Healthy lifestyle, sport and health. Healthy lifestyle - concept, components. How to avoid the most important mistake

The article discusses issues such as how sport affects human health. Stereotypical misconceptions about sports are also touched upon.

  • The use of virtual educational materials for the purpose of self-development of medical students
  • Physical culture in ensuring a healthy lifestyle for students
  • From fantasy to science fiction - M. Shelley and “Monsters of Fantasy”

An active healthy lifestyle is an integral part of everyone's life. modern man. Fortunately, the time when a cigarette in your mouth and a bottle of beer in your hands was considered cool is irrevocably gone. That's it now more people give up bad habits, choose proper nutrition and sport.Sport and a healthy lifestyle are inextricably linked with each other. This is confirmed by the famous saying: “In healthy bodyhealthy mind! You can’t argue with this: as a rule, athletes are determined and purposeful people, constantly moving forward. The positive impact of sport on human health and character has never been in doubt and has long been scientifically proven. It’s not for nothing that the ancient Greeks paid Special attention physical activity for boys and girls, creating special institutions - gymnasiums. Prevention healthy image life includes three basic rules: giving up bad habits, proper nutrition and regular exercise. And if the first two points require colossal willpower from a person, then everyone can remember school physical education lessons. You shouldn't try to become a professional athlete, but basic physical exercise will benefit everyone. If you are ready to promise yourself to lead an active healthy lifestyle, we are ready to help and tell you how to exercise for greatest effect. German philosopher Arthur Schopenhauer stated: “Nine-tenths of our happiness is based on health. With it, everything becomes a source of pleasure, while without it absolutely no external goods can give pleasure, even subjective goods: the qualities of the mind, soul, temperament painful condition weaken and freeze. It is not at all unreasonable that we, first of all, ask each other about health and wish it to each other: it is truly the main condition of human happiness."

At the end of 2001, Belgian doctors discovered proteins in the blood of several schoolchildren that are characteristic of long-term smokers and indicate lung damage. At the same time, all schoolchildren were involved in swimming. Scientists had to work hard to find out the truth, since one did not fit with the other. It turned out to be sensational: in 3 out of 4 cases, swimming causes bronchial asthma. One can imagine the magnitude of the discovery if we consider that swimming was considered the safest and most useful look sports This sport was especially proposed for children prone to illnesses respiratory tract. The resulting scandal put a bold question mark under the statement that sport gives us health without asking anything in return.

In the late eighties, economists drew attention to the fact that medical costs associated with sports almost cover the income from it. This problem became interesting to scientists, and they immediately found out that sports and health rarely go hand in hand.
It is estimated that people suffer 10 million sports injuries per year. It is interesting that most of them were obtained not at competitions, where they give their all in anticipation of awards, often taking unnecessary risks, but on sports grounds and in apartments. For example: while doing exercises, I made a sharp bend and fell, writhing in pain. While running, I slipped and broke my leg. Or he was hitting a punching bag and knocked out his finger. Of course, we can say that all these injuries are accidental, but there are too many of these accidents not to take them into account. Experience shows that most minor injuries, such as a broken finger, are completely incurable. And more than half of all bone fractures cost people years of treatment, nervous disorders and chronic diseases. In order to check the reliability of this fact, we conducted a survey. Among the 2-3 year students of EI K(P)FU there are 53 people. It turned out that 57% of respondents were injured to varying degrees, 20% of students do not play sports, and 23% have never been injured during training.

It would be wrong to say that sport is harmful. Of course this is not true. Sport strengthens the body, develops coordination of movements, and corrects posture. And it helps a person to believe in himself and become more decisive. Sport improves reproductive function person and satisfies his desire to get to know his body better. Sport gives a lot, but unfortunately, it doesn’t do it for nothing. By freeing you from some problems, it introduces you to others. And the whole question is whether they are worth each other.
In information culture, sport comes in second place after politics. Even the weather forecast is inferior. We think we know everything about sports. But in reality we are a strange mixture of prejudices, fragments of slogans and delusions. Below are eight of them as evidence.

  1. Sport is synonymous with health. Actually we are wrong. Health is a gift, like talent or beauty. Birthday gift from parents. A person's genetic makeup determines how well certain organs work. And sport has practically nothing to do with this. First of all, everything depends on heredity and a healthy lifestyle. That is, it depends on what kind of diet you have and how much alcohol you drink. And how lucky you are, someone will bite off a hangnail on thumb and in the coffin - cancer, but it will attach itself to someone Tick-borne Encephalitis, and no consequences. Increased resistance to colds– this is the only thing that sports guarantees in terms of health. And even then, provided that along with the load the body will be subjected to water procedures - rubbing damp towel, cold and hot shower etc.
  2. Sport makes the body more beautiful. This is only true to some extent. To put it more correctly, sport has a preservative effect on the body, preventing its best features from blurring. But no amount of sports will turn the stooping and overweight bespectacled man into David. Although they will most likely improve sleep and sexual function. It is a myth that sport changes the human form. Just like the fact that playing basketball increases height.
  3. Sport prolongs life. As practice shows, playing sports does not affect life expectancy in any way, and professional sports also shortens it.
  4. Sport is simple. Many people think that the most difficult thing in sports is to buy sneakers and sports suit. In reality, everything is not so simple. Of course, deciding to buy equipment and equipment is actually not that easy. It is a matter of will as the body and mind resist. The real difficulties begin when you have to decide: where to run, for how long, how fast and how often. Only experts can answer this question correctly. Sports in spurts, at best, will not bring any results. And it can even worsen chronic diseases, including those that you didn’t even know about.
  5. The more effort, the better. If, with the help of sports, you set yourself goals such as losing weight, then you should not take your activities to the point of absurdity. An overdose of aspirin will not cure the flu in one day, but it will most likely cause heartburn. Also in sports. Even if you lift weights for six hours straight, it will not get rid of your hated belly. But it can harm your health. Especially if you haven’t held dumbbells in your hands for several years before. In sports, the main thing is technique and regularity rather than quantity.
  6. Sport relieves stress - this is a wrong misconception. According to doctors, playing sports not only does not relieve stress, on the contrary, it increases it. According to doctors, such physical exertion on the muscles becomes too heavy a burden for nervous system. Do physical exercise during times of stress, it’s the same as poking your finger into an open wound.
  7. Another incorrect statement is that physical activity helps with hangovers. Sports with a hangover are not only not useful, but even harmful. Is not The best decision exercise when the body is deprived essential minerals, dehydrated, blood pressure increased and when neural resources have suffered losses.
  8. People think that it is only difficult at first, but as experience shows, this is not so. By nature, a person strives for peace and does not move as much as possible. It was precisely because of this that man invented the airplane and remote-controlled television. You can force yourself and your body to wake up early in the morning and go outside for a run while still sleepy. But no one has ever been able to make him do it voluntarily.


  1. Aekseev S.V. Sports law of Russia. Legal basis physical culture and sports. M.: UNITY-DANA, Law and Law, 2005.
  2. Opᴫetᴎn A.A. Potential possibilities of physical culture as one of the leading conditions of the world's development // Theory and practice of physical culture culture. 2009. No. 5.
  3. Your educational textbook: textbook. benefits for Russian educational institutions. 19th building, reworked ᴎ additional / V.S. Rodchenko, etc. M.: Fizkutura ᴎ sport, 2008.

Since ancient times, people have been physically active to survive and maintain health. But in modern world The need to constantly be on the move has disappeared for many. However, this has not ceased to be important for health. Therefore, it is important to understand that physical education and sports are an integral part of a healthy lifestyle. But sport is a very inclusive concept that needs to be understood.

Sports: professional and amateur

It is difficult to clearly formulate the exact definition of the sport, especially when it comes to the amateur version of it. In general, this is an activity that takes place taking into account a number of rules, and is aimed at comparing physical (and/or intellectual, for example, chess) abilities. It is worth noting that this same concept includes preparatory training for competitions, that is, any activity aimed at achieving results. However this definition more suitable for professional sports, since here we are referring directly to the result of the competition, which means that it is only important to find out who is better.

In amateur sports there is no need to compete with other people. In fact, a person can do it alone. Significant difference professional and everyday sports is precisely the main goal.

Goals of amateur sports:

  • improve health and well-being;
  • increase endurance and performance;
  • stimulate immunity and metabolism;
  • improve physically, improve shape;
  • useful to fill free time.

As we see, in in this case goals are exclusively subjective in nature and their solution serves individual development person. This distinguishes this type of activity from professional activity, in which, despite health and personal goals, results of global significance are achieved.

Physical activity mode

First of all, it is important to create a habit and craving for movement. Therefore, it is recommended to start the morning with a warm-up. A few simple exercises will help to finally bring the body out of slumber and stimulate metabolic processes. It is better to include exercises for all parts of the musculoskeletal system in the complex. They usually start from the neck and shoulder girdle, going down. Accordingly, all joints and muscles are warmed up, then several strength exercises are performed, and you can complete the workout with cardio exercise, for example, running or walking.

It is worth noting that it is optimal to carry out basic training and sports in the morning. This is due to the increased release of hormones after sleep, which further stimulate metabolism. This is especially important when trying to lose weight. But in other cases, morning vigor and a surge of strength will help you easily complete the planned program. Although this doesn't mean you can't exercise before bed. When there was little physical work during the day and the fatigue was more emotional or intellectual, you can put it off until the evening.

If the work is sedentary, then evening workouts - perfect solution. But they should be completed 3-4 hours before bedtime. This will help you follow the carbohydrate window principle, which means not eating for an hour, then eating and leaving 2 hours before bed for digestion. If there is very little time, then these periods, if necessary, can be reduced to 1-2 hours. It is also necessary to take breaks every 2-3 hours during the day. A few minutes of walking and light warm-up exercises will help you concentrate and avoid the consequences of physical inactivity.


It is important to understand that sport as a component of a healthy lifestyle should not overload the body. Only professional athletes work to the limit of their capabilities. But too weak loads will not have the desired effect. Therefore, it is necessary to find the optimal ratio of time and intensity of exercise with the possibility of rest and recovery. Of course key role The dream plays a role in this. With an active lifestyle, it is recommended from 6 to 9 hours of sleep, depending on the individual needs. It is also considered optimal to synchronize your sleep hours with dark time days, because nap does not have a number of functions for the body compared to night.

In addition to sleep, rest during the day is important if there is significant stress. Calm walking is useful for restoring heart rate after physical activity. An immediate transition to a static state is not allowed. In this case, the heart will work with double force. If we are talking about completely passive rest, then it is better to take a lying position than to sit. In this case musculoskeletal system is in the most relaxed state, which makes it possible for damaged and stressed tissues to recover. For next workout they usually recover completely in 2-3 days. Although this does not mean that you need to lie down all the time. Moderate activity is advisable.

Sports nutrition

During serious physical activity, you need to reconsider your diet and form certain eating habits. Exercising requires significantly more daily calories. The minimum caloric intake is 1200 kcal. This number should be adhered to if you need to maintain or lose body weight. If we are talking about gaining weight, then nutrition can be increased to 2000 kcal or more, and with increased loads- up to 5000 kcal. Equally important is the ratio of nutrients. First of all, the need for protein foods increases (up to 150 g daily).

Protein-rich foods:

Animal origin:


  • Fish and seafood;
  • chicken;
  • turkey;
  • rabbit meat;
  • cottage cheese, cheese;
  • eggs;

Plant origin:

  • buckwheat;
  • corn;
  • mushrooms;
  • beans;
  • peas;

Proteins are also found in many other foods to varying degrees. Therefore, you should not focus your attention on monotonous foods from the list above. In addition, for active sports and maintaining strength, it is equally important to enrich the body with carbohydrates daily (up to 100-150 g). Greater emphasis is placed on complex carbohydrates, which require multiphase processing, which allows them to maintain energy saturation for a long time. To do this, eat cereals, vegetables, durum pasta, wholemeal or grain bread. Up to 30% allowed simple carbohydrates. It could be fruit or honey.

Of course, don't forget about fats. Most suitable for sports nutrition are sources of unsaturated fats: fish, vegetables, nuts, vegetable oils, tofu, flax-seed. Daily requirement at the same time for athletes it is up to 60 g per day. For women and not very active workouts, it is better to reduce this figure to 30 g daily. However, you should not completely eliminate fats even when trying to lose weight. They play a significant role in metabolism, the maintenance of which is primarily important for health.

Sports mode and habits

Regime and proper nutrition are not all that is necessary for a healthy lifestyle and sports. It is equally important to create positive habits and deny yourself harmful and excessive foods. Moreover, many of them, in combination with sports, can be even more harmful than without it. Thus, alcohol worsens metabolic processes in tissues, which will reduce regenerative capabilities. After training, the recovery period will be a week or more. Besides, Negative influence on the heart and blood vessels will increase the risk of attacks and complications under increased stress. That is, in essence, when drinking alcohol, you cannot exercise until it is removed from the body.

Coffee, energy drinks and nicotine can also be significantly harmful. In this case, strenuous work can also harm the heart. Smoking also reduces lung capacity, making breathing difficult, and reduces stamina. Of course narcotic substances and other toxins are completely unacceptable in a healthy lifestyle. Thus, it is clearly seen that all this will become a inhibitory factor when deciding to play sports. Therefore, giving up all bad habits will greatly alleviate and improve the condition of the body, and sports will help to further develop and improve physically.

Health, without any doubt, is a great blessing. A person who does not know illness is full of strength, focused on the future and ready to implement even the most daring plans. In addition, health is a universal category.

It has no class, no estate, no international or other boundaries. It does not recognize religious dogmas and ideological stereotypes. Health is a welcome guest both in the wretched home of a poor man and in the mansion of a rich man.

Definition of the concept

In order to understand what health is, a person must realize what is most important to him in his life. Of course, everyone has their own dreams, goals and desires. However, any of us needs nothing less than health. What is it?

Health is a state of the body in which there are no diseases.

Types of health

Under normal condition Today, a person is understood to be one in which his physical, mental, and social well-being is fully ensured. All these are types of health, which together can provide effective and active work personality.

Health Basics

For every person, the protection of his physical and psychological state should become an immediate responsibility. Moreover, he has no right to shift it onto others. After all, there are often cases when people leading wrong image lives burdened with bad habits, moving little and becoming slaves to their stomach by the age of twenty or thirty are in a catastrophic state. And only then do they take certain actions, which include contacting medical institutions.

However, it is worth remembering that this approach to your health is fundamentally wrong. After all, even if perfect, medicine will not be able to save a person from all existing diseases. Each of us must be a creator own health worth fighting for.

The following will help you achieve complete harmony in your body:

  • proper diet;
  • refusal bad habits and habits;
  • acceptable for the body physical activity;
  • optimal combination of work and rest;
  • hardening and personal hygiene;
  • positive perception of the surrounding world.

The life of a modern person is full of temptations and all sorts of events. In our fast time people are already accustomed to rushing somewhere and running in order to have time to redo everything as much as possible. At the same time, they have to work quickly and study all the new products that have appeared, eat fast food and prefer medications with an immediate effect. A person simply does not have an extra minute to relax and pay basic attention to himself. However, you need to understand that in this case, sooner or later, your health will certainly fail. This state never comes on time and can bring bad results.

In order to avoid such an outcome, you need to thoroughly study the basics of individual health and adhere to the complex good habits, providing positive influence on human life.

Proper nutrition

This is the basis of physical health, which is also a leading component of a healthy lifestyle. What is it? Proper nutrition is the basis of health, which is designed to provide the body with all the substances it needs, allowing it to grow and function normally. It is also one of the methods of prevention various diseases, as well as the occurrence of risk factors.

Nutrition can be considered the basis of health if it:

  • balanced in its energy characteristics;
  • complete, based on the content of nutrients such as carbohydrates and proteins, vitamins, fats and microelements;
  • regular and fractional, with mandatory condition last meal 2-3 hours before bedtime;
  • have optimal culinary processing;
  • have restrictions on alcohol intake.

Rational nutrition, as the basis of health, must necessarily ensure that the calories the body receives correspond to its energy costs. This will allow you to control your body weight. A person’s daily calorie requirement depends on his age. Moreover, with each passing decade it decreases by 7-10 percent. This amount also depends on gender, intensity of work and profession. For example, men who live in the city and are not employed physical work, you need 2000-2400 kilocalories per day. For women, 1600-2000 kcal/day is enough.

Preservation and strengthening of health can only take place if the diet contains a large number of proteins and carbohydrates, having mainly vegetable origin. In addition, the food a person eats should be varied. This factor depends on the quality and quantity of food consumed, as well as on the nature of its culinary processing. A varied diet necessarily contains various nutrients that complement each other and promote better absorption of nutritional components.

Every person who strives to be healthy must certainly observe moderation in food. The most rational option in this case is the so-called middle, in which there is no shortage of food, but at the same time there is no excess. Poor or insufficient nutrition will certainly lead to weight loss, which can trigger the development of various ailments.

It is worth paying attention to the regularity of food consumption. Ideally, it should be taken when the body wants it. In this case, the predominant one should be Three meals a day consisting of breakfast, lunch and dinner. Small snacks are added to this meal. It should be fruit or a glass of juice. At night it is advisable to take any fermented milk product, for example, kefir, fermented baked milk or yogurt.

It is also important to properly distribute the food you eat throughout the day. It is worth remembering that all systems and organs human body work in a biological rhythm determined by nature. In this regard, in the first half of the day it is necessary to consume up to 70% of the food ration. The remaining 30% should be left for the afternoon snack, the subsequent dinner, and a snack before bed.

Physical activity

This factor, as the basis of health, allows you to increase adaptive capabilities human body, strengthen his endurance, muscle strength and flexibility.

If there is a deficiency of motor activity, unfavorable deviations from the norm are possible. This causes the occurrence of pathologies such as hypertension and obesity. They serve as a risk factor that provokes endocrine, cardiovascular, oncological and other pathologies.

That is why Physical Culture- the basis of health. However, it does not necessarily include exercise and sports. Working in the garden and garden plot, walking in the forest or park, dancing, swimming, cycling and regular house cleaning will also be useful for a person. For adults, moderate physical activity daily for half an hour is enough to preserve, restore and strengthen their own body.

Sport and a healthy lifestyle are inextricably linked. Among the most common aerobic exercises are dosed running and walking, rowing and rhythmic gymnastics. This type exercises can undergo changes according to a person’s mood or the time of year. The main thing is that the duration and intensity of such physical activity ensure a normal aerobic regime.

It has been proven that sports and a healthy lifestyle reduce the risk of developing hypertension by 35-50%. In addition, physical activity improves lipid spectrum blood and normalizes cholesterol and triglyceride levels. This helps reduce the risk of strokes, heart attacks and coronary artery disease.


This is one of the means of promoting health, which is one of its components. Hardening helps improve thermoregulation, tones muscles, and increases the endurance of the respiratory and cardiovascular systems.

To obtain the desired effect, three basic principles must be observed. They consist of gradualism, systematicity and a variety of means. In this case, hardening should be carried out taking into account the state of health and age. Such procedures are carried out systematically and preferably daily. After all, in otherwise already developed conditioned reflexes will fade away and you will have to start all over again.

The simplest type of hardening is air baths. Good effect they will bring it and water treatments, dousing, rubbing and bathing. A contrast shower with a quick change of cold and hot water is also suitable for hardening.

Psycho-emotional factors

A common phenomenon is a person’s reaction to any changes and events. At the same time, stress becomes inevitable. If they are minor, they are usually harmless. Certain health problems create severe stress.

Emerging ailments occur due to the following:

  • direct neuroendocrine influence;
  • indirect impact on risk factors.

During periods when a person is exposed to stress, he has a tendency to physical inactivity and overeating. He may start drinking alcohol and smoking large quantity cigarettes. If stress becomes chronic, then the bad habits listed above become permanent.

Into the Basics mental health positive emotions must certainly be included, which will cause balance in this area. It is recommended:

  1. Take vitamins. After all, during stressful situations the body uses up their supply very quickly.
  2. Do physical exercise.
  3. Practice relaxation. It will allow you to establish harmony in the physical and mental spheres.
  4. Expand your circle of pleasant communication, because the support of friendly people, friends and relatives is also a beneficial factor for the emotional sphere.

Bad habits

Smoking, drug addiction, alcohol abuse and good health are completely incompatible concepts. And this needs to be explained to the very young citizens of our country. After all, the health of the younger generation will directly depend on the daily behavior of young people, their lifestyle and all acquired habits. The individual’s attitude towards himself, his family and society as a whole will depend on the ability to wisely manage all the opportunities that nature has given us.

We are all well aware of the fact that some habits that a person acquires as early as school years, and which are then very difficult for him to get rid of, seriously harm the body. That is why the foundations of children’s health should include the rejection of anything that can contribute to the acquisition of negative dependence.


This is one of the most common bad habits. Unfortunately, over time it can cause mental and physical dependence. The first people to suffer from tobacco smoke are respiratory system. However, that's not all. Tobacco ingredients dissolve in saliva and enter the stomach. As a result this important organ digestive system begins to suffer from inflammation of the mucous membrane. Subsequently, it is likely to develop an ulcer not only of the stomach, but also of the duodenum.

It has been proven that tobacco is extremely harmful to the heart and blood vessels. The consequence of its negative impact is the appearance of angina pectoris, myocardial infarction and other serious diseases.

In addition, tobacco smoke also contains radioactive substances. Sometimes they cause the development of cancerous tumors.

It is also important to know that tobacco smoke harmful not only for the smoker. He is also dangerous for the people around him.

Alcohol abuse

When drinking alcohol systematically, a person develops dependence on it. This applies not only to vodka and wine, but also to beer.

Everyone should know about the dangers of alcohol, and from the very beginning. early age. After all, alcohol has a negative effect on:

  • blood, inhibiting the production of red and white cells, as well as platelets, which leads to anemia and bleeding;
  • the brain, slowing down blood circulation in it, which leads to constant starvation of cells, and, as a result, to slow mental degradation;
  • heart, causing increased cholesterol levels, myocardial dystrophy and persistent hypertension;
  • intestines, leading to changes in the structures of its cells, as a result of which they lose the ability to actively absorb what is necessary for the body nutrients, as a result of which exhaustion develops;
  • the liver, which suffers from alcohol more than all other organs, initially with the appearance inflammatory process, and after cirrhosis;
  • the pancreas, as a result of which a person develops diabetes;
  • skin, as clearly evidenced by the appearance of an alcoholic who looks much older than his age.


The use of these substances negatively affects not only the functioning of the entire body, but also the psycho-emotional sphere of a person. Drug addiction is a disease that a person acquires voluntarily. This is a serious addiction that usually develops after the first use of a purchased “dose.” And this is something the younger generation should thoroughly understand. After all, drug addiction prevention consists in never trying psychotropic substances, despite the situation and the inviting company.

State care

The entire population of the Russian Federation has a very important right. It is reflected in the Federal Law “On the Protection of Citizens’ Health” and is guaranteed by the state. This legal act, which regulates the relationship between doctor and patient, as well as many other aspects. The Federal Law “On the Protection of Citizens’ Health,” adopted on November 21, 2011, has now undergone a number of changes.

But nevertheless, its main meaning is that maintaining the population of Russia in an active and efficient state is a whole complex of measures taken in various directions. Moreover, they are all focused on strengthening and preserving the physical and emotional state of any individual, prolonging life, as well as providing all necessary actions in case of illness.

A healthy lifestyle is not possible without movement. Let's make it clear right away that by sports we do not mean hard physical training to achieve sports results. It's more of a physical exercise to keep your body toned and to make you feel great. shape and were able to prevent aging. If you choose only proper nutrition from the entire range of healthy lifestyle measures, this will give results, but it will not be so obvious. Daily sports exercises are necessary for health and beauty. You can load yourself more twice a week, and for the rest of the days choose a set of light exercises.

First, decide on your main sport. Choose only your favorite! If you exercise on a treadmill until you lose consciousness without experiencing any pleasure, it will not bring results. Before training, be sure to eat, so as not to pounce on food immediately after exercise. But the food should be very light: something vegetable or fruit.
The benefits of playing sports are obvious: muscles are tightened, the skin is better supplied with blood, which makes you look younger, you can burn extra calories and, accordingly, lose weight.

And so, we choose sports activities to our liking.

Swimming: Swimming is ideal for women. All muscles work, but you don’t feel very tired. Muscles are tightened, skin is moisturized. Another good thing about swimming is that even the clumsiest person becomes light in the water. Well, the fact that you have to put on a swimsuit (almost undress!) can serve as an additional incentive to lose extra pounds. It burns up to 700 kcal per hour.

Tourism: Suitable for office workers who spend the whole day at the computer. If you can’t imagine a day without communication, tourism is for you! Rough terrain, low mountains, mountain hiking - ideal for tightening the muscles of the thighs and abdomen. Beautiful area, great air. You can take good pictures. Amateur tourists travel an average of 30 km per day. And then songs with guitar. Perhaps sleep in the fresh air. You can take older children with you. Up to 400 kilocalories are burned per hour. Disadvantage: it is impossible to walk in winter; it is difficult to find time (it’s not two hours a week!).

Runjogging: useful if you run evenly all the time, it is advisable to run at least 4 km. It has a good effect on your figure, tightens your hips and buttocks, improves blood circulation, while running you can take your mind off pressing problems, it relieves nervous tension. If you are not happy with your figure, you can choose places where there are fewer people. Undoubted advantage: accessibility, relatively high calorie consumption; if you run 4 km in half an hour, you spend up to 500 kilocalories. But with this choice, additional gymnastics classes are desirable.

Bike: The calves are pumped up, the buttocks are strengthened and take on a beautiful shape, and blood supply is improved. Many families have bicycles. Bicycles are bought for children. You can even ride your bike to work! Up to 600 kcal is burned per hour. But there are also disadvantages - Russian cities are not suitable for cyclists. We don’t have dedicated lanes, we don’t take into account cyclists Car owners, we do not have places to park bicycles. Summer is too short, you can’t ride a bike in slush and snow. Of course, there are sports equipment, but not everyone has the opportunity to visit the gym. But buying one for home is expensive and takes up a lot of space. And the effect is not at all the same.

Jumpingon a jump rope: the simplest and most effective way to maintain shape. Jumping can even replace gymnastics! Despite the apparent similarity of movements, almost all muscles work, posture improves. The buttocks are tightened, the thighs are strengthened, and the arm muscles are tightened. Blood circulation improves and heart rate accelerates. Suitable for absolutely everyone, but do not start with heavy loads, this can have a negative effect on the heart, you should be careful when exercising with vascular diseases in the legs. Up to 1000 calories are burned per hour, but this depends heavily on the load. An undoubted advantage is accessibility. But not everyone will go outside to jump, and jumping on the ninth floor of a high-rise building if you are overweight is problematic.

Tennis: beautiful, elegant, sexy. The leg muscles are strengthened and almost all the muscles of the body work. 700 kcal are burned per hour. Disadvantages - an expensive sport; at the initial stage of training, a coach is needed.

There are many winter sports that are popular in Russia.

Skis: You can practice both on flat terrain and in the mountains. If the equipment for alpine skiing is quite expensive, then skiing for hiking and running is available to everyone. If you are not going to set sports records. You don't need special skis. In cold air, calories are burned faster; when running fast, you can burn up to 800 kilocalories per hour. And ski lovers spend a long time skiing, which means they also burn calories. There is a drawback - the occurrence of muscle pain during training.

Skates: You can just skate, or you can master the elements of figure skating, but here you need to approach it with caution. The leg muscles are strengthened, the shape of the buttocks is improved, and balance is improved. In one hour of exercise, up to 500 kcal is burned.

There are many more types sports, as well as dancing. Select favorite hobby. Age is not a hindrance to classes. Even if at the age of 60 you decide to do rhythmic gymnastics, it will bring benefits. There is also a specially selected set of exercises that will make your figure ideal in 7 minutes of daily exercise.

To play sports you need special sportswear. Almost any clothing can be either elite class or budget options. If you are serious, then you need to purchase it.

I want tonote that physical activity is needed even for those who do not have problems with excess weight. You need to train constantly. If you play sports and switch to a healthy diet, you will receive a charge of vivacity and optimism. Everything will be fine in your life!

Several ways to change your life for the better with sports.

We live in difficult times. Stress, city noise, daily routine, busy schedule from weekend to weekend. Many have wondered: how to change their life, add color to it, make everyday life brighter and richer, and bring something new into everyday life. A great way to get organized, learn self-discipline and order is to work on yourself every day. Education of body and spirit. And sport will help us with this.

Sport as a motivator in life.

Many people see playing sports solely as an opportunity to pump up their muscles, make their stomach flatter, their hips rounder, and their buttocks firmer. Of course, sport helps with this best. But also, sport is an opportunity to motivate yourself. Set goals and achieve them. When you bench press 30 kilograms today, you set yourself the task of bench pressing 50 kilograms in a month. And you go towards the goal and achieve it. So, step by step you set more and more new tasks, and each time you get the desired result. It is the “want-and-get” work that helps athletes achieve success in business and career. In this case, sport builds willpower and strengthens character. And it doesn’t matter at all which one you have sports result. When you play sports, you primarily train your will. And this is the main point.

We learn to avoid bad habits along with sports.

One way to change your life is to give up bad habits. We don't really need alcohol, tobacco, and other drugs at all, and the only reason we continue to become like bad habits- addiction.

Giving up will dramatically change your life. You can choose sports as a stimulant for a healthy lifestyle. It doesn’t matter what you choose, working out in the gym, working with weights at home, or jogging fresh air– the most important thing is that by giving up bad habits and replacing them healthy habits, you will receive the most important trophy - health and strength. Sport is an excellent measure of results. Each new day of training without bad habits will show you a new page in your life - breathing will become easier, movements will become clearer, the body, freed from the toxin yoke, will be ready for an explosion of energy. And your life will change for the better.

Sports for beginners: from small to large physical education

I am sure, reading these lines, you agree that tobacco and alcohol poison your everyday life. But, most likely, you already have the argument “I don’t have time for sports” ready. Okay, I’ll believe you and ask you a response question: do you have time to smoke a cigarette? – Five minutes for one cigarette, 10 minutes for two, and 100 minutes for a pack of 20 cigarettes. Just wake up and force yourself to do 10 push-ups. This will take you no more than a minute, but you will be quite alert and will disperse the blood through your veins after long sleep. Then, go brush your teeth, this will take you another 3 minutes and you will be ready for the second set of 10 push-ups. After that, brew coffee, make tea, or prepare sandwiches for work. And another third set of 10 push-ups. By forcing yourself to do three sets of 10 push-ups, you will realize that it does not take much time and is not very difficult. If you can't do 10, do 5 or 3 push-ups. It is important to start, and your life will begin to change from the first approach. Such a simple scheme will allow you to do 12 push-ups per set in a week, then 14, and so on, until finally in the office you surprise everyone by doing 100 push-ups in a row on the floor.

We exchange cigarettes for exercises: we lose what we don’t need and get what we need

Have you ever wondered what nicotine does to a person? I often asked this question to smokers, but never received a clear, reasoned answer. Often they answer that tobacco helps to cheer up. But tea or coffee invigorates me very well. Methamphetamine also helps you cheer up, but you wouldn’t turn into a methamphetamine addict just because you want to be cheerful, would you? When asked about the importance of alcohol, the answer is the same, “alcohol helps you relax.” But heroin also helps you relax, but as you know, this often happens with a fatal outcome.

Remember, everything that is harmful is not beneficial. Real vigor comes from morning exercises. Real relaxation comes from hot bath. The rest is excuses. Many are afraid to take a step and give up nicotine and alcohol, for fear of losing something. I'll tell you straight - if you give up cigarettes and alcohol, you will lose yellow plaque on the teeth, halitosis and hangover syndrome. And by introducing sports into your life, you will gain strength, vigor and self-confidence.

Filling your life with new experiences

Think about it, how often has it happened that on your way home from work you discovered that there was a store near your house that you didn’t know about? Or, while driving home, you suddenly made a discovery for yourself: it turns out that linden trees are already blooming? Have you ever caught yourself thinking that many moments in life are unfamiliar to you and go unnoticed? - I'm sure so. This happens to everyone. We go through our days and sometimes we don’t even know about many things that are around us. Go for a run. Even if not for a run, then for a walk. Go outside and see what's around. Jog around the block, ride a bike down the street - you will understand that sports are not only a way of a healthy lifestyle, but also an opportunity to see the world. Understanding what surrounds us, awareness of how the world around us is changing, gives us sport.

How to avoid the most important mistake

I'm sure you'll do it for yourself correct conclusions from what I read. I hope you find a lot of things useful. However, one last tip worth mentioning is how to avoid the main mistake that occurs in people who want to change their lives for the better. Positive changes need to be made now. Don't wait for the right moment. It has already arrived. It is your desire to change something that is already a victory. 21st century is the century healthy people. Quit smoking and don't make excuses. You can draw masterpieces with charcoal on the wall, and you can play sports at home, without special equipment. Take a step towards healthy life. And this step will be the first on the road of victories.