Chronic colitis in cats treatment. Colitis in cats - treatment with antibiotics. Main clinical manifestations

Your pet feels great, does not complain of appetite, runs, plays, is interested in grocery bags - everything seems to be as usual, but... But his stool...

Symptoms of colitis

Frequent, unformed stools in small portions, sometimes unhealthy in color, with a repulsive odor, mixed with blood and mucus. There are also tenesmus - false urges to defecation, (diarrhea) alternating with constipation. IN severe cases Painful contractions in the lower abdomen and vomiting are possible. What is this?

This colitisinflammation of the large intestine , a fairly common gastrointestinal disease.


Besides small intestine There is also a thick one in the body, which is much shorter and wider. In this lower part of the intestine, water is absorbed and formed stool is formed from food gruel.

Is colitis dangerous?

Inflammation of the large intestine disrupts its motility, affects the processes of water absorption and fecal formation, provokes diarrhea (with blood and mucus), and in a neglected state leads to weight loss and then exhaustion of the animal. In most cases, there is no serious health risk until the intestinal damage becomes deep.

Here's what it roughly looks like:

Now it’s clear why there is blood, mucus, and a foul odor in the stool.

Cause of colitis?

Often this question remains unclear.

Typically, the intestines contain both permanent and occasional microorganisms. Permanent form a bioactive film that protects the mucous membrane from pathogens. Random they pass through the intestines without stopping, but sometimes they remain there and begin to suppress normal microflora, calling dysbacteriosis . The structure of the mucous membrane is disrupted, which leads to intestinal diseases, such as sensitive digestive syndrome or irritable bowel , nonspecific colitis(especially against a background of stress). Since there is no beneficial microflora in the intestines, there is no normal removal of intestinal contents or proper absorption useful substances– and this leads to a weakening of the body as a whole.

Depending on the cause and degree of inflammation, colitis develops from superficial to ulcerative, and can be acute or chronic.

Acute colitis

– inflammation or irritation of the large intestine that begins suddenly and lasts a short time.

Chronic colitis

- long-term, recurring, difficult to treat, extensive intestinal disorder.

It is necessary to distinguish colitis from other diseases with similar symptoms, for example, from neoplasms.

Biopsy Often it is a tissue sample from the colon wall that allows us to identify the exact cause of colitis, especially chronic colitis. Since the biopsy requires anesthesia and surgical intervention, this diagnostic method is used in last resort.

Barium enema followed by x-ray The large intestine is filled through the anus with liquid barium, which outlines its contours and allows X-rays to identify possible abnormalities (for example, tumors that prevent the passage of feces).

Treatment of colitis

prescribed by the doctor based on diagnostic tests, taking into account the cause and nature of the disease. Most colitis heals quite quickly, within 5-7 days. The course of treatment is: antibiotics - in case of bacterial infection(tylosin), antiprotozoal, i.e. suppressing protozoa, drugs (metronidazole, furazolidone), then probiotics to restore microflora (Linex, bactisubtil, from veterinary drugs— Vetom1.1., Pro-Kolin, lactobifid, lactoferon). For diarrhea, bloating and other discomfort, use enveloping agents(smecta). If colitis is of an allergic nature, positive effect corticosteroids (prednisolone) provide. For chronic colitis, anti-inflammatory drugs (sulfasazaline, azathioprine) are prescribed.

An important part of treatment is diet(!)

Diet for colitis

In case of exacerbations and frequent relapses, it is advisable to use special dietary foods to correct digestion, for example, Royal Canine GastroIntestinal or Sensitive. This diet helps restore and scar the intestines. Between attacks of the disease, you can eat food for sensitive digestion (Sensible, Delicate). If colitis is allergic, hypoallergenic food is recommended. Sometimes it is advisable to use a gentle diet throughout the animal's life.

Prevention of colitis:

- use only high quality balanced diet(!), do not change the diet unnecessarily (or change it carefully, gradually replacing the old food with a new one), do not include poorly digestible or provocative foods in it. Also try to eliminate stressful situations for the cat. Well, and as usual, timely

Purring pets, like people, experience inflammation in a part of the intestine called the colon. This inflammatory disease is called colitis. This disease is quite serious, since when it occurs, the absorption of fluid into the bloodstream and the fermentation of fiber are disrupted.

What is colitis like in cats?

Acute colitis

This form of colitis is characterized by a simultaneous occurrence against the background full health animal. The duration of such inflammation is short.

Clinical symptoms are quite pronounced.

This type of colitis is caused by single-celled protozoan microorganisms and helminths.

When they colonize the intestines, destruction of the mucous membrane of the cat’s large intestine occurs, which in itself causes inflammation as a response of the body.

This is also a predisposing factor for the proliferation of opportunistic bacterial flora.

Bacterial colitis

Bacterial colitis is spoken of when the cause of the inflammatory process is intestinal infections(yersiniosis, salmonellosis, campylobacteriosis and others).


Bacterial colitis is part of the symptom complex of intestinal infectious diseases.

Lymphoplasmacytic colitis

In lymphocytic-plasmacytic colitis, inflammation is caused by the presence of some permanent antigenic agent, which is why it is located in the intestinal wall big number lymphocytes and plasma cells. With such a change cellular composition there is a violation of the patency of the wall.


Lymphoplasmacytic colitis is chronic disease.

Eosinophilic colitis

Such colitis is also a chronic disease, often of autoimmune origin. At this option The intestinal wall contains a large number of leukocyte cells such as eosinophils.

Chronic colitis

Chronic colitis is an inflammatory disease of a fat cat that develops over a long period of time, gradually, and leads to long-term clinical manifestations.

Such colitis can be autoimmune (in the cat’s body the immune system produces antibodies to own cells) and idiopathic.

In autoimmune types of colitis, the colon wall is colonized by inflammatory cells (usually leukocytes).

Colitis caused by fungi

Very rare form colitis Cat intestinal mycosis can be caused by standard pathogens (fungi of the genus Candida and actinomycetes) or quite rare, specific fungi that cause colitis in small animals (pythium and histoplasma).

Ulcerative colitis

This colitis is a consequence peptic ulcer in cats. Characterized by the appearance of defects in the intestinal wall. Ulcerative colitis poses a danger to the animal, as it is fraught with complications in the form of suppuration of ulcers, massive bleeding from them and their perforation with the development of peritonitis.


An ulcer is a defect in the wall of a hollow organ, in which the mucous layer is destroyed and the muscle layer is affected. If the ulcer is perforated, then the serous layer can also be destroyed.

Pseudomembranous colitis

All cats have protective properties of the body. For the large intestine one of these protective factors is the intestinal microflora.

At misuse antibacterial drugs(exceeding the dosage prescribed by the veterinarian, independent unreasonable use in a cat) aerobic “protectors” of the intestines die.

Against this background, clostridia (in particular, Clostridium difficile) - anaerobic bacteria - begin to actively multiply. Clostridial infection of the large intestine is called pseudomembranous colitis.

Spastic colitis

A synonym for this disease is irritable bowel syndrome. This functional disorder, leading to periodic diarrhea in the cat.

Idiopathic colitis

Colitis is called idiopathic, the cause of which has not been established after numerous laboratory and instrumental studies. Most often it is chronic.

How does this disease manifest itself?

The main complaint that manifests itself first and with which the owners turn to the veterinarian is colonic diarrhea.

It will catch the owners' eyes unshaped chair c, having an unusually fetid odor for pet feces. If you look closely, you will see an uncharacteristically large amount of mucus in the stool and traces of blood.

If the cat is affectionate and is often close to the owner, the owner of the animal may hear a strange rumbling in the cat’s stomach. When you try to touch the belly of your favorite animal, it will be swollen, dense, and painful.


Despite all the horrors of the disease, the cat eats as usual.

If the purring family member is not treated in time, a vicious circle occurs.

Constant diarrhea leads to a lack of fluid, vitamins and fats in the cat's body. Since other organs digestive system work well, the cat is trying to make up for the deficiency.
She eats larger portions than usual. But in the intestines, absorption is still impaired. An increased amount of food causes more and more diarrhea, and more and more diarrhea, in turn, causes an increase in food. This is how a vicious pathological circle is formed with colitis in cats.

When the disease is left untreated for a long time, the cat begins to rapidly lose weight. This condition can lead to complete exhaustion and even death of the animal. Therefore, it is better to start treatment as quickly as possible, so that the only problem the cat suffers from is diarrhea.


The cat may also be bothered by vomiting. This is a symptom uncharacteristic of colitis, but occurs periodically with this disease.

How to identify colitis in a cat?

Before performing a diagnosis, the veterinary doctor must ask the owners about what is bothering the pet.

A history survey will help the veterinarian suspect inflammation of the large intestine and prescribe the correct diagnostic procedures. Most often, a history can reveal an eating disorder.

The owner may note that the cat ate something inedible or recently successfully hunted a pigeon or rat, after which it happily ate the prey.


When interviewed by a doctor, you must answer questions about nutrition honestly. In addition, you should not hide your appointment from the veterinarian. medicines having antibacterial effect. The doctor may scold him for such an attitude towards the animal, but this will quickly lead him to think about the pseudomembranous form of colitis.

When palpating the abdomen, the cat will react painfully. The stomach will be swollen, similar to an inflated balloon. When auscultating the abdomen, the doctor will note increased peristalsis and bowel sounds.


Do not neglect general clinical tests ( general analysis blood, urine, and biochemical analysis blood). Thanks to such simple studies, it is possible to determine what kind of inflammatory process it is: chronic or acute.

The following method is the gold standard. This is a colonoscopy with biopsy.

Using this endoscopic method Research can not only examine the walls of the inflamed colon, but also take material from several sections of the wall to study the cytological component.

Colonoscopy can detect erosive and ulcerative defects in the walls of the intestine.

Ultrasound abdominal cavity will help to examine intestinal motility. However, this diagnostic method provides little information inflammatory disease large intestine.

X-rays may also be performed to rule out a foreign body or tumor.

How to treat a cat with colitis?

The main principles of colitis treatment:


You should not try to treat your cat yourself. If symptoms appear, you should immediately contact medical care to the veterinary clinic!

How to prevent the occurrence of colitis?

As is known, better disease prevent it before treating it later. This statement also applies to colitis. Next simple rules will help prevent the disease:

  • The cat's nutrition must be correct and balanced. It is best if it is premium industrial food (Royal Canin, Purina Pro Plan and others);
  • The diet should have enough fiber;
  • You should not feed your cat lard. It's better to give her turkey;
  • There is no need to give your cat antibiotics every time the animal sneezes;
  • Inspections need to be carried out veterinarian once a year for preventive purposes. For older cats (over 12 years old) – once every 6 months.

Useful video

The video below shows the procedure for cat colonoscopy for colitis.


Colitis – unpleasant disease. However, if treatment is started on time, it will not bring any danger to the animal. But if you start the process, the animal’s condition will gradually become serious and can lead to fatal outcome. Therefore, you should not neglect your pet’s health and if the first clinical manifestations occur, you should urgently visit a veterinarian.

One of the most common diseases gastrointestinal tract in cats it is colitis, or inflammation of the colon. This pathology It is completely controllable and with timely and competent treatment it can disappear without a trace. And in order to prevent the development of abnormal processes in the intestines, sometimes it is enough to adjust the animal’s nutritional system.

What is colitis

Colitis is an inflammation of the large intestine. The anatomy of the intestine is represented by the cecum, colon and large intestine, which pass from one another. The final stages of food digestion take place in the thick section, including the absorption of salts and liquids into the body, and the formation of feces from food gruel.

With colitis, a cat's large intestine becomes inflamed.

The presence of colitis is often indicated by sudden, persistent diarrhea with discharge. large quantity water and watery stool. The disease can be both acute and chronic. Old and weakened cats are most susceptible to chronic colitis.

Is colitis dangerous for cats?

Inflammation of the large intestine disrupts its functioning and has a detrimental effect on the absorption process nutrients and formation feces, contributes to the development of diarrhea, and in some cases can lead to exhaustion of the animal.

As a rule, colitis does not pose a huge threat to the pet’s health, but treatment should still be started on time to prevent deep damage to the intestines.

Important. Delayed treatment sooner or later will lead to deep violation processes of absorption and digestion, which will cause rapid weight loss of the animal and its death. In advanced cases, colitis can lead to intestinal necrosis (death of intestinal cells) and cancer.

Main causes of colitis

The most common reason intestinal colitis a cat is eating low-quality, fermented, spoiled and rotten foods. Once in the animal’s gastrointestinal tract, food begins to dissolve and release toxic substances. The latter, in turn, irritate the mucous membrane and create a favorable environment for the proliferation of pathogenic bacteria.

There are many causes of colitis in cats.

Decay products are continuously released and accumulate, causing even greater intestinal irritation. Such a massive attack causes negative reaction thick section, diarrhea, vomiting, flatulence, etc. begin.

Second important reason Colitis is considered to be contaminated water, which often affects street cats. Lack of clean drinking encourages them to lap up dirty water from puddles, rivers and other bodies of water.

Other factors causing colitis include:

  • violation of the rules and feeding regime: excessively cold or hot food, abrupt change nutrition, the use of foods unusual for cats (sweets, pasta, an abundance of vegetables and fruits);
  • intestinal dysbiosis;
  • allergic reactions;
  • pathogenic bacteria, fungi, protozoan microorganisms (coccidiosis);
  • mechanical damage to the intestines and ingestion foreign bodies, stuck in the colon;
  • inflammatory processes of an infectious and non-infectious nature;
  • stress;
  • chemical poisoning;
  • hormonal disbalance;
  • autoimmune and oncological diseases;
  • bad heredity.

Types of colitis in cats

Colitis in cats is classified according to several criteria.

According to the form of the disease, they are distinguished:

  • acute – appears quickly and suddenly and lasts several days;
  • chronic - extensive intestinal disorder, occurring with alternating periods of exacerbation and retreat of signs of the disease.

By origin, colitis can be:

  • bacterial – it is caused by pathogenic bacteria;
  • toxic - occurs as a result of poisoning with poison and other chemicals;
  • ulcerative - colitis, which is a consequence of peptic ulcer disease in a cat;
  • viral - appears as a result infectious pathologies, provoking inflammatory processes in the intestines;
  • ischemic – observed with inflammation of the abdominal aorta.

According to the location of the focus of inflammation, colitis is divided into:

  • typhlitis - damage to the mucous membrane of the cecum;
  • pancolitis - inflammation of the entire large intestine;
  • Proctitis is irritation of the rectal mucosa.

Colitis is divided into types according to the course, origin and location of the outbreak.

Diagnosis of colitis in cats and cats

When going to the veterinarian, the pet owner should be prepared to answer a number of extremely important issues which are necessary for collecting anamnesis. He must describe what symptoms are bothering the cat, whether the animal has access to the street, whether it is in contact with stray animals, what products make up its diet, whether it has changed in Lately diet.

It is very important for a specialist to establish the root cause of the disease and take measures to eliminate it.

In particular difficult situations A number of diagnostic tests may be required:

  • biochemical blood test (to determine general well-being animal);
  • full microscopic analysis blood (to identify inflammatory and infectious processes, anemia, viruses, etc.);
  • ultrasonography intestines, pancreas;
  • X-ray of the abdominal cavity (to clarify the size and location of organs, to diagnose cancer);
  • checking stool for worm eggs;
  • endoscopy (to assess the condition of the intestinal and gastric mucosa).

Attention. In extremely severe cases, the cat must be immediately hospitalized due to severe dehydration. In a hospital setting, he will constantly be under a drip and with a catheter in the urethra.

Treatment of the disease

Treatment of colitis in cats at home involves the primary relief of symptoms of intoxication, restoration water-salt balance and normalization of stool.

The drug Smecta is often used to treat colitis.

For adsorption toxic substances appointed Activated carbon, smecta, White clay and other adsorbents acceptable for cats in case of poisoning. After this, a bowel lavage procedure is carried out using a single dose of laxatives based on sodium salt sulfuric acid. 40% sodium sulfate does not irritate the intestines and removes toxins well.

Dehydration also requires immediate action. For this purpose, rehydration therapy is used, carried out orally using Ringer's solution or weak solution table salt, either by injection or drip using saline solution with glucose.

Caffeine has proven itself to be good for maintaining cardiac function, and for strengthening capillaries and quick recovery mucous membrane – calcium chloride. A decoction helps relieve inflammation from the intestinal walls medicinal herbs: chamomile, St. John's wort, plantain, licorice, etc.

In some cases it may be necessary antibacterial therapy using antibiotics and antiprotozoal drugs. Regardless of the selected medications, a mandatory point in the therapeutic process is the use of probiotics to restore intestinal microflora.

Diet for colitis

Formation favorable environment in the intestines is achieved by a strict diet. What to feed cats with colitis? The ideal solution in case of exacerbations, the animal will be transferred to dry and canned dietary foods designed specifically for the correction of digestion and intestinal scarring. For example, on the Gastro-Intestinal or Sensitive series.

If you have colitis, you should feed your cat special diets.

For chronic colitis, between attacks of exacerbation, you can use food for sensitive digestion of the Sensible or Delicate series. If the disease occurs due to food allergies, then it is advisable to feed your pet products from a hypoallergenic line.

Prevention - how to prevent colitis in cats

To avoid animal suffering caused by colitis, you should adhere to elementary rules for the prevention of the inflammatory process:

  • feed your cat high-quality and fresh foods;
  • do not give homemade food not intended for animals;
  • carry out deworming regularly;
  • avoid stressful situations;
  • provide free access to clean and fresh water;
  • promptly examine your pet at a veterinary clinic.

You will be surprised, but the structure of the cat’s intestines is very similar to the structure of this human organ. That is why these animals can get sick from all those diseases digestive tract like a person. You shouldn’t be surprised that you didn’t ignore these fluffies. That is why it is necessary to know all the symptoms of this scourge, which can affect an animal of any age.

What types of colitis are there in cats?

Colitis in cats is a very versatile disease, which can have a very diverse nature of occurrence. Of course, a veterinarian should understand all these subtleties, but for general education We advise our visitors to familiarize themselves with possible options of this disease:

  • spicy;
  • chronic.

Colitis in cats can also vary in origin:

  • Bacterial (it is provoked by harmful pathogenic organisms);
  • Viral ( infectious agent, which activates inflammatory processes in the intestinal tract);
  • Toxic (consequence of poisoning with various chemicals. Household chemicals, which many owners irresponsibly leave in accessible places);
  • Ulcerative (consequences of ulcers appearing inside the dog);
  • Ischemic (in this case, the abdominal aorta becomes inflamed).

By localization of education:

  • Pancolitis (the disease attacks the entire area of ​​the large intestine);
  • Typhlitis (irritation of the mucous membrane of the cecum);
  • Proctitis (rectum is inflamed and painful).

As a rule, veterinarians most often deal with chronic or acute pancolitis, which leads to non-stop diarrhea, as well as weakness of the animal, which encourages taking the cat to a veterinary center as soon as possible. Doctors at the Ya-VET veterinary center understand how scary it is to watch suffering four-legged friend, and therefore I do everything possible to help the animal.

What causes can cause colitis in cats?

This disease can be caused by a great variety of reasons, in the end even congenital pathology is possible.

    Here is a list of the most important reasons why colitis may occur in cats:
  • Stressful situations and tense conditions in the place where the animal lives.
  • Accumulation of worms in the body.
  • Contagious infections, particularly feline leukemia bacteria (FeLV), severe immune-compromised infection (FIV), or feline infectious peritonitis(FIP). The disease often flares up after treatment with antibiotics and taking other very strong medications.
  • Pancreatitis.
  • Infections caused by bacteria.
  • Excessive thinness caused by an intentional or forced lack of food in the diet.
  • Unacceptable food products (the animal actively stole food from the common table).
  • Foreign object (may have been swallowed with food).
  • Constant disturbance of the large intestine as a result of the action of some hormonal or other external stimuli, such as poor nutrition.
  • Cancers of the intestines (usually seen in aging cats or cats infected with the FeLV or FIV viruses).
  • Diseases of unknown origin (usually autoimmune disorders).

Stress, as you can see, comes first, and therefore It is very important to provide your cat with a measured and calm existence., and doctors veterinary center“YA-VET” will help solve all emerging health problems in an animal.

Colitis in cats and its symptoms

If a cat has colitis, then its feces must contain present fresh blood . Sometimes in veins, sometimes in puddles. Mucus may also occur. Feces are very unpleasant and foul odor, which is an eloquent sign of intoxication. It can be quite an important wake-up call kitten meowing in pain, the animal experiences some discomfort during defecation. If you look closely at anus If you look closely, you will be able to see the protruding intestine. Very important symptom is loss of appetite. In this situation, colitis in a cat can become chronic.

How to Diagnose Colitis in Cats

It all starts with a visit to the veterinarian. As you understand from the text, there are many reasons for colitis, which means only one thing: it is extremely important for the owner to provide all available information to a veterinary specialist. This applies in particular to the following information. Remember that the doctor asks everything not out of idle curiosity, but because he really needs this information!

  • Symptoms.
  • Recent contact with outdoor animals or other animals. If the animal really likes to walk on fresh air and does this regularly, this also needs to be said at the reception.
  • If your pet has swallowed an inedible item (a piece of polyethylene, Christmas tree decorations, children's toys), notify your veterinarian as soon as possible. It is necessary to tell the doctor about the cat’s habit of stealing food from the owner’s dinner (if this happens). Not alone acute colitis was caused by a stick of (heavily salted, in addition) sausage products!
  • The veterinarian should have an idea of ​​whether the animal's diet has changed.

Why is all this necessary? The specialist needs to find the root cause, determining what gave rise to the development of the disease. When visiting a veterinarian, you need to be as honest as possible and give out all the information about the animal. Your honesty and openness will help prescribe high-quality and qualified treatment.

What tests can a doctor prescribe to determine colitis in cats?

Colitis in cats and its symptoms are very varied, and therefore most likely the doctor will offer a comprehensive diagnosis. You should be mentally prepared for the fact that this the procedure is quite lengthy and expensive, because it includes the following studies (the list is approximate and may vary depending on the doctor):

  • Biochemical blood test in a cat. This analysis is simply necessary, since it will allow you to very accurately determine general state the pet’s body, the functionality of the glands responsible for the process of digesting food. Full analysis blood is carried out to identify infectious diseases, inflammatory processes, anemia and other pathologies that represent serious danger, including diseases viral etiology. This study will provide the veterinarian with invaluable assistance and help determine how to treat a sick animal.
  • It may be very necessary abdominal x-ray in cats. It allows you to find out the exact sizes of organs, diagnose any developed neoplasms, they can also cause colitis.
  • Ultrasound examination is very informative - Ultrasound of cats, since with its help you can see a real “map” of the intestines in the palm of your hand. You may need the help of an endoscope in order to examine and assess the general condition of the organs that are responsible for processing food.
  • Examination of the cat's pancreas, which help to exclude or, on the contrary, confirm pancreatitis. Its symptoms are similar to colitis.
  • Taking stool for analysis: this is how they are identified helminthic infestations and the condition of the esophagus is determined.
  • Seeding from biological material. In the event that colitis appears as a result of the cat being infected with something infectious, this approach will certainly help to find the culprit of the unpleasant sensations.

As you can see, there is quite a lot of research and a reasonable question arose in the mind of the caring owner: how can all these tests be taken and get the maximum possible results? reliable results with minimal investment of personal time? There are several options.

Cats, like other animals, can have gastrointestinal inflammation. One of the manifestations of the disease is colitis. The disease does not reveal itself for a long time, being asymptomatic until it begins to become chronic. Therefore, it is very important to promptly identify the symptoms and treat colitis in cats.

By various reasons, the mucous membrane of the colon becomes inflamed in the cat’s body. Due to colitis, fluid is no longer absorbed in the intestines, which leads to digestive disorders.

Most often, cats develop diarrhea or constipation. The owners do not immediately attach importance to such manifestations. And if you don’t immediately contact a veterinarian for a diagnosis and start immediate treatment, the disease will not go away on its own. It will entail consequences and the worst thing it can lead to is the death of the sick animal.

Causes of the disease

Veterinarians have identified many causes and symptoms of colitis.:

  1. In case of cat illness and use of antibiotics. This may be an incorrect dosage or self-medication of the animal.
  2. The second reason and the most important one is poor nutrition cat The diet is not balanced, irregular food intake, improper temperature of the product consumed. Replacing one food with another, or the cat eating a stale dish.
  3. If the cat has been sterilized or the doctor has prescribed it contraceptive. Colitis in this case may be a side effect.
  4. Helminths will cause not only colitis, but also a host of other concomitant diseases. Therefore, veterinarians strongly recommend treating your pets for worms every six months. And if domestic cat contacts with yard animals, then prophylaxis is carried out once every three months.
  5. Oncological diseases provoke a weakened cat’s body to a number of other ailments. The very first of them will be colitis.
  6. This disease is inherited. And if one of the parents was sick chronic colitis, then the offspring have very Great chance inherit the disease.
  7. Nervous disorders and stress very often cause colitis. If another pet appeared in the house, or the owners suddenly wanted to change their place of residence. The appearance of a child or another family member, it would seem, should not worry an eternally sleeping cat. But, unstable psyche may fail and the animal’s body will react with gastrointestinal tract disease. Therefore, with any changes in the usual home environment or atmosphere, you need to surround the cat with maximum care and attention.

Types of colitis

Colitis can be ulcerative ( chronic form) viral and bacterial. Toxic, if the cat has eaten something inedible, and ischemic. Pseudomembranous - dangerous form colitis with inevitable complications.

The disease can affect the entire colon. Or there will be foci of inflammation in the rectum or cecum.

Symptoms of the disease

You should not diagnose a cat or dog yourself, and as soon as the first signs of colitis are identified in animals, you should immediately seek help from a veterinary clinic.

Symptoms of colitis in cats are as follows::

  • The animal becomes weak and lethargic. The cat will lose its appetite, it will be apathetic and practically does not react to external stimuli. Attacks of pain are possible, during which the cat will meow or scream.
  • You need to pay attention to the animal's feces, since the presence of mucus and blood will indicate a disease. Pain when your cat stools or a terrible smell from his stool. Urge and unsuccessful attempts to go to the toilet. All this can even lead to partial prolapse of the rectum.
  • Gurgling and gurgling in the animal's intestines. When you squeeze the abdomen, it will be swollen and hard as a drum.

How is the disease diagnosed?

To a caring owner domestic cat It is very important that a diagnosis is carried out and correct diagnosis. Veterinarians resort to several methods to most accurately diagnose the disease.

First of all, you need to carry out ultrasound examination abdominal cavity. An x-ray will then be required to rule out the presence of a foreign body in the cat’s body.

Then an endoscopy is performed and the pancreas is examined. Required condition There will be blood, stool and urine testing.

IN in rare cases, but a biopsy is still performed. This procedure takes place under general anesthesia, since a piece of tissue will be plucked from the colon for examination.

Treatment of colitis in cats

If colitis is detected, you do not need to prescribe treatment yourself. In order not to put your cat’s health at risk, you must follow all the veterinarian’s instructions exactly. Treatment is prescribed depending on what type of colitis is diagnosed. And what caused this disease.

A cat with enterocolitis should be treated with antibiotics and probiotics. In case of diarrhea, appropriate medications are prescribed to restore the intestinal microflora. If an infection is detected, you need to take antifungal drugs. If the disease is ulcerative, surgery is not excluded.

Disease Prevention

In frequent cases, loving and caring cat owners themselves are the first to cause colitis. After all, feeding animals with food from the table is strictly prohibited. Cats are big fans fried meat and fish. Smoked and pickled. Pickled cucumbers, oranges, cookies and sweets. These are the products that will certainly cause gastrointestinal diseases.