How to remove x-ray radiation from the body. How to remove radiation from the body

Let me start with the fact that people still have the opinion that only alcohol will save you from radiation or weak solution iodine, but this is not the case, so I am providing an article that describes how you can reduce the effects of radiation and speed up the removal of radionuclides using food. It turns out that there are many things that can help you with this.

General recommendations:
Heavy metals and radionuclides are dangerous because they are poorly excreted from the body. They have a nerve-paralytic effect, affect the activity of enzymes, impair the functioning of the digestive system, and destroy the body's antioxidant system, which protects it from aging. It has been established that of all not medications treatment of diseases caused by radiation injuries, the greatest effectiveness is provided by high-quality nutrition and intermittent fasting.
As the main food of people who have received some dose of radiation, products containing coarse fiber, which has the ability to enter into chemical compounds with toxins and form new, less toxic substances that are easily removed from the body.
And so what to eat to remove radionuclides: almonds, corn, lentils, apples, oats, buckwheat, barley, beans, pumpkin, cabbage, brown rice, carrots, radishes.

Before consumption, vegetables and fruits must be peeled to a depth of 0.5 cm, and at least 3 leaves must be removed from cabbage, since most of them heavy metals and pesticides accumulate in the upper layer of the fruit. In vegetables, these substances accumulate in the core.

The absorption of cesium-137 is prevented by the consumption of products containing a large number of potassium (beets, dried apricots, apricots, nuts, unpeeled potatoes); absorption of other radionuclides is weakened by: pomegranates, raisins, black currants, cranberries, nuts, garlic, onions, beets, parsley, as well as squid and seaweed.
It is recommended to drink decoctions from: prunes, nettles, juices with coloring pigments, natural red wine.

Must be included in diet dairy products: cottage cheese, cream, sour cream, butter. The calcium contained in them reduces the accumulation of radioactive strontium, and the cottage cheese is cleared of radioactive elements (hundreds of times compared to milk), since they remain in the whey. The oil contains no harmful elements at all. From meat products It is better to eat pork and poultry. Methionine, found in dairy products, meat and fish, is necessary for the removal of radionuclides. However, it is better to limit meat consumption, especially beef, which contains greatest number radionuclides. You should also avoid cutlets, since chopped meat contains ichor, and when fried, radionuclides remain in the food. When boiling meat, be sure to drain the first broth.

Do not starve your body: 265 ml of water passing through the kidneys removes 1 gram from the body. harmful substances. The kidneys never stop working, but in order for them to do it, they must be constantly supplied with water. Drink clean water in small portions 2-3 hours after eating and finish doing this 30 minutes before next appointment food.

It is also recommended to drink decoctions from: flax, prunes, nettles, laxative herbs, juices with dye pigments (grape, pomegranate, natural wine), with absolutely healthy liver in not large quantities You can drink alcohol and vodka. Preference should be given to juices with pulp. They adsorb well various substances and contribute to the accelerated removal of radionuclides.

Before meals you need to take activated carbon (1-4 tablets).
You can make your own activated carbon.
Break the walnut shell and grind it to a powder. Pour the powder into a saucepan and place on low heat (without water). When the shell begins to burn and charcoal appears, keep the pan on the fire for 15 minutes. Then remove and cool.
Before using coal, it must be crushed to a powdery state and sifted through a sieve. Mix the resulting charcoal with water (the water should turn black). Drink 2 tablespoons of this water every 15 minutes, bringing the volume of liquid drunk to 400 ml.

In parallel with drinking water, you need to do enemas, using from 1 teaspoon to 1 tablespoon of coal per 1 liter of water.

Garlic, onions, cottage cheese, viburnum berries and gooseberries have the greatest ability to absorb radioactive elements.

Have an anti-radiation effect vegetable oil, cottage cheese, calcium tablets, alcohol.

Products hazardous to health in conditions of increased radiation: coffee, jellied meat, bones, bone fat, cherries, plums, apricots, beef, boiled eggs(strontium contained in the shell is converted into protein during cooking). It is better to make scrambled eggs from eggs.

Periodic complete failure from eating. This remedy gave good results in the treatment of patients with severe acute stage radiation sickness, directly injured in the accident at the Chernobyl nuclear power plant. As a result of fasting, the rhythm of cell division slows down, the hereditary apparatus and its enzymatic system activate processes to restore nucleic acids (acids of the hereditary apparatus - DNA and RNA). As a result, damaged cells do not die, but are restored (they begin to divide normally and perform their functions).

Periodic fasting also helps restore the protective functions of cells, organs and systems against radiation damage. This is extremely important for people living in conditions of constant exposure to radionuclides that are in the environment and contained in food products.
And finally, as a result of fasting, the mechanisms for removing from the body all those substances that interfere with its normal functioning are improved: radionuclides, nitrates, pesticides, heavy metals and other poisons and waste (see Fasting). Most effective domestic drug, which removes heavy metals from the body is “Zosterin”. It was obtained by R. Ovodova from the sea grass zostera. The product actively attracts, holds, and then removes even from skeletal systems heavy metal ions and other industrial toxins. Similar action The drug "Befungin" also provides assistance.

Recipe No. 2

Cleansing with birch mushroom infusion:
Chaga is considered an effective cleansing agent. Pour 1 tablespoon of powdered mushroom into a glass of hot water. Leave for half an hour, adding a pinch of soda. Take 3 times during the day in between meals.

This product also dissolves salt deposits well. But herbalists warn that chaga tea should never be drunk with sugar.

Recipe N3

Cleansing with bran and pine according to Zh. Shishko:
Coarse wheat bran is poured 1/3 into a three-liter jar. At the same time, prepare an infusion of rose hips, which is poured over the bran for 2 hours, after which it is filtered. The remaining mixture can be used a second time. This liquid is drunk in unlimited quantities instead of water.

Pine is also considered a good absorbent. Young pine shoots are placed in a liter jar and covered with brown sugar, or better yet, filled with honey. Insist for a day. Take 3-4 times a day, 1 tablespoon. It is also useful to drink a decoction of pine and spruce needles. It is prepared like this: pour a glass of crushed needles into 2 liters of boiling water, simmer in a water bath for 10-15 minutes and drink as tea, if desired.

Recipe N4

Whey by B. Bolotov:
Pour 1 cup of sugar into a vessel with 3 liters of whey (if it boiled over when heating the cottage cheese, add 1 teaspoon of sour cream to form healthy milk bacteria). Then 1 cup of dry or fresh chopped celandine herb is placed in a gauze bag and lowered to the bottom of the vessel using a sinker. Cover with 2-3 layers of gauze to prevent wine flies from appearing, and place in a warm, dark place for 2-3 weeks. Take half a glass of the fermented drink 20 minutes before meals for 2 weeks.

The waste products of bacteria formed during fermentation have the ability to renew and clean all surfaces they come into contact with. They will perfectly cleanse the inner walls of the stomach and intestines from salts of radioactive metals.

Recipe N5

B. Bolotov's whey from horse chestnut fruits:
Pour 3 liters of water into a bottle and place a bag of 10-30 chestnut fruits, peeled and cut in half, into the water. Leave the peel in the bag as well. Add 1 cup of sugar, half a cup of whey or 1 teaspoon of sour cream and leave to ferment for 2 weeks. The result is a pleasant health-improving drink that not only removes radionuclides, but also increases the amount of iodine in the body. It is useful to drink for both adults and children of any age, even the smallest.

Take half a glass 15-20 minutes before meals for at least a month. Every day, as you take the drink, add water with the appropriate amount of chestnuts and sugar, while healing properties kvass is restored the next day. Thus, a 3-liter bottle lasts for several months.

Recipe N6

Cleaning with eggshells:
As studies by Hungarian scientists have shown, it perfectly removes radionuclides and prevents the accumulation in bone marrow strontium-90 eggshell. In addition, it is an ideal supplier of calcium in a form that is perfectly absorbed by the body and contains other essential microelements, essential for normal course biochemical reactions. Particularly valuable is the presence of silicon and molybdenum in the shell, which are very scarce in our food. Attention. Only the shells of domestic chicken eggs have all these properties.

Wash the shells, dry them and grind them in a mortar (there is an opinion that when using electric coffee grinders, the powder loses its energy). Take it 2-6 grams. during breakfast.

In Western countries, eggshell powder is sold in almost every pharmacy. Store it in a dark glass bottle, closed with cotton wool (so that the shell does not “suffocate”).

In Chinese folk medicine daily intake 0.5 g. (on the tip of a knife) crushed shell eggs 1-2 days fresh, taken from a healthy chicken, treat severe forms of tuberculosis. But wash down the powder with water with the addition of lemon or citric acid for normal absorption by the intestines.

Recipe N7

Cleansing with flax seed decoction according to V. Tishchenko:
A glass of seeds is poured into 3 liters of boiling water, boiled for 2 hours and cooled to 40°C. Drink as much as possible (1-1.5 liters per day) for 2-3 weeks, starting at 12 noon. Removes radionuclides, toxins, and other toxic substances.

Recipe N8

Cleansing with herbal infusion according to A. Deryabin:
Birch and pine buds, immortelle flowers, chamomile, calendula, linden, nettle leaves, coltsfoot, mint, plantain, motherwort, eucalyptus, senna, oregano herb, St. John's wort, centaury, dried grass, yarrow, thyme, string, celandine, sage, valerian rhizomes, angelica, burnet, dandelion are mixed in equal weight quantities: 14 tablespoons of the mixture are poured into 3 liters of boiling water and left for 7-8 hours. After cooling, the infusion is stored in the refrigerator for 4-5 days.

Take warmed on an empty stomach 50-60 minutes before meals and no later than 2-3 hours before bedtime. Drink from 1 to 3 glasses a day until a comfortable state is achieved in the stomach. It is undesirable to combine the intake of this infusion with the use of products containing yeast (baked goods, beer, kvass), which are generally rejected by A. M. Deryabin’s system. additions to recipe 6.
Mix the resulting powder from the shell with honey! Very healthy mixture It turns out, for the whole organism.

And ideally, the human body is a completely self-sufficient and self-regulating system.
With normal nutrition, external background radiation, at any natural changes, can do no harm.
If you don’t look for this harm yourself!
And when emergency situations, it will be necessary to use chemical neutralizers, since pure components may not be at hand, and time may be short. The main thing will be to get out of the infection zone and help others!
All the best and good luck!

Taken from

Products that defeat radiation. Radiation exposure is not physically felt by a person, but at the same time it causes colossal harm to health. Science has identified three types (alpha, gama and beta) radiation.

If you can protect yourself from this type of radiation like alpha with rubber gloves and a suit, beta radiation can be prevented by an aluminum plate or glass, then there is practically no protection from gamma rays and, when they enter the body, they destroy it at the cellular level.

Therefore, it is important for every person to know how to remove radiation already received from the body by using food.

Products that remove radiation from the body

Foods containing pectin and fiber help neutralize radiation and restore the body and its protective properties. These include beets, grapes, apples, bran, broccoli, spinach, lemons and oranges.

Dairy products are bound, after which substances (radioactive) are removed from the body. Milk, cottage cheese, and kefir are antidotes that also remove radiation products. Calcium, contained in large quantities in such products, also helps eliminate radiation and prevent the accumulation of strontium.

Drinks such as green tea, infusion or kvass kombucha, a decoction of flax, nettles and prunes, freshly squeezed juices, an infusion of burdock, buckwheat, calendula and echinacea herbs help neutralize and remove radiation from the human body. And most importantly, drink more water(mineral), it removes salts of heavy metals.

Onions and garlic rid the body of radionuclides.
Iodine-containing products and all seafood (seaweed, squid, etc.) do not allow strontium and cesium to accumulate in the body. Their accumulation leads to malfunctions thyroid gland, which in turn contributes to the development of other dangerous diseases.

The absorption of radioactive elements is prevented by foods containing potassium.

The younger generation and children are much more susceptible to radioactive contamination, therefore, such products must be included in their diet daily.

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Radiation and man. Radiation cleanup. Folk remedies for cleansing the body from radiation. IN modern conditions The topic of radiation and man has become very relevant. The accident at the Fukushima nuclear power plant made everyone on the planet shudder. After all, nuclear contamination threatens not only the territory of Japan, but also many other countries, because radiation easily spreads through the air and the wind can carry it to anywhere on the planet in a matter of hours.

Everyone knows that increased radiation is dangerous to human health. Even slightly elevated background- a threat to health. How to protect yourself from negative impact radionuclides WZ will tell you in this article.

Purification from radionuclides and heavy metals - general recommendations:

Heavy metals and radionuclides are dangerous because they are poorly excreted from the body. They have a nerve-paralytic effect, affect the activity of enzymes, impair the functioning of the digestive system, and destroy the body's antioxidant system, which protects it from aging. It has been established that of all non-drug treatments for diseases caused by radiation injuries, the most effective are high-quality nutrition and periodic fasting. The recommendations below can be used by those living in high radiation environments.

Radiation accumulated in the body can be extremely harmful to health. Man in modern world regularly exposed to radiation from which one cannot completely protect oneself. What removes radiation from the body? You can only study several methods that allow you to remove harmful components.

What are the dangers of radiation?

Radiation causes harm in several ways at once. Firstly, it has a negative impact on protective functions immunity. Secondly, it negatively affects the body's cells, including stem cells. Thirdly, radiation changes the structure of epithelial cells. Negative consequences are also associated with a slowdown in metabolism in the body. In addition, irradiation can cause changes in the structure of red cells in the blood. In addition, the effects of radiation on the body can lead to more serious diseases - infertility, cancer, metabolic disorders. It is for this reason that you need to think in advance about your health and how to remove radiation from the body.

What products remove radiation?

If a person is constantly exposed to radionuclides, the doctor may prescribe special means- enterosorbents that help the body cope with the effects of radiation. Scientists back in the days Soviet Union developed the drug ASD-2. It can be used as a dietary supplement to food. This drug successfully removes radiation from the body and stops the negative effects of radionuclides. When exposed to radiation, it is also useful to take preparations based on iodine and seaweed. Substances contained in such products affect isotopes localized in thyroid gland. To protect the DNA structure, you can use the drug "Dimethyl sulfide". It has excellent antioxidant effect.

How to deal with radionuclides?

A natural remedy that can successfully remove radiation is food. Regular use for food nutrients And useful microelements will significantly reduce the impact of radiation on the body.

Here are just a few products that remove radiation from the body:

  1. Milk. This drink throughout for long years issued at hazardous industrial facilities to neutralize exposure chemical substances and radiation. Dairy products have proven themselves to be excellent in protecting the body from harmful factors. environment.
  2. Decoctions and water. For the normal functioning of the body, it is recommended that a person consume as much as possible. drinking water and herbal infusions. To combat radionuclides, a decoction of herbs such as chamomile, St. John's wort, linden, and so on is excellent. It is these liquids that help flush out dangerous microelements from the body.
  3. People who regularly expose their bodies to radiation are advised to add ingredients with high content potassium Products such as dried apricots, nuts, beets, figs and parsley are best suited for these purposes.
  4. It is especially beneficial to eat vegetables and fruits. They contain a large amount of natural fiber. However, it is worth remembering that the peel may contain a large amount of harmful pesticides, so it is better to remove it. But if we're talking about about vegetables from your garden, then the situation changes radically.

Here is just an approximate answer to the question: what products remove radiation from the body? It is worth considering that positive effect will only be noticeable with regular consumption.

Alcohol use

For quite a long time, there was an opinion that alcohol removes radiation from the body. However, this is not quite true. Certainly, ethanol has an effect on radionuclides. It helps to transfer radiation throughout all organs and systems evenly. This reduces the level of impact on each specific organ. At the same time, vodka removes radiation from the body only if you drink it immediately after exposure. There are exceptions to alcohol when it comes to dealing with alcohol. Doctors recommend that those who work at gas stations and in laboratories with X-ray equipment drink a glass of red wine daily. This product is specifically prescribed for prophylaxis during repeated exposures.

Uses of iodine

As for iodine, it is taken orally in the form of potassium iodide. It is worth considering that such prophylaxis is carried out before irradiation. As a result, the substance will accumulate in the thyroid gland and will help the body resist the influence of harmful isotopes. The medicine should be taken in a dosage of 100-200 mg per day. Take the tablets with water or milk. This supplement is an excellent prevention of radiation accumulation and thyroid problems.

There is one simple method, using which you can easily check whether there is enough potassium iodide in the body. To do this, iodine is applied to the various areas skin. If iodine is quickly absorbed, it means that the body is experiencing a shortage of this microelement.

X-ray: how to protect yourself

X-ray radiation during diagnostics can penetrate organs and tissues, thereby causing harm. Every person has probably experienced the influence of an X-ray machine at least once in his life. It is worth considering that in in this case there is no significant cause for concern. The device operates with weak rays. Plus, the effect of the equipment is short-lived. If radiation occurs irregularly, then the body is quite capable of coping with such a dose on its own. In this case, the probability of damage will be approximately 0.001%. How to remove radiation from the body after an x-ray? Any of the above methods works well here too.

Alternative ways to combat the harmful effects of radiation

If you want to reduce your risks from radiation poisoning, here are a few more simple recommendations that will help you with this.

Let's try to figure out what removes radiation from the body:

  1. Tea mushroom. This product is especially effective when exposed to low dose radiation. It must be taken for two weeks before and after radiation.
  2. Pomegranate and grape juice. These fruits have excellent antioxidant effects.
  3. Anti-radiation tablets - "Polyphepan". This tool helps effectively combat negative consequences X-ray exposure. For adults daily dose This drug is approximately 16 tablets. It is recommended to give children no more than 10 pieces. The drug is completely harmless. It can be taken even by small children and pregnant women.

Radiation therapy: how to cope with the consequences

Many people today are interested in how to remove radiation from the body after radiation therapy. It is not recommended to consume meat and broth before the procedures. These products contribute to the accumulation of radiation in the body. Another way to protect yourself from radiation is to use modern equipment. It works faster and is more effective than older devices. These methods help eliminate the effects of radiation on the body. What removes radiation from the body? Let's try to figure it out.

Safety precautions for radiation therapy

Effect of radiation therapy to destroy cancer cells based on the use of high energy. This procedure will help fight serious illness. However, it also carries with it quite dangerous side effects. It is for this reason that patients need to know about ways to reduce negative influence radiation.

Side effects of radiation therapy

How to remove radiation from the body after exposure? To answer this question, you first need to understand the classification negative consequences. As early symptoms Radiation therapy may cause dizziness and nausea. They are easy to stop with special drugs. TO late symptoms include diseases of such vital organs as the liver, lungs and heart. Moreover, the disease in this case can take chronic form. It is unlikely that you will be able to completely protect yourself from radiation. However, it is still possible to reduce the impact.

Substances that help remove radiation

The following elements contribute to the removal of radiation from the body:

  • Carotene: promotes cell repair. This element is found in apricots, carrots, tomatoes and sea buckthorn.
  • Selenium: antioxidant, prevents tumor development. Found in legumes, eggs and rice.
  • Methionine: responsible for cell repair. Fish are rich in this substance, quail eggs, asparagus.

As you can guess, many protective and recovery processes V human body depend on the quality of food. Sometimes a properly formulated diet can help cope with radiation symptoms better than medications. To select the appropriate food products, you need to know what removes radiation from the body.

Strong radiation: consequences

Long-term irradiation has a detrimental effect on the condition of all systems and organs. During long work in places with a high radioactive background, the destructive effect of high radiation occurs gradually. If the radiation dose is up to 100 rad, clinical picture radiation sickness may be blurred. At a dose of more than 100 rad, a bone marrow form of radiation sickness develops. Months or years after receiving a serious dose of radiation may develop somatic diseases, such as insomnia and depression. Inevitable consequences Radiation sickness are stochastic effects. These include cancer, infertility, mental disorder.


Today there is great amount various pathogens that negatively affect our health. Due to the fact that humanity does not stand still and is constantly developing, they can be dealt with.

Modern man is often exposed to negative factors environment. One of these factors is radiation. At correct selection diet and preventive measures the effects of radiation can be reduced. Everyone should be aware of the dangers of radiation to the human body. The radiation dose can be obtained by various reasons. Therefore, today it is extremely important to know how to remove radiation from the body after radiation sickness. After all, perhaps someday this knowledge will help keep you healthy. Take care of yourself and your loved ones.

Today, the topic of contamination of the human body with radioactive substances is especially relevant. The Chernobyl accident and the explosion at the Fukushima 1 nuclear power plant caused enormous harm to nature and made every person shudder at the possible consequences.

After all, radiation easily spreads through the air - it can reach even the most remote corners of the Earth within a few hours.

Increased radioactive background poses a great threat to the life and health of every person. In our article you will learn how to preserve and protect your health from the effects of radionuclides, as well as how to cleanse your body of heavy metals using folk remedies.

How to remove radiation from the body?

Radioactive decay products are dangerous to the health of any living creature. They have a destructive effect on the nervous and digestive system, negatively affect enzyme activity, promote rapid aging skin.

Also, radionuclides and heavy metals are quite difficult to remove from the body. Experts have proven that proper nutrition, following an appropriate diet, intermittent fasting have preventive effect and help remove radiation from the body.

Products that remove radiation from the body

Most effective method to cleanse the body from the negative effects of radiation - this is therapeutic fasting. If you want to protect yourself from radionuclides, follow special diet, make sure that in your daily diet The following products predominated:

  • almonds or walnuts;
  • lentils and oats;
  • apples;
  • beans;
  • pumpkin;
  • sea ​​kale.

People who have received a certain dose of radiation must eat foods that contain fiber to successfully remove radioactive decay products from the body.

Diet for cleansing the body

  1. Before eating vegetables and fruits, peel them thoroughly and remove 3 or more pieces from cabbage. top sheets, since most of the dangerous pesticides are contained in upper layers fruits
  2. Potassium-rich foods such as beets, dried apricots, apricots, as well as black currants, nuts, parsley, and seaweed prevent the absorption of radionuclides. Fill your diet with them.
  3. Drink milk, eat dairy products, especially cottage cheese. The calcium they contain reduces the amount of strontium in the body.
  4. Meat consumption should be limited. Especially great harm Beef, which contains the largest amount of radionuclides, can harm the body. When boiling meat, be sure to drain the first broth.
  5. Provide your body with fluid. So 265 ml of water removes about 1 gm of harmful substances. It is recommended to drink decoctions of prunes, flax, natural wine, vodka or alcohol in small quantities(with a completely healthy liver). Juices with pulp absorb heavy metals and promote their accelerated elimination.

Be sure to take your pills before meals activated carbon. They must be crushed and the resulting powder sifted through a sieve. Then you need to mix the coal with water and drink the liquid every 15 minutes, 2 tbsp. spoons - the total volume drunk should not exceed 400 ml.

Therapeutic fasting

Periodic refusal to eat gives an effective result and helps rid the body of the presence of heavy radionuclides. During fasting, cell division processes are weakened, and the enzyme system activates the active restoration of nucleic acid. This causes damaged cells to be repaired.

Therapeutic fasting improves the mechanisms for removing radionuclides, pesticides, and nitrates from the body. For people living in a polluted environment, it is important to periodically refuse food for preventive purposes.

Cleansing the body from radiation using folk remedies

1. Method of Zh. Shishko

Fill 1/3 of a three-liter jar with coarse bran, pour in rosehip infusion and leave to infuse for 2 hours. Strain and drink the resulting liquid instead of water.

Fill with young pine shoots 3-liter jar, fill everything with sugar or honey. Leave for 24 hours, take no more than 3 times a day, 1 tablespoon.

2. Bolotov serum

Pour 3 liters of purified water into a container, dip a bag of 20-30 chestnut fruits into the liquid, which must first be peeled and cut in half. Add a glass of sugar, half a glass of whey and a teaspoon of sour cream to the container. Infuse for 2 weeks, take the resulting drink for a month, half a glass before meals.

3. Getting rid of heavy metals in the body according to Deryabin

Pine, birch buds and set medicinal herbs(nettle, plantain, eucalyptus and others) mix. 14th century Pour 3 liters of boiling water over a spoonful of the mixture and leave for 7-8 hours. Take the infusion warmed one hour before meals. Drink up to 3 glasses a day. Store in a cool place.

4. Eggshells against radiation

Due to the presence of silicon, calcium, molybdenum in the shell, each biochemical reaction occurs more efficiently in the body. For this method Only the shells of domestic eggs are suitable for cleaning.

The shell must be washed, dried, and then ground to a powder. Take the resulting powder 2-6 grams every morning with water and lemon juice.

Herbs for radiation

  • Recipe No. 1 – pour 3 tablespoons of chopped rose hips with boiled water (up to 500 ml). Boil and leave for up to 2 hours. Take 1 glass of infusion per day, with a teaspoon of honey.
  • Recipe No. 2 – 2 tbsp. spoons chokeberry pour 500 ml of boiling water and leave for at least 6 hours. Take 1/3 cup before meals.
  • Recipe No. 3 - fill a 3-liter jar with sea buckthorn and mint leaves, proportion 2: 1. Pour boiling water, leave for 6 hours, then strain and add 100 grams of honey. Drink no more than 3 glasses per day.

Honey from radiation

Honey is an excellent sorbent. Beekeeping products are well absorbed by the body and protect us from the harmful effects of radiation.

When in a zone of increased radiation, each person should eat 1 tbsp. a spoonful of honey several times a day. You can dissolve honey in warm water and drink the resulting liquid as often as possible.

I present to your attention several good recipes- where radiation honey helps remove radionuclides in combination with herbs.

Recipe No. 1 – Rosehip and chokeberry with honey

To prepare the cleanser, take 500 grams of rose hips and chokeberry (dried fruits). Thoroughly grind the rose hips and rowan berries in a mortar, then add half a glass of honey, mix well and store in a sealed jar in the refrigerator.

How to use:

Brew regular green tea - half a teaspoon of tea per glass of boiling water, then add a teaspoon of the prepared mixture. We insist. Drink the resulting infusion warm twice a day, before meals.

Recipe No. 2 - Rosehip and red rowan with honey

Take one tablespoon each of red rowan and rose hips. Pour half a liter of boiling water over the fruits and steam the infusion in a water bath for 10 minutes. Then cover with a lid and leave to brew for 2 hours. Strain and add natural honey taste.

How to use:

Received healing infusion You should drink half a glass three times a day, as a vitamin and radiation remover.

Recipe No. 3 - Motherwort five-lobed with honey

To cleanse the body of radiation we take alcohol tincture motherwort - 30 drops, dissolve in half a glass of warm boiled water. Add honey - one tablespoon. Drink twice a day to remove radionuclides.

Submitted traditional methods cleansing the body of radionuclides should be supplemented with the following common actions, for achievement effective result as soon as possible:

Education: Grodno State medical University. Specialty: General Practitioner.

Additionally, he graduated from the Borisoglebsk Medical School with a degree in Dentistry and a qualification as a Dentist.

Leading specialist in training professional personnel at Borisoglebsk Medical School. In 2008 he graduated from the Borisoglebsk Pedagogical Institute with a degree in pedagogy and psychology, qualification as a pedagogical psychologist.