In what foods is vitamin C found? Where is the most vitamin C found? Vitamin C: daily requirement. Vitamin C: instructions for use

To create a healthy diet, you need to know as much as possible about the composition of foods, so as not to accidentally make a mistake and eat something useless or even harmful. That is why I decided to write a series of articles about vitamins - what foods contain them, in what quantities, how to combine them correctly so that the foods are better absorbed.

Let's start with vitamin C. The second name of this substance is ascorbic acid. The good news may be that you cannot overdose on vitamin C. Its excess is easily eliminated by the body without any consequences. However, about harmlessness pharmacy forms there is no need to talk about ascorbic acid, because in in this case we are dealing with concentrate. As for products containing vitamin C, its concentration in food is so low that an excess of such products cannot cause harm. Recommended daily dose of ascorbic acid: from 70 to 95 mg.

Which foods contain the most vitamin C?

There is a lot of vitamin C in dry and fresh fruits rose hips (dry 1200 mg per 100 grams, fresh 470). Great, right? Dried fruits can be bought at any pharmacy, brewed with hot but not boiling water, infused, slightly sweetened and drunk.

The generally recognized leader in ascorbic acid content is bell pepper (250 mg per 100 grams of product). Of course, not canned or thermally processed - in soup, stew or stuffed. A huge amount of vitamin is contained in fresh pepper pulp, which can be added to salads.

Recipe for vitamin salad with sweet peppers

take cabbage forks weighing up to a kilogram, large Bell pepper red, a bunch of dill, a bunch of green onions, a tablespoon of oil and half a lemon. Wash and dry the vegetables in advance. Shred the cabbage, add salt, and use your hands to release the juice. Cut the seeded sweet pepper into thin strips. Mix it with cabbage. Dill and green onions wash, chop finely, add to salad. Salt it to taste, season with oil and lemon juice. A serving of this salad contains a daily dose of vitamin C.

By the way, there is also a lot of ascorbic acid in fresh greens, although less than in sweet peppers. The most “vitamin-rich” green is parsley (150 mg per 100 grams of product). It is slightly inferior to dill and wild garlic, spinach, sorrel, and green onions. You can significantly increase the vitamin value of any salads by simply adding fresh herbs in various combinations. Just be careful: like any acid, vitamin C destroys tooth enamel. Therefore, it is recommended to rinse after eating oral cavity clean water, and also refrain from brushing your teeth with a toothpaste containing whitening ingredients for several hours.

A few more sources of ascorbic acid: berries, citrus fruits and different kinds cabbage The most vitamin-rich, oddly enough, is Brussels sprouts (120 mg per 100 grams of product). A little less vitamin C in cauliflower - 70 mg per 100 grams. However, it is worth considering that few people consume cauliflower raw. And when heat treatment Vitamin C is destroyed.

Other types of cabbage (white, red, kohlrabi) do not contain much ascorbic acid. In red cabbage - 60, in white cabbage - 45, in kohlrabi about 50. The content of vitamin C can be slightly increased by combining different types cabbage in salads and adding greens.

Berries as a source of ascorbic acid

You've probably already guessed which berry contains the most ascorbic acid. Of course, black currant! And also - vitamin C in these berries is approximately equal, 200 mg per 100 grams of product. It’s just that it’s found in fresh currants and sea buckthorn. Compotes, jams and other berry processing products are tasty, but completely useless in terms of saturating the body ascorbic acid.

Other “berry” sources of vitamin C: red rowan (70 mg per 100 grams), garden and wild strawberry, strawberries (60 mg per 100 grams). Moreover, there is almost as much vitamin C as in fresh fruit. But cranberries, lingonberries, chokeberry, cherries and grapes contain very little ascorbic acid. Cranberries, for example, contain only 15 mg per 100 grams of berries, and grapes contain only 6. So these berries are not suitable for saturating the body with ascorbic acid.

And what else?

In addition to vegetables and currants with sea buckthorn, kiwi contains a record amount of the desired vitamin. This sweet exotic fruit has almost caught up with Brussels sprouts - it contains 90 mg of ascorbic acid per 100 grams of fresh pulp. Kiwi can be eaten plain or used to make smoothies.

Papaya and oranges are another tasty source of vitamin C. Papaya contains 62 mg, oranges 60. But lemons contain only 40, but if you put a circle of lemon in hot tea, vitamin C is destroyed. To preserve this unstable vitamin, use lemon juice(add to other juices or salads). As for grapefruits and tangerines, they contain almost as much ascorbic acid as lemons.

As you can see, there are many foods high in vitamin C. There are plenty to choose from. And it’s certainly possible to do without pills. A good vitamin dessert can be

It is a water-soluble nutrient. IN large quantities is not stored in the body; excess is excreted in the urine. Therefore, it is important to include ascorbic acid in your diet daily.

Vitamin C is important for growth and repair of bones, teeth, skin and other tissues. In addition, it performs many other functions in the body:

  • Increases iron absorption from plant foods.
  • Helps prevent cell damage, reduce the risk of developing cancer and other chronic diseases.
  • Protects the body from infections by improving the functioning of the immune system.

Most people get enough ascorbic acid by following healthy diet nutrition. Men need to consume 75 mg per day, women - 65 mg, you can find out more in the article.

What foods contain vitamin C?

There are two products with the highest concentrations - kakadu plum (Australia) and myrciaria (camu camu berry) (Amazon basin) - however, they are extremely rare outside these areas.

Since vitamin C is very abundant in flora, it is impossible to list all the products containing it. But we can identify the most famous and important sources of ascorbic acid.


  • oranges;
  • lemons;
  • lime;
  • grapefruit;
  • tangerines.

Tropical Fruits:

  • kiwi;
  • a pineapple;
  • mango;
  • papaya;
  • passion fruit.

Melon crops:

  • melons, including cantaloupe;
  • watermelons.
  • Goji berries;
  • loganberry;
  • gooseberry;
  • strawberry;
  • elder;
  • blueberry;
  • raspberries.

Onion family:

  • onion;
  • garlic;
  • leek;
  • shallot.

Other vegetables and fruits:


  • spirulina;
  • chlorella.

Some animal organs:

  • beef, veal, pork, chicken and lamb liver;
  • heart, tongue and brain of lamb.


  • oysters;
  • cod caviar.


  • camel milk;
  • goat milk;
  • cow's milk

Ascorbic acid in products - table

The table below will provide information on the vitamin C content of foods and help you choose foods rich in this nutrient. The serving size corresponds to the daily dosage of ascorbic acid intake.


Serving Size

Vitamin C in mg




Pepper (red, yellow), raw

125 ml (1/2 cup)

Peppers (red, green), cooked

125 ml (1/2 cup)

Broccoli, raw

125 ml (1/2 cup)

Brussels sprouts, raw

125 ml (1/2 cup)

Green pepper, raw

125 ml (1/2 cup)

Broccoli, cooked

125 ml (1/2 cup)

Red cabbage, raw

250 ml (1 cup)

Brussels sprouts, cooked

125 ml (4 sprouts)

Kohlrabi, cooked

125 ml (1/2 cup)

Snow peas, cooked

125 ml (1/2 cup)

125 ml (1/2 cup)

Green onions

125 ml (1/2 cup)

White cabbage, cooked

125 ml (1/2 cup)

Cauliflower, raw or cooked

125 ml (1/2 cup)


125 ml (1/2 cup)

Rapini (leaf broccoli)

125 ml (1/2 cup)

Potatoes with skin, cooked

1 medium potato

Chinese collard greens (bok choy)

125 ml (1/2 cup)

Sweet potatoes with skin, cooked

1 medium potato

Asparagus, frozen, cooked

Mamordica (balsamic pear)

125 ml (1/2 cup)

turnip leaves

125 ml (1/2 cup)

Snow peas, raw

125 ml (1/2 cup)

Collard greens, cooked

125 ml (1/2 cup)

Raw tomatoes

1 medium tomato

Tomato sauce, canned

125 ml (1/2 cup)

Stewed, canned tomatoes

125 ml (1/2 cup)


Acerola (Barbados cherry)

1/2 fruit

1 large fruit


1 medium orange

Lychee fruit

10 fruits


125 ml (1/2 cup)

125 ml (1/2 cup)

Grapefruit, pink or red

125 ml (1/2 cup)

Clementine fruit


125 ml (1/2 cup)

1/2 fruit

Anon fruit

125 ml (1/2 cup)


1 medium tangerine

125 ml (1/2 cup)

Berries (raspberries, blueberries, blackberries)

125 ml (1/2 cup)


Juice (orange, grapefruit, apple, pineapple, grape) with added vitamin C

125 ml (1/2 cup)

Fruit or vegetable smoothie

125 ml (1/2 cup)

Guava nectar

125 ml (1/2 cup)


Veal liver

Beef liver

Pork liver

Foods rich in ascorbic acid (vitamin C) - practical recommendations for your diet

1. Rosehip

This product is mainly used for making jams, jellies, syrups, herbal teas, wine, marmalade. The content of vitamin C in 100 grams of rose hips is 426 mg, this is one of the best products, rich in this nutrient.

How to include it in your diet?

Rose hips can be added to tea, soup, ice cream or cake, or made into jam, jelly, and crackers.

2. Green chillies

Surprisingly, this product is extremely rich in vitamin C; 100 g of chili contains 242 mg of ascorbic acid. This is more than in lemon, orange and lime. Good news for those who love spicy!

How to include it in your diet?

Some chopped green chillies can be added to a salad, curry or stew. The product can be pickled and used as a seasoning. If you have illnesses such as irritable bowel syndrome, inflammatory diseases intestines, stomach ulcer, had surgery on the intestines, you should not eat anything spicy, including green chilies.

3. Yellow bell pepper

100 grams of product contain 183 mg of vitamin C, and one large yellow pepper contains 341 mg of the nutrient. By consuming it, you can boost your immunity and make your dishes more vibrant.

How to include it in your diet?

Slices of yellow pepper can be added to salads and sandwiches; add cubes to pasta or use the product in Asian or Mexican cuisine. You can stuff the peppers with chopped mushrooms or chickpeas ( chickpeas legume family), or any vegetables to taste and bake, creating a very tasty and healthy dish.

4. Parsley

In this modest plant - high content vitamin C - 100 g - 172 mg. It not only adds taste and aroma, but also improves immunity.

How to include it in your diet?

Add chopped parsley to unsweetened pies, to morning vegetable smoothies, sprinkle it on salads, and decorate vegetable stews. Or make a marinade to add a distinct, fresh flavor to meat or fish.

5. Red bell pepper

Did you know that 100 g of this product contains 100-140 mg of vitamin C? Red peppers have a wonderful flavor and add visual appeal to any dish.

How to include it in your diet?

Its slices can be added to salads and sandwiches, and cooked as part of Asian and Mexican cuisine. It goes well with chicken or fish stew. For an extra dose of vitamin C, you can add it to your morning smoothie.

6. Kiwi

Kiwi or Chinese gooseberry is a delicious tropical fruit rich in vitamin C - 84 mg per 100 g. It has a sweet and sour taste and a smooth texture. It is an excellent source of vitamin A, fiber, calcium, magnesium and potassium. Research also shows that kiwi helps you fall asleep faster and improves sleep quality.

How to include it in your diet?

Add kiwi to your morning smoothie or juice. Eat it for breakfast or as a snack. You can make a detox drink containing kiwi, cucumber and mint. If you are trying to lose weight, add it to other fruits and eat it for lunch.

7. Broccoli

100 g of this nutritious cruciferous vegetable contains 89.2 mg of vitamin C.

How to include it in your diet?

For breakfast in the morning, you can make an excellent smoothie out of it or stir-fry it with other vegetables. Try roasting broccoli with sweet potatoes/fish/chicken breast. You can make a casserole or pasta with this cabbage.

8. Brussels sprouts

These small green vegetables are not only rich in fiber and protein, but are also an excellent source of vitamin C - 85 mg per 100 g. They also contain significant amounts of vitamin A, vitamin K, folate, potassium, calcium and magnesium.

How to include it in your diet?

Make Brussels sprouts casserole. The product can be fried or baked with bacon and avocado. It is also added to soup or homemade pizza.

9. Cloves

Cloves are mainly used in Indian, Pakistani, and Malagasy cuisine. It adds flavor and life to many dishes. It has anti-inflammatory, antiviral and antiseptic properties, good for treating wisdom teeth pain. 100 g of product contains 80.8 mg of vitamin C, 1 teaspoon - 1.6 mg.

How to include it in your diet?

Season your curry with cloves, 1-2 cloves will add flavor to a plain bowl of rice. Add half a teaspoon of clove powder to your morning juice or smoothie.

10. Orange

It is most popular among citrus fruits and contains greatest number vitamin C - 60 - 80 mg.

How to include it in your diet?

You can simply eat the fruit or make juice; add Orange juice into a cake, make jam, syrup, etc. Add flavor and aroma to salads or sandwiches by including orange slices.

Based on materials


Good day everyone! Winter is ahead New Year, corporate parties, Christmas trees, gifts and fun, and with them winter illnesses: ARVI, flu, runny nose, cough, fever and ailments.

On the eve of the season, I decided to talk about vitamin C (C), its properties, daily requirements, which products contain it and how much, overdose, and the use of ascorbic acid for colds.

In addition, you will learn about research on this substance, debunk several myths about disease prevention, and much more. So read the article to the end, it will be informative.

This article is not easy for me, there are too many contradictions in vitamin C. But I will try to formulate it as clearly as possible, into a more or less coherent system and tell you everything that I myself know and apply to this moment about this amazing and incomprehensible vitamin.

Vitamin C (V) - what is it and what is it for?

If you still think that vitamin C is ascorbic acid, then you will be disappointed. What if I tell you that ascorbic acid is only part of the well-known vitamin C. What is sold in the pharmacy under the name “vitamin C” or “ascorbic acid” cannot in fact be called a complete vitamin.

In nature, real vitamin C is a complex of the following substances:

  • L-ascorbic acid (ascorbate)
  • L-isoascorbic acid (isoascorbate)
  • dihydroascorbic acid (oxidized form)
  • ascorbinogen
  • erytherbic acid

In order for this complex to work fully, additional substances and minerals are needed:

  • bioflavonoids
  • routine
  • cofactors J,K,P
  • tyrosinase

D-ascorbic acid does not occur in nature; it can only be synthesized, which is what vitamin manufacturers do. The D-isoform of the vitamin is foreign to the body and therefore should not enter it.

Vitamin C only works in combination; if a person receives only ascorbic acid, there will be little use. Only in this composition is the maximum biological effect.

This was noticed by Albert Szent-Györgyi (discoverer of vitamin C). He noted that scurvy is not eliminated by the crystalline powder of ascorbic acid, which he isolated, but only by extracts from fruits and vegetables containing this vitamin and other synergistic substances. This fact is confirmed by biochemistry professor V.A. Dadali, in whose course I studied nutritional science.

What is vitamin C

This is a water-soluble substance, a complex of several components that provide biological effects. Vitamin C is not synthesized in humans, primates and some species guinea pigs. Other animals are able to synthesize the vitamin on their own and do not need to be supplied from the outside so much. Below you see the formula for vitamin C.

This substance is the most capricious and unstable. Vitamin C breaks down very quickly, both during the preparation of foods and already inside the body. Actually, this is its working mechanism. It generously donates its electrons to enable rapid chemical oxidation reactions, after which it disintegrates.

What are the benefits of vitamin C for the body?

In fact, the benefits of vitamin C are enormous and now you will see this. This substance is mainly involved in oxidation reactions as coenzymes (helpers) of hydroxylase enzymes. These chemical reactions underlie mechanisms such as:

  • "maturation" of collagen
  • synthesis hyaluronic acid and chondroitin sulfate
  • in the synthesis of adrenal hormones (adrenaline, norepinephrine) and thyroid gland(thyroxine, triiodothyronine)
  • synthesis of the neurotransmitter serotonin
  • synthesis of L-carnitine

Vitamin C is extremely important in the absorption of iron from digestive tract, while it converts ferric iron into more accessible divalent iron. As well as the release of iron from the ligament with transferrin (iron transport protein) in the blood.

Participates in the formation nonspecific immunity, stimulates the synthesis of interferon by neutrophils (white blood cells), enhance the migration of neutrophils to the site of inflammation.

Vitamin C is powerful antioxidant, i.e. maintains the balance of the oxidant-antioxidant system. Let's look at some mechanisms antioxidant protection vitamin C:

  • restores and preserves vitamin E, which is also an antioxidant
  • reduces lipoprotein oxidation in plasma
  • limits inflammation
  • prevents development cancer cells(regulation of gene expression and protection against DNA damage by peroxidation products)

In addition, vitamin C increases the absorption of glucose by influencing the enzyme hexokinase in the cell.

Pro-oxidant properties of vitamin C

Few people know that vitamin C has not only antioxidant properties, but also pro-oxidant ones. In other words, this substance in some cases, on the contrary, promotes the formation free radicals. Now I’ll tell you more.

In fact, everyone thinks that free radicals are evil, but this is not entirely true. I come to the conclusion that this is not always the case in nature: either only an enemy, or only a friend. It turns out that free radicals are part of the oxidant-antioxidant system, which must be in balance. And they play a very important role - they stand guard against external enemies (germs, bacteria and viruses), as well as internal enemies (constantly appearing cancer cells).

Free forms of oxygen and hydrogen peroxide are found in lysosomes - organelles inside the cells of the immune system - macrophages. These are large giant eater cells that destroy bacteria and viruses very first, while antibodies are synthesized in response to an infectious invasion. These are a kind of border guards who are the first to take fire from an external enemy. The picture above shows the mechanism for capturing a foreign agent.

It’s no secret that thousands of cancer cells are born in our body every minute, but the same thing prevents them from multiplying the immune system and oxidative barrier. Such cells cannot withstand the onslaught of free radicals and die. The body miraculously recognizes such cells and destroys them in time using universal weapons.

That is why it is important to keep balance, because what kills enemies may one day direct its arrows at its owner. One of the conditions is acceptance correct form vitamin C, containing bioflavonoids and rutin, which restrain the vitamin and prevent it from going all out.

I hope you understand how important vitamin C is and what it does for the body as a whole.

Vitamin C content in foods (table)

I always advocate getting vitamins from food. These are the most perfect combinations that nature itself has come up with. Therefore, let's figure out which foods contain vitamin C (C). Below I provide a table that presents foods in order of decreasing vitamin content. I borrowed it from a lecture by V. A. Dadali.

Let me comment a little on this table. You see a list of products that contain the most vitamin C. The leading product containing vitamin C is dried rose hips. Below I will tell you how to brew it correctly to preserve the vitamin. And in fact last place Lemon is listed in the table, although many people think that lemon is the leader among vitamins.

However, if you think that you can ensure a complete supply of the vitamin from foods by looking at the table, then you will be in for another disappointment. All tables, including this one, display the content in freshly picked vegetables and fruits, with the exception of dried rose hips. In other words, these are numbers for food grown in an ideal environment. And this applies to all similar tables on the Internet.

And the saddest thing is that these numbers tell you how much vitamin there could be in a particular product, but this does not necessarily mean that your orange will have exactly 60 mg. In fact, there is much less vitamin in food. And all because these are usually stale food products that can be picked unripe.

For example, citrus fruits from Brazil are collected semi-ripe and while they lie in Brazil itself, a lot of time will pass before they make their way to Russia. The same thing happens with our products: cabbage and other vegetables. We sell cabbage all winter and naturally the vitamin will be present in it for 2-3 months, and by the beginning of spring only a few percent of the original will remain.

To preserve as much vitamin as possible, use only enamel pans when cooking and cut food only with a ceramic knife. And all because vitamin C instantly oxidizes when it comes into contact with iron and copper.

In addition, eat cooked food immediately, do not let it sit, because when it comes into contact with oxygen in the air, it will also oxidize and disappear.

Daily dose of vitamin C per day

According to Western researchers, the content of vitamin C itself in food products has dropped several times, by more than 30%. This fact is confirmed by Professor V.A. Dadali. He says that the population of Russia and the whole world has been deficient in vitamin C for the last 120-130 years.

What destroys vitamin C

Everything, from the methods of growing, storing and preparing food, leads to a gradual decrease in the concentration of the vitamin in the final product and humanity experiences a deficiency that cannot be completely covered by food alone, even if you really want to.

Due to the fact that the level of stress in society has increased greatly over the past 120 years, a person also experiences internal losses of the vitamin. It is very effectively used by the body to withstand an aggressive environment. I'm not even talking about smoking, passive smoking, and also chronic infectious and non-communicable diseases, in which vitamin consumption only increases. AND diabetes not an exception.

In addition, taking certain medications can also increase the destruction of vitamin C in the body. For example, antibiotics, barbiturates, aspirin, oral contraceptives.

Daily requirement of vitamin C

Therefore, the previous norms adopted in the middle of the last century are outdated and now the daily norms have increased significantly. But scientists are still arguing how much vitamin is needed to modern man? The following figures are announced: from 500 mg per day to several tens of grams.

What is the truth? Let's look at another study that shows how much vitamin C you need to prevent scurvy ( extreme degree deficit). What is the minimum requirement? Scientists give a figure of 10 mg per day. But you must admit that if you do not have scurvy, this does not mean that you are fully provided with vitamins and are healthy. For a full-fledged existence, a person needs more than just preventing the development of scurvy.

Therefore, I chose 500 mg per day in the form of a supplement, and the rest I get from food, as much as possible. While Linus Pauling, laureate Nobel Prize, who worked hard to study this vitamin, himself took at least 10 g per day. By the way, he died at the age of 94 from cancer. Has longevity resulted from taking very high doses of vitamin C? History is silent.

What I mean is that currently there is no exact figure that would satisfy any person, because everyone has their own health characteristics. Therefore, the question of dose must be decided individually. It’s just that scientists have not yet figured out how to assess the health status of each vitamin in order to derive a formula for calculating the daily requirement.

What increases the need for vitamin

  • Any illness, stress, smoking and cigarette smoke
  • Hot climate or conditions of the Far North
  • Elderly age
  • Taking certain medications

When does Vitamin C really help?

In addition to the fact that natural vitamin C is the best in terms of effectiveness, it turns out that this effectiveness manifests itself when there is a real deficiency in the body. In other words, one should not think that a vitamin is a panacea for all diseases, since it is competent only in those situations to which its competence extends.

It must be remembered that this is not a medicine and it cannot act as a medicine. But when problems arise with health and well-being caused by a lack of of this vitamin, then the additional reception will have beneficial effect. But don't think that if you start taking a supplement without having a deficiency, you will overdose.

This will not happen with a natural vitamin. Everything that is not needed is excreted in the urine. But I will say more about this in the section on overdoses. What I just said was actually tested on people and proved that in people who do not experience a major deficiency in the vitamin, the increase in concentration in plasma and neutrophils is insignificant. While in a sample of respondents known to be deficient in vitamins, levels in plasma and neutrophils increased significantly compared to the initial concentration.

How to Know If You Have a Deficiency

Tests are now available to determine levels of vitamins in the blood in laboratories. But these tests have errors and are not always adequate, but they still give some idea. The most accurate would be to determine the concentration of the vitamin in neutrophils, but this method is used more in scientific laboratories. I think that you will not find such an analysis in a regular laboratory.

Also, your symptoms can tell you about a deficiency, as well as the fact that in the winter-spring period almost every person experiences a deficiency, because all food products (vegetables and fruits) have lost their vitamin. For example, it is estimated that already 2 months after digging up potatoes, only 50% of vitamin C remains there.

Hypovitaminosis in vitamin C

I will list some signs and manifestations of vitamin C deficiency. So, here is what a lack of vitamin C leads to:

  • tiredness and tiredness
  • weakness and decreased performance
  • drowsiness
  • depression
  • bruises on the skin
  • frequent colds
  • iron deficiency and B12 deficiency anemia
  • poor wound healing
  • bleeding and gum disease
  • muscle cramps
  • cardiovascular diseases
  • infertility in men due to sperm clumping

An extreme degree of vitamin C(C) deficiency (avitaminosis) leads to the development of a disease called scurvy, which is manifested by increased bleeding gums, loosening and loss of teeth due to decreased collagen synthesis, hemorrhagic rashes and hemorrhages, as well as the development iron deficiency anemia. If a person is completely deprived of vitamin C, this disease will develop in about 4-12 weeks. If this condition is not treated, the person may die.

Currently, such deficiency is rare, but milder forms of vitamin deficiency are quite common. According to the same professor V.A. Dadali, an unexpressed deficiency of vitamin C is observed in 60-70% of the Russian population.

Is it possible to overdose on real vitamin C?

Vitamin C is a water-soluble substance and therefore does not accumulate in the body. The lack of accumulation means that it is eliminated fairly quickly through the kidneys. It is impossible to create an excess of natural vitamin C, which is obtained by extraction, and not ascorbic acid from a pharmacy, synthesized from glucose.

Until now, not a single case of overdose with real vitamin C has been reported, so scientists still cannot determine upper limit consumption of this substance. And all because real vitamin C is not foreign and the body takes it exactly as much as it needs at the moment, and removes the rest through the kidneys, for which this is not a problem at all.

At the same time, there is no formation of oxalate stones, and when taking synthetic ascorbic acid in large doses, scientists observe the formation of kidney stones.

It is precisely because of their true composition that they do not arise side effects, because it is a complex in which all substances support biological activity each other and work as if they came from food. How many people do you know who have been poisoned by rose hips?

While synthetic ascorbic acid is not protected in any way, therefore its use does not provide effectiveness, and in some cases is harmful in excess.

Allergy to vitamin C

There is no allergy to true vitamin C, since this substance is extracted from plants, but only in a concentrated state. An allergy can only be to the components of the tablet or capsule. IN synthetic vitamins Dyes and additives are also used, as is done in ordinary yellow axorbin granules. Yellow dye may well become an allergen.

There cannot be an allergy to ascorbic acid itself, whether synthetic or natural. If this happens, then the fillers and preservatives are to blame, without which no tablet can be made. Look for ones that don't cause a reaction.

The same goes for vitamin-rich foods. An allergic reaction not to the vitamin itself, but to some other component in complex composition.

Vitamin C for colds

Most people know not only about the antioxidant properties of vitamin C, but also about its ability to influence the immune system. Surely you also think that it would be a good idea to replenish your vitamin reserves or brew rose hips to prevent ARVI and influenza. And here you will be disappointed.

I found one study that showed that taking vitamin C daily over a period of time had virtually no effect on the incidence of disease. colds compared to the placebo group. But there was still a difference in the time course of the disease.

In the group taking vitamin C, it was proven that recovery occurred faster than in the placebo group.

Unfortunately, I did not find a study that would show a pattern between taking loading dose at the first signs of a cold and the subsequent development of the disease. But I have my own positive experience of such use, not only on myself, but also on my household.

In addition, this is not the first time I have heard such recommendations from doctors, and V. A. Dadali also speaks about this. Of course, it is not possible to avoid illness every time, but I noticed that in this case it proceeds easily and quickly, without disturbing the usual rhythm of life. The main thing is to take it on time the right vitamin WITH.

How to take vitamin C for a cold

This method is most effective when you suddenly feel the first signs of illness. This may be a slight chill, a feeling of weakness, pain and aches in the joints, fog in the head, a slight tickling in the throat or nasopharynx. As soon as you feel these symptoms, you need to immediately take a obviously large dose of natural vitamin C.

Don't even try to do this with pharmaceutical vitamin. I already checked and there was no effect. Natural vitamin It works much more effectively, so I always have a jar of the supplement, especially in winter.

I cannot advise you on what dose to take, since it is individual and side effects may develop (not to be confused with an overdose). Effects that are associated with a sharp activation of the adrenal glands, because it is due to this mechanism, as well as a direct effect on immune cells this vitamin works.

What does adrenaline do in the human body? Increased blood pressure, pulse, sugar, intestinal tone and activity nervous system- this is only part of the effects. Therefore, problems may arise in people with diabetes and cardiovascular diseases, diarrhea, anxiety, insomnia.

Therefore, think several times, or better yet, test the effect of doses in ordinary life when you are not yet sick. I will tell you my recipe as an example, which is not the only correct one. That's just how it works for me.

So, I take 2 g of vitamin C at a time as soon as I feel something is wrong. Depending on how you feel further, after 6-8 hours I take another 2 g of the vitamin, and then before bed, 2 g of the vitamin. During this day I eat practically nothing and drink a lot of usual warm water(about 2.5-3 l). Water doesn’t always fit in such quantities, but I force it, because I understand my health tomorrow morning depends on it.

As a rule, in the morning I feel no worse than the previous day or even better. But on this day I still take 1000 mg in the morning and evening, on the third day it’s less than 500 mg twice a day, and then I switch to the usual regimen. All this time I drink a lot of water, less than on the first day, but still a lot.

After all, a temperature reaction occurs to intoxication, which in turn occurs during the decay of viruses and bacteria. And when you “take out the trash” in a timely manner, such a reaction does not happen or it is not expressed. Have you noticed that if you give water to a child with a fever, his fever subsides for a while?

How to treat colds with vitamin C in children

But this recipe is suitable for adults, but what about for children? For children, the doses will be much smaller. Below I provide a table of daily requirements for children. Again, I’ll make a reservation that doses may vary and the figures given are suitable for children with perfect health living in ideal conditions. In general, we can say these are doses below which you cannot fall. And higher?

Unfortunately, experiments are not carried out on children and I have not found a single study on this matter, so I act intuitively.

As you probably know, I have two children: the eldest with diabetes (9 years old), the youngest without diabetes (6 years old). Therefore, everyone will have their own reaction to vitamin C.

I’ll say right away that my children additional additives They don’t get vitamin C, only the one in the vitamin-mineral complex, and there’s only 20 mg of vitamin C from the orange. I am giving extra vitamin only when I feel that the child wants to get sick. It is not always possible to catch this moment, but it still works in most cases.

For the vitamin I chose allergic reaction no, although it is observed in children food allergy. I use regular adult tablets of 500 mg, which I divide into 4 parts with a knife (yes, some are lost and it is impossible to accurately calculate how much I received, but it still works). I give 1/4 part 2 times a day with an interval of 6-10 hours. At the same time, a lot of water (not 3 liters, of course, but 1.5 for sure) and a minimum of food. And so on for 2-3 days depending on the condition.

The younger one does not react at all to this dose of vitamin, except for stopping further symptoms. The eldest’s blood sugar rises (again due to the effect on the adrenal glands) and I am forced to increase the dose of insulin. In older people, the very onset of the disease may increase the need for insulin, but with vitamin C this need is even greater.

This used to worry me, but now it doesn’t, because as soon as I stop giving the vitamin, the sugars calm down. And I decided that there was no shame in sacrificing 3-5 days of compensation (especially since the need was still growing) rather than having to deal with the consequences of ARVI for several weeks. Such aggressive therapy most often prevents the disease from developing, so I use it and do not regret it.

Which vitamin C to choose

And finally, the very last question that I would like to address. I always welcome the desire to receive vitamins and minerals from natural sources, tons, that is, from food, but if this is not possible, then you have to resort to taking supplements, which come in different forms. I'm talking about natural and synthetic vitamins here, but how can you tell them apart?

Well, first of all, all the ascorbic acid and “ascorbic acid” sold in the pharmacy is the supplement you need the least. If the label does not indicate what form of the vitamin and what it is made from, then it is definitely a bad product. The composition should also contain bioflavonoids and, if possible, rutin (quercetin). I will give examples of pictures with descriptions.

This picture shows the source of vitamin C - acerola or Barbados cherry (plant rich in vitamin WITH). In the same composition you can observe bioflavonoids of lemon, rose hips, black currant and green pepper, as well as rutin from Sophora japonica. A definite yes to this product.

You can buy it on the website by following the link: Nature's Plus, Acerola-C Chewable Tablets, 250 mg, 90 Tablets*


This option also good composition. As you can see, vitamin C is isolated from acerola and rose hips, and there is also a complex of bioflavonoids and rutin. You can also safely order on iHerb*.

*Use a special code FMM868 to receive a 10% discount when placing your order.

Well, that one is generally a super-duper option, because it contains only natural fruits and berries, which contain vitamin C, bioflavonoids, rutin and other substances that help the vitamin work.

You can order this supplement by following the link: Garden of Life, Living Vitamin C, 60 Veggie Caps*

*Use a special code FMM868 to receive a 10% discount when placing your order.

The examples given are the most the best supplements vitamin C that I saw. I found them recently while I was preparing material for an article. But before, I also used good vitamin C with bioflavonoids - from the Ester-C line.

For example, now I am running out of this jar: American Health, Ester-C, with Citrus Bioflavonoids, 500 mg, 450 tablets. Very well absorbed, not sour, does not irritate the stomach and does not cause allergies. It’s also good as an option for the winter, especially since it’s a more affordable option.

And finally, I want to show you a piece of a lecture from a large course on nutrition. Here Professor V.A. Dadali tells how to brew rose hips correctly so that more vitamins remain in it.

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With warmth and care, endocrinologist Lebedeva Dilyara Ilgizovna

To be healthy and vigorous, a person must receive sufficient amounts of vitamins from food, especially vitamin "C" (C). When increases exercise stress, as well as during pregnancy, breastfeeding, and illness, the body’s need for vitamin “C” becomes greater. If the body lacks this vitamin, vitamin deficiency develops: performance decreases, palpitations appear, pain in the legs, gums begin to bleed, and teeth deteriorate. Resistance to infectious diseases. To prevent this from happening, you need to eat foods with the most Vitamin C.

Vitamin C: where is it found most?

Forest fruits are rich in vitamin C: rowan berries, bird cherry. But contains the most vitamin C in the rosehip.

Rose hips are a real record holder for Vitamin C content. Fresh berries contain 470 mg (per 100 g), dried berries contain about 1000 mg (per 100 g)

Vitamin C is well preserved in dried rose hips: 10 grams contain it daily norm vitamin A.

Rose hips can be prepared for future use, for the winter. It is collected before frost, since fruits touched by frost lose a significant part of the vitamin. From dried fruits rosehip you can prepare delicious and healthy decoctions. For a glass of fortified broth you need to take a full tablespoon of berries. The washed berries are poured with boiling water and boiled for 10 minutes. Then the broth is infused for 2-3 hours, filtered through gauze, carefully squeezing out the contents.

In almost every forest there are thickets of rose hips. In autumn, you can’t pass by without admiring the red scatterings of shiny berries. Stay, pick them: they will help you stay healthy and energetic.

Foods High in Vitamin C

There is a lot of vitamin C in cabbage, fresh and pickled, in horseradish, green onions, tomatoes, potatoes, black currants, gooseberries, strawberries, oranges, lemons, dogwoods. Some berries and fruits are good to prepare for future use, not only dried, but also raw. For example, black currants, minced and then mixed with sugar, which is taken twice as much as berries, will become good source vitamin "C".

The amount of vitamins in vegetables and herbs depends on their growing conditions, storage methods and cooking methods. Thus, tomatoes growing in the shade contain less vitamin C than those grown in sunny areas. Those who do the wrong thing are those who place green tomatoes picked from the bush on the stove and cover them tightly. It is better for tomatoes to ripen at sunlight. List of products with high content vitamin C We presented it in the form of a table. It is worth noting that in different sources the data is different.

Table. Vitamin C content per 100 g of product

Top list

We preserve vitamin C in products to the maximum

Vitamin C is very unstable and is destroyed by prolonged heating. If cabbage soup with sauerkraut cooked for an hour, and this is quite enough, they retain half of the vitamin “C”. But if they are left in a Russian oven for a long time, the vitamin is destroyed; after three hours only a fifth of it remains.

It is also necessary to remember that light and air have a detrimental effect on vitamins. Therefore, it is better to peel and cut vegetables and herbs shortly before cooking. Vegetables should be cooked in a tightly sealed container and placed in boiling water or broth. If peeled potatoes are placed in boiling water, they lose about 7 percent of vitamin C during cooking. Potatoes placed in cold water, already loses up to 35 percent of this vitamin. Potatoes boiled in their skins retain 75 percent of vitamin C. It is preserved even better when potatoes are fried. IN ready meals It’s good to add green onions and dill.

In frozen vegetables and berries, vitamin C is preserved almost completely. But when thawed, it collapses very quickly. Therefore, the berries are eaten immediately after thawing. Vegetables are placed frozen in boiling water. When cooking compotes and jelly, frozen berries also need to be placed in a boiling solution of sugar in water.

Vitamin C (ascorbic acid) can rightly be called the driving force human body- so much important functions he fulfills. The deficiency even has a negative impact on your mood. In order to ensure daily dosage(from 75 to 130 mg), it is important to have an idea of ​​which foods contain vitamin C in the right amount.

A big plus is the fact that berries and vegetables rich in ascorbic acid do not need to be imported from abroad - most of them grow in almost all regions of Russia, and they can be prepared for future use over the summer.

Barbados acerola cherry

In 100 g of these exotic berries Vitamin C contains the most - up to 2500 mg, and according to some data, up to 3300 mg. But on sale in fresh practically never found, most often in pharmaceutical preparations.

Rose hip

Rose hips are the leaders among available products in terms of the amount of vitamin C - about 1250 mg per 100 g. To replenish daily dose enough 15 dried berries. To preserve all the vitamin in the fruits, you do not need to boil them or leave them for longer than 12 hours.

Sweet pepper (bell pepper)

100 g of red fruits contain about 250 mg of vitamin C, with the main concentration in the area of ​​the stalk, which is usually cut out. In this vegetable a small amount of enzymes that destroy ascorbic acid, so a significant part of it is retained even after heat treatment.

Black currant

A small handful of black currant berries is enough to provide the body with vitamin C for a day (200 mg per 100 g of fruit). Fragrant healthy tea can be brewed from twigs and leaves (they contain more “ascorbic acid” than fruits).

Sea ​​buckthorn

The fruits of this tree are called “golden berries” and not only for their color. Sea buckthorn has a mass healing properties, and the vitamin C content in it is not inferior to black currants. So as not to destroy valuable substances, this berry can be:

  • dry;
  • to freeze;
  • squeeze the juice and pasteurize it (it cannot be sterilized);
  • sprinkle with sugar and store in the refrigerator.


In terms of the amount of vitamin C, parsley is in the top ten - 150 mg per 100 g of leaves. Greatest effect for the body is achieved if the greens are fresh, but cut and stored in the freezer have the same composition. Summer frozen parsley contains 2 times more ascorbic acid than winter greenhouse parsley.

Hot pepper (chili)

The vegetable is aggressive, but it contains a lot of vitamin C - 144.6 mg per 100 g. It is used both in folk medicine, and as a seasoning for dishes.

Brussels sprouts

Brussels sprouts are excellent dietary product, rich useful substances and fibers. 100 g of small heads of cabbage contain 120 mg of ascorbic acid.


This herb It is actively used as a seasoning, as well as in salads. A 100 gram bunch of greens contains 100 mg of vitamin C. Dill will not lose beneficial features, aroma and taste neither frozen nor dried.


The taste of the shoots of this plant resembles garlic, so they are often used in various preparations. But the main value of wild garlic is in its composition: together with vitamin C (100 mg per 100 g), the stems contain a lot necessary for a person microelements.


Sweet juicy fruits are pleasant and tasty to eat, which simplifies the task of providing children with ascorbic acid. Contrary to the opinion established since Soviet times that citrus fruits are the fruits containing the most vitamin C, this group is not at all in first place.

Rich in ascorbic acid (approximate content per 100 g):

  1. “Chinese gooseberry”, also known as kiwi. Yellow fruits contain up to 182 mg, green fruits contain up to 80 mg.
  2. Guava (guava) contains 125 mg.
  3. Papaya – 94 mg.
  4. Oranges contain up to 74 mg.
  5. In lemons and tangerines up to 40 mg.

The problem with overseas fruits is delivery and storage. They are removed unripe and treated with fungicides, otherwise their presentation is lost very quickly.

Over six months of storage, the amount of vitamin C in any fruit is reduced by half, even if they are grown and collected according to all the rules. Moreover, regardless of what warehouse conditions are created.

A drugBenefits and features of receptionDosage
Kiddy PharmatonAn active complex of vitamins and minerals, which is prescribed to increase the protective properties of the body and eliminate hypovitaminosis. One of the ingredients of the drug is lysine (an amino acid that promotes bone formation).15 ml per day.
Alphabet SchoolboyAll vitamins and minerals are divided into categories based on compatibility and absorption. Nourishes the body essential vitamins and minerals. There are no dyes, flavors or preservatives in the composition. Recommended for children who have high mental and physical stress.Take 3 chewable tablets different color. The order doesn't matter.
JungleContains 10 vitamins. The manufacturer decided to please children and made the drug in the form of animals. Prescribed for frequent acute respiratory viral infections and viral diseases.1 tablet 2 times a day.
Multi-Tabs JuniorThe supplement contains 7 minerals and 11 vitamins. The product has a raspberry or fruit flavor, and there are no artificial colors or preservatives. Contains iodine, so it is used during serious exercise.Once every 24 hours – 1 tablet.
Pikovit Forte 7+Contains 10 vitamins and 6 microelements. The tablets have a pronounced tangerine taste. Please note that the product contains a high dose of B vitamins. There is no sugar.You should take 1 tablet per day.
VitaMishkiThe supplement is a chewable stick containing 13 vitamins and 2 minerals. Prescribed to improve memory and attention. Does not contain synthetic substances.1 record per day
Vitrum JuniorThe complex consists of chewable tablets, which have a fruity taste. Excellent for strengthening the body's resistance during the cold season, improves vision, and normalizes the body's condition during high intellectual and physical stress.Tablet per day
CentrumContains 18 ingredients that are great for children school age cope with increased loads. Used for iron and calcium deficiency. The tablets contain no sugar or dyes.1 tablet per day
Children's formulaThe supplement contains 14 vitamins and 14 minerals. An excellent solution for children who have recently started school, as the drug improves performance and reduces drowsiness.1 tablet in the morning and at lunch

How to store ascorbic acid

Vitamin C, no matter what products contain, tends to be destroyed upon contact with oxygen, so leave them cut into for a long time not worth it. The same applies to lettuce leaves and greens.