Labrador conditions of detention. What you need for proper care. Puppy care

Update: October 2017

Labrador is a carefree, cheerful fellow with an easy-going character. The full name of the breed is Labrador Retriever. The dog belongs to the group of gun dogs and is characterized by the following features:

  • stable psyche and balanced character;
  • versatility of use - the dog can be a guide, hunter, companion and even a nanny;
  • loves to swim and has a strong physique;
  • has webbed paws, thanks to which the dog does not get tired in the water and moves quickly;
  • they are distinguished by a special structure of the rear part of the body, which allows them to jump far;
  • The labrador's tail, wide at the base, is similar in structure to the tail of an otter; in water it works like a rudder;
  • in the apartment, the pet sweeps away small objects around itself with its wagging tail;
  • The dog's coat is adapted to long-term swimming, it is multi-layered and has thin layers of fat;
  • has a so-called soft mouth, does not squeeze objects with its teeth, transferring them into its mouth;
  • obedient, excellent interaction with the owner or trainer during classes;
  • has good health, but there are problems with hips, knees and joints, it occurs genetic defect eye.

Labras are full of life and are always ready for both work and play. These are sprinting dogs. On land they move at a speed of 20 km per hour. They swim twice as fast as ducks, reaching speeds of up to 5 km per hour in the water. The Labrador's record jump is more than 8 meters.

Characteristics of the Labrador dog breed

Is it difficult to care for a Labrador?
The Labrador dog breed needs exercise. Grooming is easy.
Do golden labradors exist?
There are two different breeds– Labrador Retriever and Golden retriever. Don't confuse them. Labras have short fur that can be black, yellow or chocolate. Golden Retrievers have more long hair cream color.
What does Dudley the Labrador look like?
Dudleys are Labradors with reduced pigmentation on the nose, eye rims and muzzle.
Where is it better for a Labrador to live: in an apartment or in a house?
With active walking, the dog will feel good both in the apartment and in the house. This is an unpretentious breed.
Is aviary keeping allowed?
Labras tolerate winter well and love to swim in the snow. They can live in an enclosure, but only in a heated one. It is recommended to maintain the temperature at least 15 degrees.
Does Labrador retriever shed?
Dogs have double coats. It consists of soft undercoat and hard outer wool. They shed twice a year.
How often should you bathe?
Only bathe your pet when it starts to smell bad. It is better not to use shampoo.
Is grooming necessary?
It is enough to comb the coat once a week and remove the hairs with a wet cloth.
Are all Labradors hyperactive?
Dogs with the right temperament are not overactive. But, unfortunately, hyperactive labs are becoming more and more common. The reason is unscrupulous breeders who, in pursuit of profit, engage in thoughtless breeding.
How often should you go for a walk?
At least 2 hours a day.
What kind of work can Labradors do?
Pets perform search and rescue work. They can be guides, assistants to hunters and fishermen, and participate in therapy.
Who is the breed not suitable for?
Inactive people who prefer peace.
Can I buy for a child?
Labras love children, but they should not be left unattended. Both of them tend not to really evaluate their strength. Children from 8 years old can start raising a dog.
Is the breed suitable for guarding?
This is a peaceful breed that does not like to dominate. They have no aggression. They are not suitable for protection.
Is it better to choose show or working line puppies for hunting?
Both lines show good results. If you are interested in field trials, look for breeders who specialize in this.
At what age are Labradors considered adults?
Labras behave like mature dogs after reaching the age of three.
Can it be kept with other animals?
Pets are friends with all living things. Gets along well with cats, other dogs and small pets.

Advantages of the breed

  • The breed was bred for work and is still in good physical shape.
  • This is a strong and hardy dog ​​with good health. She is not afraid of colds, ice water, snow and blizzards.
  • Labradors love the cold, but live in any climate.
  • Requires minimal maintenance and is easy to adapt to different conditions content.
  • They are easy to train, quickly learn to follow commands, show good results in agility.
  • Has an exceptional memory. His ancestors remembered the place where game fell while hunting, this ability was passed on to their descendants.
  • They are the best at fetching items. This is an innate skill of labs.
  • Pets are loyal to their family and do not try to dominate it.
  • They adapt well to the rhythm of family life.


  • The Labrador is friendly with everyone, including strangers. It is almost impossible to train him to be aggressive. There are no guard qualities. A labra won't make a guard.
  • They need constant activity and significant physical exertion.
  • A bored dog can cause significant damage to property.
  • Some individuals exhibit hyperactivity. As a rule, it can be corrected with proper upbringing.
  • The breed is characterized by slow maturation. Until the age of three, the Lab behaves like a puppy. Prolonged childhood hinders obedience.
  • It is difficult for a pet to resist swimming if the water in front of him is dirty, but dirty. A water lover considers any puddle or ditch to be a body of water.
  • He doesn't know how much to eat. He is not averse to eating anything he finds on the street, and loves to dig through landfills.
  • Loves to play with all his relatives. He plays games with stray dogs and animals of all sizes.
  • The dog can become uncontrollable if not handled. This is especially evident during walks, when the animal pulls the owner. From the outside it is not entirely clear who is walking whom.

Get rid of these bad habits It is possible if you consistently and competently conduct educational activities with your pet. Then negative sides the rocks will not appear at all.

Labrador: dog character, behavior

This is the smartest and kindest creature, capable of charging everyone around with its energy. Labras subtly sense the mood of the owner. They won't bother him if he has Bad mood or he just wants to be quiet. However, a violent temperament must be directed in the right direction, while avoiding unnecessary punishment.

Connoisseurs of the breed note that the pet’s character contains the following traits:

  • good nature and optimism;
  • reliability and loyalty;
  • high activity;
  • innate intellectual abilities;
  • greater work capacity.

Behavior at home

The best companion is a Labrador. The description of the breed, the nature of its behavior, suggests that it dog happiness is not the protection and protection of one’s family, but the ability to accompany a person at any time of the day or night. He will share all the joys and troubles and cheer you up with a wagging tail. Such a manifestation of joy can lead to chaos in the apartment. The dog sweeps away all objects around with its tail. As a rule, three-year-old dogs become more sedate.

Behavior on the street

Pets love to swim, run and just walk with their owner everywhere. Need constant attention. As a rule, they do not have jealousy or aggressiveness. They are always open to communication. They do not attack strangers, except to play. They love to learn and master new commands. This is one of the few breeds that can be trained at home.

Attitude towards strangers, protection of the owner and home

His loud barking will be heard quite often. But this does not mean that the dog guards the house. This is how he expresses his joy. The pet is happy to everyone who looks into the house or meets on the street. He is ready to be friends with everyone: children, dogs, cats. The exception is birds. The breed was bred to hunt birds. Sometimes the breadwinner instinct awakens in domestic sissies.

Labrador photo

Labrador Retriever Care: Coat, Eyes, Ears

The breed is distinguished by its cleanliness. Dogs take care of their own fur. The owner only needs to clean it with a special brush or a mitten. During shedding, it is convenient to remove fallen hairs with a damp towel.

The smooth-haired Labrador does not need frequent washing. He needs simple care and maintenance. A Labrador can easily live its entire life without a bath at all. But if the dog is lying in the mud or smells bad, he is washed special shampoo.

Dogs with light coats can be cleaned with talcum powder. It absorbs dirt well, and the coat after such procedures looks shiny and well-groomed. Cleaning with talc is carried out only on the street. It requires caution. It is necessary to ensure that the dog does not inhale the substance.

The eyes are wiped daily with a cotton swab. If discharge appears, you should immediately consult a doctor. The ears are cleaned with a gently moistened cotton swab. You should not try to get to depths that are not visible.

Claws are trimmed as needed with special clippers. The cut should be made below the living part of the claw. It is clearly visible on light-colored claws. It is difficult to notice on dark ones.

Walking and exercise

The need for movement is in the Labrador's blood. He was bred for hunting. Moreover, it does not work like a husky - at a distance from the hunter, but very close to the person. Contact with the owner is important for the breed. Active walks provide your pet with such closeness.

It’s not enough for Labru to walk sedately through the park on a leash. Outdoor games are what a Labrador Retriever needs to stay healthy. The breed description contains this information. If there is no suitable company for your pet in the area, the owner should take on the role of play partner.

Loads need to be dosed. There is no need to exhaust a small puppy during walks so that he falls dead as soon as he crosses the threshold of the apartment. A growing pet cannot move as actively as an adult dog. Gradually the load is increased.

The ideal type of exercise for a puppy is swimming. All muscle groups work, while the load on fragile joints is not significant. It is useful for dogs to move in shallow water. In winter, ponds will be replaced by snowdrifts. Driving in deep snow - good alternative swimming.

Vaccinations, susceptibility to diseases

Labrador is a strong dog with no special health problems. As a rule, regular prophylaxis is enough to avoid starting treatment. An annual examination by a veterinarian is required for early detection of the disease.

The breed is prone to diseases such as:

  • hip dysplasia;
  • elbow dysplasia;
  • obesity (dogs are prone to overeating);
  • panosteitis is a disease of young dogs associated with rapid growth;
  • osteochondrosis – most often affects the shoulder, knee and hock joints;
  • progressive retinal atrophy, cataracts;
  • licking granuloma - the formation of ulcers on the leg caused by idiopathic licking (fawn-colored individuals are more often affected);
  • epilepsy (not common in Labradors).

Treatment against worms

Labradors are dewormed once a quarter and 10 days before vaccination. Worms are removed from bitches 2 weeks before mating. Before giving the drug, you need to carefully study the instructions and follow them strictly.

It is important to know exactly the dog’s weight, because the dosage of the drug is based on this parameter. Overdose is especially dangerous for puppies. It can even lead to the death of the animal. And an insufficient amount of the drug will not give the desired effect.

Vaccinations, first vaccination

Only healthy individuals are vaccinated. After administration of the drug, the puppies are observed for about 6 hours. It is necessary to monitor whether swelling of the nasopharynx or other symptoms of an allergic reaction have appeared. If they are present, the dog is given an antihistamine.

Vaccination schedule:

  1. 2 month old puppies (Nobivac DHPPi with Nobivac Lepto or Eurican DHPPI2-L)
  2. after 3-4 weeks (again with the same vaccine);
  3. at 6-7 months, after the final change of teeth (together with the rabies vaccine Nobivac DHPPi+R+L)

Adult dogs are vaccinated annually against leptospirosis, parvovirosis, plague and rabies. Only rabies vaccination is mandatory. The rest are given at the discretion of the owner.

What to feed?

Labradors are not picky eaters at all. They eat everything that gets into their bowl or comes along the way. This does not mean that their nutrition should not be given attention. Quite the contrary, if you want to have a healthy and active dog If you are not obese, take seriously the choice of diet for your pet. Find out what to feed your Labrador before he arrives in the house.

Ready-made rations

Puppies and adults and can eat ready-made or natural food. Ready-made diets have two important advantages: they do not need to be prepared, and they are balanced in composition. However, you only need to buy food of at least the “Premium” class. Those who save on feed later spend on veterinarians.

Ready-made diets are selected based on the age of the dog. If the pet has dialed excess weight, it is transferred to dietary ration. There are special diets for weakened individuals and lactating bitches. Menus have been developed that Labrador puppies will enjoy. Feeding is organized according to the instructions on the package.

Puppy diet

At first, the puppy should eat food that is familiar to him. Ask the breeder what your pet ate and follow their recommendations. After a week, you can gradually switch the baby to another food.

You need to immediately teach the puppy to eat in one place and at the same time. If your baby hasn't finished eating, remove the bowl with the leftovers. Just don't put away the dishes with water. It should always be freely available. And make sure the portion is not too big for a small pet.

Depending on their age, puppies are provided with the following feeding regimen:

  • up to 2 months – six meals a day;
  • up to 4 months – five times a day;
  • up to 6 months – four times a day;
  • 7–12 months – three times a day;
  • Dogs after a year eat twice a day.

Adult dog diet

If the owner chooses natural feeding for his pet, he needs to decide whether he will heat treat them. The answer to this question depends on many factors. In every special case It is better to consult a veterinarian. In any case, the diet should be balanced in proteins, fats and carbohydrates.

For a Labrador, it is important to maintain the following proportions:

  • meat products 10–15 g/kg weight;
  • carbohydrates – 3–5 g/kg;
  • fats – 1–2 g/kg of pet’s weight.

Sources of protein include meat, offal, fish, dairy products, eggs. Carbohydrates - porridge and crackers, fats - dairy products and vegetable oil.

  • Meat – suitable beef, chicken, turkey, horse meat and lamb, offal. It can be given either raw or boiled. Some breeders combine raw and boiled meat. The product is cut into pieces, the fat must be trimmed off. Scars are useful by-products. The liver, kidneys, heart, udder are boiled and also cut into pieces.
  • Fish is mainly sea fish. There should be no bones in it. If you decide not to boil it, provide your pet with a set of antihelminthic measures.
  • Cereals are sources of carbohydrates. It is not recommended to take pearl barley, as it is poorly absorbed. And oatmeal can cause allergic reactions. Instead of cereals, you can give crackers made from black bread.
  • Dairy products, eggs - it is not advisable to give milk to dogs; it is better to replace it with lactic acid products. Eggs produce only yolks. They are mixed raw with vegetables or cereals. Cheese and cottage cheese are suitable, not sour and not spicy.
  • Vegetables - cabbage, carrots, beets, pumpkin, zucchini are given in chopped form. Add butter or sour cream to them.

We must not forget about vitamins and mineral supplements, especially in winter period. Dogs need them daily.

What should you not feed your Labrador?

The following should not be included in the diet of adult dogs and puppies:

  • hot (immediately from the stove) and too cold food;
  • salty, spicy, fatty, smoked;
  • baked goods made from wheat flour, pasta, legumes, potatoes, peas;
  • sweets, sugar;
  • sausages and frankfurters;
  • fatty lamb and pork;
  • bones (especially tubular ones);
  • spices and seasonings;
  • spoiled products.

Training and education

Before bringing the puppy into the house, you need to hide all small objects that he can swallow and arrange for him sleeping area. In the first days the baby will be bored. You need to steadfastly withstand all his whims. Do not take him to bed if you do not plan to sleep in the same bed with him in the future. Don't indulge his whims. Act strictly, but without unnecessary punishments or shouting.

From the first days the dog must understand who is in charge here. Labradors rarely try to dominate, but such a turn of events is not excluded. Such attempts must be sharply stopped. Any dog ​​should occupy the last step in the hierarchical ladder of the “pack”.

You can train your Labrador on your own. He loves to study and even enjoys it. It is important for your pet to know basic commands: “Ugh”, “Stand”, “Near”, “Go”. This set can be expanded at your discretion, and they can sound differently. It is only important that your dog understands what you want from him.

Choosing and caring for a puppy

Before buying a puppy, you need to enlist the support of all family members. Otherwise, conflicts may arise. It is important to realize what a responsibility it is to have a living creature in the house. If this is all right, start looking for a breeder. It is best to choose them on the advice of satisfied customers. If they can't get enough of their puppies, then there's a good chance your babies will be healthy and beautiful.

Puppy exterior

There is no single rule that will help you choose a promising puppy. Looking at a baby, it is difficult to predict how he will grow up. Therefore, it is so important to be confident in the integrity of the breeder.

It’s good if you have the opportunity to see the baby’s parents. Their appearance will tell you more than the breeder's stories about the benefits of a puppy. Ideally, you also need to see older babies from previous litters.

Gender of the puppy

Here it is better to be guided by your own preferences. Bitches are more flexible and balanced. But you will need to go through the dog's heat about once a year. It lasts about 20 days. These days, all the dog’s efforts can be aimed at finding a partner. She may even run away.

Not everything is simple with males either. They are in constant search. They can smell the smell of a bitch in heat a mile away. And their ingenuity in terms of winning the lady of their heart can be envied. Despite this, males are no less in demand than females. Many people like their cheerful outlook on life.

Which color is preferable?

If at first the black Labrador and its chocolate relative were popular, then later they began to be replaced by individuals with light hair. Choose the color that you like. It is a misconception that dogs' abilities depend on coat color. In fact, if everything is in order with the pet’s genetics, it depends only on the owner what kind of dog the dog will be.

Breed standards

Today, there are different official standards for the Labrador breed - American (1994) and English (1988). The difference between them is small. The discrepancies concern only certain aspects. The table shows FCI standard №122.

FCI classification Group 8 - Retrievers, Spaniels, Water Dogs
Usage Gun dog.
Appearance Strong, compact, very active.
Temperament, behavior A very agile dog with a good temperament. Good-natured and affectionate. There is no aggression. Has excellent instincts and a soft grip when serving game. Loves water and active games.
  • Scull: wide, without fleshy cheeks. The transition from forehead to muzzle is pronounced.
  • Muzzle: not pointed, powerful.
  • Jaws: strong, with an excellent, even, scissor bite.
  • Nose: Wide, with well developed nostrils.
  • Eyes: medium size, brown or nut color.
  • Ears: small and light, fit snugly to the head, hanging.
  • Back: level topline.
  • Small of the back: wide, short and strong.
  • Breast: Good depth and length, with arched ribs.
  • Neck: powerful and strong, but unloaded, with good output
  • Tail: very thick at the base, tapering towards the end, reminiscent of an otter's tail. The coat is dense and short. Should never bend over onto your back.
  • Front: straight, with strong bones.
  • Rear: well developed, the croup is not inclined towards the tail.
Movements Free, productive. Straight and parallel fore and hind legs.
Wool Short, thick, tough and dense to the touch. There should be no waves or frays. There is a dense waterproof undercoat.
Color Solid black, fawn or brown (liver, chocolate). Fawn comes in different shades from very light cream to red. Small White spot on the chest is acceptable.
Height Height at withers:
  • Males 56–57 cm;
  • Females 54–56 cm.
Flaws Deviation from the above parameters is a disadvantage.

Origin story

The birthplace of Labradors is the island of Newfoundland in Canada. The history of the breed is shrouded in mystery and speculation. Exact information has not been preserved. She came to Europe in early XIX century. In fact, this is a smaller copy of the black Newfoundland, created in order to get fish out of the water that have fallen off a hook or escaped from a net. The dogs also hunted birds with the same success.

Since the name "Newfoundland" was already taken, the breed was given the name "Labrador". The word "labrador" is translated as "worker". Representatives of the breed are truly hard-working. This is not the only version. It is believed that the name comes from the black labradorite stone, or from the Portuguese village of Castro Laboreiro, where dogs similar to Labradors are found.

Today this is the most popular breed in USA. Labras serve in the police and customs. They work as guides and take part in the rehabilitation of patients. But most of them are just pets.

The Labrador is a medium-sized dog and is generally in good health. People who breed this breed of dog make a lot of efforts to prevent hereditary diseases, such as the elbow or femoral dysplasia. Just not always genetic inheritance can explain the presence of diseases.

Factors that negatively affect the health of a Labrador:

  • as stated, genetics;
  • poor nutrition;
  • physical overload in young Labradors;
  • insufficient loads on skeletal system in adult dogs.

How to care for a Labrador

The Labrador breed was bred specifically for hunting, and therefore the lack of skills and stimulation mental development, insufficiency physical activity on the dog's muscles can have a detrimental effect on its appearance and morale.

Diet and nutrition

A lack of vitamins in the diet, as well as their excess, can lead to irreversible processes in the dog’s body, so owners of this breed should definitely consult a veterinarian when choosing food.

To feed your dog properly, you need to have some knowledge in this matter.


You need to know that a dog’s daily water requirement is approximately equal to daily requirement in calories. Its body contains about 80% liquid, so fresh water should always be present in the dog's bowl.


Proteins are called amino acid chains. In dog nutrition, 10 amino acids must be present in mandatory, because she cannot get it on her own. Products that contain high levels of protein are fish, meat boiled egg. Wheat and soy contain much less protein. Milk contains enough protein, but the dog’s body does not digest milk well. With sufficient protein intake, the dog develops tendons and cartilage correctly, tissues are restored, and there is sufficient lubrication in the joints.

Oil and fat

Fats are the main source of energy for animals, because fatty foods contain double the calories of protein or carbohydrates. Vitamins are better absorbed with them; they are necessary when the dog produces hormones. This stimulates pregnancy, properly forms brain cells, and ensures health. skin dogs. Her fur becomes impenetrable.

How to feed Labrador puppies

There are two ways to feed Labrador puppies at home:

  • if you feed your puppy with ready-made food, you should choose those that are suitable for age;
  • feeding with natural products means the puppy consumes lean beef, homemade cottage cheese, sea lean fish, rice or buckwheat groats.

An adult dog is fed twice a day, while babies are fed as follows:

  • 1-2 periods about 6 times a day;
  • 3-4 months - 4 times;
  • over 5 months – 3 times a day.

Clean water and a stand for feeding bowls at the level of the Labrador's elbows are required.

There is no particular hassle with a Labrador Retriever. Here's what you need to do:

  • when the dog is 9 weeks old, he needs vaccination against various infections;
  • the second vaccination is given at 12 weeks;
  • then Labradors are vaccinated every year;
  • it is necessary to rid the animal of helminths in a timely manner;
  • It is advisable to place the dog’s bed away from radiators and drafts;
  • In order for the baby to learn to go to the toilet in one place, you need to cover the floors with newspapers once. He will decide, and then he will do it in the same place;
  • The baby Labrador should have a lot of toys at home, and then the owners’ things will remain untouched. All electrical wires in the apartment should be hidden;
  • bathe dogs if necessary;
  • comb the Labrador's coat once a week;
  • you need to monitor the dog’s claws, ears and eyes, in addition, the ears and eyes are wiped with a special composition;
  • and, of course, walk the dog as often as possible.

How to train a Labrador

By nature, Labradors are very gentle and smart. Therefore, they are trained in the form of a game and try not to punish unnecessarily. You need to create a plan for teams and rewards.

The Labrador Retriever is one of the most popular dogs that is bred as a pet. Despite the fact that initially this breed was bred for hunting, they do not look angry and intimidating. Quite the contrary, they have wonderful kind eyes, shining with loyalty and love for their owner. In this article you will find detailed description breeds, character traits, principles of care, training and much more interesting things.

Description and photo

  • Breed name: Labrador Retriever
  • Country of origin: Canada
  • Time of appearance of the breed: 19th century
  • Weight: male - 27–40 kg; women's - 27–35 kg
  • Height: male - 56–57 cm; women's - 54–56 cm
  • Lifespan: 10–13 years
  • ICF classification: Group 8, Section 1, Number 122
  • General form:
  • Scull: wide, clear
  • Eyes: medium size, nut or brown
  • Ears: small size, hanging, adjacent to the head and not covering the muzzle
  • Neck: dry, strong, powerful
  • Back: smooth, with a slight bend
  • Small of the back: not long, strong
  • Breast: wide, massive
  • Tail: heterogeneous, thick at the base and tapering towards the end, middle length
  • Shoulders: long and oblique
  • Legs: the front legs are completely straight and the hind legs are curved from the knees
  • Knees: articulation angles are well defined
  • Paws: round, small in size
  • Wool:
    • Guard hair: hard
    • Undercoat: soft, weather resistant
    • Color: solid black, fawn or brown (may sometimes occur white spot on the chest)

History of the breed

In the 19th century, kind and sympathetic people who loved water were very popular on the island of Newfoundland. They were called "little Newfoundlands." They owe their popularity to the Englishman Peter Hawker, who took several of these dogs with him to his homeland. There they caused incredible delight among the population, mainly among the local rich, who kept them for hunting.
Over time, the blood of local retrievers and setters is mixed with Newfoundland dogs. This is how the Labrador Retriever turned out. The first standard of this breed was registered in 1887. At first, only black dogs were recognized in the standard, but over time fawn and brown breeds were added to them.

Did you know? There are several varieties of retrievers, and the Labrador is just one of them. There is also the Golden Retriever, and many people don't understand the difference between the two. However, these are different breeds and they differ in color, character and even body structure.

How to choose a puppy

Before buying a dog, consider whether you have enough time to walk your pet. After all, a dog is not a toy and requires a lot of attention, effort and time. She needs to be walked, trained, monitored for her nutrition, bathed, and so on. If you are aware of all these things and want to purchase as soon as possible little friend, then below you will find advice on choosing a puppy, as well as information on how much a Labrador puppy can cost.
The best option There will be a purchase of a puppy from breeders, that is, from those people who own kennels of Labrador retrievers. It is these people who will be able to help you choose a puppy according to your needs and advise you on how best to keep it, feed it, etc. Choosing good breeders is not easy, but you can ask your friends who already have a dog of this breed.

At the kennel itself, you will most likely see the puppy's parents and have an idea of ​​what the puppy will look like when he grows up. The most suitable time for picking up a puppy from its mother is 6–8 weeks. It is advisable to come to the breeders with a veterinarian so that he can examine your future pet. Conscientious breeders will not object to this. When purchasing, you should be given documents for the dog and recommendations for its maintenance.
If you don’t know what gender of dog to choose, then you should know that females are more docile and calm. This factor may be important if you have children. Otherwise there are no significant differences. When choosing a dog, the most important thing is to follow your feelings. You may not understand why you liked this particular dog, but if so, then buy without a doubt.

But, of course, you should only do this if you are buying a dog “for the soul.” If you are purchasing a dog for hunting or exhibitions, then you should first of all pay attention to the characteristics, pedigree, temperament and everything else. By the way, this factor also affects the price.
The price can be from 700 to 1000 euros, depending on how well the puppy meets the breed standard. If you are not very interested in the “ideality” of your future pet, then buy one that you like and is suitable for the price, because meeting the standards does not affect the dog’s life at home.

The necessary conditions

Labrador retrievers have long adapted to city life, so the care and maintenance they need can be provided both in your private home and in an ordinary apartment. What is important for them is not the area of ​​the room in which they live, but the availability physical activity. A regular slow walk in the park is not suitable for this breed. Although, of course, sometimes this is possible, but they need a much more serious load. It will be great if you can regularly go somewhere with your pet into nature, preferably to a place where there is a body of water, because these dogs really love water. In an urban environment, you should regularly run your dog, spend time in dog walking areas, play with it, and train it. Only in such conditions will the dog feel great and live a long life.

Did you know? Labrador Retrievers are the only dog ​​breed with specially webbed paws that help them swim in water.

Labrador Retriever Care

There is nothing special in the rules for caring for a Labrador; they differ little from the generally accepted ones. However, there are several nuances that all owners of these devoted animals need to know.


These dogs have beautiful coats with an undercoat that hardly gets wet or gets tangled. Therefore, brushing once a week with a special rubber brush will be quite enough.

To get your dog used to this procedure, start brushing it from the moment you purchase it. Over time, your pet will get used to it and may even ask you to scratch it.


Labradors do not need frequent bathing; they should be washed as needed. All this is thanks to their wool, which is capable of self-cleaning. If it's time to give your dog a bath, use a regular one. clean water. From time to time you can use a special shampoo to get rid of the “dog” smell or, if they appear.

Ears, teeth, eyes, claws


The more time you can spend walking your Labrador, the better. But it's worth saying that minimum time for a daily walk adult dog must be at least an hour. Even better - two to three hours. If this little puppy, then you shouldn’t tire him out with hours-long walks; 30–40 minutes is enough for him. During your walk, you also don’t sit still: run, jump, play with your pet. This will be useful and will bring pleasure not only to him, but also to you.

The recommended collar width is 3–4 cm, and the leash length should be about 1.5 meters. A muzzle is also a necessary attribute for walking, but it should be used only where necessary: ​​in in public places, during transportation. If you walk your dog in the designated area, remove the muzzle. He prevents her from cooling her body in a natural way, especially in the heat.
Don't forget to take precautions too. Do not let the dog off the leash and keep it muzzled in areas with big amount people, hold the dog tightly near the roadway, do not let it close to strangers and other dogs. If the weather outside is bad, then you don’t need to walk for several hours. You will get the greatest pleasure from spending time with your dog when you have trained him well to commands and he will listen to you adamantly. But about a little later.

What to feed your dog

First, you must decide on the type of food: natural products or. Veterinarians do not recommend mixing these two types of food, as digestive problems may arise. If you have chosen natural nutrition, then the layout will be as follows: half of the diet should be meat products, a quarter - cereals and the rest - vegetables and dairy products.

Meat can be beef, lamb (lean), chicken and turkey. It should be scalded with boiling water before feeding, but if you are not sure about the quality of the meat, it is better to completely cook it. Suitable cereals include: buckwheat, rice, wheat and barley grits(recommended for obese dogs as it digests slowly and lowers blood glucose levels).
You can give a wide variety of vegetables, depending on the season, for example, carrots, zucchini, pumpkin, beets, cabbage, tomatoes. From fermented milk products choose something that your pet will like, but they should be low-fat.

Unfortunately, natural feeding does not provide the dog with everything it needs, so you need to add vitamins and useful material. For example, vitamins C, E, taurine, lutein, glucosamine (for the prevention of arthrosis). For dogs suffering from bulimia or obesity, it will not hurt to add L-carnitine to the diet, which slows down the synthesis of subcutaneous fat molecules.

If you choose dry food, it will be much easier for you. Firstly, it will reduce the time it takes to prepare food for your dog. You will just need to measure out the portion daily. Secondly, if you feed premium food, then additional additives not needed for the diet.

Important! When choosing dry food for your pet, you should visit a veterinarian, who will tell you which one is best to choose based on the characteristics of the dog.

As for puppies, the breeder usually organizes their meals and gives you a schedule. The puppy's age and daily number of feedings will be listed there. If you choose a food diet, you should purchase special dry food for puppies in order to accustom them to such food from childhood. The food should be of high quality and with a well-balanced composition. Then your Labrador will grow up healthy, beautiful and strong.

Important! Labradors often suffer from obesity because they never refuse to indulge in something extra. Therefore, always monitor the portion and amount of food you eat.

Training and education

All Labrador Retrievers, without exception, need training. And it doesn’t matter at all whether the dog performs them at home, at an exhibition or while hunting. For a Labrador, following commands and looking for prey is as natural as eating food for us. Of course, it will be better if you go to a special institution for training, but you can also cope with this task yourself. First you need to train your Labrador to such simple commands, like “sit”, “lie”, “next to”, “give”. The sooner you start training, the better. It should also be noted that the animal must get used not only to the sound of the voice, but also to the whistle. It will be easier to hear in case you are at a distance.

Praise for following the command, but deprive the promised treat for ignoring it. No matter how hard you try, the Labrador will begin to carry out all the basic commands without hesitation only by the age of two or three years. Therefore, do not rush things, it is better to diversify your training and change its location. This should speed up the learning process because the dog will be curious about doing something new in an unfamiliar place.

Diseases and vaccinations

The range of diseases that a Labrador Retriever can become infected with is quite wide, including:

  • plague;
  • infectious hepatitis;
  • rabies;
  • parvovirus enteritis;
  • parainfluenza;
  • leptospirosis.
However, timely vaccinations will help against most of these diseases. Let's look at the information about them in more detail.

The first vaccination is usually given by breeders at one month of age, called Nobivac Puppy DP or Primodog-P. If the puppy is sick with something or has digestive problems, then this deadline will be shifted. At two months the next vaccination is Nobivac DHPPi + Nobivac Lepto or Eurican DHPPI2-L.
Before vaccination 10 days before vaccination, it is mandatory to give a remedy against. You can find out more about deworming from your veterinarian; it is better not to do it yourself. Invite your veterinarian to your home for the first vaccination so that your puppy is not around sick animals in the clinic. This also applies to subsequent vaccinations.

The second vaccination is given 3-4 weeks after the first. Preparation for vaccination is the same as for the first time. The third vaccination is done after all the teeth have been replaced, that is, around 6–7 months. This vaccination must contain rabies vaccine: Nobivac DHPPi+R+L.

In the future, every year it is necessary to get vaccinated against parvovirus, distemper, leptospirosis and rabies. These are vaccines such as Nobivac DHPPi + Nobivac Lepto + Nobivac Rabies or Eurican DHPPI2-LR.
It will also not be superfluous to treat the animal’s skin against fleas. By themselves, they do not pose a great danger, but they can carry a lot of them. Recommended products are "drops" and "Advantix". Instructions for use are included in the box with the drug. Start processing at the beginning of spring and end at the end of autumn, do it monthly.

Labrador retrievers are ideal pets for living at home because they do not have a drop of anger or aggression, but only kind eyes that radiate warmth and friendliness. They will definitely brighten your days with adventures and funny moments. Never forget that a dog is a living creature that requires attention, care and appropriate care.

Labradors were bred for hunting, but are now used primarily as companions and family dogs. Smart, good-natured and playful dogs they get along well with children, and sometimes even play the role of “nurses.” They are ideal for a private home, but they can also be kept in an apartment - you just need to find out in advance possible problems contents and ways to solve them. So let's study all the pros and cons, and also find out how to care for a Labrador in an apartment.

When a little Labrador appears in the apartment, he will need maximum attention and careful care. There should always be someone from the family nearby. You need to play with the baby and treat him with treats. Pick up only when necessary, carefully but firmly grabbing under the chest and seat. You can’t pull, let alone lift, by the paws - they can easily be damaged. If the floor is slippery, choose an inexpensive pile flooring.

A puppy cannot be kept in the dark for a long time - this will upset the psyche and cause a number of diseases, including rickets.

When feeding in the first days, place a bowl of food in front of the puppy. a small amount food and as he eats, report it: he should see that food appears from your hands, this will increase trust.

To raise a mentally balanced dog, do not scold and especially do not punish the baby in the first days, even when he does shit. Now it is more important to establish contact! Just hide anything he might chew on (wires, shoes, hanging curtains, etc.) and remove carpets.

Many novice dog breeders underestimate the complexity and scope of caring for their pet. It seems that there is nothing complicated in this activity: feeding, walking, periodic combing and washing, and the dog looks healthy and well-groomed.

In reality, everything is much more complicated; keeping any dog, including a Labrador, is an art. Even the ancient Greek historian Xenophon wrote in 430 BC that caring for a dog is an act of creation.

Especially modern people With advanced tools and technologies at their disposal, dog care cannot be treated as something secondary. Physical perfection and an excellent dog become - this is the result proper care by the owner.

Feeding and walking schedule

The main thing that a Labrador needs for proper development And healthy life- This balanced diet. If you can make up healthy diet from natural products, then feed your pet natural food, in which meat will predominate. If you choose ready-made food for a dog, then you need to find a composition that will not cause allergies in your Labrador.

This breed is allergic, so this question is relevant and requires a careful approach. Walking is necessary for Labrador not only for departure physiological needs. This dog needs increased physical activity, without required loads Labrador quickly gains excess weight, which causes heart problems.

Therefore, you need to walk with your Labrador not just on a leash through the streets, be sure to visit places with him where he can run, practice fetching with him, which the Labrador loves, and go out into nature. In the warm season, it is useful to visit bodies of water with your dog; representatives of this breed love to swim.

Grooming your Labrador

A Labrador should be beautiful, but it will only become so as a result of proper and regular care for its appearance. All dog care procedures must begin with early age so that she gets used to them and reacts to them calmly. The minimum set for caring for a Labrador includes:

  • cotton swabs for cleaning ears;
  • Toothbrush;
  • bristle wire brush;
  • massage brush-mitten;
  • slicker brush;
  • nail clippers.

Can be purchased special bath or a basin with a rubber mat on the bottom, shampoo and a separate towel. Remember that not just a dog appears in your home, but a new family member with his own grooming products.

Hygiene procedures

All Labrador owners are interested in the question of how often they need to be bathed. This procedure should not be too regular, since detergents wash away the special protective coverings on the skin. But at the same time, if a dog gets very dirty on the street or raids puddles or even worse, trash cans, then, of course, it needs to be bathed immediately.

It is more convenient to wash a Labrador with two people, but if he behaves calmly during bathing, then one person can easily handle it. First, the dog needs to be thoroughly wetted by pouring water from a jug or from the shower. Make sure that water does not get into your Labrador's eyes and ears. Need to wash the dog warm water– about 40 degrees. At first detergent Apply to the back and sides of the dog, then to the paws and tail.

The head is carefully washed in last resort. Labradors have fairly long nails that need to be trimmed periodically. If a dog walks on asphalt a lot, then, as a rule, the claws themselves grind down to a safe size.

You need to trim the claws carefully so as not to touch the pink flesh with blood vessels. Only the empty part of the claw is cut off. This procedure must be performed with special tweezers, and not with ordinary scissors, which will cause the dog’s claws to crumble. A healthy Labrador's eyes do not require special care.

You can simply wipe them clean several times a week. cotton swabs(a separate swab is used for each eye). This procedure should not be done with tea, as this will leave marks on the fur around the eyes. dark circles. You also need to brush your dog’s teeth with a regular toothbrush, a finger with gauze wrapped around it, or special brushes.