Treatment of Trichomonas vaginalis in a girl. Trichomoniasis in children: transmission, symptoms, treatment. Frequently asked questions to the doctor

It occurs differently in children and adults. The severity of the disease depends on the age and gender of the child. As in adults, children are infected through sexual contact, but the possibility of domestic infection cannot be ruled out.

According to statistics, the vast majority of children with trichomoniasis are girls. Due to the structural features of the male genitourinary organs, boys are less susceptible to infection.

Causes of trichomoniasis in children

Children can become infected with trichomoniasis:

  • during childbirth - from a sick mother;
  • through sexual intercourse;
  • by everyday means;
  • if the person caring for the child is sick with trichomoniasis and violates the rules of personal hygiene.

Infection of newborns with trichomoniasis occurs through household means or during birth. According to statistics, a child of a sick mother can in 5% of cases.

The most dangerous age for trichomoniasis is from the onset of the first menstruation to 16 years. During this period, the child's body undergoes significant hormonal changes.

The ovaries begin to work intensively. The concentration of estrogen in the blood increases. The vaginal epithelium is filled with glycogen, which contributes to the rapid reproduction of Trichomonas vaginalis, as they feed on polysaccharides.


In children who have not had sexual intercourse, biomaterial is taken for analysis from the urethra and the posterior recess of the vaginal bulb. Girls are examined using pediatric gynecological speculums and material is taken from the cervical canal for examination.

The diagnosis of “urogenital trichomoniasis” is made based on the biomaterial during a microscopic or cultural examination.

Culture testing is a labor-intensive method that takes almost a week. The sensitivity of cultural testing is up to 95%. The test helps identify trichomoniasis if it is asymptomatic, and also if the diagnosis is not confirmed by microscopic examination.

When examining children, another protozoan from the same family, Trichomonas hominis, which lives in the large intestine, is often mistaken for it.

A relatively harmless intestinal microorganism accidentally ends up on the vaginal mucosa and in urine collected for microscopy and/or culture. Visually different from the vaginal membrane with a shorter membrane.

For maximum diagnostic accuracy, microscopy of the child must be confirmed by nucleic acid testing. ANC is an immunological method aimed at detecting in biomaterial antigens secreted by the immune system against trichomonas vaginalis.

Infancy and puberty

In the first 20 days of life, trichomoniasis occurs without any special symptoms in a newborn. There is not enough glycogen on the mucous membranes of newborns and girls under two years of age, so trichomoniasis is inactive.

Puberty is high school age, the transitional time between childhood and the achievement of biological and sexual maturity. For most girls, puberty lasts from 12 to 16 years, for boys from 13 to 17-18 years.

Trichomoniasis in puberty has features associated with the immaturity of the child’s immune system against the background of rapid growth of all organs and tissues. In a child at puberty, inflammatory foci are poorly limited. The infection seems to spread throughout the entire genitourinary tract.

Symptoms of the disease in a child

Clinical picture

Doctor of Medical Sciences, Professor Gandelman G. Sh.:

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In adults, trichomoniasis can be asymptomatic in the form of carriage or with signs of minor inflammation of an obscure etiology.

In children, the disease always occurs clearly and acutely due to the fact that in childhood and in the period before menarche the body’s protective abilities are underdeveloped.

In a child, any organs of the genitourinary system and the lower part of the intestine can be involved in the pathological process. In the specialized literature, reports of childhood trichomonas proctitis regularly appear.

Manifestations of infection can be subjective and independent. The first are determined by the feelings of the child himself. The doctor can observe independent manifestations visually.

Subjective symptoms of trichomoniasis:

  • foamy discharge from the genital tract;
  • in the area of ​​the external genitalia the child feels itching and burning;
  • trips to the toilet “little by little” become painful;
  • pain or heaviness is felt in the lower abdomen.

Independent symptoms:

  • the genitals become red and swollen;
  • purulent discharge is visible on the vaginal vaults;
  • On the genitals, and sometimes on the inner surfaces of the thighs, abrasions and sores are visible.

Girls have more discharge than boys. Girls feel itching and burning in the genital area more acutely. Discomfort increases when walking. Upon visual examination of the girl, the doctor discovers that the mucous membrane of the hymen and vulva has become bright red, swollen, and copious discharge flows freely from the vagina.

Girls develop vulvovaginitis as a result of infection with vaginal protozoa, a disease that is extremely rare in women of childbearing age.

Vulvovaginitis is a consequence of infection of the vagina with bacteria or protozoa. Trichomonas vulvovaginitis has pronounced signs of inflammation - redness and swelling of the mucous membrane, copious purulent discharge, irritating the skin in the perineum and on the inside of the thighs. Children with vulvovaginitis are always irritated, restless, cry, and sleep poorly.

Vulvovaginal inflammation involves the vaginal mucosa and the cervical canal. The vaginal part of the cervix is ​​covered with pinpoint small hemorrhages. Experts call this phenomenon “strawberry neck.”

Trichomonas inhabit Bartholin's glands - large paired formations located on the vestibule of the vagina in the thickness of the labia.

Dysuria in girls and boys with trichomoniasis is associated with lesions of the urethra and infection of the bladder. Dysuria manifests itself as frequent urination or a feeling of pain or itching during urination. If, in addition to the urethra, the bladder is infected, cystitis develops. In this case, at the end of the act of urination, a little blood is released in the urine.

Pain in the lower abdomen was reported by 10-15% of girls with trichomoniasis. The pain is mild and nagging in nature and intensifies after physical activity.

Treatment of infection

Treatment of a sick child must be comprehensive. The main role in therapy is given to oral administration of antiprotozoal drugs.


A sick child must follow a diet. Nutrition depends on the severity of trichomoniasis.

Flour products in the diet should be limited. Excluded from the menu:

  • pickles;
  • sweets;
  • fried foods;
  • spicy foods.

It is important that the sick child’s body does not lack essential nutrients, so it is better to consult a nutritionist to develop a diet.

To strengthen the immune system, the menu includes vitamins, vegetables, berries and fruits, if you are not allergic to them.


Dose Metronidazole for a newborn is calculated by a specialist and depends on the child’s weight.

Metronidazole is prescribed at a dosage of 10 mg per kilogram of body weight. The medicine is taken orally 3 times a day. The course of treatment is 5 days.

Instead of Metronidazole you can use Ornidazole– 25 mg per kilogram of body weight, taken 5 times a day for 5 days. If there is no effect, the drug is changed or left, but the dosage is increased.

In the acute stage of the disease, bed rest must be observed. Warm sitz baths with highly diluted potassium permanganate are shown. Baths help eliminate pain when urinating and relieve itching. After the procedure, swelling of the external genitalia decreases.

The external genital organs of girls and boys are washed two to three times a day with a warm solution of potassium permanganate 1:10,000, chamomile infusion, and 2% solution of orthoboric acid.

For very young girls, the vagina is irrigated with a one percent solution of baking soda twice a day through a catheter. After evening irrigation, a suspension of Nitazol (a drug with antiprotozoal action) is poured into the vagina. Children under 3 years old undergo vaginal irrigation with an aqueous solution of methylene blue (course from 7 to 10 days).

An older child should not take a bath during treatment. All hygiene procedures are carried out in the shower. After washing, the genitals are not dried with a towel, but blotted with a soft cloth so as not to provoke itching. After washing, children's clothes are ironed or treated with steam.

After completion of treatment, small patients are observed by a specialist for another 3 months. Children at this time should be checked for relapse of trichomoniasis.

Prevention of infection

Even at the stage of pregnancy planning, parents are screened for STDs to exclude the possibility of infecting the child during childbirth.

Dermatovenerologist about trichomoniasis in children and pregnant women in the video:

If there is an adult in the family who is infected with trichomonas vaginalis, you need to be especially careful about the baby’s hygiene. A child can become infected from a sick family member through a shared towel or by sleeping in the same bed.

The child must sleep in his own crib and use his own hygiene items. If there are no infected people in the family, if trichomoniasis is detected in a child, it is worth calling in a psychologist to find out possible channels of infection.

Trichomoniasis belongs to a group of diseases that are sexually transmitted. Despite this, it is often diagnosed in children. The causative agent of infection trichomonas transmitted to babies from an infected mother. The course of the disease and therapy in this case will have its own characteristics.

Trichomoniasis in children- a fairly rare disease. Pregnant women are advised to get tested for sexually transmitted diseases and, if necessary, undergo therapy.

Why is trichomoniasis dangerous in childhood?

In newborns, the consequence of infection can be vaginitis. It is accompanied by a strong inflammatory process occurring on the mucous surfaces of the genital organs. Sometimes treatment helps to get rid of the manifestations of the disease, but the pathogens remain in the urethra. Years later, an attack of acute trichomoniasis may occur.

Often trichomoniasis in children provokes the development of inflammation of the genitourinary system. In girls, this manifests itself in the form of cystitis or barolinitis. In boys, trichomoniasis can trigger earlier onset of prostatitis in the future.

Important! The disease greatly deteriorates the immune system. We will have to take measures to restore the body's protective functions.

Symptoms of the problem

At a younger age symptoms diseases may not appear. Identifying the problem can be problematic. Because of this, trichomoniasis can progress. First symptoms may appear only when complex and lengthy treatment is required. The following main ones are distinguished signs Problems:

  • Burning and itching in the genital area.
  • Vaginal discharge. They have a whitish tint and a cheesy consistency. Pus may be discharged from the urethra.
  • Pain appears during urination. The child wants to go to the toilet too often.
  • There is swelling of the genital organs.
  • Signs of irritation appear on the thighs and intimate areas. This occurs due to skin contact with secretions.

Such symptoms they say that treatment should begin immediately. It is impossible to diagnose the disease on your own, so at the first alarming signs you should immediately consult a doctor.

Diagnostic measures

The earlier trichomoniasis is diagnosed in a child, the simpler and more effective the treatment will be. Experts use the following techniques to identify the problem:

  • Inspection. The doctor must assess the condition of the child’s genital organs, identify all existing symptoms. In girls, the acidity of vaginal secretions is determined. Its increase indicates a possible infection with Trichomonas.
  • A laboratory study of biological material taken from the child is carried out. Methods such as bacteriological culture, serological testing or PCR are used.

Diagnosing the disease in boys is much more difficult than in girls. This is due to the fact that in the male body the pathogen is usually present in a sedentary form. To make an accurate diagnosis in boys, studies will have to be carried out repeatedly.

Principles of treatment

Trichomoniasis in children is treated according to the same principle as in adults. The only difference is in the dosages of the drugs. The main part of therapy is taking medications. Among them are:

  • Metronidazole. This is a complex drug that has antiprotozoal and antibacterial effects.
  • Tinizalod. This is a more modern and safer analogue of Metronidazole. Its use is less likely to cause side effects.
  • Girls are advised to use vaginal suppositories, which contain substances that defeat the pathogen.
  • Douching and sitz baths are carried out with specialized weak disinfectants. The most commonly used is sodium bicarbonate. It is inserted into the vagina using a thin catheter. Such procedures must be carried out twice a week. For very young girls, a methylene blue solution is used. Douching with its help can be carried out for no more than 10 days.
  • It is recommended to wash the genitals with decoctions of medicinal plants. Calendula or chamomile work well for this. It is fashionable to use tea tree oil dissolved in warm water.

Therapy for newborns can be carried out as early as the first week of life. Side effects from the drugs may occur, but the harm to the body in this case will be much less than with the development of the disease. After the main course of therapy, it will be necessary to conduct a repeat diagnostic examination to monitor the effectiveness of treatment.

Treatment of trichomoniasis in children carried out with mandatory adherence to a dietary diet. In this case, it is necessary to adhere to the following principles:

  • Pickles, smoked, fried and spicy foods should be completely excluded from the child’s menu. The list of prohibited products also includes confectionery and baked goods.
  • All dishes are best steamed, stewed or baked.
  • Try to give your child as many vegetables and fruits as possible.
  • The baby should drink a lot of clean water. Juices, berry fruit drinks, compotes and jelly are also allowed.

A specific nutrition program should be developed by a specialist, based on the characteristics of the body. The diet will largely depend on the severity of the disease. To increase the protective functions of the body, moderate physical activity, walks in the fresh air, and exercise in the pool are also recommended. Experts may recommend taking vitamin and mineral complexes. The only way trichomoniasis You will be able to win quickly enough.

Important! The therapy program should be chosen only together with a specialist. It is strictly forbidden to give your child medications not prescribed by a doctor.

Preventive actions

The appearance of trichomoniasis in a baby can be prevented. To do this, the mother must adhere to the following recommendations:

  • A woman should plan her pregnancy in advance. You must first undergo examinations and identify all existing health problems, including sexually transmitted diseases. While expecting a child, it is necessary to exclude sexual contact with a potential carrier of the pathogen.
  • It is necessary to carefully monitor the baby's hygiene.
  • The child should not share bedding and other household items with his parents. He must have separate sets. They must be ironed with a hot iron before use. The baby's clothes are treated in a similar way.
  • The child must lead an active, correct lifestyle. His diet should contain as few harmful foods as possible. He should spend more time outdoors. This will help strengthen his immune system.

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Higher medical education, venereologist, candidate of medical sciences.

Trichomoniasis occurs differently in children and adults. The severity of the disease depends on the age and gender of the child. As in adults, children are infected through sexual contact, but the possibility of domestic infection cannot be ruled out.

According to statistics, the vast majority of children with trichomoniasis are girls. Due to the structural features of the male genitourinary organs, boys are less susceptible to infection.

Causes of trichomoniasis in children

Children can become infected with trichomoniasis:

  • during childbirth - from a sick mother;
  • through sexual intercourse;
  • by everyday means;
  • if the person caring for the child is sick with trichomoniasis and violates the rules of personal hygiene.

Infection of newborns with trichomoniasis occurs through household means or during birth. According to statistics, a child of a sick mother can become infected during childbirth in 5% of cases.

The most dangerous age for trichomoniasis is from the onset of the first menstruation to 16 years. During this period, the child's body undergoes significant hormonal changes.

The ovaries begin to work intensively. The concentration of estrogen in the blood increases. The vaginal epithelium is filled with glycogen, which contributes to the rapid reproduction of Trichomonas vaginalis, as they feed on polysaccharides.


In children who have not had sexual intercourse, biomaterial is taken for analysis from the urethra and the posterior recess of the vaginal bulb. Girls are examined using pediatric gynecological speculums and material is taken from the cervical canal for examination.

The diagnosis of “urogenital trichomoniasis” is made based on the detection of trichomonas vaginalis in biomaterial during microscopic or cultural examination.

Culture testing is a labor-intensive method that takes almost a week. The sensitivity of cultural testing is up to 95%. The test helps identify trichomoniasis if it is asymptomatic, and also if the diagnosis is not confirmed by microscopic examination.

When examining children, another protozoan from the same family, Trichomonas hominis, which lives in the large intestine, is often mistaken for Trichomonas vaginalis.

A relatively harmless intestinal microorganism accidentally ends up on the vaginal mucosa and in urine collected for microscopy and/or culture. Visually, intestinal Trichomonas differs from the vaginal one by having a shorter membrane.

For maximum diagnostic accuracy, microscopy of the child must be confirmed by nucleic acid testing. ANC is an immunological method aimed at detecting in biomaterial antigens secreted by the immune system against trichomonas vaginalis.

Infancy and puberty

In the first 20 days of life, trichomoniasis occurs without any special symptoms in a newborn. There is not enough glycogen on the mucous membranes of newborns and girls under two years of age, so trichomoniasis is inactive.

Puberty is high school age, the transitional time between childhood and the achievement of biological and sexual maturity. For most girls, puberty lasts from 12 to 16 years, for boys from 13 to 17-18 years.

Trichomoniasis in puberty has features associated with the immaturity of the child’s immune system against the background of rapid growth of all organs and tissues. In a child at puberty, inflammatory foci are poorly limited. The infection seems to spread throughout the entire genitourinary tract.

Symptoms of the disease in a child

In adults, trichomoniasis can be asymptomatic in the form of carriage or with signs of minor inflammation of an obscure etiology.

In children, the disease always occurs clearly and acutely due to the fact that in childhood and in the period before menarche the body’s protective abilities are underdeveloped.

In a child, any organs of the genitourinary system and the lower part of the intestine can be involved in the pathological process. In the specialized literature, reports of childhood trichomonas proctitis regularly appear.

Manifestations of infection can be subjective and independent. The first are determined by the feelings of the child himself. The doctor can observe independent manifestations visually.

Subjective symptoms of trichomoniasis:

  • foamy discharge from the genital tract;
  • in the area of ​​the external genitalia the child feels itching and burning;
  • trips to the toilet “little by little” become painful;
  • pain or heaviness is felt in the lower abdomen.

Independent symptoms:

  • the genitals become red and swollen;
  • purulent discharge is visible on the vaginal vaults;
  • On the genitals, and sometimes on the inner surfaces of the thighs, abrasions and sores are visible.

Girls have more discharge than boys. Girls feel itching and burning in the genital area more acutely. Discomfort increases when walking. Upon visual examination of the girl, the doctor discovers that the mucous membrane of the hymen and vulva has become bright red, swollen, and copious discharge flows freely from the vagina.

Girls develop vulvovaginitis as a result of infection with vaginal protozoa, a disease that is extremely rare in women of childbearing age.

Vulvovaginitis is a consequence of infection of the vagina with bacteria or protozoa. Trichomonas vulvovaginitis has pronounced signs of inflammation - redness and swelling of the mucous membrane, copious purulent discharge, irritating the skin in the perineum and on the inside of the thighs. Children with vulvovaginitis are always irritated, restless, cry, and sleep poorly.

Vulvovaginal inflammation involves the vaginal mucosa and the cervical canal. The vaginal part of the cervix is ​​covered with pinpoint small hemorrhages. Experts call this phenomenon “strawberry neck.”

Trichomonas inhabit Bartholin's glands - large paired formations located on the vestibule of the vagina in the thickness of the labia.

Dysuria in girls and boys with trichomoniasis is associated with lesions of the urethra and infection of the bladder. Dysuria manifests itself as frequent urination or a feeling of pain or itching during urination. If, in addition to the urethra, the bladder is infected, cystitis develops. In this case, at the end of the act of urination, a little blood is released in the urine.

Pain in the lower abdomen was reported by 10-15% of girls with trichomoniasis. The pain is mild and nagging in nature and intensifies after physical activity.

Treatment of infection

Treatment of a sick child must be comprehensive. The main role in therapy is given to oral administration of antiprotozoal drugs.

A sick child must follow a diet. Nutrition depends on the severity of trichomoniasis.

Flour products in the diet should be limited. Excluded from the menu:

  • pickles;
  • sweets;
  • fried foods;
  • spicy foods.

It is important that the sick child’s body does not lack essential nutrients, so it is better to consult a nutritionist to develop a diet.

To strengthen the immune system, the menu includes vitamins, vegetables, berries and fruits, if you are not allergic to them.


Dose Metronidazole for a newborn is calculated by a specialist and depends on the child’s weight.

Metronidazole is prescribed at a dosage of 10 mg per kilogram of body weight. The medicine is taken orally 3 times a day. The course of treatment is 5 days.

Instead of Metronidazole you can use Ornidazole– 25 mg per kilogram of body weight, taken 5 times a day for 5 days. If there is no effect, the drug is changed or left, but the dosage is increased.

In the acute stage of the disease, bed rest must be observed. Warm sitz baths with highly diluted potassium permanganate are shown. Baths help eliminate pain when urinating and relieve itching. After the procedure, swelling of the external genitalia decreases.

The external genital organs of girls and boys are washed two to three times a day with a warm solution of potassium permanganate 1:10,000, chamomile infusion, and 2% solution of orthoboric acid.

For very young girls, the vagina is irrigated with a one percent solution of baking soda twice a day through a catheter. After evening irrigation, a suspension of Nitazol (a drug with antiprotozoal action) is poured into the vagina. Children under 3 years old undergo vaginal irrigation with an aqueous solution of methylene blue (course from 7 to 10 days).

An older child should not take a bath during treatment. All hygiene procedures are carried out in the shower. After washing, the genitals are not dried with a towel, but blotted with a soft cloth so as not to provoke itching. After washing, children's clothes are ironed or treated with steam.

After completion of treatment, small patients are observed by a specialist for another 3 months. Children at this time should be checked for relapse of trichomoniasis.

Prevention of infection

Even at the stage of pregnancy planning, parents are screened for STDs to exclude the possibility of infecting the child during childbirth.

Dermatovenerologist about trichomoniasis in children and pregnant women in the video:

If there is an adult in the family who is infected with trichomonas vaginalis, you need to be especially careful about the baby’s hygiene. A child can become infected from a sick family member through a shared towel or by sleeping in the same bed.

The child must sleep in his own crib and use his own hygiene items. If there are no infected people in the family, if trichomoniasis is detected in a child, it is worth calling in a psychologist to find out possible channels of infection.

Young children are more susceptible to infectious diseases

Symptoms of trichomoniasis in children are relatively uncommon, since in most cases, however, this infection is observed in adult men and women. The pathogen affects organs related to the genitourinary system and is quite difficult to treat, especially in infants.

In this article we will talk about why trichomoniasis occurs in children, what its features and symptoms are, and we will also learn about diagnostic methods and treatment options for this disease.

Causes of trichomoniasis in children

The causative agent of the disease is Trichomonas. There are 3 types of it:

  • vaginal;
  • oral;
  • intestinal

Adult men and women become infected through unprotected sexual contact, and in rare cases through household contact. In these cases, infection is facilitated by Trichomonas vaginalis.

In childhood, infection occurs in the following way:

  1. In young children, infection occurs when an infected mother passes through the birth canal. It is noteworthy that in most cases girls become infected in this way, and the number of boys infected with chlamydia is very small. Statistics show that about 7% of newborns are infected with chlamydia at birth.
  2. If an infected adult lives in the house, the risk of transmission of infection through contact and household contact increases. This can happen when using the same towel, toothbrush, bed linen and other shared items.
  3. In adolescent children, cases of sexually transmitted infection may occur.

They can be localized not only in the genitals, but also in the bloodstream. In addition, they have excellent camouflage skills - they pretend to be blood cells or attach other microbes to themselves in order to avoid the body's immune response.

Signs of the disease

Trichomoniasis in children under one year of age tends to be asymptomatic. It is quite difficult to identify the first signs of trichomoniasis, so making a diagnosis can be difficult.

Note! For timely detection of the disease and its prevention, it is not recommended to skip routine examinations of the pediatrician and other specialists.

Symptoms of the disease in children are almost identical to “adult” manifestations. This may include:

  • complaints of itching and burning during urination;
  • frequent urination;
  • redness and swelling of the genital mucosa in girls;
  • the presence of cheesy discharge from the urethra in boys, from the vagina in girls.

In some cases, you may notice a change in the color of the skin and mucous membranes of the genital organs, which extends to the inner thighs. Also, in rare cases, there are complaints of discomfort and pain in the lower abdomen.

Girls may experience complications such as:

  • inflammation of the vulva;
  • swelling of the outer labia;
  • cystitis;
  • bartholinitis.

For boys, trichomoniasis threatens the development of cystitis and prostatitis. At an older age, orchitis or vesiculitis may occur.

Symptoms of trichomoniasis may not appear immediately

How is trichomoniasis diagnosed and treated?

In order to diagnose trichomoniasis, the doctor interviews the patient or his parents at the time of complaints, and also conducts a visual examination of the external genitalia. The examination is performed both without instruments and with instruments or a microscope.

In girls, the acidity level of vaginal secretions is assessed. If it is elevated, trichomoniasis can be suspected. Subsequently, the specialist takes a smear to conduct a bacterioscopic examination and culture tests.

Trichomoniasis is treated with small doses of antibiotics

Instructions for the treatment of trichomoniasis in children are the same as for adults. Antibacterial drugs are used, but in smaller dosages, as well as douching and baths.

It is allowed to use tablets or suppositories with an active substance that can destroy Trichomonas. The price of such drugs is quite varied, as it depends on the group of the drug, its active ingredient and many other nuances.

For the entire period of treatment, it is recommended to adhere to a diet, excluding fried, salty and spicy foods from the child’s diet. Children's underwear and clothes must be changed daily, and after washing, ironed with a hot iron on both sides. You should bathe your child daily, paying special attention to the genitals.

From the photos and videos in this article, we were able to familiarize ourselves with the ways of infection with trichomoniasis in children, its symptoms and diagnostic methods.

Frequently asked questions to the doctor

Calm period

Hello. During pregnancy, I received treatment for trichomoniasis. I gave birth to my baby a few weeks ago and the doctors said he would need to be tested for the disease. How long after giving birth will a reliable result be known?

Hello. As practice shows, in mothers who have had trichomoniasis during pregnancy, the probability of infecting their child with the infection does not exceed 5-10%, if the disease was not too severe. In addition, provided breastfeeding, the first 2-4 weeks after birth, maternal antibodies protect the child, hiding symptoms.

Trichomoniasis in childhood is rarely encountered in medical practice. Previously, it was believed that the infection was transmitted only through sexual contact.

But increasingly, patients are newborn girls who become infected with the pathology while passing through the birth canal of an infected mother. Transmission of the disease through contact and household contact is extremely rare.

It is important to know that the disease does not spread to boys in childhood; in girls, the infection leads to inflammation of the mucous membranes on the external genitalia.

Many cases have been recorded when the infection goes away on its own at an early age without therapeutic intervention. But at the same time, the causative agents of the pathological process Trichomonas - vaginalis do not disappear from the body and continue their activity in the older age of the baby.

Causes and symptoms of the disease

In infants, the consequence of infection may be vaginitis, which is characterized by inflammation of the mucous membranes of the external genitalia.

With timely treatment, vaginitis gets rid of, but the Trichomonas infection remains in the urethra for many years. Vaginitis has symptoms:

  • swelling on the outside of the genitals;
  • vaginal tissues swell and turn red;
  • pain and swelling of the perineum and thighs;
  • itchy sensations;
  • burning sensation in the vaginal opening;
  • pain during urination;
  • increased body temperature;
  • restlessness;
  • irritability;
  • bad dream.

The disease occurs without any special symptoms in the first twenty days of the baby’s life. The disease then manifests itself with symptoms characteristic of the inflammatory process.

Therefore, if there is an infected adult in the family, it is recommended to monitor the baby’s hygiene with special attention. The child must have his own crib and use his own personal items.

Attention: cases of transmission of infection during attempted physical violence against minors have been recorded.

If there are no patients with trichomoniasis in the family and an infection is detected in the child, psychologists should be involved who can find out the cause of the disease by communicating with the children.

Treatment of trichomoniasis in a child in this situation requires a special approach. Psychologically traumatized children perceive therapy much more difficult, which leads to a long treatment process.

According to statistics, treatment of trichomoniasis in children most often occurs between the ages of one and eight years.

At an older age, girls can become carriers of the infection after sexual intercourse, even if it was unfinished. This category of young patients has symptoms similar to adult women.

Treatment of trichomoniasis in children

Correct diagnosis is required for proper treatment of the pathological process. Only after a full examination of the child or teenager does the doctor prescribe medications.

The beginning of treatment is taking Metronidazole. This medication expels infection from the body in adults and children. Children are prescribed tablets in a lower dosage than when treating infections in adult patients.

If the infection bothers the child again after a course of treatment, specialists prescribe therapy with Furazolidone, Trichomonacid, Nitazol.

An additional procedure during therapy is douching and baths. Low-quality disinfectants are considered high-quality solutions. A girl should douche under the supervision of her mother in order to do everything correctly and not harm the genitals outside and inside during this procedure.

Baths are taken at a younger age. They help eliminate pain when urinating, itching and burning. When using baths, swelling becomes less.

Trichomoniasis in a child, the treatment of which takes a lot of effort, time from parents and the small patient, includes vaginal medications. A qualified specialist can prescribe tablets or suppositories after a preliminary visual examination and after receiving the results of laboratory tests.


It is important to pay special attention to nutrition when infected with Trichomonas - vaginalis. Diet therapy today occupies an important place in the treatment of any pathological processes.

A strict diet for children implies the exclusion of:

  • pickles;
  • a large number of flour products;
  • sweets;
  • fried food;
  • do not eat spicy foods.

A specialist must prescribe and develop a diet individually for each small patient; its dishes depend on the severity of the pathology.

To quickly expel the infection from the body, treatment includes complex vitamins. Their consumption has a positive effect on the body, strengthening the protective immune system.

In addition to medicinal complexes, older children take large quantities of permitted vegetables, berries, and fruits.

For preventative action, it is recommended to treat all children's clothes with steam after washing and, if possible, iron them. Parents should change bedding sets on an ongoing basis at least once every five days, having previously carried out heat treatment.

Pediatric patients require assistance and training in personal hygiene. For children suffering from the disease, doctors recommend taking showers more often than giving the child a bath.

Every day you need to thoroughly wash your genitals with special means. Afterwards, you can rinse your vagina with a decoction of chamomile or calendula.

Do not use regular soap when washing. After a shower, it is not recommended to thoroughly rub the affected organs; it is better to blot them well with a soft towel so as not to provoke itching and scratching.

Parents need to protect the girl from colds and hypothermia, which, if cured, can provoke a relapse of the disease.

After the course of treatment, patients are required to be observed by a specialist for three months, undergo laboratory tests, and adhere to the recommendations of the treating doctor.

Drugs for the treatment of trichomoniasis in children

The most common and effective drug for treating infection in children is Metronizadol. Its use is practiced orally, 1/3 of a tablet containing 250 mg 2-3 times a day for children from one to five years of age.

From six to ten years, 0.125 g twice a day. From eleven to fifteen years, the dosage increases to 0.25 g, also twice. The dose for newborns is calculated by a specialist; it depends on the weight of the baby.

Modern medicine is constantly looking for new drugs to treat trichomoniasis in children. An effective analogue of Metronizadol for Trichomonas is Tinizadol.

The course of treatment and dose is determined by the attending physician individually for each pediatric patient.

For girls, the vagina is irrigated with a thin catheter with a sodium bicarbonate solution. The procedure is carried out at least twice a day. After evening irrigation, a Nitazol suspension is injected into the vagina.

For babies under three years of age, the vagina is irrigated with an aqueous solution of methylene blue for at least seven days, but no longer than ten.

The treatment is not so painful for children and parents if they consult a doctor in a timely manner. If a child develops symptoms of a pathological process, there is no need to postpone going to a medical facility, which will simplify and speed up therapy at the first stage of the disease.

Trichomoniasis is a disease of the genitourinary tract. Has the property of being transmitted sexually. Ten percent of the world's population suffers from this disease. It is transmitted to children through the womb. Mostly girls suffer from this disease. Boys are quite rare.

Trichomoniasis in children has become increasingly common in young children in recent years. However, compared to adults, this disease occurs much less frequently in children. Mostly, the culprits that a child gets sick with trichomoniasis are mothers who were already carriers of this infection before pregnancy.

But there are also cases when a mother gets an infection during pregnancy. Thus, the child becomes ill in the womb, while still a small fetus.

Children (mostly girls) can also become infected by using the same household items as those with trichomoniasis, such as towels or bed linen. There are two types of the disease in children: vulvovaginitis and urethritis.

It is not difficult to cure, because, despite the fact that it is infectious, it is not as serious as, for example, purulent gonorrhea. However, this disease should not be underestimated. If the disease is not treated, it can become chronic. And then things will get more complicated.

Recently, trichomoniasis ranks first in prevalence among genitourinary diseases. Obstetricians and gynecologists advise men and women to use protection, because the consequences of promiscuous sexual intercourse lead to their future children getting sick. Trichomoniasis passes through the placenta of a pregnant woman, but does not reach the fetus.

The child becomes infected through the birth canal. Thus, the child becomes infected, and it does not take much time - it just gets into the child’s blood. Therefore, gynecologists recommend passing all the relevant tests before conceiving a child in order to know for sure whether the mother has trichomoniasis.

If a child has urethritis, it should be treated urgently. After all, it can go into a chronic stage. Trichomoniasis in children is not dangerous, but urethritis will not only cause discomfort to the child, but also cause pain. The consequences of this disease are abdominal pain when urinating. If left untreated, it can lead to narrowing of the urethra. As for boys, the disease can develop into prostatitis, and then into a testicular tumor.

To treat trichomoniasis in children and adults, doctors usually prescribe individual treatment. These are anti-trichomonas drugs that immunostimulate and strengthen therapy. Trichomoniasis in children, the treatment of which takes a lot of time and effort, can cause complications. For its treatment, local therapy is used (installation in the urethra, vagina, tablets and suppositories).

After the course of treatment has been completed, it is mandatory to be tested for the presence of trichomoniasis in the body. Typically, a swab is taken from the upper labia in girls and women, and from the urinary system in boys.

If the tests confirm that the child has been cured of the infectious disease, you can rest assured. However, this is a lesson for life, which will teach you to be more careful about not only your own body, but also the child’s body.

Before pregnancy, a woman may not experience trichomoniasis, since she may be a common carrier of the infection. But when a woman is pregnant, her immune system is weakened. And the disease makes itself felt. You should definitely take note that the consequences of such a disease can be disastrous for your child. After all, trichomoniasis can lead to premature birth.

If a diagnosis of Trichomoniasis in children is made, the symptoms are as follows: girls may itch the outer and inner labia. Itching will also appear. You cannot avoid discharge with an odor that is yellow in color. As mentioned above, there is little pain when going to the toilet. At the second stage, symptoms are expressed by swelling of the labia, and possibly the appearance of purulent discharge. Then the third stage is the disease cystitis.

What are the symptoms of trichomoniasis in boys? Most often, the stronger sex has no symptoms at all. Therefore, finding out whether there is an infectious disease or not is a very difficult matter. But if, nevertheless, the symptoms of the disease appear in the boy, then they are practically the same as in girls: very difficult. yellowish discharge from the urethra, pain when urinating.

By the way, there are also cases when boys have to undergo a not very pleasant procedure. This is a prostate massage. The procedure is very painful. If the disease is neglected, it will lead to damage to the prostate gland. The last stage is the disease prostatitis (inflammation of the prostate gland). Do not forget that for men prostatitis is the most terrible diagnosis, since, having been ill, very often men become weak in potency. And boys are future men.

Researchers believe that the first sources of trichomoniasis are women. Men become infected from women through sexual contact, and boys through the womb. It is worth remembering that trichomoniasis that is not completely cured can return after a few years, only in a more severe form. Therefore, it must be treated immediately after the first symptoms.

Pediatric obstetricians and gynecologists do not recommend treating a child for trichomoniasis in the first and second weeks. After all, his immunity in the first days after birth is very weakened. But without treatment, the baby’s body is affected by trichomonas colpitis, therefore, as soon as the doctor allows therapy, it should be started immediately in order to avoid unwanted negative consequences.

This article talked about how the infectious disease trichomoniasis manifests itself in children. What are the reasons for its appearance in boys and girls? What are the consequences of trichomoniasis? You will learn what symptoms occur in boys and girls who suffer from this infectious disease.

The article also describes how to cure this disease and what needs to be done to ensure that neither children nor adults are infected and do not expose their bodies and the child’s to such diseases.

The manifestations of trichomoniasis during pregnancy are almost no different from the manifestations of this disease in other cases. Only two features deserve attention:

  1. Blurry picture
  2. Pregnancy affects all metabolic processes in the female body. Hormonal levels and the “behavior” of the immune system also change significantly. Because of this, while waiting for a child, trichomoniasis manifests itself “vaguely”, and the symptoms either intensify or weaken. Also, according to statistics, among pregnant women with trichomoniasis there are more patients in whom the disease is hidden.

  3. Danger to the fetus
  4. Trichomoniasis is a serious threat to the life of the fetus, which we will discuss in more detail below. Therefore, doctors strongly recommend that pregnant women diagnosed with this infection be treated for trichomoniasis - and go to the hospital for this, and not stay at home.

How trichomoniasis occurs in pregnant women and children, why it is dangerous and how to suspect the disease, as well as how it is treated, we will tell you in this material.

Symptoms of trichomoniasis in pregnant women

The symptoms of trichomoniasis during pregnancy are not unambiguous - they cannot be used to say for sure that a woman has a trichomonas infection. However, if the expectant mother notices at least some of the symptoms from the list below, this is a signal to immediately go to the doctor.

One of the main symptoms of trichomoniasis is inflammation of the mucous membranes of the vagina - colpitis

What notices woman with trichomoniasis:

  • grayish-yellow vaginal discharge, with an unpleasant odor, sometimes foamy;
  • sensation of itching and/or burning in the external genital area;
  • pain during sexual intercourse;
  • urination disorders - pain or other unpleasant sensations during the process;
  • lower abdominal pain;
  • ulcerations on the external genitalia and/or on the skin of the inner thighs;
  • pinpoint hemorrhages on the cervix.

One of the main symptoms of trichomoniasis is also inflammation of the mucous membranes of the vagina - colpitis. Trichomonas colpitis during pregnancy is manifested by swelling and redness of the inner walls of the vagina. Often the pain that causes colpitis is not limited to the perineal area, but spreads further - to the lower abdomen and back.

One of the main symptoms of trichomoniasis is also inflammation of the mucous membranes of the vagina - colpitis

Complications of trichomoniasis in pregnant women

If a trichomonas infection is found in time and treated correctly immediately, then there will be no special consequences for a pregnant woman. Complications usually occur with untreated trichomoniasis, which has become chronic.

  1. Thus, advanced infection is often combined with chlamydia and/or gonorrhea. Firstly, because Trichomonas can “carry” the causative agents of these diseases directly into itself. And secondly, because it weakens the protective mechanisms in the genitals and increases the risk of contracting other diseases.
  2. Also, a sluggish but constant inflammatory process in the internal genital organs is a condition in which the risk of cancer increases.
  3. In addition, chronic infection and inflammation gradually change the anatomical structure of a woman’s reproductive system. First of all, this is dangerous due to the formation of adhesions in the fallopian tubes - in an advanced stage this leads to infertility. Trichomoniasis can have other unpleasant consequences. More details about the cause of adhesions and other complications are described in this article.
  4. For a child in the mother's womb, trichomoniasis generally poses a clear and immediate threat. Trichomonas themselves do not cross the placenta, but the inflammation they cause often leads to premature rupture of amniotic fluid. And this is a high risk of losing a child. In addition, Trichomonas during pregnancy increases the likelihood of miscarriage and premature birth. Children born to women with trichomoniasis are often seriously underweight.

Is it possible to give birth with trichomoniasis or is it better to have an abortion?

It is possible to give birth with trichomoniasis. Moreover, there is every chance that the child will not have any special problems. However, doctors recommend getting rid of the dangerous infection before giving birth. This will prevent the baby from becoming infected with Trichomonas when it passes through the birth canal, and, of course, will eliminate the risk of miscarriage and premature birth.

Doctors decide on the need for an abortion individually in each specific case. But basically, trichomoniasis not considered an indication for mandatory termination of pregnancy. This operation can be recommended only in exceptional cases - for example, if a woman started taking metronidazole in the first trimester of pregnancy. This is a serious mistake that significantly increases the risk of congenital deformities in a child.

Trichomoniasis in children: symptoms and features

children become infected with trichomoniasis during passage through the birth canal

Trichomonas can enter a child’s body in several ways:

  1. During labor
  2. Microorganisms directly penetrate the openings on the baby's body at the moment when he passes through the birth canal of an infected mother. But this probability is relatively small - on average the risk is about 5%.

  3. During sexual intercourse
  4. This is the traditional route of transmission of trichomoniasis. An older child can become infected either in a criminal situation involving violence, or if he begins to have sex early and is illiterate.

  5. Household transmission of Trichomonas
  6. The likelihood of such an infection is small, but quite real. Trichomonas is able to remain active in the external environment for several hours under conditions of high humidity and relatively low temperature (no more than 45°C). Then, if the mucous membranes come into contact with an infected object (for example, a towel or a shared washcloth), the child can infect himself.

You can read about how Trichomonas penetrates the body of an adult in the article “Methods and causes of infection with trichomoniasis.”

Symptoms of trichomoniasis in a child

As in adults, the manifestations of this disease in children will vary depending on gender.

For girls all manifestations almost completely correspond to the manifestations in adult women and are described above. The only difference is that the symptoms are more acute and brighter. This is explained by the fact that the immune system of a child or teenager has not yet fully strengthened and is less able to cope with infection.

In boys Trichomoniasis also manifests itself, almost like in adult men:

  • scanty secretion of mucus (sometimes cloudy) from the urethra;
  • sensation of itching and/or burning in the penis;
  • pain in the perineum, “radiating” to the rectum;
  • pain and other discomfort when urinating;
  • swelling and redness of the urethral opening;
  • ulcerations on the head of the penis.

Features of the course of trichomoniasis in newborns

During the first 3 weeks of a child’s life, maternal immunity still works - it is transmitted to him through the placenta. In addition, the mother’s sex hormones remain in the girl’s body for some time - this helps to mechanically remove microbes from the vagina. In the first weeks of life, maternal hormones stimulate the production of vaginal mucus, along with which Trichomonas are excreted.

Therefore, if a baby becomes infected with Trichomonas during childbirth, at first the disease is almost always hidden.

It is also dangerous that during childbirth, Trichomonas can enter not only the genitourinary tract of the newborn. Microorganisms are able to penetrate into any cavity:

  • paranasal sinuses;
  • mucous membranes of the eyes;
  • ear canals;
  • oral cavity and larynx;
  • rectum, etc.

Such “atypical” infection with Trichomonas is quite rare, but without treatment it always causes quite serious complications. Problems manifest themselves individually in each child and depend on:

  • on where exactly the infection occurred;
  • on the number of trichomonas;
  • from the general health of the child.

Consequences of childhood trichomoniasis

Slava – normal prostate gland, on the right – prostate gland damaged by trichomoniasis

A feature of trichomoniasis in childhood is an increased risk of complications. The reason is that the child’s immune system has not yet fully formed, which means that its protection against infections is incomplete. But if Trichomonas is detected in time and treatment is immediately prescribed, then the chances of a complete recovery of the child are quite high.

If childhood trichomoniasis is not treated, the following complications may occur:

  • severe inflammation of the urinary canal, bladder, ureters and kidneys is the most common consequence of Trichomonas infection;
  • immunity disorders that lead to the spread of various viruses and bacteria throughout the body - trichomonas suppress children's immunity, and other microbes join the infection;
  • severe inflammation of the vagina, cervix and uterine mucosa in girls - this can cause a variety of problems during pregnancy in the future, including complete infertility;
  • damage to the prostate gland, testicles and their appendages, as well as seminal vesicles in boys - this can also make children infertile in the future.

Treatment of trichomoniasis in pregnant and lactating women

Dermatovenerologists and obstetricians-gynecologists believe that treatment of trichomoniasis should be started immediately after diagnosis - regardless of the period of pregnancy.

The basis of treatment is 5-nitroimidazole derivatives: metronidazole, ornidazole and etc.

However, in the first trimester, taking these drugs is contraindicated - during this period they can disrupt the anatomical development of the fetus. Therefore, women are prescribed other, safe medications - clotrimazole in vaginal suppositories and additionally - vitamins and immunostimulants.

From the second trimester they are already starting treatment nitroimidazoles. More information about how trichomoniasis is treated in expectant mothers is described in the article “Peculiarities of treatment of trichomoniasis in children and pregnant women.”

Is it possible to treat trichomoniasis during breastfeeding?

Yes, this is necessary to protect the child from infection through contact with a sick mother. While taking nitroimidazoles, the child is transferred to artificial feeding. A day after the final tablet, it can be applied to the breast again.

Treatment of Trichomonas in children

If during childbirth Trichomonas only got into the girl’s vagina, then sometimes you can remove them by simple washing. Washing should begin immediately, using infusions of chamomile and sage or furatsilin. But where exactly the Trichomonas got there is determined by the doctor, and rinsing can also be done only after consultation with a doctor.

In other cases, trichomoniasis in children at any age is treated with the same nitroimidazoles. The difference from therapy in adults is only in lower doses of drugs.

Since trichomoniasis during pregnancy is often hidden or mildly manifested, a woman should very carefully monitor her health: monitor the condition of the genitourinary system and the whole body.

Any suspicious symptoms are a reason to immediately consult a doctor. Then, if infected with Trichomonas, the risk of harming the fetus and disrupting pregnancy can be reduced to zero.

The same caution should be applied to children. Diagnosis and treatment of trichomoniasis at an early stage is the key to ensuring that the child will be completely healthy. This will protect him from serious complications and problems with the sexual sphere in adulthood.

Trichomoniasis is common in women and men, but can a child have it? Infection occurs during childbirth, when Trichomonas enters through the mucous membranes in cases where the mother is the carrier. Trichomoniasis in children manifests itself in the same way as in adults.

What is trichomoniasis

The causative agent of the disease is Trichomonas. The reduced acidity of the vagina becomes a favorable environment for the growth of bacteria. Due to the anatomical structure of the genital organs, trichomoniasis rarely affects men. Infection occurs during sexual intercourse.

The main signs of the development of the disease are discharge. They are of a different nature and, depending on the presence of concomitant infectious lesions, can be from light to brown. Leucorrhoea always has an unpleasant odor. At the initial stage of development it is practically indistinguishable, but over time it is quite pronounced. This brings discomfort. The discharge is always accompanied by itching and burning. You may also experience pain when urinating.

In men, the disease proceeds a little differently. Discharge appears in the form of a small drop on the surface of the head of the penis in the morning.

To cure trichomoniasis completely, both sexual partners must undergo a course of therapy.

Treatment involves taking antibacterial drugs and following a special diet.

Can a child have trichomoniasis?

Infection occurs when the baby moves through the birth canal. Infection does not occur during intrauterine development, since Trichomonas is not able to penetrate the placenta. In rare cases, the disease is diagnosed when a teenager becomes infected through a household method. This happens when the parents are infected. Bacteria can live for a long time in a humid environment. The microorganism can enter the child's body through a damp towel, toilet seat and other objects. That is why all things should be dried thoroughly.

According to experts, the disease in young children and adolescents is diagnosed in exceptional cases.

According to statistics, every 20 child whose mother is a carrier of the virus is born infected. The pathology affects girls more often than boys, which is due to the anatomical structure of the genital organs.

Symptoms and signs of the disease

The disease, depending on gender, will manifest itself differently, as in adults. A distinctive feature of trichomoniasis is discharge that appears with varying intensity.

Leucorrhoea in children is most often light in color; in rare cases, it can acquire a greenish or yellowish tint, which indicates the addition of a secondary infection and the beginning of the development of a purulent process.

If a girl is infected with Trichomonas, then all the signs of the pathology will completely correspond to the symptoms in adult women. But at the same time they have greater intensity and appear much brighter. Along with vaginal discharge, burning and itching are observed. Painful sensations occur when urinating. This manifestation of the disease is due to the fact that the child’s immunity is not yet strong and is not able to cope with bacteria on its own.

In boys, the symptoms of trichomoniasis are similar to those in men. The infection has the following manifestations:

  1. Pain in the groin area that radiates to the rectum.
  2. Swelling and redness of the opening of the urethra.
  3. Itching and burning in the penis.
  4. Discharge from the urethra. Mostly meager. The mucus may be white, clear, or cloudy.

The presence of lesions on the head of the penis is also noted. If symptoms of the disease appear, you should immediately contact a specialist who will conduct a study and make a diagnosis.


If your baby experiences discomfort in the groin area and drop-shaped discharge appears from the urethra in the morning, you should consult a specialist. Diagnostics consists of the following activities:

  • external examination of the genital organs;
  • a study to determine the acidity of vaginal secretions;
  • bacteriological culture.

The specialist carefully examines the condition of the mucous membranes to determine the extent of the damage. Exceeding acidity levels indicates the presence of Trichomonas infection. Bacteriological culture is necessary to determine the level of bacterial resistance to drugs.

Difficulties in diagnosis may arise when examining boys.

This is due to the fact that the virus in their body is in a sedentary form. Repeated laboratory tests are often required.

How to treat trichomoniasis in children

Treatment for infection with Trichomonas in children is carried out according to the same principle as in adults. The only difference is the dosage of medications. The main means for the treatment of trichomoniasis in newborns and adolescent patients are:

  1. Metronidazole. Has antibacterial effects.
  2. Tinizalod. It is an analogue of metronidazole. It is safer and rarely causes side effects.
  3. Vaginal suppositories. Designated for girls. The active substances of the suppositories have a negative effect on bacteria and are safe for the body.

For boys, washing the genitals is recommended. For the procedure, herbal infusions based on chamomile and calendula are used. They help relieve itching, burning, inflammation and redness. Girls are prescribed douching using special disinfectant solutions. The course of therapy is no more than 10 days.

If a baby gets sick, treatment can be carried out in the first week of his life. After a course of therapy, a repeat study is carried out to monitor the effectiveness.

  • exclude spicy and fried foods, pickles, marinades and smoked foods;
  • steam meat and vegetables or bake them in the oven;
  • introduce vegetables and fruits into the diet;
  • Give your baby more to drink.

Vegetables and fruits should be consumed fresh. They contain a large amount of vitamins and minerals that will help strengthen the immune system. To drink, your child can be given juices, fruit drinks, compotes and berry jelly. All dishes must be prepared without using vegetable oil.

You can recover from the disease only under the supervision of a doctor, who will prescribe medications and develop a specific nutrition program taking into account the characteristics of the course of the disease.

In order to improve immunity, children are advised to exercise, take daily walks in the fresh air and take vitamin complexes.

Only this approach to treatment will help avoid serious consequences.


To avoid parents having to treat trichomoniasis in their child, experts advise adhering to the following rules:

  1. Plan your pregnancy in advance. Before conception, it is necessary to undergo a series of studies that will help identify diseases and disorders.
  2. During pregnancy, avoid sexual contact with a possible carrier of the virus.
  3. Monitor the child's hygiene. The baby needs to be bathed daily, his nose, navel and ears cleaned. The child's hands should always be clean. They should be washed after walks and before eating. You can use special antibacterial wet wipes outdoors.
  4. Provide the child with separate bed linen and a towel. After washing, they need to be ironed on both sides with a hot iron. All of the baby’s clothes are also processed.
  5. Eliminate all harmful foods from the child's diet.
  6. Be outdoors more often.

The baby should lead a healthy lifestyle. If signs of the disease begin to appear, you must immediately contact a specialist.

Complications and consequences

Trichomoniasis is a treatable disease, but if left untreated, the child begins to develop serious complications. Girls experience inflammation of the vulva and swelling of the outer labia over time. Over time, the pathology can develop into cystitis, bartholinitis or other infectious lesions. Most often, they quickly develop into a chronic form.

Lack of treatment for trichomoniasis in boys leads to the development of prostatitis in the future. Sexual dysfunction, urination problems and infertility appear.

Parents can infect their child through household items, such as towels and bed linen. This is due to the fact that bacteria live in a humid environment and can remain on fabrics for a long time.

Trichomoniasis is a sexually transmitted disease, but it can also affect children. Symptoms in children are similar to signs of pathology in adults, but appear much more pronounced, which is due to reduced immunity. Parents should be attentive to the baby’s health and, if signs of trichomoniasis occur, contact a therapist, since the lack of therapy leads to the development of serious consequences.