properties of pine are very well known and are used in medicine and cosmetology, and have many indications for use. But they also have a number of limitations and contraindications.

Beneficial properties of pine needles for the body

Pine needles are widely used in folk medicine. This is primarily due to the fact that pine needles are at hand at any time of the year and in almost any climate.

How are pine needles useful for our health?

  • The pine forest has always been famous for its clean air, filled with aromatic resins, because pine needles, secreting special enzymes, have an antibacterial and refreshing effect, and it is not for nothing that it is very easy to breathe in such forests.
  • Even ancient healers recommended walking through a pine forest to invigorate and improve performance.

Such walks are excellent for the prevention of acute respiratory infections, and after standing in an embrace with a tree for a while, you can notice how your consciousness clears up and your soul becomes light and joyful.

  • To treat colds at home, you just need to pour in finely crushed pine needles hot water, leave for a couple of hours, add honey, a mug and then drink like tea, without the norm.

Pharmacy needles are widely represented; not only pine needles are on sale, but also fir needles, thuja, spruce needles, pine extracts for baths

Pine needles in folk medicine and cosmetology

Pine needles are often used in for cosmetic purposes. Essential oil is produced from it.

It can be added to creams, face and hair masks, to baths from 1 to 7 drops, depending on how much of the main product is needed. Oil based on pine needles increases the protective functions of the skin, gives elasticity, has a rejuvenating effect, and helps in treatment problem skin, .

To obtain a rejuvenating effect on the skin and smooth out wrinkles, 5 drops essential oil pine trees are mixed with 10-15 grams of base (cream, lotion, tonic) and applied to the face, neck, décolleté and hands.

An infusion of pine needles is used to wipe the face in the morning and evening; within a week the result is visible, the complexion is evened out, small pimples disappear, the skin is fresh and tightened.

The benefits of pine baths

  • Included aromatic bath Pine has a calming effect on the body. Helps relieve stress and fatigue. Used in massage oils. The main thing is to follow the dosage of the main ingredient.
  • For a relaxing pine bath add up to 7 drops of oil to water, take this water procedure 15-20 minutes. If you use the pine needles directly, then you need to pour a small amount of pine needles with water, wait for it to brew, pour the broth into the bathroom, after removing the pine needles.

Regular use of pine baths will bring a lot of pleasure and will help with neurological diseases, depressive states.

Treatment with pine needles - decoctions, compresses, baths

  • By brewing pine needles, you can get an expectorant decoction that helps. At the same time, it acts softer than all known pharmaceutical products From cough.
  • You need to mix plantain leaves and the pine needles themselves, add hot water, wait a couple of hours and take a sip three times a day.
  • A decoction of pine needles is also good for sore throat. A handful of needles are boiled for 20 minutes, filtered and you can drink or gargle.
  • Pine decoction helps with problems with the digestive system, has a diuretic and choleretic effect.
  • It has also long been noted that pine needles, having a strong anti-inflammatory effect, help with oral diseases such as periodontal disease and scurvy like no other medicine, and help prevent the occurrence of caries. You need to chew the pine needles or rinse your mouth with infusions daily, and the inflammation will quickly go away.
  • A decoction of pine needles restores the liver well, removes toxins, and is especially recommended for those who have frequent stress on this organ.
  • Scots pine needles are widely used to treat eyes and. Pour a few tablespoons of water, boil over low heat for a quarter of an hour, leave for 3-4 hours and consume at Not large quantities daily.
  • Compresses and poultices based on fresh pine needles have become popular since ancient times. They are great help with various diseases skin, ulcers, rashes, burns and injuries. It is necessary to collect needles, rinse them from dust, then pour boiling water over them, wrap them in two layers of gauze and apply them to the damaged area. For burns, the needles are finely chopped, lightly steamed in water, cooled and applied to the affected area.
  • Foot baths with a decoction of needles perfectly reduce antifungal effect. For greater effect, an ointment is made based on pine needles and butter.

Preparation of ointment based on pine needles

To do this, pour a layer of crushed pine needles into a deep frying pan or baking sheet, and about 1 cm of oil on top. Next, you need to put the dishes in a preheated oven and cook at low temperature for about 6 hours. Then remove excess liquid from the finished ointment, mix and store in the cold.

  1. Pregnancy and breastfeeding.
  2. Children under two years of age are prohibited from using pine needles of any kind in medicinal purposes. At the same time, walking through a coniferous forest will not harm even the smallest, and bathing in a bath with minimum quantity The decoction is perfect for restless children and will not harm their delicate skin.
  3. For acute renal pathologies, such as glomerulonephritis and pyelonephritis, the use of decoctions and infusions is not recommended.
  4. In acute heart failure, substances contained in needles can cause cardiac arrhythmia.
  5. Pine needle oil in large quantities can cause irritation to sensitive skin.
  6. Stomach ulcers.
  7. It is also not recommended to use pine needles for hepatitis.

Despite these contraindications, pine needles remain a very affordable and popular product in folk medicine. By being careful in application, you can avoid the manifestation side effects and get excellent results from prevention and treatment with pine needles.