Lavender oil for hair recipes. Lavender oil for hair: recipes for masks, medicinal mixtures, contraindications. Benefits of lavender oil

Aromatherapy (the use of basic plant and essential oils) in hair care has become increasingly widespread in recent years, both among the fair sex and among the male population of our planet.

The enrichment of ready-made (factory-made) cosmetic products for caring for hair and homemade nutritional compositions helps improve the health of curls, saturate them with nutritional compounds, strengthen and cleanse the follicles, add shine and heal from a number of diseases of the scalp and hair.

According to trichologists, it is an effective means of treating dry and oily hair, cleansing the skin, stimulating growth and improving the health of the scalp. Regular enrichment of hair cosmetics with lavender oil strengthens local immunity, which is an effective prevention of scalp diseases.

Don’t forget about the aromatic effect of using lavender etherol - after the procedure, hair acquires a subtle, subtle scent, and since lavender is an aphrodisiac ether, this aroma makes a person attractive to the opposite sex on a subconscious level.

Lavender ester contains a whole complex of organic acids: acetic, ursolic, valeric, butyric, nylon, tartaric and a high concentration of tannins, bitterness and resins. Among the more than 250 compounds in the product, trichologists especially highlight cineole, camphor, myrcene, terpineol, farnesene, and bergamotene.

It is these aromatic substances that create natural protection on the hair from blood-sucking insects, including lice and ticks. The systematic introduction of lavender oil into cosmetics helps prevent lice infection, which is especially important in children's groups (kindergartens, schools, camps, sports clubs).

Lavender essential oil for hair has the following beneficial properties and effects:

  1. Improves blood supply to the skin and nutrition of hair follicles.
  2. Stimulates epithelization processes, which is especially important in the presence of defects and mechanical damage to the skin.
  3. Activates scalp metabolism.
  4. It has sedative properties and is considered a natural antidepressant and relaxant. With increased hair loss caused by stress, depression, neurosis, it works both in the direction of strengthening the hair follicles and as a sedative, penetrating into the blood through the skin and saturating the brain through the entry of phytoncides through the respiratory system.
  5. Biologically active phytonutrients of lavender oil nourish the hair shafts, improving their structure, elasticity and strength, creating invisible protection against lice and environmental factors harmful to beauty (frost, wind, heavy metals in the air, ultraviolet radiation).
  6. Normalizes the functioning of the sebaceous glands, helping to reduce hypersecretion and remove excess oily hair.
  7. Makes hair flowing, light and manageable in styling, removes static electricity from hair, preventing excessive frizz.
  8. Restores the natural color of hair.
  9. Relieves oily and dry dandruff.

By adding lavender essential oil for hair to shampoo, you improve its cleansing ability and increase the effectiveness of hair washing, and also reduce the likelihood of relapses of psoriasis, seborrhea and dermatitis, including those of fungal origin. The active components of the ester have an anti-inflammatory, soothing, disinfecting and desensitizing effect, which is very useful for various types of allergic reactions of the scalp.

The introduction of ether into shampoo, balm, conditioner, moisturizer, hair mask at the rate of 5 drops per 5 ml of emulsifier strengthens the roots, gives shine to the curls, makes the strands strong, elastic and healthy.

If your hair becomes excessively electrified after washing, then try adding a few drops of lavender oil to your usual styling products (foam, gel, spray, varnish) and style your hair in the usual way. When using special compositions against split ends, do not forget to add 1-2 drops of lavender to a single portion of the product.

Nourishing application with lavender oil for all hair types

Mix base oils: jojoba and wheat germ in a 2:1 ratio. Add the following esters to 15 ml of base: lavender – 10k, thyme (thyme) – 2k, rosemary – 5k. One hour before washing your hair, a slightly heated mixture is applied to the scalp and hair, spreading it using a wide-toothed wooden comb, covered with polyethylene and insulated with a terry towel or scarf.

The active components of the application are useful for both brittle, dry, damaged and oily hair. Afterwards, the composition is washed off with shampoo suitable for your scalp type.

Heat unrefined sunflower oil (30 ml) in a water bath, add lavender essential oil - 5k. and – 3k. Apply to hair, carefully distributing the composition along the strands and paying special attention to the ends, lightly massage the scalp with your fingertips, cover your head with cellophane and a scarf, leave the mask on for about half an hour and rinse under running warm water with shampoo.

The last rinse is carried out with chamomile/green tea infusion (for light hair) or nettle/black tea infusion (for dark hair). After just a month of regular use of the mask, your curls will look not just good, but stunning.

Aroma combing

The procedure is best done every evening before going to bed. In addition to its healing effects on hair, the active components of lavender help relieve daytime stress, restore peace of mind, relax and improve the quality of night's rest. Drop 2-3 drops of lavender oil onto a wooden comb or brush made from natural materials and slowly comb your hair in all directions for at least 10 minutes.

Precautions and contraindications

If you have never used lavender essential oil, you should do a skin allergy test before using it regularly. Add 2 drops of essential oil to a teaspoon (4-5 ml) of any vegetable oil (corn, flaxseed, walnut, soybean, pumpkin, grape seed, etc.), and apply the composition to an area with thin skin (under the knee, on the bend of the elbow, behind ear) and monitor him throughout the day.

If the skin has not changed color and no rash has appeared, then you can safely begin sophisticated and sophisticated hair care using lavender oil.

To summarize, we can say that the systematic use of lavender essential oil in hair care produces a powerful cosmetic effect: the hair becomes shiny and well-groomed, and the scalp becomes healthy and clean.

A little of your care and time for useful procedures, and your hair will become a source of pride and the main decoration!

Lavender fragrant oil, extracted from the purple flowers of the silver-scented plant, is a unique and popular ether.

Its action is universal, it is combined with many other substances. This allows it to be widely used in medicine, perfumery, cosmetology, and household chemicals.

It works very well on the condition of the hair.

Beneficial features

Lavender ester is often used in the industrial production of cosmetics, including those used for hair care. It is even more readily used for making homemade masks.

Light, volatile lavender oil has a complex effect on the scalp and hair itself.

  • nourishes and moisturizes the scalp and hair follicles, which has a beneficial effect on the growth and beauty of curls - they become shiny and manageable;
  • eliminates itching and seborrhea;
  • has a detrimental effect on dandruff, soothes the skin, heals wounds;
  • improves hair structure, making it stronger, eliminating fragility and split ends;
  • regulates the activity of the sebaceous glands, reducing the fat content of the strands, as a result of which they are less likely to become dirty;
  • protects against the harmful effects of ultraviolet rays;
  • helps prevent scalp diseases;
  • prevents baldness.

Lavender oil has a healing effect, improves the appearance of hair, and gives it an incomparable and light aroma.

This smell calms the nervous system, relieving stress, fatigue, headaches, which has a very good effect on well-being.

The listed properties are due to the rich composition of the elixir.

Among the substances that form it:

  • valeric acid, which is part of natural or industrial painkillers and sedatives;
  • ursolic acid, which reduces the activity of the sebaceous glands;
  • caproic acid, which has anti-inflammatory properties, which is important in the fight against seborrhea;
  • citral, cineole - natural antiseptics that eliminate dandruff and remove toxins;
  • tannins and resins that protect strands from the harmful effects of the outside world (sun rays, low air temperature).

All components act comprehensively, ensuring the versatility of lavender essential oil.

After combing, it is useful to massage the scalp a little with your fingers - this will improve blood supply to the hair follicles and relieve stress. The curls will acquire a beautiful shine, lose their fragility, and will smell fragrant.

This video demonstrates the aroma combing procedure:

For treatment, lavender can be used no more than 2-3 times a week in any form. There is no need to use 2 products at the same time. For example, after a mask you should not use shampoo with added oil.

It is better to alternate different methods. For example, make a mask once, wash your hair with lavender twice, and aromatherapy the third time.

There are several options for using lavender essential oil. More often it is added to prepared masks and for scalp massage; ready-made industrial products are enriched with it (no more than four drops per tablespoon of the main product).

It is often used for aroma combing.

Lavender ether is especially effective in combination with others - geranium, all citrus and pine oils.

In such a mixture they complement each other, enhancing the overall effect. When preparing complex products, you need to remember that the amount of all esters taken should not be more than 7-8 drops.

The method of use is selected based on the problem at hand and time. If it is limited, you can add lavender to commercial hair products.

For problems with the scalp (sores, seborrhea), aroma massage is used.

To quickly improve the appearance of your curls, do aroma combing. If time allows and you want to carry out a serious complex treatment procedure, then it is better to make a mask from home remedies and essential oils.

Several recipes:

  • For 2 tbsp. heated (or olive) take 3 drops of mint, 5 drops of lavender - heals curls, significantly reduces hair loss;
  • 2 tbsp. l. Grind warm base oil with yolk, add esters (2 drops of rosewood, 4 drops of lavender) - nourishes the scalp and hair;
  • Jojoba oil (3 tbsp) + 5 drops of lavender + 5 rosemary + 2 thyme - perfectly strengthens damaged hair.

You can even get rid of lice using lavender.

You need to take olive oil (3 tablespoons), mix it with lavender and rosemary esters (2 drops of each), apply the mixture for 30 minutes, then rinse, comb your hair.

Precautions, contraindications

It must be remembered that lavender, like other esters, cannot be applied in its pure form.

This is a very concentrated product that causes a severe burn.

Use the oil in very small quantities, adding a few drops to the main substance: shampoo, conditioner or base oil for masks and massages (olive, coconut, etc.).

Without diluting, you can apply it only to a comb for aroma combing.

Expectant mothers should use it with caution in the first months of pregnancy, when the risk of miscarriage is high.

Lavender oil activates blood circulation, which leads to uterine contractions.

It should not be used by those who suffer from:

  • hypotension (low blood pressure), as it can cause weakness and drowsiness;
  • anemia, because its components interact with iron (for the same reason it is not suitable for people taking iron supplements);
  • for iodine deficiency, takes medications containing it;
  • allergy to lavender or individual intolerance.

If you don’t like the smell of the ether itself, then it’s better not to use it. so as not to cause irritation instead of benefit. The effect appears after the first use.

This is especially noticeable after aromatherapy. It is enough to do the procedure for the purpose of prevention once. If your hair is severely damaged, then you need to work 2-3 times a week.

After a couple of months, the structure and appearance of the hair will noticeably improve, and existing problems will disappear. Lavender oil will be an excellent remedy for many women.

With proper, regular use, it will eliminate dandruff and excess oil, heal the scalp, improve nutrition, making them strong, shiny and obedient.

Lavender essential oil is versatile. Today it is used in a wide variety of fields (cosmetology, aromatherapy, perfume industry, etc.). It has a particularly beneficial effect on the hair, strengthening it and healing the scalp.

The method for obtaining lavender oil is water-steam distillation of the plant's inflorescences. The oil combines amazingly with cosmetic, vegetable and other essential oils.

Lavender essential oil: benefits and effectiveness for hair
The light and soothing aroma of lavender has a beneficial effect on the condition of the skin, relieves irritation and is used in the treatment of certain scalp diseases. Antifungal and antibacterial action is effective against dandruff, itching, which makes it indispensable in hair care. Homemade cosmetic masks containing essential oil have a strengthening effect on hair follicles, accelerating blood circulation, improving hair structure and stimulating hair growth. Regular inclusion of the product in hair care is an effective prevention of hair loss and dandruff.

The high nutritional and moisturizing ability of lavender oil gradually saturates the curls with life-giving power, restores natural shine and makes them manageable. A mask with this oil or simply adding a few drops to shampoo when washing will eliminate the problem of dull and brittle hair, and also reanimate its damaged structure. Lavender hair oil controls the secretion of the sebaceous glands, so its use will help eliminate excessive oiliness and generally improve the overall condition of the strands.

Lavender oil: use for hair
Lavender oil cannot be used undiluted, this is due to the high concentration of essential substances in the composition. Therefore, it is mainly recommended to add it to ready-made hair care products (shampoo, balm, conditioner), to include it in homemade masks, massage mixtures, and to carry out so-called aroma combing.

To enrich the finished product, you must follow this ratio: take four drops of essential oil per teaspoon of the finished product.

It is pointless to stock up on products with the addition of lavender essential oil (or any other oil). All useful components quickly evaporate, so it is necessary to use the aroma composition immediately after production.

Aromatherapy combing and head massage with lavender oil
If three times a week, while combing your beautiful curls, apply a few drops (five to six) of fragrant lavender oil to a wooden comb, this will not only strengthen them, but also make them manageable and shiny. Hair damaged by chemicals, bleaching or dyeing will become softer and its external condition will improve. You need to comb your hair for at least ten minutes, in different directions. Then wait another five to ten minutes, after which you howl your head.

This procedure can become an indispensable component of self-massage of the head. After ten minutes of combing, the scalp should be massaged with your fingertips in a circular motion and periodically using light pressure movements. To enhance the effect, lavender oil can be included in various oil formulations for hair. Here is one of them: heat two tablespoons of jojoba oil (can be replaced with olive, flaxseed or burdock) in a water bath and combine with five drops of lavender oil and three drops of mint oil. In addition to the general improvement of the scalp, hair loss is prevented.

Recipes for masks with lavender oil for hair

It should be remembered that ether is added exclusively to the base (fatty oil) heated to a warm state. The mask is applied to clean and dry hair.

Mask for shine, growth and strengthening of hair
Jojoba, burdock, castor and olive oils are especially beneficial for hair. Take two tablespoons of any of them and carefully combine with the egg yolk. Add ylang-ylang oil, rosewood oil, two drops each, and four drops of lavender. Combine all ingredients in a glass bowl. Rub the composition into the scalp, apply evenly over the entire length of the hair, wrap it in polyethylene on top and, to enhance the thermal effect, use a hot towel. Leave the composition for half an hour, then rinse as usual.

Conditioner with lavender oil for hair
Pour a teaspoon of lavender flowers (you can take chamomile, nettle, linden blossom) with apple cider vinegar (a third of a glass is enough) and leave to infuse for a week. Next, drain the infusion and combine with warm water (600 ml). At the end, enrich the mixture with two drops of lavender oil. The product should be used on hair and scalp immediately after washing, leave for ten minutes and rinse with just warm water.

Healing rinse for seborrhea
For a liter of warm water, take 100 g of any emulsifier (salt, honey, soda), in which five to seven drops of lavender essential oil must be dissolved in advance. Rinse your hair with this solution daily.

Mask against hair loss with lavender oil
Enrich two tablespoons of heated burdock oil with lavender and peppermint oils, taken two drops each. Rub the composition into the roots and scalp, leave for ten minutes and rinse as usual.

Lice remedy with lavender oil
For three tablespoons of olive oil, take two drops each of eucalyptus, rosemary, lavender and tea tree oils. Apply to skin and hair. Leave for half an hour under the film, rinse as usual. After this, comb your head with a fine comb. Usually several procedures are enough.

Mask for weakened and damaged hair
Combine three tablespoons of heated jojoba oil with five drops of rosemary and the same amount of lavender, add two drops of thyme oil. Next, do everything as usual: wrap your hair in film and a towel, leave for ten minutes. Rinse off as usual.

Contraindications to the use of lavender essential oil for hair
Lavender oil is not for everyone. It should be used with caution or completely abandoned in the following cases:

  • first trimester of pregnancy;
  • allergic reactions to lavender;
  • taking iodine or iron containing drugs;
  • anemia.
Hypotensive people (low blood pressure) should also be careful: after using lavender essential oil, you may experience a feeling of weakness, drowsiness, and lethargy.

Details Updated 12/12/2015 08:09

Lavender has long been used in various fields, such as medicine, cosmetology, and perfumery. Lavender essential oil for hair itself is added to products, both on an industrial scale and in domestic conditions. In short, lavender oils can be mixed with many other substances. It is also quite often added to various hair care products.

Benefits of lavender oil for hair

Lavender oil is very calming and has a fresh scent. Its positive effect on skin prone to irritation gives quick results. Lavender can also be used to avoid certain skin conditions.

Its antibacterial effect heals even small scratches on the head and eliminates dandruff. The oil perfectly promotes hair growth, makes it thicker and gives it a healthy appearance.

Caring and healing hair masks using lavender oil can be made at home. In the process of using such masks, you can strengthen the hair follicle, improve hair in general and accelerate its growth. If you regularly use lavender oil, you can cure dandruff, but it’s not easy to get rid of it for a while, and your hair will fall out much less.

Lavender oil for oily hair

Lavender oil nourishes skin and hair well. Thanks to this, they shine and look chic. With constant use of lavender oil, you won’t have to think about hair fragility, oiliness and dull color for a long time. It has a high concentration, so it is not recommended to use it in its pure form. The best use would be to add the oil to shampoo, conditioner or conditioner. Often, even on an industrial scale, lavender oil is used as a component in massage mixtures or hair masks.

Using lavender oil for hair

In order to add oil to a ready-made hair product, certain proportions must be observed: 1 teaspoon, for example, of shampoo per three to four drops of lavender. It should be remembered that it is better to use all prepared masks immediately, since after even a few hours all the beneficial properties may evaporate. These lavender hair masks are best used two to three times a week.

There is also a procedure called aroma combing with lavender oil. This procedure is not so good for strengthening hair, but it is great for a healthy appearance and shine. The procedure is carried out as follows: apply five to six drops of oil to a comb, which must be made of wood, then comb your hair for five to ten minutes. This brushing also has a massage effect on the skin. You can also make circular movements with your fingers - this will enhance the effect.

In order to get much greater benefits from massage, it is necessary to use a variety of oil mixtures. For example, you can add five drops of lavender and three drops of peppermint oil to two tablespoons of burdock oil. The effect of such a mask will be excellent and it helps improve many aspects of hair health. It will help make your hair healthy and prevent hair loss. When preparing the mask, it is very important to add lavender oil to the heated base. Equally important is that lavender oil should be used with extreme caution by those who suffer from allergies. The oil contains linanol, which can cause skin diseases such as dermatitis or cause eczema.

Beneficial properties of lavender oil

You can also make your own mask with lavender oil at home. To do this you need to take: two small spoons of hair oil and heat it up. Grind the heated oil with egg yolk. Then you need to add lavender essential oil to the resulting mass: four drops of lavender, two drops of rosewood oil and two drops of ylang-ylang. Lavender oil goes well with citrus oils, pine oils, patchouli oil, rosemary geranium, and nutmeg. When preparing any masks with lavender oil, it is important to remember that the concentration should not exceed seven to eight drops in the main solution.

Many women regularly use this oil because they know that its properties are very beneficial. It is found in shampoos and hair masks. Lavender oil helps stimulate hair growth, strengthen hair follicles, and reduce hair loss. Masks with lavender oil perfectly nourish the hair, make the skin softer, eliminate split ends, dandruff, and reduce sebum secretion.

Over the course of a couple of months, lavender oil helps to significantly improve the hair structure and its general condition: giving it shine, energy and vitality. Also try using clove essential oil for better hair growth.

Masks with lavender oil for hair

In order for our hair to delight us with its thickness and shine for a long time, it is important to provide it with proper care. Lavender oil does this job perfectly. The substances in its composition soothe irritated scalp and are also a good prophylactic against various skin diseases. Recipes for hair masks with lavender will give your hair a natural shine and restore its vitality.

Mask with lavender essential oil

A hair mask with lavender essential oil can be prepared in a minimum amount of time and is one of the most effective. It can easily be combined with massage and aromatherapy.

You will need:

  • olive oil – 2 tbsp;
  • lavender oil – 4 drops.

Mix the ingredients and apply to clean hair along the entire length. If the curls are prone to oiliness, then the composition is applied only to the ends. Then the head should be wrapped in a terry towel and left for several hours. After time, wash off with shampoo.

Mask for dry and normal hair

Lavender for hair not only relieves irritation, but also perfectly moisturizes and nourishes. That is why the product is used to care for dry and normal hair.

To prepare the mask, take:

  • yolk – 3 pcs.;
  • almond oil – 3 tbsp;
  • lavender oil – 4-5 drops.

Chicken yolks, almond and lavender oils must be thoroughly mixed in a convenient bowl. Instead of almond oil, you can use any other oil. For example, olive or burdock would work well. The finished mask is applied along the entire length for 40 minutes. Afterwards wash off with shampoo.

Mask for shine and hair growth

All ingredients in the mask are absolutely accessible and inexpensive. This allows you to prepare a mask at home. The effect is not inferior to salon procedures.

You need to prepare in advance:

  • base oil – 2 tbsp;
  • yolk – 1 pc.;
  • ylang-ylang oil – 2 drops;
  • rosewood oil – 2 drops;
  • lavender oil – 4 drops.

Any oil can be used as a base oil. It can be jojoba, castor, burdock or olive oil. You start from their beneficial properties and the result you want to achieve. Mix all ingredients in a glass bowl. Rub part of the composition into the scalp, distribute the rest along the length of the hair. Wrap your hair in plastic and wrap it in a hot towel. Leave the mixture on for half an hour, then rinse with warm running water. The procedure can be carried out with your own hands, without additional skills. The effect is noticeable after the first use.

Video - recipe for hair with lavender essential oil

Lavender oil for hair: reviews of use

Those who have already tested hair masks with lavender have left their feedback on the use.

Natalya, 30 years old

Once a week I make a mask for hair growth and shine. I fell in love with lavender oil so much that now I even add a few drops to my shampoo. Hair is healthy and strong, no scalp problems.

Inga, 27 years old

I struggled with dandruff and itching for a long time. Doctors prescribed medications that caused even greater irritation. A friend recommended a mask with lavender oil, everything went away after just a few uses. It sounds unrealistic, but it really helped me!

Lavender essential oil is an indispensable remedy for the scalp and hair. It has a beneficial effect on their condition, making hair strong and strong. With this product, the hair also gains shine and silkiness.

Beneficial qualities of lavender

Lavender oil is suitable for any type of hair, as it is characterized by many healing properties:

  1. It moisturizes and also nourishes the roots and curls, which gives vitality to the hair for a long time. In addition, you can wash your hair much less often, since oil reduces the production of sebaceous glands.
  2. Lavender soothes irritated skin and relieves itching.
  3. It is an effective remedy for the prevention of many skin diseases.
  4. The oil has antibacterial and antifungal properties, so it can be used if there are wounds, scratches, etc. on the scalp. Also, thanks to these qualities, the amount of dandruff is reduced.
  5. The product strengthens the hair follicles, thereby improving the entire structure and growth of hair.
  6. The oil has a tonic effect and improves blood circulation.
  7. Lavender also has a pleasant aroma.

With the help of this ether, brittle, oily, weak hair becomes shiny, and most importantly, healthy.

Use of oil

Lavender oil is not used in its pure form, as it has a high concentration of active ingredients. Therefore, it is best to use it together with other cosmetics (conditioners, balms, shampoos, etc.), include it in home masks and carry out aromatherapy. Oil is added to ready-made cosmetics in the following proportions: 3-4 drops per 1 tsp. facilities. Let's look at several options for using lavender essential oil.

Mask for broken hair:

  1. Mix one egg yolk and burdock oil (2 tbsp.).
  2. Add lavender ether (4 drops), rosewood (2 drops) and ylang-ylang (2 drops).
  3. Apply the mask to your hair and scalp.
  4. For 20-30 minutes. wrap your head in a towel.
  5. Wash off with warm water and shampoo.

Anti-fall mask:

  1. Using a water bath, heat the vegetable oil.
  2. Mix mint oil (3 drops) and lavender (5 drops).
  3. Using massaging movements, apply the mask over all hair and skin.
  4. Wrap your head for 20-25 minutes. In the towel.
  5. Wash off with shampoo.

Aroma brushing with lavender essential oil:

  1. We massage the head with light and circular movements.
  2. Place 5-6 drops of lavender oil on a wooden comb.
  3. Within 5-10 minutes. Gently comb your hair in different directions.
  4. We wait 5-10 minutes. and wash my hair.

Prepared masks are best used immediately, since all the healing qualities of lavender disappear after a couple of hours.

Contraindications to the use of lavender oil

This product should not be used if:

  1. You are in the first trimester of pregnancy.
  2. You have anemia.
  3. You are taking medications that contain iodine and iron.
  4. You are allergic to lavender.

People suffering from hypertension should also refrain from using ether. The product may make you sleepy, and you may feel tired and lethargic.

Lavender is a godsend for healthy and beautiful hair. It helps fight many problems, such as dandruff, hair loss, fragility, split ends, etc. Gives hair energy, silkiness and attractive shine.