What can you eat if you have severe diarrhea? What can you eat if an adult has diarrhea? What to eat if a child has diarrhea

Diarrhea, from a medical point of view, is a frequent loose stool caused by intestinal disorder. Diarrhea is, of course, not the most pleasant thing that can happen to a person, but, of course, no one is immune from it. And if diarrhea has already occurred, then something needs to be done about it.

What causes diarrhea?

The causes of this disorder can be very diverse: psychological or stressful, as well as severe chronic ones. Depending on these reasons, the disease is accompanied by some of its own symptoms, which the sick person must tell his doctor about so that he can make the correct diagnosis.

Diet for diarrhea

Nutrition during diarrhea should be structured in such a way as to place as little stress on the intestines and stomach as possible. Some experts advise abstaining from food altogether, but drinking at least 1.5 liters of sweet tea (apple juice, green tea) raspberry leaf) in a day. If the very thought of a daily fast terrifies you, then you should pay attention to the following foods:

  • Boiled rice. Rice for diarrhea is the best food you can have. It contains virtually no fiber, and ordinary life This product can even cause constipation. IN this moment this is exactly what we need. However, you should eat rice little by little: no more than half a cup every 1-2 hours.
  • Banana is no less useful for diarrhea. This fruit is very rich in potassium and is considered an ideal food for any stomach upset. As most experts note, taking bananas for diarrhea from an illness can be completely cured without using anything else. medicinal products. To do this, you just need to eat 1-2 fruits every 3-4 hours.

These two products are the basis of nutrition for diarrhea. In addition to them, doctors advise not to neglect breadcrumbs from white bread, blueberry jelly and whey.

The above products are not to the taste of all sick people. However, bananas really shouldn’t be neglected! As for what you can eat with diarrhea, here you need to add to the list listed earlier:

  1. Steamed lean fish.
  2. Boiled vegetables.
  3. Any porridge (required!), except pearl barley. It is better to cook them in water, but you can also add 1/3 milk.
  4. Eggs, but only soft-boiled. A two-egg omelette will also work.
  5. Lean meat or poultry. Preferably boiled.
  6. Fermented milk products, except whole milk, heavy cream and whey-based carbonated drinks. They absolutely need to be excluded from the diet!
  7. Soups based lean meat. Possible with the addition of the latter.
  8. Fruits and berries (in the form of compotes, mousses, jellies or jelly).

Diet for diarrhea. What not to eat if you have diarrhea.

So, we have listed what to eat for diarrhea. Now we will consider that during an intestinal disorder, it is strictly not recommended to use it on the contrary. These products include:

  1. Fatty, smoked, canned meat and fish.
  2. Hard-boiled and fried eggs. Especially if they make you feel flatulent.
  3. White cabbage, cucumbers, radishes, beets (the body is also not particularly happy with rutabaga and turnips).
  4. Canned vegetables. Rich and black bread.
  5. Cakes.
  6. Cold and carbonated drinks.
  7. Raw and sour fruits(currants, lemon, gooseberries, etc.)
  8. Whole milk, heavy cream.
  9. Canned food.
  10. Rich broths.
  11. Meat by-products.
  12. Marinated and fried fish.

This concludes the question “What to eat for diarrhea?” can be considered closed. However, keep in mind that our bodies are very different. And what may suit one person perfectly will not always suit his interlocutor. So listen to your body and stick to the general

It happens that after a person has become very nervous, diarrhea may occur. This is not the most pleasant type of disease. In the case of diarrhea, it is important to understand how a person should behave, what is possible and what is not possible with diarrhea. Every moment is important here: both food and drink. After all, absolutely everything will play a big role.

This article will provide examples proper nutrition person during diarrhea. Anyone can easily get this condition. Just try it out severe stress or eat something wrong. How to deal with diarrhea?

Why does diarrhea occur? Possible reasons

The cause may be an infection in the stomach. Once bacteria enter the gastrointestinal tract, it is weakened the immune system human body. As a result of this, diarrhea occurs.

In the body of every person there are pathogenic microorganisms. Fortunately, they cannot provide strong influence on the state of the human body and are easily suppressed. But when immunity decreases, microorganisms can begin to irritate the intestines, and dysbiosis appears.

This disease is quite insidious. Therefore, if it is delayed for too long, you will need to consult a doctor.

Principles of nutrition

What can you eat if you have diarrhea? This important question, which needs to be answered. It is imperative to monitor your diet during such a period. A sick person should know some principles of nutrition. We'll talk about them further.

The most important rule is to divide your meals into several meals a day. It is better to have a large number of meals than one great reception food. A lot of food can be a serious burden on a person's intestines. This often only makes the situation worse. Therefore, it is necessary to eat five or six times, every three hours.

Can I drink it or not?

Can I drink if I have diarrhea? Of course yes. Water is the most main element For normal operation human body. In general, every person should drink enough water daily to avoid dehydration. And during the period of diarrhea, the situation with water in the human body worsens. Therefore, a person should drink twice as much purified water as on a normal day.

But, of course, it is worth following the regime. It is important to drink one glass of water after each bowel movement. Together with harmful substances water also comes out. This can lead to dehydration, which will further worsen the disease.

Benefits of banana

Is it possible? Definitely, this is the food that needs to be eaten. Bananas are a fruit that can greatly saturate the body. It also contains potassium, which is essential for diarrhea.

Nutrition for diarrhea. Which should it be?

When thinking about what you can eat if you have diarrhea, remember that all permitted foods must be steamed only. If you have diarrhea, you should not eat fried food, highly salted or smoked foods. This will only cause unnecessary discomfort. Based on this, a person must understand that the entire diet must be correct and must be monitored very carefully.

Answering the question of what you can eat with diarrhea, it must be said that many foods will simply become useless and unnecessary food. Nutrition must be balanced. All products should contain only micronutrients that will help improve performance gastrointestinal tract. Since the immune system is weakened during diarrhea, it is she who needs first aid. Therefore, fatty foods and foods with big amount carbohydrates should definitely be excluded.

If you are wondering what an adult can eat with diarrhea, then know that useful products apples can be used for diarrhea. You can easily make a puree out of them to make it easier to consume. You can also bake apples. In this form they will be easier to digest. Apple is a product rich in pectin. It will provide positive impact on the body.

What can a child eat if he has diarrhea? All the same products as for an adult with this illness. The body of a child and an adult is almost identical in this situation. He needs careful care and attention.

Tea and compote. Can I use it if I have diarrhea?

What can you drink if you have diarrhea? The clear answer is that water should not be excluded from the diet. You need to add tea. It is best to choose black tea. It has excellent fixing properties.

And here green tea has a relaxing effect and, on the contrary, will aggravate the patient’s condition. You can also prepare jelly and cook a light compote. But the products for its preparation must be selected carefully. When choosing, you should consider individual characteristics. It is also worth remembering that each fruit should be selected in accordance with the fact that the person has diarrhea. That is, from grape juice I will definitely have to refuse.

Rice and crackers for diarrhea

An excellent fixative food is rice. It can be boiled in water. By consuming it, you can gradually stop diarrhea. You can eat it with white bread or baked crackers. All foods should contain as much calcium as possible. It will be tasty, but also healthy, to boil potatoes in their jackets.

Protein food

You can also add protein foods to your diet. It can be any meat. For example, chicken and even beef. But it's important to know that everything meat dishes needs to be finely chopped. In this form it will be easier for a sick stomach to digest them. What can an adult eat if they have diarrhea? A large number of different products. You can also eat eggs, but they must be boiled. It is best to eat only protein.

Porridge during diarrhea

Anyone with diarrhea should have porridge in their diet. After all, almost every cereal contains many minerals and nutrients. They are able to restore the body, but only if their composition is rich in them. Therefore, it is important to eat a lot of cereal porridges.

They need to be cooked only in water, since dairy dishes are very fatty in composition. You can add salt and sugar to taste. But it is better to avoid unnecessary addition of sugar. Do not put butter in the porridge so that the dish is not very fatty.

Milk. Can a person suffering from diarrhea drink?

The question of whether milk is ok for diarrhea may seem strange. But it definitely cannot be drunk and cannot be added to food. Any milk product can only have a negative effect on the body. As soon as diarrhea will go away, will begin recovery stage after illness. Then you can slowly introduce cottage cheese, dairy products, cheeses, and yoghurts into your diet. These products contain a sufficient amount of bifidobacteria. They will only improve recovery process and restore balance in the gastrointestinal tract.

Fruits for diarrhea. Which ones can be consumed and in what form?

Fruits for diarrhea are best used as a small snack. For example, it is better to eat one apple and a banana per day. They must be high-quality baked products or well-ripe fruits. Otherwise, in its raw form it may cause further poisoning body and deterioration of the condition.

Prohibited What foods should a sick person avoid?

Avoid any sweet foods and raw vegetables, even as a snack. You can make a short list of foods that need to be definitely removed from your diet at the time of diarrhea. This food list includes the following foods:

  • all sweet food- candies, chocolate, cookies. They provoke fermentation and resume all processes in the intestines that led to diarrhea;
  • flour products. In this case, they will also have a negative effect on the body. Even pasta should be excluded. It is best to keep their use to a minimum.

This is the composition of those products that should not be consumed. Also, during the period of diarrhea, it is forbidden to drink carbonated drinks. The only exception here may be carbonated mineral water. It can give a person a feeling of lightness. With it you can forget about your current state for a short period of time.

With any illness, a person must carefully take care of his body and his condition. It is important not just to stop the process of diarrhea, but to restore the body as a whole and give it new nutrients, microelements needed daily.

Of course, during the period of diarrhea, few foods can be consumed, but the more carefully you follow your diet, the faster you will get back on your feet and restore the balance of your body.

In order not to cause severe poisoning of the body, and also to improve metabolic processes, in no case should you reduce your diet or limit yourself in nutrition. Best to choose certain type products and eat them at a selected period of time constantly. When the food is the same, it will help the body balance the process within itself. Only in this case can the correct treatment be obtained.

Life after diarrhea. How to eat and what can you eat?

After diarrhea, nutrition should also be controlled, otherwise a relapse is possible. Even if diarrhea does not recur, this does not mean that the microflora in the intestines has already been completely restored and the body can be stressed. You should give your digestive tract some time to rest. How to do it? It is worth following the same regimen as for diarrhea.

Note that the main complication that occurs in a person after prolonged diarrhea, is dehydration. To restore water-salt and electrolyte balance You need to drink as much liquid as possible, especially water itself. Can be used medicinal product- rehydron solution. It can be purchased at any pharmacy.

If a person has chronic diarrhea, then it may have occurred due to hypovitaminosis. Then doctors usually prescribe a course of vitamin therapy. You should also ask your doctor what fruits you can eat when chronic illness. This still needs to be done, because fruits contain many vitamins.

With frequent, prolonged or chronic diarrhea the person is losing a lot of weight. It won't be enough for him to get better regular products. Doctors recommend special nutritional mixtures.

A little conclusion

Now you know what you can eat when you have diarrhea, and what you should absolutely not eat. All these important topics were discussed in detail in the article. If you follow your doctor's recommendations and proper nutrition, you can quickly get rid of the feeling of discomfort and make your body work stably.

Diarrhea - when to sound the alarm

Can diarrhea be considered harmless to health? The answer is not in all cases. In fact, diarrhea in an adult or child is often caused either by an intestinal reaction to a food or by a serious illness. Moreover, the disease does not necessarily have to be associated with a disorder of the digestive system. It can be mental disorders or diseases of an oncological nature.

But mostly diarrhea occurs due to wrong habits in nutrition. We often eat foods that our digestive organs take with hypersensitivity. Also, sometimes the combination of some products is incompatible (for example, if you eat dumplings and wash them down with milk). Subsequently, diarrhea begins.

If you are experiencing diarrhea for a reason food intolerance or incompatibility, you need to determine which foods trigger your diarrhea. Then, replace them with food that you can eat during diarrhea and to prevent it. Sometimes overuse of products with laxative properties can also lead to diarrhea. If your breakfast, lunch and dinner consist of 90% only fermented milk products, fresh vegetables and fruits, the cause of diarrhea lies precisely in your diet.

The alarm for diarrhea should be sounded when bowel movements are observed with a frequency of 3-6 times a day for long period(from 3 to 7 days). Prolonged diarrhea is often accompanied by other symptoms, such as malaise, vomiting, elevated temperature bodies. It is important to pay attention to consistency and color feces. Perhaps they can be found bleeding or mucus. These are not good signs. IN in this case, self-medication of diarrhea is strictly prohibited. You need to see a doctor urgently

Reasons persistent diarrhea serve:

Prolonged diarrhea leads to dehydration. To prevent big loss fluids in the body, it is important to maintain a drinking regime. On average, an adult is allowed to drink 2 liters of purified water per day, a child - 1.5 liters. The consumption of tea, coffee, juices and even the most watery berry such as watermelon is not taken into account

Symptoms of lack of fluid in the body are:

  • General fatigue.
  • Confusion.
  • Headache.
  • Feeling thirsty.
  • Dryness of the mucous membranes of the mouth, nasal passages and eyes.
  • Urine is dark yellow.

If you suddenly develop diarrhea and at the same time notice other symptoms that negatively affect your well-being, consult a doctor immediately. In such cases, self-medication and assumptions that things will get better in a couple of days can only worsen health problems.

What you can and cannot eat when you have diarrhea

Following an individual diet is prerequisite for the treatment of persistent diarrhea. It is necessary to create a therapeutic diet of foods that can be eaten during diarrhea, and exclude from it those foods that are prohibited to eat during diarrhea.

Let's look at foods that you shouldn't eat:

  • Fatty foods. This includes foods cooked with large amounts of vegetable/animal oil or flavored with sauces.
  • Milk and its derivatives: butter, cheese, ice cream, kefir, sour cream, fermented baked milk and yogurt. Stay away from dairy products, even if you don't have lactose intolerance issues. During diarrhea, the intestines become more sensitive to dairy products, which can make the diarrhea worse.
  • Alcoholic and caffeinated drinks are not allowed during diarrhea, because they are “diuretics” - fluid absorbers that lead to dehydration.
  • Vegetables, berries and fruits with high content natural acids. Strawberries, cherries, grapes, pears, tomatoes, onion, Bell pepper and all varieties of cabbage cause flatulence, bloating and diarrhea. Citrus fruits such as lemons, oranges and grapefruits stimulate fermentation and gases in the intestines.
  • Baked goods, chocolate and candies. Products containing artificial sweeteners have laxative properties.
  • Nuts (walnuts, hazelnuts and almonds). These products contain fats and insoluble alimentary fiber which weaken the stool. Eating a handful of these nuts will only make your diarrhea worse.
  • Sunflower and flax seeds. These seeds, like nuts, have an impact on digestive system laxative property.
  • Lean meat (chicken, turkey).
  • Chicken eggs without yolks.
  • Probiotic yogurt.
  • Low-fat fish (perch, crucian carp, herring, hake, pollock).
  • Lean rice.
  • Potato ( mashed potatoes).
  • Dietary vinaigrette.
  • Pasta.
  • Apples.
  • Watermelon.
  • Quince.

Quince is considered effective in treating diarrhea if used correctly for this purpose. As you know, quince contains a tart and very sour taste. Therefore, it is not recommended to take it raw. However, it turns out useful tincture. If quince grows in your area, be sure to use it as a medicine for diarrhea. Before using the infusion, consult your doctor. Perhaps you may have more serious reasons the appearance of diarrhea, and the quince drink will be powerless

How to prepare an infusion? For this you need fresh quince - 200 g and 1 l hot water. Place the fruit in a glass bottle and pour boiling water over it. Leave for about an hour. Take the drink warm, 200 ml in one dose every hour until the diarrhea stops.

During diarrhea, you can eat salads with boiled potatoes. For example, a dietary vinaigrette is allowed, which includes boiled beets and carrots. The benefits of such a salad for diarrhea directly depend on what ingredients are in it. Today there are many options for preparing this dish, the recipe of which may include beans, green peas, pickled cucumbers and cabbage. A dietary vinaigrette should not include these products. The listed ingredients stimulate fermentation and the formation of gases in the intestines. But in order for such a vinaigrette not to be bland at all, you can give it a little sour taste with the help of peeled apples.

Vinaigrette salad practically consists of boiled vegetables. Soft foods are easier for the body to digest, which makes stools frequent and loose. Therefore, during diarrhea, you should consume no more than 200 g of boiled vegetables per day.

It is very important to adjust your diet and eating regimen in case of intestinal disorder in such a way as to help the body cope with the problem as effectively as possible. If you don't know what you can eat if you have diarrhea, use our recommendations.

What can you eat if you have diarrhea?

  • Diet for diarrhea should include foods high in pectin: applesauce, bananas, yogurt. Pectin, a water-soluble fiber, helps relieve intestinal upset.
  • Pay attention to foods rich in potassium - fruit juices, jacket potatoes, bananas. When there is an intestinal disorder, the body actively loses potassium and needs to be restored.
  • Don't forget to add salt to your dishes. Diet for diarrhea should include salty soups, broths, crackers, etc., which will help retain water in the body and avoid dehydration.
  • Get enough protein. If you have diarrhea, you can eat lightly cooked beef, turkey, chicken or hard-boiled eggs to avoid fatigue and tiredness.
  • Eat vegetables and fruits after hot processing. Some raw vegetables and fruits can make diarrhea worse. When following a diet for diarrhea, try a simple soup with asparagus, carrots, beets, zucchini, mushrooms or celery, cream soup or jacket potatoes.

What to drink if you have diarrhea?

Drink at least a glass of liquid after each bout of diarrhea to help prevent dehydration. If you have an intestinal upset, drink water, weak tea, Apple juice, low-fat broth, as soon as diarrhea begins or when you feel it may begin. Liquid diet for diarrhea does not burden with heavy work digestive tract and helps prevent irritation.

What should you avoid if you have diarrhea?

  • Avoid drinks and foods that contain caffeine or are very hot or cold. It will irritate the gastrointestinal tract.
  • When dieting for diarrhea, avoid fatty, fried and heavy foods. Eating this way will only make your intestinal upset worse.
  • If you have diarrhea, avoid foods that cause gas accumulation in the intestines - chewing gum, carbonated drinks. They irritate the digestive tract.
  • Limit milk and dairy products. They may be hard to digest.
  • Avoid nuts raw fruits and vegetables, bran and whole grain bread in the diet. They irritate the digestive tract.

Try not to smoke or drink alcohol.

A complete list of what to eat for diarrhea is contained in the “Table No. 4” diet.

What is diarrhea and how to treat it

Diarrhea is defined as frequent loose stools accompanied by excessive loss of fluid and electrolytes. Intestinal upset occurs when the contents of the gastrointestinal tract move too quickly, causing fluid and nutrients not to be absorbed.

To quickly stop diarrhea (within 1 hour), IMODIUM® lozenges are recommended, which will help normalize intestinal function, restoring the natural rhythm of its work. The tablets dissolve directly on the tongue in 2-3 seconds, do not require drinking water and have a pleasant mint taste.

The symptoms that occur with acute diarrhea are familiar to everyone: abdominal pain, frequent loose stools, violent flatulence. The condition is unpleasant - constant preoccupation with intestinal problems, attachment to the toilet - does not allow you to live and work normally. The question that becomes relevant for the patient is how to organize nutrition during diarrhea, what foods will help fix the stool, and what foods should absolutely not be eaten during diarrhea. Often for an adult quick recovery For the functioning of the intestinal tract, it is enough to eat properly and follow a drinking regime. If you do not treat diarrhea at all and let everything take its course, health-threatening complications may arise.

Why is diarrhea dangerous?

Diarrhea (diarrhea) is a disorder of the intestines when processed food is not absorbed into the blood, but comes out in the form of feces.

Common signs of diarrhea are:

  • frequent bowel movements (3-15 times a day);
  • change in the color of stool (white, green, yellow, black), the presence of undigested food in it;
  • lack of urine;
  • constant thirst;
  • white coating on the mucous membranes in the mouth.

The most dangerous complication with diarrhea - dehydration of the body, which affects the functioning of the brain, heart, urinary system. Intoxication develops, since with loose stools the process of eliminating toxins with urine is difficult. Along with fluid, the body loses essential microelements and vitamins. The balance of beneficial and harmful microflora is disrupted, creating conditions for chronic diseases intestines. A person begins to lose weight catastrophically quickly. Dehydration is especially dangerous in children.

The causes of diarrhea are different:

  • You can get poisoned by eating spoiled food. To prevent toxic substances from being absorbed into the blood, the body removes them from the intestines with diarrhea;
  • loose stools are accompanied by intestinal infections, while the temperature rises sharply, severe vomiting, streaks of blood are noticeable in the stool;
  • short-term diarrhea occurs due to indigestion during travel;
  • Constant stress causes irritable bowel syndrome, its peristalsis is disrupted, which provokes a constant alternation of constipation and diarrhea.

For chronic diarrhea, which is a symptom serious illnesses Gastrointestinal tract, as well as intestinal infections you need to see a doctor. Diet alone cannot cure such pathologies. You can independently treat diarrhea in case of minor poisoning or gastrointestinal upset after unusual food.

Diet No. 4 - a method of treating diarrhea

Diarrhea is a consequence of intestinal dysfunction, such pathologies are regulated by diet table № 4. Diet for diarrhea solves the following therapeutic problems:

  • regulates the nutrition of patients with digestive disorders;
  • reduces inflammatory processes on the irritated intestinal mucosa;
  • stops fermentation, gas formation, rotting in the digestive tract.

Features of nutrition during diarrhea - reducing calories to 2,000 kcal/day, and the amount of fat (up to 70 g) and carbohydrates (up to 250 g) is extremely reduced, the amount of proteins remains within normal limits. Daily consumption salt is 6-10 g, and liquid is at least 1.5-2 liters per day. Food processing methods are gentle on the gastrointestinal tract; all foods for diarrhea are steamed, boiled, and pureed. It is recommended to eat dishes cooked in water. Any intestinal irritation should be excluded, so food should be warm (30-35 ° C), without any seasonings. Frequent and fractional meals must be strictly observed so as not to overload the injured parts of the gastrointestinal tract. The amount of food eaten at one time should be reduced by 2 times. If you have diarrhea, you need to drink a lot, but fasting is still not recommended.

What foods should you not eat if you have diarrhea?

The diet for diarrhea excludes all foods that irritate the mucous membrane and fermentative, their consumption will lead to loose stools becoming more frequent and increasing dehydration. If you have diarrhea, you should not eat many healthy foods at all:

  1. Fruits and vegetables without heat treatment.
  2. Fruits with coarse fiber: cabbage, tomatoes, cucumbers, mushrooms, legumes - should be excluded from the diet until complete recovery.
  3. Sour berries and fruits (cranberries, currants, lemon) will irritate the intestinal mucosa and cause harm, despite their content large quantity essential vitamins. Besides, fresh fruits are a source of fermentation; consuming them will only worsen diarrhea.
  4. Fatty and fried meat with diarrhea in an adult injures the entire gastrointestinal tract and can provoke an exacerbation of cholecystitis or pancreatitis. Also affects the digestive tract Fried fish, canned fish, seafood.
  5. Black bread, products from yeast dough are the source strong fermentation and for diarrhea are contraindicated.
  6. Milk and cream are harmful during food poisoning; they increase intestinal motility.
  7. It is dangerous to drink kvass and coffee, carbonated drinks and alcohol, undiluted juices (especially grape and plum) during diarrhea.

During an exacerbation, a poisoned person should not abuse sweets; it increases fermentation in the intestines, and pathogenic flora begins to actively multiply.

What can and should you eat if you have diarrhea?

Dietary nutrition for diarrhea includes a diet of medicinal dishes, a properly organized drinking regimen, as well as permitted foods that diversify the menu.

Medicinal products

Some dishes can be eaten in case of poisoning and diarrhea without restrictions, as they have effective therapeutic effect, are a natural medicine for a sick intestine. These include fixing products:

  • loose stools are perfectly fixed by rice porridge and congee. It is important to consume them without salt, oil and sugar;
  • on the first day of illness you need to eat white crackers with black tea - the most gentle diet on the first day of illness;
  • whey is a source of protein and also has the ability to block the processes of decay and destroy pathogenic flora, promote the development of beneficial microorganisms;
  • Healing berries for diarrhea are blueberries and bird cherry, but their use in fresh not as healthy and nutritious as jelly and compotes made from them;
  • It is useful for a poisoned person to eat bananas and baked apples– they contain pectins that can cleanse the intestines of toxins and poisons.

Drinking regime

With diarrhea, a large volume of fluid is lost, which must be constantly replenished. Microelements and vitamins leave the body with liquid - and this also needs to be taken into account when organizing drinking regime. Calculate required amount liquids can be done this way: healthy person You need to drink 350 ml of liquid per day for every 10 kg of your weight. With diarrhea, this norm increases by 150 ml, so a person with an average weight of 60 kg needs to drink at least 3 liters of liquid per day to prevent dehydration.

The most healthy drink– solutions of glucose and salt that can be prepared at home: per liter of water take 10 g of salt, 5 g of soda, 2-3 g of potassium chloride, 50 g of granulated sugar. You should drink 1-2 glasses of this solution before each meal in the first days of illness. The salt in this solution will help retain fluid in the body, and the presence of potassium will help maintain water-salt balance. Can replenish the body's need for potassium Orange juice or dried apricot compote.

Has a fixing effect pomegranate juice and infusion from pomegranate peels. Rosehip decoction is a source of vitamin C, raspberry leaf tea, wheat bran, corn silk have an enveloping effect and relieve irritation of the intestinal mucosa. For diarrhea during pregnancy, it is useful to drink chamomile and mint teas.

What foods are allowed for diarrhea?

Diet for diarrhea in adults cannot be called varied. Because the list of permitted products is small:

  1. In the first days, mucous porridges in water should prevail, which have a fixing, enveloping effect and are a source of essential carbohydrates and vitamins. Rice, oatmeal, buckwheat, and semolina porridge are allowed.
  2. Liquid soups based on weak vegetable and meat broths with the addition of small pieces of well-cooked potatoes and cereals. Soups should not be fried or seasoned with spices.
  3. Hard-boiled eggs and steamed omelets are sources of animal protein; they are allowed on the 2-3rd day of illness.
  4. For diarrhea, eat dietary meat (chicken, veal, rabbit, turkey). It is used in crushed form (cutlets, meatballs), and dishes are prepared in a double boiler.
  5. Allowed low-fat varieties fish: hake, cod, flounder, pike, pike perch. The fish is served boiled or made into cutlets and meatballs.
  6. If you have diarrhea, eating white dried bread does not cause any harm, Lenten cookies, crackers.
  7. Among the vegetables that are useful for intestinal upset are: potatoes, pumpkin, zucchini, carrots. They must be boiled, pureed, added to main courses and soups.
  8. Fermented milk products (kefir, cottage cheese) should be consumed with caution; they should have low fat content.
  9. You can use berry jelly, mousses, jellies for diarrhea - they are a source of vitamins and pectins.

Diet rules after diarrhea

The main goal of the diet after diarrhea in adults is to bring intestinal function back to normal, restore microflora, and establish the production of necessary enzymes. Only in this case will the intestinal walls digest food and absorb liquid, and the patient’s stool will be restored. The main rule: eat carefully, without provoking new irritation. To do this, you need to add foods to your usual diet gradually, listening to the work of your body.

In adults, the diet after diarrhea lasts 10-15 days, during which time the bacterial background of the intestines is completely restored, and it begins to work as usual.

For 1-2 months, spices, spicy foods, alcohol, fried and fatty foods, smoked meats. The post-diarrhea diet does not recommend consuming legumes, pearl barley and millet, fiber-rich vegetables, sour and carbonated drinks. Rye bread can be consumed 1.5 weeks after illness.

You can eat pasta after diarrhea, starting with noodles and expanding their range. Gradually add milk to porridge and tea, drink yogurt to restore intestinal microflora. The diet after diarrhea includes eating baked fruits rich in pectin; carrots are a good source of vitamin A.

Failure to adhere to the diet can provoke a complication in the form of irritable bowel syndrome, the treatment of which takes a long time.

Sample menu for the day after diarrhea

  • first breakfast: steamed omelet, rose hip decoction with crackers;
  • second breakfast: blueberry jelly, biscuits;
  • lunch: diluted vermicelli soup chicken broth, fish balls, raspberry leaf tea;
  • afternoon snack: baked apple;
  • dinner: veal cutlets, mashed potatoes, dried apricot compote.

The information on our website is provided by qualified doctors and is for informational purposes only. Don't self-medicate! Be sure to consult a specialist!

Gastroenterologist, professor, doctor of medical sciences. Prescribes diagnostics and carries out treatment. Study Group Expert inflammatory diseases. Author of more than 300 scientific papers.