Medicinal properties of stone fruit. Recipes for dishes with stone fruits. Chemical composition and where it grows

Summer is long over, but many still have memories of going to the forest to pick mushrooms and berries. If you are a fan of wandering through the forest in search of its gifts, then you have probably encountered such a representative of the forest flora as the drupe berry. It is extended to larger territory Russia - from the Caucasus to the Arctic.

Drupe berry. Description

This berry belongs to the rose family and is a perennial honey plant. The shoots are straight, reaching one and a half meters in height. The leaves are wrinkled and hard, appearance They also resemble blackberries. Small white flowers are collected in small inflorescences. The berries are similar in shape and size to cranberries. Color - bright red. Drupe is a berry (photo presented in the article), which has a second name - northern pomegranate. And this is no coincidence, the fact is that these berries taste similar to pomegranate berries - they have the same refreshing, slightly sour taste and a hard, large seed. Actually, it is because of this seed that this plant got its name. Drupe berries grow in the same way as mushrooms, under shady trees, forming small thickets of 20-30 bushes. The stone fruit is very tender and juicy. Therefore, if you decide to bring these berries home, be sure to put them in a basket, bucket or bowl, as they will quickly become limp and spoiled in the bag.

Drupe berry. Beneficial features

Like any wild berry, stone fruit is rich in all kinds of vitamins and minerals. So, the fruits of this plant contain a large number of vitamin C, pectin substances, sugars, flavonoids. There is copper, manganese, iron and zinc. For lovers herbal infusions You will like the tea made from the leaves of the stone fruit. Many consider it one of the most delicious and aromatic.

Drupe berry. Application

Well, firstly, jams, mousses, fruit drinks, compotes, and preserves are made from this berry. This berry is dried, sprinkled with sugar and, of course, eaten in fresh. Crushed seeds, like pomegranate seeds, are used to season main courses. In the old days, bone jam was considered one of the best. Nowadays, the drupe berry is not so popular; many simply do not know about this plant and, if discovered, do not risk trying unfamiliar berries. IN official medicine Drupe berries are not used, but they are very popular in folk culture. Thus, a decoction of stems and leaves is drunk for diseases of the stomach and intestines, gout, tumors and rheumatism. The juice of these berries strengthens blood vessels and also has a beneficial effect on general state body. A very original method of treating fear and stuttering is used in Transbaikalia. To do this, collect the leaves of the plant affected by the fungus. Then they are dried and the patient is given a decoction prepared from these leaves to drink.

Despite the fact that the drupe berry is a storehouse of vitamins, not everyone can eat it. Due to the acids contained in the berries, people with stomach ulcers or duodenum It is strictly prohibited to use them in your diet. Well, if there are no contraindications, then eat to your health. After all, these berries will give you health, beauty and youth!

The stone fruit berry has become a little forgotten and is undeservedly ignored by modern housewives. At the same time, beneficial features drupes are higher than those of any other garden berry. We will give a description of the varieties of stone fruit below.

Drupe berry photo, description

A low, erect perennial plant, stoneweed (Rubus saxatilis L.) is common in the forests of the northern regions of European Russia, Siberia and the Far East.

In Primorye, star-shaped drupes (Rubus stellatus Sm.) and hop-leaved drupes (Rubus humulifolius CAM.) are also found, the berries of which are also used for food, and the green parts are used for healing.

Composite trifoliate petiolate leaves arise from a thick brown rhizome. Barren long shoots (up to 1.5 m) grow in different sides from the mother plant, take root and give rise to young rosettes. In May, the drupe blooms with large white flowers collected in a loose apical inflorescence; in place of the flowers in August, bright red berries with a large seed with a sweet and sour taste ripen. They are collected in a handful of 3-5 at the top of the shoot and stick up like bright lanterns in the darkness of a damp coniferous forest.

Drupe berry beneficial properties

The leaves and berries of the plant are collected for food and medicinal purposes. Drupes are not as popular as blueberries or cranberries, but they have a whole range of useful substances, which can be consumed for health benefits.

Drupe leaves and stems are cut with scissors, dried and brewed as tea for diseases of the stomach and intestines - the tasty brew soothes pain, regulates peristalsis, and relieves bleeding hemorrhoids. The same broth is used to make lotions for the anorectal area.

Drupe leaves have a diuretic effect and are used for kidney diseases and Bladder. Acting as a cleanser, boneberry tea rids the body of salts and stones in the liver, kidneys, and joints, cleanses the skin and improves metabolism.

Leaves affected by rust fungus are brewed as a sedative and anticonvulsant or a 1:10 vodka tincture is prepared. Take 1 tbsp. l. tea or 30 drops of tincture 3 times a day for hysteria, epilepsy, neurosis.

A decoction is prepared from the leaves of the drupe for washing the hair against dandruff and treating sore eyes.

Drupe berries, rich in organic acids, tannic and minerals, flavonoids and vitamins, are used as an anti-inflammatory, analgesic and vitamin remedy.

Hot and cold drinks made from drupes will help reduce fever and pain from flu, colds, and any types of fever.

As a means of lowering cholesterol levels in the blood (specific effect), stone fruit berries are recommended for atherosclerosis and coronary insufficiency. Due to high content vitamins P and C, stone fruit is useful as an angio-protector, strengthening vascular wall and affecting tissue metabolism. Bone preparations are simple and can be used in the nutrition of children and adults.

Drupeberry: Video

Now you know the description of the bone fruit and have seen the photo, you know about the beneficial properties, and you can eat the bone fruit and dishes made from it.


Drupe is a perennial, medicinal, herbaceous plant up to 0.25 m high. It belongs to the Rosaceae family. The shoots of stony drupe are often rooted, prostrate, and long. Leaves petiolate, trifoliate. The leaves are covered with bristles, serrated and oval along the edges. The flowers are located in apical inflorescences - corymbs, small, white, 5 petals, regular. The fruits are clustered drupes of bright red color that ripen in July - August. The plant blooms in May - June.


The stony drupe plant grows in Russia in Siberia and its central zone. It grows in deciduous and coniferous forests, in clearings and among bushes.


To make preparations, the roots of the plant, its leaves and the fruits of the stony drupe are used. Rhizomes are dug up, cleaned, washed cold water and dried at 45-50°C. The leaves are collected from June to mid-July and dried, spread out in one layer, in ventilated areas, and periodically turning over. The fruits are dried in the open air or at 40 - 50 ° C in dryers. The shelf life of medicinal raw materials is 12 months.

Chemical composition.

Pharmacological properties.

Medicinal preparations of stone drupe have diaphoretic, anti-inflammatory, diuretic and antimicrobial effect. The juice of the plant's fruits exhibits protistocidal and antiscorbutic properties.


Stone drupe berries are useful for gastrointestinal and colds, anemia, kidney stone disease, metabolic disorders, scurvy.
Herbal decoctions of the plant are effective for inflammatory diseases liver, digestive tract, gallbladder and urinary bladder, as well as women's diseases and hemorrhoids. To strengthen hair, wash your hair with a decoction of the drupe plant.


Infusion for bronchitis.

Brew 1 tbsp with 1 cup boiling water. a spoonful of flowers and herbs from the stone drupe plant and leave for about 4 hours, then filter and squeeze out the raw materials. Drink 5 r. per day 1/4 cup.


1.5 glasses hot water pour in a tablespoon of herbs and drupe leaves, heat for 30 minutes in a boiling water bath, then leave for 10 minutes, then filter, squeeze out the raw materials. Bring the volume of the decoction to 1.5 cups of liquid. Take 3 r. per day 2 tbsp. spoons 20 minutes before meals.

Juice for diseases of the gastrointestinal tract.

Squeeze the juice fresh berries stony drupes. Take it 4 times a day. per day 2 tbsp. spoons before meals.


Despite the fact that stony drupe is a medicinal plant, it still has contraindications. Basically this is individual intolerance.

Kostyanika - or, as the Siberians call it, “cold pomegranate” is a real forest decoration. A handful of bright red berries on a base of leaves look like pomegranate seeds, which is why they got their second name. These berries are not only beautiful, but also very healthy. Due to their rich chemical composition, they are used in traditional medicine recipes. The berries are used to prepare products that help in the treatment of anemia, tumors and gastrointestinal pathologies.

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    Drupeberry is an edible berry; its stem can be up to 30 cm high and has long shoots creeping along the ground. The leaves are wrinkled and tough, similar in appearance to raspberry leaves. It begins to bloom in May-June. Already in mid-summer, the first berries begin to appear. The fruit is a union of 3-5 ovaries of bright red or orange color, each of them has a large bone. That's why they got their name: stoneweed. In some areas it is called drupe or bone berry.

    The fruits are sour, juicy, and taste similar to pomegranate. Full maturity is reached in August.

    It is noteworthy that the leaves of the “cold pomegranate” can be used to determine the weather. If they curl into a tube, this indicates that there is something ahead sunny days If you straighten your wrinkles, it will rain soon.

    Boneberry grows in Europe, America, Asia and, of course, in Russia. IN Russian Federation The plant is widespread in the European part, the Far East and Siberia. It grows mainly in coniferous damp forests, forming thickets of 20-30 bushes.

    A detailed description of the "cold pomegranate" is contained in Encyclopedic Dictionary Brockhaus and Efron.

    Beneficial features

    Drupe berries have a rich chemical composition. It includes:

    • carbohydrates;
    • pectins;
    • tannins;
    • copper, zinc, manganese;
    • organic acids;
    • phytoncides and flavonoids;
    • ascorbic acid.

    It is the presence of these components in the composition that determines the beneficial properties of the fruit. The berry is not used in official medicine, but is widespread in folk medicine. The substances included in its composition help with colds and anemia. A decoction of leaves and stems is used to treat joint diseases, gastric tract, tumors.

    In addition, the infusion of berries has an analgesic effect and is used to treat dandruff and hair restoration. Kostyanika strengthens the immune system and restores the body's strength after colds, helps get rid of stuttering and warts.

    Traditional medicine recipes

    “Cold pomegranate” can be consumed fresh with honey or sugar. Sauces, wine, vinegar and coffee drink. These berries make very delicious desserts: jellies, mousses, compotes, syrups, juices and jam.

    IN folk medicine There are a wide variety of recipes with bone berries; you should focus on the most interesting of them.

    Mulberry ( Mulberry tree) - useful properties and application


    To prepare it you will need:

    • starch – 45 g;
    • water – 1 liter;
    • berries – 1 cup;
    • sugar – 100 g.

    The fruits are ground with sugar, placed in a saucepan with water and cooked over medium heat. When the water boils, add starch dissolved in a small amount of water in a thin stream. The resulting composition is stirred and after 5 minutes removed from the heat.


    Its components:

    • water - 3.5 liters;
    • berries - liter jar;
    • salt - a pinch;
    • yeast – 10 g;
    • sugar – 1 glass.

    Berries must be mixed with a small amount sugar, grind and boil for 5-10 minutes over medium heat. The resulting broth is filtered, and the remaining sugar is added to it. Yeast should be added to the cooled syrup. The composition should ferment for 3 days, resulting in a tasty sour drink.


    To prepare the juice, the berries should be carefully sorted and washed, doused with boiling water. The cooled berries are placed in cheesecloth and crushed.

    Drupe juice can remove toxins and strengthen the walls of blood vessels. In addition, it is effective for gastritis. To cure this disease, drink berry juice before meals, one-half glass 3 times a day for 3 months.

    This remedy effectively fights warts. The growths must be wiped until they disappear completely.

Drupes: berries, beneficial properties and description

Drupes, the berries of which contain more ascorbic acid than lemon - 44 mg/100 g, consumed raw, mixed with honey, milk or simply with sugar. For long-term use, dry the berries, grind them into powder and store in a dry, dark place.


Drupes is a herb of the rose family. The structure and shape of the leaves is similar to wild raspberries and blackberries. The stem of the plant is thin, long, creeping, and periodically takes root. The leaves are compound tripartite, lanceolate-ovate with a serrated edge, the petiole is long and pubescent. The flowers are small, white, collected in inflorescences of 3–10 pieces. They bloom in late May - early June. The first fruits appear at the end of July. The last berries can be found in late August - early September.

Source: Depositphotos

Drupes: a rare berry, but valuable in its composition.

The fruits of the plant are small - 4–5 mm, juicy, sour, similar in taste to pomegranate, pineapple or blackberry. Each contains a hard, large pit that can be eaten if crushed. In addition to berries, medicinal purposes You can use the leaves, stems and flowers of the plant.

Beneficial features

Drupe berries, popularly called rock raspberries, wheatears and wild pomegranates, are known as an anti-scorbutic, anti-anemic, vascular and immuno-strengthening folk remedy.

Rock raspberry fruits contain:

  • Tocopherol - vitamin E.
  • Rutin - vitamin P.
  • Ascorbic acid - vitamin C.
  • Flavonoids are natural antioxidants.
  • Phytoncides are natural antibiotics.
  • Pectins are natural sorbents.
  • Tannins - tannins, natural astringents.

When fresh, stone fruit contains salicylic acid, therefore it has antipyretic properties. Thanks to the multivitamin composition and the content of microelements: copper, zinc, manganese - regular use kostyaniki helps with colds, sore throat, anemia, headaches; reduces cholesterol levels; strengthens the walls blood vessels; increases diuresis and stimulates peristalsis.


Tea from ground dried berries helps with insomnia, bronchitis with dry cough, painful and long periods. As a rinse, tea or a decoction of berries and leaves of the wheatear has a beneficial effect in the treatment of periodontal disease, seborrhea, hemorrhoids, and conjunctivitis.

From the powder you can prepare dishes such as:

  • "coffee" drink;
  • jam;
  • jelly;
  • compote;
  • pies.

Berry powder can be added as a dry seasoning to fried meat. You can make jam from fresh berries by adding sugar in a ratio of 1:2; liqueur - placing crushed berries under the seal for 21 days, or similar apple cider vinegar- if the liqueur was not tightly sealed.

Fresh berries and in the form of jam can cause a slight increase in secretion gastric juice, therefore, people prone to gastritis and heartburn are not recommended to eat them on an empty stomach.

A contraindication to treatment with stone fruit is individual intolerance.

Collect the reddest and juiciest wild pomegranate drupes on fine, dry days - such vitamin raw materials will be stored longer.