How to properly cook sprouted wheat grains. How to germinate wheat and other grains at home

19.12.2017 Vladimir Zuikov Save:

Hello, dear readers! Vladimir Zuikov is in touch. Lately you've been asking me a lot of questions about winter nutrition. And one of the most exciting: where can a raw foodist get his greens in winter? After all, during the cold season, only greenhouse production is available. And the quality of greenery in a big city leaves much to be desired.

I know how it is. And I understand you perfectly. Greens are food for our microflora. Without fresh greens, I experience a specific “withdrawal”; my body simply requires greens and that’s it. But where can you get high-quality fresh herbs in winter?

Friends, the solution to this issue is simple - grow your own greens at home. And today I am starting a series of articles on this topic. Let's start with the simplest and most accessible: how to grow and consume wheat sprouts.

What are sprouts and sprouts?

Inexperienced people very often confuse the concepts: sprouts, sprouts, sprouts, wheatgrass. Such words are new that many people simply have their heads spinning... So that from the further presentation of the material you do not make a mess in your head, my dear reader, now I will clearly explain each word.

  1. Sprouts - hatched seed, sprouted grain. There was an article about how to germinate seedlings. Be sure to read it, you will find a lot of useful information on this topic there.
  2. Sprouts are already green shoots that form in seedlings after a few days of germination. That is, it is green, grass.
  3. Sprouts (aka sprouts) are the same thing as sprouts. This word is taken from the English language. Sprouts are called sprouts to avoid confusion with sprouts.
  4. Wheatgrass - juice from sprouts. Wheatgrass is often called wheatgrass, but this is not true and causes confusion. Wheatgrass is a JUICE made from sprouts. By the way, we will talk about wheatgrass in the next article. I’ll tell you a lot of interesting things, don’t miss it!

Result of eating wheat germ

Now I will answer a question that is often asked. Why consume these same green sprouts, since the entire Internet writes about the incredible benefits of sprouted grains? And there is very little information about Sprouts. So maybe they're just grass!?

Yes, sprouts are useful, I don’t argue. But maximum nutrients found precisely in young green sprouts. Few people know about this. There is calcium, and a huge range of vitamins, and most importantly - chlorophyll, which wonderfully nourishes and cleanses our body.

Go ahead. Both in theory and in practice, this is what has long been confirmed. Regular consumption of wheat sprouts and juice from them helps normalize metabolic processes, strengthens the immune system, and increases energy levels.

Without exaggeration, sprouts help maintain youth and beauty, and also prolong life. That's why they are so popular in the diet of Hollywood stars.

If you want to learn more about the benefits of wheatgrass, read the research of biologist Anne Wigmore. For example, her book " Sprouts - food of life" This woman herself was cured of cancer and helped hundreds of people recover from serious illnesses, primarily thanks to green sprouts and living food.

The obtained research results forced the global community of adequate doctors and scientists to pay attention to unsightly green sprouts, which many call grass. Since then, medical journals have published dozens of articles revealing more and more new healing properties of wheat sprouts.

Friends, therefore, for the above reasons, you should not neglect Sprouts. You can eat sprouts as well as sprouts. Next, I will describe the technologies for growing such healthy greens for food in ordinary home conditions. Read on, you will be surprised how simple it is.

Wheat sprout growing technology

I will look at how to grow green sprouts using the example of wheat, or rather spelt (wild wheat). This is the most affordable cereal, it is easy to buy and it germinates quickly and easily. But to obtain sprouts, you can use almost any other grains and seeds: barley, oats, rye, as well as green buckwheat, mung bean, chickpeas, sunflower seeds, pumpkin seeds, etc.

If this is your first time growing sprouts, I recommend using wheat to produce them. The wheat itself must be chosen, not treated with any chemicals, and environmentally friendly. It is best to take it marked BIO or ORGANIC, sold in raw food stores.

Now let's move on to the technology itself. There are 2 ways I know of growing sprouts: without using soil and using soil.

1. Growing sprouts without soil

The method is convenient and many people like it, because... no need to mess with the ground. 5 years ago, when I first started my raw food diet, I didn’t know that wheat sprouts could be grown this way. I thought that without land there would be no point. It turns out it will.

However, I will warn you. With some seeds, this method can be very cumbersome or even practically impossible, because the seeds begin to suffocate and rot. In this case, you need to plant them in the ground, as nature intended.

So, we need a tray or tray, as well as gauze folded in several layers. And the most important thing is to constantly keep this gauze moist (for example, using a spray bottle), otherwise the sprouts simply will not grow.

Let's get down to the technology of growing sprouts without land.

1. First of all, we need the grain itself: wheat / spelt. As well as a bowl or other container.

2. Fill the container with dry grain no more than halfway. Pour water and rinse the grain well, you can do this by hand. Remove floating empty grains and other small debris.

Drain the water. Fill the grain with new water; it is best to use shungite water. And leave it at room temperature for 6-8 hours.

3. Drain all the water, rinse the swollen grain. Now the grain is ready and you need to germinate it.

Here I will show one of the methods: tray + 2 rags. You can do this in a sprouter if you have one. The essence of the method is simple:

  1. We place one of the rags on the bottom of the tray, after wetting it in water.
  2. Spread the swollen grain in a thin layer.
  3. Cover the top with another damp cloth or gauze.
  4. And leave it like that for 12-18 hours, periodically checking and maintaining the moisture of the rags.

4. When you see white sprouts hatching, the wheat (spelt) has sprouted. Like in the photo:

5. Take a tray (low tray) and a piece of gauze. We soak the gauze, fold it in several layers and place it on a tray. Spread the grain on cheesecloth in a thin layer.

6. And put the tray in the light. For example, you can put it on a windowsill where there is a lot of sunlight.

To make sprouts quickly turn into sprouts, there is one little trick. For the first couple of days, cover the top of the sprouts with another damp gauze. But only at night, and take it off during the day.

7. From time to time, do not forget to irrigate the sprouts and gauze with a spray bottle so that the germination environment is always moist. The root system constantly needs water, do not let it dry out. However, don’t overdo it, you need moisture, not a puddle!

8. If you do everything as I wrote above, then in a day or two you will already have sprouts like these:

9. And after 3-5 days the sprouts will be completely ready. You can cut it!

Advice for those who have flies or grains rot. Guys, when the roots intertwine into a single layer, carefully lift the gauze and wipe the tray with a clean rag. This should be done once every 2-3 days.

2. Growing wheat sprouts in the ground

I prefer growing sprouts in the ground. I believe that such sprouts are more useful, because... grain receives maximum nutrients from the soil. In addition, you can cut the greens several times; some cereals will grow new ones.

See for yourself. Wet gauze gives the grain the bare minimum to survive. Water and the use of internal reserves of the grain itself. I think you get the idea. For a plant, earth is earth!

Now let's move on to the technology of growing sprouts using soil.

1. We need a container, wheat for germination, a deep tray, soil (preferably pure black soil), water.

2. First you need to soak and germinate the grain. For example, use the method I gave above. It is advisable to overgrow the grain even a little, like this:

3. Pour soil into the tray no more than halfway. Spread the sprouted grain on top in an even thin layer. We fill it with a thin layer of earth, about 7-10 mm. And moisten the soil well with water. This is best done from a small watering can.

A little advice for those who want to get Sprouts quickly. Guys, you can cover the top of the tray with a tray (you can use a piece of plywood or a plate instead). It is important to leave small gaps for air circulation. In this way we create a moist microenvironment inside and the grain will grow more actively. After 2 days, the tray needs to be removed; you will see white sprouts 2-3 cm long.

4. Place the tray on a bright windowsill and wait a few days until the green sprouts grow. Congratulations, you can harvest your harvest!

How to eat wheat germ?

Wheat sprouts can simply be eaten, chewing very thoroughly. However, they are quite tough and only the youngest specimens are suitable. Therefore, it is best to make the following from them:

  • Make green smoothies. This is especially true in winter, when there is a shortage of other fresh greens for them.
  • Making juice from sprouts - wheatgrass. This is a very powerful, biologically active drink. Therefore, it is better to start using it in small quantities and watch the body’s reaction.

I almost forgot, you need to consume cut sprouts within 15 minutes, because... they quickly lose most of their medicinal properties when separated from the root. I think this won’t be a problem if you grow them at home and cut them for food as needed.

IMPORTANT!!! Cut only green sprouts; the grains themselves cannot be used for food! The optimal size of sprouts for eating is 7-20 cm. Longer ones are tasteless, and they say they are even poisonous.

Guys, this is the information for today. Sprouts are power and green in winter! If you have questions, as always, write them in the comments. Well, don’t be lazy, grow sprouts at home. Just the sight of such a green lawn can lift your spirits on a gloomy winter morning. Let them inspire you.

P.S. If you liked the article, don't forget to share it with your friends. I'm not saying goodbye, I'll see you soon. Good luck to everyone and success in growing sprouts!

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Raw foodists consider sprouted grains an ideal breakfast and an excellent energy booster. They are not suitable for lunch and dinner because they stimulate the brain (and intestines).

Most often, legumes, wheat and oats are “cooked” in this way. Lovers are experimenting with rice, buckwheat, sunflower, rye, and corn. Exotic options include pumpkin, nuts, sesame, milk thistle, flax and amaranth.

What useful properties it has and separate articles have been written.

Before you start practicing, it is important to study the value of each type of specific product and find out how to properly germinate grains for food. The process is troublesome, but the result is worth the effort.

Is it necessary? Nutritionists answer

The main argument in favor of the considered option for seed treatment is the preservation of the maximum of useful substances in them, which are destroyed during cooking or frying under the influence of temperature. We are talking about antioxidants and vitamins.

Dishes with the addition of sprouted grains work like a brush, removing excess harmful and unnecessary substances from the body. With their regular use, the following positive changes occur in the body:

  • increased tone and resistance to infections;
  • improvement of peristalsis;
  • purification of blood and other biological fluids, bile ducts;
  • normalization of metabolic processes;
  • skin tightening and general rejuvenation.

People who have tried eating sprouts share their impressions: “Simple and cheap dishes, upon first tasting, taste unusual, but not disgusting. Already on the third day of following the “green” diet, you feel a surge of strength.

The source of energy is the vital forces of Mother Nature.”

Advice: When you first try a raw food diet, limit yourself to a teaspoon of sprouts, gradually increase the dose, but don’t get carried away. Maximum – 4 tablespoons per day. To enhance the effect, mix two types of seeds. Change the menu every 2-3 months.

The rosy picture is somewhat overshadowed by contraindications to the use of sprouted seeds:

  • allergy to gluten (for cereals);
  • childhood;
  • rehabilitation after a serious illness or surgery;
  • exacerbation of gastrointestinal diseases (ulcers, erosive gastritis, colitis).

An attack of cholecystitis may end attempts at a raw food diet in people suffering from cholelithiasis.

Additionally, we note the risks of poisoning with insecticides, which are used liberally to treat grains in storage, and infection with salmonellosis.

How to germinate wheat at home?

Wheat - this material is most popular as it is the simplest and most affordable.

Calorie content of 100 g is ≈ 198 kcal.

Let's briefly look at the benefits and harms of sprouted wheat.

The value of grains is explained by the balanced content of nutrients. The basis of the composition is carbohydrates (34%) and proteins (26%), the rest is fats and fiber. The product contains the entire spectrum of B vitamins, as well as C, D, E, P + many macro- and microelements (Ca, Fe, K, Zn, Cu, I, Se).

A healthy “cocktail” enriches the blood with oxygen, tones, stimulates the immune system, stabilizes the functioning of all internal systems, improves the condition of the skin, hair and nails. Due to the high concentration of fiber, sprouts cleanse the intestines and normalize stool, which has a beneficial effect on both weight and appearance.

If we talk about harm, it is insignificant. Yes, there remains a risk of poisoning; when combined with dairy products, flatulence and flatulence occur.

As already mentioned, dishes with sprouts are contraindicated for children, and people with celiac disease or another type of gluten intolerance are aware of their problem and follow the diet.

For germination you need: grains, a sieve, gauze, a jar or a flat small vessel (glass or plastic).

The algorithm of actions consists of 7 stages.

Sort through the wheat. Throw away moldy, damaged, shriveled and other seeds at the slightest suspicion of spoilage.
Clean the selected material from debris and rinse with water through a sieve.
Place in a thin layer on a plate or container, soak, and store in a closet or pantry.
After 8-12 hours, drain the water, carefully rinse the raw materials through a sieve or colander in running water.
Return the grains to the bowl, cover the top with damp gauze folded in 6-8 layers, and hide again.
After a similar period of time, repeat the washing procedure. And so twice.
36 hours after the first soaking, the sprouts (≤ 2 mm in size) can be eaten.

Store in a loosely sealed jar in the refrigerator. Shelf life – up to 5 days.

Darkened seeds are not suitable for food. If you missed the moment and the greenery grew more than necessary, do not throw away the fruits of your labors. They can be fed to pets or used for salad (green tops only).

Why and how to sprout oats for food?

This cereal contains Fe, Mg, Mn, Cu, Zn. Nutritionists recommend it for low hemoglobin, dysfunctions of the circulatory and metabolic systems, and the central nervous system. In addition, oats help stabilize hormonal levels, are an excellent intestinal scrubbing agent, and belong to the category of energy products.

The calorie content of the product is 193 kcal. A suitable variety is called Gladkozerny.

The algorithm described above comprehensively answers the question of how to germinate oats at home. An alternative option is in a bank.

To do this you need:

sort and wash the seeds;
fill a liter container with them 40%;
Fill the free volume with water;
tie the neck with a cloth or gauze and leave to soak for 8 hours;
After the allotted time, wash off the liquid and rinse the grains;
Fix the vessel at an angle (bottom up), dip the tip of the improvised lid into water.

Shake the jar lightly from time to time.

Sprouted mung bean: recipes and beneficial properties

For those who are not in the know, we are talking about Indian legumes. Raw foodists value this particular variety for its taste, nutritional value, antioxidant and cleansing effect.

Energy value 100 g – 347 kcal.

Indications for use:

  • bronchial asthma;
  • arthritis and arthrosis;
  • stressful situations, emotional stress;
  • menopause;
  • ARVI.

To the general list of contraindications we will add kidney stones and sand, since the product has a diuretic effect.

The easiest way to prepare a mung bean salad is to mix it with cereal sprouts and herbs and season with lemon juice.

But chefs don’t stop there. Beans are added to smoothies, porridges, complex salads, stews are prepared from them, and some even cutlets.

Vegetarian soup


1/3 cup sprouts,
sour apple,
800 ml water,
a spoonful of vegetable oil and lemon juice,
a pinch of curry
a couple of sprigs of cilantro.

If desired, you can increase the nutritional value of the dish by adding carrots, celery, and sweet peppers.


mix mung bean with spices and vegetables, cover with cold water, leave for 30-40 minutes;
Peel the onion, chop finely, pour into a saucepan and sauté;
remove the peel from the apple, chop the fruit into cubes, add curry;
Rinse the mung bean and vegetables, add to the pan with onions, add hot broth or water, boil for 20 minutes;
add an apple to the soup and keep it on low heat for the same amount of time;
Before turning off, add salt and season the dish with spices and cilantro.

Please note that heat treatment reduces the value of sprouts, so it is better to eat them raw, adding them to salads, fermented milk drinks, and smoothies.

Sprouted green buckwheat: benefits and harms

The first thing you need to understand is that regular cereal is not suitable. It doesn't germinate. Organic grains are without husks, they are not subjected to heat treatment, so there is a minimum of hassle with them.

Calorie content – ​​310 kcal.

Dishes with green buckwheat, despite their high energy value, are suitable for those losing weight, as they are quickly and easily digested.

Indications for use:

  • vascular diseases (from atherosclerosis to hemorrhoids);
  • infertility;
  • kidney and gallstones;
  • intestinal polyps;
  • metabolic disorders;;
  • problems with the pancreas.

The list can be continued endlessly, including all nosological units, even diseases of the eyes and teeth.

Green buckwheat is a powerful antioxidant, immunostimulant, and a storehouse of beauty vitamins. It is recommended for athletes and students during the session. The product does not contain gluten.

Sprouts are contraindicated for children and people with blood clotting problems. They sometimes cause bloating, seething in the abdomen, and mild pain due to distension of the intestines is also possible.

How to germinate sunflower seeds, lentils, rye and other grains?

Having introduced the readers to the basic methodology, let us briefly dwell on the nuances.

Sunflower seeds First, they are peeled and sorted. This material swells quickly - within 2-3 hours, but often becomes capricious (mouldy). When sprouting, it is important to regularly rinse and remove excess water.

Lentils , like all legumes, swells greatly. To prevent the seeds from drying out, they are periodically additionally sprinkled.

For rye germination use the same method as for wheat. The difference is in the speed at which sprouts appear (faster). These grains are recommended to be consumed mixed with legumes.

Milk thistle and flax They secrete a lot of mucus; if you don’t take care of the seeds and don’t wash them in time, they go rotten. The solution is to rinse in a colander every 8-10 hours.

Instead of a summary, we note that in practice it is not difficult to germinate grains for food. With a little effort, you get an energy product that has a lot of useful properties.

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Sprouted wheat is considered to be the most beneficial for the body, since germination activates the enzymes contained in the germ. During germination, the processes of breaking down complex nutrients into simpler ones occur, as a result of which they become easily digestible by the body.

By consuming wheat sprouts, we save a tremendous amount of energy on digesting food.

Sprouted wheat has increased biological value. Sprouted wheat grains significantly increase the overall tone of the human body and have a beneficial effect on the nervous system. In addition, consuming wheat sprouts improves overall health, mood, memory and attention.

Thanks to its rich vitamin and mineral complex, sprouted wheat strengthens the immune system, especially in the autumn-winter period, when other sources of vitamins and minerals are difficult to access. Sprouts slow down the aging process of cells and protect the body from the effects of free radicals, thereby preventing the development of cancer.

With regular consumption of wheat sprouts, the functioning of the digestive system is normalized, metabolism is improved, and the acid-base balance is normalized.

Wheat stimulates intestinal motility, helps with constipation, diarrhea, and bloating. Helps completely cleanse the body of toxins. Actively cleanses the liver, kidneys, and bladder. It is recommended to use sprouts for those who want to lose excess weight and cleanse the body.

How to germinate wheat

Wheat is not capricious. It is easy to germinate at home. You need to take a small amount. You should not store sprouts for a long time; it is better to prepare fresh ones every 2-3 days.

  1. Disassemble the required amount of grain. Throw away damaged, unripe or moldy grains and remove the husks.
  2. Rinse with running water. We also throw away the grains that float to the surface. They still won't germinate. You can hold it for several minutes (3-5 no more) in a weak solution of potassium permanganate.
  3. Soak for 6-10 hours, depending on the room temperature. If it's very hot, you can let it sit for 4 hours or put it in the refrigerator. Do not close tightly. Use filtered water, but not boiled.
  4. Rinse again. Place in a non-metallic container in a layer of no more than 1 cm. Cover with a cotton napkin or gauze.
  5. Pour in water until it just covers the wheat. And put it in a warm place. Make sure the water does not dry out and add more if necessary.
  6. Rinse every 12 hours. In hot weather it is possible more often.
  7. Also rinse the finished sprouts before use.

The most delicious and healthy sprouts are 2-3 mm. They can be added to porridge, muesli, salads, vegetable stew or even soup. Just don’t cook it, put it on a plate. Can be eaten separately.

Mistakes when germinating wheat

  • too much water during germination (the water must be drained);
  • too large a layer of grains, due to which it begins to overheat (“suffocate”);
  • Germination takes too long;
  • drying of grains that have begun to germinate.

How to eat sprouted wheat

The value of wheat sprouts is that the beneficial substances in them at the very beginning of germination are transferred into an easily digestible form. With significant germination, most of the beneficial substances go into the sprouts, in which they are of no particular value to the body. Therefore, it is advisable to consume sprouts with sprouts no more than 2-3 mm.

To maintain health and provide the body with nutrients, it is enough to consume 2-3 tablespoons (up to 50 g) of sprouts per day.

Before eating sprouted wheat, be sure to rinse it again with water.

Sprouted wheat is best eaten at lunch. The grains must be chewed thoroughly. Wheat can be chewed either alone or together with other sprouts, for example, mung bean. As you know, when combined, grains and legumes are better absorbed. Wheat germ, of course, is quite tough, but prolonged chewing is beneficial for better absorption, as well as for teeth and gums.

Sprouted wheat is added to ready-made porridges, mixed with honey, nuts and dried fruits. Sprouts significantly increase the nutritional value of salads.

The easiest way to consume wheat germ is to grind it in a blender along with fruits or vegetables. For example, mix wheat germ, apples, honey and sweet spices (cinnamon, nutmeg). It's good to add wheat germ to green smoothies.

To avoid losing the beneficial properties of wheat sprouts, you should not subject them to heat treatment.

How to store wheat

Store wheat germ in the refrigerator in a covered container. Shelf life: no more than 2 days. Before consumption, do not forget to rinse the grains with drinking water.

Where can I buy wheat for germination?

The place of purchase of grain is not particularly important. Now this can be done in different places:

  • Supermarket;
  • Shop;
  • Can be ordered online;
  • Market;
  • It is best to buy in the village from people who sow for themselves.

At the market or in the village you can buy wheat that is not entirely pure. Other grains may also be found there. But in stores and on the Internet you can order branded grain, purified, which was specially packaged for germination. The price of such grain will be 5-10 times more expensive. Suppose the price on the market can be 15 rubles per kilogram. In the online store you can buy 1 kg of wheat for germination for 100 - 150 rubles, but you won’t have to go anywhere, the courier will bring it straight to your home.

How to quickly sprout wheat is a question that has worried me for a long time (read more about why it is necessary to eat sprouts). I tried to germinate wheat grains more than once, but for some reason all my germinations ended unsuccessfully, either it was the wheat itself, or I created the wrong conditions for it to grow. After each unsuccessful attempt, I was visited by disappointment, which was accompanied by throwing out another portion of sour wheat in the trash.

But hope did not die, I knew that everything ingenious is simple, and I, too, should be able to germinate wheat. I wanted this process to be simple, and I couldn’t help but wonder how to quickly germinate wheat. Special germinators are obscenely expensive, so I didn’t stop thinking. The main thing that seedlings need is access to air, but at the same time they must remain moist, and then it dawned on me that what I needed was very close by and how I had not guessed about it before.

So, I will tell you my personal secret of how to quickly germinate wheat.

It is necessary to use an AIR HUMIDIFIER for germination. I don’t know, maybe someone has already guessed this method before me, at least I’ve never heard about it before or from anyone. Therefore, I will tell you about this in detail, perhaps those who have this wonderful device at home can use my method - how to quickly germinate wheat.

1. As usual, we wash the wheat grains; if you have free time, you can sort them out first to remove not only debris, but also damaged, non-whole grains, since they do not sprout. If you don’t have extra time (like me), then lightly rinse and fill with water; I use filtered, unboiled water. It is also worth paying attention to the quality of water, since the grains will feed on this water, they will absorb it and swell. Based on this swelling property, you need to take into account that their volume will double, and in the future I will use a small metal strainer, which can only hold a couple of tablespoons of wheat.

2. Fill the grains with water so that they are all covered with water. We leave them to swell for about 12 hours, this time can be changed according to your capabilities, sometimes I took them out earlier and later, the only thing to take into account is that if they remain in water for a long time, they can begin to deteriorate, the water simply begins to go out, therefore it needs to be changed.

3. After your future seedlings have been saturated with water, they need to be washed and put to germination. I’ll tell you a terrible secret - I never wash them unless the water finally starts to go out! If you have a free minute, it won’t be a bad idea if you rinse them with clean water, maybe the same filtered, unboiled water. This ends the first stage of the operation called

4. Well, the “X” moment has come. We place the finished, clean grains on a metal strainer and place them on the humidifier, having first removed the lid from it. Then we turn it on, I have a medium steam mode, but you can use a higher mode, for example, if there is a radiator in the room, which makes our air dry, and the seedlings really don’t like this.

Thus, the grains have what they need - access to air and moisture, which prevents them from drying out. Another factor influencing the rate of wheat germination is heat. Naturally, the warmer the better. But you should not place the sprouts in direct sunlight, this also applies to soaking grains, they also should not be in direct sunlight.

5. And now the most interesting thing - the grains begin to germinate. What delight came over me when I saw the first seeds hatching! You can watch them and mix them well so that hydration occurs evenly. When most of the grains have sprouted, they can be taken out. The length of sprouts up to 5 mm is considered ideal for consumption. In photographs on the Internet you can often see very long sprouts of grains; I do not grow them to such an extent, since there is information that they become poisonous. But I don’t want to take any risks! My sprouted wheat grains look like this:

6. And now you can eat them. It is best to consume sprouts immediately; you can store them in the refrigerator, but not for very long, up to 2 days, do not forget that with storage the beneficial properties of sprouts decrease. As a rule, they don’t stay in our place; we eat them as is or add them to salads or other dishes. My child loves them. But you need to keep in mind that they are useful when they are well chewed in the mouth, otherwise there will be no benefit. Therefore, if your child starts eating sprouts, emphasize to him that they need to be chewed thoroughly with his teeth.

I hope I was useful to you in the question of how to quickly germinate wheat. Now I'm not only germinating it. With the onset of summer, it became much easier to make sprouts, because central heating does not dry out the air in the apartment, and there is plenty of heat from the street, so I was able to carry out the traditional method of sprouting - on a dish, covered with a thin layer of gauze. So, by soaking the grains overnight and placing them on a dish in the morning, by the evening you can already get a batch of sprouts, the only condition is to periodically moisten them, I do this with a spray bottle, the main thing is that they are not dry.

Perhaps someone can easily find a traditional way to quickly germinate wheat, but if for some reason you can’t do it just like me, then try my method using an air humidifier, it will be convenient and clear for beginners. But, unfortunately, it has disadvantages - it consumes electricity (but if you use a humidifier constantly, then it doesn’t matter!) and the small amount of sprouts that can be obtained, although this amount is quite enough to replenish the daily requirement of vitamins.

The transition to proper nutrition has been a trend in recent years.

Tired of illness and stress, humanity finally paid attention to its own health and began germinating wheat!

This is an ideal product for increasing energy, treating many diseases and preventing various diseases.

And it’s just a very tasty thing if you know how to germinate wheat at home correctly.

How to germinate wheat at home: selection of raw materials

Not all wheat can be made to germinate under atypical conditions. The ideal option is if you can specifically purchase raw materials with the appropriate labeling. Today, many companies that supply healthy food products to specialized retail outlets also package wheat grains for sale. However, it is not necessary to buy them. If you have the opportunity to purchase farm raw materials, you need to use it.

The main thing is to be sure that the wheat was not treated with any chemical nasty things and that you were not given food garbage. Unfortunately, it is simply impossible to determine the quality of grain by eye (especially for a city dweller who has never even seen “live” wheat). Therefore, you will have to pay attention at least to the appearance of the raw materials.

What you should be wary of:

Grains of different sizes;

Many small, undeveloped grains;

The grains are broken, mechanically damaged;

The raw material looks strange: the grains are wrinkled, cracked, and covered with mold.

All this indicates poor quality of raw materials. You cannot buy such wheat. Healthy, healthy, high-quality grains - uniform in size, large, dry, pleasant yellow in color. They have convex sides, on which neither dry plaque nor mold is visible.

It is not a fact that such grains will germinate. Wheat may look beautiful and healthy, but instead of sprouting, it will begin to mold when it swells. This means that the grains are overdried and should not be eaten under any circumstances.

Please note that different varieties of wheat may behave differently during germination. Some will swell and germinate faster, others will take longer. More or less water, lower or higher temperature may be needed. All these are variants of the norm. However, when it comes to sprouting wheat at home, the general rule for safe use is this: it is better to under-expose the grains in water than to over-expose them.

How to germinate wheat at home: necessary utensils

To sprout wheat at home, you will need a small set of utensils, which can probably be found in any kitchen;


Container for germination: glass jar, plastic container or wide deep dish.

You will also need gauze and clean water, which must be changed at least twice. Gauze is necessary so that the grains do not dry out and remain moisturized throughout the germination cycle. If it is possible to wash the grain regularly, then there is no need to cover it with gauze.

You will have to stop using metal utensils: the grain oxidizes in it, and the quality of the product is lost. If you are planning to get serious about healthy eating, the ideal option is a regular, fairly voluminous plastic food container with an air hole in the lid. It is easy to wash, cannot be broken if handled carelessly, and the grains in such a container will be warm and cozy.

How to germinate wheat at home: soaking rules

The basic rule for soaking grain is: do not flood it with water, but provide a constant moist environment. The ambient temperature should not be too high, optimally - twenty degrees.

Germination of grains usually takes 1-1.5 days. During this time, they must be washed every eight hours.

How to germinate wheat at home:

Fill the grains with water and rinse, removing debris and floating grains that are unsuitable for germination;

Place in a sieve and rinse again;

Throw clean raw materials into a container for germination in a thin layer;

Fill with drinking or purified water, put in a quiet, dark place and leave to swell;

After eight hours, place in a sieve and rinse again;

Place in a bowl, cover with a lid and a hole or gauze folded in four to five layers. The gauze should be damp (wet it, squeeze it lightly). Please note: there should be no water in the container;

Leave for germination for another eight hours, but so that direct rays of the sun do not fall on the wheat.

After 18-20 hours, the first white sprouts will appear. Grains that are not covered with gauze will be covered with mucus, which must be washed off by placing the wheat in a sieve. The grain should be kept moist until germination is complete.

When washing sprouted raw materials, pay attention to the fresh, aromatic smell that should come from the sprouts. They should be eaten when the size of the sprouts reaches two to three millimeters, and the initial volume of raw materials doubles.

How to germinate wheat at home: beginner mistakes

If you are just starting to master the technology of germinating wheat at home, there may be errors and inaccuracies. Germination may fail in the following cases:

The grains are filled with too much water. Germination requires a moist environment, and not a lake of water, in which the wheat will simply burst from swelling and not germinate. Therefore, all excess moisture after washing should be drained;

The grain dried up, barely having time to hatch. The problem is the opposite: a humid environment was not created. At first, it is convenient to use a gauze “coat”: soak it with enough water and check for dryness every few hours. If the gauze layer begins to dry out, add water to it;

The wheat is laid out too thickly, causing the lower grains to suffocate and overheat;

The wheat has stood still and outgrown. It cannot be eaten.

It is very important to wash the raw materials on time. “Bathe” the grains needed at least twice during the germination period. To guarantee germinating wheat at home, it is very convenient to use the following cycle:

1. morning – soaking;

2. evening – rinsing;

3. morning – washing;

4. day – eating.

Good, healthy wheat sprouts all the grains at once in about a day. As soon as the sprouts have reached the desired size, the product should be consumed immediately. If the grains have darkened and the white sprouts have become longer than three millimeters, you should stop eating wheat: it has become too old.

What to do if sprouts do not appear within two days? Alas, such raw materials should be thrown away: the quality of the grain is unusable. This is why it is very important to find a good supplier so as not to waste money on a bad product.

It is important not only to know how to germinate wheat at home, but also how to properly store the finished product. The sprouts should be washed with cold running or drinking water, placed in a food container, tightly closed with a lid and placed on the bottom shelf of the refrigerator. Ready-made sprouts cannot be stored for longer than two days. When taking out a portion, do not forget to rinse it with clean drinking water.