What to do if your child has seizures. Types of seizures in children. Treatment after an attack

In brain cells and neurons, various biological and chemical reactions which lead to excitement.

Excitation brain cells is transmitted as a signal to the muscles, causing them to “work”, that is, to contract. There is also a brake mechanism in the brain that prevents indiscriminate contraction.

It happens that excitement occurs, but the brain decides to slow down the process and not send the signal to the muscle.

The occurrence of seizures depends on certain stimuli(for example, from inflammatory process or traumatization), which excite the cells, but do not encounter obstacles from the inhibitory mechanism, and since the child’s brain is still imperfect, the inhibitory processes are unstable and immature.

Types and signs

Based on the duration of muscle contraction, cramps are divided into:

  • clonic(short-term, painless);
  • tonic(long lasting, painful);
  • tonic-clonic(short-term but painful or painless long muscle contraction).

Depending on the distribution there are generalized(general) and local convulsions.

Local apply only to 1 muscle group and manifest themselves in one part of the body.

With this type, any one part of the brain of one hemisphere is affected.

General cramps represent a seizure that involves all the muscles of the body. Irritation occurs throughout the cerebral cortex.

According to their origin, seizures are divided into:

  • epileptic which are the main symptom of a disease such as epilepsy;
  • non-epileptic, arising under the influence of extracerebral factors on brain cells.

Based on their manifestation, seizures of epileptic origin are classified into the following types.

Minimum. This concept means readiness for convulsions, various tics, monotonous movements, trembling, trembling of the eyelids or lips, rolling of the eyes, obsessive jaw movements, sucking, etc.

Primary generalized. This type of seizure is tonic and its duration does not exceed 60 seconds.

For such a condition characteristic features are blue discoloration (cyanosis), twitching of arms and legs, rolling of eyes, tachycardia. Occurs more often in children over 3 years of age.

Focal motor. This type is characterized by twitching of muscle groups in one of the arms or in facial area, head deviation (usually backward), the child is conscious.

Psychomotor (temporal). In half of the cases, the onset of a convulsive state is preceded by certain events: focusing the gaze, loud laughter, running or fast walking, licking lips, hand movements uncharacteristic for a child.

Infantile spasms. Most often, this phenomenon occurs in children in the first year of life. They are characterized by pronounced contractions of one/group muscle fibers(tics).

Usually such spasms do not cause pain, but their development may be associated with various pathologies neurological nature. In children susceptible this species convulsions, there is a slowdown in psychomotor development.

Mixed generalized. They are characterized by very frequent, uncontrolled muscle contractions. Children often lag behind in psychomotor development.

Febrile. These seizures may occur in children older than 3 months. The occurrence of spasm is associated with an increase in body temperature (38 and above).

This species is classified as simple cramps, provided that they appeared once and lasted no longer than 15 minutes.

If a cramp, as a reaction to an increase in temperature, occurs periodically and lasts more than 15 minutes, then it is classified as “complex” and subject to mandatory treatment.

Febrile seizures in children - Home Economics program

Benign familial. This phenomenon is typical for babies who have a history of childhood seizures in one of the family members.

Juvenile myoclonus epilepsy. With such convulsions, loss of consciousness does not occur. This phenomenon is distinguished by a variety of manifestations: from banal clumsiness to loss of balance and falling.

Benign epilepsy (rolandic). This phenomenon accompanied by decreased vision or visual hallucinations and are typical for children from 4 to 13 years old. Stops during puberty.

Benign with early onset. Occurs in children 4-5 years old. Manifested by pale skin, increased sweating, attacks of vomiting with rolling of the eyes and throwing back of the head, disturbance of consciousness. Often manifestations occur at night.

Affective-respiratory. Such convulsions occur in children whose nervous excitability to pain or fear is greatly increased.

It develops with a loud cry, slight holding of breath and is manifested by pale skin and short-term loss of consciousness.

Non-epileptic seizures. These include psychogenic convulsions, fainting, migraine convulsions, sleep disturbances, tics, obsessive states, shuddering and twitching.


  • infectious brain lesions;
  • woman's use of alcohol and drugs during pregnancy;
  • illnesses endocrine system;
  • tumors, cysts, cerebral vascular abnormalities;
  • lack of calcium in the child’s body;
  • poisoning medicines, toxins;
  • overdose of vitamin D;
  • hypothermia.

Why are seizures dangerous?

Seizures in themselves are not dangerous. for the child's body. However, if a cramp occurs, for example, while eating, there is a risk that the baby may choke.

Also, in case of loss of consciousness, in case of fall a child can hit a hard surface (floor), which can cause injury to himself in the form of a bruise, fracture and other injuries.

The most important thing to remember is that the manifestation of a seizure can be a symptom of a very serious illnesses , therefore, at the first case, it is important to seek the advice of a specialist.

First aid

Seizures in children usually last no more than 1 minute, but even this time is enough to cause panic among parents.

It is important to understand that the seizure cannot be stopped, so any attempts to “bring the baby to his senses” are a waste of time.

Instead you should Call an ambulance, but before its visit, provide assistance to the child yourself. This will help protect your child from consequences and possible injuries.

What to do if a child has seizures? If an attack begins, first of all you need to:

If before a seizure the baby starts crying and turns blue, it is important to restore his breathing. This can be done by sprinkling your face with water, holding a cotton swab with ammonia to your nose, and pressing on the root of your tongue (with a spoon).

After these manipulations, you can give the child sedative, for example, valerian.

Convulsions that occur due to increased temperature, also require competent intervention. Need to:

  • undress the child;
  • open the windows (to reduce the temperature environment and fresh air entering the room);
  • give antipyretic drug(preferably in the form of rectal suppositories);
  • carry out manipulations on rapid decline body temperature (wiping with water, vinegar or alcohol diluted with water, exposure to cold on the carotid and femoral arteries).

Convulsions - the school of Dr. Komarovsky


At the first attack of convulsions in a child, it is important to immediately contact a specialist (neurologist), who will determine the origin of the disease and prescribe the necessary therapy.

If your baby has a seizure and a specialist suspects brain damage or epilepsy, electroencephalography is prescribed, which determines the presence/absence of increased nervous excitability brain cells.

If a specialist suspects metabolic disorders, you will need to donate the child’s blood for a biochemical analysis.

Treatment of seizures is aimed at eliminating the pathology that led to the occurrence of the phenomenon.

Treatment of non-epileptic seizures is very important, since such seizures can eventually develop into convulsions of epileptic origin.

As for the treatment of the second group of seizures, they also require long-term antiepileptic treatment. Regular seizures in a child are life-threatening.

Therapy is prescribed only by a specialist!


The most serious consequence seizures is the development of epilepsy.

Research shows that febrile seizures can transform into this terrible disease in almost 10% of cases.


Measures to prevent seizures in a baby should begin long before he is born. Doctors advise parents 3 months before the planned conception, take folic acid orally.

This measure reduces the risk of developing pathologies nervous system future baby.

After the birth of a child, it is important to undergo routine examinations with him, in which the baby is examined by a neurologist.

At the age of 1 month, an NSG study should be performed, which makes it possible to identify any pathologies in the brain at an early stage.

Plays an important role prevention of febrile seizures. Here it is necessary to note the advisability of taking antipyretic drugs, if necessary.

Seizures in a child- a very unpleasant and frightening phenomenon for parents. But knowing the basic techniques emergency care and being able to remain calm, loving mom and dad are able to alleviate the baby’s suffering.

Further contact with a specialist will help prevent the development of adverse consequences.

Children suffer from seizures much more often than adults. There are many reasons for this various factors. Let's figure out what can trigger seizures in a child and how to quickly cope with the problem.

There are many prerequisites for illness, and only the attending physician can understand them. After all, the range of syndromes is quite wide - from muscle contractions when falling asleep and during sleep to epileptic seizures. Night cramps in children are not always classified as pathologies, because impulses to the nerve endings can arrive as a result have a vivid dream or awkward posture.

Convulsions in children under one year of age are also explained by the rapid excitability of the central nervous system (CNS) due to its immaturity.

Such reactions in children are divided into epileptic and non-epileptic. Risk factors for the latter include:

  • Hereditary disposition;
  • Psycho-emotional disorders;
  • CNS dysfunctions;
  • Traumatic brain injuries;
  • Metabolic disease;
  • Reaction to vaccination;
  • Intoxication of the body;
  • Internal hemorrhages.

The cause of leg cramps in a child can be a deficiency of calcium, iron and magnesium.
In a newborn, seizures may occur due to asphyxia, birth injuries, problems with the heart and blood vessels, perinatal encephalopathy.

What are respiratory affective seizures? These are involuntary muscle contractions due to excess emotions. They usually appear in babies from six months to three years and are considered the most harmless.

Only a doctor can determine the cause of seizures. If they are accompanied by others painful symptoms and frequently repeated, medical attention is necessary.

Types of convulsive manifestations

Depending on how the attacks manifest themselves, they can be divided into several types:


Character of muscle contraction: long-lasting. Because of this, the limbs seem to freeze in the process of flexion or extension. The baby's body is extended, and the head is thrown back or lowered. chest. Tonic convulsions last a long time. Their appearance indicates an overexcited state of brain structures. More often they occur in the extremities, for example, when a child has cramps in his legs. But they can also involve the stomach, neck, and face.


Character of muscle contraction: fast. Periods of muscle contraction and relaxation in children occur dynamically and visually resemble twitching. They begin when a pathological discharge occurs in the brain centers or muscles. If their cause is not eliminated, the attacks become more frequent.


Clonic-tonic attacks are characterized by alternating muscle contractions and increased tone. The final result may be loss of consciousness or even coma. This type of seizure often occurs due to epilepsy.

There are also myoclonic spasms. Their difference is that they pass completely without pain. Most often, myoclonic spasms occur during sleep. These include leg cramps at night, which wake the child up. But they can be caused by fear or overeating (for example, hiccups). In a newborn, myoclonic seizures are often associated with inherited ailments. Also, based on the coverage of skeletal muscles, doctors divide all seizures into two types: partial (local) and generalized (general).

The attacks are usually single. If repeated, we can talk about the occurrence of secondary myoclonus. The causes here may be various neurological diseases.

Febrile seizures in children

This is what they call seizures when a child has a fever. Preschool children are prone to such manifestations. Febrile convulsions in children with fever develop due to the fact that the baby’s brain is not sufficiently formed and sensitive to to various stimuli. They are observed in a child when high temperature: 38-39 degrees and above. Moreover, attacks are possible, even if they have not manifested themselves before.

What do cramps look like with fever? This variety manifests itself as follows:

  • Detachment to the point of loss of orientation;
  • Turning pale and holding your breath;
  • Muscle twitching and freezing.

Convulsions in a child with fever are not considered normal, but in isolated cases they are not dangerous. The causes of febrile seizures are various infections bacterial and viral nature. Children may be genetically predisposed to such a reaction.

It is important to note: the faster hyperthermia develops, the higher the likelihood of convulsive conditions. However, there are also low-grade seizures. Such convulsions occur after a child has a high temperature, when the thermometer drops to 37 degrees. Usually they are repeated, with complications of the disease. However, such convulsions may occur during vaccination.

Temperature seizures often occur in a child with a disease caused by the Epstein-Barr virus. This disease is called. It is often confused with a sore throat, but the Epstein-Barr virus is a herpetic virus. The majority of the world's population is carriers of Epstein-Barr infectious agents. But in preschool children, due to underdeveloped protective system The Epstein-Barr virus is activated and provokes a full-fledged disease. Fortunately, after illness, immunity is developed. Even those who suffered from mild illness are no longer afraid of the Epstein-Barr virus. A painful condition, which is caused by the Epstein-Barr virus, can be easily treated with modern medications.

Symptoms and diagnosis

Symptoms seizures depends on the nature of muscle contraction. But in general we can talk about the following general features:

  • Various tics and twitches;
  • Uncontrolled movements of arms or legs;
  • Distortion of facial features;
  • Rolling eyes;
  • Lockjaw;
  • Pale skin and bluish tint lips;
  • Excessive salivation;
  • Freezing in an unnatural position;
  • Nausea and even vomiting.

The child may wet himself or faint. After an attack, he will most likely become capricious, but at the same time he will be sleepy and lethargic.

How to recognize epileptic seizures? During them, the baby falls to the floor and begins to convulse. His eyes roll back, foam appears on his lips, his jaw clenches. The child loses consciousness. The patient is able to wet himself or perform involuntary defecation. Coming out of an attack is accompanied by disorientation and loss of memory of what happened. At the end of epileptic convulsions, the child experiences muscle relaxation and falls asleep.

Only a doctor can determine exactly why the seizures started. He decides which therapeutic course to choose.

But before this, the doctor collects anamnesis, analyzes how the seizure began, and prescribes tests. They usually include a blood test and electroencephalography. Sometimes required CT scan, pneumoencephalography, angiography, spinal puncture.

Convulsions are dangerous because their consequences are unpredictable. During an attack, a child’s brain functions are weakened, and virtually no oxygen is supplied. Because of this, necrosis of brain cells begins, which leads to problems with the neuropsychic system and developmental delays.

General convulsive syndromes are the most serious, since the baby has absolutely no control over the body and is unconscious. During an uncontrolled seizure, epileptics run the risk of suffocating on saliva and vomit and biting off their tongue.

Why are night attacks dangerous? The baby finds himself alone with the disease, without the help of adults. This condition can even lead to death.

First aid for seizures in children

What to do if your child has a seizure? Call an ambulance. But since the child struggles with the spasm for 2 seconds to 10 minutes, doctors may not have time to arrive. Parents need to provide some help to the baby using the following algorithm:

Position of the child during seizures

  1. Remove tight shoes and clothes, and also open the window for fresh air.
  2. Place the baby on its side on a flat, not soft surface. Or at least turn your head to the side.
  3. While the convulsions last, clear your mouth of mucus by placing a roll of cloth between your teeth. This will help prevent biting or sticking of the tongue. Solid objects cannot be used to avoid damaging teeth.
  4. If the baby faints, try to bring him to his senses and hold out until the doctors arrive. Fainting syndrome can be relieved by applying cotton wool with ammonia, affectionate conversations, and touching.

It is especially difficult and scary for parents of infants in this situation. The baby not only does not understand what is happening to him, but also cannot say anything. It is important not to panic, to act clearly and systematically.

When a baby cries a lot, he may also experience spasms. He needs to be calmed down. An attack that has already begun is stopped by spraying the baby cool water or patting your cheeks. Then they give sedative, for example, valerian in the proportion: 1 drop per 1 year of life. A sedative will also help cope with attacks caused by vivid dreams. And the cramps calf muscles When the baby has cramped legs, they are eliminated with a light massage.

They will save you from febrile convulsions that occur against a background of high temperature (Ibuprofen, Paracetamol). You can also apply cool compresses or wraps. In a febrile state, when the heat is combined with pallor and chills, cooling procedures should not be done. Such symptoms characterize - very dangerous condition The child has.

The doctor may prescribe injections in the proportion of 1 mg per kilogram of weight. An older child can be given a tablet of this drug - No-shpa is well tolerated by children. And emergency assistance must be called.

Treatment of seizures in children and prevention of seizures

For convulsions in a child that are not associated with age-related changes or excessive emotional excitement, required immediate treatment. Therapeutic tactics chosen by the doctor depending on the causes of muscle spasm.

The doctor may prescribe anticonvulsants, sedatives, and symptomatic remedies, as well as medications to normalize metabolism.

Additionally, massage, reflexology, therapeutic exercises, other physical procedures. At serious violations brain function, surgical intervention is possible.

To avoid seizures in your baby, you need to take care of this before he is born. One month before your planned pregnancy, take medications with folic acid. During pregnancy, do not allow any influence adverse effects, infectious diseases, take vitamin and mineral complexes prescribed by your doctor. The newborn must be examined pediatric neurologist. At the age of one month, the baby needs to undergo a neurosonography procedure.

Children need physical activity on fresh air– Walk with your baby more often. When the baby falls asleep and during sleep, the environment should be calm and peaceful. It is important to compose for children balanced menu, since a lack of valuable elements can also provoke seizures in a child.

Remember what to put correct diagnosis Only a doctor can, do not self-medicate without consultation and diagnosis by a qualified doctor.

There is no mother who does not care about the health of her baby. Therefore, every woman strives to learn as much as possible about various childhood diseases in order to be ready to help her child. One of the reasons for mothers to worry is the child’s seizures, which most often occur suddenly.

The big picture

Seizures in children manifest themselves in the form of uncontrolled contractions of the body muscles. They can be like independent disease, and a sign of any illness. Often, leg cramps in a child are accompanied by serious side effects, signaling metabolic disorders, spasmophilia, toxoplasmosis, encephalitis, meningitis, endocrinopathy, hypovolemia and other diseases.

According to medical statistics, about 2% of children suffer from seizures. Moreover, the lion's share of seizures occurs between the ages of one and ten. The disease can also affect teenagers under 15 years of age. Convulsions in children under one year of age signal developmental disorders of the nervous system, in particular, immaturity of the brain.

Prerequisites for the development of convulsive syndrome

If a mother notices convulsions in a child, the reasons must be found out first. This is why observation by a pediatrician and neurologist in the first year of a baby’s life is so important. Even the most attentive mother may miss the signs of an incipient illness or simply not understand what led to it. To clarify the picture, it is worth remembering whether the baby had congenital diseases or injuries.

So, the most common causes of seizures in children:

  • acute or chronic forms of brain diseases (neuroinfection, hydrocephalic syndrome, brain dysgenesis, tumor);
  • genetic or chromosomal disease (metabolism disorder of amino acids, carbohydrates, fats);
  • Also, convulsions in a child under one year old can develop against the background of toxic brain damage - infectious toxicosis, exogenous drug poisoning;
  • the disease is side effect endocrine and electrolyte disturbances– hypoglycemia, diabetes mellitus, hypocalcemia, etc.;
  • in addition, most of the seizures in a child during sleep occur due to increased body temperature. These are so-called febrile seizures;
  • also, do not discount the possibility of epileptic seizures;
  • Sometimes muscle contractions are observed after vaccination. Most often, a convulsive symptom appears a couple of hours after vaccination, less often - the next day or a week later;
  • often a convulsive syndrome manifests itself against the background of severe fright and a subsequent sharp cry. During such an attack, the child may turn blue or lose consciousness. In addition, children often hold their breath while inhaling, i.e., like during an asthma attack.

It is worth remembering that seizures in a child are considered serious condition and require prompt examination by a doctor. If you ignore this disease, it can lead to central hemodynamic disorders, hypoxia and other metabolic disorders nervous system.

Classification of seizures in children

The comprehensive expression of seizures can be localized or generalized.

Localized seizures are also called focal and partial. They appear in one part of the body, for example, in the legs. Tic is also common on one side of the body. Such a picture indicates damage to one hemisphere of the brain or part of it.

At generalized convulsions, the seizure spreads throughout the body. This is a sign of damage to the entire cerebral cortex, which is responsible for movement.

In addition, muscle cramps are distinguished by directions.

1. Most often observed clonic convulsions in children during sleep. Their fast, fragmentary nature is due to the chaotic alternation of muscle contraction and relaxation. Often the child wakes up during a seizure and begins to cry.

2. When tonic In convulsions, on the contrary, long periods of contraction are observed. During muscle tension, the child often cannot utter a sound. Then relaxation sets in, lasting until the next attack.

3. Under atonic cramps imply loss of muscle tone. For example, dystrophy or atrophy. Also, the cause of atonic muscle contractions can be Lennox-Gastaut syndrome (manifests in children aged one to eight), in which the neck muscles do not develop and the head hangs powerlessly, or West syndrome, observed in six-month-old children. The latter syndrome is expressed in the form of epileptic seizures affecting the muscles along the spine and the muscles of the limbs.

There are also two broad categories of seizures - epileptic and non-epileptic.

Easiest to diagnose epileptic seizures, which are the main symptom of epilepsy. Before the attack, the child may feel unwell - fever, nausea, dizziness, chills. Sound or olfactory hallucinations. After a seizure, children fall into deep dream, which can last several hours, or even days. Having awakened, the baby is often disoriented, the reaction to others is sluggish, he may not remember the attack itself and feel headache. The peculiarity of epileptic seizures is that they appear suddenly.

Non-epileptic convulsions in children during sleep are a consequence of heart disease, leukemia, hemophilia and some other diseases.

Every mother should carefully monitor her child, and at the first symptoms of seizures, immediately seek medical help.

First aid for seizures

If a child has seizures, what should you do first? Of course, call an ambulance, since transporting him during an attack is strictly prohibited in order to avoid worsening his condition.

While waiting for the doctors to arrive, it is necessary to place the child on a hard flat surface, having previously undressed him, and ensure him peace. Under no circumstances should you scream or shake the baby, trying to bring him to his senses. These actions are not only useless, but also quite dangerous to health.

Also, you should not try to open the child’s teeth (if this is not an epileptic seizure), put any objects in the mouth and try to give him something to drink. You should just remove everything sharp objects, about which the child can get hurt, and open the window, since fresh air will help bring him to his senses faster than screams and fuss.

At elevated temperature accompanying febrile convulsions in children, you need to do the following - completely undress the child, rub him with any strong alcohol or cover his body damp towel. You can put a thin sheet or blanket on top. Read more about febrile seizures in children

During an attack, you should not leave your child alone. The mother or other relatives should remain with him until the seizure is completely over.

Drug treatment of seizure syndrome

After the first seizure, it is necessary to undergo a thorough examination by a neurologist. If seizures do not recur, the need for drug treatment No. But with regular muscle contractions The doctor must prescribe a course of injections.

Basically, seizures are treated with monotherapy, that is, medications are not combined, but are used separately. Most common treatment convulsive syndrome Phenobarbital and sodium valproate. A single dose for children is 1 to 3 mg per day.

Seizures are treated orally with Finlepsin, Fntelepsin, Suxilep, Difenin. The dose is calculated by the doctor in accordance with the general picture of the disease, based on the age of the child.

Lifestyle and regime

With constant convulsive seizures, the child must follow a certain regime.

  1. A mother should make sure that her child always goes to bed and wakes up at the same time. Consequently, the woman herself will have to follow the regime. In addition, you need to create favorable conditions for sleep - remove all gadgets from the room, minimize extraneous sound and odors, ensure fresh air flow and cleanliness.
  2. Children suffering from seizures need to spend more time outdoors.
  3. It is necessary to minimize stressful situations and phenomena that can frighten the child. The mother needs to take care not to turn on loud music, did not swear, did not shout. You also need to avoid flickering light, overheating, and emotional shocks.

A woman whose child suffers from convulsive syndrome must always control herself. Calm, balanced mother - best medicine for the baby. Cramps are not a death sentence. The main thing is to believe in your child’s recovery and everything will be fine.

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When body temperature rises in children (up to 38 degrees), convulsions can occur. It is important for parents not to panic and to provide their child with necessary help, bring down the temperature. Selected species Spasms at fever in children can be dangerous to the health and life of the baby.

A cramp is an involuntary contraction of muscles. They capture individual muscle fibers or spread to the entire muscle. Doctors distinguish a number of types of seizures in a child, which manifest themselves in different ways.

  • Prolonged muscle tension -. The baby acquires a specific extension posture and stretches his legs. The muscles are tense and look stiff. Possible breathing problems. The condition is noticeable by the characteristic bluish coloration of the face.
  • If there is a rhythmic change in muscle tension and relaxation, and with high frequency, on the face - . As a type, tonic-clonic seizures (mixed type) are distinguished.
  • Focal convulsions are isolated twitchings of parts of the body. For example, twitching of the limbs as a result of magnesium deficiency is considered focal seizures.
  • – twitching in a muscle or muscle group.
  • Fragmentary - bending of arms or legs, nodding of the head, sudden loss of consciousness or cessation of breathing.
  • If convulsions occur against the background of an increase in temperature, they are called febrile. Most often observed in children under six years of age at temperatures above 38 degrees. Approximately every third patient complains of developing seizures, even if the body temperature is low (below 38 degrees).

Causes of seizures at elevated body temperature

The causes of spasms have not been studied. It is believed that main reason development there is a predominance of excitation processes over inhibition processes in the brain. Pathological impulses arise in the cortex, leading, in fact, to convulsions. An increase in temperature (for example, with an acute respiratory viral disease or infectious pathology) promotes the development of seizures.

Febrile seizures often reasonably develop in children under 6 years of age. Until the age of six, the nervous system of children is imperfect. It matures later, and febrile seizures no longer occur. If these occur, there is a sign of developing epilepsy or another disease. There may even be suspicions of malignant process. The doctor will determine the reasons.

Parents of children suffering from seizures at high body temperature are recommended to undergo examination by a doctor in order to confirm or rule out a dangerous disorder.

Symptoms of seizures at high body temperature

During convulsive spasms, the child does not react in any way to distracting and questioning words or actions of the parents. At this moment, the patient loses contact with others, and the baby does not even cry from fear. Often there is a holding of breath (short-term) or bluish skin.

Convulsions at elevated body temperature are often similar to epileptic seizures. Parents need to be able to differentiate febrile seizures from epilepsy. The doctor will make the correct diagnosis and rule out the presence of dangerous disease. Types of febrile seizures:

  • Tonic (characterized by throwing back the head, rhythmic twitching of the body, muscle tension);
  • Focal (twitching of arms, legs, rolling of eyes);
  • Atonic (at the same time there is a sudden relaxation of the muscles, involuntary urination, defecation).

Convulsions in children due to high fever rarely last longer than 15 minutes. Sometimes a serial onset of muscle contractions and relaxations develops. They pass on their own.

If parents first notice the onset of seizures in their child, they should not refuse when the doctor suggests hospitalization. At a minimum, after such an attack, it is recommended to take the child to a pediatrician or neurologist. A number of studies are required.

Reasons for increased seizures in children

The frequency of seizures in a child, especially before three years, is continuously increasing. It even happens to babies. The phenomenon is associated with the processes:

Two percent of children suffer from seizures. Two thirds of the primary cases of seizures, expressed against the background of elevated body temperature, occur in the first years of life.

Other types of seizures associated with high body temperature

Often convulsions at high body temperature become a symptom of other dangerous pathologies. Let us consider selected cases of the development of seizures accompanied by high fever.

Help during seizures

Parents are called upon not to panic, but to act according to a certain algorithm, reducing the child’s suffering, promoting speedy deliverance from muscle spasms. It is important to be able to determine the onset of spasms. Parents are required to take action:

  • Call an ambulance immediately if convulsions begin;
  • Place the child on a hard surface. The head and chest are located on the same line. Raise the cervical region slightly with a rolled-up blanket, not a pillow. It is important to ensure that the baby does not fall, cervical region the spine did not move;
  • Remove objects around the child that could easily cause injury;
  • Free the neck and chest from oppressive and constricting clothing;
  • Ventilate the room. The air temperature should not exceed 20 degrees;
  • It is forbidden to restrain the child from uncontrolled movements, not to unclench the jaw, not to insert a spoon or finger into the mouth;
  • Do not pour liquid into the mouth; the victim may choke.

Emergency medical care for seizures in newborns

If you need to urgently call a doctor. The doctor admits the child to the department intensive care. First aid by a doctor consists of measures.

  1. A glucose solution (25 percent) is administered intravenously at the rate of 4 ml per kilogram of weight.
  2. Pyridoxine, or vitamin B6, is administered intravenously.
  3. Introduced gluconate solution calcium (up to 10 ml).
  4. Phenobarbital is injected slowly intravenously.
  5. Phenytoin – intravenously (per kilogram of weight – 20 mg).

You cannot give injections yourself!

Treatment of seizures at elevated body temperature

If the spasms are rare and last no more than 15 minutes, no treatment is required: the spasms go away on their own. Carry out actions.

  • The baby needs to be cooled down. Methods available at home will do. It is possible to wipe the body weak solution vinegar, apply cold water to your forehead (for example, a cold towel).
  • When the seizure has passed, give an antipyretic. Paracetamol, Tsifecon, Efferalgan are recognized as safe for children.
  • If seizures occur frequently and for a long time, you will need to administer intravenous anticonvulsants. Performed exclusively by a doctor.
  • The only doctor prescribes Diazepam or Phenobarbital (extremely carefully - based on the student’s weight). Do not give it to your child yourself similar drugs: Without a doctor’s prescription, medications cause considerable harm.

What to do during an epileptic seizure

To stop the attacks, the child is prescribed intravenous Diazepam. Sodium thiopental is prescribed exclusively in the absence of effect from Diazepam. Ambulance at status epilepticus includes the measures listed.

  1. On early stage– Diazepam, Midazolam, Valproic acid.
  2. At steady state – valproic acid intravenously.
  3. Refractory status – Profopol, Sodium thiopental.
  4. Superstable status - Pyridoxine intravenously, drugs that are prescribed at the third stage. Ventilation is prescribed if necessary.

Consequences of febrile seizures in a child

In most cases, febrile seizures do not cause future consequences in children. In young children, the brain shows a high potential for recovery. However, the age at which the phenomenon occurs is proportional to the severity of the seizures: the older the baby, the more pronounced and prolonged the seizures. Consequences are expected to be more serious due to the pronounced oxygen starvation brain

Observation by a pediatrician or pediatric neurologist is important, timely and quality treatment Problems. Each new seizure of epilepsy is displayed on intellectual development child.

In case of febrile convulsions, parents are obliged to be attentive to the state of health, consult a doctor in a timely manner for medical care. It is important to learn the simplest rules for providing emergency care to a child.

Seizures in a child can occur at any age. Sometimes this does not pose any threat to his health. But there are times when similar manifestations not only threaten normal development nervous system, but also the life of the baby. How to recognize dangerous seizures in time and how to solve this problem?

Causes of seizures in children

The causes of seizures are quite difficult to accurately determine, because they largely depend on their specific type. If we talk about harmless muscle contractions, they often occur as a result of sending impulses to nerve endings. This includes nighttime shuddering when the child is dreaming or a temporary tic.

  1. Seizures in newborns may occur due to a violation birth process, asphyxia and lack of oxygen, trauma during childbirth, as well as due to metabolic disorders, the presence of diabetes mellitus in the mother or poor heredity.
  2. In the first year of life, babies may experience seizures caused by a discrepancy in the development of organs and the nervous system, infection in the body that affects the functioning of the central nervous system, a reaction to vaccination or colds.
  3. For children over 3 years old, the number of reasons increases sharply. This already includes infectious diseases, head injuries, poisoning, spasms, hysterical fits. In more serious cases The cause may be childhood neurosis.

As a result, we can identify the following provoking factors for the occurrence of seizures:

  • emotional and mental disorders;
  • immaturity of the brain;
  • disorders in the development and functioning of the central nervous system;
  • traumatic brain injury;
  • neuroinfection;
  • perinatal encephalopathy;
  • epilepsy;
  • tumor or cyst;
  • genetic disorders;
  • hereditary predisposition;
  • violation metabolic processes;
  • diabetes;
  • intoxication of the body;
  • elevated temperature;
  • meningitis;
  • birth injury;
  • asphyxia;
  • hysteria;
  • internal hemorrhages.

Signs of childhood seizures

A cramp is an involuntary contraction of muscles due to a signal sent through nerve endings. It is quite easy to notice them, because in most cases they have a pronounced character.

How do seizures manifest?

  • involuntary muscle contraction: twitching, tic, movement of limbs, distortion of facial features, pulsation;
  • eye rolling;
  • jaw clenching, teeth grinding;
  • tension of the limbs, and squeezing or pulling;
  • blue discoloration of lips and skin;
  • involuntary urination;
  • V severe cases- foaming at the mouth and vomiting.

Signs of neuropathy and hyperkinetic syndrome may be alarm signals: muscle tremors, nervous tic, tremor of the limbs.

How to recognize an epilepsy attack:

  • the child falls to the floor;
  • loss of consciousness;
  • eyes roll;
  • the whole body convulses;
  • jaws clenched tightly;
  • foam appears on the lips;
  • possible urination;
  • At the end of the seizure, all muscles relax and the child falls asleep. After waking up, there is often memory loss for the duration of the attack.

Types of spasms

Muscle contractions are not the same. There are the following types:

  1. Tonic – intense muscle tension that is held for quite a long time.
  2. Clonic - short-term tension alternates with relaxation, pulsation or so-called muscle twitching occurs.

In addition, a distinction is made between focal and generalized seizures. In the first case, spasm occurs in a separate area and is concentrated locally. In the second, almost all muscle groups are involved, which leads to complete paralysis for a certain time. There are also groups of febrile and non-febrile spasms.


Febrile seizures often occur in children during a cold or flu. Muscle contraction occurs at high temperatures.

This side effect feverish condition. Of course, their occurrence is not the norm, but such short-term seizures do not pose any particular danger. They pass along with the cause of their occurrence - infectious or viral disease, so treatment should be directed specifically at him.


It’s not just temperature that can cause convulsions. Nonfebrile seizures occur due to a temporary disruption of adequate brain function. Often such phenomena are isolated.

Convulsions occurring during sleep are often associated with increased activity brain, that is, dreams. However, in the presence of pathologies that provoke their appearance, involuntary urination of a sleeping child may be observed. At the age of up to 3 years, such trouble does not always indicate any disease. But in older children this is beyond the norm.

When the child is awake, such convulsions are much easier to notice. Epilepsy also falls into this category. Non-febrile seizures are often accompanied by loss of consciousness. It can be either complete or partial, when the patient manages to control his body. In this case, stupor or momentary loss coordination.

Why are seizures dangerous?

The most dangerous are generalized convulsive conditions. They are characterized total loss control of the child over his body, loss of consciousness, serious consequences of convulsions.

The consequences of seizures are unpredictable.

During a seizure, the brain is paralyzed and the supply of oxygen to its tissues is stopped.

This can provoke necrotic processes, affect the nervous and mental development child. Often such phenomena lead to a lag in psycho-emotional, mental and physical development, decreased intelligence.

At night, cramps are most dangerous, because the child may need help, but there will be no one nearby. They can even cause death, as they provoke the shutdown of vital processes, lead to respiratory arrest, and asphyxia.

There are cases when the victim suffocates due to being caught in Airways foamed saliva, vomit, or due to a stuck tongue. Epileptic seizures dangerous because the child can injure himself or even bite off his tongue.

What to do if your child starts having seizures

What should you do if your child suddenly starts having seizures? Here, much depends on the intensity and location of the attack. If his legs cramp, the best way Relieve tension by stretching the limbs and massage. It is also recommended to apply pain to the affected muscle, for example, by pinching or pricking.

If your teeth are clenched tightly, do not try to loosen them. No medications or water should be given until the seizure is over. When the convulsions stop, check the child's pulse and breathing, and the position of the tongue. You definitely need to call an ambulance.


After first aid has been provided, you need to go to the hospital to find out the causes of the seizure and eliminate them. First of all, you need to contact your pediatrician. If the problem lies in a disruption of the central nervous system, in this case it will help narrowly qualified specialist– neurologist or neuropathologist, in case of metabolic disorders – endocrinologist.

If the seizures are of non-febrile origin, an examination must first be carried out. A blood test can indicate a deficiency or excess of certain elements in the body. An important step is the study of the state of the brain. To do this, electroencephalography (EEG) is performed, which allows you to observe particularly active areas of the brain. In the presence of serious problems A CT or MRI may be needed.

Treatment of the disease

  1. If the seizures are not associated with age-related changes in the body and are pathological in nature, their urgent treatment is necessary.
  2. At high temperatures, it is necessary to take antipyretic drugs.
  3. Additionally, other methods of reducing temperature are used: sponging, cold compresses.
  4. If a child loses consciousness, it is advisable to revive him and keep him there until the doctors arrive. Will help ammonia, maintaining a conversation, tactile and visual contact. Don't let yourself or anyone else panic. little patient. If necessary, the doctor can inject a drug that relieves spasms. Once the diagnosis is made, medications to suppress seizures, sedatives, and symptomatic medications may be prescribed.

The exact direction of treatment is determined by the final diagnosis. Disorders of the central nervous system are treated with medications, psychotherapy and other methods. Reflexology, massages, exercise therapy, wave and impulse impact on nerve endings and the cerebral cortex. Severe brain problems may require surgery. In this case, a more detailed study is carried out, and the child is prepared with the help of medications.


The recovery process after serious treatment of diseases that provoke seizures can last from a couple of weeks to several years, it all depends on the specific type of pathology. Some diseases cannot be cured complete cure Therefore, continuous maintenance of therapy is necessary.

Often, a child who has had seizures and treatment for this problem needs rest. Can't be allowed stressful situations, large physical and intellectual loads. Creative activities help a lot. IN postoperative period It is mandatory to take medications that are prescribed only by the attending physician.

To monitor the effects of seizures, it is necessary to undergo examination from time to time. This includes not only monitoring the functioning of the brain and nervous system as a whole, but also monitoring cardiac activity, the endocrine system and other areas. In the first year, the ECG is mandatory measure. If you follow the doctor’s recommendations, the child will very soon return to his usual rhythm of life.

Prognosis and complications

Seizures can be either a single manifestation or have an adverse effect throughout the child’s life.

For minor disorders or febrile manifestations severe consequences are extremely rare. The prognosis in such cases is very favorable.

If there are serious problems, the prognosis worsens.

Prolonged lack of treatment or progression of the underlying disease can lead to developmental delays, impairment motor function, metabolic processes, cause cerebral palsy and other pathologies.


In order to reduce the likelihood of seizures, you need to take care of the proper mental and physical development of your child. An important role in this regard is played by walks in the fresh air, physical activity, and frequent contact with parents, especially mother. Older children should do exercises, and adults should help kids with this. It is also necessary to take care of the correct and balanced diet, because a lack of minerals and vitamins can also cause this problem.

Doctor advises

If you notice convulsions in a child, do not ignore them, because it is better to be safe and make sure that everything is in order. It is much better to eliminate the problem before it becomes permanent. And since children are not yet able to take care of their health on their own, the responsibility lies entirely with their parents.

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