What types of doctors and medical specialties are there? Who is better - a highly specialized employee or a generalist?

Having fallen ill, each of us begins to treat our illness. Some are treated on their own, but most people still turn to doctors, specialists in their field. Nowadays, there is a whole list of narrow specialties of doctors, and it is these doctors that we will talk about in our article. Why do narrow ones exist? medical specialties? So that a sick person can immediately receive necessary consultation and start on time correct treatment. After all, an advanced disease not only causes harm to the human body, but in many cases can lead to death.

Therapist is a doctor who treats diseases of human internal organs. What diseases can you see this doctor for? First of all, with any cold, cough, pain in the stomach and intestines. At the appointment, the therapist must take the temperature, measure the pressure, listen to and palpate the sick person. Treatment is prescribed by the therapist only with medication. If the diagnosis is unclear, he may assign the person to see additional specialists.

Pediatrician - This is a children's therapist; you can and should contact him with all of the above diseases that occur in children. The pediatrician, like the therapist, prescribes all the same tests, ultrasound examination and consultation of narrow specialists.

Gastroenterologist , a doctor who belongs to the list of narrow medical specialties and treats diseases gastrointestinal tract. If a person has pain in the stomach, pancreas, esophagus, liver, gallbladder and intestines, which means you need to contact a gastroenterologist. The examination includes ultrasound, fibrogastroduodenoscopy, x-ray of the stomach and intestines, colonoscopy, irrigoscopy, MRI. In the presence of malignant neoplasms, the gastroenterologist may prescribe a consultation with a surgeon and oncologist.

Surgeon deals with everyone internal organs, knows all tissues thoroughly and operates on patients. Typically, patients whose diseases can no longer be cured by therapeutic methods turn to a surgeon.

Gynecologist or as people call it - female doctor. The subspecialty allows you to examine the internal and external genitalia, including the uterus, cervix, ovaries and appendages. Gynecologists treat various inflammatory and oncological diseases. Diseases can be amenable to both therapeutic and surgical method treatment.

Cardiologist treats diseases of cardio-vascular system, which include hypertension, angina pectoris, myocardial infarction, neurocirculatory dystonia, myocarditis, pericarditis, endocarditis, arrhythmias, heart defects. At an appointment with a cardiologist, a sick person will definitely have an electrocardiogram taken and measured arterial pressure and heart rate. If necessary, the cardiologist can send the patient to additional research Ultrasound of the heart.

Neurologist , this specialist is contacted when problems arise from nervous system. Stress, inflammation nerve endings, osteochondrosis, intervertebral hernia, ischemic and hemorrhagic strokes - all these diseases are treated by a neurologist. Examination methods are prescribed by a doctor, depending on the disease. These include CT, MRI, encephalogram and others.

Mammologist , an exclusively female doctor, as he deals with the diagnosis and treatment of women’s mammary glands. What symptoms can women turn to him for? First of all, this is soreness and hardening of the mammary glands, as well as discharge from them, unless they are related to the woman’s pregnancy. The mammologist may prescribe ultrasonography mammary glands, mammography, biochemical tests for hormones.

Otolaryngologist or ENT doctor, deals with problems of the ear, nose and throat. Typically, people turn to such a doctor for help if there is pain in the ear, a runny nose that does not stop for a long time, or a person has become hard of hearing. The list of diseases of the otolaryngologist is quite large: tonsillitis, laryngitis, pharyngitis, otitis media, sinusitis, frontal sinusitis, rhinitis, adenoids, cysts and polyps of the nasal mucosa. An ENT doctor can treat with therapeutic methods, but if the diagnosis becomes more complicated, he may resort to surgical intervention.

Optometrist or ophthalmologist Whatever you call it, you will still get an appointment with a doctor who treats eye diseases. Upon examination, the ophthalmologist may reveal poor eyesight and establish a diagnosis of myopia or farsightedness. Elderly people often develop senile cataracts or glaucoma.

Dentist treats diseased teeth, as well as diseases of the oral cavity. This is probably the most common doctor that children are very afraid of. Dentists treat people therapeutic methods, but can also be treated surgically.

Urologist , you should contact him if your kidneys begin to hurt, heat body or the urine became cloudy, and pain appeared during urination. As a rule, a urologist collects anamnesis from a sick person, who subsequently undergoes an ultrasound scan genitourinary system, takes a general urine test, Nechiporenko and a Zimnitsky test.

Venereologist and dermatologist , very often both of these narrow medical specialties are combined together. A venereologist deals with the treatment of diseases that are sexually transmitted. These include gonorrhea, syphilis, trichomoniasis, chlamydia, thrush and vaginal herpes. Dermatologists treat all skin diseases, be it allergies, lichen, dermatitis, eczema or psoriasis. Remember! If an unknown rash appears, consult a dermatologist immediately.

Oncologist , going to this doctor can take a person by surprise. Oncologists care for patients who are sick malignant neoplasms. All kinds of tumors can be examined using ultrasound, MRI, radiography and collection of tests.

Little Seryozhka started screaming at four in the morning. In the evening, everything seemed to be almost in order, except for a little sniffles, and at night I let the whole family light a cigarette. And what was especially incomprehensible was that the temperature was normal, he was not coughing, and he pooped normally. The boy is only seven months old, try to find out what hurts him! At about 11 o'clock in the morning Larisa Zakharovna came, called - local pediatrician- an elderly, attentive and experienced man. She listened, tapped, looked into her mouth, kneaded her tummy - everything was fine, but as soon as she touched her right ear - Seryozhka already squealed. It's clear - otitis media.
I wrote out a referral to specialist. Well at least diagnosis delivered, and that’s good. I had to get ready for clinic. Near the door with the inscription “otolaryngologist” - people!!! But children under one year old were admitted without a queue, and Seryozhka also cried quite loudly in the corridor. So after 25 minutes we were already in the office.
Received by two young women - doctor and a nurse. You can’t confuse the doctor with the sister - he has a large round and beautiful mirror screwed. The whole procedure took a few seconds. A special funnel was inserted into the ear, a beam of light was directed with a mirror - and so it is - otitis media. They prescribed drops in the ear and for some reason in the nose, and some other pills. They bought everything, started dripping and swallowing, by the evening Seryoga calmed down, only whining occasionally, and two days later he was healthy. We went to the ENT specialist again (they didn’t bother Larisa Zakharovna anymore), they looked in her ear - everything was fine, that’s nice.
Doctor with a mirror on his head (otolaryngologist) refers to narrow specialists. He can do many things that are completely inaccessible even to such an experienced doctor, like Larisa Zakharovna, she can, for example, look into her ear.

Narrow medical specialties there is a great many, and this is inevitable - there is too much to know medical science. And to be like some 100 years ago, just doctor It’s no longer possible - I can’t operate on my own, deliver a baby, or treat diarrhea. But to become specialist in some rather small medical field- quite capable, but even in this case you have to study and improve all your life.
Transfer narrow specialists almost impossible. But there are experts on individual human organs(dermatologist - skin, mammologist - mammary gland, proctologist - rectum, vertebrologist - spine, cardiologist - heart, etc.), specialists for entire systems of the body (neurologist - nervous system, endocrinologist - endocrine, gastroenterologist - digestive, etc.). Some doctors treat individual species diseases or even just one disease: phthisiatrician - tuberculosis, oncologist - tumors, hematologist - blood diseases, venereologist - it’s clear, etc. There are specialized diagnostic specialists using various devices, for example radiologists, doctors ultrasound diagnostics. Highlight narrow specialties and by methods of treatment (surgeons, therapists), and by age of patients (pediatricians, gerontologists). And within each listed specialty you can find dozens of even narrower areas.
There is no doubt that the more often a particular doctor treats a particular disease, the more better results, because more experience, more knowledge, appropriate skills have been developed, medications are well known, etc. And the results of surgery for a heart defect, let’s call it (this defect) “mitral valve stenosis,” will be the best with a surgeon from the city N by name K, who performed 200 operations on the heart, specifically on mitral valve and specifically about stenosis...
This begs the question obvious conclusion: pledge successful treatment is that the patient with certain disease got an appointment with the appropriate specialist- specialist precisely for this disease. All that remains is to install it diagnosis. This is probably what we should be doing specialists Not narrow, or, as they are now commonly called, doctors general practice . Typical representatives of the latter are, at first glance, the doctors closest to our home - local pediatricians And therapists. Although the analysis of the above suggests that diseases for pediatricians-therapists it doesn't remain at all. Stomach ulcer - see a gastroenterologist, diabetes - see an endocrinologist, heart attack - see a cardiologist, stroke - see a neurologist, pregnancy - see an obstetrician-gynecologist, etc. The only thing left to do is treat bronchitis and the flu yourself. But if you really want, those patients who remain can be “attached”: bronchitis - to a pulmonologist, influenza - to an infectious disease specialist.
But what about the interconnection of all organs and systems, and what about the most important rule, instilled in all doctors from their student days: to treat the patient, not the disease?! This one is more complicated. And the catch is that only a few, especially healthy lucky people, are bothered by one thing. But if you manage to “earn” gastritis, hypertension, and chronic tonsillitis? So, why not run in circles between a gastroenterologist, a cardiologist and an otolaryngologist?
I really don't want to run! I want to come to one person whom you trust, whom you respect, whom you are not embarrassed by, and with him alone you can easily resolve all your issues. And this is how it theoretically seems to be how it should be. But, unfortunately, only theoretically.
Let us quote one very interesting document. It's called the International Code of Medical Ethics. So, quote:
“The physician must prioritize compassion and respect for the human dignity of the patient and be fully responsible for all aspects medical care, regardless of your own professional specialization» (emphasis added - E.K.).
Did you read it carefully? Didn't it seem to you that our trips around narrow specialists in some strange way do not correspond to the International Code of Medical Ethics? Did it really seem like it? You probably decided that our doctors are illiterate and medicine is unethical? You decided incorrectly, and we will now illustrate this paradoxical fact.
So you've decided to clean up your mouth. I'm tired of enduring - it hurts there, it's cold there, a tooth is loose, and after eating I have to pick meat out of holes for half an hour. You have come to the most ordinary state free clinic. A dentist-therapist will examine you, tell you that there is caries here and there, he will cure it himself, take this tooth to a surgeon (tear), with this tooth go to a periodontist (treat), then to a prosthetist to build a bridge. About everyone's turn specialist we are not talking, this is a separate topic. If you have a lot of time and a stable psyche, you will be able to complete treatment within six months.
You came to private with the same problems dental office. The same friendly doctor cured both caries and periodontal disease, removed a tooth and provided prosthetics. When problems arose during the process of tooth extraction, the doctor invited narrow specialist- a dental surgeon who solved these problems. Please note that they did not send you to the surgeon, citing the fact that “I am not responsible for this,” but the surgeon came to you.
The dentist you trusted, in accordance with the International Code of Medical Ethics, took full responsibility for all aspects of treatment, and if difficulties arose, he called for help narrow specialist- a specialist whom he himself trusts.
In the first case (state clinic), four doctors shared responsibility for the results of treatment, in the second (private dental office) - only one. True, this one received five times more for his work than those four combined (provided that these four were paid on time).
I hope this doesn't seem insignificant to you!
Every day and every hour, the doctor makes responsible decisions. Decisions on which people's lives and health depend! It is logical to assume that responsible decisions should be rewarded accordingly - in this, perhaps, one can see not only logic, but also ethics. Maybe the International Code of Medical Ethics means something else by the word “doctor”? A completely different person with a different lifestyle, who can at least at work think about patients, and not about how much money to buy a new one school uniform and how to repay a debt to a businessman neighbor.
Unworthy of a civilized society assessment of medical work led and leads to the fact that the doctor deliberately avoids responsible decisions. And in order to share responsibility and not find someone to blame later, it takes a lot doctors. We followed this path. When, after treatment-removal-prosthetics in a public clinic, your tooth hurts, try to find out who is to blame?! Was it poorly filled, poorly treated, poorly removed, or built a bad bridge? And after the private office - here he is, my dear. So he will not deny it - he will treat and redo it himself (and for free!).
For what local therapist messing with your gastritis? More responsibility, but the same salary. Go see a gastroenterologist. Or do you think that a therapist doesn’t know how to treat gastritis?
Wait, you say, a salary is a salary, but there is also conscience, and ethics, and medical debt. Well, everyone knows very well about medical debt, but what about society’s debt to doctors? It's somehow forgotten. And if society treats a doctor unethically, it is difficult to achieve this same ethics from the doctor himself.
But there is one more circumstance - the material base of medicine itself. It’s good to be a dentist of all trades when in the office there is an overseas miracle of technology, costing several thousand (sometimes several tens of thousands) overseas and very conventional units. And the buzzing instrument of torture in the office of the government dentist and 20 masochists in line to see this hellish invention - what horror movie is this from? But it’s not from a movie, from our existence, from our free medicine.
Let's remember where we started. Larisa Zakharovna came and sent the child to an otolaryngologist. Why? Is treatment for otitis so complicated? No, just a specialist can examine the eardrum and accurately determine diagnosis.
There is such a tool called an otoscope - a small specially shaped flashlight for inspection. eardrum. If Larisa Zakharovna had an otoscope, she would have diagnosed otitis herself and treated them herself. Not a single domestic enterprise produces otoscopes, but there are thousands of imported models, and every overseas doctor, of course, has an otoscope. This flashlight costs about $50.
Larisa Zakharovna will never (!) buy herself an otoscope for $50 because she earns exactly that $50 a month. It is not surprising that our local medical technicians do not sell otoscopes - there is no demand (Now (2007) Larisa Zakharovna already receives $120. But she cannot afford to spend almost half of her salary on an otoscope... So nothing fundamentally has changed).
Here is an illustration of the political economy of socialism: our main wealth is people: we will not produce otoscopes, we will produce otolaryngologists!

The whole complex, multi-stage, cumbersome and very inconvenient system narrow specialists, without a doubt, is a product of the corresponding healthcare system.
Admired by the freeness and accessibility, proud of constitutional guarantees, we have forgotten about who we need specialized specialists for. No, the broad masses of patients, perhaps, have not forgotten - they don’t really know, but doctors, doctors have forgotten, that’s for sure.
A narrow specialist is an assistant and consultant to YOUR doctor, the same one who, in accordance with medical duty and ethics, has taken responsibility for your health. And if you're unlucky, if your illness is particularly severe course, or if the diagnosis is not clear, if more or less standard methods of therapy do not help, then the doctor turns to to a specialist- for help and advice. He (your doctor) seems to be refracting advice specialist through the prism of our own knowledge about you, about your lifestyle, about your material capabilities, about your other illnesses. And not narrow specialist, and your doctor makes decisions with you. He is still completely responsible for you.
Most diseases, fortunately, have a standard course, and methods of treating them are not at all a sealed secret.
And competent, conscientious, constantly monitoring his qualifications, balanced and financially secure general practitioner can quite easily treat stomach ulcers, neurosis, angina pectoris, and diabetes, and prostatitis, and pyelonephritis, and...
We cannot make a doctor balanced and financially secure. We can only supposedly help all doctors at once: share the heavy burden of responsibility and bring the measure of this responsibility in line with wages.
Subspecialists- elite medicine! Super-professionals who know a lot of things well, but know some things very, very well. It should be.
Subspecialist- this is evolution broad specialist, When general doctor after many years of work, having experience and knowledge of people, it becomes specialist in a small area of ​​medicine. It should be.
You can't become narrow specialist one year after graduation medical institute. Theoretically, it’s impossible.
You can't become a neurosurgeon or heart surgeon without going through school general surgery. Theoretically, it’s impossible.
You cannot become a venereologist or allergist without learning how to treat infectious diseases, bronchitis and acute respiratory infections. Theoretically, it’s impossible.
Subspecialists there can't be too many. It’s too difficult, responsible and honorable to be narrow specialist. Hereby narrow specialist!
What a pity that this is only theoretical...

Modern medicine does not stand still and is constantly moving forward. That is why now there are many different doctoral specialties, which are not so easy to understand at first glance. Specialties of doctors - this is exactly what we are talking about we'll talk in this article.


This doctor deals with all sorts of problems that arise at work immune system. His area of ​​activity is also the detection and treatment of allergic reactions. It is worth saying that today more and more young patients are turning to this doctor. What diseases do people most often come to this specialist for? It could be a respiratory allergy allergic rhinitis, asthmatic or allergic bronchitis, allergic deramatitis, chronic recurrent viral infections, bronchitis.


We consider further the different specialties of doctors. To understand what this doctor does, you just need to take a good look at the name. After all, in translation “andros” means “man”. So, this is a doctor who deals with all sorts of problems that affect the genital area of ​​men. Such diseases most often include urethritis, urolithiasis disease, prostatitis, all sexual problems. Most often, the reason for visiting this doctor is discomfort in the urinary and genital areas, problems with erection, potency, and decreased libido. The andrologist also deals with testicular diseases.


To understand this name, you can also turn on your ingenuity. Everyone knows that Venus is the goddess of love. A venereologist deals with all sorts of diseases that can cause intimate relationships between man and woman. Representatives of both sexes can contact this specialist. However, there is one a big problem: people most often come to see this specialist in the very as a last resort when the problem is already too painful and unbearable. However, it is best to go to a venereologist in the first stages of the disease, when the disease can be dealt with within short terms. The most common problems treated by a venereologist are: gonorrhea, syphilis, chlamydia, donovanosis, genital herpes, etc.


What other medical specialties exist? If there are problems with the digestive system, you need to contact a gastroenterologist. This doctor deals with all diseases that relate to the gastrointestinal tract. Most often people come to this doctor with the following problems: gastritis, stomach ulcers or duodenum, constipation, esophagitis, etc.


If you study further the specialties of doctors, you definitely need to talk about who a hepatologist is. This doctor deals with liver problems. The most common diseases that this specialist is designed to cure are: cirrhosis, hepatitis, toxoplasmosis, infectious mononucleosis, etc.


This is exceptional female doctor, dealing with all sorts of problems that concern the genitourinary system of representatives of the fair half of humanity. It is worth saying that every lady should visit this doctor at least twice a year (for preventive purposes). You should also contact this specialist if the slightest deviations in the functioning of the genitourinary system occur.


This doctor deals with problems that concern not only human skin, but also mucous membranes, nails and hair. These specialists are in great demand in cosmetology, sports and sanitary-epidemiological structures.


Let us consider further the specialties of doctors. The list continues with a doctor as a nutritionist. It is this professional who will help determine the individual diet of each person. Today, mostly sick people turn to this doctor. However, we must remember that everyone needs to eat right, even the healthiest members of society.


If you need to deal with problems at work of cardio-vascular system, you need to contact a cardiologist. The main symptoms with which you should go to this doctor: pressure surges, shortness of breath, a feeling of irregular heartbeat, changes in pulse, pain in the chest and chest area.

Physiotherapy doctor

There are also doctors of narrow specialties. One of them is a doctor of physical therapy (physical therapy). This specialist is very necessary at the stage of recovery and rehabilitation of patients. So, with the help of special classes and physical activity This specialist can put almost any patient back on his feet.

Expert in narcology

This specialist is engaged in the diagnosis, treatment and prevention of tobacco, alcohol and drug addiction. IN in case of emergency, for example, if detoxification is needed, this doctor can go to the patient’s home. But most often, people with these problems are treated in closed institutions, where this doctor works with them.


We further study the specialties of doctors. The list is supplemented by a doctor such as a neurologist. He works with those patients who have problems with the functioning of the nervous system. It can help cope with headaches, insomnia, and problems with cerebral vessels. Will help if there is deterioration in vision, memory, or hearing.

Otolaryngologist (ENT)

This is a doctor who deals with all problems related to the throat, ears and nose. The bulk of patients who visit this doctor are people with colds.


This children's doctor, to which you should go with your child as soon as necessary. All children under 18 years of age are registered with a pediatrician.


What other clinical specialties are there for doctors? The list is supplemented by a psychotherapist, a doctor who can identify and correct problems of psychogenic origin. The doctor makes conclusions based on a conversation with the patient. It helps deal with behavior disorders, outbursts of anger, etc.


This is a doctor who deals with problems oral cavity person. Everything related to teeth, bite, jaws is the entire area of ​​work of this specialist.


Considering the specialties of doctors and descriptions of professions, one cannot help but say about such a doctor as a therapist. After all, this is the doctor to whom a person turns first. He can diagnose and treat all problems that are associated with the internal organs and systems of a person.


This is a professional who specializes in diseases of the genitourinary system. He can identify the causes of genitourinary tract diseases and prescribe treatment. TO to this doctor Both men and women can apply. There is also a pediatric urologist.


This is a doctor who must know the structure thoroughly human body. These doctors help you recover through surgery.

Other specialists

What specialties have doctors not yet been considered?

  1. Mammologist. Women who have problems with the mammary glands turn to this doctor.
  2. Chiropractor. This is a doctor who treats musculoskeletal problems.
  3. A nephrologist is a specialist who deals with kidney problems.
  4. Orthopedist. This is a doctor who helps to cope with poor posture, changes in the shape of the foot, as well as the consequences of a variety of injuries.
  5. An oncologist is a doctor who treats tumors, both benign and malignant.
  6. Ophthalmologist. This eye doctor, he is also called an ophthalmologist.
  7. A plastic surgeon is a doctor who corrects defects in appearance through surgery.
  8. A proctologist is a doctor who specializes in working with people who have problems with the rectum.
  9. Reflexologist. This doctor helps to cope with diseases by influencing biologically active points.
  10. Sexologist. This specialist helps to deal with problems in the intimate sphere of the patient’s life.
  11. Specialist in cell technologies. This is a doctor who deals with the isolation, cultivation and implantation of stem cells from the body.
  12. Phlebologist is a doctor who deals with vein problems.
  13. An endocrinologist is a doctor who deals with problems related to endocrine system person.

This section describes doctors of narrow specialties.

Eat great amount professions where it is simply necessary to be a generalist, otherwise in conditions of crisis instability you may simply be left without a job. Programmers do not have such a problem: having experience and excellent knowledge in any one popular discipline, you can build a quite good career on it without any problems.

However, periods of stagnation, when you either cannot find a job or cannot wait for a promotion, happen to everyone in life. And then you involuntarily think: maybe you can learn another programming language, learn the profession of a tester, layout designer, system administrator, become a real full stack developer? What's better: being a great programmer with one focus or trying to become a jack of all trades? Let's try to find out.

Let us immediately agree that when making comparisons, we assume that a multi-machine operator simply physically cannot have as deep professional knowledge as a person devoted to one specialty. All other parameters are considered the same.

Job search

A person whose resume indicates knowledge of a dozen programming languages good level and with at least a year of experience in using each, a competent employer will be suspicious. However, at the same time, the breadth of coverage of HR managers among multi-station workers is such that the resume will inevitably attract someone’s attention. So, maybe not in a large IT company and not for a lot of money, but such a specialist will always find a job.

A highly specialized specialist with 2-3 programming languages ​​and knowledge of all related tools and 10 years of work experience will also inevitably be in demand. But there is one small catch here: the Russian reality is such that outside of Moscow and 2-3 other large cities, it will not be easy for a well-trained IT specialist to find an office job that satisfies his needs. But the opportunity opens up to successfully work outside of Russia. This means there will be no problems with work, unless you are tied to home.

Result: draw. In one case Great chance find a job closer to home, in another - Good work for good money, but no one knows where.

Career growth rate

You are an excellent programmer, better than anyone in the department who knows the programming language used, and has a perfect command of the accompanying libraries and tools. A promotion to lead programmer or team lead is simply inevitable, especially if you can also speak.

But here’s another situation: you are not the best specialist in your field, but you can always do the work “for that guy,” and in general, participate in at least all stages of product release. Promoting you to a classic team lead would not be entirely correct in relation to the best specialists(although if your performance is at its best, then why not), but a normal boss will simply be obliged to increase the managerial component in your work. The main thing is that you are not against this development of events.

Result: draw. With a bad boss, specialization doesn't matter, but a good one will appreciate both approaches.

Career horizon

Climbing the career ladder does not imply stopping until a lucky break and a very extended time frame. The faster you learn to achieve maximum productivity from one position to another, the higher you will eventually climb.

And this is where the works of a multi-machine operator will be much more useful, since the position of a manager is not necessarily accompanied by superior knowledge over subordinates. It assumes that you have a good understanding of what each employee does and how successful they are at it. A C coder is unlikely to expertly evaluate the quality of the choice of color schemes for an application and its ergonomics, but someone who was at least a little interested in this before will do so. So the winner is clear.

Result: a clear victory for the multi-machine operator. We all dislike bosses who are limited in knowledge, but it’s even worse when they are absent altogether.


If you do not have any unique skills and knowledge, then your only argument in salary negotiations will be an offer to operate in several positions at once.

At the same time, a top specialist with a narrow profile has several arguments up his sleeve: inevitable lucrative offers from competitors, the company’s dependence on his qualifications, the inability to find an equivalent replacement for less money.

Result: the narrow-profile specialist wins by a small margin. Patience and work are always valued much more than broad views on life.

Respect for colleagues

A good worker will always be respected, but the one who always knows a little more than the rest will always be held in special esteem. Theoretically, this could be a generalist, simply because he is competent in more questions than any single colleague. But, as practice shows, over time, such people sooner or later begin to irritate the team, simply because they do not have expert level knowledge of nothing.

Result: victory for the employee in his profile. You probably also know a guy about whom there is nothing to say except that in his profession he is a king and a god.


It is obvious that a person who devotes his entire life to one thing is either crazy or really loves what he does. If at the same time he is given opportunities for self-realization, his work is decently paid, then in the end he begins to turn to his friends with the question: “How can you work where you don’t like?”

A person who tries to combine several professions in his life at once, as a rule, does not do this out of a good life. However, this does not mean at all that he does not enjoy his work and success in his profession. He gets a little less tired, since the activities are varied, he completes the assigned tasks more often, simply because they are limited in complexity. But does he experience more pleasure?

Result: Slight advantage in favor of target specialists. Simply because loving is more pleasant than being loved.

Opposite sex attitude

Let's finish our comparison with a slightly humorous comparison. Just imagine that you go on a date and start discussing work. And it turns out that your companion is, say, a cook. What to choose: discuss her specialty dishes for an hour (for example, confectionery) or should we talk about cooking in general? Surely the second conversation will captivate you a little more.

Result: The case when a broad profile will be appreciated by representatives of both sexes.


5:4 in favor of those IT specialists who have a clear idea of ​​what they want to do.

What do you think: is the IT world moving towards universalization or towards increased specialization of professions?

Many experts who study the modern labor market report that currently, highly specialized specialists are in much less demand than a few years ago. Such specialists even lose their jobs, and employers invite generalists to take their place. Why is this happening? After all, highly specialized employees, working in their field, do not make mistakes, because they have fully studied their subject; generalists, on the contrary, do not always do all the work correctly. Is this beneficial for the employer?

But if you look at it differently, several “narrow” specialists require several times higher labor costs than one generalist employee. So what is better: to thoroughly study one specialty and be unsurpassed in your field, or to master several professions, and not even in one, but in different areas? Even statistics do not give a specific answer to this question. However, it is certain that employers still want highly qualified, experienced and talented people, whose labor results will be invariably positive, regardless of specialization.

Highly specialized employees, especially those with a rare specialty, are always paid a very good salary, but it is almost impossible for them to climb the career ladder. In this case, only a so-called horizontal career is possible, when duties and powers, level of responsibility and status may change, bonuses appear, even the salary increases, but the position remains the same. And that’s why today “narrow” specialists are in demand in the labor market, although employers’ preferences are gradually becoming differentiated.

True, if the specialization is too narrow, then the person may not be in demand when the direction of the market in which he works begins to fade. On the other hand, a person who has knowledge and skills not only in his narrow specialty is much better protected from troubles during periods economic crises. Today the situation in our country is not very stable, and therefore we should not take lightly the possibility of acquiring new knowledge and new specialties, first in related fields, and then in others. Desire, means and free time- this is a personal matter for each person, and in any case, everyone will decide for themselves what to choose and whether it is worth the effort.

There really is no clear answer. A generalist can solve many problems, but with a limited level of complexity, and even a whole team of generalists will not be able to cope with a problem that is too specific. They will have to turn to a “narrow” specialist who can solve only certain problems, but their level of complexity will be much higher. And if highly specialized specialists gather into a team, they will be a more productive team than generalists gathered together.

The stages of economic development also play an important role. During times of rapid growth, generalists are needed more, since they are the ones who can cover more developing areas, find something new and move on. In a stable situation on the labor market, “narrow” specialists are needed: after all, they are the ones who are able to raise a business from scratch, develop production, etc. However, it is worth remembering that advanced training and additional training, including other specialties, always increases the market demand for representatives of any, most different professions. That is why the most rational and preferred option will deep specialization in a specific field and mastering an additional specialty in related fields.