Your home doctor is mountain ash. Chokeberry sweets: marshmallows, marmalade. Red rowan medicinal properties application

(Sorbus aucuparia L.)

Red rowan is a plant from the rose family, dicotyledonous class. Red rowan - not only most useful tree, its beauty inspires poets. Many poems and songs have been written about it; everyone is familiar with the words of the folk song “Thin Rowan”:

Why are you standing, swaying, thin rowan tree,

Bowing your head to the very top?

And across the road across the wide river...

Red rowan and common rowan grow in mixed and coniferous forests, along forest edges, near reservoirs and even in the mountains on rocky slopes, right up to the tundra. She is not afraid of frosts

even penetrates the Arctic Circle. Rowan is a moisture-loving plant, so it does not take root well in hot and dry southern regions.

The common rowan grows quickly, it is unpretentious, and is widely used in ornamental gardening and landscaping: it is planted everywhere - along roads, in the courtyards of schools, houses, so that it pleases the eye with its openwork leaves, which become even more elegant in the fall - multi-colored from yellow to crimson. red in color, and bright clusters of berries. The common rowan lives 60 - 70 years, sometimes up to 100 years.

Common rowan description. Common rowan, red rowan is a small tree 8-15 meters high, some plants grow up to 25 meters, with an openwork crown, the trunk is covered with smooth grayish-brown bark. The leaves are alternate, imparipinnate, compound, with 9–15 leaflets up to 5 cm long, serrate, serrated along the edge.

Red rowan blooms in late spring in May - June with white fluffy small flowers, collected in large corymbose inflorescences up to 10 - 15 cm in diameter. The fruits are round juicy orange-red “apples” with a diameter of about 1 cm with small seeds - ripen in August - September, remaining on the tree until deep winter - this is the main food for many birds in winter - field thrushes, waxwings, bullfinches.

The fruits are harvested in the fall before frost sets in. Dry in ventilated areas, spread out on cloth or paper, in dryers at a temperature of 60 - 70 degrees, and also in a cool oven, laid out in one layer on iron sheets or baking sheets. Store in a wooden container for 2 years. Leaves and branches are collected during flowering, dried in the shade, and stored for one year.

The scientific name of the genus Sorbus comes from the Celtic word sor - "tart" given to the plant for the taste of the fruit. The scientific species name aucurapia comes from the Latin word aucupor, which means “to catch birds” - rowan berries are used as bait when catching birds. The Russian generic name “rowan” is associated with the word “ripple” - when you look at a rowan, the bright red berries ripple in your eyes.

What are the benefits of red rowan?

In folk medicine, the fruits, flowers, and leaves of rowan are used. They have a vitamin, anti-inflammatory, antiscorbutic, diaphoretic, hemostatic, laxative, diuretic effect, reduce blood pressure.

People have long known and used wonderful nutritional and medicinal properties berries (fruits) of rowan. The fruits of red rowan contain from 4 to 13% sugar; they can be eaten raw, especially after frost, when their bitterness disappears.

The fruits of red rowan in terms of vitamin content are one of the most valuable multivitamin preparations. They contain a large number of vitamin C, vitamin P, carotene and organic acids - malic, citric, tartaric acids, due to which the fruits have valuable antiseptic properties, the fruits do not spoil in the cold all winter. They also contain tannins, glucose, fructose, sucrose, essential and fatty oils.

In folk medicine, rowan fruits are used for vitamin deficiency, obesity, disorders gastrointestinal tract, especially associated with bleeding and ulcers, hepatitis, hepatocholecystitis, difficult bile secretion, kidney and bladder stones, senile intestinal atony, dysentery, atherosclerosis, hypertension.

Rowan fruits are used for processing, as raw materials for the alcoholic beverage industry: bitters - rowan, “Rowan on cognac”, for the confectionery industry: candies, marmalade, marshmallows, making jelly, jam, jam.

Red rowan is a good spring honey plant; rowan honey is reddish and has a strong aroma.

Common mountain ash fruits have a bitter taste, which reduces their nutritional value. There are many garden forms mountain ash.

In Russia, non-bitter forms of mountain ash were found in the village of Nevezhino, Vladimir region, from where they spread widely. Through selection, the varieties “Kubovaya”, “Yellow”, “Red”, “Sakharnaya” were created, which have excellent fruit quality - the fruits are large, sweet and sour, without bitterness.


  • Tendency to thrombus formation with increased blood clotting.

Red rowan medicinal properties application

For vitamin deficiency, gastritis with low acidity, for dysentery and diarrhea,
for diseases of the kidneys, liver, rheumatism, hemorrhoids, atherosclerosis, bleeding, prepare an infusion of red rowan fruit:

- 1 tbsp. pour a spoonful of crushed dry rowan fruits with 1 cup of boiling water and leave for 4 hours, strain. Take 100 g three times a day.

At general weakness, after a serious illness, surgery, scurvy, vitamin deficiencies, prepare a decoction:

- 1 tbsp. a spoonful of dried fruits and 1 tbsp. pour a spoonful of dry crushed leaves with 1 glass of water, boil for 10 minutes, leave for 2 hours, strain. Drink 50 ml 3 times a day. The decoction can be used as a mouth rinse for stomatitis, bleeding gums.

To lower blood pressure:

- take 1 tbsp 3 times a day 30 minutes before meals. spoon Fresh Juice rowan for a month.

Multivitamin tea from red rowan fruits and :

- 1 tbsp. a spoonful of rowan fruits and 1 tbsp. Pour a spoonful of rose hips into 0.5 liters of boiling water, boil for 10 minutes, then leave in a warm place for 12 hours. Add sugar to taste and take 100 ml 3 times a day. You can brew a mixture of rowan and rose hips in a thermos overnight, drink in the morning and throughout the day.

Tea with red rowan berries is used as a diuretic, expelling sand from the kidneys and Bladder and stops bleeding urinary tract when stones pass.

Preparation of tincture from rowan fruits:

- crushed dry fruits of red rowan are infused with vodka in a ratio of 1: 10 in a dark, cool place for two months, then filtered, the remaining raw materials are squeezed out and filtered, adding to the strained liquid. Red rowan fruit tincture is taken 1 teaspoon 3 times a day with water in the same way as water infusion and decoction.

Watch a video about the medicinal properties of rowan:

Red rowan

Red rowan harvesting for the winter

  • Bring 1 liter of water to a boil, add 2 tbsp. spoons of salt, boil.
  • Place rowan berries for 3 - 5 minutes in saline solution so that the bitterness goes away and the berries become softer, then rinse in cold water, rub through a sieve or pass through a meat grinder or blender.
  • Mix the resulting mass with hot sugar syrup, transfer to prepared jars and sterilize in boiling water: 0.5 liter jars - 10 minutes; 1 liter jars - 15 minutes.

For syrup: for 1 kg of red rowan berries - 200 g of sugar, 2 glasses of water.

Red rowan pureed with sugar and honey

  • Pour boiling brine over rowan berries - 2 tbsp per 1 liter of water. tablespoons of salt to remove bitterness and make the berries softer.
  • After 5 minutes, remove the berries and rinse with cold boiled water and pass through a meat grinder.
  • Mix the resulting mass with sugar and leave in a cool place for 6 hours. If the sugar is not completely dissolved, heat the mixture over low heat until the sugar is completely dissolved.

Store in glass jars closed with plastic lids.

For 1 kg of red rowan - 1.5 - 2 kg of sugar. It is good to replace some of the sugar with honey.

A simple recipe for red rowan jam for the winter

  • Boil whole sorted rowan berries in boiling water for 3 - 4 minutes until softened, very ripe ones - 1 - 2 minutes, drain the water.
  • Place the berries in boiling syrup - for 1 kg of rowan - 1.2 kg of sugar and 2 glasses of water, remove from heat.
  • Let the berries soak in the syrup - soak for 5 - 6 hours, then cook over low heat in one batch until cooked - until the berries are transparent.
  • At the end of cooking you can add 3 - 4 g citric acid, if you want with sourness.

It turns out beautiful rowan jam— bulk berries in clear honey syrup.

Red mountain ash preparations for the winter are very good for health, contain vitamins and microelements, necessary for the body for immunity, increase strength blood vessels, lower cholesterol.

Dear friends! Now it's worth Golden autumn, it's time to harness the gifts of the natural world. Red rowan, preparations for the winter, jam from red rowan, preparations from raw rowan berries will help our health on cold winter days.

Read also this interesting article:

Bon appetit, enjoy your tea and be healthy!

Chokeberry(chokeberry) – effective remedy from many diseases. It is actively used both in medicine and in cooking. Thanks to the rich chemical composition(vitamins C, B1, E, PP, P, carotene, magnesium, iron, manganese, copper, iodine, organic acids) the berry crushes various diseases and acts as a reliable preventative.

More than one recipe has been invented based on it. Chokeberry and honey combine very productively, giving lovers traditional medicine a determined healing duo.

Useful properties of chokeberry

Chokeberry is indicated for heart and blood diseases, for iodine deficiency in the body, and for lowering cholesterol levels in the blood. It improves the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract and liver, strengthens the immune system, and cleanses the body of waste and toxins. Rowan is also indispensable for gastritis with low acidity, toxicosis of pregnant women, atherosclerosis and rheumatism.

The berry stimulates brain function, stabilizes arterial pressure, it is useful for sleep disorders, chronic fatigue, measles, scarlet fever and for relieving allergic reaction. Healing power possess both rowan fruits and its leaves.

Attention! Chokeberry does not lose its beneficial properties either during heat treatment or when interacting with alcohol or vodka.

The black berry itself already has a powerful drug effect, and in combination with other means its effect is enhanced many times over. Chokeberry with honey is an explosive tandem of two champions in vitamin content. He is able to fight back almost all existing ailments.

Miracle recipes

Universal vodka tincture


  • chokeberry (2.5 cups);
  • vodka (1 l);
  • honey (3 tablespoons);
  • oak bark (1 pinch).

Wash the rowan fruits and place them in a glass jar. Add to them honey, melted in a water bath and washed, crushed oak bark. Fill all components with vodka. Close the jar hermetically and leave for 4-5 months. Take it out periodically and shake vigorously. After the specified period, strain the finished tincture through gauze and pour into bottles.

A recipe for chokeberry with honey strengthens the immune system, saturates the body with iodine, lowers blood pressure, protects and cures colds.

For hypertension

Mix freshly squeezed chokeberry juice (50 g) with honey (1 tablespoon). Accept healing composition 20-30 minutes before meals 3 times a day. Duration of treatment is 1-1.5 months.

General strengthening decoction

Boil dried berries (2 tablespoons) in boiling water (2 cups) over moderate heat for 10 minutes. Let the broth brew for 5-6 hours. The finished drink should be drunk for general strengthening purposes three times a day with the addition of small quantity honey

The effect of rowan juice

Chokeberry juice with honey is indispensable for the body in case of diathesis, burns, anemia, vitamin deficiency, and asthenia. It should be taken 50 g in combination with 1 tbsp. a spoonful of honey three times a day. The course of treatment is 10-30 days.

For general weakness

Puree of chokeberry and black currant berries, mixed with honey (to taste), restores strength after a serious illness and general weakness, increases the level of hemoglobin in the blood, strengthens the immune system, and cures anemia. Use healing mixture you need one glass daily.

Red rowan: beneficial properties and recipes

The red sister of the chokeberry is in no way inferior to it in healing qualities. It heals colds, ailments of the kidneys, pancreas and liver, and relieves joint pain due to rheumatism. Red rowan is effective for adenoma, prostatitis and hemorrhoids. Its diuretic, antipyretic and diaphoretic properties are high. Regular consumption of its fruits improves general state body, gives strength, vigor and activity. Red rowan with honey (recipes are presented below) is an equally powerful duet that saves dozens of ailments from the jaws.

The healthiest jam

Red rowan jam with honey is a real storehouse of substances necessary for the body. To prepare it you will need:

  • red rowan fruits (0.5 kg);
  • fresh honey (300 g);
  • water.

Rinse the berries thoroughly and dry on a towel. To blanch, pierce each fruit with a knitting needle or needle all the way through the middle of the berry. This is necessary so that when rowan berries are processed with boiling water, the berries do not wrinkle and their skin remains intact.

Pour boiling water over the fruits and leave for 20-25 minutes. Then drain the water, dry the berries, put them in another container and mix with honey. Let the mixture brew again so that the rowan berries release their juice.

After waiting for the juice to release, place the container over moderate heat and bring the mixture to a boil, periodically removing the foam. Bring the jam to readiness by keeping it on the fire for another 20-30 minutes. Cool and pour into jars. Ready!

Attention! Daily use During the cold season, rowan tea with honey will protect your body from the attacks of colds.

Red rowan has the same contraindications as its chokeberry sister.

A recipe for red or chokeberry with honey is your ticket to the world good health!

All materials on the website are presented for informational purposes only. Before using any product, consultation with a doctor is MANDATORY!

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Today we would like to talk about rowan and recipes from this wonderful berry.

The common rowan is fruit plant, known even in Ancient Greece. People use it not only as ornamental plant, but also as a medicinal and even magical plant.

Rowan grows in North America, Europe, Asia, and in Russia alone there are more than thirty species of rowan.

In general, about a hundred species of rowan are known in the world; the most popular is the common rowan. This is a tree from the Rosaceae family, with smooth bark and an openwork crown, only about ten meters high. The flowers are numerous, collected in dense corymbose inflorescences, and have a bitter almond scent. Rowan blooms from May to June.

Rowan berries are bright orange or bright red, the pulp has a bitter taste. The fruits ripen in August-September and hang on the trees until winter. Rowan does not bear fruit every year, but after about a year or two.

At the end of September there is a day called “Peter-Paul Rowanberry” - which means the beginning of the collection of ripe rowan fruits. Rowan fruits become sweeter after frost. When collecting fruits, they always leave some of them on the tree for the birds.

Even in ancient times, the medicinal and nutritional qualities of rowan were known.

The Romans and ancient Greeks noticed that rowan fruits have disinfectant and astringent property. The ancient Scythians squeezed the juice from freshly frozen rowan berries, which then fermented to form mash. IN Kievan Rus The Slavs ate pickled rowan berries with honey. Later, the Slavs began to add rowan berries to the dough when baking bread, thereby giving it a piquant taste.

The magical properties of rowan

Rowan is a phytoestrogenic plant that contains a substance similar to female sex hormones, so it is considered a female tree. It is believed that rowan has strong property magic that can ward off evil spirits.

Currently, village women make beads from rowan fruits and hang them in the entryway at the entrance to the house, thereby protecting their home. The beads should hang until new fruits appear. When making new rowan beads, the old beads were burned.

In order to reduce the bitterness of rowan fruits, they need to be immersed in a boiling 3% solution for five minutes. table salt. If the fruits were collected after frost, then they are dipped in a salt solution for just two minutes.

Red rowan jam.

First way. Take 700 g of good, unspoiled rowan berries. Blanch them in boiling water for five minutes. Place the berries in a colander and let the water drain. Pour eight hundred grams of sugar into 2.5 glasses of water into the same water and boil the syrup. Dip rowan and three hundred grams of apples into the finished syrup. The finished syrup with apples and rowan berries is wrapped in a towel and left for ten hours. After time, add 400 g of sugar and boil. Leave again for eight hours. The jam should be cooked in three batches, over low heat, for ten minutes at an interval of eight hours. This method of making jam takes a lot of time, but this does not matter, what is important is the result of a tasty and healthy product.

Second way. Rowan, which is slightly frozen, should be kept in the oven for one hour at low temperature. Then blanch for five minutes. To prepare the syrup you will need: one and a half kilograms of sugar, three glasses of water per kilogram of rowan fruit. Immerse the fruits in syrup for eight hours. Then let the jam boil, but do not boil. Remove from heat and let stand for fifteen minutes. This needs to be done four times, as this allows the fruits to soak well in the syrup.

Rowan marmalade

Two kilograms of rowan will require one kilogram of sugar and three hundred milliliters of water. Rowan must be poured with boiling water, left for ten minutes, and the water drained. Grind the berries in a blender, add water and boil a little. Afterwards, grind all the pulp in a sieve to obtain a homogeneous mass. The entire prepared mass must be covered with sugar and cooked until thickened. When the mass thickens, it needs to be transferred to parchment sprinkled with sugar, leveled and placed in the oven. As soon as the marmalade has dried, it should be removed from the oven and sprinkled with sugar. The marmalade is ready to eat.

Rowan, soaked

Ingredients: water - 1l, sugar - 50g, a piece of cinnamon or cloves - 5-7 pieces, rowan.

Place frozen, well-washed rowan berries in a bowl. Cook the filling, add any spices and sugar. Then cool it and pour it over the rowan. All this needs to be covered with any cloth on top and oppression should be placed. Let it stand for six days, after which it can be stored in the refrigerator. The rowan will be ready in a month.

Rowan kvass

For one kilogram of rowan you will need: 4 liters of water, 2 cups of sugar and 10 grams of yeast.

Rinse the rowan well, blanch for five minutes, then mash and add water. Cook for ten minutes. Then strain and add sugar to the juice. Dissolve the yeast and add it to the juice after cooling. Mix everything well and can be bottled. Kvass will be ready for use in three days. Store in a cool place.

Rowan on cognac

To prepare cognac with rowan you will need: two glasses of cognac, one glass of rowan, one tablespoon each of honey and oak bast (part of the oak bark).

A glass of selected berries should be filled with a bottle of cognac. Add a tablespoon of honey and oak bast. Mix everything and leave to brew for three months.

Rowan candies

Ingredients: 2 cups common rowan, egg white, 150 grams of sugar, powdered sugar, 1 tablespoon of lemon juice. Grind the egg whites with sugar, gradually pour in lemon juice and beat everything until thick. Roll the berries in this mixture, then sprinkle with powdered sugar. Place on a tray to dry. The candies are ready to eat.

Rowan with cottage cheese

You will need: cottage cheese – 70 grams, rowan fruits – 40 grams, sugar – 20 grams.

Rowan berries kept in the freezer for 24 hours are ground with sugar until a paste forms. Then mixed with cottage cheese.

Rowan with honey

One kilogram of rowan berries will require 350 grams of honey.

Wash the berries, place on a baking sheet and dry until softened in the oven. Bring honey to a boil and add dried berries to it. Cook until done.

Natural rowan

Separate the rowan berries from the stalks, rinse and blanch for three minutes. Place the berries in sterilized jars and fill them with boiled water. Close the lids and sterilize liter jars for thirty minutes, half liter jars for twenty minutes. Roll up and turn over, wrapping the jars in a fur coat, leave until completely cool. Then put in a cool place.