The best essential oils for dandruff. Natural and essential plant extracts: which oil helps against dandruff and hair loss? What oil helps against dandruff?

The appearance of dandruff is an aesthetic and medical problem. Excessive formation and exfoliation of dead particles of the epidermis of the head indicates disruptions in the body and interferes with normal hair growth. In addition, shoulders and hair strewn with dandruff flakes create an unkempt appearance, forming a subconscious negative impression on people around you. In the list of products that effectively cope with this problem, natural oils occupy a leading position. Essential, castor and burdock oils relieve dandruff for a long time, giving a healthy look and radiant shine to the hair.

Natural oils help get rid of dandruff in hair

Actively used in medicine and aromatherapy, these natural products have a wide range of effects on various bacteria and fungi. Often, dandruff is a consequence of damage to the scalp by pathogens that are sensitive to the components of the essential oil.

An additional anti-inflammatory effect will help cope with itching and discomfort. Using essential oils for dandruff, you can solve the problem of untidy appearance for a long time and significantly improve the health of your hair.

Which essential oil is effective against dandruff?

The variety of essential oils can be confusing when choosing the right one for one purpose or another. Knowing the quality characteristics of different types will help you choose the right one:


The use of essential oils is possible both as part of hair masks and to enrich shampoos. A complex mask of tea tree and eucalyptus oils (3 drops each), the base of which (2 tablespoons) is burdock oil, eliminates dandruff in just a few uses. The prepared mixture is kept on the hair for about half an hour, then washed off. Apply 2 times a week.

By adding a few drops of various oils to your shampoo and massaging your head for 7-10 minutes, you can quickly solve the problem of flaking. For oily hair, mix 4 drops of rosemary and eucalyptus oils with a spoonful of shampoo. A mixture of lemon and geranium oils is suitable for dry hair.

Rosemary essential oil is suitable for oily hair

Precautionary measures

An allergic reaction may be an obstacle to the use of essential oils. To avoid itching, burning, redness of the skin and more severe complications, it is necessary to do a preliminary sensitivity test. To do this, apply a drop of the mixture behind the ear or on the skin of the wrist for a few minutes.

In the fight against dandruff, this product enjoys well-deserved popularity. Burdock grows everywhere, and its oil can be bought in almost any pharmacy for little money. Nevertheless, the effect of its use exceeds the effectiveness of many expensive specialized shampoos. In order for burdock oil to help you get rid of it seriously and for a long time, you need to use it for at least three weeks. To consolidate the result, the course can be repeated.

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Warm burdock oil is thoroughly rubbed into the hair and scalp with your fingers or a special brush. After application, the hair should be wrapped in cling film or plastic wrap and wrapped in a warm towel. After half an hour, the mask is washed off with shampoo. Burdock oil weighs down hair, so it is not suitable for oily hair types, as it gives it an unkempt and unkempt appearance.

For burdock oil to help get rid of dandruff, you need to use it for at least three weeks.

Proven over decades of use, inexpensive and effective castor oil not only has a safe laxative effect, but is also extremely effective in combating infectious and fungal lesions of hair and skin. Ricinoleic acid and vitamin E make castor oil very effective against dandruff.

In addition, the content of omega-9 fatty acids in the product allows you to use castor oil to moisturize your hair, restore it to a healthy appearance and give it a luxurious shine. Regular masks with this oil can solve the common problem of split ends forever.

The use of castor oil to treat seborrhea and fight dandruff has one feature. Due to the physical properties of the product (increased viscosity and density), applying it to hair in its pure form is quite difficult. Cosmetologists recommend diluting castor oil with olive or coconut oil in a 1:2 ratio before use.

To improve absorption and increase the activity of the active ingredients, it is advisable to heat the prepared mixture (preferably in a water bath) before application.

Castor oil is an inexpensive and effective remedy in the fight against dandruff.

Thoroughly rub the mixture into the scalp and hair roots, cover them with polyethylene and wrap them in a towel or scarf. You can wash it off after twenty minutes using regular shampoo or leave it overnight.

The course of treatment is determined individually (usually 5–6 procedures are sufficient). You need to make masks from castor oil at least twice a week.

In terms of therapeutic and cosmetic effects, castor oil is the undoubted leader among many popular remedies. In addition to reliably getting rid of dandruff, this oil has an extremely beneficial effect on hair, giving it a well-groomed and healthy look.

To eliminate dandruff, you need to solve several problems at once:

  • normalize the activity of the sebaceous glands;
  • relieve irritation and itching of the head;
  • Gently cleanse the scalp;
  • prevent the appearance and development of fungal infections;
  • cure microdamages on the skin.

Concentrated essential oils for hair are quite capable of handling these tasks. They are used in a mono version or form medicinal mixtures, combining several esters that complement each other well. There are a variety of esters on the market; the choice of one or another oil depends on the hair type and individual reaction.

Most often they are used to prepare masks and wraps; they can be added to rinse water, homemade or industrial shampoo.

Among the advantages of ethers:

Despite the abundance of benefits, essential oils also have disadvantages. The main one is the possibility of a severe allergic reaction. Some consumers cannot tolerate specific oils, while others are contraindicated in all highly concentrated esters.

In case of overdose, drugs can cause skin irritation and even burns. Unpleasant consequences are also possible with an inept combination of oils, so it is better for beginners to use the product in a mono version or use ready-made compositions compiled by professional aromatherapists.

What is suitable for seborrhea and itchy scalp?

The following oil options will help get rid of dry seborrhea:

For oily dandruff, other options are suitable.

Best Recipes

How to supplement the treatment?

The fight against dandruff requires an integrated approach. Homemade masks and other preparations with essential oils can be supplemented with professional or pharmacy shampoos that gently cleanse damaged skin and prevent seborrhea. The product is selected depending on the hair type. It is worth purchasing an air conditioner that fixes the effect in the kit.

Preparations with essential oils can be supplemented with home remedies prepared from medicinal plants.

Homemade shampoos, rinses and masks made from chamomile, nettle, calendula, and birch leaves will refresh your hair and heal your scalp.

A very important point is proper nutrition.

A balanced menu with a minimum of sweets, smoked foods, fatty and fried foods contributes to getting rid of dandruff as quickly as possible.

The diet should be supplemented with fresh vegetables and fruits (at least 500 g per day), easily digestible soups, cereals with water, bread and wholemeal pasta.

Low-fat fermented milk products will help improve the activity of the sebaceous glands: cottage cheese, cheese, homemade yogurt, kefir.

It is necessary to give up smoking and alcohol. Ethyl alcohol and tobacco tar impair blood circulation, block the activity of the sebaceous glands, causing excessive sebum secretion with possible blockage of pores. It is advisable to avoid stress and limit the use of potent medications that cause skin irritation.

Essential oils are an effective and safe remedy for fighting dandruff. Before starting treatment, it is important to check whether there is an allergy to a specific composition. In the absence of a negative reaction, the suitable oil can be safely used to prepare masks, rinses, shampoos and other useful products.

Dandruff is a rather unpleasant cosmetic problem that, although it does not cause any physical discomfort, can deprive a person of self-confidence. In order to get rid of dandruff, there are many cosmetic products, but you can also use essential oils. Essential oils are quite effective in treating dandruff, but are not so popular, as they are being replaced by well-advertised drugs.

The causes of dandruff are often related to the internal state of the human body: stress, hormonal imbalance, unbalanced nutrition and diet, improper selection or use of cosmetics. Most often, dandruff appears in people with oily scalp. In many cases, the appearance of dandruff is accompanied by increased hair loss. Essential oils are the best way to get rid of dandruff because they have a complex effect: eliminate dandruff, help cope with stress and hormonal imbalance in the body.

To treat dandruff, masks, balms, massages and rinses using essential oils are used. To enhance the effect of dandruff treatment, you can enrich ready-made cosmetics with essential oils.

The best essential oils for dandruff: lavender, lemon, eucalyptus, rosemary, chamomile, ylang-ylang, patchouli, rose, geranium, juniper, sandalwood, cedar.

Massage with essential oils for dandruff

Scalp massage is a very effective procedure for getting rid of dandruff. For the massage procedure, massage oil is used, which is selected depending on your skin type. This procedure is best done at the end of the day.

Massage oil for oily scalp

Take two drops of patchouli essential oil and mix it with two teaspoons. Apply the resulting oil to your fingertips and massage into your scalp. Try to do this carefully, without damaging or stretching your hair. At the end of the procedure, leave the oil for 2 hours, or even better, overnight, then wash your hair as usual.

Massage oil for very dry scalp

This massage oil will be useful for treating dry seborrhea. Take two teaspoons of cocoa butter and heat the butter in a steam bath until it becomes liquid. Mix it with 1 drop of chamomile essential oil for light hair, or 1 drop of ylang-ylang essential oil for dark hair. Rub this mixture into your skin, cover your head with a warm towel and leave for 20 minutes. Then rinse your hair.

Anti-dandruff masks with essential oils

These mask mixtures can also be used for massage. They should be applied to the roots of the hair, carefully, using massage movements.

Mask with essential oils for dandruff and hair loss

10 drops rose essential oil,

10 drops eucalyptus essential oil.

Mix all the ingredients together and apply to the scalp for 1-2 hours. Eucalyptus oil cleanses the scalp and strengthens hair, rose oil tones and softens the skin.

Mask for severe dandruff with itching

For severe dandruff, which is accompanied by itching and inflammation of the scalp, you can use a mask of the following oils:

60 ml jojoba oil,

5 drops geranium essential oil,

5 drops of lavender oil,

5 drops of juniper oil,

5 drops of sandalwood oil.

Mix all the components of the mask and use as described in the previous recipe.

Mask with essential oils for oily dandruff

Take 2 tablespoons of jojoba oil and add essential oils (in drops): cedar - 6, rosemary - 8, lemon - 6. Mix all the components of the mask and apply to your head with massage movements. You need to keep this mask for 40 minutes to an hour.

Anti-dandruff balms with essential oils

To combat dandruff, using scalp balms is also effective. Here are some recipes for such balms.

Balm with cedar oil

2 tablespoons grape seed oil,

1 teaspoon olive oil,

20 drops of cedar essential oil.

Mix all ingredients in an opaque glass jar. Use to massage the scalp 1-2 hours before washing your hair. This balm should be stored in a cool place away from direct sunlight.

Balm with lavender oil

Mix 60 ml of aloe juice with 30 drops of lavender essential oil and shake well. Rub this balm into your scalp a few hours before washing your hair.

Enrichment of finished cosmetics with essential oils

To enhance the effect of dandruff treatment, it is recommended to additionally enrich finished cosmetics with essential oils. For 250 ml of shampoo or hair conditioner, add 15 drops of the mixture or one of the above essential oils, mix well. Shake well before use.

Rinses for the treatment of dandruff with essential oils

To treat dandruff, after washing your hair, rinse your hair with this mixture: 10 drops of lavender or lemon essential oil per 1 liter of warm boiled water.

Rules for using essential oils to treat dandruff:

- remember that essential oils can sometimes cause allergic reactions;

— when producing cosmetics, do not exceed the indicated dosages;

- do not apply preparations with essential oils to damaged scalp;

- if you feel a strong burning sensation when using the massage mixture, you should immediately wash it off the skin.

Tired of white scales that cover your head and constantly fall on your clothes? It's time to try castor oil, which will help to better eliminate dandruff mechanically. Users claim that the product is quite inexpensive, but can give a head start to many pharmacy ointments and shampoos.

How do you get it?

As is known, dandruff appears due to improper functioning of the sebaceous glands and the development of fungus on the scalp. Eliminating keratinized scales is quite difficult, but if you remove the root cause of their occurrence and remove the manifestations cosmetically, you can get rid of the problem forever.

An effective method that our grandmothers have long used is to soften the top layer of skin with castor oil.

In ancient times, castor oil was taken orally. It was believed that it promotes better digestion and can enhance labor.

Castor oil is an extract from the fruits and seeds of castor beans, which has a viscous consistency. Due to its composition rich in microelements and vitamins, it has a beneficial effect on curls, strengthening them and removing dandruff.

Mainly used in cosmetology. Various masks, creams, balms and shampoos are prepared based on castor bean extract.

You should know! Castor oil effectively fights both dry and oily seborrhea, which means it can be used even for mixed skin types.

Beneficial features

Castor oil is rich in vitamins and microelements(ricinoleic acid, vitamin E), therefore has a beneficial effect on the skin. She has:

  • antiseptic;
  • antimycotic;
  • hemostatic;
  • and softening properties.

If you apply oil to your hair, you can improve blood circulation, nourish the hair follicles with useful substances and fight the fungus that has become a springboard for your hair.

Castor oil is an excellent carrier agent. In terms of cosmetology, castor oil has earned a special reputation, because it 90% consists of fats and contains ricinoleic acid, which can eliminate fungus and microbes.

Girls using the oil noticed that their hair began to grow better after regular use of this drug.

Castor oil not only moisturizes and nourishes the skin. It helps exfoliate the epidermis and stabilize the sebaceous glands that produce sebum.

Thus, due to its complex effect on the scalp, castor oil copes well with dandruff. But you shouldn’t expect results immediately after the first use. It should take at least a month for the scalp to recover and get rid of the ill-fated fungus.

Pros and cons of castor oil

According to user reviews Among the advantages of using castor oil for dandruff are:

  • softening the layers of keratinized skin, which facilitates better combing with a comb with a thin comb;
  • rapid hair growth;
  • elimination of excessive gloss and acquisition of natural shine by curls;
  • the ends of the hair stop splitting, the scalp is moisturized;
  • It’s as if a protective film is created around each curl, which reduces the aggressive impact of the environment to nothing;
  • inflammatory reactions on the scalp, manifesting themselves in the form of itching and redness, disappear;
  • Castor bean extract is inexpensive, unlike other anti-dandruff products;
  • skin regeneration processes improve (skin renews itself faster);
  • the drug is inexpensive and has virtually no contraindications.

Important point! There is no need to think that castor oil will get rid of dandruff once and for all. If you do not eliminate the factors that provoke malfunctions of the sebaceous glands (dysbacteriosis, hormonal imbalance, stressful situations), then the ill-fated white powder will appear again. Remember, castor oil is intended for cosmetic removal of dandruff.


If you use the drug for external use, then There are practically no contraindications.

The only thing that can happen is individual intolerance to the components, which manifests itself in the form of allergic reactions. To check if you are allergic to castor oil, apply a few drops to the crook of your elbow and wait 20 minutes. If the skin does not turn red or itch, then you can safely use a folk remedy.

Some cosmetologists and doctors do not recommend using castor oil locally for pregnant women., suggesting that the oil can be deeply absorbed into the skin and penetrate into the bloodstream. As is known, its components can provoke uterine contractions, causing premature birth.

Terms of use

Of course, castor oil can be immediately distributed on the scalp in finished form. But due to its excessively viscous consistency, the product is best combined with other natural ingredients (oils, herbal decoctions).

For example, you need to combine castor oil with oils (olive, jojoba, burdock, almond, grape seed) in a 1:2 ratio.

Features of applying castor oil against dandruff:

  1. The oil should always be heated in a water bath and applied warm. This simple technique will promote better absorption into the scalp and distribution on the surface. Gently rub into the skin of your hair using massaging movements and thoroughly saturate the curls.
  2. If you are making a mask, you can safely leave it on overnight. The minimum exposure time for masks is 20 minutes (it is best to leave for 1 hour). After the expiration date, wash off the castor oil with shampoo under a good stream of warm water.
  3. Cosmetologists recommend carefully combing the curls with a wooden or plastic comb in order to mechanically comb out the softened scales.
  4. After applying the product to your hair, do not forget to put on a plastic bag and wrap your head in a terry towel. The warming effect allows all the beneficial components of the extract to penetrate deeply into the skin.
  5. The course of treatment is at least 2 times a week for 1 month (the result will be noticeable after 5–6 applications).
  6. In order not to bother with preparing various masks, you can simply add a few drops of oil to your hair conditioner. Be sure to shake the bottle well before use.
  7. In addition to oils, it is recommended to add esters to castor oil. To eliminate dandruff, tea tree ether, mint, eucalyptus and menthol are suitable.

To better rinse off the oily liquid from the scalp, first apply shampoo to your curls and then add water. After washing, it is recommended to rinse your hair with herbal decoctions (oak bark, chamomile, burdock root) or add a few drops of lemon juice or apple cider vinegar to the water.

Photos before and after

Mask recipes

The selection of masks is based on your scalp type and the impact of other factors. If your hair is dry and your dandruff is white, then your skin type is dry. The formation of large yellowish scales and fat on the curls indicates excessive sebum secretion (oily skin). A mixed type is also possible.

Castor oil and calendula

This remedy is suitable for those who suffer from dry seborrhea. The course of treatment is 3 weeks with regular procedures every other day.

Cooking features:

  • Having bought castor oil and calendula tincture at the pharmacy, take a teaspoon of each drug and combine it together;
  • heat the product in a water bath;
  • the resulting mixture is carefully rubbed into the dermis of the head, and then distributed over the curls with a comb;
  • stand for about 30 minutes under a terry towel;
  • Wash your hair with shampoo and plenty of water.

After you get rid of dandruff, do not forget to use this product for preventive purposes - once every 10 days.

Garlic mask

Our grandmothers used this recipe to fight dandruff. The prepared drug will prevent dandruff from appearing again, because it restores the functioning of the sebaceous glands. Suitable for any scalp type.

You should take 2 cloves of garlic and grate it. A few drops of castor oil, a spoonful of sour cream and the same amount of natural honey are added to the resulting pulp.

This mixture is evenly distributed on the scalp and rubbed into it. The exposure time of the mask is 30–40 minutes.

Use once a week for 2 months.

Castor oil+lemon juice

This product is intended exclusively for oily scalp.

Combine castor oil with olive oil in a 1:2 ratio. Be sure to preheat the ingredients. Add the juice of half a lemon. Distribute evenly over the surface of the hair, making massaging movements. Leave the mask on for 40 minutes.

Mask with black tea

To prepare it, you will need to brew black tea in the amount of 1 tsp. per glass. After the liquid has cooled, strain it through a sieve and add 2 tbsp. l. vodka and the same amount of castor oil. Distribute the liquid on the scalp and the remainder throughout the hair. Don't forget to rub the medicine into your skin. Leave for about 40 minutes and rinse with warm running water.

Course of treatment: 1 month every 3 days.

Castor oil and kefir

This tool is not only fights dry and oily dandruff, but also perfectly nourishes curls.

You will need to heat a glass of kefir to a temperature of 40 degrees and add 2 tbsp. l. castor oil The resulting mixture is applied to the hair - from the roots to the very ends. Leave for 30–40 minutes.

Aloe mask

This is a 2 in 1 nourishing and moisturizing mask suitable for dry skin types, because aloe juice perfectly moisturizes it. Recommended for those who suffer from excessive hair loss and baldness.

You need to extract juice from several leaves of a houseplant: grate them, place them in cheesecloth and squeeze them.

Mix 1 tbsp. l. castor oil, the same amount of aloe juice and mayonnaise. Add honey and a few drops of lemon juice. Heat the resulting mixture in a water bath. As soon as it cools down a little, apply it to your hair and begin to actively rub it into the scalp for 2-3 minutes.

Leave the mask to activate for 40 minutes, wrapping your hair in a terry towel. Rinse your hair with shampoo and warm water.

Thus, If you have dandruff, be sure to try castor oil. It contains many useful substances, not synthesized by the chemical industry, but donated by nature itself. The components of the oil perfectly eliminate fungus and inflammation on the scalp. In addition, they improve the appearance of hair by nourishing it from the inside.

The product is absolutely not expensive and is sold in any pharmacy. Therefore, if you try castor oil for cosmetic removal of a problem, you probably will not regret it. You can observe the effect after completing a month's course.

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How to get rid of dandruff.

5 ways to treat dandruff.

It is difficult to find a person who has never encountered dandruff. The cause of the pathology is a special fungus that promotes increased flaking of the scalp. In addition to special shampoos, the main means of combating this unpleasant phenomenon include all possible anti-dandruff oils. We will tell you which ones in the article.

How does oil work on dandruff?

The following oils are believed to be particularly effective in getting rid of dandruff:

  • castor;
  • burdock;
  • olive;
  • coconut;
  • tea tree oil.

If you follow all the rules for preparing products, it won’t take much time to forget about dandruff forever and make your hair a source of true pride.

While not a cure, most anti-dandruff oils have antifungal and anti-inflammatory effects. They have a positive effect on hair and scalp in general:

  1. improves the functioning of the sebaceous glands;
  2. tones the skin;
  3. increases cellular blood circulation;
  4. promotes hair growth;
  5. saturates hair follicles with nutrients.

If you regularly use any essential oil, the problem of dandruff is unlikely to affect you. And if you already suffer from it, you must carefully follow all prescription requirements and regular use of the products.

It is also important to continue using it even after dandruff has been eliminated. It should be remembered that such natural substances are an excellent means of prevention, which is recommended by all cosmetologists.

And if you are worried not only about dandruff, but also excessive hair loss, the use of oils is simply necessary. However, there is no absolute recipe for which type to choose. You need to choose the right product for you by trial.

Castor oil for dandruff

This product has the most pronounced antifungal properties, in addition, it perfectly moisturizes the skin due to its high content of vitamin E. Castor oil against dandruff is an excellent remedy that can be applied alone or combined with certain components.

  • In order to forget about this unpleasant phenomenon, it is enough to use castor oil for 14 days every time you wash your hair. Just apply the product to the ends of your hair, leave for 1 hour and rinse.
  • The effectiveness of castor oil will increase if you add calendula tincture to it. The composition is applied to the hair at the very roots and washed off after 30 minutes.
  • You can also mix castor and olive oils in equal proportions with the addition of lemon juice.
  • A mask made of castor oil, sour cream, honey and garlic will help improve the functioning of the sebaceous glands and increase growth activity.

Burdock oil for dandruff

This remedy is not inferior in its popularity and effectiveness to castor oil. Burdock oil contains a high concentration of vitamins and beneficial microelements that contribute to the successful fight against dandruff.

The main component here is inulin, a substance that belongs to absorbents of natural origin. It has a pronounced antibacterial property and also rids the scalp of various toxins and other harmful substances. It is inulin that makes burdock oil against dandruff the best weapon against this unpleasant phenomenon.

Burdock oil should be used until all signs of flaking on the head completely disappear. Then you need to pause and repeat the course again. This treatment regimen will help avoid relapses.

Burdock oil is used in the same way as castor oil:

  1. you need to rub it into your hair at the very roots;
  2. hold for 30 minutes;
  3. wash off.

Tea tree oil for dandruff

Tea tree extract contains terpenol substances, which help not only get rid of dandruff, but also long-term preservation of hairstyle.

You should use tea tree oil as follows:

  • warm up slightly
  • add to your favorite shampoo,
  • apply to strands
  • cover your hair with cling film,
  • Gently rinse off after half an hour.

You can also mix tea tree oil with your favorite shampoo and use it as usual.

Coconut oil for dandruff

This product contains many triglyceride substances. They reduce skin itching and accelerate hair growth.

This remedy is used not only against dandruff, it helps get rid of lice and gray hair, and also helps treat some types of dermatitis.

Like tea tree oil, coconut oil should be slightly warmed before use. Adding lemon juice to this oil in a 1:1 ratio will help you forget about dry hair. Apply the product along the entire length of the strands, then rub into the skin with light movements.

Olive oil for dandruff

This is an excellent remedy that helps get rid of dandruff, flaking skin, and prevents dry hair.

How to use:

  1. apply the product to the curls along the entire length,
  2. do a gentle scalp massage with your fingers,
  3. cover your hair with film,
  4. wash off the oil thoroughly after half an hour.

After this procedure, your hair will be pleased with its thickness and shine.

To prevent dandruff, it is advisable to use a special shampoo based on olive oil, to which, to increase efficiency, you can add another 2-3 drops of oil.

Flaxseed oil for dandruff

The best among all oils in terms of speed of absorption and ease of rinsing.

Flaxseed oil not only gets rid of dandruff, but also perfectly nourishes the scalp. This is an excellent choice for those with dry hair prone to hair loss.