What happens to the intestines during constipation. Psychological and neurological reasons. Constipation: what to do

Constipation, treatment at home is one of the most “piquant” questions to which almost everyone has at least once looked for an answer. Constipation is an unpleasant situation that people are uncomfortable talking about out loud, that people are embarrassed to tell the doctor about, and that they often try to cope with on their own.

Today there are many ways to relieve constipation at home., starting with medications and ending with folk remedies.

What is constipation?

It is considered normal to have bowel movements with a frequency of 3 times a day to 3 times a week. Consistency feces soft, the volume of excreted feces is at least 40 g.

We can talk about constipation if defecation occurs less than 3 times a week, the act is accompanied by excessive straining and pain, and the feces are hard. There may also be a slight discharge of feces and a feeling of incomplete emptying.

Constipation in adults can be caused by several reasons:

  • poor nutrition, which leads to intestinal dysfunction;
  • physical inactivity when a person drives sedentary lifestyle life;
  • insufficient fluid intake;
  • stress and psycho-emotional disorders;
  • pregnancy;
  • chronic pathologies;
  • mechanical blockage of the intestine due to tumor processes, etc.

Treatment at home

Important: the fight against constipation should be aimed, first of all, at eliminating the causes of its development. To do this, it is recommended to visit a specialist who, after diagnosis, will determine adequate treatment tactics.


Treatment of disorders in the gastrointestinal tract begins with normalization of nutrition.

For constipation, especially chronic, it is necessary to exclude everything from the diet. that in any way prevents normal operation intestines, namely:

  • fatty meats and fish;
  • any fried foods;
  • rich meat and fish broths;
  • products with a high content of animal proteins;
  • smoked, pickled and canned products;
  • any sauces;
  • garlic, radish, turnip, onion;
  • semolina, rice cereal;
  • pastries, white bread;
  • alcohol;
  • strong tea, coffee;
  • refined sugar;
  • dogwood, pomegranate, quince, persimmon, blueberry.

During the treatment of constipation and as a preventive measure, doctors advise including daily diet:

  • vegetables (boiled, raw, stewed). It is better to give preference to pumpkin, cabbage, zucchini and beets;
  • vegetable soups and broths;
  • fruits, especially apricot, reputedly, melon;
  • dried fruits;
  • fruit juices;
  • buckwheat, oatmeal, pearl barley;
  • vegetable oils (olive, flaxseed, pumpkin, etc.);
  • fermented milk products;
  • lean varieties of meat and fish.

How to deal with constipation using home methods?

Drinking regime

One of the reasons why a person cannot empty his bowels may be insufficient fluid intake, as a result of which the body makes up for this deficiency from intestinal contents. At the same time, fecal masses become harder and their passage through the intestines is difficult.

Important: increase daily dosage water can be carried out only in the absence of cardiac and renal pathologies.

During active physical activity, as well as in summer days when fluid is removed from the body later, compliance drinking regime couldn't be justified.

You can get your bowels working after a night's rest by drinking 200 ml cool water immediately after waking up.

The use of dried fruits has long been recognized as one of the most effective methods eliminate constipation. Due to the presence in them large quantity fiber, activation occurs intestinal motility, and sorbitol, which is part of them, has a choleretic effect.

Also, rich in vitamins and microelements, dried fruits help normalize all processes, including digestion.

To treat constipation, prepare a medicinal mixture of dried fruits, which is taken daily on an empty stomach.

To prepare, grind and mix in equal proportions:

  • dried apricots;
  • prunes;
  • raisin;
  • figs

You can add a little honey and coriander to the resulting mixture.

Decoctions of dried fruits, especially dried apricots and prunes, also have a laxative effect. In order to prepare such a product, you need to pour 400 g of dried fruit into 2 liters cold water, bring to a boil and simmer for 5-7 minutes.

Allow the broth to cool and take it instead of water throughout the day.

Vegetable oils

In order to get rid of constipation, you can use various oils. They can be taken either orally or as enemas. Feces are excreted from the body due to the choleretic and laxative effects of plant masses, and thanks to the lubrication of the intestinal walls, the passage of feces does not injure the intestines.

Treatment can be carried out with sunflower, olive, castor, flaxseed and sea ​​buckthorn oils. Unrefined oils have the greatest value for the body.

In addition to the fact that vegetable oil can be used to season salads, it can be used in pure form, taking 1 tbsp in the morning on an empty stomach. and drinking a glass of warm water.

For prolonged constipation, you can do a cleansing enema with the addition of oil (25 ml of oil per 200 ml of warm water)

Juices from raw vegetables and fruits. Juice treatment is considered one of the safe ways fight against constipation.

Freshly squeezed pumpkin juice Helps cleanse the intestines, liver and kidneys. pumpkin juice you can drink 100 ml twice a day.

Has a strong laxative effect beet juice You can drink this juice in its pure form only if you do not have stomach diseases. If there are pathologies from the stomach, beet juice must be diluted with carrots in a 1:1 ratio. Take 50 ml twice a day.

carrot juice has the most effective effect if you add a little of any vegetable oil to it. In order to prevent constipation, take 150-200 ml of freshly squeezed carrot juice in the morning.

Plum juice considered indispensable for constipation for bowel movements. The substances contained in plums not only stimulate intestinal peristalsis, but also promote the excretion of bile and cholesterol. To relieve constipation, take half a glass of plum juice 45-60 minutes before meals.

Drug treatment of constipation

Can be used at home pharmaceutical products against constipation, however, before using them it is important to carefully read the instructions.

The most effective drugs are considered:

  • Bisacodyl in the form of tablets and rectal suppositories. Tablets should be taken 1-2 tablets, preferably at night. Rectal suppositories are used 1 twice a day.
  • Fitolax in form chewable tablets, which are recommended to be taken 1-2 during dinner. Persistent constipation is treated with a dosage increased to 4 tablets. The effect of the drug occurs 6-10 hours after administration.
  • Duphalac is a mild laxative that regulates the physiological rhythm of bowel movements. The method of administration and dosage depends on the age of the patient and is described in detail in the instructions.

Traditional medicine recipes

Traditional medicine is rich in recipes for remedies that help cure constipation.

It is important to note that the use of any home remedy is best discussed with your doctor.

  • Celandine and whey

This remedy is ideal for people with chronic constipation. Also, the infusion allows you to normalize intestinal microflora and strengthen the immune system. To prepare the medicine you will need:

  1. whey - 1.5 l;
  2. celandine grass (chopped) - 0.5 cups;
  3. refined sugar - 100 g.

Mix fresh crushed celandine with sugar, place the mixture on cheesecloth and tie it in a knot. Place this bundle in a glass container and fill it with serum. Cover the container with gauze or cloth to prevent dust and small insects from getting into the future medicine. Leave in a dark place for 12-14 days, then strain and place in the refrigerator. The infusion is taken 100 ml twice a day half an hour before meals for a week.

  • Hay, prunes and holosas

An effective laxative and choleretic agent With quick action. To prepare the decoction you will need:

  1. prunes - 100 g;
  2. hay grass - 50 g;
  3. holosas - 100 ml.

Holosas and hay can be bought at any pharmacy.

Pour 300 ml of grass boiled water, bring to a boil and cook over low heat for 10-12 minutes. Next, add finely chopped prunes to the broth and cook for another 10 minutes. Cool the resulting broth, strain and add holosas. Take 50 ml at night every day for no longer than 7 days. Store the prepared product in the refrigerator.

Constipation - what to do urgently?

If an emergency bowel movement is required, you can use an enema. A regular cleansing enema is done with boiled water at room temperature using an Esmarch mug.

You can put it into water vegetable oil, preheated in a water bath to 35-37 C. This enema should be done using a small syringe ( no more than 200 ml).

Precautionary measures

Treatment of constipation at home may be accompanied by undesirable consequences, therefore, before treating constipation, you should familiarize yourself with some rules:

  • Laxative medications should not be taken for longer than 7-10 days. After a course of therapy, it is recommended to take a break of 1-2 weeks;
  • In parallel with the treatment of constipation, it is necessary to prevent dysbiosis. To do this, you can take Linex, Lacidofil, Hilak. Also, in order to avoid intestinal dysbiosis, you should consume daily dairy products(bifidokefir, yogurt);
  • The enema should only be used when in case of emergency when other methods do not give positive results;
  • bowel movement due to the use of any laxatives is only the elimination of a symptom possible pathology, which is present in the body. It is better to seek the advice of a specialist who will help eliminate the cause of constipation.

Video - how to get rid of constipation?

Problems with bowel movements often worry many people. Constipation occurs at different ages and may indicate problems with normal functioning. gastrointestinal tract. Can cause stool retention poor nutrition, stagnant processes in the body and much more. There are reasons for constipation and treatment if it occurs is mandatory.

General information about constipation, types

Normally, rectal emptying should occur at least once a day. The absence of bowel movements for more than two days indicates the occurrence of stagnation in the intestines. This condition most often affects children and older people.

Types of difficult defecation:

  • chronic (constant) constipation;
  • occasional absence of stool (depending on the situation).

Chronic constipation is the regular retention of feces or incomplete bowel movements. At this time, there is a lack of bowel movements for two or more days, and a small amount of very dense feces may be released. The process of emptying itself is quite painful and lengthy, with a feeling of incomplete cleansing of the rectum.

Episodic or situational constipation cannot be called a disease or negative pathology human body. It occurs as a result of certain situations and after they have passed, intestinal motility is restored.

Causes of occasional constipation:

  • Pregnancy. Due to hormonal changes and changes in the body, temporary difficulties with bowel movements may occur.
  • Business trips or travel. At this time, a person may not eat adequately, which is unusual for the intestines, as a result of which compaction of the stool occurs. After the normal rhythm is normalized, the problem will disappear by itself.
  • Experienced stress or nervous breakdowns.
  • Reception medications. Some medicinal products have a side bonding effect. After completing the course of taking them, this effect will disappear on its own.

Situational constipation can disappear on its own or with the help of laxatives. Their peculiarity is that they are temporary and are not a serious pathology.

Interesting! According to medical research, stool retention in women is several times more common than in men.

In adulthood, constipation worries people many times more than in their younger years. And chronic stagnation is more common, unlike situational ones, so they were identified as a separate disease.

It is worth noting that constipation can be spastic and atonic.

  1. Spastic intake is associated with frequent intestinal spasms. This can occur due to experiences (mental and emotional); its occurrence is influenced by acute poisoning.
  2. Atonic constipation has a different nature of occurrence. Its main cause is a failure in the innervation of certain areas of the large intestine. This condition of the organ leads to stretching of the walls and an increase in a large amount of feces in it.

Symptoms of the disease

Symptoms of frequent constipation:

  • intense gas formation;
  • heaviness in the anus, a feeling of incomplete bowel movement;
  • change in stool ( spherical shape, thin stream, mucus discharge);
  • bloating.

In running or acute stages long absence Other symptoms may also occur during bowel movements:

  • increased body temperature;
  • nausea, lack of appetite, weakness;
  • the development of flatulence, which is accompanied by abdominal pain and cramps due to the fact that gases do not pass away.

If such signs appear, immediate hospitalization is required and comprehensive examination. Constipation in this case can be not only independent syndrome, but also harbingers of more severe diseases (intestinal irritation, the appearance of tumors in the rectum or other organs).

Important! Constipation is indicated not by the quantity of bowel movement, but by the quality and consistency of stool, as well as the process itself, which should proceed without any discomfort, pain or other negative manifestations.

Causes of difficult stool

The most common condition is persistent constipation. They may be harbingers of a more serious disease or a consequence of negative disorders in the gastrointestinal tract.

Causes of constipation:

  1. Impaired functioning excretory system(disruptions in motor ability). This is a consequence of a disorder in a specific department nervous system(vegetative), which is responsible for the functions of internal organs.
  2. Intestinal irritation. The syndrome alternates between constipation and diarrhea, which negatively affects intestinal motility.
  3. Deformation processes in the organ (neoplasms, adhesions and scars, hemorrhoids, cracks).

In addition to the factors causing constipation, which are directly related to the intestines and adjacent organs, there are other causes of delayed or problematic bowel movements:

  1. Rhythm of life and habits. If you often postpone visits to the toilet and endure it, then over time the urge weakens, the feces accumulate and harden. A big role in the formation of constipation in women is played by weight loss diets that are devoid of plant fibers, drinking fluids in very small quantities, low level fiber in food.
  2. Mixtures that are too thick artificial feeding cause constipation in infants.
  3. The presence of stressful situations and neuroses in children.
  4. Taking medications (to lower blood pressure, against depression, heartburn, diuretics).

If we talk about constipation in old age, then in older people it can occur due to weakening of the intestinal muscles. Over the years, their tone decreases, and irregularities in the stool appear. Also great importance have changes in microorganisms. For example, with age coli loses its protective properties, which leads to the proliferation of infections. With age, the production of food enzymes, which are responsible for stability in the intestinal microflora, deteriorates.

Constipation during pregnancy

Quite often, constipation occurs in women during pregnancy.

Causes of difficult bowel movements during pregnancy:

  1. Pressure on the intestines from the enlarging uterus. During this period, stagnation occurs in the vessels and veins due to poor circulation in the pelvic organs, and peristalsis is weakened.
  2. Reduced sensitivity of the intestinal muscles to stimulants produced by the body. This is explained by the fact that the intestines and uterus are closely connected and have a common innervation. If intense contraction of the walls of the rectum begins, stimulation of the uterus will begin, and there will be a threat of premature birth. Therefore, intestinal sensitivity is weakened.
  3. Suspiciousness and fears during pregnancy. Excessive stress negatively affects bowel function.

It is worth noting that after childbirth, the percentage of women suffering from constipation decreases significantly.

Important! If, after long and unsuccessful attempts to go to the toilet, a person develops pain in the lower abdomen (on the left), and the temperature rises, this may be a harbinger of diverticulitis (inflammation of the inner layer of the large intestine). In advanced stages, the disease can cause dangerous complication– peritonitis.

Diagnosis of pathology

Frequent difficulties with bowel movements should not be ignored. But before starting treatment, it is worth undergoing an examination. This is necessary in order to exclude or confirm the presence of other diseases that could cause constipation.

A set of measures that are necessary when diagnosing pathology:

  • a thorough examination by a proctologist or gastroenterologist (if constipation occurs in men);
  • examination by a gynecologist (for stool retention in women);
  • conducting an X-ray examination by filling the intestines with a special liquid of a contrasting color (irrigoscopy - done through an enema);
  • colonoscopy examination - insertion of a special instrument into the anus for a detailed examination of the rectum.

There are situations when additional measures are required to make a diagnosis:

  • donation of feces;
  • undergoing an ultrasound (examination of the abdominal organs);
  • checking colon motility;
  • examination by an endocrinologist, therapist or neurologist.

Additional examination options may be required if there is a suspicion of the presence of tumors in the pelvic organs and rectum. This also includes cases where constipation is caused by abnormalities in nervous soil or other diseases that are not related to the intestines.

Important! Comprehensive diagnostics It will not only help identify the cause of constipation, but will also make it possible to decide on treatment.

Treatment of constipation in children and adults with diets

Diet plays an important role in normalizing stool. The patient should be given a special diet to improve digestion. To improve intestinal motility, it is important to understand which substances have a positive effect on it, and which products slow down the functioning of the organ.

First of all, the diet for adults and children should be balanced, nutritious and high in calories. This is necessary in order to restore the body’s strength and improve intestinal function. With the correct selection of products, the possibility of gaining excess weight Moreover, after eliminating constipation, nutrition can be adjusted.

It is worth remembering that vegetables and fruits are fresh should make up more than half of the total daily diet. They have a sufficient amount dietary fiber, which are so lacking in the body.

  1. IN summer period useful vegetables are: cucumbers, tomatoes, eggplants, sweet peppers, pumpkin.
  2. Cabbage and onions are available throughout the year. Vegetables can be combined into salads, seasoned only with vegetable oil.

During pregnancy, you should avoid cabbage, sorrel, beans and spinach. These are products that help increased gas formation. Otherwise, a pregnant woman’s diet for constipation is no different from a similar diet in children and adults.

Note! During a diet for constipation, it is not recommended to consume mayonnaise, vinegar, cheese, or feta cheese. Such foods slow down metabolism and intestinal function.

  1. If we talk about fruits, then you can eat everything except blueberries, cherries, cranberries and lemon. These products have the opposite effect and can cause constipation.
  2. Dried fruits (dried apricots, prunes, raisins) are very useful. They have a gentle effect on restoring the functioning of the muscles of the colon. Purchased dried fruits It is better to pour boiling water over it or rinse thoroughly, pre-soaking it in warm water for 10–15 minutes.
  3. If there are no heart problems or other contraindications, then you should drink plenty of fluids (up to 2 liters per day).
  4. Proper nutrition for constipation in children and adults should contain lean fish and dietary meat (chicken, beef). It is recommended to eat them boiled, excluding fried and spicy foods.
  5. A diet for constipation involves eating black bread, durum wheat pasta, and bran.
  6. Diets for constipation in adults should contain fermented milk products. The main thing to remember is that the laxative effect is contained only in fresh form. That is, three-day-old kefir will no longer produce the desired effect on the body; on the contrary, it will aggravate the problem.

Important! If you have constipation, you should abstain from sweets, pastries and flour. It is better to use jam, honey, dried fruits, or natural marmalade.

Basic nuances in nutrition for constipation in children

Constipation often occurs in infants. It is recommended that they be given a decoction of dill (boil a small amount of the plant over low heat, leave and strain). At breastfeeding This decoction is also good for your mother to drink. Water in which the bran was previously boiled also helps.

In adolescents, constipation may occur during puberty. Wheat sprouts will help ease stool. To prepare this product, a small amount of grain needs to be wrapped in a damp cloth. In a few days the wheat will begin to sprout. The grain should be taken before each meal, a teaspoon.

  • exclusion of foods that reduce intestinal motility. These include rice porridge, strong broth, jelly, chocolate, cocoa, semolina;
  • adding fruits (figs, bananas, grapes), vegetables (cucumbers, tomatoes, beets, radishes), dried fruits (dried apricots, prunes) to the diet;
  • exclusion of fatty, salty and smoked foods from the diet. Food should be rich in coarse fibers(muesli, bran).

It is not necessary to strictly adhere to these rules. It is enough to diversify the child’s diet with these products, and this will give positive result. Children should be given compotes and homemade decoctions. This will replenish the required dose of fluid in the body.

Laxatives in the treatment of constipation

Drugs that promote bowel movement should be selected carefully, taking into account the individual tolerance of each person. It is also not recommended to take laxatives frequently; it is addictive and reduces the natural urge to go to the toilet.

If difficulties with bowel movements occur due to poor nutrition, taking medications is prohibited. It is worthwhile to improve bowel movements by adjusting your diet.

If frequent and prolonged constipation, treatment is prescribed synthetic drugs(Gutalax, Bisacodyl, Regulax). They act on the receptors of the rectum and stimulate its peristalsis. You should take these medications for no more than 2 weeks. Otherwise, the sensitivity of the organ is impaired and the urge weakens. Such drugs are contraindicated for pregnant, lactating women and infants.

There are osmotic medications that are based on magnesium hydroxide and citrate (Forlax). The effects of such drugs are not addictive, but they only remove the symptoms and do not treat the causes. Long-term use Such laxatives are not recommended, as they can lead to the excretion of sodium and potassium salts from the body, which is very dangerous for heart failure in the elderly.

Prebiotics are good laxatives. They cause almost no side effects (sometimes flatulence for several hours). These include: Duphalac, Prelax and Lactusan. Such drugs can also be taken in old age.

Important! Long-term use of laxatives can cause intense diarrhea, itching in the anus, intestinal obstruction, vomiting, various rashes on the skin. You should carefully follow the instructions and not abuse the products.

To ease stool during pregnancy, women are prescribed glycerin suppositories. They irritate the colon well, gently acting on its receptors. The peculiarity of such suppositories is that they do not affect the tone of the uterus and do not harm pregnancy.

Treatment with folk remedies

In addition to medications, traditional medicine also helps with constipation. Her recipes are useful for both adults and children. Treating with decoctions at home can also help relieve symptoms of constipation in older people.

Prune decoction

Dried fruits, oatmeal, chopped beets, taken in equal quantities(100 g each), immerse in a saucepan and mix. Next, everything needs to be poured with 2 liters of water and boiled for about 1 hour. The strained broth should be taken one glass at night.

Senna infusion with prunes

100 g prunes and 2.5 tsp. Stir senna and pour boiling water (3 tbsp.). After the decoction has infused, it should be strained and taken 4 tbsp throughout the day. l. each hour.

Castor oil

Castor oil is a good laxative. It is often used in treatment in older people. This product is sold at any pharmacy. It can be in liquid form or in capsules. It should be taken once a day, 15 g for adults and 10 g for constipation in children. It is important to remember that this drug should not be taken for more than three days, as dehydration may occur. Wash down better oil tea, ginger drink or milk.

Note! Castor oil It is strictly prohibited for use by pregnant women, as it can stimulate the tone of the uterus and lead to premature birth.

Vaseline oil for constipation

2 tbsp. l. Take oils 2 hours before meals or 2 hours after meals. Children over 3 years old are recommended to consume 2 tsp. It is enough to give 1/3 tsp to infants, but you should consult your doctor first.

Vaseline oil acts directly inside the intestines. It creates a sliding film between feces and the mucous membrane. The oil softens the contents of the rectum and facilitates bowel movements.

It is worth noting that Vaseline oil has some contraindications: pregnancy, intestinal obstruction, individual sensitivity to components, ulcerative processes in the stomach.

Disease prevention

It must be remembered that the main causes of problems with stool are poor nutrition and a passive lifestyle. Therefore, you need to watch your diet and eat more fruits and vegetables. It is also recommended to exclude harmful products: smoked meats, sweets, fatty, spicy and salty.

An important point in the prevention of constipation remains active image life (walks in the fresh air, warm-ups, sedentary work). It is necessary to follow a diet, as well as empty the intestines on time, without delaying until later.

It is also worth noting that the symptoms of the disease cannot be ignored. It is important to consult a doctor at the first appearance unpleasant signs. If the diagnosis is confirmed, you can treat at home, but you should not overuse self-medication without consulting a specialist.

The term " constipation"used quite often in different meanings. For example, if the disease developed quickly enough (usually in a few weeks or even days), then we're talking about about acute constipation. And if the disease lasts more than three months, then there is a chronic constipation .

U healthy person stool can be from three times a day to three times a week. This depends, first of all, on what foods predominate in the daily diet. As a rule, the norm is considered to have stool once a day, but this is observed only in a third of the population, while three quarters report stool once every two days. It is worth noting that men have bowel movements much more often than women and in most cases it happens more than once a day.

For a long time, constipation was considered to be a delay in the evacuation of solid feces, as well as retention of contents in the digestive tract. But since the frequency of stool, as we have already said, is a purely individual indicator that can depend on several factors, then, as a rule, difficulties and pain during bowel movements are considered signs of constipation. Since when constipation feces remain in the large intestine for a long time; they contain very little moisture. To diagnose constipation. gastrointestinal transit time is taken into account, as well as the amount of water in the stool.

A diagnosis such as chronic constipation. can be diagnosed only if more than two of the following symptoms are present:

  1. lumpy or hard stools;
  2. bowel movements less than twice a week;
  3. constipation. which is observed for twelve months, if laxatives are not used;
  4. the need to strain during bowel movements;
  5. defecation delay for at least 25% of normal time;
  6. feeling of incomplete emptying.

Chronic constipation intestines- this is a blockage of fecal masses of a chronic nature, which is accompanied by retention of stool in the large intestine, a decrease in the quantity (less than 35 grams per day) and frequency of stool (less than three times a week), painful sensations and difficulty with bowel movements.

Symptoms that occur during constipation. associated with the process of defecation, as well as the quantity, quality and frequency of stool.

Because constipation- this is quite unpleasant disease, which affects the condition of the entire body as a whole, it is necessary to undergo a timely examination and, when an appropriate diagnosis is made, begin treatment.

The main steps in treating constipation are increasing physical activity, balanced diet and use of laxatives.

Laxatives should only be taken when prescribed by a doctor and for a short period of time.

Abdominal pain and constipation: causes and how to treat constipation

Are you worried about stomach pain or constipation? Do not self-medicate. If you have constipation and stomach pain, how to best treat it, consult your doctor. Constipation in itself is a harmful and unpleasant phenomenon, and various complications can be hidden behind it. Abdominal pain and constipation: causes and treatment of the disease is the topic of this article.

What is constipation?

You may not be drinking enough fluids.

Constipation can also be caused by taking certain medicines(antidepressants, antihistamines, diuretics, etc.)

If we are talking about infant, constipation may be caused by inappropriate (too thick) nutritional mixtures.

In older people, constipation is often caused by age-related weakening of the abdominal muscles.

Abdominal pain and constipation: causes and treatment

But sometimes constipation is a symptom of a serious illness:

If constipation is periodically replaced by diarrhea and vice versa, this is a sign of irritable bowel syndrome (many city dwellers aged 20 to 40 suffer from this disease).

If constipation occurs due to high temperature and at the same time there is pain in the left lower section abdomen, it may be diverticulitis.

Changes in the consistency of stool should also alert you. They can take on the appearance of balls (the so-called “ sheep feces"), thin tubes or tapes.

If, instead of feces, only liquid or mucus is released during defecation, this is also a bad sign.

If nausea, fever, cramps and abdominal pain occur against the background of constipation, severe bloating abdomen, if gas cannot be released, call an ambulance.

In all other cases described above, there is no such urgency, but the sooner you see a doctor, the better.


When conducting individual consultations I use Indian school of homeopathy. Treatment examples diseases such as allergies, adenoids, bronchial asthma, acne, cold urticaria, sinusitis, comedones, psoriasis. eczema, gastritis, cholelithiasis, nodular goiter, dysmenorrhea (without the use of hormones), PMS, mastopathy, cystitis, papillomas, endometriosis, lumbago.

Consultations on homeopathy on my website www.homeo.su


Bowel diseases and constipation

Usually constipation is not associated with any serious illness intestines and develop independently. Moreover, even repeated examinations of the gastrointestinal tract using the latest methods do not reveal significant changes. At the same time, there are cases when constipation is not a primary disease, but one of the symptoms of an intestinal disorder,

Intestinal diseases that cause constipation include, first of all, congenital and acquired anomalies of the colon, in which there is an increase in the length or diameter of the intestinal tube, most often the sigmoid or rectum. Examples include Hirschsprung's disease, idiopathic megacolon, dolichosigma and a number of other diseases. What they have in common is a violation of the innervation of the large intestine: a muscle wall devoid of nerve impulses, is not able to contract and promote feces that accumulate in the intestines. The constipation caused by these very rare diseases is extremely severe and practically cannot be treated with diet, laxatives or enemas. In such cases, doctors have to resort to surgical treatment methods as the only effective ones.

Constipation often develops as a result inflammatory diseases intestines chronic enteritis And chronic colitis: every fifth patient with enteritis and every second patient with colitis periodically suffer from stool retention (although diarrhea is most often observed). In their treatment, the elimination of inflammation and strict adherence to an appropriate diet are of paramount importance; good results gives herbal medicine. In some cases, diseases of the rectum such as hemorrhoids and anal fissure anus, are also accompanied by constipation. Usually they arise reflexively, on a nervous basis, since patients, avoiding pain during bowel movements, subconsciously delay bowel movements. Treatment of the underlying disease, as a rule, leads to spontaneous cessation of constipation and normalization of stool.

Perhaps the most worrisome is constipation as a possible first symptom of an intestinal tumor. The mechanism for violating the regularity of bowel movements is quite simple. A tumor growing in the mucous membrane narrows the lumen of the intestine, and the latter requires more and more effort to push through feces. Over time, the intestinal wall adjacent to the tumor stretches, becomes thinner, and the ability to contract becomes minimal, resulting in the formation of fecal impaction. Sometimes tumor growth leads not only to impaired bowel movements, but also to complete intestinal obstruction. Then emergency surgery is required to save the patient's life.

Before starting treatment for constipation, you should definitely consult a doctor to make sure there are no other intestinal diseases.

Posts under: Constipation

Constipation: how to cope

Golden mustache, rose hips and apples for constipation

How to deal with constipation during pregnancy without medication

Signs of pregnancy can be the most unexpected. There are a number unpleasant symptoms"interesting" situation. Among them are belching, acne, constipation. We have already talked about how to deal with acne during pregnancy. Now let's talk about not the most convenient topic - constipation.

Constipation during pregnancy is caused by an increase in the hormone progesterone. One of its functions is to strengthen the muscles of the uterine walls. At the same time, it affects peristalsis (wave-like contractions) of muscles digestive tract, which makes defecation difficult.

Herbal remedies for spastic constipation

Spastic constipation is very common with functional pathological processes, based on dysregulation of the autonomic nervous system.

Spastic constipation is one of the main types functional disorders, and with it there are no organic changes in the intestine.

For spastic type constipation, when intestinal tone is increased, the following preparations are recommended.

1. Required: chamomile flowers - 2 tbsp. l. laxative buckthorn bark - 1 tbsp. l.

Constipation during pregnancy: what to do

In addition, in the retained contents of the rectum, the putrefactive processes, reproduce pathogenic bacteria, toxins are produced. All this enters the blood, increasing the load on the liver, which already works “for two”, and therefore complicating the course of pregnancy.

What to do if you have intestinal problems and frequent constipation

Such problems in digestive system bring a lot of physical and emotional troubles. This is not something to joke about. If you have bowel problems and frequent constipation, then find out in this article about the symptoms, causes and treatment of this disease.

Sources: www.prokishechnik.ru, www.astromeridian.ru, www.consmed.ru, lechenie-cheloveka.blogspot.ru, www.rantac.ru

Constipation - this is such a state , in which bowel movements occur after long intervals or are difficult. Constipation causes This condition can occur for many reasons. These are symptoms of intestinal obstruction, insufficiently active intestinal contractions, intestinal motility is slowed down, so absorption nutrients and water occurs longer, also stunted intestinal fullness, feces too bulky or hard so that they can pass painlessly through the anus are also causes of constipation. There is no ideal number for how many times you should have a bowel movement.

Each person has his own rhythm, it is important to maintain its consistency. If the nature of your bowel movements changes all the time, consult a physician. Any person can periodically experience constipation or other changes in stool; treatment should be resorted to only if the problem does not go away or causes inconvenience.

Lack of fiber in food makes stool soft, so when waves of peristalsis in the colon try to push feces towards the anus, some of the stool moves in the opposite direction. When there is a deficiency of nutrients in the body, the movement of food into small intestine may slow down to allow absorption to take longer. Constipation in this case is created because there is nothing to remove from the body. The large intestine, which makes up the last 125 cm of the intestine, is where the majority of the water from food drinks and foods is absorbed. When you are dehydrated, and most people live their entire lives in a state of partial dehydration, the colon moves more slowly to allow water to be absorbed longer.

Since constipation can be caused by a lack of nutrients in the body or dehydration and can be combined with being too soft or too hard stool, there can be no talk of any unified treatment that would help all patients. To choose the exact treatment, it is important to know the underlying cause of constipation. For problems that cannot be resolved by the recommendations below, you should contact a dietician (nutrition specialist) or a health care professional. medicinal herbs. Specialists in Ayurveda and Tibetan medicine are very successful in dealing with these conditions.

If there are constant changes in stool, consult a physician for advice. Constipation treatment is aimed at normalizing the functioning of the entire gastrointestinal tract. When treating constipation, be sure to drink at least 1-1.5 liters of water per day, in addition to drinking food products. Avoid dehydration, such as when exercising without drinking fluids, or due to alcohol, caffeine, spicy or sweet food. The latter draws water into the intestines, leaving tissues without water.

Nutrition for constipation

In your diet for constipation, consume enough fiber. Intestinal bacteria are important for the digestion process and the treatment of constipation. Poor nutrition for constipation and uncontrolled use of antibiotics, both in tablets and with food containing these drugs, can modify the intestinal microflora and lead to constipation. Correct the situation by taking high-quality acidophilus tablets (2 billion microbes with each meal) for at least a month. “Natural” laxatives can be purchased at stores that sell health foods. They can be used for rare constipation. However, if there is a need to take natural laxatives more often than 3 times a day, within a month, you should consult a doctor who specializes in additional methods treatment.

Unless absolutely necessary, you should not resort to means to soften or bulk up your stool. Do your best to avoid regularly taking laxatives, which can have a long-term relaxing effect on the colon and its musculature. Long-acting laxative abuse can be cured under the supervision of a nutritionist, herbalist or homeopath.

Colon lavage is helpful from time to time, but cleansing enemas should not be considered a treatment for constipation.

Make sure your diet is satisfactorily assembled. To do this, consult a nutritionist.

There are 3 fingers below the navel acupuncture point“Sea of ​​Energy”, which can be massaged to improve the condition twice a day, gradually increasing the pressure, pressing it for 2 minutes while lying on your back. Add 6 drops rosemary oil half a cup of olive oil, and also rub this mixture into the stomach clockwise twice a day. If constipation is associated with quitting smoking, then specialists will help you. medicinal herbs, which will replace the effect of nicotine on intestinal motility with the action of another, more harmless herb, gradually reducing its use. You can try taking Cascara sagrada one teaspoon per 1 hour of sleep.

Freshly squeezed juice of two apples with the addition of 1 teaspoon of fresh ginger juice, liquefied, works effectively. a small amount water. Consume three times a day before meals. Two gr. Vitamin C with each meal acts as a natural laxative and can be taken for a while for long-term constipation. Children under 14 years of age should be given half the indicated dose.

Constipation is a disturbance in the process of defecation, which is characterized by the absence of stool for more than 48 hours or incomplete emptying intestines. Most often, its development is provoked by an unhealthy lifestyle and dietary errors. To get rid of the problem of constipation, you need to find out its cause.

According to medical statistics, stool retention occurs at any age - in infants, schoolchildren, and the elderly. Approximately 10% of the population suffers chronic forms constipation, and this problem occurs 3 times more often in women than in men.

Among adults and children, constipation is the most common problem arising in the gastrointestinal tract. Delayed bowel movements may be an isolated situation associated with sudden changes in diet and stress factors that affect bowel function. But more often, patients complain of constant constipation when difficulties in bowel movements become regular.

Chronic constipation is a serious condition and requires mandatory treatment. The fact is that during retention of feces in the body, self-poisoning occurs with toxins present in feces. This is fraught with the development of complications.

Why is bowel retention dangerous?

Frequent and severe constipation is dangerous for the development of complications from the digestive system: these may be dyspeptic disorders( , nausea, vomiting), inflammatory processes in the intestines (, proctosigmoiditis), pathologies of the rectum (hemorrhoids, paraproctitis), diverticular intestinal disease, megacolon - an increase in the length and width of the large intestine.

What else is dangerous about severe constipation? They can lead to acute, requiring emergency surgical care. Prolonged stool retention can cause the development ischemic changes in the intestinal walls and their subsequent necrosis.

Also, frequent problems with stool are dangerous due to the formation of carcinogenic substances in the intestines, and difficulties with the elimination of toxins contained in large quantities in feces allow carcinogens to have a long-term pathogenetic effect.

In this case, it is recommended to replace the regular mixture with mixtures with prebiotics that have preventive action for constipation (Nutrilon Immunofortis). In nursing mothers, children practically do not experience stool retention. Constipation in children 2 years of age and older can be caused by stress and intense stress, both physical and emotional.

Among older people, stool retention usually occurs as a result of weakness or atony of the intestines and abdominal muscles.

Who to contact?

How does a doctor treat pathology? Proctologists and gastroenterologists deal with constipation problems. If constipation occurs in women, additional treatment by a gynecologist may be necessary.


Every person who is faced with the problem of temporary absence of stool will unmistakably know that this is constipation of the intestines. It is not difficult for a doctor to diagnose this condition. But finding out the cause of defecation delay is much more difficult, and the treatment of the problem depends on it. Self-medication of constipation, without examination by a doctor, is usually ineffective and unjustified.

To determine the cause of stool retention, it is necessary to undergo the following diagnostic examinations:

  • examination by a gastroenterologist, if necessary - by a proctologist;
  • to find out what causes constipation in women, you need to see a gynecologist and rule out gynecological diseases, for example, if constipation occurs only during menstruation;
  • irrigoscopy - radiography of the colon, with which you can assess its condition;
  • - examination of the intestines using a colonoscope.

The specialist may also additionally prescribe:

  • blood and urine tests, stomach contents;
  • abdominal organs;
  • examination by specialists such as a neurologist, endocrinologist, psychiatrist, etc.


How to treat constipation? If the cause of the disease is a tumor-like process in the intestines, therapeutic measures will be surgical.

In other cases, the basis for treating constipation includes:

  • diet enriched with foods containing vegetable fiber- black bread, fresh fruits and vegetables;
  • normalization of the drinking regime - it is recommended to consume at least 2 liters of clean still water per day;
  • fractional regular intake food at least 5 times a day;
  • inclusion in the daily diet of decoctions and tea from medicinal plants such as buckthorn, senna, etc.;
  • carrying out cleansing and medicinal treatments;
  • healthy physical activity, walking and being in the fresh air together normalize colon motility;
  • refusal of drugs that weaken intestinal contractility - baking soda, Atropine, Almagel, antidepressants, etc.;
  • abdominal massage.

Conservative treatment of constipation in adults and children is based on the following groups of drugs:

  • Osmotic laxatives: Fortrans, Magnesia - these drugs do not eliminate the cause of stool retention, but they are safe and do not cause “sluggish bowel” syndrome.
  • Irritating laxatives: and, glycerin, Bisacodyl, Regulax, Senade. Drugs in this group stimulate colon motility through chemical stimulation of its receptors. They have side effects, so they are prohibited for children under 3 years of age, pregnant and nursing mothers.
  • Bulk laxatives: bran, agar-agar. They are absorbents. Swelling in the intestines, they irritate its walls and promote emptying. Despite natural origin, they should not be abused, as chronic distension of the colon and persistent disruption of its functioning may develop.
  • In addition to laxatives, probiotics are used: drops Hilak Forte, Linex, Bifidumbacterin powder, Bifiform, Acipol. They are assigned to long term to normalize intestinal microflora and eliminate stool problems.
  • Prebiotic drugs prescribed for the treatment of constipation are Duphalac syrup, Lactulose. They normalize intestinal microflora, suppressing growth and development pathogenic microorganisms, enhance peristalsis, making defecation easier.
  • For constipation, it is also recommended to help the body by taking enterosorbents - drugs that remove toxins and poisons from the body, which tend to accumulate in the intestinal walls and poison the body. These include Activated carbon, Enterosgel, Polysorb.
  • To improve digestion processes, enzymes are prescribed -,.

Treatment with folk remedies

How and what else can you cure constipation in adults? Some use traditional medicine.

Most popular recipes:

  • Dried fruits. Take 100 grams of raisins, dried apricots and figs, mix and pour boiling water overnight so that the liquid completely covers the mixture of dried fruits. In the morning, drain the water and mince the dried fruits. To the resulting mass add 100 grams of honey, 1 tbsp. l. senna. Mix the ingredients and store in the refrigerator. Take 1 tsp before bedtime. mixture with warm water.
  • Buckthorn or zhoster. Two tbsp. l. pour 2 cups of water over the leaves, bring to a boil and simmer over low heat for at least 30 minutes. Take the infused decoction 100 ml before bedtime.
  • Aloe and honey. Take 150 grams of freshly squeezed aloe juice (the plant must be more than 3 years old) and 300 ml of honey. Before cutting aloe leaves, it is important not to water the plant for 2 weeks. Store the constipation mixture in the refrigerator. Take 1 tbsp in the morning after waking up and before bedtime. l., with a glass of water.
  • Kefir with sunflower oil. Combine two hundred ml of fresh kefir with 10 ml of sunflower oil. Drink the resulting product in full at night, slowly absorbing it with a teaspoon.
  • Onion. Use 1 tsp of freshly squeezed root juice. 4 times a day before meals. The course of treatment is 1 month. Then you need to take a break for the same amount of time and repeat the therapy.


If constipation is caused constant use products that contain an insufficient amount of dietary fiber, stagnation of feces sooner or later leads to an increase in the concentration of carcinogenic components in the intestinal walls, which have an irritating effect on it. Signs of intestinal cancer include tumors, poor general health, weight loss, and constipation with blood.


Prevention of problems with intestinal function consists in timely detection and treatment of pathologies of the gastrointestinal tract and concomitant diseases which lead to the development of constipation.

What is better for constipation and how to treat the condition should be determined by a doctor. It will help to exclude or detect the presence of pathologies, find out the cause of stool retention, and prescribe appropriate treatment for constipation.

You should also pay attention to what to drink if you are constipated. clean water more should be done healthy image life, perform simple gymnastics, lungs physical exercise, include foods rich in plant fiber in your diet.

If the cause of bowel retention is not identified, it is likely that it will not be possible to completely eliminate the problem. Many people know that they need to take laxatives for constipation, but not everyone realizes that they do not cure, but simply provide a temporary relief effect.

In addition, constant resort to laxatives disrupts the functioning of the intestinal muscles due to their excessive stimulation. All this only worsens the problem and leads to more persistent constipation. This is why it is almost impossible to get rid of chronic constipation without medical diagnosis and treatment.