Vitamin A for external use on the skin. Using liquid vitamin A for the face in its pure form. Mask made from a mixture of egg whites

Every girl, even half asleep in the middle of the night, can name several facial care products. It is probably almost impossible to find that rare representative of the fair sex whose cabinet is not filled with jars and tubes of preparations for the beauty and health of the skin. True, young ladies have different preferences. Some people love expensive products fashion brands, and some people cannot imagine their life without natural cosmetics made with their own hands. However, not all girls remember that not only creams, tonics, masks and oils are good for improving facial skin, but also vitamins. And today we'll talk about how to use vitamin A for the face and what effect it has.

Retinol: a closer look

Vitamin A can also be found under the name retinol or retinol acetate. This fat-soluble vitamin. It does not dilute well in water, so before use it is best to mix it with natural oil. In addition, vitamin A has low temperature melting, that is, you should not add it to cosmetic mixtures when heated. It is also best to store retinol away from direct sun rays, because when exposed to light it oxidizes.

Retinol is the very first vitamin discovered by scientists at the beginning of the twentieth century. It was thanks to this that he was assigned the first letter of the alphabet.

Application of this microelement There is a lot of diversity in cosmetology. Vitamin A can be found in serums, masks and creams. It is often used in pure form, rubbing the face in the area of ​​wrinkles, and also taken orally.

Masks with concentrated vitamin A are indicated only after 35 years

Why is vitamin A for the face so popular? The point is that he has amazing property: ability to destroy free radicals, which negatively affect the skin, making it less elastic. Plus, molecular mass retinol allows it to penetrate deep inside, providing a powerful antioxidant and rejuvenating effect.

Thus, vitamin A:

  • stimulates cell regeneration;
  • protects the face from harmful external influences;
  • improves metabolic processes and blood circulation;
  • relieves inflammation;
  • noticeably evens out complexion;
  • smoothes out small wrinkles;
  • moisturizes and nourishes the skin.

However, anti-aging masks based on retinol are indicated only after 35 years, that is, at an age when the body no longer produces a sufficient amount of collagen on its own.

Where to look for vitamin A?

This vitamin can be obtained with natural products or buy at a pharmacy.

As for “ready-made” retinol, it can be an oil solution, capsules with oil content, or vitamin A in glass ampoules. All three types are great for home use. True, you will have to tinker with the capsules a little longer. First you will have to pierce them and squeeze out the oil.

Cod liver is rich in natural vitamin A, sea ​​fish, egg yolks, meat, as well as vegetables and fruits of orange and yellow color: pumpkin, mango, papaya, tomatoes, apricots, carrots, oranges, sea buckthorn.

Those girls who are still too young to use retinol in its pure form can easily use fruit or vegetable masks based on orange products so that vitamin A has its magical effect on their skin.

Also, the listed natural ingredients for facial rejuvenation can be used by those women for whom a concentrated pharmaceutical preparation is contraindicated. For example, young ladies with serious skin diseases or problems with the circulatory system should not use retinol acetate.

The best recipes with retinol

Retinol is suitable for masks, both in oil and in ampoules.

There are different ways to use vitamin A at home.

The simplest of them is to apply a couple of drops of an oil solution mixed with your favorite cream or serum to your face. Just remember that this is a fairly concentrated drug. Overdose is unacceptable! As well as permanent use retinol. It can be used for one to two months, and then be sure to take a three-month break.

This daily enrichment of cells with vitamin A will help restore the skin, smooth it, give your cheeks a glow, and your face a healthy glow. For its simplicity and effectiveness, this method has received numerous positive reviews from ladies of Balzac's age.

Some people take it upon themselves to use retinol acetate in its pure form, without adding cream. But in this case, vitamin A should be smeared locally on the face, that is, exclusively on wrinkles, and carefully monitor the skin reaction. If itching, tingling, peeling or rash occurs, the procedure should be stopped immediately.

The most popular way to pamper your face like this useful microelement– these are, of course, masks. They are done once a week for two months, then a break follows.


tablespoon olive oil mix with the contents of one ampoule of vitamin A. Spread over the skin and lie down for a quarter of an hour, then remove excess mask with a thick napkin. Do not rinse off.

This mask perfectly nourishes and smoothes the skin.


Dilute a tablespoon of rich sour cream with a tablespoon of aloe juice and add 5 drops of vitamin A oil solution. Mix everything well, apply to the face and rest for a quarter of an hour. Wash with warm water.

This mask is more suitable for dry skin. It moisturizes and rejuvenates.


Pour two tablespoons of dry mint, chamomile or calendula into a glass of boiling water and let it brew for about half an hour. Then take a quarter of the broth and mix with oatmeal to form a puree-like mass. Pour 10 drops into it almond oil and 5 drops of retinol. Spread on the skin, leave for 20 minutes and rinse with the remaining herbal infusion.

This mask is good for oily skin.

Mask based on dry herbs will do for oily skin


Mash a tablespoon of cottage cheese so that there are no lumps and mix with a spoon vegetable oil. Pour in 3-4 drops of vitamin A and spread the mixture over your face. Rest for 20 minutes, then remove the mixture with a napkin and wash.

This mask tightens and softens the skin.

Proven recipes with natural vitamin A

Such masks, unlike the previous ones, can be made even for those girls who have not yet turned 35 years old.

Sea buckthorn

From a handful ripe berries Squeeze out the juice of sea buckthorn. It should be about a tablespoon. Mix sea buckthorn juice with egg yolk, apply to skin. Lie down for half an hour, then wash and use cream.

A mask with pumpkin will nourish the skin with vitamins


Mix two to three tablespoons of fresh carrots with oatmeal without additives until a homogeneous mass is obtained. Spread it on your face, relax for 20 minutes and wash off the mask.


Remove the pit from a large ripe apricot and mash it into a puree. Mix with the same amount of avocado pulp puree. “Fill” with a few drops of olive oil and spread over the skin. Rest for half an hour and wash.


Peel a slice of soft pumpkin from the peel and seeds and grate it on a fine grater. Pour in a teaspoon of vegetable oil, mix and apply the mixture to your face. Lie down for a quarter of an hour, remove the remaining mask with a napkin and wash.

That's probably all you need to know about vitamin A and its use for the skin. Always be beautiful!

It is to maintain it in proper form or improve its condition, for which it is often used. Let's figure out why it is useful.

Characteristics of the vitamin

Vitamin A refers to a whole group of substances similar in their action, the so-called retinoids. But usually this name refers to vitamin A1, also known as retinol.

This substance not only has positive influence on , it is also important for normal condition, bones, . In its pure form, the vitamin is unstable, so it is used in the form of compounds - retinol acetate or retinol palmitate.

Effect on skin

Retinol is widely used in various means for care. It has an anti-inflammatory effect, supports and restores skin tissue, accelerating its regeneration processes, improves blood circulation, increases resistance to negative external influences, reduces production sebum, promotes production.

Indications for use

This substance helps smooth, eliminate dryness, flaking and sagging skin, as well as further maintain its elasticity and healthy color. It also copes well with swelling.

Retinol helps cope with conditions such as rosacea (skin vascular disease) and ( inflammatory process, accompanied by a rash of acne and pimples). It is also used to eliminate unevenness skin.

Where to get vitamin A

The source of vitamin A can be both natural and various medicinal and cosmetic preparations sold in pharmacies. It can be used externally or internally.

Source Products

From protein products best source vitamins are liver and. It is also found in significant quantities in and.

Pharmacy forms

In pharmacies you can buy vitamin A in ampoules, capsules, or in the form of an oily solution. He might be the only one active substance in preparations and as part of vitamin-mineral complexes.

Instructions for use of masks and creams

Then you need to rinse your face cool water or herbal decoction. Vitamin face cream or mask is applied to a damp face with light sliding movements.

These products should be applied along the so-called skin lines: from the center of the chin to earlobes, from the corners of the mouth to the middle part of the ear, from upper lip to the top of the ear, from the bridge of the nose to the tip of the nose.

Important! You should not take a bath with the mask applied, as sweating will prevent the absorption of nutrients into the skin.

The applied composition is kept on the face for 15 minutes to half an hour, after which the face is washed. clean water or herbal decoction. It is better to carry out the procedure about an hour before bedtime.

Popular home recipes

There are quite a few simple recipes preparing a face mask based on liquid vitamin And at home. Below are some of them.

Ten drops of oily retinol are added to the contents of a teaspoon of aloe juice and a tablespoon of nourishing face cream. All this is thoroughly mixed. Leave the mask on your face for no more than 20 minutes.
in the volume of one tablespoon, preferably cold-pressed, mixed with the contents of one ampoule of vitamin A. This mixture is applied to the face with a cotton pad and left for twenty minutes. The composition is removed with a cosmetic napkin without washing the face.

Mix a tablespoon of cottage cheese (preferably low-fat) and a tablespoon of sour cream, add 10 drops of oil retinol and mix again. The mixture should be applied to the face immediately after preparation. It is aged for 15 to 20 minutes, after which it is removed with water.

Important! Recommended before first use cosmetics based on vitamin A, check your body’s compatibility with this substance. To do this, just drop a pure substance onto the surface. If there is no redness or itching, such products can be used without fear.


In addition to individual intolerance, this substance should not be used for skin lesions with bleeding or festering wounds. It should be used with great caution during or - in this case, you should consult a doctor.
It must also be remembered that an excess of this substance in the body is just as undesirable as a deficiency, so you should not oversaturate your body with it. In conclusion, vitamin A plays a vital role in the formation of healthy skin.

In addition, it helps to cure some skin diseases. The use of cosmetic products based on this substance heals and rejuvenates the skin, while such products, except rare cases contraindications, completely safe.

Unlike many others nutrients, vitamin A is a group of compounds that includes it active forms(retinal, retinol and retinoic acid) and other provitamin A carotenoids such as beta-carotene. Beta carotene (and other carotenoids) is a form of vitamin A that we get directly from plant food. In our bodies, beta-carotene is converted into retinol (true vitamin A).

This is what happens when vitamin A is applied topically

Smoothes wrinkles. Topical use of vitamin A in the form of retinol (present in skin products such as creams) and retinoic acid (also present in creams) is proven effective means against wrinkles, and many dermatologists recommend it to combat the signs of aging. Research has shown that these ingredients are able to stimulate collagen production: when collagen is damaged due to exposure ultraviolet radiation and other aggressors, wrinkles begin to appear on the face.

Retinoids turn on the cells responsible for creating new collagen, firming your skin and evening out wrinkles so your skin looks smoother. One study showed that after 10-12 monthly use Vitamin A cream, test participants noticed a significant reduction in wrinkles, and medical experts noted an 80% increase in collagen.

Evens out skin tone and adds radiance. Vitamin A creams may help lighten sun damage brown spots and increase skin radiance in two ways:

  1. By increasing and normalizing skin cell turnover, which helps remove pigmented, damaged and rough areas on the skin's surface, making room for healthy cells and allowing light to reflect more evenly.
  2. Retinoids can block the enzyme needed to produce melanin (the pigment), further helping to create an even, glowing complexion.

Clears skin from acne ( acne) . Pimples form when pores become clogged with dead skin cells, bacteria and oil, providing the perfect breeding ground for Propionibacterium acne, common bacteria responsible for the appearance of acne (acne). When retinol face creams stimulate cellular turnover, the same process occurs inside the pores themselves, which helps slow down sebum production and keep pores clear.

Choosing a face cream with retinol (vitamin A)

If you decide to try using vitamin A cream, always pay attention to the composition of the cream when purchasing. It should contain retinol, not retinyl palmitate (a weaker version of the vitamin). Retinol is not as effective as the retinoic acid found in prescription products, so results may take longer, but retinol skin creams are also less irritating to sensitive skin.

Unfortunately, often using vitamin A creams will cause your skin to become red, sensitive, dry, and flaky until you get used to it. To minimize these side effects, start by applying a small pea-sized amount of cream to your face every night or two for several weeks. Also use a simple (unscented) moisturizer. Gradually increase the amount of cream applied at night.

How to apply vitamin A cream to your face

Step 1

Wash your face with a gentle cleanser and pat dry with a towel. Before applying a retinol face cream, make sure your skin is clean to ensure the best absorption.

Step 2

Wait 15 minutes after your face has dried to apply the retinol cream. Use only a pea-sized amount of cream over your entire face, being careful not to apply it to your face near your eyes.

Step 3

Wipe your entire face with moisturizing sunscreen. Retinol creams make your skin more sensitive to the sun, so be sure to apply a moisturizer sunscreen under your makeup.

What you will need:

  • A gentle cleanser;
  • Towel;
  • Moisturizing sunscreen.

Before writing about how to use vitamin e and a for the skin of the face and hands, we must remember what foods these vitamins are found in. So, they are found in rosehip and sea buckthorn oils, in cereals and eggs, in rowan fruits, in almonds and peanuts, in avocado, in milk, in liver, in legumes, in cherries, in Brussels sprouts, in seeds, in pumpkin, in green vegetable leaves, fatty sea fish also contains it. Vitamin E is one of the most important. Otherwise it is called tocopherol. It is an antioxidant, actively counteracts oxidative processes in tissues, fights free radicals, strengthens cell membranes.

Full name vitamin A – retinol, also known as “growth vitamin”, responsible for the birth of new cells, sight, skin, mucous membranes, effectively fights diseases. It is always important to remember that when getting vitamins from food, we practically cannot get them in excess, which cannot be said about dosage forms, purchased by us at the pharmacy. It is necessary to strictly follow the instructions and not to overdo it with dosages, so that the vitamins do not give a dangerous and even the opposite effect to what we expect from them.

Speaking of finances... Not all the funds we need need to be purchased at the pharmacy. You can prepare many remedies yourself. So on the site a long time ago it was written about how to do sea ​​buckthorn oil at home. If you find this publication, which is literally no more than a couple of paragraphs in length, you will realize that this is not a problem and will seriously reduce your costs. You can ask summer residents for sea buckthorn berries. Someone will give it just like that... Well, butter can be found in any kitchen...

Of course, in order to take care of the skin on your face, there are many creams, but they are not always suitable for your skin on your hands and do not always give the expected effect. That’s why we need recipes for homemade masks, suitable for use on the face, hands and body in general. In some cases you will use them, and in others you will use ready-made ones pharmaceutical products.

Using vitamins for your beauty

Take a tablespoon of sour cream, add to it a tablespoon of crushed into powder oatmeal, add 2 drops of liquid vitamins a and e and mix thoroughly. Apply the resulting mixture to the face, hands (it is also suitable for knees, heels and elbows) and leave for a third of an hour. Then we wash it off cold water.

A similar recipe can be used after a bath or after scrubbing the body. Take a tablespoon of sour cream, a tablespoon of oatmeal or bran powder, 5 drops of vitamin a and e, and 1 yolk. We also apply the mask, lightly rubbing it onto the skin of the face, hands and body for a third of an hour, but afterward you need to wash with cold water.

There is another super-mask, and it can be applied to the hair, which significantly improves its structure when used regularly (2 times every 7-10 days). This is real vitamin cocktail! Mix a tablespoon of kefir with a fat content of 2.5 - 3 percent, 5 drops of retinol and 5 drops of tocopherol with 5 g of honey and 15 g of rosehip decoction. You can also add 15 g of dry cocoa. It softens hair very well and gives it elasticity. To apply this cocktail to your hair, divide it into partings and rub in. Apply a thin layer to the body, hands and face. After 20 minutes, rinse with pleasantly warm water.

Vitamin E and A for the face

The best effect is achieved if vitamins are used internally and externally. Vitamins e and a for facial skin are always an excellent addition to existing creams and masks that we purchase, hoping to preserve our beauty and youth or return the skin to its former toned appearance. One has only to remember what benefits Mother Nature gives us in the form of carrots, pumpkins, apples, and cucumbers. Let's remember beneficial features cucumbers, apples, pumpkins... These products are an excellent base for masks that we can make at home.

Face mask (vitamin a and e)

The pulp of pumpkin, apple or carrot, and if you wish, mix everything at once with 5 drops of tocopherol and retinol. Apply to the face and leave for 15 minutes. Gently cleanse the skin of the face boiled water so as not to dry it out with chlorinated tap water. You can also cleanse your skin by special means for washing, they are designed so that they do not dry out the skin.

Vitamin A and E for lips

Do not forget that vitamins in their pure form - straight from the ampoule - can be harmful. Therefore, it is necessary to dilute the concentration somewhat. To do this, always mix the chosen vitamin with some cream that will serve as a base, or with sour cream, cream, yogurt, or anything that can serve as a base.

Vitamin A and E for eyelids

The eyelids are as delicate as the lips. The skin of the eyelids thins with age. To restore her beauty and youth, we must vitaminize her. Vitamins a and e will help us with this. We already know that it is better to dilute vitamins from ampoules, so we will combine unrefined sunflower oil(teaspoon) or any base oil, 5 g of glycerin and 5 drops of liquid retinol and tocopherol. We apply this mixture to our eyelids, and also don’t forget about crow’s feet (wrinkles) around the eyes and smile at ourselves while looking in the mirror. Thus, we will see all the facial wrinkles that we so want to get rid of. So we apply our mixture to all these wrinkles. One of the properties of glycerin is to retain moisture. It has a very good effect on skin saturation. This way it smoothes out, becomes velvety and tender. This external effect, this is what we are striving for in principle, but treatment from the inside is necessary so that the vitamins penetrate into every cell. It is believed that vitamins are absorbed by the body only through the gastrointestinal tract. Our body needs organic vitamin and microelement formulas. Special well-balanced vitamin complexes are sold in pharmacies and are inexpensive. So consult your pharmacist about dosage, frequency of vitamin use, and seasonality.

Vitamin a and e for hands

Hands are a kind of business card, and, of course, I would like them to look impeccable. Don't want to buy vitamin complexes at the pharmacy, oh well - change your diet to proper nutrition and the body will take its toll from food. The condition of your nails will tell you about this most likely in a month.

Tocopherol is extremely important for nails, as retinol is less absorbed. Both vitamins are fat-soluble; fats are essential in the diet, even if you are on a diet. It is the lack of fat that affects the condition of the nails and other body systems as a whole. We have previously discussed which foods contain vitamin E. Eat for your health!

To make your hands look fresh, lubricate them with a mix of any vegetable oil and one egg. It is not necessary to separate the yolk or white - take it all!

You can mix a tablespoon of honey with the yolk of an egg - this mask is applied to your hands and rubbed, rubbed, rubbed in!

Aloe juice is very useful, but many people have a persistent allergy to it.

You can grate the carrots on a fine grater - this will give more juice. Add olive or other vegetable oil. Massage your brushes. Softening your skin is guaranteed.

Raspberries, strawberries and even gooseberry pulp mixed separately or together with sour cream, kefir, yogurt are excellent moisturizers for your skin. To each of the proposed masks we add 1-5 drops of tocopherol and retinol and the results will not keep you waiting!

Vitamins for facial skin play a big role in maintaining youth and improving appearance. Therefore, most girls wonder what vitamins are needed for facial skin to always look young and beautiful. Women's skin, unlike men's, is very delicate, so it needs special care and constant recharge useful substances. The main source of vitamins is natural products.

How do vitamins affect facial skin?

The table provides a list of the most useful vitamins their impact, signs of shortages and essential food items to make up for the shortage.

Vitamin name Signs of shortage Functions Products
A Wrinkles (crow's feet) appear around the eyes, and the skin may become dry and flaky. The use of vitamin A improves skin protection from harmful natural influences, makes it more elastic and moisturizes Beets, onions, carrots, apricots, liver, egg yolks, fish fat, butter
B2(riboflavin) Lips begin to crack, jams appear, and constant dermatitis Improves metabolic processes epithelial cells face, stimulates cellular respiration Eggs, cottage cheese, meat, fish, cocoa, almonds, yeast
B7(biotin) Manifests itself in paleness of the face, peeling. Hairs begin to fall out Improves the regeneration activity of epidermal cells. Egg yolk, liver, black bread, walnuts, legumes
B9(folic acid) The face looks lifeless, hair falls out profusely Responsible for the freshness of the skin, keeps it young Coarse flour, legumes, greens, liver
Vitamin C The skin becomes dull, becomes flabby, vascular patterns, freckles and blackheads appear Improves the functioning of hormones responsible for the production of collagen and strengthening collagen fibers, strengthens blood vessels and can remove bags under the eyes Sweet peppers, lettuce and spinach, black currants, sauerkraut, rose hips and citrus fruits
E(tocopherol) Lack of tocopherols for facial skin manifests itself in roughening and drying of the skin Deficiency manifests itself in roughening and drying of the skin. Wheat germ, sunflower, cottonseed and soybean oil
R(rutin) A lack of rutin is noticeable with an increase in the number of vascular patterns and an increased tendency to bruise. Strengthens the walls of blood vessels and prevents their fragility Plums, chokeberry, grapes, cherries, raspberries, rose hips, Bell pepper, garlic, tomatoes, sorrel, green tea
PP(niacin) Pale and dry skin with bluish lips Improves enzyme formation and respiration at the cellular level Eggs, fish, milk, chicken, cheese, peanuts, wheat germ
TO Skin pigmentation, swelling, inflammation Accelerates the regeneration of skin cells, improves blood circulation Tomatoes, cabbage, spinach, greens, carrots, rowan berries

Rules for using vitamins

Vitamins can enter the body in three ways:

  • natural substances obtained from food consumption;
  • synthetic vitamins and vitamin supplements (tablets, capsules, powder or liquid in ampoules);
  • cosmetic masks for facial skin.

Important! Vitamins are divided into two categories based on solubility: water-soluble and fat-soluble. C, B1, B2, B3, B5, B7, B9, B12 - these substances easily dissolve in water and are easily absorbed by the body, instantly absorbed into the blood. A, E, D, K do not dissolve well in water - they must be mixed with fats before use. Therefore, a mixture of vitamin E and glycerin for facial skin is very useful and nutritious.

For selection the best vitamins for facial skin, you should consult a nutritionist - only he can prescribe as accurately as possible necessary medications and diet.

Right balanced diet taking into account all essential vitamins and microelements always comes first when caring for your face. It is impossible to get an overdose with this method of obtaining them.

Artificial drugs are good because they are easily digestible and quickly absorbed, they can easily be found on pharmacy shelves, and each drug always comes with instructions for use.

It is important to take precautions:

  • Opened ampoules should be used immediately, otherwise the substances may react with oxygen and quickly become unusable.
  • You cannot mix different substances; they may not be compatible.
  • Before use, be sure to consult a doctor and read the instructions for use.
  • Definitely worth considering allergic reactions.

Very useful for the face vitamin masks from fresh vegetables and fruits. Their main advantage is that most products can always be easily found in the refrigerator. You can also make face masks from pharmaceutical drugs. The most important rule when preparing masks is not to mix vitamins, but this does not apply to vitamins A and E. They combine very well and help absorb each other.

Whenever you take vitamins, you must follow the following rules:

  • Before purchasing medications, you need to consult a professional.
  • You cannot mix elements other than E and A.
  • It is necessary to follow the rules of administration specified in the instructions for use.
  • After completing the course of treatment, a second consultation is necessary to change the drug.

Vitamins for different skin types

Facial skin is divided into 4 types. Each skin type has its own needs for vitamins and care. You cannot use vitamins intended for one skin type for another type. IN best case scenario, the vitamin simply will not help, and at worst, on the contrary, it will harm. You should carefully select vitamins for your skin type.

Vitamins for dry skin moisturize it and protect it from harmful effects. It is necessary to include fish in your diet, as it contains a lot fatty acids. Ellagic acid, which is large quantities found in strawberries. However, it should be used carefully so as not to cause an allergic reaction.

Skin mixed type and fat there is not enough phosphorus, iron and potassium, as well as vitamins B, E, C. These elements are contained in kiwi, pumpkin seeds and watercress salad. Vitamin B helps remove toxins from the skin and break down fats. The use of these vitamins leads to relief from rashes and acne on the face.

For normal skin type B vitamins are good. They strengthen and make the skin smooth, retain moisture and prevent it from drying out. Substances in this group are found in many products. It will be useful to include cottage cheese, eggs, fish, meat, herbs and legumes in your diet.

The effect of tocopherol on facial skin

Vitamin E has complex action on the skin of the face. Facial rejuvenation occurs, cells regenerate more actively, wrinkles are reduced, the skin looks firmer and more elastic, and blood circulation improves. This substance also acts as natural antidepressant and antioxidant, it relieves fatigue and invigorates, the face looks more rosy. This vitamin also provides therapeutic effect- alleviates allergic reactions, regulates work sebaceous glands, helps in the treatment of anemia.