Is angina treated with classical homeopathy? Homeopathy in the treatment and prevention of tonsillitis. When to use homeopathy treatment

TONSILLITIS (sore throat)

Tonsillitis and tonsillitis - acute inflammation palatine tonsils. These diseases often occur in children and are caused by repeated infections hypertrophied adenoids.

If we exclude diphtheria sore throat and sore throat symptomatic of malignant lesions, then four main ones remain clinical forms sore throats that occur in children and adults. Their clinical modalities correspond to the pathogenesis of several homeopathic remedies:

  • erythematous tonsillitis (red tonsillitis);
  • macerated tonsillitis and tonsillitis with a filmy coating;
  • malignant and ulcerative-necrotizing tonsillitis;
  • recurrent tonsillitis.

Erythematous tonsillitis

There are four essential tools you should be familiar with:

The mucous membrane is red and dry, painful when swallowing. Sporadic spasmodic contractions of the throat muscles create the impression that it is being squeezed by a hand. This sensation intensifies when drinking, and the pain may radiate to the ears. The temperature is high and unstable. Hyperemia of the head and profuse sweating.

Prescribe 5 globules in potency 6 or 7 CH every two to three hours. With improvement, the frequency of appointments is reduced.

The mucous membrane of the throat and tonsils is erythematous. The uvula resembles a leather pouch filled with water. The pain is sharp, stabbing, burning, relieved by drinking cold drinks or sucking on ice. High temperature. The skin is alternately dry and damp from sweat. The patient does not feel thirsty.

Prescribe 5 globules in the 9 CH potency every hour, since APIS is characterized by a rapid but short-term effect. With improvement, the frequency of appointments is reduced.

The throat is dark red, especially the surface palatine arches. Tonsils are enlarged uvula sometimes edematous, but to a lesser extent than in the case of APIS. Swallowing is painful, pain radiates from the root of the tongue to the ears. Sometimes there are small white spots that merge, forming a filmy coating and causing a feeling of presence foreign body. The patient experiences a constant need to swallow.

Prescribed in potency 5 or 7 CH every two to three hours, sometimes in alternation with BELLADONNA.

This remedy is used for phlegmonous sore throat and tonsillar abscesses. It should be prescribed as early as possible, either in accordance with the technique of gradually increasing potencies, or in high potencies in combination with PYROGENIUM (see the chapter “Abscesses and suppurative processes”).

Macerated tonsillitis and tonsillitis with a filmy coating

There are four mercury salts that are most similar to these diseases:

The throat and tonsils are red; dysphagia, in which pain radiates to the ears. Small white spots of a dense filmy coating. This remedy is prescribed mainly in accordance with the characteristic appearance tongue: flabby and swollen, with teeth marks on the edges, covered with a thick yellowish coating. Breath with a disgusting smell, profuse drooling, intense thirst. Enlarged cervical lymph nodes. Low-grade fever accompanied by superficial tremors, chills and night sweats, which do not alleviate the patient’s condition.

Prescribe 5 globules in potency 5 or 7 CH every two to three hours. The use of this remedy in alternation with BELLADONNA in potency 5 or 7 CH is indicated in more than 80% of all cases of the disease. Patients with phlegmonous tonsillitis or tonsillar abscesses are prescribed either high potencies of MERCURIUS SOLUBILIS (15 CH), or, which does not cause increased suppuration (see "Materia Medica").

MERCURIUS IODATUS, - These mercury salts are used for localized or predominantly unilateral erythematous or macerated tonsillitis. MERCURIUS IODATUS is indicated for left-sided, and MERCURIUS PROTOIODATUS - for right-sided tonsillitis or tonsillitis.

Prescribe 1 tube of a standardized dose of one of the two salts in a potency of 7 or 9 CH in the morning and evening. During the day, alternate BELLADONNA and MERCURIUS SOLUBILIS or BELLADONNA and MERCURIUS CORROSIVUS depending on the clinical symptoms.

Once upon a time, homeopathic doctors considered this drug a specific treatment for diphtheria. Currently, it is also widely used, including as an adjuvant in anti-diphtheria serum in the treatment of this disease.

MERCURIUS CYANATUS is prescribed for tonsillitis with a grayish filmy coating covering the underlying ulcers. Dysphagia and severe adenopathy of the cervical lymph nodes are noted. The general condition is serious, the patient is in a state of prostration.

IN severe cases, similar to that described above, prescribe 1 tube of a uniform dose in a potency of 7 or 9 CH in the morning and evening, and during the day - 5 globules of BELLADONNA 1 or 9 CH every two hours, if necessary, alternating with MERCURIUS CORROSIVUS.

Malignant and ulcerative-necrotizing tonsillitis

Four main remedies are also prescribed:

MERCURIUS CORROSIVUS - Indicated for ulceration of the throat, when the ulcers spread quickly and burn with fire. They occur on swollen, painful, inflamed mucous membranes and are accompanied by pain, which intensifies at the slightest touch to the throat. Hyperalgesia when swallowing, even when drinking; this causes spasms and constriction of the throat. All cervical glands are hypertrophied.

Prescribe 5 globules in potency 7 or 9 CH two to four times a day, depending on the severity of symptoms.

This remedy corresponds to serious infections caused by toxic substances, in which the following triad of reaction symptoms is observed: stupor and prostration, cyanosis and malignant development. The mucous membrane of the throat is bluish, dark red, covered with small hemorrhagic spots or ulcers. Swallowing is very painful, the pain radiates to the ears. Significant adenomopathy cervical lymph nodes.

This product matches infectious mononucleosis or malignant tonsillitis. If necessary, it is used in combination with classical medications.

Prescribe 5 globules in potency 5 or 7 CH every six hours.

This drug is used for severe sore throat with purple, bluish, ulcerated tonsils with a feeling of compression, which cannot be touched even with outside throat. The patient experiences greater difficulty in swallowing, even when swallowing empty or when drinking hot drinks, than when swallowing solid foods or cold drinks.

Prescribe 5 globules in potency 9 or 15 CH twice a day.

Besides, this remedy indicated for recurrent tonsillitis, which always begins on the left side, but then spreads to the right tonsil. In these cases, 1 tube of a standardized dose of LACHESIS 9 CH is prescribed per early stages diseases. If necessary, the drug is repeated over the next two days.

The same technique of taking the drug, but using LYCOPODIUM 9 CH, is recommended in case of angina that systematically develops from right to left.

Indicated for sore throat with deep ulcers that have smooth, clear edges and look like geometric figures, yellow or greenish-yellow, sticky, viscous exudate is constantly released from them. Ulcers usually appear on the palatine arches and cause swelling of the uvula, which becomes like a small bag filled with water.

Prescribe 5 globules in potency 5 or 7 CH four times a day.

Recurrent sore throat

This is extremely serious illness, which can cause many various complications(nephritis, rheumatism, cardiopathy) and a serious disorder in the general health of the patient.

Providing a stimulating effect, homeopathy is the only type of therapy that can break the vicious circle of this disease without harming the patient’s health. The use of homeopathy will help avoid or reduce the need for tonsillectomy, which is prescribed unreasonably often, especially for children younger age. Hasty removal in early age having important lymphoid tissue, often causes serious damage to the future immunological status of the child.

Most often, two homeopathic remedies are required:

This drug selectively affects lymphoid tissue. It is prescribed to children or adults with hypertrophied tonsils and associated adenonation.

Prescribe 5 globules in potency 7 or 9 CH daily or 1 tube of a uniform dose three times a week for several months. Often additional prescription of appropriate remedies for sycosis is required, in particular THUJA (see “Materia Medica”).

This nosode is indicated (even when there is no indication of tuberculosis) for hypertrophy of the tonsils in patients who periodically experience inflammation with fever, particularly with colds. Especially recommended for patients with psoric type of reaction (see “Materia Medica”).

Prescribe monthly 1 tube of a standardized dose in a potency of 9 or 15 CH.

The combination of these two remedies is the norm, since people suffering from recurrent tonsillitis show symptoms characteristic of both Psora and Sycosis (the following clinical observations confirm this fact).

Approximate treatment plan

First case

Every winter, the child periodically experiences tonsillitis with fever, hypertrophy of the tonsils and concomitant adenopathy of the cervical lymph nodes. The child misses a lot of classes at school, his general state worsened: asthenia, hypertrophy and general sensitivity to cold. The slightest cold provokes another attack of sore throat.

The treatment regimen is as follows:

  • Every Sunday morning before breakfast for one month, take 1 tube of a standardized dose (the grains should melt under the tongue) the following means, in numerical order:

PSORINUM15 CH (No. 1, 2, 3);


  • On weekdays, every morning upon awakening - 5 globules of BARYTA CARBONICA in a potency of 9 CH (total 2 tubes with a multidose), and in the evening - 5 globules of THUJA in a potency of 9 CH (a total of 2 tubes with a multidose).

Conduct this treatment three times during the winter. After each month of treatment, take one- or two-week breaks, during which do not prescribe any medications.

Second case

A physically strong, robust young man who was distinguished good health, began to suffer from bouts of fever and severe dysphagia. Attacks occur every three to four weeks during the spring. Between acute attacks The patient's throat remains irritated, with redness of the palatine arches. These symptoms do not go away, despite the fact that the young man quit smoking. After the fourth attack of a sore throat, caused by a very minor cold, he decides to go to see a doctor.

The treatment regimen is as follows:

  • For four days in a row, in the morning before breakfast
    take 1 tube of the standardized dose:

SULPHUR 9 CH - on the first day;

SULPHUR 12 CH - on the second day;

SULPHUR 15 CH - on the third day;

SULPHUR 30 CH - on the fourth day;

  • on the 15th day of treatment in the morning, before breakfast - 1 tube of a standardized dose of TUBERCULINUM 9 CH (total 1 tube of a standardized dose).
  • Starting from the 5th day of treatment and for a month, take:

Upon awakening and around 17:00, 5 globules of PHYTOLACCA 5 CH (4 multidose tubes in total);

Every evening before bed, on even days, 1 tube of a standardized dose of BARYTA CARBONICA in a potency of 9 CH (15 tubes of a single dose in total), and on odd days - 9 CH (a total of 15 tubes of a single dose).

Then take a 2-week break without prescribing treatment and repeat the course of treatment again if the painful manifestations persist.

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This special shape constitutional weakness overcome by Hepar sulfur is characterized by the following leading symptoms:

Stitching pain like a splinter under a fingernail. Any pain is perceived extremely strongly.
- Chilliness: the patient feels chilly during fever, sensitive to the slightest draft.

A paradoxical phenomenon to this symptom is next symptom: Sweats profusely, but does not open up (like Belladonna).
- Often an unpleasant patient. All the people around him irritate him and cause him hostility. “It’s all the doctor’s fault.”
— Sore throat increases under the influence of dry cold and decreases with warm drinks and warming procedures.
For purulent sore throat with a threat of spread - 30th hundredth dilution.

For mature abscess, 6th decimal dilution every 2 hours.
Trembling and chills. Sharp, piercing pain in the tonsils and throbbing in the throat. Pus forms in the tonsils.
The main drug for treatment purulent sore throats, especially if it was provoked by cold drinking.

The patient already knows that cold drinks have been ordered for him and any carelessness in this regard is fraught with the development of follicular tonsillitis.

If purulent discharge have already appeared in the tonsil area, this drug must be given.

The body temperature is significantly elevated and the patient is generally prone to high fever for any inflammation.

The patient is chilly and extremely sensitive to the slightest cooling, even opening.

Herpes often appears on the lips of many such patients. It goes well with Silicea; in fact, they are always given together.

Kali muriaticum (Kali muriatikum)
Gray throat with white spots and enlarged tonsils.
Something strange on the tonsils white coating. This is not pus, but casein accumulations.

Lachesis (Lachesis)
Severe form of the disease. The pharynx and tonsils are sharply swollen, bluish-red, purple, and sometimes bluish.

Inflammation is more pronounced on the left and spreads to the right side.

Fear in Lachesis is expressed theatrically, the patient is afraid of everything pressing on the neck and body; fear when falling asleep, when waking up, restless sleep.

Fear of heat in general. Sore throat is relieved by cold (ice) and worsens when swallowing.

NB! Do not use below the 6th hundredth dilution, since up to D8 (8th decimal dilution) the drug is toxic.
Dark red or purple tonsils. Severe swelling and soreness. Pain when swallowing radiates to the ear.

Worse from hot drinks.
At severe form tonsillitis, when destructive processes in the tonsils are obvious, the tissue of the tonsils and throat becomes bluish or even black.

The patient can only swallow cold liquid.

Inflammatory plaques on the tonsils form predominantly on the left, and ulcers form on the same side.

General intoxication significant.

Mercurius bijodatus (Mercurius biiodatus)
The drug is similar. Mercurius solubilis, but the picture is not so dramatic. Mercurius bijodatus is milder but less reliable than Mercurius solubilis.

Especially indicated for left-sided sore throat.

Mercurius cyanatus (Mercurius cyanatus)
Indicated for the formation of purulent films on the tonsils.

The remedy corresponds essentially to Mercurius solubilis.

The drug is characterized by pronounced destructive local action mercury, which is enhanced by the necrotizing effect of hydrocyanic acid

(Mercurius cyanatuas is a compound of mercury with a hydrocyanic acid radical).

In connection with this connection, it leads to the formation of membranes and pseudomembranes on the mucous membrane of the mouth, pharynx, nose and tonsils.

This picture often corresponds to diphtheria.

In the period before the treatment of diphtheria with serum, homeopathic doctors sought good effect in the treatment of diphtheria only with Mercurius cyanatus.

However, for other forms of angina that occur with the formation of pseudomembranes and ulceration, this medicine is indicated.

Mercurius solubilis (Mercurius solubilis)
The tonsils are dark or bluish-red, swollen, with suppurated follicles or ulceration and plaque.

The tongue is covered with a dirty coating, swollen, with teeth marks along the edges.

Unpleasant putrid smell from mouth; drooling with copious, viscous saliva and thirst, although the mouth is moist.

Severe body temperature, pain, and anxiety worsen at night.

Severe sweating, sometimes with yellowish traces of sweat, which does not bring relief.

General and local thermal procedures (compresses and drinking) increase the pain.

Regional lymph nodes are hard and painful.

The medicine should be taken in a potency of at least C6 (6th centenary) to avoid abscess formation!

NB! Potency D6 (6th decimal dilution) is also toxic to intestinal flora.
At the onset of the disease it is rarely required. Use when thick pus, viscous saliva and unpleasant odor from mouth.
Indicated for more severe forms of sore throat with a tendency to ulceration, although the course itself is not violent, but rather sluggish.

The tongue and tonsils are swollen. The patient sweats a lot, especially at night.

Myristica (Myristics)
Helps open a mature abscess. The drug is called a “homeopathic knife”.

With a mature abscess, Myristica can help the abscess to open faster, the maturation of which was promoted by Hepar sulfur. D3 - C3 in solution every 30 minutes.
It is called a “homeopathic knife” for purulent sore throats and will open any abscess if it has already formed.

Phytolacca (Fitolyakka)
Pain at the root of the tongue, which radiates to the ears when swallowing. Enlarged tonsils are blue.

The throat is sore, burning, severe dryness in the mouth.
The pain from the throat spreads to the ears and is shooting in nature.

The patient always wants to swallow, but even an empty swallow is impossible due to extreme pain at the root of the tongue; the pain shoots into the ears and is worsened by hot drinks.

The patient can only swallow cold liquid, which brings relief.

Neck muscles are tense submandibular lymph nodes increased.

Pyrogenium (Pyrogenium)
Severe form of the disease. A fetid, putrid odor from the mouth is noteworthy.

Typical constitution for Silicea:
- Lack of vital warmth, constantly chilly, especially the feet, hands and head, so the head is always wrapped up.

He asks for a warm compress on his sore throat.
— Sluggish, chronic inflammatory processes.
Gets tired quickly physically and mentally, thin.
- Sweating of the head, smelly sweat legs, causing maceration of the interdigital spaces.
He quickly loses heart and is not confident in himself. Outwardly he often appears stubborn and limited.

And here's something special: avoid injections if possible: the patient is afraid of the needle.
Helps the body complete the inflammatory process, prevents from a sluggish course when suppuration develops, but does not resolve when healing and

tissue regeneration is sluggish.

Especially useful for children. Silicea increases the body's resistance. It goes well with Hepar sulfur; in fact, they are always given together.

Sore throat represents infectious disease, which mainly affects the palatine tonsils. In severe cases, inflammation also affects other tonsils, and in addition - paranasal sinuses nose The source of infection may be following reasons: purulent disease nasal cavity, adenoids, sinusitis, caries and so on.

Symptoms of a sore throat

Most people have experienced a sore throat at least once in their lives. Among its symptoms are headache, weakened condition, enlarged lymph nodes in the neck and under the jaws, increased temperature and, of course, sore throat. The main symptom of the disease is swelling of the tonsils and arches. With the naked eye you can see blisters filled with pus.

When lacunar tonsillitis In addition to the symptoms described above, a yellow-white coating is also observed, collected at the mouths of the lacunae. Sometimes it covers all the tonsils. Among the causative agents of sore throat are infections such as staphylococcus, streptococcus and enterovirus.

Complications of sore throat

It is not without reason that they say that a sore throat is not as terrible as its complications. If you managed to cure the disease without consequences, then you can consider yourself very lucky. Often, a sore throat develops over time into a pharyngeal abscess and even meningitis. Infectious-toxic shock is also one of the most dangerous complications diseases. Finally, a sore throat develops into sepsis, in other words, blood poisoning.

Among more late complications diseases also cause inflammation of the kidneys, which leads to disruption of their functioning.

Treatment of sore throat with classical medicine

Traditional medicine adheres to the method of treating sore throat with antibiotics. Doctors are confident that rinsing alone is not able to completely relieve the patient of the disease. Used as drug treatment sulfa drugs, which are taken orally, as well as aerosols with antibiotics. When a sore throat becomes severe, antibiotics are prescribed orally or intravenously. In parallel with drug treatment antibiotics are taken to eliminate the main symptoms of sore throat - sore throat and elevated temperature. In addition, diet and taking vitamins are very important to restore the body after illness and chemicals.

The regimen for angina that the patient must follow

Let us note that both classical doctors and homeopaths are unanimous in their opinion about the regimen for angina. All doctors are sure that the patient must comply bed rest, especially when there are attacks of weakness and a severe sore throat. It is worth recalling that sore throat is a contagious disease, so the patient should have separate dishes, and the room where he is located should be periodically ventilated.

Nutrition for angina is mainly liquid or semi-liquid food. A sore throat prevents you from eating solid food. Abundant warm drink is very important, since it not only cleanses the body of toxins, but also warms the throat, generally promoting a speedy recovery.

These techniques are used both traditional medicine. The latter, it must be said, causes irreparable damage to the body, since after antibiotics a person needs long recovery. have no contraindications and side effects, unlike chemicals.

Treatment of sore throat with homeopathy preparations

Drugs for the treatment of sore throat

First, let's talk about generic drugs, used in homeopathy to treat sore throat. The specific medicine is prescribed depending on what symptoms accompany the disease. For example, in case of fever and chills, the third decimal and third dilution helps well. When sweat appears, you can switch to , and .

If we take, say, Bryonia in the third decimal and third dilution, then one cannot help but think of patients with a dry, tickling cough that overtakes them with a sore throat. And when the inflammation has spread to the small bronchi, causing a convulsive cough, it is time to take Ipecac in the third decimal and third dilution. Finally, Belladonna in the third dilution helps well with dry skin. barking cough, worsening at night and accompanied by sneezing and pain during swallowing.

In essence, you can prescribe the homeopathic medicines described above simultaneously and take them when a particular symptom makes itself felt.

It is worth adding that homeopathic remedies in combination are good for angina. Let's say that alternation of Apis in the third dilution, in the sixth and Belladonna in the third is often used. The combination of Mercurius Solubilis in the sixth dilution and in the sixth dilution (in case of chronic tonsillitis). The main thing is to take the medications one at a time.

Drugs for the treatment of acute respiratory diseases in general and sore throats in particular

Some homeopathic medicines used for acute respiratory ailments are well suited for the treatment of sore throat. For example, in the case of a dry, tickling cough, you can start taking it in the third and sixth dilutions. If the phlegm is difficult to clear and overwhelms the bronchi, then the third, sixth and twelfth dilution is suitable.

When a patient complains of coughing at night, Hyosciamus in the third decimal, third and sixth dilutions is simply irreplaceable. And if the cough is barking, it will do

It is believed that the reason diseases of the tonsils (tonsillitis) is an infection, but the disease cannot be attributed only to external infection, since the infection is always in the pharynx. This is pathology immune system. The provoking factor is general cooling and especially drinking cold drinks. Children of preschool and school age often suffer from tonsillitis.

Spicy catarrhal sore throat sometimes in everyday life it is called “redness of the throat”, which, as a rule, is present in any acute respiratory disease in children.

IN initial stage For sore throats, the leading homeopathic remedy is Belladonna, which is indicated by bright redness of the throat and skin. Although the usual practice is to recommend a warm drink to sore throat patients, in the case of Belladonna the child asks for a cold drink.

If the throat is swollen and the uvula looks like a watery pouch, Apis is indicated. Not only swelling, but also a pain in the throat of a stinging nature, which is aggravated by hot drinks, indicates Apis. It is these children who have kidney complications, and Apis is able to prevent this complication.

Purulent (follicular or lacunar) tonsillitis
accompanied by a more significant increase in body temperature and more severe complaints. Regional lymph nodes are enlarged. With reduced reactivity of the body, the cleansing of the tonsils from pus is delayed, and the mucous membrane of the throat acquires a bluish tint.

Possible serious complications, including otitis media, nephritis, endocarditis, polyarthritis, meningitis, rheumatism. Scientific Pediatrics connects antibacterial therapy.

It is necessary to increase protective immune mechanisms, which complete the inflammatory process. Homeopathy seems to be the best way to achieve this.

The greatest number of cases of purulent tonsillitis are completed with the use of Belladonna, Hepar sulfuris and Silicea. Apis, Mercurial drugs, Barium salts are required as support.

Hepar sulfuris is the main drug for the treatment of follicular tonsillitis, if the provoking moment was cold drinking, if the child is prone to high fever during any inflammatory process. Despite the increase in body temperature, the child is very chilly and extremely sensitive to the slightest cooling, even opening. Labial herpes often appears on the lips of older children.

Silicea helps the body complete the inflammatory process, prevents sluggish progress when suppuration develops, but does not resolve when healing and tissue regeneration are sluggish.

Mercurial homeopathic preparations compete with Hepar sulfuris and are indicated for more severe forms tonsillitis with a tendency to ulceration, although the course is not violent, but sluggish.
There is a bad odor coming from the mouth and a lot of saliva. Heat treatments worsen sore throat.

Lachesis is used in severe cases of tonsillitis, when destructive processes in the tonsils are obvious, and the tissue becomes bluish or even dark color.

Inflammatory plaques on the tonsils form predominantly on the left. General intoxication is significant.

If the pain from the throat spreads to the ears and is shooting in nature, the best medicine is Phytolacca. The child can only swallow cold liquid, which brings relief. The neck muscles are tense, the cervical and submandibular lymph nodes are enlarged.

Barium carbonicum is the main medicine for very deep destructive inflammation of the tonsils, when the process drags on and turns into chronic form. Often such a child is not only sick, but physically or mentally retarded.

Chronic tonsillitis develops when the doctor cannot cope with chronic inflammation and is not able to increase immunological reactivity. In children, chronic tonsillitis is usually combined with other inflammatory processes in oral cavity and nasopharynx - chronic runny nose, inflammation of the gums.

Exactly at childhood Dramatic complications of chronic tonsillitis may develop in the form of rheumatism, heart disease, polyarthritis, nephritis. In such cases, tonsillectomy is often undertaken, which can have adverse consequences.

Most useful homeopathic medicines in the treatment of chronic tonsillitis are Hepar sulfuris, Silicea, Mercurial preparations, Barium salts.

Adenoid vegetations- result chronic inflammation nasopharyngeal tonsils. They make it difficult nasal breathing, which is important for the development of brain functions. The child develops a nasal tone of voice. The face has characteristic appearance- pale, puffy, with a slightly open mouth, raised upper lip and an upturned nose.

Often formed malocclusion. It is this circumstance that sometimes dictates the need to remove these growths.

If nasal breathing is preserved at least to some extent, it is better to resort to homeopathic treatment. The most indicated are Thuja, Silicea, Teucrium marum verum, Sanguinaria, Psorinum, Medorrhinum, Phosphorus (in case of bleeding polyps), Calcium preparations.

Successfully treated homeopathic remedies, which has been proven over many years clinical practice their applications. Rules, duration of use and dosage of complex homeopathic medicines for the treatment of sore throat are indicated in the table:

Name of homeopathic medicine Dosages and duration of use Features of application
Angin-granTake 7 granules 3-6 times a day, 20 minutes before meals or an hour after meals. If the sore throat is very severe, then take 7 granules every half hour. Course of treatment – ​​7 – 10 daysThe drug can be used for treatment alone or in combination with antibiotics. Relief occurs by the end of the first day of using the granules, but significant improvement in the condition occurs after 3 – 5 days
Traumeel SGain therapeutic effect observed in combination with Angin-Heel and Lymphomyosot (take 15-20 drops 3 times a day)
Angin-HeelTake 1 tablet 3 times a day until complete healingAn enhanced therapeutic effect is observed in combination with Traumeel S and Lymphomyosot (take 15-20 drops 3 times a day)
TonsilotrenTake 1 - 2 tablets every 1 - 2 hours until you feel better. After this, you should take 1 - 2 tablets 2 - 3 times a day, for 14 daysIndicated for the treatment of sore throats in children

These homeopathic preparations are complex, which include several substances necessary for the treatment of angina. These drugs are easy and convenient to dose and can be purchased at any pharmacy.

Any homeopathic medicines for severe course sore throats are indicated for use in combination with standard courses of antibiotics. If the sore throat is not severe, then homeopathic medicines, in most cases, are quite sufficient to cure it.

However, in addition to complex homeopathic preparations, sore throat can also be treated with the help of individual substances. Homeopathy uses individual substances, sometimes poisons, which low dosages allow the pathology to be cured. In order to correctly select these substances for the treatment of each disease, you should know their properties and understand the principles of homeopathy. Let's consider those homeopathic substances that are used in the treatment of sore throats:

1. Hepar sulfuris is used for follicular sore throat flowing with high temperature. Should be used in 6-fold dilution until the symptoms of the disease completely disappear;

2. Silicea is used during the recovery stage for any form of sore throat. This substance enhances suppuration and resolution inflammatory process, preventing it from becoming chronic. The substance is used in 3 and 6 fold dilutions;

3. Mercurial drugs (Mercurius Bioiodatus, Mercurius Solubilis) are used to treat severe forms of angina. Substances are used in various dilutions;

4. Lachesis is used for very severe tonsillitis, when the tonsils turn dark bluish;

5. Phytolacca is used when pain from the throat radiates to the ears;

6. Barium carbonicum is used for prolonged sore throat, when the process begins to become chronic.

Homeopathic data medicinal substances selected according to the form of the disease and taken until recovery occurs. However, you should not try to treat yourself with homeopathy, since this is no less dangerous than self-medication with conventional medications. If a person wants to treat a sore throat using homeopathy, he should contact a medical practitioner who works with this technique.