Fibromyoma of the mammary gland. Development of fibroids: etiology of the disease, clinical picture, treatment methods. Stone oil for fibroids

Drugs to improve memory and brain function are medications often prescribed by doctors when a person complains of poor memory.

They are well known to many older people: piracetam, Cavinton, nootropil, cinnarizine.

To improve brain function, medications are divided into 2 large groups:

The first includes vasodilators that improve cerebral circulation.

The second is nootropic drugs that increase metabolism in brain neurons.

You need to take one drug from each group at a time to improve memory.

It is with this combination of medications that brain function can improve as much as possible.


Medicines from the NOOTROPICS group to improve memory

Medicines that stimulate the brain are called “Nootropic drugs”. They differ in their mechanism of action. However, the result from their use is the same - the intensity of metabolism in the neurons of the brain increases, neurotransmitters are produced that transmit nerve impulses along the pathways and energy in the form of ATP (adenosine triphosphoric acid).

The brain works more intensely, which means that memory and concentration are enhanced, performance, activity, mood levels increase, energy and productivity of brain processes increase.

List of the most popular nootropic drugs

Piracetam (nootropil)

The most popular, inexpensive, domestic product. It is what doctors most often prescribe when patients complain of poor memory. The drug is available in capsules, tablets and solution for injection in various dosages. Use 10-15 minutes before meals. The daily dose can be different - 1200-1800 mg. Treatment is carried out for at least 1-2 months.

Pantogam (pantocalcin)

This is also a Russian drug, prescribed for various disorders of the brain. Moreover, this may be a decrease in memory caused by chronic stress, psychosomatic disorders, as well as organic diseases (traumatic brain injury, vascular encephalopathy). It is produced in tablet form (250 and 500 mg per tablet) and in the form of syrup for small children. The active ingredient is hopantenic acid, which enhances the synthesis of the neuromeliator gamma-aminobutyric acid (GABA). Convulsive activity and excitability of the nervous system are suppressed, resistance to hypoxia and ischemia in brain tissue increases.

Aminolon (picamilon)

Produced in Russia. The active ingredient is GABA. It is an activator of metabolic processes, utilizes glucose, and removes toxins from cells. In general, thinking and memory improve, brain function is stimulated. Available in capsules or tablets of 250 mg. A safe medicine, it can be used by adults with heavy mental stress, and school-age children with poor memory.


This is also our domestic drug. The mechanism of action is to enhance the synthesis of GABA. But this medicine also has its own characteristics. It is only available with a doctor's prescription because it is a stronger drug. It is used to restore the nervous system as a result of injuries and organic pathology of the brain. In addition to the stimulating effect, it has a pronounced sedative or calming effect.


The drug is based on the amino acid glycine, which increases the activity of brain cells. Harmless product. It helps many people improve their memory, improve sleep, calm down, and increase the productivity of the nervous system. But there are also reviews in which people report that the drug did not help them at all.


One of the new Russian drugs based on the action of glycine ethyl ester. It has a moderate nootropic and antihypoxic effect. Protects brain tissue from free radicals, toxins, hypoxia. Has a beneficial effect on cognitive functions and improves memory. Regulates autonomic functions and blood pressure.


A new generation drug created by Russian scientists. The structure of the drug includes antibodies to the S-100 protein of brain tissue. Promotes the creation of new integrative connections between brain neurons. The result will be increased activity of the cortex, improved memory, thinking, and performance in case of neurosis, concussion, occupational hazards, and chronic fatigue syndrome.

Medicines for memory that improve cerebral circulation

If nootropics increase metabolism in cells and accelerate the conduction of nerve impulses, then vascular drugs have a neuroprotective effect through improving cerebral circulation.

Cinnarizine (Stugeron)

It has been used for many years as a means to increase cerebral blood flow. Indications for use are the initial manifestations of vascular atheroxlerosis. The drug can be used by elderly people with forgetfulness and poor concentration. The tablets are used for several months.

Cavinton (Vinpocetine)

Drugs to improve memory and brain function - microcirculation increases, blood viscosity decreases, and oxygen supply to the brain improves. Indications for use are chronic circulatory failure, impaired memory, intelligence, dizziness, hearing impairment, post-stroke conditions, and brain injuries.


The medicine contains piracetam and cinnarizine. As a result of taking the combined drug, the cellular metabolism of brain tissue improves while simultaneously expanding the vascular system. Phezam is used in the initial forms of vascular atherosclerosis in relatively young people, in the elderly with complaints of poor memory, in adolescents with deterioration in learning ability.

Trental (agapurine)

Due to the active substance pentoxifylline, trental dilates cerebral vessels, enhances microcirculation, providing nutrition, oxygen, and energy to brain neurons. A similar effect is observed in the coronary and peripheral vessels. Like other vasodilators, trental restores and improves memory.

Ginkgo biloba (Tanakan, Memoplant)

Preparations based on extracts from Ginkgo biloba leaves are very widely used to improve memory by enhancing microcirculation, increasing the synthesis of adenosine triphosphoric acid (ATP), supplying tissues with oxygen, and reducing blood viscosity. The effect of the drug extends to the entire vascular system of the body: cerebral and coronary arteries, vessels of the extremities and internal organs.

Is it possible to take memory pills on your own, without consulting a doctor?

Can! Medicines to enhance memory are usually sold in pharmacies. Self-administration of medications to improve memory is allowed:

  • If the reasons for memory loss are functional in nature: neuroses, overload at work or study, increased fatigue. For diseases or traumatic brain injuries, treatment should be prescribed by a doctor;
  • It is best to take two drugs at the same time: from the group of nootropics and a vasodilator;
  • Carefully read the annotation, especially the section regarding contraindications and side effects;
  • Most nootropic drugs need to be taken in the morning or afternoon, as they make the person active and can disrupt the process of falling asleep;
  • The course of treatment with nootropic and vascular drugs should be long: from 1 to 3 months;
  • You can use the following drugs: glycine, aminolon, picamilon, piracetam, divaza, noopept, tanakan, cinnarizine, trental, xanthinol nicotinate.
  • It is no secret that memory impairment can appear as one of the symptoms of organic diseases of the central nervous system, for example. Do not self-medicate. Contact a neurologist, get examined and get prescribed medications. The doctor’s arsenal includes a large list of medications that have certain individual indications: gliatilin, cortexin, cerebrum-compositum, encephobol, phenotropil, cogitum, semak, sermion and many others.

What memory medications can be given to young children?

You can notice memory problems in a young child by how he memorizes rhymes, how well he masters games with other children, and how he performs in kindergarten at holidays. At school, they become even more specific and memorize.

Never give your child any medications on your own or on the advice of friends. The causes of memory impairment should be determined by a pediatric neurologist. Treatment is carried out with the same medications as in adults. In pediatric practice, it is recommended to use a limited list of nootropic drugs: Pantogam, Picamilon, Glycine, Cortexin, Semax, Sermion. More attention is paid to massage, osteopathy, therapeutic baths, and hardening.

A wide range of drugs to improve memory and brain function are presented on the pharmacological market. A small part of them can be taken independently if the reasons for its decrease are caused by mental overload, a chronic stressful situation at home or at work, or old age.

Memory deterioration threatens not only older people: now this problem is very familiar to people of working age, students, and even schoolchildren.

Of course, much more often memory deteriorates among working people: in the modern frantic pace of life, they need to “keep so much in their heads” that even diaries and calendars, unfortunately, do not always help - they can also forget to record the necessary information on time. Why does memory deteriorate, and how to deal with this problem? It is this issue that we will touch upon with you today, we will tell you the main reasons for this problem and what needs to be done if your memory deteriorates.

There are different types of memory, but we are talking about neurological, or nervous memory: thanks to it, we remember current events and other information. The central nervous system stores not only information that can be expressed in words, but also our emotions and impressions. However, we are usually worried that we cannot always remember phone numbers and dates, first and last names, and sometimes we forget to do what is necessary: ​​if memory deteriorates all the time, you can even forget about a business meeting or something else. something very important in life.


First, you should find out why memory deteriorates, what are the main causes of this disease. Memory impairment can be caused by any factors, including serious illnesses. In these cases, treatment methods are determined by a doctor - a neurologist, psychiatrist or other specialist. If we are not talking about serious failures or amnesia, complete or partial, but about an incomprehensible deterioration of memory, which has not failed before, then it is quite possible to cope with this on your own.

For most people, memory deteriorates for the same reasons.

First of all, these are psycho-emotional disorders: stress, anxiety, and then depression - a person is in a state of chronic fatigue almost all the time, and cannot get out of it. After 40 years, this is especially dangerous: memory weakens quickly, it causes anxiety, and everything gets worse.

What to do?

Even if you cannot remember something, it is better to remain calm: proper rest and positive emotions will help improve the situation. While relaxing, you can solve logical problems and puzzles, read interesting books, but watching endless TV series and talk shows is unlikely to help get rid of psycho-emotional stress.

Constant haste and the habit of doing everything in a hurry lead to the fact that absent-mindedness and forgetfulness become the norm. When a person is in a hurry, he does not notice what exactly he is doing, and this again becomes a reason for stress: everyone knows the feverish state like “did I turn off the stove”, or “did I close the garage”, because most of our daily activities are carried out “on automatic." This “automatic machine” must be turned off: learn to do everything consciously, and do not divide things into small and important ones - watch yourself, every action you take, and gradually your memory will begin to improve.

An active and healthy lifestyle is an excellent way to restore and preserve memory. Not everyone has time to do fitness or just go to the gym, but everyone can remember their daily routine or walks in the fresh air. Try to walk whenever possible, and forget about alcohol and cigarettes: they impair the ability to absorb information and remember words and images.

Only healthy food

Many experts talk about metabolic disorders, lack of nicotinic and folic acid, as well as other B vitamins. This cause of memory impairment is the most common, and it is related to nutrition. Most working people eat “as they have to” - not according to the principle of usefulness, but according to a different principle - so that it is fast, satisfying and tasty.

We will not describe the harm from fast food now - a lot has been said about this, but let us remind you which products should be present in the diet at all times. Fortunately, there are many such products, and it is possible to ensure normal functioning of brain cells without problems - of course, you will have to give up many bad habits. But health is more important, isn't it?

For example, regular apples, if eaten regularly, will help get rid of iron deficiency and protect brain cells from the “attacks” of free radicals: the substances contained in apples help the body produce more neurotransmitters necessary for memory restoration, and also prevent the accumulation of cholesterol in the blood. It is known that it is with an excess of cholesterol that deposits and plaques form in the vessels - the blood supply to the brain deteriorates, and memory weakens.

Polyunsaturated fatty acids are something without which the normal activity of brain cells is simply impossible. They are found in fatty sea fish, and you don’t need to buy expensive fish - ordinary herring will do; in virgin vegetable oils, fresh nuts and seeds, leafy vegetables, sprouted wheat. Among leafy vegetables, spinach stands out for its usefulness - it’s a pity that this plant is not very popular in our country. Eating spinach improves brain function and increases the resistance of its blood vessels to damage.

Carbohydrates are also necessary - not simple ones, which are rich in white bread and sweets, but complex ones, from which the brain will receive nutrients - these are cereals, legumes and grains, vegetables and unsweetened fruits, durum wheat pasta and baked potatoes.

Nuts and dried fruits are very useful for nourishing the brain.

I would also like to note such a product as Jerusalem artichoke - it is rich in antioxidants, carbohydrates and B vitamins. If you grow and prepare it correctly, dishes made from it will taste very pleasant.

Hemp products are also interesting - for example, hemp oil and hemp porridge. Now the value of this plant, which has undeservedly become the talk of the town, is gradually being remembered: doctors of the past treated many diseases with cannabis, including epilepsy, migraines, multiple sclerosis, depression and sleep disorders. Hemp oil can be purchased at a pharmacy or health food store and added to dishes just like any other oil.

Among the seasonings, if your memory is deteriorating, you should choose rosemary and sage: the first reduces brain fatigue and improves the ability to remember, and the second restores the balance of necessary chemicals in the brain. Aroma oils obtained from these plants will also help.

Of the drinks, the easiest choice for improving memory would be natural green and black tea in reasonable quantities, and ordinary non-carbonated water - mineral, spring, artesian - in general, clean.

After all, brain tissue contains about 80% water, and its dehydration leads to the inability to store and reproduce information.

Memory training

Experts have noted that people who complain of poor memory almost always have impaired concentration. Any information or event is perceived as if in passing, and changing this perception is not easy.

So what can you do if your memory is deteriorating? Constant training of memory and attention helps here. For example, in the books of the American neuroscientist L. Katz, unusual methods are given that activate these processes: they “force” different parts of the brain to act and create new neural connections.

The simplest exercises: learn to walk around the apartment with your eyes closed, comb your hair and brush your teeth with your left hand (for left-handed people - with your right hand), master the Braille reading system, start learning a new language, etc. In general, try to do the most ordinary tasks in unusual ways. This will make it possible to use other segments of the brain, which will lead to a noticeable improvement in memory.

And know the main thing that we are best protected from any problems and troubles in any situation by a healthy lifestyle and positive thinking. And this, of course, is always worth remembering!

The idea that poor memory is the lot of older people is nothing more than a myth. It turns out that forgetfulness is justified at both 25 and 40 years old. What are the causes of absent-mindedness? How to develop the ability to store information? We'll tell you why we forget keys in doors and give 6 tips on how to boost your memory.

Poor memory is not always bad

American scientists Paul Frankland and Blake Richards Ravel, studying the memory of animals and people, came to an interesting discovery. It turns out that the better a person’s memory is developed, the harder it is for him to make decisions and give unambiguous answers. The fact is that such people remember all the pros and cons and are constantly weighing little things and comparing facts.

Scientists summed up: it’s good when the brain forgets unnecessary information and focuses on important things. As it turned out, it is better to store “technical” information in gadgets, and leave room in your head for pleasant memories.

Accordingly, those who forget unnecessary details find it easier to adapt to a new environment and adapt to unexpected conditions.

Bad memory: what to do

Find out the reasons

There are several reasons for forgetfulness. It is advisable to find “yours,” the one that interferes with organization, and eliminate it.

  • Rush. If we don’t have time to somewhere, the brain works in the “faster, faster” mode. The turmoil leads to the fact that the wallet is left at home, the keys are in the door, and yesterday’s task from the boss is unfulfilled. What to do in such a situation? Never rush, concentrate on what is most important.
  • Chronic lack of sleep, overwork. Many people live in work mode 24/7. I want to be successful, develop, meet friends, do everything. And, as always, there is not enough time... Then we steal several hours of the night. This is fundamentally wrong, because at night the body must rest and recover. If you only managed to take a nap for a couple of hours, you shouldn’t hope that the report will be read successfully without a sheet of paper.
  • Bad habits. Smoking, alcohol abuse and other bad habits affect short-term memory. So, leaving the hotel and lighting a cigarette, the likelihood of forgetting the way to a new place to stay for the night increases.
  • Stress and anxiety. A tense mental state is characterized by a certain fixation. A person wants to remember, but cannot, because all the body’s energy is spent on experiencing negative emotions, fighting depression or conflicts.

Consult a doctor

It is advisable to talk to your doctor about any deterioration in your health. Subspecialty specialists will give specific recommendations and offer various types of examinations to determine whether a person needs drug intervention or not. It is not advisable to buy vitamins or other dietary supplements on your own.

Use folk remedies

It is difficult to say whether it is possible to solve memory problems using traditional methods. But some will definitely not get worse. An exhausted body always needs recharging. Herbalists advise drinking an infusion of sage or mint leaves, apple and freshly squeezed grapefruit juices. Healing properties are attributed to blueberries, recommending consuming the berry in any form. It also improves vision.

Be positive

If you realize that you have memory problems, you should not be upset under any circumstances. In fact, everyone has them. But only those who have a positive attitude, allow self-irony, and are ready to work on themselves can overcome their shortcomings.

Take a comprehensive approach to the solution

To overcome forgetfulness, exercise is not enough. If the diet does not contain the necessary microelements, sleep does not exceed five hours a day, and there is no routine, it will be difficult to change anything.

When the brain is under constant stress, it is not ready to perceive information. Its activities can be adjusted only in a calm and measured rhythm of life. You also need to eliminate smoking, alcohol and other bad habits.

Engage in memory restoration

There are many programs, techniques and techniques to improve your memory skills. Of course, you won’t be able to acquire phenomenal abilities, but you can achieve results. You should choose exercises based on individual perception characteristics - visual, auditory, sensory, and so on. That is, for some it is easier to record data by linking them associatively, for others it is necessary to write it down, for others it is necessary to speak it out.

A gadget can also help - there are many interesting programs specifically designed for those who want to improve attention by eliminating memory problems.

Memory problems at different ages: what they owe

20 years

By the age of 25, our brain works at its most productive. Its weight reaches a maximum of about 1.4 kg.

It’s easier for twenty-five-year-olds to remember and then retain names, phone numbers, and complex formulas in their heads. Statistics say that one in seven young people complains of poor memory. Psychologists name the reasons: the desire to do everything at once, the simultaneous use of several gadgets - the hippocampus, the brain region in which fresh memories are formed, “does not turn on.” Using a tablet, computer and phone at the same time leads us to distraction.

30 years

At this age, the cause of poor memory is the loss of synoptic connections between neurons. Every 10 years our brain decreases in size by 2%. Now it will take longer to learn a foreign language or master a new craft.

Many thirty-year-old women become mothers and experience the effect of the phenomenon of “pregnant encephalopathy.” Its essence lies in the sharp “stupidity” of an active modern woman. The phenomenon is temporary, as it is based on a hormonal storm. Bratford scientists compared how pregnant women and women in normal conditions remember. The first ones showed obvious memory problems. They continued for another 3 months after birth, and then went away on their own.

40 years

If we forget our credit card PIN code at the age of 40, we shouldn’t be upset – this is normal.

An interesting study was conducted at the Mayo Clinic in America. About 1,200 participants aged from 30 to 95 took it. It turns out that memory begins to weaken at the age of forty. If you do not train your ability to remember, neural connections will actively weaken until the age of 65, and after that it will become even more difficult to retrieve information.

50 years

By the age of fifty, the prefrontal cortex, where the necessary information is stored, changes. As a result, the person does not remember why he went to the kitchen or when his youngest grandson’s birthday is. At the same time, he can participate in intellectual competitions, remember quotes, interesting facts.

It has been proven that men reach their peak ability to retrieve information from memory by age 55. Women - by 60, which is associated with menopause.

60 years

Now it becomes difficult to remember the right name or restore the chronological sequence of events in your own life. The reason for absent-mindedness lies in the loss of communication between different areas of the brain. The information remains, but finding it and connecting it is becoming more difficult.

Don't worry, poor memory at 60 is not a deviation, but rather a pattern. The main thing is that the interlocutors do not interrupt. The more we are distracted, the harder it is to remember anything.

A study was conducted at the University of California, as a result of which a pattern was established: older people find it difficult not to react to distractions. Therefore, the logical chain of their narrative is often lost.

70 years old

Of the 10 words they just read, most 70-year-olds can only repeat half, while 25-year-olds usually reproduce 9.

According to London psychology professor Martin Conway, bad memory can be hidden by acquired experience or acquired knowledge. Only special tests can determine the level of forgetfulness. It has been proven that visual perception of reality deteriorates by 30%, so in a new area it is better to trust your navigator. Interestingly, at 70 years old it is much easier to remember the events of youth than what was eaten for breakfast yesterday.

80 years old

At this age, almost everyone has memory problems, but the Alzheimer's Society is reassuring - only one in 6 people suffer from dementia.

You rarely meet a person who does not claim that he has a bad memory. But not many people are ready to change their lifestyle in order to improve it. There are reasons for being absent-minded. If you're tired of forgetfulness, it's time to change your lifestyle and train your brain. And if not, reassure yourself with research results: memory problems are not always a bad thing.

We need memory throughout our lives. Just imagine, your memory has disappeared, you don’t remember anything. You wake up one fine day and realize that you don’t remember what your first name is, what your last name is, where you live, where you work, and so on. You don't remember anything. You can’t get to this point; develop memory and attention every day.

What can affect memory loss? What are the causes of memory loss?

    Wrong lifestyle. People who smoke and drink alcohol often suffer from memory loss.

    Poor nutrition and lack of oxygen. For good brain function you need a balanced diet, vitamins and microelements.

    Anxiety, lack of sleep, changes in biological rhythm, physical and mental stress - all this can cause forgetfulness and absent-mindedness.

    You are not interested and you do not know how to use your ability to remember. If you weren't taught it as a child, do it now.

Bad memory what to do?

A person is by nature very smart and developed, and in order for him to remain this way throughout his life, he must develop himself every day and lead a healthy lifestyle.

You can develop your memory and attentiveness at any time, even if you have no time.

From birth to old age, develop your memory. Some people think that if they retire, then they don’t need to engage in self-development. No, you must always practice. Children spend three months on vacation and also think that they don’t have to study. We need to study even in the summer, develop ourselves, read books.

Very often, pensioners forget everything on the go, they put the kettle on to boil and forgot, they went to the store and forgot what they needed to buy, they put the jacket down and don’t remember where.

Many people are given a good memory from birth, and some need to try to develop it.

If you train your memory and attention every day, you can achieve good results.

Got a bad memory? What to do with bad memory?

5 reasons for bad memory

    Try to focus on one thing at a time. If you are sitting at a meeting, do not be distracted from the person who is leading the meeting, do not talk to your neighbor or correspond on the phone, do not be distracted by trifles. In the evening, try to remember and recall the entire meeting down to the smallest detail.

    Proper nutrition is very important for brain function. Try to avoid snacking on the go and don’t eat fast food - this is harmful to brain function. Include the following foods in your proper diet: vegetables, fruits, honey, dried fruits, nuts, herbs, grains.

    Don't overexert your brain. If you feel tired, there is no need to overexert yourself, give your body a chance to rest. A tired person perceives information poorly or does not perceive it at all.

    Load your brain only with useful information; try to discard unnecessary and unnecessary information, it only clogs your brain.

    Don't forget about walks in the fresh air. Active walks in the fresh air, preferably outside the city in nature, are necessary for the proper functioning of the brain; these can be various sports or just active recreation.

Exercise 1

You need to go to the store and buy a certain list of products. You write your list on paper and go to the store with it so you don’t forget anything.

Try writing a list of goods on paper and remembering it. In the store, buy items from memory. If the list is large and you are afraid of forgetting something, you can take this list with you, but do not use it, put it in your bag and try to buy it from memory.

Exercise 2

You met an old friend by chance on the street or in a store. You started a conversation. In this conversation, try to study this person in detail and remember: what color and shape of the eyes, what kind of face this person has, what clothes he is wearing, what he has in his hands, remember as much as possible. Try to remember your conversation verbatim. In the evening, try to remember your meeting and what you remember about this person, what you talked about, remember everything down to the smallest detail.

Exercise 3

If you work and are busy all day, you can find time to read during your lunch break or in the evening before bed. After reading, try to retell what you read. You can also find time for this, for example, when you go to the store, to a school meeting, on the way home or on the way to work.

Exercise 4

On your way to work, you can memorize house numbers, and when you return from work in the evening, you recite these house numbers from memory.

You can simply walk down the street, no matter where you go, remember the license plates of the cars that pass by. In the evening, try to remember and tell these car numbers.

Exercise 5

This is a very simple exercise. When you go to the store, remember the prices of the goods you buy. You can compare these prices with prices from other stores.

Exercise 6

You are preparing a cake according to a new recipe. Try to remember it and prepare the cake from memory. Don't look at the recipe, try to memorize it.

Exercise 7

If you take the same route to the store or to work, change it, take different routes as often as possible and remember something new.

You can see a beautiful tree, a beautiful fountain, an extraordinary building, beautiful building facades and so on. After a while, remember your new route and walk along it mentally, remembering everything down to the smallest detail.

Exercise 8

Learn poetry every day. You need to study carefully without confusing words. Start with a quatrain, then gradually add volume and complexity to the verse. Recite poetry everywhere: on the way to work, on the way to the store, on the way to the boss’s office, and so on.

You can learn a new song in the same way. You can hum it everywhere: in the kitchen, in the bathroom, while you are cleaning, it turns out more fun and faster.

Exercise 9

Now let's look at more difficult exercises. Look at the picture, the words are written here: yellow (in blue), black (in green). You need to remember the first two lines, close the picture and write the words from memory with colored pencils or pens.

Check what you got. Now read and remember the second two lines, close the picture and write from memory. Then read and remember the third two lines, close and write from memory. Now memorize all six lines, close the words and write them from memory. Check what you got. Repeat the exercise.

Exercise 10

In this exercise the numbers are given, they are written in two different colors, black and red. Look carefully at these numbers and remember them. You have one minute to memorize. Cover the numbers and write from memory everything you remember in two colors, black and red.

Check what you wrote, if there are a lot of mistakes, try to memorize the first two lines first and then write them, then memorize the second two lines and write them from memory.

If everything is correct, you can practice and write all four lines.

Now try to learn the other way around, first the bottom line, then the second line from the bottom, and so on, and write them from memory. This exercise is a good memory training.

Exercise 11

Look carefully and remember the following picture, this picture shows animals, mammals, fish. You have one minute to memorize.

Now cover the picture and write on paper from memory all the animals, mammals and fish in alphabetical order.

Write in which direction the animals are looking.

If you don’t remember all the animals or in the wrong order, repeat the exercise.

Exercise 12

Look at the following pyramid, it consists of numbers, one digit is added to each subsequent line. Remember the first three lines first, close the pyramid and write the numbers from memory.

Test yourself.

Now memorize one more line and write four lines from memory. Each next time, add one line and remember.

Remember and write all the numbers of the pyramid in full.

Exercise 13

Look at the following picture, it is divided into two parts, at the top of the picture there are circles, but at the bottom of the picture there are none. Remember in which cells the circles are drawn, close the first picture and draw circles in the second part of the picture from memory. You have one minute to memorize.

Check what you got. Repeat the exercise.

Exercise 14

In this exercise there are three columns with different words, read and remember them. You have one minute to memorize. Cover the words and write them on paper from memory in what order.

Look what you got. If you wrote it wrong, look again carefully and repeat the exercise.

Then look at the words again and cover them. Write all the words in alphabetical order. Repeat the exercise.

The child has a bad memory. What to do if a child has a bad memory?

Some children pick up everything on the fly from birth, while others have to practice to achieve certain results.

Throughout a child’s life, everyone teaches: educators, teachers, parents. Parents play an important role in the education and development of a child; a lot depends on them. You can always help a child in any situation and every day.

My child has a bad memory, what should I do?

    Walk with your child at any time of the year, play your favorite sports or simply spend time actively in nature. The brain receives oxygen during walks; this is very important for improving a child’s memory.

    Proper nutrition is the key to healthy mental development. Always include in your menu: vegetables, fruits, herbs, dried fruits, nuts.

    Don't overload your child with activities. If you see that the child is tired, give him a rest, he won’t remember anything anyway. Work with your child in the morning; after sleep, the child learns new information well. Be sure to read a book to him in the evening.

    Develop your child's memory and attention. Include exercises to develop memory and attention in your classes. Don't scold your child if he doesn't succeed.

Exercises to develop memory and attention

Exercise 1

Look at the picture carefully, there are cubes drawn on it. Review each cube with your child. What color are the cubes? What's on them? How are the cubes arranged? Then close the cubes and let the child tell from memory what he remembers.

If the child does not remember everything, do not rush to move on to the next exercise, repeat this exercise again. It is very important that the child remembers as much as possible and tells it correctly.

Exercise 2

Look at the picture carefully, there are different figures drawn on it. Consider each figurine with a child. What color are the figures? What's on them? Where are the figures located? Then cover the figures and let the child tell from memory what he remembers.

Exercise 3

Look at the picture carefully, there are different figures drawn on it. Consider each figurine with a child. What is built in the picture? What color are the figures? What figures are drawn? Where are the figures located? Then cover the figures and let the child tell from memory what he remembers.

If the child does not remember everything, do not rush to move on to the next exercise; this is a big exercise; repeat it one or two more times. It is very important that the child remembers as much as possible and tells it correctly.

Next time you can start with this exercise and then move on to the next one. Don't rush to do more, do quality work.

Exercise 4

Talk to your child constantly, the more he listens to you, the more he will concentrate on what you are telling him.

Show your child interesting new toys and be sure to say: “What is this?”, “What color?”, “What can be done with these objects?”

Let the child figure out what he can do with these items.

Talk more to your child; he will hear you all the time and will remember you.

Exercise 5

At home you can show your child different objects, unusual objects, for example a vase, tell us:

  1. What is painted on the vase?
  2. What colors are present here?
  3. What is the shape of the vase?
  4. The child finds all this interesting.
  5. On the street in the summer, you can tell:
  6. What flowers are blooming?
  7. How many flowers? Describe in detail.
  8. What birds live in your city?

Show them to your child. Look at the beautiful houses and trees. The child, together with you, gets to know the world around him; he is interested in listening and touching everything.

Exercise 6

The game, find the object, is well suited for developing attention. Think of an object that is in the room and the child knows this object well.

For example, a bunny.

Describe the bunny in as much detail as possible. What is he like? What size and color? What can you do with this toy? And so on.

If the child quickly guesses what is being said, take another object and repeat the exercise.

Try to play the other way around, let the child come up with an object and describe it in detail, and you have to guess what kind of object it is.

Exercise 7

This exercise is interesting, fun and simple. It's called: "Let's look at each other." The exercise develops your child's attention, memory and visual memory. Your child will enjoy playing this game.

Let your child look at you carefully for a few seconds. Then he turns away and tells you everything he remembers about you. For example, what kind of hair do you have, hair color, eye color, description of your face, jewelry, what you are wearing, what color and so on.

If the child said little or came up with something, do not scold him, play this game again. Explain to your child that there is no need to invent anything. Repeat the exercise, studying you, the second time the child will be more attentive than the first time.

This game is fun and interesting, play this game in reverse. Your child will draw conclusions about what you said and what he missed. You can talk through these conclusions while delving into the details together.

Exercise 8

Recently, children's books often offer memory development exercises. For example, a picture is drawn, the child looks and remembers what is depicted on it. You are given two to three minutes to memorize.

Then the book closes and the child tells what he remembers. This is a simple task, but it trains your memory well.

Perhaps the child did not remember much or did not remember the picture carefully. Play together. Look at the picture, close it and make up a complete story based on this picture. The child will listen to your story and try to remember more next time. Children love when adults play interesting and educational games with them.

Exercise 9

This is a memorization exercise, we will develop observation, visual memory and attention.

Let's take five different objects:

Have your child look at these five objects for a few seconds. Then we cover the objects with dark material, and the child tells what he remembers.

Then we open the objects and check whether the child said it correctly or not.

Two people can play this exercise. Remember and tell each other, swap objects, remove old objects and put in new ones.

Each subsequent lesson, reduce the memorization time.

Exercise 10

Look carefully at the next two pictures and find the differences. This is an exercise to develop attention and memory.

Exercise 11

Look at the following picture for twenty seconds and close the picture, answer the following questions.

  1. Who is in the picture?
  2. What color is the goose?
  3. What color are the feet of a goose?
  4. What color is a goose's beak?
  5. What is the goose wearing around his neck?
  6. How many rings does the goose wear on his neck?
  7. What color are the rings on a goose's neck?

Exercise 12

In this exercise you need to find ten differences in the following pictures.

Exercise 13

Find the odd item in the following picture and explain why?

Exercise 14

Look at the picture in this exercise, it shows different vegetables. You can make up a little poem using the pictures. The poem is called "Vegetable Garden".

First, read under each picture what is written and do not forget to look at the picture and remember what is written for each word. Then try to cover the words and read the poem from the pictures.

This simple poem is memorable the first time. The most important thing is not to learn a poem by heart, but to be able to read it from pictures.

Exercise 15

Look at the picture in this exercise; it depicts fairy-tale characters. Using these pictures you can make up the fairy tale “Turnip”.

Try to compose the fairy tale “Turnip” from the pictures.

If your child doesn't remember this story, read it or tell it to him. Then ask your child to tell the story using the pictures.

Games to improve and train memory

Try games to develop phenomenal memory, attention, logic and overall brain development. The ability to see statistics of achievements and compete with other players, beat your own and other people's records, will make this method of memory development even more interesting.

Game "Number Reach: Revolution"

An interesting and useful game “Numerical Reach: Revolution” that will help you improve and develop memory. The essence of the game is that the monitor will display numbers in order, one at a time, which you should remember and then reproduce. Such chains will consist of 4, 5 and even 6 digits. Time is limited. How many points can you score in this game?

Game "Memory Matrix"

  1. Develops memory capacity
  2. Improves visual memory
  3. Improves spatial memory

Immediately after the start, a field with several filled cells will appear on the screen. In 3 seconds you need to remember which cells are colored and click on them when the field is cleared. With almost every successful round, the field expands. The more cells you need to remember, the more efficiently your memory develops and the more points you earn. The first results will be available after 10 minutes of play.

Game "2 back"

For memory development I recommend an exercise like the “2 back” game. A sequence of numbers will be displayed on the screen that you will need to remember, and then compare the number of the last card with the previous one. It's powerful memory and brain training, this is an exercise that is available after registration, are you ready? Then go ahead!

Memory comparison game

Another game that can be classified as a memory exercise is “Memory Comparison”. Good exercise for memory development and speed of thought. At the beginning, a number is given that you should remember, then a second one is given, and you will need to answer a question that does not change during the game. A great game to train your brain. Let's try to improve your memory with us!

Super memory in 30 days

Remember the necessary information quickly and for a long time. Do light and simple exercises to train your memory little by little throughout the day. Train your memory with dozens of exercises that will be useful in everyday life.

Development of memory and attention in a child 5-10 years old

The course includes 30 lessons with useful tips and exercises for children's development. Each lesson contains useful advice, several interesting exercises, an assignment for the lesson and an additional bonus at the end: an educational mini-game from our partner. Course duration: 30 days. The course is useful not only for children, but also for their parents.

Other development courses

Speed ​​reading in 30 days

Increase your reading speed by 2-3 times in 30 days. From 150-200 to 300-600 words per minute or from 400 to 800-1200 words per minute. The course uses traditional exercises for developing speed reading, techniques that speed up brain function, methods for progressively increasing reading speed, exercises for memorizing what has been read, the psychology of speed reading and the questions of course participants are discussed. Suitable for children and adults reading up to 5000 words per minute.

Verbal counting

Learn to quickly and correctly add, subtract, multiply, divide, square numbers, and even extract roots. I will teach you how to use easy techniques to simplify arithmetic operations. Each lesson contains new techniques, clear examples and useful tasks.

Brain fitness secrets

The brain, like the body, needs fitness. Physical exercise strengthens the body, mental exercise develops the brain. 30 days of useful exercises and educational games to develop memory, concentration, intelligence and speed reading will strengthen the brain, turning it into a supercomputer.


Develop memory yourself and develop memory in children. You can develop it on the way to work, on the way to kindergarten, on the way to the store, at home and in nature. We wish you a great memory.

Distracted attention is more common in children and older people. Poor memory is common among the youngest and the oldest. They say about such people, lovingly and jokingly: “Fell into childhood.”

But there are circumstances when each of us, at any age, can be absent-minded. When a person does monotonous work for a long time, is tired, exhausted, he is no longer able to concentrate.

His attention becomes distracted. This kind of absent-mindedness is called true. The reasons for its appearance are ordinary fatigue, overload, monotony.

The treatment for true absent-mindedness is the simplest. You need to go to bed, get some sleep, take a break from the monotony of actions. Poor memory needs to be dealt with in detail.

Causes of poor memory and its deterioration

Memory problems happen for various reasons. Young and elderly individuals have head injuries and vascular diseases that affect the functioning of the brain.

Lifestyle, good and bad habits, quality of nutrition, everything affects our abilities. Memory loss as a result of endless drinking is a natural process. The first thing to do in this case is to stop drinking.

Absent-mindedness at working age is a consequence of illness. With VSD, a person’s heart rhythm changes, blood pressure rises or falls, pain appears in the heart area, dizziness close to fainting.

A subject who has vegetative-vascular dystonia fears for his life, begins to intensively listen to his well-being, internal state and becomes absent-minded, losing orientation in the real world around him. Attacks of dystonia lead to weakening of attention, insomnia, and the ability to concentrate on one thing.

This type of absent-mindedness is called imaginary, when a person is focused on his inner world of thoughts and forgets about normal behavior in the outer world. So the professor, constantly thinking about his discovery, “instead of a hat while walking, suddenly put on a frying pan.”

There is student absent-mindedness in a child, low concentration of thoughts on one task for a long period of time. The child suffers from dissipated attention syndrome (ADS) due to high activity. Often the rapid growth of a schoolchild's bones does not have time to cope with the development of the brain.

Especially boys who grow 10 cm over the summer experience frequent headaches and increased intracranial pressure. These negative and painful feelings prevent the student from focusing on learning new information.

In addition, it has long been noted that modern schoolchildren are bombarded with too much information. Therefore, the culprits of adolescent absent-mindedness are often incompetent teachers and indifferent parents.

Teachers who are unable to properly build a curriculum, and parents who, instead of moral support, have a terrifying influence on the child, punishing him and scolding him.

A mother who screams at her son until all the neighbors' windows shake is not going to help him solve a math problem. She will only make it clear that she does not love him. The child will be upset and sad. This will only increase his absent-mindedness and his memory will not improve.

Forgetfulness and absent-mindedness, to which people who have crossed the age of 60-65 are prone, are determined by the natural fading of mental activity. However, much later she visits those who learn foreign languages, solve crossword puzzles, pick mushrooms in the forest, swim in the pool, and dance tango.

Attention! To activate attention, at any age, to help your brain wake up, try to ventilate the room. Fresh air will enhance brain function by 10%. Drink a glass of water, your brain will become 20% more active. Stretch your fingers, rub your palms, the blood will flow to your head and add 30% of its performance. A piece of dark chocolate will saturate the cells of the gray matter and lift your spirits.

Types of memory disorders

Memory diseases occur from a blow to the head, old age, stroke and alcohol. Amnesia can be fleeting and smoothly flowing. A person may forget his name, but remember his professional skills. Only parts of the events that take place can disappear from memory, or your whole life, along with your biography and surname, can disappear.

Such cases are told in movies. Too frequent memory loss in able-bodied, healthy men suggests that special drugs have been developed to eliminate memory. A person who does not remember himself can become an obedient doll in the unkind hands of others.

Dangerous! Do not accept food from strangers on trains. Don't drink with strangers in restaurants. Clonidine and other drugs can be quietly added to food and drink, causing persistent and complete amnesia.

Korsakov's syndrome

Disorientation in time, the inability to remember present events with a complete memory of the past, is called Korsakoff's syndrome. Patients begin to believe in fictitious events that they themselves invented, and concentration is impaired.

These symptoms are the result of endless drinking, malnutrition, and sometimes head bruises. Young people who give up alcohol can recover by taking medications that improve brain function.

For those who continue to drink after 65, the prognosis is not so positive. Fatalities that result from regular drinking bouts are not uncommon.

The choice is yours! Vodka or life!

Dementia (dementia, senile insanity)

It's no one's fault that we grow old. The natural process of withering of brain cells leads to the fact that over the years, all older people experience absent-mindedness and poor memory.

Many people experience dementia after age 65. But those who learn poetry do not become isolated in their problems, know how to communicate on social networks, walk in the park, do exercises, read about the news in the newspaper every day, and do not fall into senile insanity. Active longevity is possible if you fight adversity.

Attention! If your elderly father experiences memory loss, there should always be a note in his pocket with the phone numbers of his relatives. Let him know in the note that he can sometimes forget where he lives.

Pick's disease

Sometimes insidious diseases await a person in old age. Why they attack one subject and bypass the other is unknown. Very transient atrophy of the cortex of the frontal and temporal parts of the brain leads to the destruction of personality.

The inattention of relatives in these cases can lead to unpredictable events. Treatment does not give quick results. Sincere attention, kind words, medicine, walks, fresh air and care slow down the development of the negative process.

Important! Don't miss the moment of losing complete orientation in space and time. Do not leave a person who has forgotten his identity unattended to avoid fires, floods and other unpredictable problems.

Alzheimer's disease

Many elderly people aged over 70-80 years suffer from this disease. What to do with bad memory during these years? Train her! Learn to use a computer. Do crossword puzzles. Go visit, support forgetful friends.

Read prayers in foreign languages. Breathe fresh air. Do exercises without getting out of bed in the morning. Go to the ballet with your grandchildren.

Age-related diseases take away memories, but if you struggle, these processes slow down. Life becomes rich, interesting and long. Children should definitely support their elderly parents during these difficult years.

Cerebral atherosclerosis of cerebral vessels

Cerebral atherosclerosis is a lesion of the vascular system of the brain. If in Pick's disease pathological proteins are deposited in the cell bodies of the cerebral cortex, in atherosclerosis cholesterol plaques are deposited on the walls of the arteries of the head, gradually impeding blood circulation.

Consequences of poor oxygen supply to the brain:

  • memory deteriorates gradually;
  • concentration decreases;
  • characterized by absent-mindedness, sleep disturbance;
  • headaches, blurred vision;
  • other signs of deterioration in brain function.

How to treat atherosclerosis? Fight obesity, stick to a diet without fatty, fried, smoked and sweet “snacks”. Drugs that lower the percentage of cholesterol and blood sugar, vasodilators, anti-inflammatory drugs, and vitamins will help. Walking, daily physical activity, and a balanced diet will improve the condition of blood vessels and the brain.

Treatment of memory disorders

Treatment for absent-mindedness largely depends on the cause that led to it. If a person is overtired, he needs to rest. If you have VSD, you must first treat dystonia. When the cause of atherosclerosis is diabetes mellitus, something needs to be done about it.

An absent-minded child should be helped by loving parents and experienced teachers. Teach your child to understand information rather than cram it. Then the memory is not overloaded and attention is not scattered.

Drugs that improve brain function:

  • Inteplan;
  • Nootropil;
  • Glycine;
  • Piracetam;
  • Picamilon;
  • Tanakan;
  • Aminalon;
  • Many that improve mental performance.

Traditional methods

Grated fresh horseradish with honey and grated lemons perfectly improves memory. Crush five walnut kernels in a mortar and mix with cream.

Mix a tablespoon of dry mint with the same volume of dry sage, pour half a liter of boiling water. Leave for 24 hours, strain, drink 50 ml 4 times a day half an hour before meals.

Nutrition, diet

The diet should be varied. But, if you want to improve your memory, give preference to:

  • dried fruits;
  • baked potatoes;
  • sunflower seeds;
  • fresh vegetable salads with olive oil;
  • bananas;
  • walnuts;
  • fresh berries and fruits;
  • dark chocolate;
  • cottage cheese;
  • cheese.

Eliminate alcoholic drinks, fried, smoked, fatty, and excess sweets from your diet.

Sports, gymnastics

In order for your brain to be better supplied with oxygen, new information to be remembered more easily, and absent-mindedness to disappear forever, learn to dance. You shouldn't strive for Olympic records. But daily walks and light, feasible gymnastics will help improve your quality of life.

Children should play snowballs in the winter, ski, go to the pool, and go to football in the summer. A healthy lifestyle helps to maintain working capacity and not lose memory at any age.