The upper limit of normal blood pressure. Causes of high blood pressure. Normal measurement references

The value of blood pressure is expressed as a double value as a fraction: systolic is written at the top, and diastolic at the bottom. The unit of measurement is mm of mercury.

The difference between the upper and lower is called pulse pressure.

You can talk about the reasons for the increase in lower pressure.

Norms by age

Previously, it was believed that normal blood pressure could increase with age. If for young people it should be 120/80, then for a person over 60 years old a value of 150/90 was allowed. Today, doctors say that there are no age-specific blood pressure standards for adults. Normal blood pressure is the same for everyone, with the exception of children.

High blood pressure is more common in older people

What blood pressure is considered normal?

The ideal pressure for an adult is 120/80 mmHg. The table below reflects the official standards that doctors adhere to.

Normal in children and adolescents

In childhood, blood pressure levels depend on age: older child, the higher it is. In addition, it can be influenced by existing developmental defects, the state of the nervous system, vascular tone and other factors. For children under 10 years of age inclusive, the following rules apply:

  • in a newborn (up to two weeks) – from 60/40 to 96/50;
  • at 4 weeks – from 80/40 to 112/74;
  • from two months to a year – from 90/50 to 112/74;
  • from two to three years – from 100/60 to 112/74;
  • from three to five – from 100/60 to 116/76;
  • from six to ten – from 100/60 to 122/78.

After 10 years, hormonal changes begin in the body, fast growth bones and all organs, increases muscle mass. With the entry into teenage years(11-12 years old) in children, indicators such as upper and lower pressure change. The limits at this age are 110/70-126/82. At 13-15 years of age, blood pressure in adolescents becomes the same as in an adult, that is, it can reach 135/85.

In children, the vessels are more elastic than in adults, so their pressure is lower, and only by the age of 13-15 does its value approach 120/80

How to measure

To obtain accurate results, pressure must be measured correctly (you can learn about methods for measuring blood pressure). Its value depends on many factors, namely physical and emotional stress. Therefore, ideally you need to measure it in the morning, without getting out of bed. In other cases, you may need to rest for about 10 minutes before the procedure. should be at the level of the heart, place the arm in the cuff horizontally at the same level. To get more reliable result you need to measure blood pressure 2-3 times with a short interval and calculate the average value. Together, blood pressure measurements are taken.

A tonometer is used to measure blood pressure. There are mechanical (mercury and aneroid) and electronic (semi-automatic and automatic) devices. In mechanical dial models, air is pumped into the cuff manually, the tones are listened to using a phonendoscope, and the result can be seen on the dial.

The choice of tonometers today is wide - from old mercury devices to compact electronic

The oldest are mercury tonometers, which are practically not used today. They are bulky and require skill to use and careful handling, as there is a risk of damage to the flask. Modern mechanical tonometers are compact and more convenient to use. In general, mechanical instruments are considered durable, reliable and accurate. The big plus is that their work and results are not affected in any way by interference, such as conversation, moving a hand, and others.

Electronic devices are very easy to use and do not require any skills. The air is pumped by a device for automatic ones and manually for semi-automatic ones. The results (upper blood pressure, lower blood pressure and pulse) are displayed on the display. They are intended, rather, for measuring blood pressure at home. IN medical institutions As a rule, they are not used.


Blood pressure must be monitored throughout life, since there are a lot of people suffering from cardiovascular pathologies, and high level Blood pressure is directly related to development dangerous complications. The main thing for a person is a way of life. In most cases, only weight loss and salt restriction lead to a noticeable drop in blood pressure.

Normal arterial blood pressure person and pulse. The value of normal blood pressure and pulse depends on the person’s age, his individual characteristics, lifestyle, occupation. Blood pressure and pulse are the first signals about a person’s health status. All people have different normal blood pressure and pulse.

Arterial pressure- this is the blood pressure in the large arteries of a person. There are two indicators blood pressure:

  • Systolic (upper) blood pressure is the level of blood pressure at the moment of maximum contraction of the heart.
  • Diastolic (lower) blood pressure is the level of blood pressure at the moment of maximum relaxation of the heart.

Blood pressure is measured in millimeters of mercury, abbreviated mmHg. Art. A blood pressure value of 120/80 means that the systolic (upper) pressure is 120 mmHg. Art., and the value of diastolic (lower) blood pressure is 80 mm Hg. Art.

Elevated numbers on the blood pressure monitor are associated with serious diseases, for example, the risk of cerebral circulation, heart attack. In case of chronic high blood pressure, the risk of stroke increases by 7 times, chronic heart failure by 6 times, heart attack by 4 times and peripheral vascular disease by 3 times.

What is normal blood pressure? What are its indicators at rest and at motor activity?

Blood pressure is divided into: optimal - 120 to 80 mm Hg. Art., normal - 130 to 85 mm Hg. Art., high, but still normal - from 135-139 mm Hg. Art., at 85-89 mm Hg. Art. High blood pressure is considered to be 140 to 90 mmHg. Art. and more. With physical activity, blood pressure increases in accordance with the needs of the body, an increase of 20 mm Hg. Art. speaks of an adequate reaction of cardio-vascular system. If there are changes in the body or risk factors, then blood pressure changes with age: diastolic pressure increases until age 60, and systolic pressure increases throughout life.

For accurate results, blood pressure should be measured after 5-10 minutes of rest, and one hour before the examination you should not smoke or drink coffee. During measurement, your hand should lie comfortably on the table. The cuff is attached to the shoulder so that its lower edge is 2-3 cm above the fold of the elbow. In this case, the center of the cuff should be above the brachial artery. When the doctor finishes pumping air into the cuff, he begins to gradually deflate it, and we hear the first sound - systolic.
To assess blood pressure levels, classification is used World Organization health care, adopted in 1999.

Blood pressure category* Systolic (upper) blood pressure mm Hg. Art. Diastolic (lower) blood pressure mm Hg. Art.
Optimal** Less than 120 Less than 80
Normal Less than 130 Less than 85
Increased normal 130-139 85-89
1st degree (soft) 140—159 90-99
2nd degree (moderate) 160-179 100-109
3rd degree (severe) More than 180 More than 110
border 140-149 Less than 90
Isolated systolic hypertension More than 140 Less than 90

* If systolic and diastolic blood pressure are in different categories, select highest category.
** Optimal in relation to the risk of developing cardiovascular complications and mortality

The terms “mild”, “borderline”, “severe”, “moderate” given in the classification characterize only the level of blood pressure, and not the severity of the patient’s disease.
In everyday life clinical practice classification accepted arterial hypertension World Health Organization, based on damage to the so-called target organs.

about the most frequent complications, occurring in the brain, eyes, heart, kidneys and blood vessels.
What should a person's normal blood pressure be?What is a person's blood pressure that can be considered normal? The correct answer is: each person has their own norm . Indeed, the value of normal blood pressure depends on a person’s age, his individual characteristics, lifestyle, and occupation.

Normal blood pressure in newborns is 70 mm Hg.

Normal blood pressure in a child who is one year old: for boys - 96/66 (upper/lower), for girls - 95/65.

Normal blood pressure in a 10-year-old child: 103/69 in boys and 103/70 in girls.

What is the normal blood pressure for an adult?
Normal blood pressure in young people 20 years old: for boys - 123/76, for girls - 116/72.

Normal blood pressure in young people who are about 30 years old: in young men - 126/79, in young women - 120/75.

What is normal blood pressure for a middle-aged person? In 40-year-old men it is 129/81, in 40-year-old women it is 127/80.

For fifty-year-old men and women, blood pressure is considered normal: 135/83 and 137/84, respectively.

For older people, the following pressure is considered normal: for 60-year-old men 142/85, for women of the same age 144/85.

For older people over 70 years old, normal blood pressure is 145/82 for men and 159/85 for women.

What is the normal blood pressure for an old or elderly person? For 80-year-old people, blood pressure of 147/82 and 157/83 for men and women, respectively, is considered normal.

For elderly ninety-year-old grandfathers, normal blood pressure is considered to be 145/78, and for grandmothers of the same age - 150/79 mm Hg.

During unusual physical activity or emotional stress blood pressure increases. Sometimes this interferes with doctors when examining cardiac patients, who for the most part are impressionable people. American scientists even talk about the existence of the so-called “white coat effect”: when the results of measuring blood pressure in a doctor’s office are 30-40 mm Hg. Art. higher than with self-measurement his home. And this is due to the stress that the environment of the medical institution causes in the patient.

On the other hand, in people who are constantly exposed to heavy loads, such as athletes, a pressure of 100/60 or even 90/50 mmHg becomes normal. Art. But with all the variety of “normal” blood pressure indicators, each person usually knows the norm of his blood pressure, in any case, he clearly perceives any deviations from it in one direction or another.

There are also certain blood pressure guidelines that change with age (norms for 1981):

However modern ideas about normal blood pressure are somewhat different. It is now believed that even slight increases in blood pressure over time can increase the risk of developing coronary disease heart disease, cerebral stroke and other diseases of the cardiovascular system. Therefore, normal blood pressure levels in adults are currently considered to be up to 130-139/85-89 mmHg. Art. The norm for patients with diabetes is considered to be a blood pressure of 130/85 mmHg. Art. A blood pressure of 140/90 refers to high standard. Blood pressure over 140/90 mm Hg. Art. is already a sign of arterial hypertension.

Normal human heart rate

Pulse (lat. pulsus blow, push) - periodic fluctuations in the volume of blood vessels associated with contractions of the heart, caused by the dynamics of their blood supply and pressure in them during one cardiac cycle. The average healthy person has normal resting heart rate is 60-80 beats per minute. So, the more economical metabolic processes, the fewer number of beats a person’s heart makes per unit of time, the longer duration life. If your goal is to prolong life, then you need to monitor the effectiveness of the process, namely your heart rate.

Normal heart rate for different age categories:

  • child after birth 140 beats/min
  • from birth to 1 year 130 beats/min
  • from 1 year to 2 years 100 beats/min
  • from 3 to 7 years 95 beats/min
  • from 8 to 14 years 80 beats/min
  • average age 72 beats/min
  • advanced age 65 beats/min
  • for illness 120 beats/min
  • shortly before death 160 beats/min

What is blood pressure?

Arterial pressure call one of the most important indicators functional state body, displaying the force with which the blood exerts pressure on the walls large arteries. Pressure appears due to the pumping of blood by the heart into the bloodstream and the resistance of the walls of the blood vessels.

Arterial pressure expressed in the following quantities:

  • upper (or systolic) blood pressure – displays the force of pressure on the walls of the arteries at the moment of blood ejection from the heart;
  • lower (or diastolic) blood pressure – displays the pressure force in blood vessels at the moment of a pause in heart contractions;
  • pulse pressure – a value that reflects the difference between upper and lower blood pressure.

What blood pressure is considered normal?

Normal pressure limits
Blood pressure limits depend on the age and individual characteristics of the human body. Blood pressure readings (in an adult at rest) that do not exceed 130/80 mmHg are considered normal. Art. The optimal blood pressure is considered to be 120/70 mm Hg. Art.

Previously, a physiological increase in blood pressure at the age of 40-60 years to 140/90 and at the age of over 60 years to 150/90 was considered the physiological norm. But according to WHO, since 1999, blood pressure is considered normal if its systolic values ​​are in the range from 110 to 130 mm Hg. Art. (regardless of age).

Systolic blood pressure is normal
The normal limits for systolic blood pressure are 110-130 mm Hg. Art.

Diastolic blood pressure is normal
Normal limits for diastolic pressure healthy people may depend on age and range from 65-80 mmHg. Art. At the age of 50 years and older, this limit can be 80-89 mmHg. Art.

Pulse blood pressure is normal
Normally, pulse pressure should be at least 20-25 mmHg. Art.

What blood pressure is considered normal - video

Normal blood pressure in adults

In men
Normal blood pressure in men 20-40 years old is 123/76-129/81.

Among women
Normal blood pressure in women 20-40 years old is 120/75-127/80.

During pregnancy
Until the sixth month of pregnancy, blood pressure in a pregnant young woman remains within normal limits. After the sixth month, under the influence of progesterone produced in the body, short-term changes in blood pressure are possible, which are especially often felt with a sharp change in body position, and normally amount to no more than 10 mm Hg. Art. IN recent months During pregnancy, blood pressure approaches normal values.

On average, normal blood pressure in women during pregnancy ranges from 110/60 to 130/80 mm. rt. Art. Specialists may be concerned that blood pressure may rise above 140/90 mm Hg at least twice a week. Art.

Age norms for blood pressure
For men:

  • 20 years – 123/76;
  • about 30 years old – 126/79;
  • about 40 years old – 129/81;
  • about 50 years old – 135/83;
  • 60-70 years old – 142/85;
  • over 70 years old – 145/82.

Among women:

  • 20 years – 116/72;
  • about 30 years old – 120/75;
  • about 40 years old – 127/80;
  • about 50 years old – 137/84;
  • 60-70 years – 144/85;
  • over 70 years old – 159/85.

Normal blood pressure in children and adolescents

In children, formulas can be used to calculate normal blood pressure.

Systolic pressure

  • Children under one year old – 76+2n (where n is the number of months of life);
  • over a year old– 90+2n (where n is the number of years).

Maximum permissible value normal systolic pressure in children older than one year can be determined by the formula 105 + 2 n.

The minimum acceptable value of normal systolic pressure in children over one year old can be determined by the formula 5 + 2 n.

Diastolic pressure

  • Children under one year - from 2/3 to ½ of systolic pressure;
  • older than a year – 60+n (where n is the number of years).

The maximum permissible value of normal diastolic pressure in children over one year old can be determined by the formula 75 + n.

The minimum acceptable value of normal diastolic pressure in children over one year old can be determined by the formula 45 + n.

From 15 to 18 years of age, blood pressure levels gradually approach adult norms. The normal systolic pressure in adolescents can range from 110 to 120 mmHg. Art., the diastolic norm is from 69 to 80 mm Hg. Art.

Normal blood pressure in the legs

Normally, blood pressure levels are different in the arms and legs. The pressure measured at the ankle with normal patency of the leg arteries should not exceed the blood pressure measured at the forearm by more than 20 mm Hg. Exceeding this indicator may indicate narrowing of the aorta.

To obtain correct ankle blood pressure readings, measurements are taken with the patient lying supine on a couch. After fixing the cuff in an area 2-3 cm above the dorsum of the foot, two or three measurements are taken, then the arithmetic mean between these indicators is calculated, which will be the indicator of blood pressure at the ankle.

Blood pressure table

Female and male pressures are different. This is due to the fact that their heart beats slightly faster than that of men (80 and 72 beats per minute, respectively). So, in women the indicator varies more from time to time, but they are much less predisposed to high blood pressure, at least until the onset of menopause (menopause).

Blood pressure should be measured at rest. This gives more exact result, since during physical and emotional stress, muscles and organs require better blood supply, and this increases performance by about 20 mmHg.

The generally accepted norm for blood pressure is 120/80, but a few decades ago this figure was much higher. More accurate information about the norm of values ​​can be obtained based on age category. For women there are the following indicators:

  • from 18-20 years old – 116/72
  • up to 30 years – 120/75
  • up to 40 years – 127/80
  • up to 50 years – 137/84
  • from 60 to 70 years – 143/85
  • from 70 and older – 155/85

From these data it follows that over the years, the indicators of upper and lower pressure increase and, at the same time, correspond to the average statistical norm. If there are disorders associated with high or low blood pressure, you should monitor it using a tonometer. It is recommended to do this approximately twice a day.

The first measurement is taken in the morning to find out the “night” pressure, and the second time is carried out at any time convenient for you. Before taking measurements, certain conditions must be observed: you should not drink strong coffee, tea, or perform intense exercise. physical exercise and take a hot shower.

Causes of low blood pressure

With low blood pressure, the body is in a position where the pressure drops below normal. This is called hypotension, which has the same serious health risks as hypertension (high blood pressure) and requires constant control and prescription of a course by a doctor.

Low blood pressure is more common in women and manifests itself in early age: inactivity, fatigue, low weight and great height. Hypotension is usually passed from parents to children. To the main reasons low blood pressure applies:

  • disease thyroid gland;
  • cardiovascular disease;
  • improper functioning of the lungs or other respiratory organs;
  • emotional stress;
  • harmful working conditions.

Absence physical activity does not contribute to the functioning of the heart muscle and ventilation of the lungs, which leads to metabolic failure. This causes lethargy, poor sleep and increased levels of fatigue.

Causes of high blood pressure

Hypertension is a disease during which the pressure is periodically or constantly in elevated state. This disease is widespread among women over forty years of age.

There are many reasons for this disease, the most well-known are:

  • excessive fat and salt content in food;
  • use large quantity alcohol and smoking;
  • nervous tension, stress;
  • heart disease and impaired blood flow in the veins;
  • organ diseases internal secretion, for example, kidneys;
  • interruptions in work endocrine system, excess weight and diseases of the musculoskeletal system.

Gender and the associated qualities of aging play a major role in increasing blood pressure. As mentioned above, the number of women suffering from hypertension will increase greatly once they reach forty.

What is BP

Blood pressure shows how hard the blood presses against the walls of blood vessels. This indicator indicates how well and how the heart muscle and the cardiovascular system as a whole work, the total volume of blood that the heart passes through in one minute.

Blood pressure is one of the most important signs of human health. Significant deviations from the norm indicate existing problems with cardiovascular, endocrine, nervous system. Periodically measuring blood pressure is important for all people, especially older people with heart pathologies.

How to measure correctly

Blood pressure should be measured according to instructions. If you do it wrong, you could miss out. serious problems with health, on the contrary, to sow panic if the incorrect result is too far from normal indicators.

There is a special device to measure blood pressure - a tonometer. Automatic tonometers are more suitable for use at home; they do not require special skill when measuring, unlike manual ones. To ensure that the measurement error is minimal, the following rules must be observed:

  1. Before measuring blood pressure, you should avoid physical activity.
  2. Before measurement, you should not smoke, it is advisable to avoid eating.
  3. You need to measure your blood pressure in a sitting position; be sure to lean your back against the back of a chair.
  4. You need to measure while sitting at a table, placing your hand on the table top so that it is approximately at heart level.
  5. When measuring, you should not move or talk.
  6. It is advisable to measure the pressure on both hands for more accurate indicators.

If all rules are followed, pressure readings should be accurate. If the discrepancies with the norm are significant, you need to contact a cardiologist. If there are doubts about the correctness of the procedure, you can measure the pressure under the supervision of a person who is better versed in the intricacies of measurements.

Norm by age for adults: table

There is an average blood pressure:

  • systolic within 90 – 139 mm Hg. Art.;
  • diastolic – from 61 to 89 mm Hg. Art.

The ideal indicator is considered to be a blood pressure of 120/80 mm Hg. Art. On possible pathology indicates a reading above 140/90 mm Hg. Art., in this case you should be concerned.

Worth remembering: physical exercise can have a noticeable effect on blood pressure readings. This happens due to the fact that the muscles require more blood flow, including an increase in heart rate. Even if not heavy load indicators can rise by twenty points.

High blood pressure is also common during pregnancy. This happens for many reasons; when carrying a child, hormonal changes in the body occur, the load on the cardiovascular system and organs in abdominal cavity shift a little. These factors can affect blood pressure. In most cases, this is considered an inevitable physiological norm, but if the levels were too high during pregnancy, monitoring should be continued after the birth of the child.

Also, due to age-related changes in the body, pressure increases, so indicators can significantly depend on age. Average rate for an adult by age is presented in the following table:

Age (in years) Normal for men Normal for women
20 123/76 116/72
20 – 30 126/79 120/75
30 – 40 129/81 127/79
40 – 50 135/82 137/83
50 – 60 142/85 144/85
60 and older 142/80 159/85

These indicators are average, deviations are acceptable, but not more than a few points. For young people, it is important that the blood pressure does not exceed 140/90; until the age of twenty, even low blood pressure will be the norm.

For people with existing heart problems, it is advisable to measure blood pressure periodically and record any changes. This will help you monitor whether your condition is worsening or improving, and how your treatment is progressing.


In addition to blood pressure, it is important to be able to correctly measure the pulse; these indicators together can give a more complete and accurate picture of changes in the body. Normal pulse should be at least 60 beats per minute, no more than 90.

Normally, the heart rate can be increased after physical exercise, when accelerated exchange substances. Therefore, before measuring your pulse, you should not exercise, smoke, or consume alcoholic drinks. In other cases increased heart rate will indicate likely problems.

For the pulse there is also each approximate norm for his age:

  • pulse in newborns – 140 beats per minute;
  • at the age of 7 years – 90 – 95 beats per minute;
  • from 8 to 18 years – 80 – 85 beats per minute;
  • in the range from 20 to 60 years – 65 – 70 beats per minute;
  • at acute illness, for example, poisoning - up to 120 beats per minute.

When measuring, the pulse must be clearly palpable, otherwise the results may be incorrect. If at rest this indicator is too high or low, this is a reason to consult a doctor.

What could cause deviations from the norm?

Don’t panic right away if your blood pressure is far from the normal average. Most of the causes of high blood pressure can be corrected on your own with the help of the right image life. In general, pressure may change in the following cases:

  1. Age-related changes in the heart muscle, inability to cope with heavy loads.
  2. Changes in blood composition associated with age. Also, excessive blood thickness can be associated with diabetes and other endocrine diseases.
  3. Reduced elasticity of blood vessels. This can happen with age; unhealthy food and an irrational daily routine have a separate influence.
  4. Atherosclerosis, the formation of plaques that obscure the normal lumen of blood vessels.
  5. Various endocrine diseases.

Most of the data probable causes high or low blood pressure are influenced by the person himself. If blood pressure readings deviate greatly from the norm, especially in youth, this is a reason to reconsider your lifestyle. Often the work of the heart and blood vessels can be normalized by switching to healthy eating, normal daily routine, paying attention to physical exercise.

Norm by age for children: table

Not only adults need to monitor their blood pressure and heart rate. Various heart pathologies also occur in children and adolescents. If tracked possible problems at an early age, more serious diseases can be avoided in the future.

In children and adolescents, blood pressure is much lower than in adults. From the moment of birth it constantly increases, it is also influenced external factors: physical activity, lack thereof, possible negative experiences, worries associated with school or other groups, unhealthy diet.

In newborns, blood pressure is normally 71/55 in boys, 66/55 in girls, then it will gradually increase. Blood pressure norms by age can be seen in the following table.

Then, after 16 years, the pressure in adolescents approaches adult levels.

High blood pressure in children and adolescents

Hypertension in children and adolescents can be a consequence of other diseases, such as diabetes, but there is often no clear explanation for it. Blood pressure may increase for the following reasons:

  • overwork, stress related to study;
  • excess weight;
  • genetic predisposition;
  • kidney problems.

In each case, the reasons may be individual; only a doctor can determine exactly what the child is suffering from after necessary tests and inspections.

Low pressure

Too low blood pressure, hypotension, is also a common problem in children and adolescents. The main reason for this condition is a lack of normal physical activity, lack of sleep, and poor health. Often, blood pressure remains low during recovery from an illness.

Low blood pressure can be recognized by the following symptoms:

  • constant weakness, fatigue;
  • heavy sweating;
  • decreased concentration;
  • headaches, dizziness.

If low blood pressure is detected in a child, you should definitely see a doctor to rule out possible diseases heart and neurological problems. However, most often the reason lies in the lack healthy sleep, normal physical activity. Also, with low blood pressure, you need to pay attention to the condition immune system, possible lack of vitamins.

Blood pressure is one of the most important indicators of human health. By periodically measuring blood pressure and tracking its changes, you can notice the symptoms of an impending disease in time and avoid serious consequences for good health.

Low blood pressure what to take

Article publication date: November 26, 2016

Article updated date: 12/18/2018

From this article you will learn: what pressure is normal in at different ages. When a deviation from the norm is considered a pathology, and when it is not.

Normal blood pressure (abbreviated as BP) is an indicator good health. This criterion allows you to evaluate, first of all, the quality of functioning of the heart muscle and blood vessels. Blood pressure can also be used to estimate general state human health, since blood pressure can increase or decrease due to various diseases and, conversely, increased (low) blood pressure provokes various diseases.

Blood pressure is measured in millimeters of mercury. The result of its measurement is written as two numbers separated by a slash (for example, 100/60). The first number is blood pressure during systole, the moment the heart muscle contracts. The second number is blood pressure during diastole - the moment when the heart is most relaxed. The difference between blood pressure at systole and diastole is pulse pressure - normally it should be 35 mmHg. Art. (plus or minus 5 mmHg)

The ideal level is 110/70 mmHg. Art. However, at different ages it may differ, which does not always indicate any diseases. Thus, in infancy such low blood pressure is considered normal, which in adults indicates pathologies. You will learn more from the tables that will be given below.

A normal pulse (heart rate or heart rate) is 60 to 90 beats per minute. Blood pressure and pulse are interrelated: it often happens that if the pulse is high, the blood pressure also increases, and if the pulse is low, it decreases. In some diseases, the opposite happens: the pulse increases and the pressure decreases.

Norms of blood pressure and heart rate in children


At this age it can be different: in infants it is lower than in children of preschool and school age.

Table No. 1 - normal blood pressure in children.

As you can see, normal blood pressure increases as the child grows older. This is due to the fact that blood vessels develop, and at the same time their tone increases.

Click on photo to enlarge

Slightly reduced blood pressure in children may indicate slow development of the cardiovascular system. Most often, this goes away with age, so you shouldn’t do anything right away. Once a year is enough preventive examination from a cardiologist and pediatrician. If no other pathologies are detected, treatment for slightly low blood pressure is not required. It will be enough to make the child’s lifestyle more active and revise the diet so that the products consumed contain more vitamins, especially group B, which are necessary for the development of the heart and blood vessels.

Increased blood pressure in childhood also does not always indicate disease. Sometimes it occurs due to excessive physical activity, for example, if the child is seriously involved in sports. In this case, there is also no need for any special treatment. It is necessary to undergo regular preventive medical checkup and, if blood pressure becomes even higher, reduce the level of physical activity.


The pulse becomes slower with age. This is due to the fact that with low vascular tone (in children younger age) the heart must contract faster to provide all tissues and organs with the substances they need.

Table No. 2 - heart rate norms in children.

  • A rapid pulse may indicate thyroid dysfunction. With hyperthyroidism, heart rate increases, with hypothyroidism, on the contrary, it decreases.
  • If the pulse is faster than it should be, this may also indicate a lack of magnesium and calcium in the body.
  • Rare heartbeat occurs with excess magnesium and cardiovascular diseases.
  • Also, heart rate may increase or become less frequent due to an overdose medicines(never leave them within reach of children).
  • Heart rate may be higher not only due to illness, but also due to normal physiological reasons: after physical activity, when the emotional state changes, both negative and positive side. This applies not only to children, but also to adults.
  • But the pulse may be less frequent than it should be during sleep and when falling asleep. If the pulse does not slow down during sleep, this is a reason to be wary and undergo examination by a cardiologist and endocrinologist.

Norms of blood pressure and heart rate in adolescents

Table No. 3 - normal blood pressure in adolescents.

At this age, blood pressure norms are practically no different from those of adults. However, teenagers often have deviations from the norm - this is due to their characteristics hormonal levels during puberty. If your child has high or low blood pressure, the doctor will first order a more detailed examination of the heart and thyroid gland. If no pathologies are detected, no treatment is required - with age, blood pressure normalizes on its own.

Table No. 4 – normal pulse teenagers

Slight increase in heart rate in adolescence may be a variant of the norm, since the heart is still adapting to a rapidly growing and developing organism.

Young athletes may have a rare pulse, as their heart begins to work in an economical mode. The same phenomenon is observed in adults who lead active image life.

Teenagers who regularly exercise may have a low heart rate

Normal blood pressure and heart rate in adults

Table No. 5 - normal blood pressure in adults.

Over time, it gradually increases, which is associated with age-related changes in organism. Diastolic increases in the first half of life. Closer to old age, it begins to decrease (this is due to the loss of strength and elasticity by the vessels).

Deviation from the data indicated in the table by 10 mm Hg. Art. more or less is not considered a pathology.

Blood pressure often deviates from the norm in athletes. Unlike children, in adults, with stable high physical activity, the body adapts and blood pressure becomes lower than normal. It can increase during a one-time heavy load, but in this case it quickly returns to normal.


Heart rate in adults should be between 60 and 100 beats per minute. An increase or decrease in heart rate indicates cardiovascular or endocrine diseases.

Particular attention should be paid to the pulse in the elderly. Measuring your heart rate periodically is not difficult, and the benefits of such a procedure can be enormous, since changes in heart rate are the first sign of cardiac dysfunction.

When does a blood pressure deviation from the norm indicate a disease?

You already know what normal blood pressure is for a person at different ages. What can a deviation from the norm indicate?

Pathology is indicated by a deviation from the norm of more than 15 mm Hg. Art. up or down.

An increase in pulse pressure (the difference between systolic and diastolic) may indicate hyperthyroidism ( increased production thyroid hormones).

Types of pressure

Static pressure

Static pressure is the pressure of a stationary fluid. Static pressure = level above the corresponding measuring point + initial pressure in the expansion tank.

Dynamic pressure

Dynamic pressure is the pressure of a moving fluid stream.

Pump discharge pressure

Operating pressure

The pressure available in the system when the pump is running.

Permissible operating pressure

The maximum value of operating pressure allowed for safe operation of the pump and system.

Pressure- a physical quantity that characterizes the intensity of normal (perpendicular to the surface) forces with which one body acts on the surface of another (for example, the foundation of a building on the ground, liquid on the walls of a vessel, gas in an engine cylinder on a piston, etc.). If the forces are distributed uniformly along the surface, then Pressure R to any part of the surface is equal p = f/s, Where S- area of ​​this part, F- the sum of forces applied perpendicular to it. With an uneven distribution of forces, this equality determines the average pressure on a given area, and in the limit, as the value tends S to zero, is the pressure at a given point. In the case of a uniform distribution of forces, the pressure at all points of the surface is the same, and in the case of an uneven distribution, it changes from point to point.

For a continuous medium, the concept of pressure at each point of the medium is similarly introduced, which plays an important role in the mechanics of liquids and gases. The pressure at any point in a fluid at rest is the same in all directions; this is also true for a moving liquid or gas, if they can be considered ideal (free from friction). In a viscous liquid, the pressure at a given point is the average pressure in three mutually perpendicular directions.

Pressure plays an important role in physical, chemical, mechanical, biological and other phenomena.

Pressure loss

Pressure loss- reduction of pressure between the inlet and outlet of the structural element. Such elements include pipelines and fittings. Losses occur due to turbulence and friction. Each pipeline and fittings, depending on the material and the degree of surface roughness, is characterized by its own loss coefficient. Please contact their manufacturers for relevant information.

Pressure units

Pressure is an intensive physical quantity. Pressure in the SI system is measured in pascals; The following units are also used:


mm water Art.

mmHg Art.

kg/cm 2


m water Art.

1 mm water. Art.

1 mmHg Art.

1 bar

Blood pressure is an individual physiological indicator, which determines the force of blood compression on the walls of blood vessels.

In many ways, blood pressure depends on how a person’s heart works and how many beats per minute it can make.

A person’s normal blood pressure is an indicator that can vary depending on the physical load on the body.

Thus, during active training or strong emotional experiences, a person’s normal blood pressure can increase and go beyond the norm.

The ideal blood pressure reading at rest is 110/70. Low blood pressure starts at 100/60. Increased (hypertension) - from 140\90.

The critical (maximum) indicator is 200/100 or more.

A person's normal blood pressure can also change after physical activity. If the heart copes with its functions, then the change in blood pressure is not a deviation. So after sports loads a person's blood pressure may rise to 130/85.

There are factors that have a significant impact on the normal pressure (including intraocular, intra-abdominal, etc.) of a person:

  1. The person's age and general health. It is important to know that existing diseases (especially chronic pathologies kidney, heart, sexually transmitted or viral diseases) can significantly increase blood pressure.
  2. The presence of diseases that can thicken the blood ( diabetes).
  3. The presence of progressive abnormalities in pressure (hypertension, hypotension).
  4. The condition of the heart and the presence of diseases in it.
  5. Atmosphere pressure.
  6. Thyroid hormone levels and menopause in women.
  7. Hormonal disruptions in the body that narrow arteries and blood vessels.
  8. General elasticity vascular walls. In older people, blood vessels wear out and become brittle.
  9. Presence of atherosclerosis.
  10. Bad habits(smoking, drinking alcohol).
  11. Emotional condition person ( frequent stress and experiences are reflected negatively on normal pressure person).

Normal blood pressure varies somewhat among women, adult men, and children.

In the event that a person experiences disruptions in this indicator and problems with blood pressure surges, he needs urgent medical assistance and medical treatment.

In addition, the pulse rate also plays a significant role, since the blood pulse is inextricably linked with venous pressure.

Normal blood pressure in humans: upper and lower pressure

Before we consider what upper and lower blood pressure are, we present the WHO classification of blood pressure.

According to WHO, the following stages of high blood pressure are distinguished:

  1. The first stage is accompanied by a stable course of hypertension, without deterioration in the functioning of internal organs.
  2. The second stage involves the development of pathologies in one or two organs.
  3. The third stage affects not only organs, but also body systems. In addition, the following degrees of blood pressure are distinguished:
    • Borderline state, in which the indicators are no more than 159/99.
    • The second degree is moderate hypertension (179/109 or more).

Normal blood pressure in a person is a relative concept, since for each individual (separate) organism there are certain normal indicators of the tonometer.

Before understanding what a person's normal blood pressure is, it is important to find out what upper and lower blood pressure is.

Not everyone knows what upper and lower blood pressure is, and it is often confused. Speaking in simple terms, upper or systolic pressure is an indicator that depends on the frequency of contraction and the strength of the myocardial rhythm.

Lower or diastolic pressure is an indicator that reveals minimum pressure during the decrease in load (relaxation) of the heart muscle.

What should be the blood pressure by age and gender?

For men, the norms are:

  1. At 20 years old - 123/76.
  2. At 30 years old - 130/80.
  3. At 50-60 years old - 145/85.
  4. Over 70 years – 150/80.

Among women normal indicators pressures are:

  1. At 20 years old -115/70.
  2. At 30 years old - 120/80.
  3. At 40 years old - 130/85.
  4. At 50-60 years old - 150/80.
  5. Over 70 years - 160/85.

As you can see, blood pressure levels increase with age in both men and women.

Normal blood pressure in a person is inextricably linked with his pulse, which may also indicate various diseases and pathologies in the body (especially in the kidneys and blood vessels).

The pulse itself is nothing more than periodic contractions that are associated with the oscillation of blood vessels as they fill with blood. At reduced vascular pressure The pulse will also be weak.

Normally, at rest, a person’s pulse should be 60-70 beats per minute.

Highlight different norms pulse rate for people of different age categories:

  1. In children from one to two years old - 120 beats per minute.
  2. In children from three to seven years old - 95 strokes.
  3. In children from eight to 14 years old - 80 strokes.
  4. In adolescents and young adults - 70 beats.
  5. In older people - 65 strokes.

Normal pressure in a person during pregnancy does not go astray until the sixth month of bearing a child. After this, due to the influence of hormones, blood pressure may increase.

In the event that the pregnancy proceeds with deviations or pathologies, then jumps in blood pressure may be more noticeable. In this condition, a woman may experience a persistent increase in blood pressure. At the same time, she is recommended to register with a therapist and go to the hospital under the supervision of a doctor.

Before considering the units in which blood pressure is measured, you should understand the rules of the procedure itself for setting blood pressure indicators.

  1. The person should take a sitting position with support on his back.
  2. Before measuring pressure, it is not recommended to physically overstrain, smoke, eat, or take alcoholic beverages.
  3. It is necessary to use only a working mechanical device for changing blood pressure, which will have a normalized scale.
  4. The person's hand should be at chest level.
  5. You cannot speak or move during the procedure.
  6. In measuring the pressure of both hands, you need to take a break of ten minutes.
  7. A doctor or nurse should measure your blood pressure. A person will not be able to accurately determine his blood pressure on his own.

Not everyone knows in what units blood pressure is measured and what the “mmHg” indicators mean. Art." In fact, everything is simple: these units of measurement of blood pressure mean millimeters of mercury. They show on the device how high or low the blood pressure is.

After we figured out in what units blood pressure is measured, we will give the main causes of deviations from the norm.

Violations of pressure in the body can develop according to the most various reasons. This could be physical fatigue, starvation, or simple stress that has greatly affected the person’s condition. Usually, in this state, the indicators themselves stabilize when the body returns to normal, the person eats, rests and sleeps well.

More serious reason high blood pressure progressive diseases such as vascular atherosclerosis, diabetes mellitus, acute viral or infectious diseases. In this condition, a person may suffer from sharp jumps Blood pressure, as well as obvious signs of hypertension.

One more common cause failure in blood pressure is sharp narrowing blood vessels caused by hormonal influence, as well as emotional stress.

Taking certain drugs, heart disease, bleeding disorders and excessive physical activity can also affect the failure in this indicator.

Poor nutrition and disruption of the endocrine system usually have a negative impact on blood pressure in both young and old people.

The difference between systolic and diastolic pressure: normal and abnormal

Blood pressure has two main indicators:

  1. Systolic.
  2. diastolic.

There is a significant difference between systolic and diastolic pressure. The norm of the upper (systolic pressure) is determined by the level of pressure in the human blood at the moment of the strongest (limiting) contraction of the heart.

Thus, the norm of systolic pressure directly depends on the frequency of heart beats and the number of its contractions.

There are factors that influence the normal systolic pressure:

  1. Right ventricular volume.
  2. The frequency of oscillations of the heart muscle.
  3. A measure of the stretching of the walls in the aorta.

The normal systolic pressure is 120 mm. rt. Art. Sometimes it is called “heart”, but this is not entirely correct, because not only this organ, but also blood vessels are involved in the process of pumping blood.

The norm of diastolic pressure depends on the level of blood pressure at the moment of maximum relaxation of the heart. Thus, the norm of diastolic pressure is 80 mm Hg.

Therefore, there is a fairly significant difference between systolic and diastolic pressure.

The norm, however, is still individual for each person, depending on the state of health, age and gender.

High blood pressure or hypertension (hypertension) usually occurs in older people. This disease is considered very dangerous because it can lead to a stroke, that is, a rupture of a vessel in the brain.

Such a deviation can develop for the following reasons:

  1. Excess weight of a person (obesity).
  2. Strong nervous tension, frequent stress and psycho-emotional instability.
  3. Chronic diseases internal organs.
  4. Sedentary image life.
  5. Diabetes.
  6. Drinking alcoholic beverages.
  7. Smoking.
  8. Poor nutrition.
  9. Genetic predisposition person to this disease.

During hypertension, a person suffers from terrible headaches, weakness, shortness of breath, dry mouth, heart pain and weakness.

In this condition, the patient must be provided with urgent help and consult a doctor before the disease causes dangerous complications. It is also important to identify the root cause of hypertension, and together with high pressure treat the factor that provoked its appearance.

Hypotension is a condition in which a person has low blood pressure. In this case, the patient will feel severe weakness, nausea, dizziness.

This condition can be caused by:

  1. Anemia.
  2. Heart attack.
  3. Prolonged fasting.
  4. Adrenal diseases.